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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-06, Page 3
.... ,„ : II/ . . r A r NEWS OF THE WEEk. „ who murdered his wife in 1851 under olr- tt3ACH FFOns JAPAN. Tt3E wAriDERER's RETITitiN. uvaN los oAHOEIfi. onmatanoes which created a great deal Of , Mbs Gregory's Beturn From the Orient:- Why as Brown and Briny Millionalre Was The Doctors Bald to be Campine Closely , � . -- •, excitement at the time, and who woke Sorely Puzzled, on the $rail. "I sentenced to penal Servitude for life, has sff er impressions of That Conatry. The Earl of Albemarle is dead. been released, after wearing the oonviot's Winnipeg Frye Frees : A hurried inter- Twenty-five years ago a boy livingina A short time ngo,Ptofessor $i3lrotb, in Inflnenzn,hde..appeo.rgd in Madrid with .Rask► far nearly forty years. view wad had with Miss Gregory as she New England village was sent for a pint of one of his public lecture s, held oat. the oonoider, ble severity. James B. Kirisley, a well-known Boston went east on Friday on her return from milk. hope that a cure for cancer migbli lie Signe Magliani, formerly an Italian wool commission merchant, was arrested Japan. It will be remembered that this He hid Professor von Moaetig, another mfound, says the ,London Teeeddicaicl a ' Minietakof Finance, died on ftturdsy. yesterday charged with embezzling clever young writer visited that country The can The strike of plush weavers at Bradford property valued at $34,700, belonging to last fall for the purpose of studying the Beneath celebrity, lecturing at the Vienna Phy- la extending and threatens to involve 5,00.0 various bankers in 'Boston, New York 'and 'new constitution on the spot and be,pg Atone, sioianE+' Association, hue just stated posi- already workmen. .1 Philadelphia, Hinsley was held in $30,000 present at the opening of the new Parlis. Directed on t that metrical science is already - Dztcl wfram Ra: gteah � tfiu+ 50 bonds resent- She was well received, not only by Elis course on the high road to than all-important Pn the efficiwla of the Engh. h Legsiio„, hnt To the discovery. The professor h meelf has r insurgents have been killed iiia fight on An unknown man obont.35 years old was by many distinguished natives to whom Nearest wharf, been working at it for the lass tion yeaia. I the frontier of Wuiitli©. killed on the West Shore Railroad near ehe was introduced as a young Canadian shipped as Hitherto all bad cancerous tormetions . t . r o Faltonville, N.Y., yesterday while trying p n emotion , The atten A.osbin boy, ops n ar r fm � that have not been rated upon have i D - attaar s _ e, r_ " .. - _ .�.. .:. ., f s r. at#ev f I 1. - . r _. a ,7 r a•r• ,�Y -, ,.., , n. .. r ,, nc a S T.,. , r„ ^y„P.. •'7 . ,m+.. Ad., •�., nn .. .. . -T.. �^ .. ,.. s ifs, .8. ^cs "t"+1 TT' .. .. .. ... !'.S ,, u . , . . - , t.iT". 1 : T _ f, Y t... .. R , 'Tl. t""' . 1 -v Pi• 'T 3. S " ..: _. :x".'. ...t. + .. ..., r .. r .. ,. ,,., v ,. p 1p .," n. S', S'c .,., ^< f. ;.t. K"° ,"",^ c:Yn Sw , ..7.. ^4 .1•w.. .,=,,..T"' { '.:"�it'rne.r ,. ,cu, ,. .. �.•..id . it o ! _ -..e a L.i...c_ r:i1Li ,l --Yu -'r�Y�•'2-v5i ��l-. iJr:LSu•,:v.=.;Lw`.il=.:,:_..•�^ •ss.._:.� � ..:•Z:uaan .. - y _..uud�l`• ,vaL' a ._.. „ l 6 : �'+��>`+•.:.��-,ya �...� _ 4„" . �a>` e"'7,Yt�:r�::7�a..ar].uu....1..:i.