Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-09-19, Page 1{ r 1 Pimm-, nu a. VOL XVII. -37. ' —THE- 11cknow $'LUtUUl Is published every Friday at the "Sentinel" block, north-east corner of Outram BY JAMES BRYAN, EDITOR & PUBLISHER. Y13SCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL KINDS OF • • y . PRINTING - P YECIJTE D WITH NEATNi:SS et DESP„tTC,l. MEDICAL, @�A. AlcliONAED, M. ])., 0. M, C. P. S. • O. Office, Kiutail. DR, T.ENNANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hbtel. Office hours from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5 p. m. McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. o M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and• .Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Ilites-implement slug). Residence lines street, opposite W. U. Little's. 1--11 R. 1). (aa l)DES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly a`teurletl to. ('bongos rnoderat'. (Tice, Cor- r; pn's_hall„..__Bling.ding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow: Virere LEGAL ci I:\1:ON-001, RIGrA-?1 CE}►V1 IISSION TB, IZ in•H. C. G. Kin,lough P. 0., Ontario. • el AR•RO\V & FROUDFOOT, BARRIS- Jf tors: Solicitors, .etc., 'Groderich, Out. T. G. GAru:gw, Q. C. War.. PROLDFOOT. LUOKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1890 THE LUCKNOW B4 NKING COMP14NY (Not Jncorporated. )' Presbytery of Maitland A Large Amount of Iusiness Transacted at Ike Regular Meeting. TLLTOT TRAVER, A.'CTORNEY AT J law, Solicitor iu Chancery, Convey - ander, etc. Office, next door 'to 1lurchison's jewellery store, 1,uckuow, .Ont, `MOIt]tISON,' ATTORNEY AT .,a law, Solicitor in ,Chancery,• Commis- sioner, Conveyancer, c�i;'c, Office, over the barber sh-it. GENERAL ()BERT CUNNINGHli:\I, 1NSUR anee, Fire &Marine, Guelph, Ont. • lUIONEY•TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW sal. EW . thousand dollars to invest for private • ' parties. at reasonable interests. ELLior TRAVERS.. LOAN 1 (YN FIRST-O.LASS mora,; lRCs at 7 to 7h per• cent;. intoe est. payable year:•. Charges moderate, Apply tit ROBERT MURRAY,•St. Helen's. OIIN 1MIJRCHISON; C. P. It TICKET vl agent. One way excursions to the North • \Vest and Paciri•; Coast.. Full information. to intendingtravellers to any part of the world. ON)':YTO LOAN 1 AT'0 PER CENT fro;n 2. to 20 years. Lists of farms•for ;:ale in Oot, iio as well as Manitoba. Parties ,olesiruus.to sell farms will consult their inter- ests by inspecting the advertising facilities of ;iuhs^riber in (?rent Britain and •Ireiand and continent of lands for ,sale. ANGUS STEwA"RT, ].,and Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario. .EST WAWANOSH MUTUAI. Fire insurance Company, board of directors meets fur the transact1M1 of business on the first Tuesday each month: Parti,•s 'w.ishingto'1iavettaeir property insuredin this • increasingly popular Company, will'by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by one of the Directors. �tismess call' 'promptly at ended to. Office, Dungannon. ,T. M. o13F-'trTS, Secretary, Wit. LANE, • Treasurer. `SO-CIETIES T ITaKNUW J Lodge, No". 112 inerts every .Friday ,�. evening at 8 o'clock in their hall. Campbell cordially it sited. .1r. T Jolts EILro°r, Recorder. street. All bretlirisr .»i.oR, Noble Gravid; •r (1 U. F., COURT ` _Yo Shei•woo,i, No. '50, i,oeknuw, •1\teet every first and third Monday in eve r y ni nt'i, in the Odd - fellows hall., Visit- ing brethren •a.r e cordially invited.- A. 'DAyas)N; C. R. D. 1). Yur.E SEC. AO. U. \V: •LUCKNOW LODGE OF s the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Od,lfellows hall, on the last and isecond Mondry evenings of each month at eight o'cl •nk. Visiting brethren cordially invited. JOiiN PitAR•r, Master Workman. R. D. CAMERON,• Recorder. UCItNO'V MECHANICS' INSTI- J1.J tote. :R,eading roam open every evening 4.rom 6 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 t�, 6 p. m. The librarian will be in attendance during thetie 'boors. ur.s. D. 1). YULE, President. JAS. during vILLE, Secretary. DFATAL. ' • OWING To INCREASED amount off ibusiiress done in, this ofirce r will be here Fri-. 'day •n Saturday of oaoh week. Good setts •off' teeth $10. Bostlsette for $10.tlnFilling and •alt )&log a specfr!lty.. ell;. r, , V RnR]•�rE, L1...JJ,,1?