Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-06, Page 3TEA TABLE eossFP A TOAST. Here's to you and yours, Prom us and ours, In the hope that we ant ours May have it in our powers To do for you and yours As you and yours Have done for us and pure.. A LITTLE TCO PRACTICAL. hovQ May be foolish, but lovaknows better Than to have any faith in a type written letter Are you looking out for Hasler days? Is souk watchword to economize Just hee d then, what ourset net says, Y. At once begin to advertise) J IT TIPPING} TUB HAT. Paris Bets a New Faphion—W111 All the Works Follow Y With the new year comes the actual beginning of. a .reyellitipilin 0o0i4 And, polite affairs, sage et Petrie oebiegram: There have been threats of reform and change in many eooial customs, and we have -had it upon the tapie at sundry times to do away with several exaeedingly foolish and awkward oeremonies in vogue between the refined membere of what is gree Cully d:uit ed to ba "aooietey." And th Axeae been b e n nohabit ab more tale selese and d with lase reason. than that A S r.. �! moi: ^'T� .. �•:. :.:..-.��.r:. '�-ri. 'TS.�T:,. {, .aY' t�.ts•YLuZ�.L*i,m L,iC..W�t°S"Y6L^ai�GYL'n'. head upon every meeting with a female acquaintance. Heaven only knoive where such a stupid and 'such an awkward cot reoeived its origin. It has arbitrarily controlled the men and supposed to rank en a mark of the gentleman, for as many years bank as history extends, despite the colds it hae oaused, the bald heade it has exposed and the infinite trouble and em• -- nntenetenotsere giving to the winds badly attached toupees • that -disappeared around one corner, while their discomfited owners took refuge from the street's laughter around another. So now, it is said, we are to do away with this sort of thing, and the sensible and' simple substitute that prevails in 1 Oriental countries is to be adopted. That mode ooneists in placing the right hand lmpreseively over the heart and bending the head alightly forward, se as to make a noticeable, bat not extravagant obeisance. Progress hae been made in this reform -to such :an extent that many gentlemen now ,just touch the rim of a hat, a la militaire, when meeting a lady,, and it is accepted'ete being a good form. His Revenge. "Ha You refuse mo, do you, Mise Hamtagg ?" "I do, Mr. MoStab," said the young lady, coldly. " Then listen to me, Rachael Pliokergy Hamtagg, he hiseed. " I swear you shall bitterly repent it!" Wild whistled the bleak wind. Dismally moaned the huge elm tree that reaped and -aoratehed--iteelt--againet •the --cruel- edges of the shingles of the cornice, and gran-; tamely groaned Algernon Fitz -Thompson MoStab, as he stole forth in the dead of night to the ancestral smoke -house in. the bank yard. " I'l1 show her !" he muttered between hie teeth. • From beneath his coat, he drew a come pent bundle of lettere, out the string that. bountintherct—tegetiler, dta mac , made a bonfire of the collection, and watched them slowly consume to ashes. He was burning .loiters written in hap- pier days to Rachael Hanrtegg. She had returned them to him. w * * * * " This is to endden," said the widow, blushingly, and so unexpected. I—I thought your visite to our house were for -.,-_the parpoee-of seeing rny--daughtea" She is too young," replied the visitor decidedly. " I told her so last evening. We parted in a friendly spirit ; but I gave her to understand as delicately as I could that I should not call to see her any more. This is sudden, it is true, but I trust none the less agreeable. May I not venture to hope ?" Why, sir, I--" " And now, my.dear," he said, at the ex, piration of a happy half hour, as he gently lifted her head from his shoulder, " I should like to see your—or perhaps I ought now to say our—daughter, to tell her of. this happy event." Shall I call her ?" " If you please, my dear." "Riottael," said Algernon Fitz -Thomp- son MoStab, pleasantly, " you will be glad to know, I daresay, that I am to be your father. That is all we wished to say to her, was it not, my love ? You may go, Rachael. Please close the door, my ahild, as you go out."