Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-29, Page 36 I i-' , - e * .., .1" . w . °' 4 # 0 4 N 0 I I . . . �-- e I I . .- f THFIBB ARE. YD=B, allSSLA I -OALLMai .11 - - - . . ­ I � - - --- ­== ; - ------ -.-- - ­ ­ I — N­---.� -- - ��­,­, - I Aaiii -of— 111111101184 — . I I . all the Aps.81se,t tremble.? LIVA's Limms WOXDHS�. . —. .-- , . ­­ I., I I OH I FJEt4LNK. I 1Jrietl`06 wliketh In the ]and, Foul Brood ; Ito Cause and Cure. WHAT HYDROPHOBIA IS. � I Nay! tie Useless to dissemble, Remarkable Discoverlpq of the Eclentlat The Co . I I . I . i . unty Judge OU990d In Mistake for N"y persono I Nemesis is ueosr at hand -' (By William WEVOY, of Woodburn.) ­ With the mucroscope. . ran "Victimis to a False ,.! Hark I those Voices. Russl� I calling I Prank, , , . I Through the mist of blood and tears, Foul brood is a disease that is ca The polypus, like the fabled dydra, re- DIseuse Caused by Fear. 0 ,a Hear these solemn accents failing, . Wednesday night about 10 30 O'clock the I Listen I shuddering Euro y celvee now ch is It may be laid down in the very. 'begin- . the rotting Of unoared for brood. It usually life from the knife which County judge was actually'' hugged by a ning of our consideration of the Subject hat 11 I W . r hears: * originates in spring in weak colonies that lifted to destroy it, says the New York Young woman. who in her anaorous haute, 0 are coming 'A Litt 0 Father;'* have spring,.dwindled so badly that- t they . the victim of false hydr . I I From the horrors of the past' . I Telegram. Tigre are four thousand and apbobit. fan I Soon the eagles will forMathp. , have not bee§ . . ftnd� in the darkness of the night, only rl'.."­, 4,_J,pfk, . . ­ .- ­— --m­'M�l �-w ., �� , " - '5� ".... -:'11111 �­ ,.. 9 � ... — .,i�=M-,-rnVr ,Fftlr-Arm - �, ,;P- �� . 1-1 '.1-- .,,­1175�� 1 0 ­ AIPIT''LL .11 " . . U. k1oriltmately, the real disease has I 0-s'pring keeps discovered fourteen thousand mirrors in loving embrace round the nook of the senior received a m -brood, —a -1 -J a mr," . 5 =-. ummzw&--12,�N�.­ :-1U-W1LF1%,-e"",, and I 1 -m 5: , -%t9W p ,. - I a, , - ME made a a 't , i .,P "I 1-111 11==--1--�r-­1-=1, ­,R,,m�pA9m,.­ ­ ­ � , ­ Z "MZ: , .221=� , ;0�qlwmr= Z� -T-,"=- d U 4F 'I M -N 'N�EFV .1 ­­­`­ 1.11.1� 111� �i it , " " . I We are coming from the highways raw and backward the bees will crowd to. the eyes of a drone. To.,effect the reap . ,,a qgk ,z&frn!, �,f..weptpc - ire, repres,,Zat-e�,tivc. of the. icrXi ­ Qh. no�VL ­ - - " 1 ­ . 0ftLk;)",Ud,3vfuuruaod'vfne ' gatheir ta'�heep each other warm, leaving the tign of a carp, thirteen thousand three instead of around her own di6t'� ai'"81gin' an Ot er Popular publicatic: �th-atmtoler. � From each city's streets ajaq b; -ways, unoared for brood to and only Frank. ably I . die and r nes. etc., The mistake ocoarrdd in this wise: Late in has'bee I . From the foul Siberian mine - rot hu6dred arteries, vessels, veins, boi , correct of it shores, Kamsebatha n acquired by the laity. Hence, we I From thy sterile shr in the cells. The brood covered the are necessary. The'hody of every spider the evening there was a ring at the door find that the picture ordi�iarijy al From 'the rude and frozen north bees in time hatches, which so incremsee, contains four little masses, pierced with a in which the Young woman in question by the unconscious Bimulator io, al least to I From thy wooded slopes, viatka-1 '. the force of the colony that a Wider. circle Mul-Witild-el of .holes.- �imperpeptiblo, to- the is employed as- a domestic. She in cursory observation, not unlike ilie real - , . Exiled hearts are hurrying forth.