Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-27, Page 5aws. axarmerottrA W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the Luck - now Union was -held in Abe rooms of the Meehanic•s' Institute on bt• ednes- <]ay; 'the I1lth inst., with an average Attendance. The president, Mrs. W. l{. South, oecupie41 the chair Mrs. liusbantl was present as a de.egate from the h;pw4trth 1tt>a,gne Afrt r reading b Bible lesson, n singing n; and 7.#f -^1A934W441,7*r'.WPATW-.,10-TletgeMtiffetAit*ttitiO,# Lad before the Mooting, also an interesting and kindly letter from li,ev..Mr. Green of 0 rantnn, formerly pastor of the C. M church here, at d whose staunclt advocacy of truth aid tenrper,nce will in the Union cause his memory t ► bc ever gree, . The rd d The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce .)ounty, Friday, February 27th his last article a short time previous to his death—"I believe the day will come when -not to drink, not to use tobacco, not to waste one's strength in the secret indu'lence of passion, but to be true t., ones nature, true to 0ixl'$ law will be a matter of ambition aml endeavor afi1Orlg men." . The ladies 14 the ITrli.t n ,purpose 1 halal• crmeeting 111 a mothers' I loth 1. 5 rnee , t tI : rtt an early Y rt „p . , .1. ,stn ! ..+�.., ,s ca r.A ;:vgaz w�etxr•,nsa' ', y "�� lEL mothers will be discussed. AUCTRJN SALE: OF VALUABLE oETTLERS at unanimous vote of t ]asks was ac- a•a,n•ded 'vlr. and Mrs Gr•t•e.a for their kind remembrance of our Union ala41 :also for the generous donation that a.:c41'p:tined it to help on the good ..li t•su,; .i A lettNr from Mr. W. Campbell was also read requesting notes' of the Union's work for publication. Un the motion being put to the meeting his request was granted by a unanimous vote, coupled with the cordial invita- tion to be present and 'report at future greetings. The motion Of a previous meeting to lay a petition before, the Council to 1)ass.a by-law for a bell to be rung at o'clock p. in. was recintletl. The members of the Union, while thanking those who kindly,s,irgned their petition, wish it to . be distinctly understood •hat. they had no desire to return to Audal,lism or to cause t he arrest of any e v a irk r n un s �rf..l_� ...c t tI Wage .--l---l-e._.,..1.1.U._ s.. -ptiy As note-of-warning--to the children as to the -lateness of the hour, just as the bells of the various churches ring out to their elders :L Sweet hour itf prnver ; sweet hour of prayer That es ils rue fan a world of care, And bide nae at niy father's throne Iake-aii-nay-wants,rnd er au iy vir'tut. of t Le power of sale c,urtaI-led in a certain regi.teretl oiort8•tge, which will be ',reduced at the ttu,e it sale, and ul,ou which default in' payrateot has bees anode, there will he offered f tr wale by public auction at tit'hitel•y's'ti otel, in the The quarterly pr=ayer meeting of the Union was held in the Baptist church .0a January 18th, a good number 1' ein g present. The lesson for the day •spas 1st Kings, 17th chapter, proving Clod's .care for his people. The prayers were very sincere and earnest that they might .be endowed with more faith and trust in that glorious promise "All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive," and that God would. hasten the time of " which Henry Ward Beecher wrote in• VILLAGE OF L GKI:t0W, 1 a the County of Bruce, on Saturday, .March 14th, 1891, at tht 11L,0r of one u'utock .111 the Afternoon, the foal awing valuable lauds and i remises, vie: 'I'be west h.i11 lot nnotber two las the twelfth concession ,of the Tow•uship t f Asli'liehi (western' division) in the (;,,tufty of Huron (: anto.i,,ing one hmolred 'acres entre ur less. '1'hertare erected on the premises frame dwelling and frame Karn w itia st,t.l.les underneath Thr property is sitnat-d in a well settled uisttict, soil el y loam, and is distant about six miles from the village of Lucknow, ']'here is an orchard of twc acres on the premises. TkAtnlS :—•'rest per cent. of the purchase money to be paid d,awu at time of sale ; terms for payment of balance will be ueole kuowu at the time of sale. For further. 