Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-05, Page 4-7.1;$C-77.-t‘ft0 • 7/. " ^ . • A. r ...r.faytaetk',VCA ,,-..,-.......,0tt.t.st-.-tr.-tittr......... , • ,,,....1. .10 'I • ••••'" . ' ." •!' ,••7•...' ; •. ' '.1..!,,tp.' ,;1.t,,., • . ' ' . I ' -...,4••••••-lr.,.., ''''‘••,;) *T-.•4•.•1•- to attttitt,it,. , tt.ttEttcx tttttzptattr;t.... , , .t.-,41., ,,,,,,, • . 0... . .,..,,,,„ .. t' r.:- , - :.- - , ....!44,1"..* it n0.1i.dr11.4.4 •' 44-, . 1. , N -^,---t- 1 ' • • . , ' ';., '.' i'...!'qletr.,t''.' tnt,il'''t-t .etr.•';1141t 1 _Cc ''1_:F "tt L. ., ,%. ft ,17 -,=,,..--,--t-=•-...'..•.=••,..4$':,4.19;..7.4:•-•.•"•' --•••••-.-44;•?' a ,,5 : - V..‘.7.'t • • ii .k' :, ^ ^t1; tt 1 ,•;.44.4 i 1, ..!.2,..0"•,...404 , i '• tl'''t1 • . • Q t• 4.0" 0 • 4iiwtattitte . • • The Lucknow'teie I lartiO0Quilty, Frk1y,DeOlTiber ,Alfatiagaitdt Precealloryt &Virg .gRiclo_ plenty ice, high winds, snowdrifts and snow blocadea, 'The cold periods will be wide spread, Tee d4tilers willbsecure an early supply. There will =also be one or mow period& of mild, sleety, or rainy weather. METEoROLOGIBT. t ecit Aniberly, Nov. 27, '90 --FRE LIBRTY-No implini *ND TO. ,2VEGUE ,PONOIA,151qt WE MEIER ABOVE- AI.14 NEWSOF THE TOWN, sOrliE4 Lii3NB(C44a. • '!„.;•!. • . • The great bargains . • ' ,olicicAoir, Dect4 5th, 1800. . ,•,,!., •, . .. •-,.,i , „Lrn . • ,. i•:,-,,...,. ,„ ,,,--,,-÷.;--; .., .... a', °''.f. 1 • ' trit.M. LICENSE LAW, _ Ate•the:coannil4neeting on Tuesday night a, motion, was passed condemning 4lie action of. the Ontario Legislature appropriating to itself such a large —share of the .nioney paid for licenses in •i the different municipalities of the. •Tirovince. In Lucknow last year Et9 were paid in license fees and ,out Of bat ,amountonly $418.90 was given hmuniciit.y4 while the balance, $561,10, was appropniated 'by =the: Government -Emits officials. 'zThis the' council considers , is an injustice, and they are willing that a, -fair por- tion of the. license monzy should go to. therfOoparnment to pay its trispectOrs .0; •: - •,•,„ • yckany,One who wi'.1;•give. the matter • the least thought, mu it come to the Conclnaien. that-) were it net for the linnoragle man kwho are engaged in the bimineas here, the law Wouldbe a dead letter ot,least Leo gfar *as' its enfereettrent iSConCerpecl. This year, however, 'the • (ml...received by -the corporation so far . lin:- • ,t • - otily,-atnounts .to.$290 out of a &ta1 :fee colleeted of $750. A change in the system id certainlY needed. . • • Forestry 41' , T • • . To the Edit(?). a Me Sentinel: our ziper ;has frequently • dOne me the.service ofinsertsng letters ou ,forestry, perhaps you will:1110w nt.e A Week's likened of the linskIngt Border Town. —Only three weeks now till Xmas. —All taxes must be paid before the —Mr. Wm.. Geddes1. co3per, turned out 4400 apple barrels the nast searlon. —The minutes of the village council 'and several other interesting articles are crowed out this week. —The highest price in cash paid for hides, tallow, and sheepskins at the Lucknow tannery. —Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smyth, of Seaford), spent Sunday last at the residence of Mr. James Lindsay, of this village. —A large variety in men's over shoas in the latest American two buckle city arctic styles at Peart's. • —Mr. Thos. Detlerhas removed to ;the residence at the corner of,Havelock and Hamilton streets, near the school. —The splendid •sleigh-ing has im- proffled .business. ,A little more snow is 'needed, however. 