Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-11, Page 10• • .,L.UCKNOVI iPOST' OF�1 •E. •:. HQura t# a. Maxi,$ 0.' & B. South 34, l*-. & B. YOrdh 1101yrood Kiulough Kiuluisa ,ix,. .,• •u .,.1.:'� ; & L'augsida W•14% an,t ll..,Snuth, ll B„ South �•'. .3c I. South B: Nort`,, Holyro4} tnlough • *114.11119s! rr,, t,q 7 ,. Aattive. 6;13 a, tn. Daily 12;3Qit. sat 2:3011• m. 8:48•p. m. ., 4L .. • lue84iays and 3 gip, in, Fridays 9.30p. m,, 10.00 a. m. 3•2Op. m• 4.30 p.m. lit ," it c >fl 4' et„eriralt Wanted . :good =general servant , wanted. Good'• wages paid. 'Apply 'to Geo. Mali; .Bantlter, Lucknow. . Patrons Of Industry Remember the Huron County Con- veiytion in the town hall, Lucknow, on Sat}titc'i:ayy Dec, 20th, " For particulars sea advertisement. Right School, ; ' . The night school in confiecti`on with the' Mechanics' Institute will be open- ed 'nn Tuesday evening ,next, 16th inst., in. the school, same room as oc- cupied last year. Those who have not already , joined sheuld hand in • The Luoicrllow q,ent net, Bruce Oounty, Fridays: Decer.InaeM' __4 ° '.6661/4 gin` Ruling. Grain Eav�im$ leased Vii: A; IeGrbry's storehouse, I am now buying all kinds of '• grain at the highest market price.. Mr. :4IcGrory will be ou the market to buy steady every day.—Geo. Kerr. Maple Logs Wanted Messrs. Mit;, all Bros. will pay the al o ices for prat -class maple logs - an -bs ori giittiii'sz'1tt� Rev. E. W. R iigbes, of Wingbami will a sbange, pulpits- .next, Salioa,th with the Rev. M. M.Goldborg, —Silverware, quadruple plate sugar, cream, pickle and butter dishes, omits, carte baskets, napkin rings, etc. at Bei ry & Days'. —The party who found a Methodist hymn book on Havelock street on delivered at their .mill in Lucknow, (by leaving it at this office. near the station. their names to Jas,. Somerville, Secre- tary, or R.. D. Cameron, Treasurer. Lett re: be a grand ral'y on opening nigh Toru Out The 'band boys ;intend holding . a grand entertainment in the town hall op : Xmas night, and all. our citiiens should'• urn out and help them. 'All "the leading local talent will take part, ,, arid- thCe ertteri aims tr-j mise tti<e'best of the season. For full par- ticularS see large posters, which will • *t out .i , a. few days.. H. H. Pierce, • J.. •F Berry, D N. Lawrence, Manag- ing Committee. • A Grand.Entertainnhen• f' that ut on the dd labels, f 11 A., rand enter5aininerif will be held p `�,.,..•..j,Ll�,..Y1;11j,Chb they are turned over to One of -the Sights.' Visitors to Montreal find the print- ing establishment of the Family Herald and Weekly Star to be one of the most interesting sights of the town. On publication days, Tuesdays and Wed- nesdays, all clay long there is the hum of the gigantic lightning presses turn- ing out�vmpi Herald. and Weeely Star at the rate • of twenty-two thousand copies an hour ;printed, cut and folded by.automatie machinery, without being touched by hand: Then there is an army of- men and women operating the machines address o follow- Young Peoples Social "" The young people of the Presby- rerian congregation in this village spent a very pleasant social time together on Friday evening last in the thatcould. be desired • and as the sleighing was good there was a large attendance from the country of young people, with a fair number of the older, ones as well. Mr. Geo. Matheserr was appointed chairman, whioh position he filled till refreshments were served, when having to leave Mr. J. G. Mur- doch was chosen in his place. The programme consisted , of readings, dialogues, and a number of sacred choruses, which were well received. The young ladies looked well after the wants of the inner man, with a boun- teous • supply of the most tempting edibles, tea and coffee. -The lobject of the social was to give the young people an opportunity of getting better acquainted with each other, and thus remove' an obstacle to a union of their efforts in church work. One the programme, con'si ting 6i% inrtru-y th• e and -glee' in.addition r to dial°ca� ues, farces, recitations, etc., is being., prepared, .ancl. the teacher, M r. (i 8meron,: is doing everything to make it the concert of ' the season... The •Helens string -,band and glee .010 will be present and the leading talent, o the community has been secured. •Don't forget.the night, next Tuesday, bet come out arid, baste. a good time.: .Qi,,Rar'e-Treat , ' •'On Friday evening. next„ 19th inat - Prof., ,�. Uoyes Panton, M. A.,, F.G.S., ,o ,,C.tielph,' will give his celebrated lecture, entitled. "Wonderland," or " Ten .Days Among the Boiling • Spring, Geysers and Canons, of Yeilow- stone . Park' in the school house, ou the second' concession of Kinloss, one inile.and a quarter north- of Lucknow. The professor• is a thorough geologist acid one of the cleverest - scholars of •the day. He has travelled extensively on. the centinents of Et rope and • r),to erica, egad. has explored,. many of t ...most wonderful places known in the.world.• He iaat presentQmployed hi- the Ontario Government as a teacher in, the. Agricultural. College, Ouplpli, .and holds a number of .stand- , stand- ingofferssof very much better positions than the.one. he now occupies, He is fast• rising to:fame arid as a, 1'•cturer . believe' Is second to none on the . continent' of Arnerica., This lecture -is sat( to: tlkl,one of 'tie best ever (telly- ered in Ontario: e, is also, to lecture again on Saturdrlty.,. - afternoon, 2Otli inst., in the saine place oil "Stones by the wayside and what they teach us." • The Toronto Mat says: Those who heard the• lecture will long remember ix as a tribute to the study- of nature —Foody—Say Bungus, are you going '1 Bungus— Where? Boody— To the band concert on Xmas night. Bungus—.Bet yer sweet life I am, it is going ter be a dandy. —Mr. James Falconer, of Grandon, akota is visitin friends in this vicim y. - • - - - goods; and that all the former rem - idents of this section are doing well. --A large list of games and building blocks, Nellie Bly, baseball. farmers at the fair, spider and fly, fiishbone, frivoli, bopeep, and game of matrimony. Nice parlor games at Berry & Days. R ins ectlnour fine dispPlay ofe holiday THE PRICE'S RICES ARR� in and E IQ -HT,' goods of plush goods. silverware, vases, etc., suitable for a nice present. We will gladly .show you through them.— Berry & Days. . --L-Plush goods,. the largest assort- ment, toilet cases, shaving cases, collar and cu ffs, glove and handkerchi'f boxes, aid albums, nice presents for Xmas• or weddings as Berry & Days' drug and fancy store. —We have a every large and ,well assorted variety of shall goods from 5 cents up, china • cups and saucers,. shaving mugs, vases, and ornaments of. almost every description at Berry & Days' drug a'nd fancy store. Literary Entertainment The members of the Mehanies' Institute will a• r +� 1 E AR y We have the goods a in. gangs of mailers preparing the papers school) tin Tues, ayrevetfing, Dec.' 16th. for the. deliver to the Post Office by mammoth expresses. , One oft e busiest places in thisountry is the office of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, .Montreal. • . NEWS OF THE TOWN. A Week's Redone of the rushing Burden. Town.. . ' —Don't forget the heed. coneent on Xcnas-night. • —Black worsted' mant`lings from $1,25'a yard up, at Connell's. —The report of. the Presbytery of Maitland is crowded out this week. —For a Pe Sian 1•imb, l,eover or any other kind of a cap go' to Connell's, `Leadi"g event of the 19th can- tuary. Band concert on Xmas night. —Mr. and Mrs. T. Fletcher; of Brussels, spent Sunday with friends in Lncknow. —Mechanical toys of all kin'ds,0loco- n &t{ives, monkeys„ os"trich carts, ladies, trains, etc., at Berry' & Bays'. Principal D. D. Yule is in Walk- erton this week on the Examining Board of the Model school pupils. —Ladies will find 'our stock of millinery 'm ell assortej, and our prices lo,w.—W. Connell., —All the- leading local talent will participate at the- band conceit on Christmas .night, ..--We are pleased to know that Mrs. Tennant, who, has been seriously ill during the past week is now on a fair, way to recovery. —Everyone •should+- turn out on • Xmas tsight and '.patronize the hand boyts by attending .their concert in the For 'further particular(' see •posters. ' town -hall. • Admission 15 cents, children 10 cents, , —Musical instruments, Y' violins, •„ 'guitars, accordions, coacertends, mus:p boxes, metalaphones, . harmonicas at Ilerny & Days'. —R. McCharles, auctioneer, will •sell by public auction• at lot 29, con. 1, Huroe, on Thursday, Dec. 18th, a, give ano • er ree e, er a hall this. (Friday) evening. The.following in- teresting programme will be -given 1 March, Oakford...... ....... ..... ....')The , Band 2 Bolo, I know 'my heart's my sin yet Miss Irene Armstrong. 