�ira,,..u_ae+`� 9- ,r 1�.,.,, ., ,�r...,,.l. u, . i�nngarlan 1�inla�er off'-'i�ar; filed"arenna � ion aYldogpttiillit�`"`�+�li"'�riiltlSi'�i e�i(t�='cvsaa '°-`-' '� "u�� " crashed and one leg out off. Lettere on on Saturdayof heart disease. b favored was due largely of coarse to the' Years passed by. In a far -away and eargically have in many oases returned. . Ar H. ,f Western Reserve his person bore the address. of W. H. Ells• credentials which she bore from the Mar• foreign country ho lived, and by well•di- " Dr. Moeetig has for 25 years tried in vain ive + worth, Bedford, Ohio. uie of Lorne and Lord Salisbury. rested energy amassed vast wealth. all remedies recommended for Dancer. His e� Dniversity, Cleveland, O., has been called g do the chair of German nt Yale. The U. S. House Committee has adopted It is not the custom in Japan to admit The other day he returned. new experiments prove that the cellular �1 The lees factor at Now Glon ow, N. S., a resolution to close hearings et 12 o'clock ladies to any part of the Hosea of Perlia- He stood again in his native village. element in cancer has infinitely lees vitality r g Y g on Friday, and to vote on the Silver Bill in ment, but as it would be impossible to wit- He found the can where he had bid it." than th' healthy portians of the body. 1 has closed down on account of " over- committee at 1 o'clock that, day. The noes the opening proceedings without wit- He procured a pint of milk. This fact admits of the possibility of deal- rl production," and the hands are going to resolution was adopted alter a long wrangle noising them Miss Gregory was, naturally He went to his old familiar boyhood's ing separately with the diseased parts. �, �_�� #+e RMtes�._ _ _ _ t,.. e.,: *19� a;ivar_. in a�lgaKdatinP ori he learned men went into tech- ... _.- .- �,->,1.i ,_-.: -..,,:.,ate. _ - __ _.. ,. . - -... - - -- - -. .. _ . _ . -- ra•,,.b.= --... s s �sr:.s;,��. -. :_ _ - _ -- - -' F",,,Sf�9„-aft--�• - M_ Pr�eat Brit as n minno ed ea over- agreeing to it ae a es so nt on o n made in her favor. She there ore ma a ape rem'iil '-g voioe s aids" y i uta , nor Foster, of Ohio, to be Secreti►ry of the question. - pliostion' to be permitted the privileges of a " Father and mother, here's your milk." ' could tarcely be expected to comprehend. Treasury in succession to Chelate Segrotery Count de Roffignoo, formerly of Paris, spectator, an application that wasbaoked-ap He was , given a warm welcome, but he He bees lately used with saceees in cases of - ##� 'Windom. who owns a large farm near Whitewood, by a number of influential persons,' both noticed there was a change in his parents' I cancer, as a tincture, a new. dye Dolled' } In ant' anon o! a passible prosoeation, N. W. T., is prepared to Discs 16 large beet Englieh and native. The rcgaest was made appearance ; they had not the old familiar mothyl•vialot, or pyotanin, made at Darm- it is said rinoa 14iainarok lies sent four rout sugar factory if'the Dominion Govern the subject of a long and somewhat heated look. etadt. He tried it dilated witn water in 1' nrent will admit the necessary machinery boxes i 1, portant paper to Landon for Y debate, ending, however, in a graceful can He gneetioned chem; explanations fol- the. Sollowing proportions : 1.1,000, 1 50U � vale -keeping, silty free. In the, event of being refused cession on the part of the grave, reverend lowed: and 1.300, but believed it might bo used �z Mr. Smith Curtis, Attorney -General the mill will probably be erected on the and gallant eeigniore An embargo is Shortly after his l:udden and mysterious stronger. The patients be had treata~d, Amerteen side of the lino. laxed upon Mise Gregory's ton ue ending departure from home his father died, rind did not complain of its causing pain: . Martin's law partner, has been nomiz at•ed P Pg P Mr. Martin's suocessor in the Manitoba W. A. Stephens, ex collector of customs the publication of a full report of the pro• his mother ma rrit�d e9gain. , Then his In conclusion Professor Mo rem said Legislature. et Owen Sound, died at hie home on Water ccisaain ra, and the impressions to whiclithey mother died, and hip new father married " If i speak somewhat prerpetnrely A Smallpox