1. -•••L-Itring your bides, tallow or sheep skins to the tannery ;where you will get the highest price in- cash. • ani 51rs.•.J. C. Kincaid were iu Wingliam last,week attanding the !funeral of fillr.Kincaid's father. • The old gentleman w,a-s in the 711st year elf Ills age. —Peart. 'has in- hand a gOod assort ment of men's felt hoots, ane 'socks and rubbersof the leading lines. —There will be sold at the Auction Mart is this village on Saturchiy after- noon 'next four cows, two 2 year old colLs and a large quantity of valuable furntruTe:wr.-----77-7 Dotinion Government has 'ta-ltfy.,thist before your rfraders:•—'The- •ordered that children -between 9 •and • ft itivakeiring td a sense.`.,eff 1 shall attend schbol at least 100 days the: factthat we must 4.)reser4t and in the year. Parents and guarAians 4.144atplant:iiihreforestili 'Ontario than we Will be proceeded against for violation the ,habit.of tfoing,ntelse of the order. • • 4 weshall in.)PIT: the fortility th oui ". —.Gto to Peart s for snow, excelsiors countiar as ether -lands: have done. In and arctic and felt two Inickle over - 11" 0°11'134 of journeys through part of . ShoessO women's pin , and, Ameri- • . -Mufti& this -•spring, . learnt thtlati3an -battened5, Iffisses and childrOn's iL^ gr',4'091tyt Iroes ifas•heing wade, pl tin buttoned beats it* great variety. • 'WM; iilatiten,...and ••••="9.1Ma. witveafig. I• • offered at the new store ileaj of Dress Goads ty_tv7.41^7.7;trzztryrt7,77.7mtprsttTr.Ftt=7:t • Ue. .—J Which will be sold at rock bottom prices. MEAN And will carry, out to the letter what we dvertise. Give the new store a trial. Te DETLOR0 1p90 tItt.74. 890 LL 111•1111N•1011W • •NmiumslommovIIIINM.tamoingraillnolteir We are shov ing this week something special in LADIES' SILK EMBROIDERED In all the new shad.es. Also Fancy Embroidered • Table Cloths, Mantle Drapes, Table Drapes and Tidies. Just the thing to give a N JwTrFuL AD• UNIQ Toyour parlor furniture. Call and. see theria. They are going fast, but we are re -ordering for the Xmas. tr6ide.• • PeCa\T., LOCKNOW AND D,UNGAN • NON. " • • ,",;t4,01.1i9Vg 9g, •woodland, prerfirced. have•=nt been able, this' sifiriner,ltd• :- c�.iiitpaviitig :tot illimiSs; ' • ' nod would ,be, glad if any farinere or others' hi our ncigliborhoed, W‘he'.,' take . • itti interest in the iiiatit:ri'i,woulefisOnd'. • ....= ine•aletteranswering,ithiriir all f011owing questions: '!.1..V.Vbether' and to what extent:lines • of trees for witrobreaks4ir ornaments aie.liefirit planted • Ulla ,how 'those platted -are thriving ,• , .2 Whether. platitatiouti et • young irtitzw have btviet ,ontiod. 4°7' they • • tat ; , - • ' • 3 ltI 3.0 eier c,attle 40 *toed xi, • /.1.p9e dine past, from . bleeding at the • 'Jw,is'better and resting,coinfortably, • Hopes pro naly. 