Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-13, Page 3t r.,,,4,.:, C,pp ._,.1...�s.ti..: �.-,- .�..,=11x-_<_ ,. kl e• � / NEWS QF THE WEEk. A -fall of snow has brightened the pros• poot for the wheat crop in Washington :Btase.. The past week has seen a return of severe frosts and snow in Italy, causing much ,privation. FoWioal feeling in paris over the Ear- . press Frederick's visit is getting up to a dangerous point. . lir7-rs. Hagii Lee, oU0riif '%, was oommi°Ited for trial yesterday on a charge of retaining - 11 money found on the street. k . rvm- ,. .,,. . », i „+ ��yy q yy�\ n ' �4., a . !t �, M . " . f .0 ! ` I •,N , d . _ �° I' . ' ` 4 - dl 4 , W .-y,g^ 7 r- �., Y _ 0 THB K[NG'8 DaidATARS. BemarkableGrowth Log Ship grderThrough- on,G Canada and The 8tateee (Mary Lowe Dickinson in Harper's Bazar.) At the and of the first year the Order of King's Daughteratnumbered about -twenty thpasano members, and from,this time its growth became phenomenal. The Aorm- spondenoe increased until both tljp Eeoretary and treasurer counted their letters by soores and sometimes by hun- dreds a day. 'l he public press seized with such avidity every item concerning its work, printing much that was so entirely due to rumor and imsgipation, as forced areal, has decided to appoint professore on10onsolid&ted I - ,.��..., a . -,,. r, a-4 . slipped on the ioe, and two care ran over ° ,..w.,�_.i..+,.:.-n....-:. 1. �r.�:r..,n . I ._,-..c.:n_ cru--,au-aro.,., ... a. were matching dollars Saturday, when a _ n.. . s .. � ., BY TUIO RL AND ViADVOT. hID4, th egagnd ofi>r! tbro*f ng bird 'intp a Oma'Of big "anti>pff dispttl<e 'irropv� an&Vokori%o �aibley s liar. iblgy tr' k him '-^^ A°YrOposed eoheme for Rapid Transit in latus, g iai'd. alms�r and leg wap bioliv 'He • i >ll'e f Ce, and Watson hlpy,t New York. o.4 to k ,p p1`koe'l., internal His altpt' The, s proved /, railroad over private property re.gaires also sustained injuries. fatal. As Sibley lay' on t�e gdroun4 be (L. it- OWtton4en, in Harper's Weekly.) recovery is doubtful. called Watson and slid : •' It was a oow- The time hal Dome when the city of New In the'U. S. Senate, Mr. Sher-tptlt4.etsted �artfly apt, Frank,. but I forgive yon." Wat• York should thoroughly, consider whether' that he' &a sutboriz.d by mel Colpianittee eon hso,oped. Whiskey caused the quarrel. it is wise to temporize Any longer with in- on Foreign Relations to state that in view Despite Prince Bismarck's refusal to adequate ey'oteme which the city has out., of the state of paplic business, particularly stand as a candidate for the Reichstag for grown. Is it not wise; before consenting to the Appropriation Bills, and &led Wviow of the Nineteenth 8iatrict of Hanover, Herr any farther surrender of the streets to rail - the fact that the bill could not be acted Schoof, a prominent National `Liberal road uses, to devise a system which will neon in the House at the present seeei0n, the Nicaragua Canal Bill would 1104 be member ofG flee paver $ansa of site Pins- Stan Diet, asks the electors to return Prince ,grove adequate over a purchased right of way. sod Hien aeoerfil,ztvbethei• it cannot ,pressed any further this time, and mightI Bismarck, declaring that he will not refuse be constrnoted ? If there are those who take its place on the calendar. to serve now that there is a urosnect of •a honestly believe such a system is praotioa- 0 THB K[NG'8 DaidATARS. BemarkableGrowth Log Ship grderThrough- on,G Canada and The 8tateee (Mary Lowe Dickinson in Harper's Bazar.) At the and of the first year the Order of King's Daughteratnumbered about -twenty thpasano members, and from,this time its growth became phenomenal. The Aorm- spondenoe increased until both tljp Eeoretary and treasurer counted their letters by soores and sometimes by hun- dreds a day. 