Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-05, Page 5The L1vknow Se ltJnei, Bruce Uoun-tty, Friday, December 6th. \UF GOES THE JAI. ,40410 yr1Y ' Mr. Samuel grown Jt9 enjoying his'i, *trotter, Mr. Hugh Chambers passed •clown the 12th •concession the other clay and, Ly his looks with tnu.d we think if re-ellecte r die will get some gravelling done. gisre..s Barham and Isabtli PAzglass acrd Mrs. D N. McKenzie are in coin- , ""�=,, wishing yarn dyes! can leave orders at .the firm. • Mr. Thos. Richardson is in the ' settlement •selifiug Dr. Chajli's complete - work. Mrs, Wallace and family have moved to Mauitooa where they intend r) 00 t3 There's about the same difference between the rightly made Ilitiderwart, of to -day, aid the iasurd store kinds as • between the-old•and new methods of shop keeping fi'he right sort is -sold in a very few places. You know it, but keep experimenting,. The proof of the . pudding' is the �. to success. c Misses Charlotte and Mary J'ane.,• Johnston.,: of Chicago, aro visiting ate; (heir old house,' We are glad to see their snit r' faces once again. Mr. James Dunn and family have moved into their ne•w brick residence. BOAR frOk SERVICE' r'TI E t•NT E11SIG1\ ',10 WILL KEFR for 84-t'vice this sear in at lot 14, su. 14, 'West Wee, ;, an,Nil, hiv sol*rior thoroughbred "'Berkshire boar. 'Perms— $1'cash. A. McMTi.LAN. rf Lucknow P. 0. 70 PIG BREEDERS, THE PN )Y;tSXC,NED WILL ICEEP {� (' t sttiTier• na fut'I, n. 11, 1C. D. Atei- l&ldlit supe., ,r hied Snit e1),: h ,ur "Torrrien- tor,a 1'ierke;ltir•c boss eieutterfly Puke" i note. pries whalers of ilaitutt Ce,., Out. Tering $1.00 etrietly cesb. Also for sale wheals e first -clans th.•r•rugh'ared Shorthorn, 8au11 cad. MAT HE F ARRIS,' Lan. ee P. U. Ont. MORTG4GE SALE () F .--- lar e. stock left. Will you be wanting any ? Good goods, sold • at right prices serves customers so well, that they return week after' week. The customer's satisfaction first, .profit afterwards, is our rule. With. the '1st df December •comes thoughts of holiday week and Christmas. With. us we shall endeavor to play, our part by providing low prices in ivlen s Dog Coats Bear Coats Furs Fur (apes Fur Caps .A valuable' ':'arna in the Township et Kinloss. i TT'YD'F..ti ANI) 1W VIRTUE OF TRH ej power of sale contained un a. certain ¢irtgege,w'Lieb will 'prodauee1 atthe-time ,rf sale, and ;t181, in pu,suante of an order•rf 1 -lis Beel e•z •th] , (unnty :Tiulge of the County t,f Heron, melee. the, Rev.ise,i `+tatntr ef.Or.ta.rin, .,chapter 10'1, section 39, there will be offered for sale by pnblie ate, •t ion at ' the W'hiteiy e House in 11 le fringe of i.uckiaeiee, on "Saturday, Dee, 13th, 1890 'At the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon., the folie wiet ,ard, namely : —l.ot atumbe.r one in the 4th eo :,cession of the te,was$ip of Kin • toes, in the county of Bruce, carttaiginy .one hundred ae.rus r'Lve end except the two acres thereof heretofore conveyed to the Wellington!, etexrey 4Mel Bruce I1eilway Cirmpany, This propel ty .4a•'situate abesut five miles 'kfrom 'tire. vil1,,,t -s 'irf' Lucknove and Ripley, "With good ro,.`1�eleediog te, tofu places. .e ,, F.xceat.&bout three surer, the said' landiteall saleared if net under cultivaoioat. The svi%t•.is ..beevy clay loa.ni. '1iiere are on (ke, 'farm a frame house abiiat't 1 "20 x :30 feet, 1 i stories high with addition thereto, and a irate r, hare. Thele is also on` the. laud I. good hearing orchard. of apples,' • flutes and other fruits. • , TERMS. S. the propeir'ty wilt he nffea•e l subject ttia a prior mortgage the teeing and amount of 'Whikla -will be m'cte.known at the time .of sale, Wen per cdnt. of the 'ptirclee,-.Money over and. • shove the said mortgage:Kest be paid otu'tbe Jay of sale, and the 'purchaser si;a an agree ment for the completion of.L.is purchase and .'the balance of the purchase money must be ',paid at the expiratien of one month freta.