-- of comb is covered by the beau taking in naked eye) each hole Permitting the pas- bed the bell -was answered by theaffection. There tire, however, grvat dif. We are coming, •• Little Father;' I From the horrors of the past � the space occupied by the decaying brood. sage of a Single thread; all of the threads, who found a young mistress, 1 V5 Soon the eagles will foregather: Then the brood that is f' man tit the door who ferences which the eduoatf,d E�.hyoi%:inu will Vengeance seizeth thee at last. ad,. in these cells to'tlie amount of 1,000 to, each mass, join asked to See the domestic, calling her by not 'fail to detect, and wLich will enable where brdbd lately rotted down will have together when they come •out and make the name. The you ! man wanted to see her never been yet done I - W Exiled fathers, kriouted mothers, . to Consume their food mixed with the single thread with which the spider Spins real bad, thek hind mr, A 1A Aft Vyr 5'Ph " by -o -UU � and asivd, hobim- . sisters, of the Czar " %gy its "&!k ura�.,U.a W"i-amcra _Ay. nu Is Doomed 1. rder � remains of decayed brood ; and that A *rr,a- - - , -Cara the Patient. Harness Fate's avenging car : � ---- - I OW I means of mioroe- was in . r, but he Woo told that she . . the . Ju 4cayed brood in - -­---­ .- -- .. I ", �� . h 41 real and only 0OW"14PI mack-ty Ilk never originatea, in Outraged Marder'd brothers, I . ­- . am . waatedtosa�ah - ­ Hydrophebi ; - - - -­ ­­­­ -1 - - ---- --- - —,-.— - .. - - - --- - - ,� I - ­ - - - I Z - Ill, I;!.-- " ­­­ .00 I I - 2R�­ -- - .. re co"Little. n I an, with a 'sad heart, doubt' a rabid animal, and death Always . From 'O the 'ng- Father," , cry true, but they do such things in the that it 10 S tin threads so fine less started occurs four or live � too 4,000 of them to equal in off, and had hardly reacbe i days after the develop. .. horrors of the past' honey season And put them in the strongest magnitude a single air. the before the young WOM& d ment of the disease. %A oaeo Of so -caked . I 11 soots the e.9 8 ill forega,tber: colonies, where the bees will ,The fly spider, it had I bear n, who hydrophobia a '- V Vengeance i at the Lit last. at once. if we clean them, out is known, lays an egg as large sidewalk the conversation, donned . mine under my notice, in which I BY Siberia's want our colonies as itself. . . I . (Od k Uigbt of weeping, I -----� I wrapper and 5 It Wall stated that the patient had been bit. r night I C useless tear in a healthy state we must keep all decayed I Thee -rushed Out of the front door. fen some three months I , ear 1) brood out of them. count judge I w. , B e broken hearts, now sleeping, Pieviously by a dog g 4 �� , Birth of an Iceberg. As Walking along Wei. undoubtedly hydrophobia. I inquired as to �i - ( , lington just. at this time, and the young what had become of the dog, and . Y. c , Of Justice I thou wast nea 'Foul brood will almoal b thin the The dynamical law by which the glaciers Woman mistaking him for Frank, rushed formed that he was still living, was in- 1, . BY tb woes that , r,) vain beseech thee, past when every bee -keeper 0 a owe g of abutting on the Bea generate their beige i uPOa bid', and exclaiming It . I B Dying monarch I living Lie I 00' knows the real Ey. Y these sigug We now cause Of it, looks well after his bees in the still somewhat vague. " Oh I Frank - having re. I Tyrant I hear thy victims thee . covered. It WAS not necessary to examine I I spring, And sees In earlier days it Words which contained a depth of meaning any further into the particulars of thiscgee, tim's cry. that the brood a well' Wall held that the glacial tongue off twined her arms around him and clung for if the dog had real] . We are cOming,,V Little Father' cared for in every hive ; and those t I . by its own weight. . From the borfors of the past' hat are To this has succe to him with - ., crowded up on a eded me Much tenacity as the Vi W L . 