'l he public press seized with such avidity every item concerning its work, printing much that was so entirely due to rumor and imsgipation, as forced areal, has decided to appoint professore on10onsolid&ted troi- has adopted v resolutions requidng stated Herr Sobcof hoe prompted the have Site opportunity to give to the city the i &rticlee, indicating its teal character and electrical engineering and mining CPO -that all.overhead wires within the territory Friedrieherahe district committee to or. beet railroad that moneylwill build'? scope. Bat even this was moat sparingly veering. bounded by 3rd and 8th avenues, 8th and range for•tbe election of Prince Bismarck. /, railroad over private property re.gaires and reluctantly done. Some of the origi- By a premature blast at, Grenadier 59th streets, be removed tb the subways a piece of lend varying in width between natore of the order, fearing that in so rapid Itiiind, kir. Fai gahareon, of Kingeton, before the first of June neat, also that the Flow to Keep Warm and Avoid Cods. fifty and sixty feet a s long as the route. a growth there might be failure to Dom• was terribly burned &boat the abdomen:. U is thought he cannot live. Subway Coa. grooeed3 with the oonstrnotion at once of all subways re- Some people may not know that when When paid for, this land is the property of the corporation, and may be used for alb prebend and carry out its tree principles, resolved, on no account to invite anybody There have been many washouts on the quires its those streets whiohare to be re- . _ _ _ ex aced to Severe cold a feeling of warmth P io rn.tlo n*o.knii i,v rnno sleriiv fitlinn ft,o lawful ar oses in addition to railroad _ _ P P mV_ ___I _r .-__L _ :.LL _A'___ e...._.. to become & member, but to leave the _ _ _ _ _ ._,.___ at__ __11 ..e 971—.3y- --:-.& - -- -- ---- ---- - ` x.r -. I e.ilwey,t,, gird trains have been having wires strung over house topa plan® ar ace up a wee side o e crossing an a inward promptinga o -- era well back, and hold the head well n somewhat delayed for the past two ds a. them in the aubwaye within 30 days. P of Spuyten Dayvel 'Creek ,has been seder hearts. Everything was done to rest sin S 1P y - Inflate the lungs slowly, the air entering tained by competent experts by the vale- and nothing to eroourage that growth, and Charles Webster, the New York &oto 23guirea Peters and Leys, of London, on entirely through the noSr. When the &tion of ever lot taken and ever lot y y yet that growth increased with ams r' Who shut Robert McNeil, •and whose cion- Saturday dismissed the case of Valentine lunge are oompletE•ly filled, Fold the breath injured. With the ground required for rapidity. � r� )viotion of . manslaughter was reversed by and Hngb Neigh, of Avon, charged with for ten seconds or longer, and then tapirs stations, thin coat will fali'below Thirty. five Near the beginning of its second year it Me Court of Appeals, has been admitted to cruelty to•animals in the dehornin of a it quickly through the mouth. `'1 PP y g q y g million dollars. The exact amount is not formulated a constitution, stating ae its I* *5.000 bail. number of cattle. " after repeating this exercise wben'one is here very material. When once acquired, objects „ the developmynt cf spiritual life �,! The body of Manager Swift was taken Prince Jerome Napoleon is lying in Rome • chilly. A feeling of warmth will be felt the cost of building and maintainirg a in its members, and the stimulation of from the Spring Hill mined yesterday at ter- as the point of death. aver the entire body, and even to the fie% railroad upon it will be no more than that Christian activities in the world." It was moon. This is the last body, making the Arrangements have been perfected for and hands. It is important for all to prao- of building a similar railrpad in the streets from the beginning, as its name and motto ,,1 numbar of viotime 123, leaving 56 widows building a $1,000-,000 cotton mill at Hante• tine this exQroiee many times each day, and at the public expense for the right of way. indicates, a Christian, bat, -never & denom• �:. and 163 orphans. villa, Alar especially when in the open air. It the Upon such a right of way may be con- .instion&1 