—Chicago Tribune. SOI1tNTIff10 LIBUNHS. Disgraoefu Seenee at the Baagnet in Berlin *the Medical Congress. The Medical and Surgical Reporter, Philo- delphia, tate the following_ in the Novem- ber number, from ite Berlin correspondent: " The disgraceful scenes at the banquet given by the pity pf Berlin to the Medical Congress were recently' the tonin of die- enBeion in council. 4 °hies lt:Min called ' the medical eohaetzenfest,' and empha- sized the waste of money. He was not alto- gether wrong. i'he money spent by the oity tor the Rathans banquet, was really enormous, and the result was the total -°an o sbti'',rfns"i `iagfe liana `etnrtx>iriigeV of the profession. I regret to say that the bigger theman the more he was inebriated. On a professor whose nameis a household word all 'over the medioal world artificial respiration was praotioed for almost an hour, and another professor• who has revolutionized one of the • most import- ant of medioal branches had a bad out in his head, the result of a fall. A French nnanentenereenteenenvenentrantotennernernmeennen nowned by (fighting intemperance through exposure of the injury inflicted upon the orgauiern byaloahol was unable to spell his own name. By a queer coincidence I aleo saw two men hugging eaoh other who are kuown as irreconcilable antagonists in science, one a leader of- German baoterio- loentte and the other a web known Paris Errofeaaor who does not believe in bacilli.' • Our Friends the Enemy, Burke's soul would have . been tried beyond endurance had he been charged with checking the settlement of a new country by resisting the imposition of exorbitant taxes and transportation rates upon the pioneer ; or, as in the case of the National Policy, of oaneing an increase ill the cost of living by urging the Government riot to hand the people over to the tender mercy of the combines. The truth is the Government is bankrupt of. anything like sane and coherent argil went. From day to day its press rendere the average Tory dizzy by enunciating such propositions as these : That free trade wi'h the States would be ruinous to the farmers of South m Victoria and of On• tari a a large but jest the thing for those of Nepierville and Quebec ; that we could not make anything out of it because the Yankee prodeots are similar to our own, elthotietn our inter -Provincial trade 18 booming in spite of a greater similarity ; that the N. P. does not inoreaee the price of manufactures, inasmuch as they were darer tett pr twenty years ago, neverthe• eleenebeeVenkee factorise woriid hapeleiisly undersell ours if the materna barrier were remev: d ; that the McKinley tariff does not affect the Canadian shipper to the States, yet the old man acted -with consummate wisdom in repealing the export duty en loge to obtain for Canadian lumbermen the benefit of a reduced American duty on sawn ping ; that two home industries are better than one for the Comedian farmer, but two free markets, the United States in ...Jt -ion to Englund, wonritinet ise'S'eendird- as one, etc., eto.—from toll of which it follows that the Grits are a base crew, and that the N. P. is tridmphantjy vindioated. This is a fair sample of the intelleotual provender• supplied to a dazed party, that plus the constant shriek about " raining the flag " and " hoisting , the banner " by way of concealing the hoisting and raising of the taxes that go to enrioh the vulgar oligarchy which has bought and paid for the tariff -making power.—Toronto Globe. Diverse Dlborce Laws. The °vile of marriage and divorce grow- ing out of the conflicting laws of the several states have long claimed public attention. It ie possible for a marriage valid in one State to b3 invalid in another ; for persons to be divorced in one and bound in another ; for a woman to be a lawful wife in one and not in another ; for children to be legiti- mate in one and illieitimate in another ; for persona to bo lawful heirs in one and without rights of inboritanoe in another. These are evils for which the remedy is not easy and has long been sought in vain. Tho most effective remedy ,, would bo a national, uniform- law of marriage and divorce. Such a law can come only from Ark Congress after being empowered by a con- stitutional