prevails in Belfast to•an alarm etreet yesterday afternoon. The deceased gave rise, in an early number of the Cos- again. about treatment by tincture,, and before ing extent, and the municipal aatliorities Ven wax born in Belfast, Ireland, mopolton Magaszin©. She was able to say, Thus his return the wandering boy there has been any case of complete Dutra,, are doing their utmost to chock the spread March 15th, 1809, mud emigrated to Canada however, that she distinguished a consider- found the dear old home as he had left it, my excuse must be thea a prompt result- -, of the disease. while etill a young man in 1830. He wrote able difference between the Eng}iah and the only differenoe� being that he had a new can only be obtainer4 by the collaboration and puhlisbed the first book of poems ever Japanese systems of Government. The new father and a new mother. and labor of many colleagues. IVmust not The residence and bakery of Mr. John published in Ontario. He removed to constitution is modelled largely on the Gar. Verily, truth is stranger than fiction.- be•snppcsed that I declare methyl -violet to 1. Qroff, of Inwood, was destroyer by fire Owen hound in 1870, and was appointed man, the delegates who were appointed some Old Colony (Mass.) Gazette, be the only osuitablebpied with t -i it . though I Jr Wt night. None of the contents were saved. ,- do 't �En to be satisfied with it. I believe t; ooaaotor of customs. years ago to eoarrq over the world in search Pi, ' The lose is $1,800. Aa 1 o'clock yesterday morning ]lightning of a pattern, b`aving preferred that one in TO BRIGHTEN AN 1+:Vit KING. , on fife contrary, that better end more . Gone Silva, a retired officer, and awe• struck a nitro-glycerine magazine on the most of the essentials of modern govern. Hpeedily Efficacious tinctures can be found. J, rreonnwsxDarrestedin0 Ortoon y g How to Amuse a Company and Teach a M. only put c+ee at resent is to ave the i' ral other p: p Striker farm, three miles northwest of mental methods to any at the cther13. The ste><11n Lesson. Saturday on the eliarge of being connected Findlay, O., in which were stored 50 cans of Emperor appoints the Ministers of his g ' way for farther investigation. It doctors with the recent revolt. the explosive. The shock which followed Cabinet, each of whom, is reeponeible to Can you stand seven Darks upright in and ang th c work together in view of : k; .realizing the care o! . cancer, perhaps that Mrs illimm;tnocormick, who was the %hE, explosion was tremendous, and was him for the conduct of his own department water? Not unless you know how. This P P *teat erg may be attrtained." moth r of sixteen chiidren, none under six felt in all cities and town•, within a radius only, and over none of whom can Parlio- is.the way to do it : Ail that -s ,necessary g. Y t' feet i lief ht, diad at the age of 99 roars of 50 miles. The .only thin; left to indi- meat Exercise other than indirect and.par- is a,basin or tub of water and seven oorke. - --- --- - - - a e of. -the -ma Azina ,ie_a hc,le-in_ _tial control A member can ` demand Stand one of the corks upright on the- Howe bas been received of the lynching on Friday at Peleo-Ieiand:-- .-..-.._._....-..._., . _.._ -oft-to-the.-place o g tar Gibson of the Whiskey the ground big enough to bury a threQ- departmental infocmntion or explanation, 'tab'lEf,'arrauga- Ilio other- arx 'close shout atshe.village..of..Douglass,..Tee►e.,of 5_pegro ___ __•�, 11 Fig 5eore walked y_ „ ice public answer at a time er is obliged to it, also in an upright position, grasp the named Tom Rabin. The reason assigned t: Trust,daO Jandu fabs ar3 a court story house. The financial- foes is not givebe pu0lic ens er &time and place to combination in one hand and plunge it is " general principles." Robin ,was e► __y ymorning. gave $25,000 bail greet. g P are no political into the water in the tub, so as to com- notorious character. for hie appearanoe in c9art. Peter Sullivan, a laborer, who was em- artier in the House in the English sense, pletely saturate the oorke ; then raise them She always went out alone Dr. Laitoh, of Dutton, Ont. who has pioyed on the breakwater improvemonte at P Until she a grewas w afraide, t ' .