•. GEORGE MAUI, PROPRIETOR. MONEY To LOAN I) RAFTS ISSUED) ON ALL PRIX- cipal points. C'heques,- drafts and mortgages coshed. Notes discounted. Amer-, iean currency & American bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. Interest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annitin. Monty to lend on farm or village Property at the lowest current rates. Fire insurance effected in first class stock ance companies only. • We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two 50 acre . farms for sale cheap. Office honrs 10 a, no -to 4 p. m, • • G.A. SiDDALL, Manager. ids A�°ale Will And our store full of BIIG, BRILLIANT BARGAINS. We've got the to of the Season —AND_ Fo AtiD— o the 5015011. ARE YOU --- A'MONEY SAVER? If , you are don't waste time hunting round for the place to buy at MONEY -SAVING PRICES • but come straight to the old PIONEER STORE Kept Iy W. J. Brulnpton, -Lucknow, Pr LUMBER FOR SALE. :O: �TiE UNDERSIGNED BEGS To IN. form the, nhabitants Of this seetian that he has place i a Portable Saw Mill on the • east half of Lot 22. in the 13 con. of West \Vaw:•rnosh, and is now prepared to supply the,public with:all kinds of lumber from 10 to 20 feet in length; and at the lowest . possible prices. Frame timber, etc. also ktpt in stock or cut to order. The mill is in" charge of 11Jr. C. Suwers,-sawyer. A call solicited. tf-$36 C. TI{O:1IS, St. ,Helens P20. DV^r ±EiT E! FIRE! ti Insure your farm property, private dwelling, in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL, —I AM ALSO AUENI FOR— CITY MUTUAL AND CITIZENS. 1 0 Office,—A. ROSS harness shop. Lucknow. Will be in the office every Saturday afternoon, Geo. Grant, Agent, Lnekno w APPRENTICE WANTED. R 1 ANT;�D AT ONCE AN APPREN• VY tice to learn 'the blacksmithing trade. One who has had some experienc of the busi ness preferred. The shop is situated on the boundary about five miles rm the village of 7ir1►ley., This is a good a portunity for a 'their Presbytery Elders were appoint - ,young man who' wishes secure a trade. 'ed to prepare a deliverance on the cI;86f1., 90. ltil'GyY, Q., Orat;,'. of marriage With% a. deceased, wife's, Wingham on Sept. 9th.. The Rev. A. McKay was appointed 1\loderater. Elders commissions •were received. The session records of Molesworth, Huron, Ashfield, Ripley, Chalmers, and Kincardine township congrega- tions were examined* and attested. Mr. Robert F. Cameron, of Cranbrcok, applied to the Presbytery to be certi- fied to the College Senate as a student witli a view to the ministry. A com- n;ittee was appointed to 0i -infer with Mr. Cameron and reported fa.vorab]y. The Clerk was instructed to certify him in accordance with the report. The Rev. Dr Howie's resignation was considered. A communication _ from Dr. Howie explaining the reason of his absence was read. Mr. George Crooks appeared as conenissinner from Knox, church, Brussels, and presented rpaella -. of the con ire atio.n -expressing their high appreciation of Dr. }Iowie's ministerial services and strong attachment to their pastor. M r. Tiros.-5.traelisus,_ s represrntat i ye - sister and report to next meeting. Messrs: McQueen and Hartley and their Presbytery Elders were appoint- ed to consider the Remit on Regula- tions for a' ed and Infirm ministers' ;e. -r The next meeting will be held at Winghan en December 9, at 11:15 a. in. JOIIN MAcNABB, Pres. Clerk. Lucknow, Sept. 10, '90. Elder from the congregation, addressed the court in similar terms. After fiev;'ri 1 members had expressed them- selves in kindly' terms .of'Dr.: Howie, it was agreed that his resignation be accep!ed,,and that it take et1ect on the last Sabbath in September. Mr. Mc - N alis was appointed to preach in Knox church,-13russels,. on the first Sabbatli in October and declare tke charge vacant. Mr. Forrest was 'appointed interior nioderatel•. The supply of the One year at the Ontai io Agricul- tural College 7o the Editor of the b'enti,wl DEAR SIrI,—I very frequently re- ceive letters from farmers, asking if 'they will be allowed to take a special or partial course at this College. For the information of those who write, I would like much to be 'permitted to answer these questions through the- solumns of your paper. By, the term '• partial," I mean a• course more or less fragmentary in regard to subjects selected, and also in regard to the duration of the period of attendance. Such a course maY. b' al enehere, but eieen* ither--d-esieab1c or .profitable:. The individual who adopts this course only gets an' imper- fect and 'very probably a confused' idea