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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-20, Page 7
uV' ............. Forebodings. New York bun : When Woman's Rights have come to stay, 4ii-h Oh, wo k the cradle? When wiv euro at the polls all day 111% Oh, who will rock the cradle ? t. When Doctor Mamma's making pills, t; hen Merchant Mamma's selling bills, l: Of course 'twill cure all woman's ills, :, But who will rockihe cradle ? s.g�h en mamma to the court has hied, h, who will rock the cradle ? e has a case that must be tried, But who will rook the cradle ? When When Banker I'4amin ma s c 13iugwalks eehrdiscls% 'When ail our girls have lost their sea, Must PAPA ¢fr—iit'v-irf'•, ,,7:v7, n,,,,,,r. P '47'-.,ti..VCr'"7 ...� i... 7777 ..4 .1"7Ta1:,e ' The cradle ? Skating. At the conference of fancy skaters in New York Louie Rubenstein, of Montreal, represented the Canadian Skating Associa- tion. The programme for the annual figure skating competition was arranged as follows : various ways ; outside edge roll, forward ; onteide edge 'roll, backward ; inside edge roll, forward; inside edge roll, backward; figare eight, on one foot, fbrward ; figure eight, on one foot backward.; arose roll, forward, in field and eights, single and doui circle ; prose roll, baokward, in field andghts, single and double oirole ; Chanof edge roll, forward, beginning either on outside or inside edge ; change of edge roll. backward, beginning either on outside or inside edge ; spread eagle, inside and outside edges ; curved angles -threes, single, doable ; chain and flying, beginning on inside or outside edge ; oar v ed angles -reeking turns, from outside edge to oateide edge, or from inside edge to inside edge, forward and baokward; enrved angles-arossonte or" anvils ; grapevines, including Philadelphia " twist "; toe and heel movements, em- bracing pivot circling, ,too pins (pirouet- tes), and movements on both toes, eto.; single and double flat-foot spine, cross -foot and two -foot whirls; (1) serpentines on one foot and on both feet, (2) change of edge, single and double; loops and ringlets on - side and outside edges, single and in 00 (nation ; display of complex move• in to at th e o t' 1 0 _.n f.th.. e _. _ ... .._ . . os' ,�. .. - _ _ P meet ant, specialties, embracing original and peculiar movements. '. Little Tommy's Missionary Text. By way of introducing novelty into her plan of mission fend collections a young lady teacher in one of the city Sunday Schools reoently intimated that she would eat-eaoh of her-pnpite to roque an ap- propriate verse of Scripture on dropping in his or her mite in the class box. The children entered into the spirit of the plan and next Sunday it was apparent that the Bible had been ransacked for suitabletexts. One little fellow, however, was much put out' to find that his text. bad been need by a fellow pupil before his turn had oome, and he was too original to wish to be a second u erof the same passage. He was Somewhat troubled, but as he toddled up a good mother's training came to his relief and as he dropped in'his penny he naively remarked, mach to the surprise and amusement of the school : "A fool and his money are soon parted." The Scrip- ture quotation scheme' has been discon- tinued. Each Fact a Trifle Odd. The assessed valuation of New York city is $1,550,000,000. Japan's 33,000,000 sores of land support a population of 34,000,000. It is eatimated that every seal Consumes about ten pounds' of fish daily. Mise Bell Bull is the ,musioal name of the city editor of the Kansas City Star. The deepest hole ever bored into the earth ie the artesian well at Potsdam, whioh is 5,500 fent deep. • According to the Fruit Trade Journal the gross importation of bananas at all ports during thepast year was 12,582,550 bunches, or 3,489,993 bunches in excess of 1889. Hymn -Singing Heroes. The brutal murder of a brave old man of eighty at •Ancestor, who died - heroically defending his household, is a telling'com- mentery on the power