* the date of purchase. with interest at the same y rate as the Vets ;ors are now receiving, and • open such payment the purchasers will hes entitled to the -conveyance and the poesessic n .-of the property. • The property will . bs offered sithieet to a • re•+erve bid and to fie ther conditions, which - will be read at -the time of sale. similar to the standing conditions of sale of the High Court of justice, obtained from. bite Vendors Soli -.,r. Further information nay he ,( at I,etcknow, this 25th clay of No- l vem'. 1390. . E1 LIOT TRAVER. Vendors Solicit/Or.' g' ► ,BOAR ?QR'S1:RVi. IpIaLE T;Nt EliS1e>rNEb) WISHES TO1 1 ..inform the warmers of the surrounding e cunnbry that he will keep fur service this, season at lot 3, con.:(, Distress, that thorough- bred. Berkshire boar `Ki leeRe+hert,"furnished with registered pedigree . Te:rha►i ^:—•$1 cash, wish privilege of returniu}•. .ALEXANDt. Mct 4/NAIAD, 34-979 l,uekscoty I' .4)., tat. STRAY .BULL. TRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF. i7 uudeinigned, let 7, eon. 9, about. theclOth •4+f August last, a ytewlief; boll, 1 he oWher ntay have same by provai.}; l s .,r,,ertt'.a id plying . , • expenses. • JGSi•, l' 1 ,l (? 41; ETON, .,3-879 i i e ,J rt .,k,' •1'. 1):, 4 Int. :BOAR FOR 5r:R I,OE. � HE ;TJNii)ERSTGNI''.d) W3 SHES TO odium the fanners tient he till keero for rserv,sce axis season at rut :2i., Cern. 2, Kinleie►s, s9 . vwhite Ohao-Cbester • Boar. 1.'t3•e118 :—$i at trite fireis of service, with privilege of retulrating •til. neoesaaree WM. NIcDt)NAT,P, r.ucltj'tow P. O. • J S. .114,1101k4k, L , 3iringham, avill,be in T.u..know on the seeond and fourth Fti- *they and 4utne•day of each month Good seta e Tl. iLlaing'and extracting a 1pecialty. Beaver Caps Fur Muffs - P. Lamb• Caps Fur Coats Do Caps A-nd w l-also-gi-ve--ye sw-est-qu4tatk.ns Overcoats" Blankets SIIiD: A beautiful assortment of • 'Watt best STOVES AND HARDWARE Just received,. Everybody invite to call and see for themselves 'that ever thin is first-class, but the 'price a poor affair. • O. C. TAYLOR. Campbell Street East, Lucknow. LE. PSTO ST. II BJT ENS_ r) Preparing for the fall trade. Our stock is filling up *f st with the latest novelties of the season. Our usual stock of staple dry goods is very complete. We have just opened some specia, lines in BLACK AND FANCY.: DRESS GOODS BEAUTIFUL GOODS. Also a fine assortment of ready made elothi3'•g, bouglt more with an eye to quality than to a low price. Positiwel v no shoddy. To arrive. in a few clays a very large. assortmel't of ladies and : entlemens underclothing, including those ire Italian elastic goods so. popular with the• upper- ten. .Mantl; cloth in good variety 'and at clt'sest prices. A. large assort - ulent of novelties and staples• to arrive in the next. few days.,' 'As usual our stock of groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, hardware, crockery, etc., etc., is well also} ted and all ,sold at closest prices. Please .call and. inspect. Am& special line of buffalo and goat robes at astonishinJ sow prices. We invite r- your close attention to these ;go s. They are Tight. We know it, and We want you to. What's to beret{ ent every lady from having a new cash - Mere dress +(airreolor),when that dress can be bought for :poly 23c. per'yard , worth 30c. The ,diiicii'.ty'is in •knowing ' where to stop. We are preparing for a'booming trade all through this month. Winter goods must go, and' we shall riot stand on the (ceremony ot their -going. As usual, our boot and shoe (department is Ireplete with winter goods, mens felt boots, , ladies felt gnites, t> velshoes, rubbers, etc., etc. The grocery 744artintent will be replete. With every :article consiAitlt*-ith & general stock, and