Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-10-24, Page 1VOL XVII.-- 42. fr + : i Ira LUOKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1890 -THE- , nc1 o . 'Wished every Friday at the Menti-neL" curl .un•pbr 11 Sts., Lucla",w, , --BY JAMES 1 revAro, 'EDITOR & PUJBLiSH-iER SUP,,SC%R. T10N Fltit'.1,E "r 1.00 PER YL.'LR, TN ADVANCE. AKA lt.l`Uy (Da, yo PRI A "7 ING XP.I.'UTBID Winn, tiis:!'iNlr.A.r. et DES 8 IT4.10. THE L11CI(NOW - Bl 1V AlJG CO VfF 4111 Y DUNGANNON SHOW, The following is the fist of WHOLE, NO. 874. 2 'Glen Bros ; pair ewe Iambs, Glen Bros, 2 J. 0: thewart ; rasa lamb, John Salkeld, 2 Glen Bros. 44, MANUFACTURES. 10 yards' all wool flannel, John rien:; pair wool blankets, John Bailie, 2 J. 0. Straughan ; best col- lection of harness, D. G. Bickle ; col- lection of tinware, James Whyard ; best made pair of pants, R. Mullough. ,fudges --John Hanna,. Wit. Lane. IHPLB1fENTS. Rouble Carriav;:John Bransden, 2 John Ferguson; .single buggy, 'John.' Ferguson, 2 John .Brunsdeii ; wood axle tarn wagon, John Brunsden. Judges -John Govier, John John- ston, W. Anderson. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. CEO*G NAIR, PROPRIETOR., • MONEY To LOAN sra li VI.S• ISSUFD ON ALL PRIN-• y cipnl points. Cldegoes, drafts and mortgages ca hed. Nrttesdi,coatnted . Aliter- icln, currency & A u1ericau bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. interestcill„we,l •'n deposits from five rioll:rr:7` �,..�..,,.aa....,.an,i ul,war,lw ,It the rate of five per centn tic )er annum. :l'lonc+' to bene o11 farm or village property at th•;.lowest current rates. Fire insurance effected in first class stock • insii auce companies (ul'6. We have one 2G)0 aerie, three 100 acre and two 4'10 acre• fn.rm-4 for save cheap. Office. hours 10 a, in• to 4-p. Mi G..A. SIDDALL, Manager. illi DlCAli.•, ifA. livi)ONAI.I), M.. 1)., (.): i [. Q. P. S. o 0. l)flue,..hiutail. _....._... _. DR. 'PENNANT, 1' flY S"1 C; I AN, . Snrg•',m anti .v,e,nlclieur. Surgeryop- posite Can,'.{ hate!. Ut'.ic#• kivars from. 9 t, 12 a, m.,:'.net front 2 ton p. Ill. Mcl). (:01;PON, :M.]):, (' M. F.T.. 1e M.S„ . 11:1 ('.P.S.f ).,. Physician, Sur- ;,^.eou, ani 'i-ce,,uuhcuc- O!l:ue Inca c•o,r to W. .:� llin's ins ,,1t'ulelit »'inti,. Residence ltusu•street, • u'I,pobite'v U. i,ittle'tt. - --- _-_ g�• P. (aE1)i) .,, V. S., f1ALLS dJ either by wail , r telet,rali, .p•' lulu.!• attended to. Charges 1.14ule.rate, Oftico;.Cr,r- 1.---,---4Aig:iils li',tt'tlnti ea Cain's hotel. l,uckuow. . LEGAL.. 0IMON ("()1.t1;IGAN, COMMISSIONER; in .1.1. O. G. Kiulough 1'. U., Ontario. y ARIIJW• k �PltOU1)1'OO'1's•, L'Al�RIS 7f tern, S.,heft',, etc., c�nderich, Out. T. G. G,11Cn'ttY, Q. C. \Vm.l''nounFou'r. A'I'•l'UltN.Wir AT .law; iolicit,'. in ('hancery., Convey• 'ancer; etc. Office, .ext door toAlurohisun►t3 ewellery store, l.nel, n )w, (h)t, s i 10ItltISO)N, A'1'•1'ORNEY •AT • L•rw, Snitcitor in>(.hancery, Commis - Conveyancer, ete, Otiice, neer the :barber shop. 11) 01314:4' IZT CUNNINGHAM, INSITR. mice, Fire 4 Marine, Guelph, Ont. , nisand 'dollars to invest for private' INiff ON, EY TO LOAN ! ON PI