of the 'gallows as a deterrent. Ammeter is only forty or fifty miles from Woodstock, and about an equal distance •from Welland, where an .unfor- tunate man was hanged a few days after Birchall. ' Manifeetly the deterring power thee° two .exeoations did not extend se as Anoaeter. So long as capital pun- „ hment transforms murderers inter hymn- oingiog heroes and sends them direct* to heaven in triumph, the gallows' will never have much potency as a deterrent. If these Ancestor .thugs aro caught and hanged it is to be hoped that the press and the. mawkish portion of society will not make heroes of them. -Canada Presbyterian. Action and Reaction. Buffalo Express ; At 10 she, jumps the rope and performs on a trapeze. That is the age of aotion. At 20 she lolls on a sofa -or hammock and reads novels. That is the age of passion. At 30 she wields the slipper or stove poker, acoording to the size of the subject. That is the age of reaction. And yet they say that aotion and reabtion are equal and opposite in effects. The Secre Wealth. Philadelphia Times : " The reoret of wealth ?" said the rich man, in a stiff manner. " I cannot say I have any. Still . there aro two things_" - " And they are ?" eagerly interFnpted the young inquirer. " 1 did without ice in summer and did my own plumbing in winter." Twenty thousand ward have boon added to the English.language in the department of biology alone since Darwin's disooveriee. The number of these words will be appro. oiated when it is considered that .an ordinarily well•odncatcd man's Vocabulary ire made up of only about fifteen tlonsand 'Words. .. r It is difficult!' to bear with a friend's infirmities, when yon have to Ing him home Oh one of his off nights. Ex-Qncen Ieabella,of Spaingrows-fatter and fatter with her advanding years. Muoh of -,her -time -is now given-np to religion and to works of charity. HURRY AND WORRY. The American Race for Life and Grab for Fortunes. The average American is a unique ani- mal, says the New York Herald. He has peculiarities which seem to indicate a divergent species of the genus home ; marked , oharaotel;istios which set him apart from his kind ; a hopefulness which renders him venturesome, -a dash, an, audacity and an environment which force him to disregard traditions and conven- tioneli•tiefr end make him something of an anomaly. gym. Ao." ,fl -•f�n� �' -,ea �,..,,�.�.,k .- crea,,.,,��yy� 6ar'el`, on tie planet ; is positive in beliefs and daring in hie enterprise ; never learned the meaning of the " impossible," and is simply angered roueed by difficulties. Hie great misfortune ie over -cerebral Hie brain eeethee, boils,: bubblers. $ impatient, wants the railroad train to tr fifty miles an hour without stopping, dr ' *e_heaeee ani ;_. effi ti& mi ion, a eine at a mil million, and saonres as mnoh of that ag gate as he can, is charmed with lightn because it always "gets there," and with rolling thunder beoanee it means basin He admires enooeee so much that he doe ask Any questions as' to how it was aohiev s conservative in religion, but would 1 o have it confine itself to the limits Sunday and not intrude too familiarly i he affairs of the week. a,He is in an everlaeting hurry, whitt nt hie plans for the future while prate ng to be asleep in the cradle, and at 1 amps out of the world as though he h eceived a telegram from the Celestial C o come at once. This mode of life tells on him. Hie rain makes the hair drop and his he fter a while resembles a billiard ball w wo fiery sparks for eyes. He disdain ig because he is Bo engaged in const honght that he might get it on wro nd to or. in the scurry of business mig lip it round until the parting rano fro ar to ear. He hates to look ridicule ud so goes bald rather than trust to t ossible disastere whioh false hair entai The stimulus which keeps him •at hi reesure is in the air The_000leat..blood an catches the epidemic of rush and pita of himself Leoomes breathless wi xoitement. A foreigner who'was hlegmatio that he only winked once