orsectarian,-Sisterhood. It weh John Stewart, a resident o! Weston, was Inspector Bytriae, of the New York do- habit) ever becomes universal, then oda- etrno%ed a tunnel to parry & doable•traak Domed all who were willing to work for iii arrested tart, resident on a ton, w s Samption' and many other- diseases will railroad to be used for passengers during humanity in the name and for the sake of Whitby yesterday tootive force, hoe declined the. title offered rarely, if ever -be heard of. the construction of the viaduct, and after- Cbriet. Its conetitution rooidedlor State • `i charging him with having obtained by him b the gin of taly. „ P frauds large quantity of oil from the y g '� Not only while practising the breathing '•ward se a freight road. Ooonpying one- end county secretaries, appointed now in , Barrie Oil Company, of Toronto. Newmarket in rejoicing over the posses- exercise mast the clothing be loose • over half of the tunnel may be built a subway about thirty States and in the Provinces of &ion of an artesian well which discharges the obiet, bat beginners will do well to re- capacious enough to hold all the gas, at eam Canada, and so many members fixed upon . � / f.ry President Harrison yesterday nominated $0,000 gallons of water per day. member, in having their elotb'iog fitted, to and water pipes, pneumatio tubes, electrical the same line of work that it was neceoeary ,t Henry H Hard, of New .York State, As The Methodist Church at Welfleet, allow for%he permanent expansion of the and other eond,gotors'required for,tbe ntxt, to inaugurate v&r one departments end S� Consul at Clinton, Ont., A. , Neill, o. Maes.; was struck by lightning and total) chest of one, two and, even three inches Maine, at f8c. Stephen's, N. B:, and W. S. k g • y 1 fifty yearn. Every lineal foot of every appoint standing committees on home and destroyed on Saturday night. which will eventually follow. conductor will be accessible at all times foreign missions, on education, on city { Stanley, of Wisoousin, at Piotou, N. S. One might with prcpriety say that too without soy disturbance of a street sur- evangelization, ,on charityorganization, " The Very Rev. Patrick A. Stanton, D.D., The National Line steamer France came O. B. A., died in ,-Philadelphia Saturday, many people choke or.atifls the Skin by an face• oii work for working woen, on, work _ in to New York yesterday from Liverpool aged 65, and in the 43rd year of his priest- excess of olotbing, and, An a consequence, Above ground connected arches of smong men and boys, work among the after one of the roughest passages ever eat• take cold eseily. , 'Some impurities are masonry will' carry the four tracks of a Indiana, etc. This lieu did not mean that hood. perienced. The steamship ltfo the Mersey thrown out of the system by the skin, a's viaduct railroad -two exterior tracks for mo others s)uld'' be included, but thews Mr. Gleorge-gy►)o_h .- .• P. ,tor_s -- --others are -by- the-lunge,_the- howels.and the lcoil passengers .on the ,.level,of. the -fifth.-' ovided---beeause-circles •-• . - :..._....-_,__,-._ -an.-the ?.iii-inat-yin the.teeth .of,.a.gale.blomw _ .. T y- in 50 miles an h hour. 11+I&nor, is dead. Ho wan a Conservative, .kidne a. y y g two others g ,P y story of ordinary buildings, among our members in different States and a Strong opponent of Home Rule for 'Two w&rehipa were launched b) the Ireland. It is nbsalntely essential 10 health that for seeress trains on a level Twelve last were iaterested,in everyone of. these lint• Queen yesterday at Portsmouth. It is the emanations from the skin pass easily h gher, so as to separate the two of work. Bat neither State secretaries, r s%sted %bat before the ceremony a very Blizzards &ad the recent cold weather through the clothing. Thia-which is eleseas of p&esengere, who will be county secretaries, nor heads of committees , angry exchange cf' words took place be. have produced intense euffering in Kansas, called "tranmirstion"-may be interfered. carried from the streets