RSTICL ASS J mortgages at 7 to Vi per cent. inteaest. payaide yearly.. Charges Moderate, APpiy - to Rounirr'MutinA.Y. St. Helens. • TORN MURCHISON. C. P. TICKET 'West and PaCiti.; COLA. F1111 information to intending travellers t.) any part of the world, sale in (Mario as well as Matlitolts. • Pa•rties desirons to sell farm.: will consult their inter- ests•by inspecting Cm advertising.facilithis of •Sn4.,s-riber Great Britain 'and Ire.aud and Continent of lands for sale. A NGUti SrEwAnf, Land Valuator., Lucknow, Ontario. 1Y 1' • Fire [Minn, nce Company, board .of on the first Tnesdr.,,,, eacti mouth. Parties , wishing tr. have Wei, property insured in this . increasingly Company, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by cue of tne Directors. Business culls' pr,,roptly attended %Office, • Dungannon. .1. M. SOCIETIKS ILA 'Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clobk t:ordially tvite41. 1). TAYLOR, Noble Grand ; • sts fir 50, Litcknow. Meet - every last and third Monday. in every mont'a, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren r e cordially itiYited. A, A., the Anei-nt'Ordi.r ‘Vorkit..err, 'meet ,in thv OdlifelloWs hal, on the litSt and eight ro'elook. Visiting brethren , II tate. Reading rotan open every evening from 6 to 10 p. e.Oepting Saturdays, when the hours will by from' 2 to p, tn. The librarian will be in attendance dining these hours. I). 0. YULE. PrOSid6nt. JAM. Sowell fogaNTAL Wingliam, will be in T4riticnow outtbe seeond and fourth; -Fri-, -slay an Alatlirdas of each month. (INA • Netis r Gni Campbell Street, Imanow, C. KINCAID, PROP. Oysters by the ..(part, pint, SWEET OMER, MILK -SHAKE. _Constantly kept tit stock. Give me a trial. 'Remember the place, next to the bank. • form the inhabitantS thiti Seed that be place:I a Vortable Saw Mill on the east, half of Lot 22. in the 13 con. of West Wawanosh. and is n )w prepared to -supply the public with all kinds of hunber'frirm•lit to 20,feet length, 'and. at the lowest possible prices. Frame tinalter, etc. also kept in stock or cut to order. The mill is in charge of Mr. C. Suwers,.sawyer. A call solicited. DO TT 0 FIRE!, VIRE Insure yonr .fartnLproperty, private dwelling, in the oid reliable, the , LONDON CITY MUTUAL AND CITIZENS. 0 Office, --A. ROSS harness shop. Lucknow. Wit be in the office every Saturday afternoon, THE COOKS BEST FRIEND STRAYED SH,EER, QTRAVED '1,70 THE PRE:1118E8 OF Wawatosh, on or about Ist of August, a white ewe and lamb. The owner is requested' to iwo've property, pay expenses and take them away, JOHN SNITH, 3,872 Dungannon P. 0. Ont. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. SITUATED ON HAVELOCK sTniziw near the if tottion. Price $250. For further particulars appLy to.. 5 Ltwknow F. O. II ORS ES. ! heavy Draught -Brood mar •,, with • foal by her side, Garret Switzer, 2 M. Woods,.3 Thos. Anderson ; 2 , ear old filly, Jos. Foster, aft W•ocis ; 2 year old gelding, W. M Iligzil .; 1 year old filly, J. 0. St swar , ; 1 year old slekling, J. II. Mal ugh , 2 year old stal1ion,•ti -. A. Cunniii ham,• 2.A. It. Anderson ; 1• year old