3 Clarionetliolo :..:......:.........l Ir. Sumner 4 Chorus:...,, Mr. P. L4ennin and pupils 5 L'e'cture, With Stanley through Darkest Africa..:.... 14. 1). Cameron 6 Waltz, Helen....... The Band, 1N1BRMISSION. 7 Reading— ............ „ .... Walter Campbell 8 Solo., . Mrs. Armstrong 9 Clarionet Solo ...Mr, Sumner 10 winging galop with.pist"l shot... The Band 11 Chorus... .11:, Rennie and pupils 12 G .d nave the Queen. Accompanist ............................. Mies Berry This will conclude the entertainments for the year. The' c• mu,ittee are making prepar- ations for a rousing debate, for the opening, iu January of which clue notice will be given. $roceeds to be used in procuring library for the .school. ' • . A $750 Oottage ' d 1 Or its equivalent .in cash will be given • to the person detecting the nurnbP of ' errors, (words quantity of farm stook. (1 • or,• mislilacc�cl.) in the ,• —A splendid Brick- cottage, contain-. of "Our )E-lomes.” ° ing eight rooms, kitchen, cellar, etc., to rent. There is also a good barn ou the premi es. Apply to 1Z. Hughes. given two cash of $ 100, eight -five of $10, 2, and one uted in regu- —Second kilns stove pipes for salb. 'The committee oaf the 1 pincopaichurch liave from 80 to 100 lengths of sstot:c.. lupe, good as new, for sale. They cat» be seen at the.ytburch. —Go and see what a fine Nsplay. o§ as and New Year's gifts are shown, eery Si Days'. Plush goods, St'H9elens To the ignitor el the Sentinel, DEAR Silt,—The St. Helens. aorr.es•- pondenee .in the SENT1MEt of last week's issue reminds us that the nruni- cip .1 elections tide nigh. That .the machine is being put in repairs, and that the growlers periodical tit is, coining on, (this comes on regularly at this season of the year), and is now on the lookout for something to. growl. at. In the second item in the -Jorrespon- der.ce he takes a rap at the clerk and growls because more reports are not published: Does he expect the council to meet weekly or fortnightly, to furnish him with reports 1 The ground of his complaint in the present instance, I presume, is that the min - Utes of the meeting of Oct. 25th were not published. • growler knows well that I was taken ill the very day after this : meeting, and for the next, three -weeks under the doctors care,conse- quently'not in a very fit condition to. write *council reports. I think, I am sate in saying that no council proceed-. ings :n the County. of Huron are better published than those of West Wawan- osh; being printed in five local, papers, is Coderi.h, Clinton, Lucknow, , and Wingham, and the meeting in ques- tion being the second', as far as I can rernember, not reported during the past two years. 1 might add that the reports in thepSl!.,THTINEL are sometimes. •A, week later in being published than ire ` the other papers. For this our postal arrangements ore largely res- : ponsible, as • the copies are always posted at the same time. . Trusting that growler may in future find fitonie- thing for which there is more reason to growl at, I Km, Ycura &c., R. K. MILLER, Clerk of West Wawanosh. House And Lot For Sale. • ,i Have you seen our $450 overcoat3 4 . THEY ARE MY TI F1 ERS. wool except the' button holes. P• Perhaps some�vvfl think we - stole these coats, vie sell them so cheap. It's no' aference, you get tie goods, andj we the money FOR SALT, A LARGE FRAME house, with stone foundation, contain- ing six rooins, w ,odshed, etc., .situated on Campbell etreyt, opposite Dr. Garnier's rvni• deice. The • bit contains one quarter acre, and is well suites# for a garden. For furthert• ' l,articulara .apply to goods, vases, etc., •it will pay,+ „ ` ,IAS, Wll,LIAMSON, ect �T_ LaieknOW' 1? auu. __,8r n the cheap Iist will be fond MILINERY, MANTLES, MA1TLIN� DRE r j e 000DS,. ELLINGS> UMPTOK ` OLT) PIONS R STORE, NOW, 07NeT,:._