you will at eaU times find tiles 'fresh and'in good condition. We thoroughly appreciate the kind encouragement we thawte received gill the past, and assure 'you of our earnest efforts to meet -it's continuance. litentemb& ItItb boom . is for all this month. • Poultry,. and Butter Eggs 'Minted. Voke is i',.R.ATEFULLY, - A. E. ;Bras cIntyre's 0114 stand. St. Helens ROBERT MURRAY. The E:Qreo! IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just rACeiVed a large consign mento€ - Fresh Groceries, Choice f ti.y .our, / e Choice Tobacco, Canned. Goods Crockery, Glassware Teas, Coffees, aid Sugars, which will be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of the village, JOHN 'ELLIOTT THE NEW EARLY GRAPE � a CORTLAND"• Ri N$ FROM l3tk TO 20th AUGCST asses Sing to warmth elf season. Three weeks earlier than the Conte eitt. • " The al cove grape can only be purchased from authorized agents of Maple Grove Nurseries. Waterloo, N.Y. , and all trees and plants sent out from those celebrated nursery grounds are guaranteed to give satisfaction, Give your orders to our local agent, H..Spencer,Lucknow. Agents wanted. Apply to . J, w. Mc11;AY, • 3m•869 Gen Manager, St'rhom.s,Out. PUBLIC' NOTICE. EOAR FOR SERV1':' t THE L" NTifERS4G.N ) WILL KEEL' 4or service ttaib 'season at lot 11, c•,n. t', E. D. Ashtield, a• Chester white, full bred boar, lately broigh; from Pinkerton toevitshin. Terms $1, at time of service ; $L,2ii if • not eo paid.. • tf. At'L+ tItl ':E ZED,. , 'eifaet't'P. (')., Otit, • PUBLIC. hio'1i'IOL puBLIO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE'f that ail application will be mule Ly' Daniel Patterson, of the villace of r,ucknow in the eenmty of Bruce, • to the Legi$nture e l the Provioeee ot Ontario. alt its next session, for an act to aatt cnime kiln, the said Daniel Patterson. to practice Dental Sureery :ha the, Provinre`of Ontario, Dated at Li,s*cnovv thya 19th day of November, 1800. DANIEL PA.TTERSONr by 6.878 • Pt, MORRISON, hit Solicitor. 11T0TICE P1 •IIEREBY GIVEN T11A.T' l\ Adam N ossworm. of the Township of Carrick, in the County of Bruce, yeoman, will apply to the Parliament sof Canada at the next session thereof fin. a Bill of livor n 'from 1•:4 wife, Emma Russtvorm lace Cotice 1, formerly of the st.itl Township of CarrIelt,'but i ottw re- siding in fila city- or Chicago, la•tlt+i State of Illinois, V. S. on the •grotttpl of adultery. , 8 I Bated at Walkerton, N•.i Llai 1st day of • I Septetnbtfr, 1890. m . O'CW N VOR dl• o` .boar iR;. veins -8,867 Solicitors fur ae►galicant WAGON MAKING. HORSE SHOEING ANfl C E tl E RAL • ' BLACKSMiTHlNC•: Adam Thalmann begs leave to 'Ora • i , inhabitants of Leecknuev .' and enrroundiu corsetry for the liberal patrntogje bestowed s- him during the last seven years, and wishes g continuance of his old customers and a tea. share of the new , as he is in a better position , - than ever to-anepply,the wante of the »uhl He always has oft hand a stock of • Wagons • & Buggies �+f :►f1 kinds, He also will remind them of his far famed ' SCOTCH 'DIAMOND HARROWS which he a1'way has on hand and attr► made, the very b4st material. Parties wanting an thing in tl is line wilt do well to give him anal and Kee pros before purchasing edsewh r'i Particular attention tad to ALL 'KINDS OF 11ORSI SUOEIKC 'flat feet , ccntreLttione, and interft ring;. By strict attention Co. business, good work manehip •and employing oothit,g bat gaud workmen, f trust to retain the 1 atrotiaa' kindly extcteded to taw. ' . ADAM THOMPSON t`nmplre}1 Street'o +poeite-the Bat k • BOAR FOR SEf'VIOE. HE UNDEBSIGNET) Wil i. KEEP feet' serikitce this at lot 24 non, L., Kinlnioa a thofrnitBiibred' Betlishit•e bat'' Vie °t Black 1'i i►ire�,"' 'ferns 51,1)0 sttieily cask • with priVitege •ori returning if necessary. `v1I4LIASL I)AWBON, , 1.87f Lueknew Pt U. Ontt 5v