9 : the following explanation ap clings to a tree. I, CPO away, young wom no hydrophobia, he would have been dead very . Soon the eagies will foregather 'lot real Strong must b y been the subject of Vengeance Beizeth thee at last. few combs by using division C , perhaps more . ision boards. The Popularly than scientific An, shortly after biting in pAtient. Young bee destroyed A11Y` accepted. I'M not Frank," the jadge is reported to Y by foul brood first Moving down the fiords to the ocean the Again, it often roseribe her - glacier's frOnt enters the I happens that' a person Liberty revives again , as it decays 'further it b Young woman re. easily affected by ougoestion lame What I though sceptred slaves p turns yellow havagaspedout and the a( , rotten, ropy a. waves, at first. matter, and a eem-.bottorn into a.deep be sunken a over W- But as the lea Prow pushee n V soon after having I � . I a d V - . Bind hor'neaLh the mitred v or, little in the carping, with a sinall hole in the S'OPIng Ocean floor, th,, weight 81,101, returned hou2c, and has not been bitten bi 1% Supposed rabid animal,. . , Yea I though tyrants would b�tray In furro To the islands of the main . many of the capped cello will b5d been set. From the Seven Hills by Tiber )Mae brown' leased the brakes even quicker than they conceives to be the symptoms. of, hydro. . I '. ploughing up the , The girl then want in, Phobia developed ver what . out �resaed herself, left the an, Pope nor Kaiser can withat , each. he disease is spread by the bass rest" 8 I evidently going off with whereas I r , robbjj34T God's fair gift to fall., ayher, T9 upon the bottom steadily di. Frank- t. Thomas Journal. , atherealdisease rarely supervenes , . �, . ,,, man. foal brood colonies, and they Min'Shes. The floating power of the water I - 1. From the Mining, "Little Father," carry until after ft month has elapsed from the ­ �, And she, Ithe dit"Gae,jas, in proportion to t tends constantly to lift the ice, whio --------"1— time, of inoculation. It true -there are , I I ,61 anion . he horrors of the past Lu of he h is RARIN PUE8u 1 . " ..� 1, S diseased honey they convey held down by the rigidity of the glacial . NOE OF MIND. cases on record in which the period of inou.' . . `o` the eagles will foregAheZ their own hives. to I Vengeance scizetb thee at last. sheet below its 'ki. '.. . . � . i . . '. In the honey n still, the normal sea line. Moving on How a Californian Fooled all listion was less than that, but the mr . ---*The t �Jus & COCIUN, - gathering the are- -- - - —the. , ,glacier's- ' ­ -11 -blitrusive ceedingly rare. -1-0 ----,,---,- -- X- e ex - ...-----.---­­ -,. Czar as `e- Usually alludes res y, remove the combs Tolat-i - I --- - �the Dly-b7w-ii-Cases the time .i.4 - �-- — -pe ng-ITOBjejy��A- --he-ed- n ffe—e-di­ --front-. xeaohoa�- 4 has varied from twent 'from - P w&t�ia where it is lifted Y -five days to four I . "Little Father." to the and Shake the bees into their own hives in the bottom Altogether. . Harry Weiss, of San " ur ., "I"711 . found tion re ether. Still it . a( Fra ' Months and a half.. Cases in which the . .1 I. I , , I strength of the .... I . � four sheet, hundreds of feet in in the w starters and let them build comb form , the joylng ED )f his Occasional hunting trips uperve .1 nod many � I'll I I ---- the evening, give them comb 01351138. unbroken noleco,' was an, disease to have 0 1 . , . . coded hills back of San Leandro be r alleged inoculation ought to ,•, . I , rutory Of tbl� Q...u... days. thickness hold. Years after an &I Lot 'no invite Your attention to the remove In the evening of the 'fourth day 'ng it- But as it proceeds, th ' last 80arday, says the Rep6rterof that received with doubt. The interval• I . I . bistory of the q the comb and give them foundation a the uneup a awful city, when I ... [aeation. Th to work out, _$a - -1 --- . - ­ Alaska were. tiisu-( , "a, - ---- a shores of I 'a poi� D -he sudde 1,6 l,7,P,r,&,�e,0,n,, d -6 -elf con - - - ' ----.