+ been in the habit of using morphine, took Toronto Island, waQ capsized in the bay she members being divided into half a partly out of the water and ,Tat go your Then she stew afraid p dozen or more clans, on issues or causes or hold. The water which Lias penetrated Life a bashful maid an overdose on Tuesday night which caused ' yesterday whila cro3einj from the Iel-vsd to the pity. Capt. James Quinn, of the ferry principles which it is difficnit for any one between the, corks by capillarity will hold And adopted a chaperon. . his death in a few hours. Ont a native to fully comprehend: A mem• them close together, and though separately . Ralf a dozen New York ladies earn a O% Jessie MoEdwerds, saw the accident, bar mddreesing the House does so. from a each cork has as unstable egaili'briam, the ---I#-ie-ataied�hat _Erailctl._I3i�murak's handsome. living by holding conversation -8.mr•ted-to trhe ieaoue' na-epi$; aiiid; sfaFr as- is "w&3' 'w c aascs afia grvissg+private- lecg-dn-s-i7r-ttra .s memoirs will include a number of private t rt at detTl of trouble brought, Sullivan rostrum, as in e' ranch chamber. -1i1Y aum1bi11a�tllo>s-obtai�oci a"'th11 letters showing how Turkey, Greece "acrd ashore ,The man had been so long in the Gregory listened to several debates, And keep them steady -the width of oar impro- art. • ) England were Japed in connection with the ,waiQr, bawevor, that he eacanrnbeti to ex• judging from the aisara3ocsr of the noise visod raft being mato then the height of The wearing of eveuinh gloves Woos rttnka3 Driebund. hsiid-ion, dyiGg shoat 20 minnfoa -after be made, the gestures and other outward one cork. among the Ddiote that any not be rntli- Mr. Michael Devitt, who has been vis it- bud been taken from the water. The body ei�;na, she concluded thwt some of the mom- This experiment,' which demonstrates lr selq broken. ing the wens coast of Ireland,, s beenu that badvva4 taken t' k 121 George street for a body bere possessed very, con�s�iderable ability. the cohesion produced by the capillary The newotst wrinkle is cuffs is the posi. the, iuharbiraats 'are badly in need of seed, Like most English d`ieitors, Mies Gregory phenomena, also proves to ns the troth of five abolition of the big, link buttons .that' UnitFh States lbarshal Baker, of Water- is of o inion that ,Japan is a country in the old adage : '' In union is strength."- aro relics of fear or more years ago. and that the children are suffering from a p Y g . look of milk. wn, N. Y:. and two deputies arrested which one world soon fire of living. The Boston Globe. Robert find William Graves and W. Mather climate is an exceedingly trying one, at any Mrs. Cleveland is said _ to dress on At a mass meeting of Con7rrvativea at on charges of conveying Chinsmen from rate to a parson not inured to it. The. He Did Not tall. $1,000 a year.. • Winnipeg on Smurdsy'evening, the with- Can,i is and smuggling opium. On Decem- natives, Froin the highest to the lowest are The recent tri%le df the Zslinski gun at _. _ �` draw&,of Sir Donald Sinith'was, announced, bar 24th the made a erilous and nearly g h The man who tried Dr. Sege a Catarrh and Mr. I•_iug!i John Maoaonald was nom-• Y P politeness iteolf, end the shopkeepers cheat Remedy, and was sere of the $500 reward Shoebnrynese were conducted with mach foveal trip moraa:s the St. Lawrence