stallion, Win. K.iug; 2 Ueu Currell ; foal of 1890, Thos. Beattie, 2 Garret,Switzer ; team in harness; Jos. .Fotter, .2 John, VV`el,b, J. 0. • Stewart ;.5 foals of 1890, get of one stallion,.J. P. Fisher. General Purpose -Broad mare, with 'foal by lier side, Jos. A Msllough, 2 Paul Reid ; 2 year old filly, John Me - Loan, 2 -John Webb ; 2 year old geld- ing, 'Phos. Anderson ; 1 year old filly, Ed. Hailes ; 1year old gelding, Harry Morris, 2 John Webb ; foal of 1890, 11. Taylor,.2 J. A Mallough ;walking tears, to wagon, empty -wheels not -luck . n ' e , l ; seal» in at ness, weigh», not to exceed 1,250 lbs, John Jawieson, 2 A. 1ti, Alderson. Judges -D. A. Purvis,. A. Nichol - sol, T. J. Bell .I1oad•or Carriage--Brood'rn•aro, with 'fool by her si,lr, 1�'•, A. Cuuningh'arn,.'° .,2 J. A, .Mallough, 3 H. Taylor .. year old filly or geiding, John 1Ve.bater, t'9 Sal') Potter ; 1. year old filly ot•.geld R; Mullin, 2 John Bailie ; 2.year old stallion, J. W. Cooke ; horse shown in .harness, single, 'Win. Mallough, 2 pr. 'Whitely •; pair matched horses, in harness, -W. 0. Jones, 2 Sam Potter ; foe:L .ot 1850,--H.-Taylor, 2 -Chas. Gins vin,. 3 J. A. Mallough, Speeding. in. the,, i;in .Farmers' trot or pace, Best two''i'n t free, Jona- than Miller's "Arcade Wilkes,"'2 1Vnl Jaekson's "Lady .Fulton," '3 Wm. Glazier's' , "Grey Bird." Open to all, trot, or pace, bet two in thanes NV. Pewel's ``Grtey 'u•airk," 2 . Bawden's "Jack Gale," 3 Jonathan •Miller's "Happy Lucy." Lady Riders and Drivers -Lady Driver, singe, Miss Mallouali, 2 Mrs. Mallough, 3...Miss M'utliu ; saddle horse Mare 'or gelding, speed and styln con sidered, John Atkins, 2 R. 111eLean. Judges -Dr. Bloc:klzall, Clinton ; J. C.. Marti.u, Goderich ; A. M. Polley, Gudericli. Any Breed -Boar, • John Clarke, 2 R. Finnigan ; sow; having raised pigs in 1890, Win. Mallough, 2 Paul Stueltzer. CATTLE. Thoroughlfied- Milch cow,. having raised or with cal t in 1890, Thos. Anderson, 2 W. Kilpatrick ; .2 year old :heifer, Thos. Anderson 1 and 2..; Kilpatrick; Wit calf 4)1'1890, -Robert 2 years oe.6ver, Thos. Anderson. ; bulls Kilpatrick ; herd ef three females and raised or. with calf in 1890, Robt Medd,. 2 John McLean; 3 Itsibt. Medd.; 2 Year old heifer, J. 11. Maltough, Robt. Medd, 3 John McLean ; 1 year old. heifer, John McLean, 2. W. Durnin ; steer cilf. of 1890, J,A Mallough, 2 Al Mairien ; .heifer .call of 18-90, John' old heifer, raised calf ,in .1890; Rout. Medd, 2 NI McBrien ;' fatted ox or steer, 1 and 2 Hugh. GirSin 1; fatted co‘v 'or, heifer, Robt;. Medd ; yoke of Kilpatrick ; .2 year old Steer, 1 and 2 .111c131.2.johni McLean.- judges-Robt. Eraser, John Wash- ington,. knot Salkeld: pair aged ewes, raising Iambs in .1890, J. 0. Stewart ; pair shielding ewes, 1 and 2 J. 0..Stewart ; pair ewe lambs, lamb, J. 0. Stewart, 2nd, Jahns Web- ster. Short Wooled -Aned .ram, .Js Bros, 2 Jail. Lane ; pair. aged ewes, Rasing ItipliS 1690., -01-011 1.1rOFI, J. FOWL. 