- I-,--- I tt, and-- than-- ther cure will - --- f,---- - -jorigue waxes.- -front d n4jaund-him. PMbably..nove"xceeds, two- years or-ig-l&i � --- —­ ­ . I , by a large, gentlemanly look. , than ten dAYS.-Dr. W. . . . - discovered by Captain Behring Complete. Fill an and farther van 0 an army drawn farther COW, which Ing A. Hammond. in 1741.' He was a Dane, bat a ' empty two-story hive awaifrom its main body, and gazed at him with ill -concealed � vexation . �. service of the Czar. Ruse ailed in the with the combs of foul brood that ,,,a encountering increasing attack,, And unveiled , I ,,%n navigators been removed from two 0 0 I C, I .from time to time . a Ora ,814 ,j Each surge of t of the Oe, Weiss hj� �jl, �gi,ad contempt. Mr. I COSTLY VXS1IT1IN �, r! , tory surveys, -'-an-* , . r more dignsin k-1ide,-ev-C_-J-,ame __I,ar . - . — �G CARDS. . .? ' While . I .., I % - " I Gl'6a"5s--1�lWa­1Ue­m` up for two da a; "Y­Gme an was about to retrace his ate when Bread the Few , 4' .Carrie — .. , m, but more than a Y its structure. At U' ­hj Thousands Lack I els sad before they had properly ' hardly Sustained if toward him a , It" 40 year After that open the entrance, and when 'k,where the last comes the boarish animal rushed Riot In', Luxury. I t I I S.I Or M�o rila 1, t . S "I .. I . anTmapped. these coasts. u rly defined most of the Bound brood is hatched remove equilibrium of forces ends, and the to assilialt and batter him At this junc- Five hundred thousand via ting cards . 1, :. * I 1 those combs and give the bees starters of G' Sway into t glacial tare Mr I ,a ' i . I ; ... country was Plabed by the CzarI break be floating - .. Weiis was struck' h been engraved in Washington this � i , 41 .r, foundation in single hive and let them tip . - happy thou season, says the Paj . � . control of a far company in imitation of build . g berg violently by a have under'tbe Finally w® naves third and .sht, which he immediately Dat Paper. World.eta- the ; � I tionery firm has i I 7 more recent into execution. When the animal reached turned out 300,000 in the I P - Northwest Fur �Company . combs for f6ar days. Then in the hypothesis based On the differential move. him he sat down firmly on ,his burns and One 1. 1� .. .. I , 11 . Of Canada. evening of the Yourth day, take oat those ment of the This mud - lower parts of the wait raised Y , last two months, And the money spent on I I , In the meantime English and American Dew combs and giva them foundation to glacier. Th its. head he Pasteboard during a I . 1, - fur traders and fishermen had visited these work out. Is latest theory asserts that the suffered hi;;self, Season amounts to iFi ��� . � � 1. 14� I'll, , a like Elijah, to 5806nd upward, tens Of thousands of dollars. The most . . i I . glacial front is thrust over from above by reach I he � I �� I , �11, I A I . Ion� arable tree that was standing idly by, where plate is Made, &nd'80me of the dinner in- , 1. , 1 1821 issued a ukase in d be perfoed in the a 0 Shares. The bettor, to protect the Russian Let it be remembered that the swifter descent of its ad one of ti ordinary card costs a cent Apiece after th Company from these rivals, the Czar in operationo shoul All of those tipper porti -unti I the sovereignty of the which he claimed honey BeL% movement whicli'may be roughly likened ie highest limbs of a van - aeon and done in there enings, so to the breaking` he remained . , northwest comet of th t beau will become settled down nicely sweeping to tug comb of a, sea wave until his new-found Nitations sent out cost $10 a dozen'. A . . . . he- shore acquaintance � I I . �, this continent froth Behring Straits to the