amendment to enact it. In lien of this, concurrent action by the several State legislatures has been urged—each Adopting a similar code, of marriage and divorce law. Tho outlook for the realize. tion of this reform is not very promising.. —New York Herald. ,. In Chicago, the Great. �t Chicago Knights Templars' ball the fine total of $10 000 was scored for charity. An indoor game of baseball the other night netted $2,000 for the Chicago News- boys' and Bobtblaoke' Home. ' Western avenue, Chicago, isiwenty•fonr miles long. Halsted street in the same pity is twenty one end a halt miles long. Chicago has become the Great Smoky. " As seen from the Auditorium towel," says the Tribune, " the city looks to be one blaok eraudge." .The Duke of Bedford, *hose death is announced, name of a family that was enriched by the reckless munificence of Henry VIII., and at his death owned estates in eight oountiee, -besides valuable properties in the heart of London. Unlike some of hie brother pintoorate, however, he was a man of bra -ins and high attain - menta. The passenger train on the Denver & Rio Grande, due at Salida, Col., at 3 o'clock yesterdtay morning, wen (Meyod until noon by the wreck of a freight train near Howard Saturday night, in which several care were domoliehed. Two tramps were killed and Brakeman Stales fatally injured. Opposite Effects. • Clothier and Furnisher ; Mrs. Simeral— Mr.Jayemith winked very crooked. Siuleril—Ycaf- hn°s_ --..bem taking, tool, many whiskey straights. Your Name by Magic. By use of the table given below you oa ascertain the name of any person or plane providing the rules below the lettere diagram are strictly observed : l' A B. D.........H P - C C • E. I Q E F F J R G G G K 8 I I L 1, T Kc K M M U M N N N V O 0 0 0 W Q.......:.11 - T X • X Ei S.. 15 Z Y U Y v- Y Z w W.. ..W Y Z Haves.he person whose name you win to know inform you in which of the uprigh columna the first letter of ibm enae is Cen- t ained. ontained. I1,1.1 is found in but one column it is the top letter i if it occurs in mor than one column, it is found by adding tbe alphabetical numbers of the top lettere o the columns in which it is to be found, th sum being,the number of the letter sought. By taking one letter at a time, in the wet outlined above, the whole word or nam may he spelled out. Take the word Jan for exesmple J is found in two columns beginning with B and H, whioh are th second and eighth letters down the alpha- bet ; their sum is ten, and the. tenth letter clown the alphabet is J, the letter sought. The next letter, A, appears in but one column, the first, where it sttnds at the bead. N is seen in the column headed B, D and H, which are the second, fourth end eighth lettere of the alphabet ; added they give the fourteenth, or N, and so on.— St. Louis Globe•Demoerat. n , d h t e t e y e e 0 . Novelist Westale. William Westale, the novelist, Iivee' at High Standing, Loughton, and is a Lanca- shire man. He was borne in 1835. Jn appearance he -was slight and elim, ab nt 5 feet 5 inches high, with grayish hair, much bewrinkled forehead, . bright blue eyes, straight nose, a soft, silky, grayish beard, whioh would delight an eastern oadi. He speaks very clearly and emphati- cally, and it is evident that he has eC good deal of reserve force. When describing a scene hie eyes light up, and you cannot fail . to feel that lin is seeing the whole thing as he apelike. He has a great fund of humor, and every now and then some quaint little story comes out. Ho practi- cally began to write stories when he was in his teens. Then he contributed to the local papers. Helen Gardener, author of "Is Thie Your Son, My Lord ? " the novel which is erecting Buoha furor in the Haut, is abbot 30 years old. She is a really beautiful woman, a little above medium height, of well-ronnded iroportione, with an in- tellectual face, deep brown eyes, fall red lips and high, broad forehead. She r ossessee radical views and ie a terse,. strong writer. " Stepniak," in Russian, .moans" Ben of Taepp9'lia,, . . TURNED ON TUE OAR, And His Dead Body was Found Lying on the Bed. Frank Birdsall, a well-known resident of C,harleeton, came to Toronto Monday with J. L. bodde of the Game place to purchase b{yoke for the library there. They put up at the Revere House. Yesterday morning Dodds called at Birdsaire room and told bim that it was nearly train tine. Birdsall came to the door, said he did not feel very wt l and would not go home until night: Dodds accordingly went home &lone and irdsall l3 la down again. n About noon one of the t 0 lr R Std iorair 'e e d.