'Brahlnas, lig•lit, Robt. McLean 1 and ; Brahu,as, dark, Root, McLean ; Leghorn, white, James Lane, 2 Robt. McLean , Leghorn, brown, 1 and 2 Light. McLean.; P1'ymouth Rock, 1 and. 2 Hugh Rutherford ; Black Spanish, Robt. McLean, 2 J:•B. Mc- Kinnon ; Hain burgs..pencille4i golden and silver, J. B. McKinnon ; Wyan- dottes, 1). McN•iveu ; Game, 1 and 2 Robt. McLean ; Bantavns, Robt. IIc- Lean, 2. J. B. McKinnon ; barnyard fowl, Robt. McLean, 2 J. B. 11IcKin- 11011 ; geese, 1 and 2 James Lane trucks, 1 and 2 "James Lane ; 'pea -foal,-• 1'and 2 W. KiipatrieL . Judge -Jas. Bryan, Lucknow: GRAIN. • • 2. bush fall wheat, white,' :E 411. Sineltzer, 2-Jos..Ar Mallow b ; 2 bush a w war, re o lir a e •, •. Finnigan ; 2 •bush spring wheat, •Fife, John Saikeld ; .2 bush spring wheat, any other variety, S. Putter ; 2- hush six rowed. barley, Alex Pentland, 2 2 bush two.riwed barley, Jno. ,Salkeld, 2' W. 0:Jones ; 2 bush 'oats, 'black, .W. M. Miller,.2 ; ,2 bush oats, .white, 'Thos. Anderson,. 2 Paul Slaleitzer ; 2 bush peas,' small, Paul Stueltzer, 2 ; 2 bush peas. large, -John Webb, 2 John Salkeid ; 1. bush timothy seed, John Salkeld; 2 W. •OJ Jones ; • bush flax seedl..John Sailcel'd, 2 A. Finnigan ; best • and, lab tOt. variety •of. grain _. iii_ -the '-straw, gnOpin ., Irl -.'-•--,�� made, Mrs. Thos. Anderson, G by exhibitor, John Salkeld. , Thos,' Hansilton pair • woollen socks; - DIARY. hand .made, Mrs. ,Thos. Iamilton, 2- . 5 lbs table butter,"Wm.. Kilpat �crk,' Mrs. [Tugh Girvin ; sofa cushion,. Ws. - 2 Jas. Whyard'a 20'.lbs'packed. t u6ii*,',.0. Jones;.2 T Anderson ; pillo.w shams Thos' Hamilton, -2 W. .M. Millery,� •,W. P. Grierson, 2 Fred Ribinsou; cheese not less than 50 lbs., facttory. ',point lace, 14liss Symington ; ,nlacrane made, Walter Wilson ; cheese not'less work, Mrs. Colin Campbell, 2 Miss than 12 lbs., horse made, ,A. D.. Carii- 'Symington ; crewel work, W; • 'O. Lt L11' 2 Walter- Wilson ; loaf baicei•'s ' t, wiles, 2 --t; os. .A.::, .Malluug'n_,; .Eagle jr. bread, P. F. Hamlin ; ; loaf home, shade ..flannel shirts Lizzie Buchanan, bread, Geo. Harris, 2 J. H Mallout;h ; , Han]ilton ; crazy patch work; Mrs. A. 5 lbs - honey in comb, D. Jardine '; jar' Anderson, 2 W. P. Grierson ; arrasene • of honey, Geo. Harris, 2 Il: Mallon ;h; work, Mrs. Colin Campbell, 2 T. maple syrup, Win. Jlolla.nd, 2 W. ' E. Ai]darsort; suit lady's underwear, Bliss Durllin.. • Symington, 2 W P Grierson ; darned VEGETABLES AND ROOTS. net, Mrs. C. Campbell, 2 Miss Syming- • Peck Early Rose Potatoes, Richard ton ; darn • on sock or stocking, ,Lizzie• \Vestbrou.k, 2 R. 1+'utvler; peek White Buchanan,. 2 T Hamilton.; tinsel work,-- E!epllant potatoes, FredRobinson, i11rs. Culiii Campbell, 2 Mrs'. A. Ander R. Mallough ; peck. Beauty of Hecron son ; etching oil any material,. flue or potatoes, kV in. Mallough, 2 A. Sprou e, coarse, Mrs. Colin•Campbell, 2 W. "P:'- 1 heads ca}rbai;e; '1 ho.s. Hamilton, 2 R Grierson ; waxwork, -Miss Symington, .. `':Mrs, 0. Campbell • ,croohet u,lt Mallough ; 9 blood beets, Sam Pti�ttcr, � P. , ' q 2 Win. Mallough ; 9 Mangold wnrtzels Miss Symington, 2 Mrs. s &..Anderson ; J. G.:' Ward, 2 Cli:tuncy .Brown ;.,9 6 yds rag. carpet, Lizzie Buehanan, 2 Swede turnips, Hugh Girvin, 2 W. R Mallough.;. rag.iaat,'LizzieBuchan- McAllister ; 9 long orange