a d rolled down Brdadway,a while sinoe,loo g into the windows. The crowd joet! im. Gradually he caught the infeotio ermine restless and began to hurry. H It liikea_eaon_lorse on -the= -track --an ruck a terrific gait. He had nothing , was a gentleman of leienre with th hole day before him, but the mnititnd pnotized him. He wanted to go som here, anywhere, and to get there right b t last he brought up at the Fulto rry, was bound to be the first o ard, tipped over a poor apple woman' and bat ooaldn't stop to remedy the mis rtnne, edged his way to the front of th at, gazed at Brooklyn as Columbus di 'the new-found land, jumped aehor tirely out of breath and suddenly retnem red that he had nothing to do and ha en doing it a breakneck rate. It was the air, the crowd, the genera elle, eagerness and rivalry which wor m out and sent him to bed for sleep an et. His blood Boiled, hie nerves wer gling, he was in a; fever. We a get need t at kind of life. and don't recognize th 1 that we are like a conflagration, the e body is always on fire, with smoke mes, crackling timbers °and a Dakota zzard inside of ns. Then comes dyepep , we -wonder why, and we are as. Groes as re ; or rheumatism, and the Lord help ryone who speaks of ns ; or the gout, en our enforced idlenees fills as with a meant desire to break the furniture ; or alyeie or apoplexy, when we drop out of procession and give younger men a nee to go and do likewise. What we d in this country is more fun`and more eioal exercise. Dollars look so big to that we would jump across the bottom - pit to grab them and run the risk of ing in. We think too much of money too littlae of lite; keep piling up a sur- e and then die before we have a chance njoy it,get a oraze for cash until at last oare more for it than it is worth. hen we get to be older as a nation we 11 kava more holidays, more excursions, ice, sports and leisure. Work is good, too much of it is doom. We don't gh enough, take lite too serionely, have en appetite for enjoyment, but can't rd the time to gratify it. he best ' rule, if you want to live long be happy, is to take all the pleasure oan as you go along, and even hent for there is none in sight. It is -better to man than to be a mere money sack, a thousand times better to spend some cyst earnings on yourself than leave it o your children, who 'will probably bay boggan with it and elide to the devil. hie has word and ion. e is revel i ves lion gre- g the e68. snit ed; Ike of nto les nd- ast ad ity hot ad ith ea ant ng ht t t 0 x t b w 1 e e e a P P m e e P et in h b fe et do w by w A fe bo et fo bo at en be be bu hi re tin th foo th fla bli sir bea eve wh ra par the oha nee phy ns' Imre fall and pin to e w W sha pion but lang ke' affo T and you it if be a and of all t a in Lis he le. gh ed - in th BO, ay k- ed n, e to e e o- ff. n n e d e d 1 e d e 0 e t • British Book Trade. Statietioe of the British book trade for 1890 show the total of new books to be, 4,414, and of now editions 1,321, making a total . of 5,735. Thier however, doer not reach the number recorded .in 1889, when 4,694 new hooka and 1,373 new editions, or a total of 0,067 works were published. The 4,414 new books are divided into 14 °laesee, and the numbers under the several heads are given as follows a Novels, tales and other works of fiction, 831 ; educational, olaesioal and philologioal, 615 ; theology,' sermons, oto., 555 • juvenile wore and tales, 443 ; year books and serials in vol- umes, 318; history, biography, eto., 294 ; voyages, travels and geographical rosearob, 188 ; belles lettres, neva, monographs, etc., 171 ; medicine, surgery, ele., 143 ; poetry and the drama, 114 ; political and social economy, trade and commerce, 87 ; arts, science° and illustrated works, 54 ; law, jnrieprndenoe, oto., 40 ; and misoelle- neons, inolnding pamphlets, 511. -Mies Ava Willing, of Philadelphia, whom John Jacob Astor, jr , is to wed on the 17th of the present month, is a very pretty 'tittle girl of seventeen, with dark brown hair, largo