-.>Q.'ana d� JHii [j1- �ieto'onti p a aid`s oat's attention to it. . couple of hours later one of the chamber- maids informed the proprietor that gas was escaping somewhere, and, being inves- tigated, it was traced to Birdcall's room. The door was looked and had tote broken open, which being done Birdeall'e dead body was found lying partly dressed on the bed. It is supposed Birdsall aooidentally turned the mon after tnrninait nt% -rave e i ' an won have been unlikely to have blown it out. Deceased was about 60 years of age, married, and. hae a" family. He was en- gaged in farming at Charleston, to which plane his remains wore removed this morn- ing for interment. A. number of his friends and relatives arrived in the city last evening. Did Ethel Tell the Truth ? Buffalo. News : Mand—George proposed. to me last night. Ethel—He told me you were next on hie list when I refuted him last week. 11 Rochester Herald: The Troy Press ad- vises girls to marry during this month—if they get a °hence. The Pope was able to leave his bed yes- terday.. Tononeo's new direotory gives it a poen. ation of 225,000. A Bellamy colony in California, after spending $100,000 on- permanent improve- ments, finds itself on National Park land. . In the newly remodeled house of Chsan= oey Depew there are no carpets. Through- out, the floors ,are of hardwood, covered with Origental rugs. Preachers should remember that Satan is loose every day in the year, and that one sermon a week will not hurt him much. The laws of New Hampshire forbid tit execution i f a condemee murderer within year of the-dete-of-hin-senis There are moments when the funny man thinks of the undertaking business as a wildly hilarious life of indolent pleaenre. Mr. Parnell is the author of a play known es " Shamrook Green," which for five years has enjoyed great favor in Australia, and, which has netted its proprietor nearly £5,000. • A. M. Wright, of Alma, Mioh., disputes 1T A "wi�l ger`the title -cif'-' rtit hest mon in Michigan." He is a lumber dealer and is known far and wide in the State for his eccentricities. The Regent, Queen Christina, of Spain is seriously .ill withcatarrhal fever. For this reason the usual. State Council was not held to -day, and the State reception which was to have taken place to -day is postponed. A traveller in the Orient saysthat.- th belles of the East aro neually old women a 20. They marry, as a rule, at 13. Th girl whose miters are most numerates granting that her dowry is sufficient, is th girl of fat and "dumpy" figure, moon face brown eyes and fair hair. Mrs. Hndwig Anderson, of Brooton, Mass., yesterday gave morphine to her three children, aged 5, 4 and 2 years, and took some herself. All four are dying. A• medium told Mrs. Anderson that her hue - band was keeping company with other women, and she resolved to commit eni- oide. Gilbert Rose, of the fourth oonoession of T,yendinaga Township, dropped dead last night while sitting in his ohair conversing with several members of hie household. He had just . walked home from a tea meeting in the Salem Methodist Oharoh, and was feeling in exoellent spirits. The deceased was 62 years of age. e t e e' One of Queen Victoria's granddaugbte:'s will probably. sit on a throne soon. It is stated that King Charles•of Roumania is about to abdicate in favor of his elder brother's son, Prince Ferdinand. And the latter is engaged•to marry Princess Mary, the duke of Edinburgh's eldest daughter. At the Berlin Charity Hospital yeeterde y Professor Sonneburg exhibited' a eaneump- tive patient whole the doctors had cut open ,in order the Koch lymph might be in• jeoted in the cavity in a diseased lung. The professor said the patient,who was in an advanced stage of the disease, had been making rapid progress towards