1 articnlars a1ply to GeJrge Mair, Banker, Lucknow,, Ont., or to ' LEYS. RES!) & OWENS, endues Solicitors, -• - . 18 Uou•rt St.; Por.anto; Ont.- House nt;- House and Lot For Sale. .CIITUATED ON CLYDE STREET IN 1the village of Lucknow. The house is a, well finished frame, containing 7 rooms with s ne oundation. Large cellar and good. woodshed.; hard and • soft water, Half acre of, land with splendid garden and well stocked with small and large fruits; rhe lot is on a bill side commanding a fine view of the whole village. 1'or further particulars apply to JOSEPH ANDERSON, Lucknow. FOR RENT. ()NE HUNDRED ACRES IN ASH - k1 field'township, lot 8, con.. 12, W. D. 95 acres reeled within two years. For par- ticulars address; . MALCOLM MA.cLEOD, 3.445 State St., 3-892 Chicago, Ill, • WILL. LEAVE ON FEBRUARY 24th, 1891 AT 9.00 P.M. AND EVERY TUESDAY THEREAFTER DURING MARCH AND APRIL WITH COLONIST SLEEPER ATTACHED FARM FOR SALE. 'NOTICE. 'ITER of NORMAN • IN THE Me f teod, Margaret McLeod, Augue Mc- Leod, i(Lsulvents. " The farm lately occupied by the above named insolvents, situated in the township of H uron, is for tale. All under cultivation frame house, frame barn, large orchard, and v. ell watered ; one of the beat forms in Huron; a bargain. Apply to PeGer ivlurray, assigueo, El uvula ur to citorLucknow 8ti9 , ML.RT(A,( I E SALE IN PURSUANCE OF A POWER OF SALE contained in a certain murtgo;re, to the ,Vendor, which will Lit produced at the time of dale, there will be offered kr sale :i ublic auction, at vie THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED 4N suffice in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Offic'. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTG AG=ES A ND H ILLS UARElet, LLY 1.1Ei'ARED. mss „ ,echICatu>ns and estrwatts, fur l,uild. • ,, , „ . Ings, mills, `bridges, etc., furnished on ehurt notice. JAS, SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. Farmers, Stop and Read. MANITOBA N CANADIAN -NORTH-WEST r 1�i7 ir,0„n5 with+ i, ; • f(ra` Ul Mfr h ” 1.eep :;,yLall ke. a;Fha 1�e 't(?,a xpr01'14 0-„t TaRrYD4104.1 sur lull luiut'nation and descriptive 1u1n'phle's of Manitoba, the North' West Territories and British Columbia, apply to. any C. P. P. agent. M 'BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP 1 for service this season at hat 11..con. 8, E. D.. Ashfield, a Chester -White full .bred boar, lately brought from Pinkerton township. Terms—$1, at time of service; $1:25 if not so paid• PAUL SMELTZER • Belfast P. 0-, Ont. CI ARROW it PLt0 JpFOOT, BARRIS- Jf tern, Snlicittirri, ^etc.,' (i td'erich, Out. J. T. Ge-aitow, Q. ,C. W;s. PROCDFOOT. VILLAGE OF KINLOSS Iu the County of Bruce, un Wednesday; March 11, 1891 At the h,.ur ut two o'clock in the afternoon, the following lands and premises, containing three acres, more or less, and being composed of part of lot No. -18, in ;lie. 1st range south of the 1►ur'bann road. in the township of Kinloss. in the county of Bruce; and more ).articularly described in the 'Mortgage to the Vendor, recorded as No, 4386 in book F for the towu ship of Kinloss. The sail lauds ale situate in the Village of Kinloss, aforesaid. On the premised was a grist Mill'and Saw Mill, (which have been lately destroyed, or partially destroyed by a fire) and a frame house, 18x24. The - Til1age of Kinloss is 16 miles from Walkerton, 12 from Kiuuardine,. and 11 from Lucknow, and has churches, school house. store, hotel and blacksmith shop. ']'bis parcel of land is nicely located for the r( ! ,ildin•g of the Grist and Saw Mill. TERMS :— One-third of. the purchase money in cash at the time of sale, the balance on time. The Vendor reserves one b:d. 