from you with an affability that is simply irre• secreov by the War Office The Zalineki ' rated instead. Y Y p y offered by the proprietors for an inanrable Kinkston with three Chinamen and some sistible. European dress. is largely,affected agent has ore batik to ,the States under the A large p,irty of gentleman farmers, with vuilisas that were auspiciouslyheav Pxossa, never palled for bred money. Why not ? g g Y' and the practice is rapidly extending. A impression thls4 he has been belly treated, p P Y g• Oh, because he cot cored ! He was sure of P their wives aLd 'children, reached Montreal Tbey were assisted to shore by rwidenta curious circumstance apropos of this was two things : (1) That his catarrh could ae his Effort. to get the result of the trials. on Tuesday night from Ene)o,nd on their of Ssekett's Harbor.' They have made related. The wife of a native when dressed not be, oared. (2) Tbat he would have that was unstiocessf,n]. It is understood they . . way to British Columbia to take up land a number of these trips successfully, and in European costume is permitted to take $500. He is now sure of one thing, and that are not favorable. OII a large eea1L". it is believed have , been making much eaedenoe of her husband, bat when ie, that his catarrh ie gone completely. So River men,ibir,k that, unless more rain ', The b3rgae sunk by the steamer Havel money in their dealings with Chinamen precedence in her native dress she is obliged, he is oat $500, of course. The makers of should Nli, the flood in the Ohio River ie j at New York yesterday was the IYlaeootta, and in Opium, in till hear domestic ar,d swial relations, to Dr: Sage'a Catarrh Remedy have faith in at its heigubt. The river is falling, with 45 :, from San Domingo. She woe a new vessel, A terrific anow, sleet, and rainstorm is assume the inferior poaitionwhich.Japanese their, ability to care the worst cases Of feet 3 inches in the channel. The recent this being lies first trip. It is reported rshsn; from the Allegheny Mountains as custom imposes upon her. Nasal Catarrh, no matter of how long rains appe►,r to have'miaeed the Kentucky + three lives were lost: fir. west as Kansas. In Illinois and Mie- Miss Gregory's visit, although spoken of standing, and attest their faith �by their and 'Vest Virginia trihutariea of the Ohio. The en Weer and oparmtoY who are any- sor:ri tho storm is espeoislly severe. -In as an enjoyable one, was somewhat marred standing reward of §500, offered for many The M- iselesrppi at Memphis is 'two feet Posed iii have caused pe aloeterrito tunnel ao port ors of Illinois and Iowa fruit trees by illness. She passed through''Winnipeg years past, for an incurable case of this below the danker line, but it continues to aident in Neer York on Friday morring have broken down andel the weight of ice, on Friday on her way to her home in loathsome end dangerous disease. The ciao weedily. have been arrested, and are held for tPial Mud street. cars were forced to suspend ,Hamilton, where she will be .married on Remedy is sold by druggists, at only :50 +� .-___ _____ .. _ ___— ander very heavy bonds. %raffia. In Wisconsin the snowstorm was the 3rd proximo. It may pot be unrn- cents. Mild, soothing, cleansing, deodor• � •try, ret. li L lo: 91 1'he will Df the latra Channaey,P. Blair, gener16l, and caused considerable defer to texeeting to know that the gentlemen who -zing, antiseptic, and hoofing. of Chiowill was filed Tuesday. The estate trains. In South Dakota and at many is Eo fortunate es •to have g+Ained the • affeo• is valued at $2,200,000, and aside Pram Pointe in` Weatexn and Southern Minnesota trona of this talented young lady is a Mani- A Rival to tete Maltese oat. p vlf^>a ',. the heaviest storm of the winter is raging. toban, livin