to' the different sltared the essential element of freedom as ki tween Her Majesty and thePrinen Of Wales and it is reported many children have with by an excess of clothing, or by cloth- levels by .Steam elevators. These arches to the choice of work; or'took authoritative, . over some point of etiquette. .perished, ing of a verp'olose texture. All who wear will be So incorporated into the walla of charge of the work in any department or The verdict in the worsted faotory boiler Dr. Armand Jesnnoutot,lof Paris, claims Ind is, •rubber costs know how uncomforts- 'buildings that �bery square foot of the any locality ; they Simply made a medium explosion, is an follows :'" That the said he has discovered a means of 'oaring Dun- ble %hey cause them to feel after they brave' land from the basement to the fifth story of communication between the Central I 'Arthur Tweddell was killed by the explo- aamption Even when the patient is forgone been an a short time. inolusive may be rented for the same par. Council and the circles, and gathered up pion of the centre • boiler o e Qe6eon t'ne third stags'-' -'________1---d3rdinaey-alothi'irg-Will--nv4;-uf oaarne; oa�� u� tine iii `bGent o --Them ' f �h- Q_ prevent transpiration, but an eaoese will will ba'ehort a noes wher�th�e to o ra }i t e iriformat---tan ae d;o wh& w S bete^g dpn0 __.+ Worsted Company (Limited), the said Ex- ,It is expected that the Ash Bartlett P P P P g P y each in her own State or department, still "I i' plosion bring dao to- &n overpressure of Scandal will be settled out of court by a interfere with it; And where too mu.3h may require abort eoetione of the road to leaving each cir3le and each individual its 11 I steam in the said boiler oamed by the, stop separation of husbiind and wife without the clothing is worn %be same soon becomes be at A -,ower level, or even underground, right to choose iia own field of labor. . foul unless the 'outside' air can free) but the whole road below 135th street will • - Sirius being closed. � formality o! a divorce. • ' Y By the beginning of the second year the. mingle with the gases from thebody sod So be of the general character described. The correspondence grew to ba so enormous, The. jury who were empsnnelled to eq- Two boys in Louisiana, Mo., aged 12 and P . dilute diem. outline of the ]an would then be a viaduct quire, nto the death of Jane Harding, of 14, A few nighta ago piaoed a losaed gnn at P and the cesoclamor ea the part .e members at. Some wast. the thickset and heaviest railway of four tracks of the highest -a distance so great, that it became neons - Toronto, sat until 3 o'clock yesterday morn• the head of their sleeping 16 -year-old andervesta which they, can buy, and ouch capacity, with the entire real estate saved g ing, when they returned this verdiot: brother and blew out bis brains.Bary for the society to have Some embers. . •1 That on Feb. 14tb Christopher McGrsin people are very generally the victims of and realized for rents), crossing the streets of commanioation among its members. l' Robert Fletcher, a farmer living near frequent oolds. without interference with their use, an To this, end the little magazine called the- % did feloniously, with malice aforethought, Iv Post -office, fell off a load of b& on Idll and matder the deceased Jane Hard- Y y r ollowing the rule. of tight clothing they underground freight railroad and a subway „ Silver Cross was established; and in its Saturday, striking on hie head, receiving would be much ester from the dangers of combined. ing." There were thirteen jurors, and one pat?As the work of the order lies open to the j � injuries from which be died in » few house. exposers were they to wear two light .Now suppose it to be demonstrable th&tworld' refaned to sign the verdict. . The prisoner At the. Albert docks, London, on Friday undervests instead of one very thick and the subway; the freight road, and the ren- The members of the order have not ap- McGrain was formally committed for trial, avenin strikers