carrots,. C. , an, llobt,. Fowler ; woollen yarn; This Brown 2 'Thus. Hamilton 9 white; Hamilton; 2 A. D. Cameron ; holliten ' Belgian rarrnts Fred Robinson, 2 J. lace,'Miss•Symington, 2 W. 0. Jones G. Ward ; 9 early horn earratsSans` embroidered slippers; Mrs. CampbellF, • Potter, 2 1V n». l.l,tlloti rh ; peck onions.2 'Mrs. A. Anderson ;, drawirr ( roonn • Thos, Hurn is, 2 '1'hn; Hawilton ; pack screen, Mrs...0smpbell ; table - ac.arf, tomatoes,' .Win. • Mal tough,..: 2 Geo.Mrs. A. Anderson, 2 Mrti, Campbell ; Young ; 9 tars' ccr,i, J oho Salkeld, 2 table cloth', embroidered, Mrs€•• T. Geo. Hag ris ; pumpkin,; J. 1-1. Ma'- Anderson ; set • table mats, Mrs:' al. tough, Ja,. Uu viii ; w'iuter -aqua;h, 4rldssrsou; 2 Mrs. Campbell; tea oozy, fur table', Tilos. Ander-un, 2 J. 11.•.,1,lus. C tn,libell, 2 J. C. t3trau;l>nan ; Mallough ; suni'iittr•squash, tor, talil'r.s )•i1bun work, Mrs. Campbell, 2 Mr?. )hos;. Ruder -on, 2 Tiers. liaaliiltoil ; A. Anderson ; outline ernhrl,rdery, 4 water utt+1ous,.'U u. Hltrris, Straughn.n, 2 Miss Symington ; Hamilton 4 heads cuu,illuwer Ii i'chd .drat'it wot k, Lizzie.'13uchanan, y Miss, •_ \Vest brook, a it. Fuw•les; 6 ile-Sas Sy'wil;tur. ; woollen shawl, erocht't or Celery., 'GJeo. 1.1arris, 2 John i fling ; 4` )tet, Mis. (1'auiphe1l,,'9 T. Hain}Icon ; citrons; Ch .s. 1)urnirl) 2 Tilos.' ll,rtilil- painting on sill: •or satin, oil (amateur) ton; collection garden •tiegetixbles, A ''B'a'rs. • . Atidersol,, 3 Mrs. Uiiml.)hell ; Sproule. tire screen, Mrs. 3.tiiipbell I; fa,tcy tidy, judges Jus. Bell, Was' ,..Dunkeld, R. 1')wle'r•, 2 Miss u'yiiiit+ytou ; ,7roehet • iau", ,li lies, M i . . Campbell, 2 ' M isa D. A. 1 urwil/ ;tyiniilgtou•;. crochet lace, cotton,, T. I•'WII7.` ,AND, rI.o yi:).s. llau»ilton, 2 1+',. Itolniisot► ; chenille Tatting, 'Miss Symington,. 2 Mrs. Colin Campbell ; crochet. work, 1 and 2 Mrs. Colin Campbell; embroidery in ingtous.einbroidery in cotton, Mrs. J. Mallough, 2. Miss Symington ; fancy .braiding, Mrs. S. Potter, 2 -Lizzie Buchanan ; toilet set; Mrs. Culin Campbell, 2k, Lizzie Bueliantin ; fancy knitting, Miss Symington,. 2 Mrs. A, HaMilton ; patched quilt, in cotton, s Mrs. Colin Campbell, .2- Mrs.- Hugh, Girvin ; embroidery in worsted or sillsi• .Miss Symington, 2 -Mrs. 'Campbell s -linen shirt,. hand Anode (unwashed), Mrs. T. -Hamilton. 2 -Lizzie Buchanan linen. shirt, machine made (unwashed),, Mrs. Robert • Mallough, , 2 Mrs. T. 'trade, Lizzie Buchanan, 2. Mrs. -A. D. - Cameron ; 'pair woollen stoekings each, 'I Jelin ,Afsleatti Harris, 2 slot numbered ; piat'e peaches These Harris, 2 Olen ; plate crab 2 'C. Brown .; colgeJtion of house plants, This. Ande'rsryn, 2 Jas. Whyard ; collection of garden flowers, cut, Jas. Symington, 2 Geo,- Young. Judgisi ROLL Griiliasuss,..j.' M. Buchanan, goo. Cox. embroidery On felt er plush, ington ; mantle chaise, John„Salked, 2 •\ Miss. Symington ; fancy 'tidy, drawn' ladies' work, ugaiir mid ornamental, the work of one persses, Mrs. C. Camp- bell, 2 24Itss Symington, 3 Mrs. J. C. Judgess-Miss Sash, Payne, Ceder FINE ARTS -AIVIATEU Crawford ; animais from life (nil), Mrs.