eyes, a straight nose and a disposition of unnenal sweetness. Mr. Astor is not at all handsome, and yet it would not quite stop a olook for him to look at it ; nor is he brilliant. It is are scoot in Paris twice as many o fitted by' persons between the eiggos-of 15 and .20,ao by those between 20 and 40. St SHIM* BREEDBRS Meet to Discuss their Intereete and .Elect Officers. The annual meeting of the Ontario Sheep Breedere' Association was held in the parlor of Shaftesbury Hall, Toronto, yesterday, commencing at 1 p. m. The President, Mr.. R. Miller, occupied the chair. The fiat 'easiness was the election of officers, which resulted as follows : Pre- sident, R. Miller, Brougham (re-elected) ; Vice -President, Jenee Ra .li, Riabn,uutt Hill; Seoretary, F. W. Hudson, London ; Treasurer, Frank R. Shgre, ,- �7� lest r , riG�l Aa3{iy, LLn qq},,, i„ T '. •�aa�uv`v:'�t�ti�re �i�t`o"n�'l�rove, Shropehires; John ,Jackson, Abingdon, Southdowns ; John Kelly, Shakespeare, Leioesters ; J. C. Snell, Edmonton; Cots- wolds ; Rook • Bailey, Union, Merinos ; Wm. Walker, Elderton, Lincolns ; John Leesell, Port Credit, Horned,Dorsete; John Geary, London, Lino:ina James Tolton, Walkerton, Oxford Downs. On the motion of Alf. Brown, Bethel, a r�esaoInntt_irn was later` d t.(7Y i sheep record now in operation by the Agri- culture and Arte Associations, and provid- ing that any other sheep reoord established by the request of the breeders of any class of sheep called together by the members of the board for said breed be 6ndoreed by the mace:dation. On the motion of Mr. R. Marsh, eeoonded by A. Telfer,. it was resolved that whereas the fees now charged by the American Sonthdown Association for recording sheep, viz., $1 on all eheep or lambs. and $5 for imported animals, are excessive ; and that the fee for recording sheep should not exceed $1, and for Ameri- oan-bred, when eire and dam are recorded in the year in whioh they are yeaned, should not exceed 50 cents. 'It was advis- able that a committee be appointed to' establish a record in Canada, and decide on the best methods of conducting a flock - book. The committee was appointed cm - slating of Messrs. John Jackson, T. C. Douglas and Robert Shaw. - Two Remarkable Steamers. The Liverpool Journal of commerce calls attention to what it justly describers as among the most remarkable triumphe of marine..engineering •-when- it 'recorder -the recent performances of the White Star steamers, the Britannio and Germanic. "Although these vessels are nearly 17 years old, and have been in continuous commis- sion, they not only maintain their position, as first-olase mail steamers, but have actually increased their speed. Bearing in mind," says the Journal of Commerce, " the _trying -nature -of the -Atlantic -trade; -ercd- the consequent wear and tear of the maohinery of the vessels engaged in it, the owners and builders of these vessels may well and justly take pride in them, a modern ocean steamer is usually more or leas obsolete after ten years' service, but the Britannic and Germanio are evidence of the truth, which we frequently urge, that it pays in the long run to maintain a vessel in the highest poesible. state of efficiency. For our part, and we think that all who know anything of the enbjeot will agree with us, the recent performances of the Britannic and Germanio, considering the ages of the vessels, are among the moat remarkable triumphs of marine engineering; If we remember aright, both vessels are running with their original engines and boilers, and such has been the exoese of strength given to these latter that, in spite of their age, the pressure is but little it any reduced in them. We cannot, however, speak with certainty on this point." For Glib Talkers to Try. These are a few of the jaw -breaking chemical terms used in an article in the American Chemical Journal : Trimethylquinoneoarboxylio acid. P-diamidodurylio acid. Paradicblorgninededimalonio ether. Peradiamidoquinodedimalonio ether. Penciller hydroxygninone. Dibromquinoneterephthalio