Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-11, Page 8, I � . .. ¢, . t. j Ali �111J UIJI Ut tremble pmt b Q'otbak this evening. Is wags be AdOptgd. HavinateECard to, the &vowed ab- >I[OitRlfiiiQ � D. AD KINQ.1.�_ THl6 IIJCEN's 6PIP�[1H a ,; leasnia otter tbeadjonrnment that a piton aR7i° n of any, polloy CIA the rt o1 the Llberrl Q I feeling in favor of Prrpell'm r i going the lea °rkAndpart witbregrarrt to ,the, mattier of _� a h I le 8ta of Rolland, Paste a �• b II g B tb Iia d lsilr, ottnn am 11L y advloed 161r l>lor �u q !r d . 'lCh D000ment Sfgn,Eti !raid lo- a as u• losdesuhip wroa man><te4ted+ bop i e mitrorlty �Rinot an direct :o6eng® or the .prinuiplo, 01 U from the Boone« v "-r*, vehemently opposed it. ' stat® aide land pprahase, and findingof that , nonaUy Brlef One. _.. t ll�'llgot Go Un�lj the retire and alarm. of the English day e, moble from the Ha Hague Gaye : A London cable eaye ; The Queen's. * a +►1# Irl Ui 1111 411 • aT BOB".tazpayers re to state asd, by the hypo The Bring of $ohagd died at 6.o'vlook this speech, whish will be reed at the open' theeation of grunts for local P gg A stormy locus occurred at the meeting as Ixvlanh a Counter• guarantee Pu OBes morning, Last evening ithero•was h sudden of Parliament t0 -da ,wap oommnnioated r Forced had�been . IS Forcedtr Oo�mmonelaeiievening inert legerfrom p assuaged �tin� mhe�eiiiea eatrn¢¢8gle agatpat the oh41096 'or the worse in the King's condi• at last, night!$ ministerial d'nnere. a hRuld not be, main- t} _nJ the.- symptoms: bein those of nreomia. -speech is ' � TIIe i Mr. GtladetOne to Mr. Morlep had been tsined: and that we ` ebonla dfreot our The Queen was Joint Rent for, and customer 'of n nusual brevity. After the -*-•-�*- 6010 efforts on the oeoond reading of the y° reference 't° England's friendly is made public The action of Mr. McCarthy Bill to the assertion of the principle of local stayed at the pstient'a bedside during the 1. GL�DSTQNE WON'T Y u!� in not;mekiog known the Contents of Mr. control, night. Life ebbiad awe g foreign re ions; the speech aunties to the Gladvtone'e letter at the meeting o! the ITA BRED BY THE RADICALS. lin bnildinge are oloeednie: quietly. all amuse. Ab. frica,tions with and with Italy Portugal onoerning East ,. '' Psrnellites yesterday morning was severely In this I am bound to bay MrMorley entirely meats Kaye been snapended. The Minja• Africa, as not yet 'brought to a snooeesinl ---+.�-- agreed With ins but he wsa athe same time criticized. A majority of the Nationalist much hampered and expressed' Iiia sense of his term assembled in council at noon. The conclusion. A temporary arrange - a `` " $OY�OD Mark and Olhere dD&lUIl9 �8 members present el the meeting last night extreme in that direction by the -attitude of the shatters of she royal palace are all closed meat with Portugal reepeotiag the } p said they had believed, previous to the extreme section of his party led by and flags are et half. meat. ` j, j /. meeting in the morning, that Mr. Parnell vie Lhbouohere, and in a subyegaent inter- Shire River and water. ways in the « 9041d Refire, + VIeW he �m '_'E99ed «Pon £. a L b iruces6lty OI A AlOaldlg21-1.tion -,: d b 111 tai.. -o�C �y &,...,ti Minis. ini+erkor paves the way for an even- js sitar 3oiu lie election, would not take wn meeting ..the second reading of a hue been issued e t h ---� — a,4&Iyo $,kR ltlD} i.r?x le A rkb.0.- rimtt.,lxea +, i �.. a Bill with ate; annonnoin thq d t► Ilal. �reni ,q ba k '., t W.,�c,.-,..,... .. <+ °. ren .,,-,-cws- ^,'- °.. r,.k., .•. ...... �'r ... r:.. ..�'`a. 1J. _'.. .rr1.... rx'- --- r> ,-^, .. .+�,� ,: ..,...:wwrn :rs, ,.._.. n..,.,. a ,.,-^r T. w.. , _-._.,,�— --. ,.. _. 1�. ;-r'7n._._.... ..ry..,...-...,, ,,., ^�-;.•^^• m -r*;: _?.'t , ' .•r-- !!,...a.«:r'- �,. +-., �-('T:„rr lC•i_r _ .r .j :� ,"L . �;�,,,,<.� z.. .,.Lr.... :�-._ ww.r.,x ��- ., v�...w.�r>• •,,u i _. i5 iC7�lrtilJ=' -• %Aax..:.�lr.',..tr. -: L'Y�='=L-YY«"�i"_F't . .w,�a. 'l 3..>. •:s=w�, _.+... ".:�c ...