leas than a million of miles I �jr ''t m ti �si1W.1-T.714 � R le ,.. �. several email annuities and begaesta is left K A rival to the Maltese oat ie the Maltose ,, 3+•sa':.,.:,°lia_.xi H e severentirelyto the four children. It iii snowing furiously, and the wind has from Deloraine. Aftc,r the ceremony the dog, an irresistible bit of onnine beauty I , I., , iii_:i S i; +,°S�3 P,hi~' 1�1P+i drifted the light snow tb such an extent two will proceed directly to California, which comes strt+ight from the Paris I }a11'X?7 :1,.tY,ll"TST;vF?.L'WEEr.M. The will of th© late J. V. 'yYcCullougb, th+t the rsilroaads are bavingeerions delays whither Mies Gregory has been ordered by kennels, His miatteas, a Washington belle, i ,i,";ai "k, A �, 410 At ti Vioe•President of the Penneylvania Rail- .in moving trains. Telegraphic' Dommuni- her physician, who has just returned from abroad, I 4.'a .� l (road Company, diapoacs of an estate valued nioation in the several States is greatly in. _ �---T . considers him the most valuable prize she - k . at about $8,000,000. His wife anis i!angh- terfered with and almost at a stondetill•, LORD ABIRRDEEN ON CA,gADA, has secured daring her wanderings. He �OSITIVL+ CURE FOR TOBACCO tore each get ons -fourth of it. a` - has been dubbed Marquis, and is thorongblq habit One dollar. Address P. b, boa 121 . opThe Dockers' Committee have irsnod a Gladstone N. J. A i)1LOOKLYN HOL001AII9T. The Noble 7Car1•a OpiniooN of the Kind of French from the top of Iiia curly .white s m. ifesso charging the,Shippinr. Fulera• _- Ymigrants Wanted. head to the tipof his snowy tail. Spoken f tion with committing broaches of faith &I'd b• �'�_�v��^^^' Six Persona Burned to Death in an Apart- On the 6t1i inst. the Earl of Aberdeen to in French he beoontes a nines obedient i 1 E toolk Cold � with desiring tO bring abans another severe ,.. ment house Fire. featured in the U. P. Synod Hall, Edin• dog, but his knowledge of English is at pre. x . struggle between labor and capital. A Brooklyn, N. Y.,' doapatah soya : A burgh, on "Impressions of Canada." 'It sdnt vary limited.®®.�a1C�iGv �— I TOoK, a It is believed in Montreal that Swenson, fire broke oat here jaet before 8 o'clock on was a long and able lecture, and .showed A Regular Snap. ,. } . s,! I �' the missing jeweller, committed suicide, Etatarcl+p night in the 'four-story double that the Earl had been m veryolose and C',r:;''4-1•"4 'tF. the bo was known to have said sometime Nos. _129 and 131 Sands street. Buffalo News : " `Vhaat is .Smith loin � g{° s J . r. y.. flex house, diligent observer during his recent tour. „ g � ,,,t +I. � is 9S1 s, ore his disappearance that ii he did not now ? `` a' Before it was estinguiehed it resulted in After referring to the loyalty of the people, „ He is travelling with a aIrcne." U, a✓ '' '" �' "° . ""tset better he would blow bin brains out. the , winiost total destruction. of. the two and. their various religious bodies and , -N " The Dublin E ✓picas. says Ireland is oath• sand in the death o! sig persons. he said the Canadians were ""I ratty hard work, isn't it ?.' o ; �7 'a A? . ' bnildinf, , P institutions " No he haat nathiug to do except tui" �l "r3 r(,' milted to the strike of two,powerful partie , In the two buildings were 32 families. The a kindly, hospitable eo le, independent ' =fir . • Y p p P P stick his head in the lion's month twice a ..i;7•�(;�`t:, ,. a state of affairs not seen before, snva in fir+- was -first discovered in the cellar of No. and cautione. Canada was not merely. a day." ' `'�'n the time of the civil war. The fight is 12p and before the department arrived the British colony, bat a British nationality. Y• f ;.,mp o found m foothold in the air shuns He shared with Canadians the hopes of e RxesuLT: between Mr. Parnell and thtt Roman Cacho. p out of Season. lie heiraroby. and were coming through the roof. All brilliant future for their country. Speak • Judge : Merritt -Did your eister got $ ,tom D � t"j,` e yGSov. 