before morning. - But whatever., Stole away to supper, which Prominent item of the expense account of I . . � .. . - hist degree Of north latitude - �- Before extracting from the, specific direction Of the force which occurred some hours litter. Had it n a Washington bel I 1, .. the diseased comb I not ]a is her engraving and'11 Ode and BO much ex been for his rare presence of mind Mr. a I I of the Pacific 8, all the combs that were Palo the berg from the glacier, the -We * I drawn from the 813 JOY north of a line not Sealed ma printing, and society ladies who give 'din.' �, I in at be cut Out -of the frames or grandeur of the phenomena Iss Might have had trouble ners spend at times . , , , Without question. , Con. I I the 45th degree on the Out with the honey. , a of dollars can Continent to attend it is na which �aftGn beaetly beast. , upon the Stationery for a feast. , . . a 518t degree on the Ameri. so is of the d6osyed brood Will be thrown I a with the hundred ' L Asiatic side. The ocean on line is . Then after cutting �st&ntlY the brow of the glacier over. V paid $85 for , . I ., 1. , this I out the unsealed comb, uncap the sealed the sea is shaking Mrs. Leland Stanford latei ,L.,� .. -� . nearly 1,000 miles wider than the Atlantic Off With -sharp explosions . N f ty cards to be used as me- ' ' . i�.', is between New York and Spain. boney,T fifty . At extract it, and bring is to a boil. smaller Masse 0 Insane AsyIning. . her big dinners., I means for one of . , � . . He also All the foul 13 of ice, Whi 'h drop to the China ' The map of the United " it laid claim to the Aleutian combs and the now combs that water in cloudlets of spro'y. an were built in the four days Must be Made ,there , has DO asylums for the insane. States was stamped in silver on the cards, A . 'A .. . Islands! and robi d .Kurile Comes a sat of 1( Suddenly The of victimE30f Mental ani]k the drawin . I .i 4 . . . ,.q . blasts that bl h n I .�, - .1. ", I - � end into a subterranean roar. ,m,eu 'In I atcountry receive little or no xqul the which General V - nsvigating6riflabi b"O" All nations' from into wax, and the dross from a )uder and, deeper t, derange. � go And ongravi go were L . L . limits, nor cut With the was 1011Df the figured front of the . re. 'Many commit suicide ; some, though r, S t�a - go gave the cards cost F1. &piece,, � . .:, . 1, .a 11,7 in the islands, ports tractor must be buried, because What run exquisite. At t And gulfs within 't a ©treat seat I . were they to come L , would not be heated glacier ,ben Lot many, are murdered-tbe fear that and 1. " within loo miles of any, enou ds, with water -fall .4 811%D establishments on pain of 8 pouring their spirits will - notice Blatchford gave not long , I I X , . I . - 'k 'i return after death to ago a ltlncheon,.the cards for which were . .1 I ..... �-- : �': Of the Russian from its sides and obscured in al of plague their murderers' preventing. thatengraved by hand at m cost of 1�18 a • dozen. I' 61. . gh to hill the spares ; and if it was Mrs. J confisoatin' .thrown out where the bees could get it, it vapor from ' . Some of the cards are in raised si � 9 their cargo. Russia the cold surfaces newly ex., methbd of, disposing of them -while others en U * 1018im on this Part of North An based her would start the disease again. - When the posed to theair. As these clear away, the are chained or caged an 4i *I Peat di aerica on diseased brood that was ,)lace broken.off - , I13OOverY, first occupation and a story hive is hate din the two fare* glacial tongue surges down, . . d left to Buffer, re- g0ld- They look as Iver and I Peaceable and undo . had ana the bee ceiving no care except though the gold and � I t s are given near tip 8 wave of water a bowl of rice twine silver had been malted and, -poured into I they should near vessels, to boats or men a , I letters on . I Sending over half a "tested Possession ex. full sheets Of,foundhpion, then dangerous to a day. century. John Quin, edge. Up and . I . . I I I United States. or the out, or a Yoang queen.