�_ -all t !!' '-'_-V ys.,S6�' ��?.r. y ° ` wo>Yir. i agreed to thin, but ,tial i6 t1lii. lltiir" of brrb 'elle stns# the negotiations now progressing with �� 1`he now�neleve if!'r: GAY atone a letter ,only opro°lamaiion says, larvae the country in France, concerning i<be Newfoundland . � � g� A i . tion that I wsa not to &ttaok'the I ­rhad been road wt the worniag meeting the the measure but to confine myself to criticism deep mourning, but free, independent and fisheries will Boon lead to a satisfactory h R A member of Parliament cables from result of the motion to retain Mr. Parnell of the details. I think this Was, false strategy, prosperous. After eulogizing the late reign settlement and the promise is made that ' �,' London: The most complicated political in the leadership would have been different. but it was the strategy .adopted out of the ro � P h 11 t; I' ' � Alae ion of modern times is the roach- regard` to English. prejudices and hadfo%l p clamation says that the peoplb's the papers relating to the matter will be t. PP a cis$ REBUKED. peculiarities, I did the best possible under gratitude and blessing will follow the 'ging laid before Parliament at an early date. N ° ' , ¢ .1Dg mettleaent between the two leaders Y, P ifie circumstances, and the several days' beyond the grave. o1 Home Rule, Mr. - Gladstone and Mr. Lord Salisbur in a speech in the Home debate on . the second reading con- Continnin it ea e : The Queen neat alludes to the threatened ' '' Parnell having taken up a final attitude, o! Lgrds yesterday, said the Pe: nellites had trast6 favorably with Mr. Labouohere's views with perfect confidence " The a° oantry potato famine in the west of Ireland. Her . iaothIn remained but for Irish mem verities modes of escaping, some preferrirg recent abortive attempt to interpose oesaion Majesty espressos re tet at the existing ' g water and others fire-esoepea. The Cht ortt• bill direct negative t° the first reading of a similar of the Duke of Nassau to the Grand Duchy condition of affairs, end says she trusts cls Tor describes• this be ss vul ar and went alloue their alit"nrtnn r ,, g, ;bars to Dell another meeting to -dry. It; yeste,"at a , mime went on.' The Govern- of Luxemburg, whose chi valrone � t Mwwpn�oa milt t,o «e:. _ __ r T bras thor aahly node d -hat _ �. _ . - gl__ g �- .. _. _. .... __ _. ---- �.. v o --- -- .. ..:-- -._ . _ '-. __ - ...._ 5�a'c� - wsa-�-,>L"3«_rsi - -- P K g publicans, and the y+ °g P%`�s d'i9trese,he speech farther says Y "y^�-'tiii. •` on r i r nom eneatin En fish �' a l fidelity, end unswerving respect and affeo- that bills will be inti dnoed relestive to e " p Y might have remembered that be was ad• boas �' tar hie party and abandon Home Role if dressing a chamber wbere .sit unchallenged to' u tirOa Li anoiher eeeei s Bbainrelegated th8 country awaits th@. Iatnia with- land arch . s p Vie. a�arnel/ rriaped to sot --upon hilt such patterns of virtue ra Marlboros h 8t, on, Just before tranquility and oon#ldenoe," 1? ase in Ireliin trtbes, assisted •s, •-- adWoe. Mt. Parnell Dame to the Hones g the oommenaemenc of this 6easiou .I was again It is liand that education, and reform o ate bill legis. ' a - _ Leonards and Aileebnry. favored with another interview with Mr. Morley, expectedQueen Emma will be lation for Scotland, end ot1 extension of to -day equally determined to stand feet I impressed upon him the policy of an oblique Proclaimed Regent to -morrow, and that she local government in England. It the work . I .�''r to his own position. He Considers that he g ms,O este: Parnell tits issued the foil method of procedure with reference to land will take the oath at an early date. Altar of the eeasion simile a bill i."�° p° ins ma. ite6to: d , w¢� i 5. made bis party without Mr. Gladstone's Purchase an the necessity and importance of p ll relative to - To the Irish People: , providing for the question of local control ndof an anxious day the Queen appears to be local government in Ireland "would also be 5u X01 ' ", assietance, and that he Could hold hie own limitstiott in the , lioation of funds. He agreed more reaigned. ti The integrl�y and fades ndenae oft& emotion of t P introduced. Among minor me9BaeB t0 be N, h ,* without big help. He does not see why the Irish ParliamentadoZ,�ar.',yd having been with me, and I offered to move on tie first [William III. was born February 19th, in roducd are bills relating to t re&alu he liability � „ ' he should be driven out of the orders of apparently sapped and by the wire- g oY the bill an amendment in favor of 1817. He Wae the eldest eon Of $ini �':. man who was a bitter enemy of the Pullero of the Liberal it has become this local ig trol, advising tab it this were re- hWi,!