recovery since the operation was performed. This is the first case in which a patient has been Operated upon with the knife for the pun pose of injecting the lymph. Mortuary statistics for December, just compiled in the Department of Agrionitnre, show 429 deaths in Montreal, or 1.84 per thousand ; Toronto, 241, 'or 1.35 per therm - and ; Quebec, 159, or 2 37 per theasand ; Hamilton, 1 35 per thousand Ottawa, 1 31; London, 1.07 ; Brantford, .84 ; - Guelph, 104 Woodstock, .54 ; Galt, .54; ; In To. ronto there were 13 deaths from diphtheria rectorded, and 15 from typhoid fever, 5 from cancer and 12 from old age. On Wednesday Henry , Greaves, of Piste• burg, near Kingston a farmer, went to a rented farm on the Middle road to feed cattle. In the afternoon a son went over to bring his father back. The old gentle man was found i'n the barn lying on the floor end quite dead. His glasses wcre'on his eyes and a book was beside him. He hid been taken ill while reading. Some time ago ho suffered from heart affection, but his health recently has been vary good. Ha was about 60 years old. M. Gladstone has telegraphed the fol lowing reply to a correspondent at Hartle. pool, who wired his congratulations : "The election .is from the time and airmen - Ammons by far the most important since 1886. The limits of a telegram preelnde giving my full meaning, but all most see that the simple figures of the poll re• duce to duet and einem the declarations of Lord Salisbury, Sir henry Janree, Mr. Goeoliee And the Dello of Westminster upon what they dell reoeni events.'' • at $2,608,000. —Parsee girls are crowding into the Bombay Univereity. , —Men who are failures to date will easily get the time extended. —Many an angelic nature is warped and dwarfed by physical Buffering. —They eay, that the Russian name of Bt. —If it weren't so hard to be good there wouldn't be so much credit in it. —To be great your opportunity must arise while the world is looking on. —" Mies Highcee sang that ' Cradle Song' delightfully; didn't she ?" " Yee, indeed ; it made my foot go to sleep." —" So your wife has left yon ?" " She hae." What were her last words •on leav- ing you ?" " Is my hat on straight ?" —Mrs. Blaine is the ttallest of the ladies of the U. S. Cabinet, and Mrs. Noble is the shortest, the latter being only five feet in height. —She—I say, pet, what calamity would give you the most pain ? He—A,e I idolize my wife, I should most of all regret her being left a widow. A Maine woman who once secured a pension as the widow of her first husband is now seeking similar aid as the widow of -her second hasbauel. —One of the most petted pieces of fur- niture in the modern drawing -room is a chair or sofa upholstered in embroidered cream -colored satin. —" I 'hear you've been~getting married." " Yes-" Whom did you marry ? " Milly Jones, her mother, her step -father and two maiden aunts." — When you find a men who believes in an old-fashioned fire and brimstone hell you have one with a lot of enemies he can't get even with.—New York Herald. - Brethren,'' raid the old minister, -people—that now--stand—eu-tei- ebureh door and laugh will be the ones that will eland outside the gate of heaven and weep." —" Has any one sworn to this state- ment.? ',asked the president of the com- pany when the treasurer presented his report. " No one but the stockholders," was the reply.—Lowell Citizen. —The newsphpers aro forever speaking of "the blushing bride," Well, when you reflect upon al -Wand oI-bnaband not-l-fe of the brides marry, yen cannot wonder that they should blush.—Boston 'Transcript. —Fred. Williams, the celebrated boy soprano of Westminster Abbey, London, Bailed per samship Polynesian to -day to fib a two months' engagement; in Canada and the United States. If times are dull and money is tight and you think of fuel, help and light And are inclined to.be sad, Make frit ride with the public right away, And you'll find that the thing will always pay To insert a rousing ad. -All over Great Britain and Western. Europe the cold is of the most intense character, accompanied by very severe storms. Nature has a fashion of upsetting all the calculations of the most weather- wise among us. —To makethe ooneumer familiar with the name and the merite of any line of manufactured goods, there is no quicker, -better or oheapet means available than the intelligent nee of newspaper advertising -- 4. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co. —One of the moat parsimonious nobles in- Europe' is the French Prince de Join- ville, who is' also one of the wealthieet. He frequently sends around the corner to a cookehop for a bowl of soup and a plate of meat, rather than waste coal in the kitchen range of his gloomy pesleoe. , The grave is not very broad or very deep. It will hbld all you can take along, however. Malcolm McNeill, of Metcalfe, aged 24, was killed by the fallingof a tree which he was sawing. Queen Natalie days Aho meet leave Servia to esoape indignities which she oan no longer.bear. The Troy Press thinks gentlemen with long neons should not wear turn down collars. "The collar is the universal mark of 'oivilizetion, and it -is well worth the while of any man to•give some thought to style and quality when he makes a pur- chase," is its opinion. Donald MoKinnon, the survivor of the double 'shooting tragedy at Goderioh, on January 15th, was yesterday afternoon committed by Mayor Butler to stand hie trial at the next competent court of jurie- diotion for the wilfulmurder of Raohaol McKinnon, his wife. The committal was made on the strength of an information againgst the accused sworn out by Chief of Police Yule, of the town. Prof. Bollinger, of Munich, reports the result of his experiments with the lymph on tuberculous cows. He states that in oases where large injections were used a reaction similar to that noticed• in human beings was seen. Two sound bulls treated with the Haid showed no reaction, end on being killed their tissues were found to be in a normal condition. Prof. Bollinger concludes that the highest value of the lymph is to be found in the diagnosis of cattle onspeoted of having tuberculous diseases. There is a great deal of fresh gossip about the Marquis of Hartington and the Dncheers of Manobitor. The pair have been- guests of Baron Hirsch at Wretham Hall, Norfolk, the Prince of. Wales and Lady Randolph Churchill also being of the company. The Princess of Wales was net there. It was one of the jollies parties of the Bastion, and game was eianghtered by the oartload. The Mergnie and Duchess showed etich other Marked attention, tak- _ sig but little -apparent interest in the 1 pheasant shooting. " Balance All—Allemande Left." Yew ken breg about yewr Bwearees, eel yewr high falutin balls, t ,; Yew ken think'em juses puffect es ken be, "V But the' old-time barn Sura dances that I danced when etill a boy ; - ,olid itt-_- c Mr, I'm sartin, plenty good ennf farinie! When the lantene was a burnin' and the time hed bin swept clean, When th' last red ear was paid fur, fair en egnar— When th' fiddler toone_ h. s fiddle. en th' boys began tew stamp, Gosh, 'twus wuth a yearling heifer thew be that. Ints wu up en "down th' centre," en a "Awls B Bt either ®rid Et wue ' a chase to w w ar •q Y doer 1 Y P ever set u�.''_�r�i.i�??a�C;.ir.,+, �.:im•.--..�2,.'fL'."'e,'?. .iWk;tlt"',rye -a -n uv "ladies' chains, En a "balance all " etch minit, yew ken bet. "Cross-eyed Pete" he wos th' fidd:er, old IBM Jones the " caller -off" Yew cud hear him holler " ebasey" half a mile En when break -downs writ, agoing, he cud make hos orders noun' En a really inose extronarary style.` Th' old floor ud shake en tremble, fur we danced, yew betfur keeps. roof ; Fur th' ciar. r. I remembers, et th' Shucking ea them times Wus a leotle—jest a loetle—over proof. Thar! wus • couples in th' gangways, they wog Bourton mighty geick— Thar wus sweethearts drinkin' cider from one pail ; Thar wus kiseine en' th' corners en sum tickline in the dark, , xir En carryins un thet 1 kent jest now detail. But great; -gingen Thar wus pleasure by the wagon load ail nigbt Thar wus jest a most outrageous mess o' fun— En yew bet yew'r bottom dollar thet we didn't let her up Till th' rooster sed hes "howdy" tewth'sun Yew ken brag about yewr swearees or yewr high falutin balls, Yew kin- think em jest a puffect ez kin be, But