on the one aide sod the beau Selected. bail being refused. g y•- *al of the buildings, atter making all proper pealed to worpen alone. Hardly were they . officers and crew of the steamer Scotland, deductions, will earn a net income: exceed - Wm. Harris, a milkman, residing on with a number of non-union men; on the Monsters for the Grand Trunk. established before men and boys began to . Elm grove, bad & mimoulons eacape from i ing 6 ptr cent. on the entire coat of the Seek sdmission, and' the Order of the being killed task evening. He wawdriving other had a lively battle. Four of the largest locomotives ever right of way, of buildings, arohes and King -'a Scan, while -in numbers not as .large Mr. . Bryan, who was private built in the world are nearing Dom letion structure up to the bed upon which•the as that of the Daughters, in constantl n a covered rig over the Duni avenue Henryy P g p g y fir' secretary to Mr. Bayard while be was in at the Baldwin locomotive works in Phil& four passenger tracke are carried, without increasing, and in evidence of noble ,+tt` oroaein Toronto when the. engine Y Y g g , + g g the Senate and At- head of the Deport- del his. The are beim built for the including the ' fare of a single passenger, work aloe ver man an helpful lines. � attached to the suburban train struck the P P y g g Y y � P waggon,, reducing it tokindling wood. men% of State, has been appointed nears- Grand Trunk and will be used in the St. would tnere be any doubt that snob an The Rescue Mission work and the work , ' anee.of twenty tary of the new Bureau of the American Clair tnonel, which runs under the bed of en Harris was thrown s distterprise would pay, or that the capital done by the Commercial Travellers' Circles feet, and was ineensible when picked up, Republics. the St. Clhir river between Port Heron, could be had for its construction 9 ' There alone show the power of snob organizations , but he sberVy afterwsrdo, recovbred, when Senator Sherman writes^'that Congreea Michigan, and Sarnia, Oat. The engines could be. no•ressonable doubt shat the on the part of men.. �, i , • it was found that he had not been serionely will not at present take any Action with are intended to run in an iron tabs tunnel income from passengers would provide a Sevens feet in diameter and are peculiarly very large revenue on the remaining coat of injured, -although he .was badly bruised regard to commercial reciprocity between Y P Y GIVE OTHER PEOPLE A O7HANCE. constructed. There are five airs of fif% construction and equipment wbiah has 1. about thebody: Canada end she United Staten, as eneh 1P Y• �►•„; Al. Fortune da Boisgobey, the French cation might be regarded as an a%tempt to inch driving wbeela on each. The water already been ascertained within a possible The Lona -Haired Fiend Who Visits the tanks are on each Bide of the boilers, and error of not exceeding 5 per cent. iha% novelist, is dead. interfere with the pending Csnadion oleo. Barber on Saturday. . tions. the aab is in the centre of the .boiler, such a Structure would bean ideal rapid There are very heavy rain storms on the extending out over the two tanks, transit -railroad mast be the unanimous The men who goes to the barber shop on A special from Ydma Arizona owyo that The locomotive in. thus constructed %o conclusion of all dieintereeted persons. Saturday, particularly on Saturday night, Pacific Coas% causing floods which are in- P ► y in that tow over 250 homes are in ruins for "hair -out,” " makes men enemies and r` terrnpaing railway traffic and doing much m allow it to ran backward and forward It is to be expected, and they should not . Y enemies, and a to property in', Ctliforoia and from the flood and 1,400 people are home: be criticized for it etcher. that the owners eventually loses all his friends: He, is the! ' i K P P V with t gall facility. . The � oylindere are Mexico. less, mind not a Single business house 2 of the elevated railroads will revert as subject of much severe rebuke while he , 2 