•of employers and to the friendly societies ` necessary for me, ae leada Irish party, to jeoted it might be left to Radicals on the second liem II. and of PrinoeeB Anna Panlowna, end eavinga beaks. «ti°' Rome Rtilerm cloven to the ear 1885. He reading to 0 y take counsel with you, sad having given you the g Oppose the principle of the measure, denghter Of Em erOr Paul I. of Rnesia. __ . ,f. i therefore mei his followers Chia afternoon knowledge which is In my, possession to eek your This appeared to be a proper cour6e, and I. He BIICoeeded to the throne at the death of THE ' i$I9 DI9TREH. with him back to the wall, determined to left Mr. Morley ander the im Judgment upon s matter which now solely pression that this hie father 11t[aoh 17th 1849. He Was ` devolves upon you to decide. would fall to my duty, bttt in additive he made ' + ate , ,., - >nght to the last.. Probably he had not The letter from Mr, Gladstone to Mr. Morley, a remarkable proposal. In reYeering to the married Jane . 18th, 1839, t0 Princess No Honey to Carry Out Relief Works— ,'t OalOalated upon the +igor of the attack written for the purpose of infiaencin the Probable appzoaobing victory of the Liberal S°phis, end beoeme a. g ..+. -- ,uk ° destined to be levelled at him. deciaioq of the Irish party in the choice of their party at the Polls he suggested some widower Jane 3rd, �.... --Actual Lack of Food, considerations as to the fuQore of the Irish 1877• He was married, in second napttale, lik", M - - . ' It became obvious ae soon as the meet• leader a»d alarming for the Liberals and their potty, and be asked m0 whether I would be 'TanntiPy 7th, !879, to Emma, clan titer of A Dublin cable says ; The people of leaders aEo cause Of this upon thatasur choice, s the g Swineford, County Mayo, are greatly die. s Yng lied opened that Mr. Gladstone's letter, itumadrace eau6a of this nddre6e; the purpose, of° willing to assume the office °f Chief Bocretary t0 Prince George ViOtor of 1Valdeok. Prinaoee a lill�.,,f, supported as it is by the . entire English which is to remind you and Ireland, or whether I would allow another mem- appointed over the refusal of the grand ? , g Y your parliamentary berof my party to tairtl the Wilhelmina, the offspring of this oeoond jury to guarantee even one enn Wt patty, had produced a profound impression represeutativee that Ireland considers the indtl- position. He also marriage 'wee born August P y to assist peudenoe of her party the only safeguard put before m0 the desirability of filling one of g St 31St, 1880, and in carr in r tih even on the moat devoted of Mr. Parnell a within the oonetitutiott and above and btlyond the law offices of the Crown in Ireland by a succeeds to the throne ] y g tint Balfour a plan to build e followers. Mr. Beaton declared that neither all other considerations whatever. �he threat legal member of the part I told him I was Callowe to irk 0. n that letcrr, re y - w railroad from y Claremorrie. �,'JR -r ,., - . he nor him colleagues were aware of the r,x« repeated so ineol0otly on many •amazed, as I was, at the prupoeal, that I could Crowds f people tbron titian , English platfgama, and in numerous British not agree t° forfeit in any way the independence THE SEIVTiLNCit STANDS, dismriot Qe 0 demanding w from, Y istenoe Of the letter yesterday, therefore news a ra that unless Ireland concedes of the party or any of its members, that the the oonalpeion they arrived at was owing i+o this iii c of veto to England 'she will Irish people bad trusted me in this movtlm@xit The Supreme Count g priests and poor law g,aardiens. It is A.,.,, afalse'impression. He Exkeaaed a very indefiniteiy ,postpone her chance of obtain- because they believed that the delclaration I eye true ravllssa admitted by the authorities that within �0. decided opinion that Mr. Parnell oa ht to ins home rule; compels me, while not for had wade to them at Cork.fn 1880 was a true Rioters Mnet Uie. g moment admitGin ,possibility one, and rQpresenbed m- c three weeks many of the people in the tt - a+eeign to prevent -the. titter -destruction of moh a lues to g the slightest - ossibilit of y conviction, and Lhat i A Washington despatch says : The Swineford district will ,,be without food put heroic you information would on no account depart from e I con- BIIpeme Court handed down its decision Y Of " >tb9 $Oma Rale CaaGe. In forcible whwh until now, ut far r my u information are sidered that after the deoiaration we had re- an kind.. Delegates leave started for Lon. wtid earnest language he begged the Nation. QO°oerned, has been solely itt my possession,and' Peated y made the Proposal of Mr. Murrey to -day in the case of the Navassa rioters, don to urge upon the ' Govern ment the �1, " which will a,nablo you to understand the that we should allow ourselves to be ab- now Under sentence of death in Baltimore necessity of taking steps for the alleviation &lists not tothrow away the servioea Of weaeure Of the 1069 with -which you are surbed into English politica was one based On a r.. Mr. Gladstone and the English Liberal thregttened unless you, eouaent to throw me t0 upon an entire mteaonaeption of our poli- for murder committed on the Island of of the distress. �µ art the Eu le�h wolves now howling tion with resard to, our Irish-oonstituen- Navaeea, in the Caribbean Sea, in 1889,' The Empresa says Bret the measures pp y, last se were was within reach. g g for my de- `Inc and of the pledges we bad where the were emtent,ployed by a Baltimore adopted by the Government to relieve the �' 8is remarks were loudly applauded. Mr. atruction. given. y ado to CONSULTING WITH GLADSTONE. Plan Of Camp gn estates, kis sand that it woulIon d Srm in workingquestion ' A Parnell eat grim and Silent. In November of Tait year, in response to a re- possible for the Liberal guano bade. The dietreee in the western part of Ireland list. Justin McCarthy followed in re- be impossible came to this court on en a g arisin from the failure tit. the potato oro attained Y 6 party when it ppeal raisin the g p, p posted and long-standing request, L visited bfr, power to d° an thlu • for these. evicted Point of jutiediotion of the United States will be Put -,into 0 oration • b !'361y the same line. He is a devoted ad- uladstone at awarden and rec0ived the de- toxianto by direct action and t p eforII_Cbrie5•- ' iierent .tailgut-the-intondod— r pt would c,ae-ove�fiis-ig1ird.. 9%t,1�aDt91l,rlUit he8}3rmes2d ill i� aposals of llimeer an O�mP�sib]BYor- e ris�Parliament, underh0 r eoi ee t et ear that it the friendship and Support of bis °°lleagues of the late Liberal Cabinet with the powers conferred, to do anything fur them, the United States has jarisdidtion, and ' P PP reeard to home rule in the event of the next and, flinging up bis hands with a guesture of affirms the decision of the lower court, on � � �'. the great Liberal party were forfeited now, general election favoring the Liberal part It de,,pair, he exclaimed : " Having been in Tip- the ground that the Act JIIQI$O'S FATE. ti Ireland would suffer for generations to a unnecessary stir me to do more aL'present Per&ry, I do not know.what to propose in regard t of Congress passed � come. All � the" weary road the tied than to direct your attention to eertain'poi.,tsof g man The Supreme Coart Again itndorses Elee- y to the matter." I told him this question was a Y Years ego provided that guano as a detain whish will be generally recognized limned one ithst I did not see that be need islands taken possession of by citizens of trocut,on for Murderers. : ,_ trpvereed would have to be gone over again. as embracing elements vital for your inform&- allow himsOf tube ham Bred b is future aon- 8e 'eapteeted' the deepest !egret at thr, tit,n and the rormati+,n of your judgment. These sideration, that funds would be its from the Ina be it; dtatee, anal worked by them; A Washington despatch Bays: : T ,, : thought of parting with his chief, bat there vital pointe of aiwcuity may be Suitably America at d elsewhere fur thQ su Y he SII- t err .,,fed and considered'ttkeuhunder the following g se might r nesuasary ; that se Y yP Y Presidential al p oolamatlon, that affirmed the Judgment the United States to -day Y esa support of those J �� t,,� ,., r was no Hope in any other Conroe. heads tenants as lou country b yz •.