'Fifer bas isaned aproclamation tiro• e-ao,pe for the inmates was cut off by the ing generally of'the class and stamp n many valentines? I t x X ' a'?C ?'n_ Y'71'y' ReStl , 4 hibiting the importation of cattle liable to stairoaaeo, and the entire front, on which persons beet adapted for starting life in Little J'hnnie-Oh, no. She is a j AND I Aril b'IGORO:: �.N(- `c.It 'CO TAKE P eonvay Texaa'fever into Illinois except snb• veto eight fire escapee, was thronged with room an s said there was not r present Summer girl. ) ANYTI-i1NG I C -`,->i ; ,,Y- MY iIh,NDS ON; 7 • leot to the regulations Of the State Board the lnmptoa, who were rescued by 'the room and scope, at least in the more wattled Scott's ' at Live Stock Commiaoionerg, from.date policemen as rapidly se possible. On the parts, for those. who intended to follow The girls mmb either propose or go West ��1ttC�a' ' �'� ,i,•: r.?I r•t�Iz r until December. third floor lined John E. Dorney, his wife what was called the profossions, for in Mrs. Stanley says : "There Gre thousands i13➢llsl( }'1 t)q'nd Liver ell Margaret, and three children and their most of the towns a doctor would not and thousands of sweet, 1pvely, worthy al�Cl } -r �' •' ' � t' - f l.liYleand The schooner Veteran, that saitod from aunt, Mrs. Margalret Griffin. They all perhaps find enough atibnts, n lawyer raitT + i' I•:y �e8en - . p g p girls in America who are fading away ) SO��t >n aGl'louoester, Maus., on Janoar.y 7th, On m p enough olienta, and a preacher perhaps because there aro no hnabande for thein." > > ent C,ir,t., .r, '.,q;J 13UT BUILT . haddock trip to Gieorge's bank, has never rnshed for the root when they found esca • e been heard from and her owners feet she is by tlie'atair13 out off. The flames caught would not find onatingh hearers ; nor was -Teach your baa ow to, earn mora % all u�' '"a � i t�G - �� the dress of Mrs. Griffin and she was thero room for clerks. Bat for men who a d to mak© the reform in the next ener�� ) FLE�m k"' V.. N i; . t' BONES !' lost. She carried a crew of twolvn mon, viakly burned to loath. Soon afterwards were able and willing to tarn their hand j' g �� who were maily all Samndine,visns. Iquic y burned death. aged 35 ; Daniel to practical agriculture, with or without tion complete teach your girls bow not i's i AT T lI1 r nTr or 1 DAY. 11 spend it. TAKE ITJL%ST AS ]:,:SII;, .' . 11>O MILK. d�rank D. Swan, agenk of the Michigan Dorney, 8 years, and Minnie Dorney, 6 experience, and women who were willing p scott'saJm„laton is Put iip my in salmon ,' Control Railway at Niagara Falls, tried years, were burned, to demtb. Jacob to undertake domestic service, there was The Emperor of Austria has sent the onlor wr' atmers: sola by a:i Druggists at suddenly at his residence yesterday morn- ''Benedict, 72 years of bgo, and Edward fats of woi k ,and food remaneratilon. Gozinan Empress a diamond set which Dost 6,po. aYid SI.00. fr° ing.. He had not enjoyed the beet of healtb Benedict, a seventeen mouths' old child, Moral and religions backbone as well 1613 $15,000 as a aft in oelehration 6f berinfgnt'a '� SCOT :' v' T>OTT :1',�, 'Relleville. lately. The immediate Oansc of daith is were also burned to death. Mr. Dorney physical backbone Evers required far those christening. I h��- -- ---- ------- unknown. and one child r�'ere rescued. The fire is going ont to the more remote parts; of A oPsblegram to the Mail soya Mr. Ash enpposed to be of an incendiary origin. Oanada. , meadDartlet, s subordinate member of the The lo�ei13 ot�timmted at $10,000. 