'entertained of his -rovery.. --Fergus and 'o4a have'uovr a co , p1ete systearof aeotrie light. The two villages will. be supplied from one power and dynamo which is situated in Yergu3l. r.,r ill be hitched on in a taw •w'eeks. Purvis, auctioneer, will sell by !public auction at lot 4, con. 11, ittabloss, on Wedriesclay:.Dec. 17th, a large quantity alarm stock, imple- meets, ewe:, theloo,perty of the .late War. ,Johnston. Sale to commence at 112 pf St. Marys, whO (mm110%1144 ttown in .Angust for the erilareeimmt aif pictures,. has placed a painting , on opal, •of a well -known, ptrtaiorr. in;Mr. e entell's store winaow until ;Saturday .the ,fth before deliver - ling it.. —We vraut ageorrAspondent in every 'eornger of the surretandink townships. ,Ne better opportu4ty for the cultiva- tion of tthe tatilnt og composition can 'be secured thati writing for the press.' We will supply stationery and p.aitage. —Don't miss the literary•aid musi"- al • a Week. from this • Fliday. --interesting lecturs on Abraham Lincoln will ..be one Of the thief attract... ,See programme in. ;neit 'week's. SEN-PixEL, - •,,-L-Lost, oat Pridav last, between D. ourt.,ntritto's store Mrs. Murray's •Midttne.e, a two dollar and a half gold piece: iiiia& "A. G. E." engraved on it. There is 'atta.ched to it -a• small chain and pin. The tincler will oblige by returning it to IVIiss,Jetin G..,1flurray, • —Rev. Dr, Al antes,, -W4Itcerton, • who has been fat:the point of-idt•th fQr • from ally portitais f IA:004.# Ifillt1 . . neighborirnoti and hew ArtiaLkf#0.r.ft-i 4 Any 71iff'eren..e .in ctiiiik‘t; *i1; drifting drifting of. snow and so . • . have observed p•ince ,1 5 What measures, if any; would be likely to iir prove the e4c,istiug .State of ,Yours truly,• ' • • R. W. PuIPitS,•. 2511 Riclininlid .w. Nay..4 1890. • 'Toronto, Ont. • . P: S.— The iorest'ry • report, tor which these questions are astted, he sent free ,te.a11;yvho __.t Wes•iat,i, •rfaige ,Commig itiettgA11).er. fl'o 0.4 461doritfac, st•?eittiliel : •t • "Woiblattena:br,;:how will.be the awather? •, Sir, it 1s 4ondy And coining ne.xliiu;coar Houghton . )r.ittepped en 1 tlikly.ed with old Prink Seine, While We fittAii Iiia old Jun Saviin Went by und euldheinrweil 'twoa,ld • The next thateatne rig waster Hulot, And heAtecilkod,kejteleigi it would'ait, Aud then I. uiei..ovith latiner Blow Be plainly said e 4f.ritt.know. So, Sir, w heti disagree, litthote,todeeklet,it;yeu 'ur sue IP. Stu: Lae fifkon than' g1it of these 4.•id Bedfordshireihtteuttog. %ma autntnuttoltjtvgattiliociOg opinions • .0,Xptelsed' - by troiv,, respecting the /character of 'env *loosening, winter.' Without - rootttiVin:WO "Ilme 'space, would.1419ply say tI have , came hope • 4iba on6lia•ilit,ffos f now give or T)eCesifber will e'ci•Se itin401 of your .1 del's itouIrt the truth of the bars- • ...•••••••.......0000••••••••••••• LLIOK6110111/ MARKETS.- ••••••1.••••••••••1111•• (Corrected wary Taarsdatmorning.) Elour. ..$2.60 Irall W. heat 88 Oats 37 Peas,. •60 44 ?Irk 5 15 Potatoes . •30 to 35 113t4tter .14• . . rf • The season fox; overcoats is here. Wetave a or menand boys at right prices. In caps We have a, GOOD ASSORTMENT! 6f Persian'Lamb,Beaver, Sealette, Eto. A Call Solicited. •WM_ ' cOisTisTE]mais. -4-e7 STOVES ! STOVES 1 STOVES I Itwill profit you if you want to purchase a good 000K STOVE, PARLOR STOVEOR BOX STISVE •I FOR COAL OR WOOD. This season, to call on u!. You will find our toc1 complete and at reasonable prices. • A large stuck of Btve PArztiturs, Boards, Pipes, Sto,,, A. ay Dbluz. 111. rri0a, Now is your time to get a good stove cheap at , The leading stove 4 depot. tgokigt 1,W,hati .features then wail ..,44e. St X • cit,te • • * ir • • • .. • .. '41‘1:103. matroicizorviii ' 4