'Further conditions will be made known at sale,or on application ion to PETER OOREIO AN, JOHN . FOLINSBEE, . _Auctioneer._ . Joliciter for the Vender, • Strathroy,l)nt. Dated this 21st day of January, 1891.... PROPERTY FOR: SALE OR TO RENT. FT.NG—L0-T NO. 9 Con. of .Culross, containing 100 acres. The farm is situated 7 miles from Teeswater, 2 miles from Riversdale, and within a mile of good gravel road. Thirty-five acres are cleared, and balance in bush, The whole farm ur 50 acres will be sold, or given in exchange for village property. A team of horses will be taken aai part pay, and liberal terms for balance. . Also the 15 acres, one quarter mile north of Lucknow station, suitable for a retired farther. It contains good buildings and first- class well ; near to both school and church. Will be sold cheap, For further particulars apply at propel ty north of station, or to JACOB MILLER, $9 • Lucknow, P. 0. money breeding worthless hu=gs that will (sat all that you can raise and bring you ',loth - Mg at the end, but raise what the market demands to -day. • a long, deep, broad !Sig .that will bring about two cents a pound more than the scrub that tears up the ground, upsets the gate, and opens the barn door with his suo'tt. If you want snch porkers 'as will till the hill bring sows to "Quiet Uncle Sam" the beautiful improved Ohi o Chester White boar. He is ke1,t for service at lot 6, con. 14, E. U ,AshfieltL Terms --$1,00, strictly cash at time o: service with privilege of returning, At the same place is kept a young I. 0. C. W. boar suit- able for .16i -wing young sows. Also for salt cheap a first-class thoroughbred Improved Ohio Chester. -White boar. J . E, BAKK\v'ELL. Lu'bknow 1'. '0., - 2 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. EAST HALF O'T LOT NO. 5, CONCE*. H in Countyf cion 13, E. D. Ashfield, th o Huron, ninaty acres cleared, about five acres -of -fel -wheat -fifteen -acres•-seeded} tLwo•-dwell-- - -- ings, two orcbarday two wells, no better soil, 1•arn, stable, granary,, r3hed, et;. Also north half of lot 6. eon, 13r with 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, gooa fences, orchard and buildings. 'L'he above property .will be sold or rented at once. Apply itnotediately t0 888 R. GRAHAM. Lucknow. PUBLIC NOTICE. N THAT IS HEREBY GIVEN AT Adam Russworm. of the Township of Carrick, in the County of Bruce, yeoman, will apply'to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for °a. 1 if ofliiiore'l: from his wife, Em•ina Russworm, nee'Correll, formerly of the said, Township of Carrick, but now' re- sitting in the city of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, U. S. on the ground of adultery. - Dated at • Walkerton, Ont, this 1st day oaf .September;1890. . ;' ' O'CONNOR iC O'CON'NOR, 6 mesa 867Solicitors for applicant .,f That immense Bankrupt Stock from Exeter, andnow the Pioneer Store is in full blast: We are crowded with goods, bat a few 'vveeks. salts will goon relieve us, and you miss thecheap spot if you do not come. F;SRH.THIRTY2 D • , ATE . WILL OFFER THE ENTIRE STOCK ,AT REDUCED PRICES TO AtAICI room for Spring goods, and to astonish the people of Lucknow and surrounding country with values. Time will not permi.1 us to enumerate, but if f you come, y�n. will find special drivers In each line. ,SATU,RDAy AFTERN•ONS 'WE WILL SELL, BY AUCTION,AND YOU GET .'T CSN O'CLOCK SHARP goods at your own price. Ask to see our 50c. tea reduced to 25c. s... :13".E13) 711.1 , i•