a 28 mobea,,and the boiler Seventy-four P ,a remains standing, and it is feared that ion as the can an a stem o[ ra id transit occupies the tonsorial artist's chair, and if Intimates of Mr. Parnell nay worry ie inches in diameter, with a capacity to g y Yr. Y P . hundreds of lives have been lost in the Gala in chis sic ease t such as the man provide. he only knew of the silent maledictionsI. killing him. His formerly ghastly aspect carry 160 pounds of steam pressure. An y P y P hurled upon him he would, no matter how R,, Valley. They will contend that their rapid transit P and ill -health have ,returned. Ho epeeka idea of the enormone size of the managerweight, �' P courageous a man he mi ht .be turn ale ' , hurriedly, sometirnen being confused and at The relations between. France and Ge enginee may be formed from the weight, ie good enough, that & projeotot a viaduct g g man &risin out of the visit to P&ria of railrolttl is chimerical, that its coat puts it with terror for his personal Safety Satur- •pis: ,, a loan for s ward11 . Y g Etbah one with the water tanks filled and da is the barber's busiest day,but there ex•Empress Frederick are very Strained. the stetrtin supply of coal on board wet bo out of the question, and that the capital y Allies Gertrude Hickox, a prominent young g , t Y g are men who make a practice of dropping An a reprisal for whAt is regarded .as an 200;000 cense the avers a wet ht in ran- cannot be lead foe rte oonetraotion. In a&y. P PP g , Society lady' of Milwaukee, drown eta her- inenit Emperor William has ordered the pounds, R in this the will mere) exercise the ri ht in on that day, and that day, only, to get � °_ self in the lake some time Weduesd�y. P niog Diner, with tanks about half-filled, a; Y Y R their hair trimmed. The may be l . paesport system of Alasoo-Lorraine to be beta l80 000 cense. Tine retie on whish of any owner defending, as he thinks,' his y y iii Her body wton found Thursd+y morning. t p daily visitors to the she to have ` '' increased in severity. the will ran will weigh 100 pounds. per 'own property. Nor in it to be deniedyI y P Disappointment in lova was the oAnae of Y g p P their i'aoee shaved ,/but the never the deed. The largest pulp mill of the 'Remington yard. The length of, the tunnel track their opposition will be very powerful, and y Paper Company, about two miles below which t•he} are built to ran over is only for some time possibly controlling, at all mention their hair till Saturday- `` A number (•f explorers who have been N. - Y., was almost wholly &boat fonr miles. The are designed to events so farms American eepital „is Con- There in no excuse for thin practice,bnt the ,{, Watertown, y y g - ., - prospecting alone the ealt deposits aur- destroyed late Saturday night by the high pall trains up the steep approaches to the earned: I guilty,. ones persist in it apparently on: T� rounding Like Winnipeg Deets have re- conscious of the annoyance and incon. , water, dausing damages rtgairii g about tannel. It regeires about three ordinary turned to the maohtn'ery. They propose YOU19 MAMI: BY MAG110. venienee to which they often put Soores of $50,00.0 to repair, anti killing Juhn Murphy, locomotives for this service for each train. , going out again immediately. They report an employee, aged 68. A eatisfaotory trial of .ono of the engines —' people. They cannot get the same satin- Ap,+ the wells ahuodent in chis country. 