• Other .members followed with similar u) -'eche retention Cf Irish members in the Im- °Dorsa I understand that it wag a difficulty, but the laws of the United States respecting ,for the Southern district of eNew ny Court that it was a limited one, and should not be Crimes Commit on the high eras are York in 4 n vieav to the Wombat 01 mizteen Or seventeen' P"tial Yarsemerit allowed to interfere with the general interests a the Case Bhibaaya Jagiro, the Japanese Oaly,Mr. Kenny wad Qol. Nolan Bought to dlloute settlement : of the land' or agrarian of the country.. applicable to these islands, and that confined in Sin Bin' g y in Ireland. 4r V` t ' .. . contend that Mr. Parnell'e resignation woe l�) The COIILYuI Of ljie ITISh COnaSabalary. INDEPENDENT OII THE LIBEIrALB. offenders Shall be tried at the port to which sentence tit. dee h_b g prison; veno is ander ' wineoeveary. They are.men of no whi ht (i) rbeBPpoinGmentof the,7udiciar incl I all t° this matter only bac #hey -are Bret -bion ht: g. udge6 of the Supra e. Court, Count uding few'dayd a Str„ng argument in man nae the last a - _ g Under thie'deoi- It was sought by habeas Bcorpus eotrioit u,iges and resident m iatratea, nY -Pulsion has been unless the Liberals coins optedhnramle a 0 yT •� ,,, r- -�y= -- • Vr-mSaence in -the path: % y court to power aL the next y Winds for under sentence will be ego 9n the ` ground tth a ee grocati case had demon. r Mr. Parnell by this time Gaw it was not Upou c e subject ur the retention of Irish general election the Plan taken, cattery eaeoative notion is Streted that eleotroontion was a cruel end ° gavolt but revolution he had to dea) with. members iu Parliament Mr. Gladstone told me of•Cari paign tenants will Suffer. As I h.v0 nntlenal treatment, and ae such prohibited , a ; P A revolution was submitted calling for a that the Opinion and the unanimous opinion— shown, the Liberals propose to du nothing, for g of his aulleagura and himaetf, recently arrived by the aonstitatioa'. Chief Justice Faller . formal meeting of the Harty on Friday neat at after the must mature eousidtration of alter. the Plan y Campaign tenants by, direct action LAMONTAGINE'S CASE. announced the decision of the court. The - to. decide whether Mr. Parnell should propooxls, was that ill order to conciliate when they Dome into ce or, but I am entitled Il” native to est: that the existence of; tt e6e t,an tints, whom An Effort ficin court affirmed the judgment n resign. This was opposed by Mr. par. English pnblio opinion it would be necessary to i have supported in every way in the pa•t, and t; Made To Secure it New p0n the "! &ell's friends. An adjournment was then tie settlement o,4 this lgnrtt from io it w Upon authority of the decision in the I�emmler whom I shat continuo cv support in the future, Trial For Him. • Olee. Th1e, it 19 believed, destroys the question it was hold r9m notconstitutepoopolitics. s r b ve for my, ,expulsion Special advices from Qaabeo State that legal retort of oo is b for ed it '% i �^ taken till 5 O'olook; in: order that the mem • that this was one of the questions which must from Irish politics. I have repeated! , bere might go to the House Of CommOnB be regarded as questio a -reserved froin the myself to stand by these evicted tenants, nd there is good au„thorny for the statement g e- that Reim Lamontagne, cuntrm of the Irish Legislature, but at the same that they shall not be allowed - to suffer, andthe condemned Scotland Won't Have Him. I ad ,;I.'• a>nd get ihe.Stet reading of their bills. Mr. time Mr. Gladstone intimated that whi a he I believe that the Irish pdople th:Ou h ut the + Parnell went with them and took his would re nrw hie attempt Lu settle the.watter b won& murderer of Sherbrooke, is not likely to. be will support ane in thin epolicy. hanged on the day fined for his execution. cap > w1 Usual Gest, with a hard, stern look on his Y sixteen ears A London cable says , ` �` . Imperial legislation on the line of the Land Pur- Y ago I' conceived the idea Y There is no iiil . fee@. aha e Bill .,r 1856, he would not under, eke to ut °Y an rirish Parliaroentsry party, inde- His lawyer; Mr. F. S. Lemieux, M. eetteiin note in .Scotland, es to what the any preevure u on his own side, or Iuetat 'u on pendent of all En lisp has determined to make an effort to sae Position of the Liberal party should be y p w4 The meeting was reenmeii�_ P p g Parties. Ten veara with regard to Parnell. 