of—any Sublsct. By a '-spenial"--cou'rse- is meant one in which the attendance continues for one College year, and during which the student devotes his attention to once or more suhjects as he may . desire. By . adopting this courseea young inan may, in- one year, take iii two years' lectures oh 'AgriPul tore and Dairying ; • but; to enah1e Lim to de so, he must 'board outside the institution In this, however,, there is no re'al hardship'; for' the 'College is but little more than one urile'frern the Nowhere else in Canada can so much in the line of education be got for so little money and it is just barely pos- sible that this is one reason why those educational privileges are not more tion that a young man from the ,farrn can learn more at this institution in one year, regarding the general princi- ples of 'agriculture,, and even regarding details and methods of much. import- ance, than he will gather in a lifetime simply by his own experience in farm work. The same will hold true in regard to a knowledge of the breeds of live stock. I appeal, therefore, to the young men of the farm, and ask thein to give the subject of this letter their careful considera:.ion ; and I appeal to she fathers on the farm, and urge upon them to allow their sons to availthem . selves of the advantages of this• insti- tution, if the latter are so -minded. Men would call that, farmer cruel who would starve his colt or his calf, but what must they say of him who starves his son intellectually, and that for all time? Some may say That, in thus writing,, you are blowing your own trumpet, • and that of your owned. care but little what may be said on this score. The time was, and not very long since, when I was a farmer's -son-.on--a-•Conn-ad-ian=fartuen-ysEslf. --add _I think; therefore, that I have a right to know sometliirig of the educational needs of a farmer's son, and Ff the•cap- pulpit .was ;''eft in' the hands of . the . session till December. ' The Presbytery , city of G u lPh.ire • made application to the Committee on • The entire, cost of the outside. gtu- the Distribution of Probations to deist would include the tuition fee, books and board.. The tuition fee is 20 a year, which •is simply,a nomina: sum. The outlay for .books ' is not of necessity more than that • sum ; and good board • may ice had in Guelph for froni $3. per week and upwards,• according to the a.motirit of 'accomoda- tion, required. Frons the statement !thus given, it will be easy to• estimate. ' the entire cost of the special course,, when' it' is borne in inind that the prig r ,e Carrie on. 'College yeti commences • October lst, cession it • was agreed ..that farther ,arid closes during the last half of,June,, tillneerat.ioi of the report be deferred and that no' lectures are given from till next naeetipg• Christmas until Jan. `22nd, following. Mr McLennan withdrew his motion Those.vho tike a special course, are to change the system of appointing not required to eio any manual labor commissioners to the General Assembly.. on the farin, and yet they may take -'_11 r.' Hartley gave notice of motion advantage of any instruction that • to 'reconsider the [notion passed a.t last may be given at the stables if they meeting regarding the' Presbyterial choose to do this. visitation scheme.. 1 would not, on any account, hive It Was agreed to hold' a Presbyterial it understood that I ani recommending Sabbath School Convention • at Wing- this in preference to the complete two ham. on Tuesday and ' \Vednesday' ears' course... The'. students should October `_'Stir and 29th. An irltercting take the full two years' course where programme w-a� submitted and ap- St ,ill possible', or what is nwclr, prefer proved. Ttie Rev, Dr. Parsons, of able—the regular tliiee years' course. Toronto, has consented to be present Perhaps it is not generally understood and to address the Convention.- The, that a student wlro pass[ a!I the ex - Rev. lir. Gallagher sat with- the'Pres- that, ations forttw•o . Pars becomes an hy( y, as corn ponding rnetirbrr. amiassociate or, graduate, and the degree i\Tes,r's, illcLennan and J. NcLain of 13.5 A. is conferred upon all those were [appointed to addit the Treasurer'e. who successfully pass all examinations books and report to next meeting. •for three, years. The Presbytery agreed to apply to 11r(;re may be, hoWever, a large Committee on Augmentation Fund for 'mintier of young , men who cannot $200 for Dungannon and Port Albert► leave >, fain► for two ori three years, as supplenieiit to stipend for`this year, >ud ger, they could do so for one year. and re-allirined their application of last '1 ata satisfied that to therm a •speciil supply the congregationtin Decembr•. Mr, Forrest was appointed to corres- pond with' the committee anent supply. 