'A Simple Device that will Reveal Any aotion from the barber on Saturday, E. A. Dunham Collector of CastomP St. has been•made. The other three will be �1', The Cigmrmakere' Union of Chicago iNumber of secreta. especially on Saturday night, that they .0 Thomas, died on Friday evening as his finished in about ten days. have decide i to demand Inn advanco of 41 residence, Talbot atreot, atter a short ill. By use of the table given below you can would receive on any other day of the week, e per 1,000 in the ptioe of making cigars atter nese. Deceased weer ee his 77th year, and la Beauty a ElePsing ? ascertain the name of any person or place, on account of the constant rnah upon the , �: May let. Many of the manufr►orarera say was, born tri Nspante July 23rd, 1814. He Of flee beautiful, women I have known, providing the rales below the letter die- operator ;but whey do not appear to re. `:I� they will nqt pay the ativauoe, end a was the son of Rev. Deitius Dunham the but few have attained superiority of any Kram are strictly observed, Says the St. alias this foot, and so long aQ they do not i' otrike at the time mentioned is %bougbt gcek ordained naiai'ster In Canada. hind, Soya Anna Katharine Green in "The Louie Globe•Demacrat. grumble, of Qourse the artist will not enter ,»S " �,^4. 1/ a protest. ,, ,:;, probable. • Mr. George Hearst U. S. Senator from Ladies Home Journal. So much -is ex. A -B D, H P P a c E I . There ought to be's rule in all well•rs n• The IT• S. Secretary of Agriculture, with; California, died at Washington on Satur• Peated of the woman accustomed to ad• Q g g the approval of the sating Secretary of the+ miration, that she plays and plasters with rE b F J It dated barber shops not to do any hair• day night. Senator Hearst was a, native t� G G K A nutting on Saturday, or at least on Satur• I Treaeary,'haa dt-ignate�i Lha sob -ports of, of Missouri and went to'Californis in 1850. her fate till the crooked atiok is all that is i L L T da night, and it is to be sinodrel hoped Morristown, N. Y.,' snd Island, fond, Vt.,' left her. This we See exemplified again and IC K M M U Y g / as n+tr ntiuer stations far the inspect of, i3e amssaed great wealth by gold mining, again. While the earnest, lofty, sweet- o u o o w that some, of the lots; barbers will 9 R his mines and mil's at the time of hie initiate the reform and placard a notice to meat, cattle, etc., which may be imported dea'ih giving employment to 2,000 men. smiling woman a! the pale Bair end doubt- i3Q U ? Y each effect. from Canada. fel line of nose, bas, perhaps, one true j;}" About 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoons U V V Y z - . ---- yr The MoOsrthyitad &rte eonfi3mt of sea, lover whose worth she has time to reoog W W W . young man named Frank Ry&ll, son of Mr. nize, an acknowledged beau* will And x I t . Kissed Another titian; case after the nampaign has been fairly Thos. Ryall, of Paris, waa found dead' in g Y I -u . ' o sited. The Ptlroellttea meiocain that herself surrounded by a crowd of showy Halve the person whose name you wish A novel aentenoo hes been pronounced by P bis , fathers burn. It appears he went to e o iato whose admiration so dazes and be t'• s even it they &enure only 30 mt:mhers of the %he stable to harness the horee, and was f; to know inform you which thof the upright a Jtietfao a% Huntingdon, in this State. A wil ere her Haat she is sometimes tempted wife had kiesed /1 another man "' • bar it , House of (.ommoua, Mr. Gledetone will be Stir -ken with heart dieeaso, and died in- P columns the fire% letter of the nems id can- oompolled cv buy their eapport before e&i- cantly, it was in good health at noon, to'bestow herself upon the most tined. If it ie found in lout one column it bueband bad obastised her with corp o al 1 .;, g and was never known %o complain. one inordertoend tne'unneeminglyetrne;gle. is the to latter it it occurs in more then Pnnitahment, and Justice Kelly, supplying I . ryin Hama Rale. p p Then the incentive to e4acation, and to the one column it is found by adding the alpha• the third sot in a drams nnhappily played , �'he Montreal FinenaA committee yEs Chae. W. East) a compos a ed 30, cultivation a! one's oa `sera) ower is with too mach frequency in all our Courts, Y, P , ' l; p betiosl numbers of the 'top letters cf the 9 Y o t.'