ether. Snooinylosuooinie ether. Benzoquinoneoarboxylio acid. Paradiohlorhydregninone d im lo n i ether. ' Too Much Curiosity. " What two beautiful children! Are they twine? " said an old baohelor to an Anetin lady with two children. - " Oh, yes, they are twins," replied the lady. , " Excuse my cariosity, madam, but are yon the mother of both of them ? " A Mein. for the Travelling Seller. Nothing commends a road man,•,or any other man, more to his employers than a carefully inourred and a otirefnlly itemized expense account. Some excellent mon feel above details, but the firm whose Dash I needed to liquidate details has a right both to inspect and reject. -.The Carpet Trade Journal. Different. Buffalo News : 1 " I haven't any sym- pathy with you," snapped oat Mrs. Brown. " Experience never teaches yon anything. Here's the second time you ° have fallen down the cellar." - " What are yon talking about;" growled the old man, rubbing his shins. • " Didn't we move since then and ain't this a differ- ent cellar ?" From tho,Oity. - New York Herald : Deacon Hardeorab. ble, to passenger requiring three seats for himself and baggage -Yon are from the city, I preaume ? Mr. Shoat -Yes ; how did you know it ? Deaoon Hardscrabble-Oh, we butchered our country hogs three months ago 1 A Case of Emergency. New York Sun : " After you have mixed the •batter far your angel cake what do you do ?" asked the caller. " I telephone for the doctor," said Ethel, " melees the oake is being made for the church fair." - A. tickets henovel'. n he takes ayoung ys for womanthe to the theatre. The lady's father attends to that and considers' himself insulted if the young man propene to pay the ,way.. Perfume, pangente and powders are put Up in the finest..ot. out -glace bottles with ei ver stoppers and.. cold,,.oroansie, pile had - balms are packed in jogs of Dresden china with silver tope. CONSULAR ORDRES. AU Exports to the United States to be Marked With tke Place of Origin. The following is an extract from a oom- mariioation received by U. 8. Cgqnsui Monaghan .this morning from the Treas- ury Department at Washington: " On and after Maroh 1st, 1891, all articles of foreign menufaotare, such as are initially or ordinarily marked, stamped, branded or labelled, and all packages containing such or other imported areiolee shall, re- spectively, be marked, stamped, branded or la �i>�tad as' �.4.� _..,'Ira'-c�.-.•lf. zeteeeateitae indicate the country of their origin, and unless so marked, stamped, ,branded or labelled, they shall not be admitted to entry." " The Treasury Department has also sent out a circular to the several consulates impressing on consular offioere the• fact that as no dutiable merchandise can be permitted free entry, by mail or otherwise, o r printed matter, as provided for by pertain postal treaties, and enob merohan- diee is not entitled to entry at the Custom House, but is sabjeot to forfeiture on arrival in the United States." Referring to the above, the U. S. Consul stated that people who sent gifts to friends across the line and were surprised at their not receiving the same would understand the fate of the intended Christmas and Now Year's presents. Spring Assizes, 1891. ARMoun, C. J. Brantford • Tuesday • 10th March GuBerlin ph Tuesday17th March Stratford Tuesday 24th March Tuesday .31st March Simcoe , Monday 6th April Cayuga Thursday,.,.., ......9th April Welland Monday Hamilton.... ril Monda2th Aprilp ROBE, J. a Brockville— ... ...... Monday Cornwall , Tuesday 17th March Kingston......... Monday - 23rd March Napanee...»-.,, Monday , 30th March Picton Monday... ... .........6th April Belleville Monday ' 13th April Whitby Monday.—.. .........27th April Cobourg Monday ...4th May FALCONnRIDOE,d ......9th March • Waadstook"a. • St. Thomas Monday, arch 16th March Walkerton ...... .,....Monday - 23rd Mareh London..,.,.„ Monday 30th March Goderich Mor. day................13th April Sarnia Monday 20th April Chatham Monday ..,,,,. 