'The r L and S]iorttlr ago I wase elected leader of the Independent hie life ae waB dyne in the ossa o! Morin pass is nnan- tar1. 11na. lasted till a' quarter P dad'iui<fs to. ive such �' Irish Parliamentar P .4S anilmated dieoasmion w sin too . g law uts'at its 0 's not to be years this arty hssieemained incl p nde�t, and' the Montme a murderer, and it is be- .'mans in demanding that Gtledatone Shocld 't f g Vt tde i,ert h. i1Es8 p e agrarian because opts independence it has forced upon listed also On similar rounds. It is ex, have no dealing with an Unclean thin end w.; �'arnell'hiritseit'upoke several i0 iutitPad of people Lhe necessity g+ the English grautin pealed that mho Sn isms Court e p a ,� .. of%tit that hie party scald n aptd dovv,r> the eou'ixtry actir,n in that ,aeton iba Hume Rule to Ireland. I believe chat trio arty on the writ of error ' Judgment in that opinion the United Presbyterians, tt� t ,.� ,1 submit to the absolute diota ' as it werN on this; will' ubtain Home pule only provided that it in the latter vase will Free ero joh Independents and est fo votes e s 4ladetone organ other En li c:ontrtst with th ru� Etatih remains independent of any English party: I do be favorable to .the' doomed man, and in °°01nbers join. No formal protest for votes ' "� I . Y g ullri i,n t.119 isms rtt not believe an action or, the Irish -people in will be preased liy any denomination sl this were ,onoe done the inde. P whits! took all nice to the y that event tbo Attorney- General will be, al n supporting me will endaxi y' bodice till the oracle has spoken,- ,�1� Llj't the Irish section would be Ai troth lr itratetid. veer to true '' trot of the cause or Postpone the este endanger $fan Iii a applied to also to order a stn of Lamon• p kens (,yed. �n B 14 , 1.e period,Parliament;p P tagne s execution bad to re stone lists only to read Seotoh a e �„ ;. wre mach excitement during t &rulers will thi'trk and meat and but even if the at with which grant, a writ of p p ra to see „ g les3 ou t Acli }1Cr.1 Y we are threatened b the Liberal arty of error, to teet'his right to r'new trial. what be mast do. The Land League ,rut divonevion. Ultimately it.wae e , altd slat' allow thc', ;euvido out Y pp ' or twelve to -day were to be realized, I believe tlio Irish crofter s g e end . � adjourn till Monday to allow i�t •power to ttilu” a papers die even stronger ? Y n ovrr t}H?il' nye a 11y 'the Lrme P opts throughout the world would agree with Others. g r than .. I Dillon, O'Brien and O'Connor facts, }+3t na bP T.a,udges dna we that poatponoment would be preferable to 8 His Own'Woret Enemy, I, - >bannioated with. This was de elustlly c•xantiue thr. vNrnntNnt llus sued iii the compromise acce of our oats nal rights by the Canada Presbyterian; Parnell has far- Burned to D °' whole body of the meeting, but with it aocordui�iy- realize the 9tatice apiratioons,or our race. measure wbich would not niched the world with another illustration cath. ` ;A' the }ar.11 5hair a P' A Montreal despatch ,Ba B c t" wonid hove preferred an im udicF. I:n nay o},i•nimt n' ' HAD, I have the honor to remain, tour faithful of .the fast that a man may be Itis own p Y A yonny f aieion in hie favor, bat this h •,i,t,d live . twC+nt. -tcul Ey suction 41 th oY what i se,vanL, worst enemy.. All the power of the London woman named Jeonio Darold,' whose I; obtain. He will not ive n y d those of CHARLES,FiTEWAI""PARNELL. Times, and of those co-operating with that widowed mother lives on Pavard street, be masti� forced outi The a tvhlutt would rE,fu e of CGU :.. filch ch I am Archbishop welsh 'A+.lhs: great journal could not crash the Irish Point St. Charles wag burned t death'at i1I Of his withdrawal regard the a octal• Ll;Oaty with the By section 42 th z .d b Mr. The Parnell matter is altogetber grave to c l3 t, Johne, Que., on Friday le >� Y too leader, but he could and did orneh himself. Y She was The me as an individual bia11up co ,feel .Man People live inconstant d -sad of bein engaged in cleaning of 4, ae virttiall deoidin