'Dr. Howie's resignation having been accepted, .Mr. McLennan. whose name, was next On the roll was appointed moderator.. Mr. Sutherland, Oonvener of Com- mittee, read a report regar•'ding. the 'manner in which Presbytery 'visitation 'might "l dAfter r some dis 1\Tarch in behalf of 13elgr.avee, Langside , course, sutaa as i have descrilaed, would ,and, Pine River. • be of much value. They could thus , Sessions were enjoined to make get rill the lectures on General Agri - arrangements for bolding missionary culture enc Livei•Stock, .and along meetings and ; report at' the March with these could take the lectures on meeting. • Dairying. Lectures on other branches The Clerk was instructed to 'make Might al,o be taken in, as on Veterin- out an estimate 'of the au►otlnt each 'Ory or horticulture, at least the prin- congregation is expected to contribute cipal portion of thein on 'one or the for the different schemes of the church other of these'subjects. A number of on the.basia of ,families. • students took this special (course last Mr. John N. Knechtel, 11• member winter, who were unable to remain of Knox church, Brussels, applied to• two years; but why should we not be received as lay. Catechist. A com- have at least one hundred student; of nrittee was 'anppointed to confer with this class every -winter ? By the pay - Me. Kaechtel and'report io-neaftmeet- meet of $20. for tution, the farmer's ing. son .is thus enabled to attend while- ' Messrs. Sutherland, McQueen arta from two to four hundred .lectures are being delivered on the st hjects of his future life work. This tution is there- fore, marvellously cheap, or the lectures ..ane. marvellousl�t worthless.... , APply'Remit of Assembly anent the question 'hl%, S. Gon.J. n Blacksmith $bx e. • abilities of 'the institution to supply those needs. I have no anxiety to conceal the fact that I do desire that the young men who are to remain upon. the farni shall have at lenst half the chance, in an educational point -of view given to those wlio turn their attention to the professions. Yours, etc., TIiOMAS 'SlIA.w, Ontario Agricultural. College, (Juelph, August lith, 18.90. Lang side Say, are you going to the exhibition? Langside, though not incorporated is noted for its athletes. , ,Our athletes won several games at Lucknow ort the 18•tla. The. champion,. at .athletic sports, t f Huron and Bruce t esides at L rrrgsi'JP- The harvest is .past, -the summer is Bones and the rna,chines are made hum. The crops have yielded fairly, well. •- Asl;:l'leid ,The farmers have sowed a large acreage of fall wheat this year. It presents a most beautiful appearance. The,•apple packers are busy packing their apples. There is 'u keen ,conrp.e- titioir in buying this season. Zion Hill •Council of Te,n►plars has been re -opened again after being closed for -some years. WVe hoe the young men and, la:lie;sYWill rally r around the.. • old standard. Theliispector.•Mr. J. E Tom, visited school no...5 on Thursday last, and ex- pressed himself well pleased with tho Proficiency of the pupils and the gen- eral appearance of the school and play- ground. The followin.; is tho ,stauding of -pupils of .S. S. Y ro. S,. for the month. of August :--Sr. .4tte---K3-, Gardner,. E. Wilson, 1), Smith. Jr. 4th -1L Anderton 11. Webster, G. Webster. r Sr. 3rd -J. 'Wilson; B. Ritchie; M. Andt,3iv. Jr. 3e. J. Rleid, 11•, Anderson, A. l aro "n. Sr. '2nd --L.., 1 -Hunter, R. \enlister, R. Gardner. Jr. 2nc,--M. Gardner, E 11IcGill, R. \Filson. e;r. J'art 11--:\I. Brown, R. Hunter, C, '.rook. Jr. Part Hunter, L. 1Jabock, J. Wilson. Sr. Parr Anderson, J. llab'ock, "II. Reid. Jr. Part 1 -5. \1'ilsSu, Ii, Barber, E. Webster. ^,rd div. Part t --T. faard'rvr. S, Hackett, G. Hueter, Parous are' earnestly requested 'to sena their children regularly to.ecnool, because diose not attending regularly will have no chanoe,on the promotion examinations. ---A11 kinds of groceries of the best qualities kept at the new grocery very. cheap, as we sell for cash attrl produce - only. Goods delivered to any pa>l'trtrya• • the town. ----Geo. ,r'