27th April . Sandwich Wednesday 6th May MACMAHON, J. Barrie Monday...— . 9th March Owen Sound Monday,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,23rd Mare vindsay ylondaY 30th March Peeterboro' Monday 6th April Perth Monday 13th April Pembroke— ,,, ......Tuesday 21st April L'Orianal ' Monday... 27th April Ottawa Thursday 30th April STREET, J. Toronto—Civil Court Monday'......„, ...... 9th March Toronto—Criminal Court Monday 20th April Milton Monday........... 27th April Brampton Thursday 3 St. CatharinesMonday4th 4th Orangeville Monday lith -Ma Y The Ring. Paddy Brennen, of Buffalo, and Jimmy Higgins, champion of Quebec, fought a finish battle a short distance from Termite Friday night: The affair had been all prearranged and so oarefnlly planned that the Toronto police never suspected any- thing wrong. The stakes were $200 a side. The men wore ordinary kid gloves. The Qnebeo man wee never in it He was • terribly pounded about the face, while I Brennan's injuries were all on his body. IIII Higgins was made a veritable chopping block and was knocked down every round. The fight was Queensberry rules. It was in the fifth round that Brennan's seconds claimed the fight as Higgins' was barely able to respond. The Quebec man revived after the seventh and showed some fight. He failed to re- spond for :the fourteenth and his seconds threw up the sponge. Pani Pattillo was the only Toronto man present. He was one of Brennan's seconds. The referee was • a Hamilton man. Some of the speotators belonged to Montreal, but the majority hailed from Buffalo.. - Why his Wife is "Fidgety." I have the best nook in the town, Whose bread is delicious and white ; Her coffee is fragrant and brown, - Her pastry a perfect delight. But she daily compla'ns of the worry they bring— She's my own darling wife, but a fidgety thing Your wife is worn out, and needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the only medicine, guaranteed to onre 'debilitated women. How many overworked American ladies we see with lank -lustre eyes and hag- gard faces, growing old before their time, from those exhausting ailments that men know nothing of. They can be permanently cured by this remedy, as numberless grate- ful women will attest. Price refunded, if.e it fails .to giveatisfaotion in every. case. See guarantee printed on bottle -wrapper. Chicago News ; Florence -The idea of slaying you were only 23. Bessie-Yon�torget mamma told as that it is always better to underrate than to ,ex - aggerate,.my dear. Babies and young ohildren 'dressed in white are thought by medical men to be more susceptible to colds and infections diseases then those clad in dark, warm . colors. The greater quantity of hair from whidh wigs are made for Englend'e , judges, lawyers and clergymen comes from China, where it is out from the heads of beggars, oriminels and the dead. - STABBING IN THE CENTRAL. The Italian, Damaceo, Before the Toronto Pollee Magistrate. week stabbed Damaceo, the. Italian who last R4 stabbed George Mulholland, of Ham- ilton, a fellow convict in the Central Pri. son, was brought before Magietrate Denieon yesterday morning by Warden Massie, and was arraigned on a charge of felonious wounding. He admitted having etabbed Mulhollaed, but naked for an adjournment until Tuesday, that he may see a lawyer. It ie understood he s � ll...nf o � . � arJs< :m-4- tl! Qat f� ;dl,l ndxatie' IYiYii116116nn'' term .,Iinieh to. day. 4 A Love Song in M Flat. "My modest, matchless Madeline I Mark my melodine midnight moans Much may my melting music mean— ° illy modulated monotones." This young man stayed out too late, ser- enading'hie lady love. He can ht �d _ T /G�fi3`� i r�i1r�V �L fi., Udfi `r�0 -ee:.2SLT it with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, a 'sovereign specific for chronic oases', " Cold in the head," Catarrhal Headaohe. It correots thotainted breath, stops the offen- sive discharges, heals the irritated throat - and nose, leaving the head clear, and emell and taste unimpaired: It poets but 50 