the mat t►old w❑ Q1'E'.rnmt int X30 c►f1 1 xprosaione w..rrauted in makin an Y P P tti stove when some ` - fivor. It%pot doubted that y t; ns; which. g y o it un statement of injured by their enemies.. Their greetes� igniting est fell on her clothes � i tel my opinion with reference to it untlt I have had and colleagues will counsel th `vliicn �rc,uld propose I qe, fit tim- br opportunity a consult with m episcopal clangor arises from tbemselveB. hem.. The flamee� en g r id. wem- a+etirement of their chis a "" ,sadly polis brethren. I understand that the lrieBara- wrapped her body, and although e _.._ .er .I .r, ) e al a s The- neruoRve o! Editor, T would submit^ On each lickon9 esonted ie weutary party will meet on Monday to decide --^"� `��' dedpatohed to M 11 r. 4ladst nes sertln'o da New York World : g fffora o hs a wichnWhioh, is stundsiaonfr„nc d. ithis Needs To Be Cultivated, were made to save the oor • P girl she was.. f 1V1 p..�ro.wn s crnitpat i_ autuln ti ve I i I y easy to conceive that the deoiaion of our Parlia- tree is properly watered a andhri atm d burned almost beyond recognition before >z OOILae near the pleas to to ,� r• ni•m, the meaner the fl%mes were finally extingniehed. She . Y o 'llE'1){hla(lt's : �Uf Wfll DAduCt aYltUUtrt memb,�ro Y representatives•wayhavetheeffectof for . there 18 n0 died the Baine eveningend her Cor se LIBEI; , rEnLrRATTO tltf.FO t�t.ti liili�rhh.)rs to of imperial Opening up a •now 'phase of the Irish National 'Possibility of a brought P wee ' ediate im- movement, and that the situation resulting from failure in its oro g home to her grief-stricken patent. t The Executive their decision .may b0 ou® that will g Banco of delightful t fruit. Itemn Cabo Oemm o r5 h td lived i,taltit, ear.la a, but ti%at nuc upon commit �>,.. Iraq W a the b shops of Ireland collectively as well as in- watered w Il w'th oontribatione, const ” v.. ti II z¢a the imher of enrs:, that the p tl objects dividuwlly the ver y Zhc ,�, ---i- �ojg�K Of mea w7iXt r1011als cuntrol and Y grave dot of considering a Queen and the Fair, �� - eetinP, a Y f whether or-- how far_, it will be our ower•t9 drink in the ennehine of warmhearted Chicago Newa Buffalo Bill thinks we call a tial Coteumoi'BTbe to rnl„sty autl good-f"11l0 - , he Go% cru ltteijnder impar- ooiitinue in future Lu lace in the Irish Pardso ght, and the soil around it In 11 t0 eeof , , it would be m°Haar y P he should by ail. means secure Queen Victoria I yie 8clatie to•deby: ateion+ betwt f',i r}►rnt - il`1i y e,xpellses, attcl 11111 leader co we have felt justified Confidence which itsiubthe be loosened by kind feeling for the joys s for the fair. The idea ig the (,coon ne,,,a• auxin t° dim- children. Then its oro of ha Her kl sol reed g Irl}t attcl tr:,rlt rl $ t rlVpast g , pro0ably, to have . titlly.ftoe' C etapdillgreelaed• k,nd'of Pitch 11"U4way to via- rue archbishop P PpY hearts eleaty appear in a series of tableaux -wlt011 h, At ogle , alidl Y legbirnwe P adds that he would be unable ie sore to be lar V �Yar►teatlle anti and �embelc a l port'lonal sllitrt',,lnlon to.he LO support in any conceivable eireuusstances the large. Showing the different f°notione of the regal 1, s pees ev,3t9 th lush on thr, pari• of the is returned to )' i on t and all,„ ge�tea new Itish.National Libural art � Office, as holding a drawirt •room • g concludes m steriousl fiS fullulva'> party. H0 Kennedy's Son -Law Dead. k g r opening t' 'Was by {tet oahin>3 ea ,tt,, ricittl 11 . for Un +liab mysteriously y Parliament-epee�cb by the Hon..C. Harri- ob, oma• ell esplaln tic. rhes tint,: A,3teict, so that aoc>tr„i8and Lbtmein a„nolusiou say.that for the last few The friends and aegnnintencee of Miss eon ; regaeatiog nn appropriation Etc„ 1,ri . , th0d0� S''Ra detetailih0 X ,latiotis bt'tt%'Oe,ll tlli•111 • I,l1C1tt1oW'a Iie'I uuid enee occarroeeain whiiliell asof oem, .however, remote J y Her Majesty + Mer Or Kennedy, Jeet the Queen of I;n land ,,,; , =bx Ooeideoea eating at T}ye as he ti ua conceriw,d; �;,,vtfrutnen , a1',atton, and 1 to havo punk° atteutiuu&that Y+ eeaond daughter of the P K nad r Passed from late tieottiah vocalist, will be torr to hear Empresa of the Indica would of-rtai eoi t� the tp° art9' 0 av<i no ftrt-ther inter- blo