3 F,r,� ' ,,a H Y ��{ 11 n 't+ t, British Cabinet, limo got himssif into Archbishop Dennison's Tnmons Toast.% , %. Y ' , i I trouble with Blanche, daughter of the Earl 'rite Strike in the Coko Region. "hero's health to all that wo levo, m Gil l., 1 it t ^' •'? ,:i '€ ' &' ° . V fro Sore's health to all that novo us, . ' ,.'',� , t, ti,.t qr... . ,,` h �. 1;, of Airlay and wife of Captain Hozier, and A Pittsburg despatch says : With the gore's health ,o nil those that ]ovo tliom, ,; ^*,ZdM ,&-Z_ir a:..,.rt:;:.: a,T:>__.,.a... rr:: f.i �`�' t �s t '� ` '. a diVAr:� suit is threatened• seeodd week of the great strike in the That love those that love them + ; . , 1 a::9ve• a sit:ve tensed 44 `k That love tis." `Pf! -'IIT T?IlI'.1'()Tt:= X 1.•a in..rrm , h ' 1Y . Mora than 5,000 persona were run over Connollsville coke region about closing, t ,ove narnert di>;ease. fly tis tin,oly use ti;,)nca.:, :+, s ,,.ve been v, nnanently r,4+•` London streets last roar,. It moat Do you notico what a large circle this i snail be glad to send two bottl,7s of, my r,.,,.,•,:}, t 4'% , „y o, your rencifm woo nav in the Lo hern"id' no sign of a settlement of the diffi• Y be said to the credit of the London cabman, oultioal. Intelligence having been received wish for healthre includes t and will yon M.C.- soft t� g* iAdol`rl icl6 t, -Z. l :I01.,oN s'm+oONTAr10.• `� s• ltesyoctrnit�• r A. $16004t; , who is the m t}x dextekoaa driver• in the that operators in competing fields of West notid'e the re.rrenae is no£ e, the ,1 Golden world, that ne "_1y all the esomdents were' Virginia and this State have been filling but to a star) medicine, the "Golden 3 �Z .i ^2 e,,.. i tN,, :;� TTt' ' can by the ti Tbers of covered rrellieles. orders ozigiti'ally placed in flonnallev+ille,.. Medical 1Di13eonv mberha! friends bringat can health each • , 1,0 Ft ,, t ` } i "' 11 a j' "° �+' ,. 1110 workmen its thous fioidu'vvill be orderrmd to t, A, U e +t� 4 ». • i, aro One of the Great Eastern Railway Com- , y t Aj �"' i, f r er,� ".I idad in to strike unless their employers desiet love. True,, ri is rids a "beverage- "and tI �',i S y a " { . pany'e channel masil etbamer13 call l+ English Cbannol yesterday with tits forthwith. This lvonld invo1ve14,000mo}re t doai nt iaeblcOd•�3arifiet livereinlvicrmtor raavr• tr,�,,, r,•tn,,+ h•at„ft,'„tdLJ9 i.racroi C,r,a ,1 ;,'• i n u I tl:c c+sr,,5e of i'+t! the Eng Y l eteamehip Queen of the North Sea. , The i mesa directly, and soriouelri affect the iron mE I bd,a. 7h©13trillerg have refaced the ant} Fi,eial tatilC-a remedy far I31110ust woo” "ns . Pec its4! tl to.;`mve ti life-loi,ie :, .., + ✓: 7 •. w ' , r.:r'criy r 1?tC., ti t lessor Bank goon after the collision Seven , tr Ind- eetion9 and Stomueb troubles. It Avrn s+, ras,.c. iteca„sa: uthar3 h+.ve fall ed is pn rr , •, 1,,r nut v rt•• + iv.•,r et,ra. be,M nese, nrmfo) &. ++rataar• and a•r*ro(s settlo of my t , ".sten F',,C"oci,,, `;o:! Ex m�: all of the orew.af the Queen of tho North Sea 1 of Operator Martin to reaume work under { g , �1.c,,,'t• • r u n ';1rr ,: -�44, �. .00,t. .. .-..__.__.-.--- _ tiro calci tt, rdo pending a settlement of tba euros Consumption, in its early stages, Lria,4r ntt,r. t opt• you r.: tt., ,• trot a frau} and . were drowned. I 13 orel-itis, and t•hrcatifieeaeEd, 'V� se-,, fi,04rri:n4 0*Tit:#t, °"°{ tNirje" AJCMs'(1,-hICA i)''"'ZEra 'CrlGr:v4f• '1 ... diffia .,_� - ... . _ .... rt I7uls1it3ll�ifl�t p Iialaard Donxkd1;, Iee�->at n ty f .,._'. , W,�,, ." ,.. -I.- . .y -r :r ..�. gyp, a; .,,�yk,,rr r,," ,tY `d _ /y Sr . n Irv', ,:•{I +V(„'.'!77 "'R,' Zia /—°,, ,,"N4, -n-.a:�'!P`P'�, ,ia :•rc'.n,..'",«"uTi, ”`^:''1C„�i,,,'#. . ,;'!", ,' =. ..:�t •x+.+m> c..,... -...... i b `,.- �� - -�_-- , � "'. 9.,,, +M 9pq{, °.: 'a', ,alga �,ai75,` _a 1 t , :W-0 s ,�, a _ ,,�, . + , .