th' old style shuckin hoe-downs I tuk part en when a boy es....: ,e Air, I fancy, plenty good enuff for me°t• —Geo. H. Candler. Sly -Czar t My Czar sits down to luxury and ease, While I go trembling at his own decrees Into th" outer world of blasts and snow, l - lfj To writhe through hunger, wantonness and woe. My Czar oinks not what a new morn may .bring, Except what he from penury may wring , My all, it is his God ; that little sum Of my bard earning from my purse is wrung. My Czar, if dead, perhaps would not be missed Except by me whom he hath nigh repressed ; Prone to possess what never should be sold, He bartered it for a brief use in geld. My Czar bath more subalterns for his aid Than Bonaparte ; and, when they swept to raid My home tor runt, my things seemed justly —thee— My stove and table, and few broken chairs. MyCdozar feels proud—stern justice bad [been ne, He for the world a Waterloo had won ; . Hut me, poor snail. from every shelter driven, May seek repose within the gates of Heaven. J. R. ARMSTRONG, H, amilton 'Burns. BY WILLIAM MURRAY. [From a new volume, just issued, entitled '—itritant tini s`Grave-"-- The-Piene-and-E#irgee of Many Bars collected by John D, Ross (New York), editor of "Celebrated Songs of Scotland,' and author of " Scottisb Poets in America.") Illustrious poets lived and sang before King Ro in warbled. Stirring strains _in streams, From his own land alcne, subdued the roar Of bigots' ban slid sacerdotal screams. Before and after him old ecotland'e glens Have echoed with successions of sweet song, Which hcotland's rocks and rivers, braes and bens, In grate•iul sympathy and love prolong. But Burns, ablaze in wide creation's eye, Outshines ail rivals ; Jove -like in his mould,' He clews with equal splendor far or nigh, And sj shall radiate when creation's cold. The more the marvels of his muse we measure' The Mere he fills uswith l.erpetual pleasure. • The Witness Dead. New York Herald We could prove that Billy Patterson was never struck ad ail: That pensi'<.n agents, as a class, have very little ball ; That Charlie Rote was never lost; - that Kem- oner's living still, And that everybody's tickled with McKinley's little bill. We could back up Groely.'g prophesies and prove he owned me weather ; That Sitting Bull is still intact and hasen't losta feather : That Dr. Koch's discovery has never failed to eure, And that New Year's resolutions a twelvemonth will eteture— We could prove all this beyond a doubt, and other things beside, If Old Bill Jones were living—Wifat a pity that he died! The Gallant Skater. New York Sun : • They stood beside the frozen pond, The ice was clear and thin ; - Tho girl was timid, be was brave, And rtrai htway tumbled in. She screamed ; be smiled ;' then tenderly, Thr ugh shiveriogly, he said: " Be calm, my own ; for tools rush in Where arl,gels fear to tread. What'H 111.4 use of feeling languid. Mopy, dull and blue? Cleanse the blood and afro it Niger;, Make the old elan • new. How? T'il tell you To the drug store Gb this v'-ry day— Buy a medicine to banish All your ills awes_ And that m•roicine is Dr.. Pierce's Golden Medical Dieoovery, the very best blood purifier on earth.. It builds up and strengthens the''le 'stern because it oleanees the blood, anti that's what the system mast have to ice strong and healthy. There is nothing that egnnie it. Abaolutely sold on Wel I Yonr money back, if it doesn't benefit or cern yen. Ireland's Three P's. Washington -Star : Potatoes, petitioe, Parnell. Within sixty-two y'eare - Mexico hag had fifty•fonr Presidents, one regency and one Empire. " Bonet loin of elephant " figured as a dainty in a hotel dinner in Cincinnati a few days ego. The loin was a part of Chief, shot at the Cincinnati Zoo for vidionenese. A new material called " letotite " hae recently appeared in England se a substi- tute for born or r!eaeiu is the prinoipal constituent. An anthd'rity wares young women that the pretty way of going to sleep with of10 - band tucked ander the cheek is not wise. It makes a fold in the soft ekin that by and by helps ibe wrinkles. The sinter of Emperor William L, the . Omni ,,Deanne._of. Mecklenburg, is. ser. iousty ill.