pros act been very prominently bet, re my mind. With of the death of her husband Mr. A: y, Col, Cody Says, be a great' card an the a,,, I as11eabev' of th boaY• T�pae . J+i• tllrtl ca3t' wl►at t Itai Illy ,eOUt1obtaenp� { fb g'u abi- as yet those before solu't�,i a o. Ii Lon- highly aoeom liahed colonel It should be COMmissioned to ' Fxaser, who Was a hi bl p ne onsets with her. :kfi;�, matin alt a !pion 'm °i C lireMature and t; P that we are oven now in a oAttoh to form a final edasationiat and w graduate of Aberdeen g � , I h Oe Of OQ NO did U adipktjr r o `{ , , VS,r'I I, ml,l• itis Interview iI judgemeut en out, of which the University. x # i,rosellt x,, 1n diQergen teon9eion• ting adjo } lc tttay h& interview I unhappy crisis has ariaou. In this I may be Y• Too Vivld, - . the d' mea n anti ,ettthars of that able ri Ct I land all his illogical, but it ,a bet or to be illogical than to '� o "Madam ” observed the actor to the t,': ;'*>�n, al►a th0 down a{► I►ia ltuf+t,e p p t absolutelyia run th0 risk of being uncharitable or uujuat. At Toronto merchants �t mplain that goods You all events, this is a tuatter that in the circum- gland are tamp�red with while in 'Y t; infant in the audience, ' . f dtflerobee from En �motber of a ellin e I hi,or to :;fore ;o }lis Of the Ir 611 stances of the timbefore wuat m,w be decided one Montreal end it is proposed tired tohold a repro- when your child is quite through ap. h hien flS Af v, rt r, of upon way or the other ------'many days, P p �p landin I will oontiugo t0 merely feign u sentative meetingin Montreal to morr3w y + Spectacle ,.that' �- '�porGtunately to invests ate thmatter, nsanity At present tho pressure is en- �,h;�' , p LUOK0 Indians Qaietieg !)own. .g Y„�,,f,” f thtf inti ividual 'The U.-8. War Department is in receipt '0f a The total lose of oattk, shipped from tirely too great. 9' when full number of despatch s from theeoacof the Indians Montrepl for England Pli a' n, ti ►urat,ivel irer bor own g daring the past Lettere received from �, y (( orrevtt'tl e' trouble all indiea.ing improvement; in t, e.r itua- season amounted to 2,142 h'ad, insured for dated ir0 Emin Pasha,, ,tor and Inds- tion. GetY Brooke ea I nation c�uclt Flour. ...:.. ya that ovary hour lessens m Tohoie in Atignat, say that t+mat er of the strength Wound $7�t,230, Principally in (.lanedien Com• he vette in good h0elth end was about y`i�. io CanA.dian) N,rtil 1� heat . a touched tt he►s come into Pine Iiidgo agonoy, and that hie P , y brother braves are following h unite upon whom the bulk of the- loss start b the IIrar�lba rcnte for Ln n� o bust safe- y . rt40 .-. . ctlurte-oualr i7il,ta ....... Rosebud a g im, sh,,rt liuu;of will fall. nestion-the agency, one of tbo most troublesome of ganyika. v o rcgre,tted Peas ....... re retention the Sioux, and his followers, to the number Of Sir Richard Cartwright, who is At There should b kept always in. the nar- y ,,and, and In. about 600 lodges, returned to Pine Rid ' .,,a nad, taltpn,'and, vvban he Yrir}ey .....a Wan Irish go to -day. p>r'eaent to Ottawa, Bays.he finds that the eery one or two e�ringes--and'tbey;whoaltl ,t .iYlrjttfyt 5 in a; ciit%rQnt Iil%}1t Ire Y1n it :,.... oat concern, 7n ilii+ Yvl°nt ettii court of nation a giro ' reciprocity is very g c to for era r 1 leo to order. kltnrl n child has leen lost J, W(yald bo read to trade , vitb IllIll. I o, ....ilia ctletuunt Q oaglaout the (to Ally y y y bit the ,Benoit yesterday, li. O. Bay, who was so• vvhd might have been anted had this pro- ; -: y a with con. °aged of perjury in connection with the Mrs. Andrew Carnegie Ia not a pretmy vision been meds. -Boston Herald.�� ,� tl;;iiiii. 'hi 'is what ocu�r}Nd hPt�,lveFlt 13utben.... • troduotion of abduction of Edith Se moat an immi rant w°man aaoordin to a recent deelori tion. --Sho-Will on believe me if I 53�T°' i'"' M.+nstdd stud thertt�Fa.1r+' tai utRrlt, Y9;�;,,,.,. �ornment atgir on y g ger hair is dark ani her feettires some. Yam only 29 Years old ? He - Why that "'' « r" o course Mor- aogtlitteder way to service, Was honorably what irregular, but she has a slender, Young ladies are seldom more - ' a y not ?' ereavyoang figure and a pleasing face, old. than 30ysarG• •, n yt w e ,T <, a. .r . t'` r - r Y r 4 e ,T