. terdsy afternoon gr®nted $5,000 towards committed suicide Banda in Harper's laekin Forgetting that the trinm he ave a vordiot "that the wife retire to her Y:,. the enffarters L, the quri,00 ill winos Y P g• g g P columns in which it ie -to be foand, the Sam g t the The by arm of vi ing hsa been undertaking establishment, Brooklyn, b which have made a holid& , ,o! youth must g ght• nenal place of abode, and lock the doors so • �:• �, g y y y Y bete the neap it of letters eon shooting himself in the left breast. He leesen after years, many a fair one' B taking one letter at a time in the way that no strangers can be admitted for a raised from outHide Pouraes, making the died Soon after reachin• the hos ital. neglects that training of mind which given Y g y eriod`af Sia da s: th&t the haeband for M handsome total at $11,000 which will prob• g p g g g outline above, the whole word or name P Y t Eaetly last Tuesday sent a letter to the to her who in poor in all else, an endless may be lain) Spelled out. the same length of time board with his . ably' be inarHes:d° 'rhe first instalment local press, annonnein his intention of etortbonse of wealth.from which she ern Y P y P next. door neighbor Slee in a barn was to-daywired to the committee. P g Take the word Jane, for example Jia g P ,and ending his earthly .career because he bad hope to produce treasures for her otdn found in two columna beginning with B that each party pay half the costs and �4� �I Tbnrad'it evening, Frank Itsfns a Pine committed the unpardonable Sin. delectation and that of those about bar, etan8 committed until the sentence is Dom• 1"', Y g + and H, which are the seconds d eighth Bluff,. Ark., negro, went home drunk And There was great exaitement at Monte long after the fitful bloom upon her hand• lettere down the alphabet ; their sum is Plied With-" Of the (Mosey of such an ' a', raised a row. He made several attempts Carlo on Saturday, caused by the wonderful some sister's cheek has faded with the ten, and the tenth letter down the alphabet original judgment there cannot be mnoh to fire a pilitol at bis wife and daughter, lack of a London visitor who, playing at foeen of departed summer. is J, the letter Sought. The neat letter, A, doubt although & question might be raiaed I � « when the latter piohed up tan Ano and'. Trente et rluaranle, won the maximum stakes: appears in but one column, the first where on the constitutional ground of its being ohoppiA one of his armn, and dealt him a fourteon times in onewasion, 'the whole 11 To out our grain in California," anys it 1 tarda est the head. N is in the co'mmn ernel and onnsual pnniobtneM--at-loant for terrific blo Al in the breast. Ratak, left the winnings amounting to £7,000. 1 be Eng. Senator Stanford, '"we are • uding a headed B D and H which are the second the next, door neigbbor. Theusnal punish- bouse, and his dead body was found in the liahmsn's stroke of fortune temporarily machine which reaps a swath 42 feet wide, fourth and eighth letters of the alphabet; men* fdr wife'beating, however; is no clearly woods yesterday. broke the bank, ,and the croupiers, amid thrashes the grain an it goes along, pats it added they give the fonrieenth, or N, and inadequate that, in the absence of a ° Yesterday afternoon A very pslnfnl noci• cheering, had to seekthe cashier for a fresh. in bags, which men stitch np sed drop in so on. ., 'whipping -post, the result of the new de. dent happened to IBmkem6n Brot' At the supply of •lauds, the field, and the aarge machine mkoo the +� parture in dealing with ibis despiaaale . .1 Grand Tranls station at Cobourg. While Frank Watson, sh Alabama farmor, and Strsw-in and burns it for fuel upon' that The Manitoba Legislature openeA .yep. ,_crime ,deserves oarefal., wti*obing,-,-•Bile.,..•-- •-•----•4-•- -.,-,-•. - _. trying to draw ii ill nt of �`-mu lin bb Dick Sibloy, oiiiatable,o;f Rarnpor ccmtity, r'ea or'."' . iorda and aid onrncd until Mirch 10th. • rht Cita .Tccord. if . g h• p g � F - : yl l P t.. p�r»» W pp .. 11 I -111 I . , '�. I I I , I . ; I r" 7 7.m, 3 -11,H -'i':. �tiy,'t r "":? l`R v'-.," +�MTa ''!,'i'!i'iiw "''^ o 'l�*,rx tirr�--<+.av:w,.-.,.�..r ,eu� ' v _ - 0. 1. «. M,..3Kill 1 .'I, ..,.. -- ..I �`�� b ,. ..%. r . , . .. c ...•.Y , - • _I'll w. lf, ., s m }y