centre, and tho proprietors offer in good faith $500 for a case they cannot onre. Ontario Appointments. The following appointments have been gazetted : W. J. Kidd, of Ottawa, and Dud- ley Holmee, of Goderiob, to be notaries public ; John C. MoNab; of the town of Barrie, to be clerk of the First Division Court of the County of Simooe. Lettere patent have been issued incorporating the Toronto Suspender Manufacturing Co.,. (limited), with a capital stook of $25,000; The Torofito Mining Association, (limited), of Toronto; with a capital stook of $3,000 ; and the Standard' Electric Company of Ottawa, with a capital stook of $250,000. " Yes 2 Yes !" " There 2 There 2 The switoh-room of 'London's big tele- phone system is in Cannon street. Some 6,000--subseribers-are-a000mmodeted: ' "The' week -day force of awitohere in the central room consists of thirty-two young women. There are no call -bells in the exchange -the shutters sot instead.; but the noise of ' thirty-two girls simultaneously calling out, " Yes ! Yes ! " " There 1 There!" in a loud voice is prodigious., one Strange Misnomers. Much of the Russia leather comes from Conneotiout,Bordeaux wine California, Italian marble from Kentucky, French lace from New York; and Spanish mackerel from the New Jersey coast; Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medical Disoovery comes from Buffalo, N. Y., but there is nothing in its name to criticise for it ie truly golden in valve, as thousands gladly testify, Con- sumption is averted' by its use, and it has wrought many positive cures. It corrects torpid liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, banishes dyspepsia and scrofula, renews the lease of life, and tones up the system as nothing else will do. What is more, it is guaranteed to 40 all this, or the price is re- funded. - Newspaper Announcements The editor! of the Boonville Speculate takes pleasure in submitting the following circulation comparison : Average number of copies printed weekly : 1889-10. 1890-150. Gains for year, 1,400 per cent I FF Sworn to before me this day. I - ANANIAS DBOPDED, Notary Public. The Marquis of Lorne has turned novel writer. • Mr. A. McMeans, of Brantford, was of those slightly injured in the C. P. R. - run off at Schreiber on Wednesday; D.O.NL8.91 —`— i-; BEST COUGH MEDICINE. !MOLD B7 DRUGGISTS EVERTW1'I1;RE. -toi Vi.e,-t CHRONIC - COUGH NOW! For if you do not it may become con- sumptive. For Consumption, Scrofula,. General Debility and Wasting Diseases, there Is nothing 1.ko Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and • HYPOPHOSPHITES i>•f T,im c, -car,z iiod.s. a It ie almost as palatable es milk. Far better than other so-called Emulsions. A wonderful fleshsproducer. SCOTT'b EMULSION i8 put alp in a salmon calm trapper. Be sure and flet the frau;,,.-. .S„lrl by all, Dealers at 50e. and .!alar. SCOTT .c now ��k Ill ; 'Eta ,..r 4 CURF TO 'TIIE FAIITOTL:—Pleace inform yo,fr renders that 1 have a positive remedy f . oe: named disease. By its timely use thourau<Is of h.�i.i .e,s , uses have been oermanentiy alfa 1 :Auldbe glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRCS' to any of your readers who nave sumption ifthey will send me their Express and Post Office Address. P; espectfuTh'. T. 4.814 'OA Wont Adataidue rt.. VORONTO. ONTARIO. tzmulIMITINNEMINEITIMEtteNne=sre=e0MerernT 1t4 ` - USARDS OF BOTTLES WEN 1'i .:AY YEARLY. G When 1 say Curs' I do not me$ i" merely to ctr.p them for a time, andtlt*�q iiave them retu,'ri again- iJ.P. t 4MM A 6tA C i CA ti CURE. lb ye made the disease of F1 l•pltoPF ©r,•Falli_ttir st,t„d, . �i eeray.r.r:�.S1^ t•+ remedy to-Cuaro •ydot'sf cases. Because others v- i Y e Y e s ha o failed is no reason for not now receiving a r? r Once for aa u x Send treatise and a - i're® E2c#tto o m f tr+Paliitrlo Remedy. gg Y o Qd Gird Expre.... v p 1Post Office, It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure Myos'. Address a,1, ;t[10*' telS1a. terrench Otiicci,. 136 WCF•”' [tt1DCIJU`DC ttTREE ri TonoN to. • 1