- Then everything sways, moving, t, has apiece. - , I I ,1 I , at once be given a queen cell ready.to batch , d down the new-born berg juat returned from a year's investigation -_----------I— 4.'. L I Adams was then Secretary of state Y t the viater's Professor L. W, thwing, an alienia the ,card, and cost 75 cents I He denied that Russia had will be all right. from mes'nWhile, SIOV�JY away Of the condition .Of the i A Remarkable . .1 .. i - acquired any right south of the - I . "L the glacier and Out to sea. ' It has country. in, that Surgical Case. 1. I . gh 55th degree - t of Insane . I . . . t been born amid ' The Project On Monday, 4th August, a remarkable ... of north latitude, and be ridiculed _ e re, Pay rig For a Beau the tranquil of -the icy establielifug an . . 1. ... . . sargic case Occurred in St. Lukoys -�Hos I i- be long orjourney,tbatisto once of , Chinese, physicians in Shanghai, t& , P . L tension to the sovereignty of a sea which London servant girls pay British soldiers ' short, according t tel iOago. ,A g9intlema., a . . I for a Day. elements to begin its life asylum WAS approved at the recent confer- . I I Upon its southern margin was more than,, from are 0 its own size but the people of China bout 36 years . 4,000 miles Wide. The 1h ,75 cents to �1, according,to rank, to and the places i L 0 which the currents of air Are too apathetic 11 e, as placed under the effects of i ear and expl:oit, w& Out with them for Sunday, drinks in. I ob ro or for a simple operation on an I Adams on this point a' el, or even a . contention of Mr. and water are to bear it.- h stile to the scheme to warrant of 4 eluded in Harper!s Weekly, Clarence Deming, much hope of success.lased. I I . He says the suggestion that the - This is perfectly- true. There are . The plan of making each elbow joint. The cutious point . I I Russian hundreds of the project an international one, therefore, was regarding the chloroforming. Writing . I Government might -justly R ....... i.0'a I poor little 1, sinveY8 " in the ----------01-- bas been adopted, and it is hoped that spa friend in this City a few days after the who are peri I Sanir Too Loudly. $20,000 can be raised in the United States operation he gives the following portion. exercise London boarding -pensee, inns and hotels , sovereignty over the Northern Pacific ' Ocean as a mare clausum, because it claimed finger a the perfectly content to Work their Elarry Haines, a blind man who has been to help �arryik out. The tbOu-ht of the Buffer. lars: "I did not think 'my heart would ,I . . territories both on the Asiatic and Ameri. can only t h bone week after week if they a regular attendant at St. Mark's Prot I ings to . which' thouse,nde of � Stan d the chlorof orm. I spa I can Coasts of that ocean, though on o, sive enough to pay tent demented b poke of this several I � , . their pet so a t street 51st parallel they were no tit EPiSOOPal Church, on Lo es- beings must be exposed in China under days the house surgeon. . I soldier for his Sunday out and human d before - to t' less than 4,000 march him above Sixteenth, Claims that helwas been the conditions described above will appeal Said there would be no danger . .Miles apart, was a pretension of such a H© . , . across the common in, Hyde reqa6iited to Stop singing by the rentor, Strongly to the hearts of philanthr�pists as chloroform w , administered.I 1. I 11 character that he was persuaded ­ Park, the admiration and envy of number. ,Rev. Dr. Isamo L Nicholson. throughout Christendom. -Rochester Well I is, no. . Ineroo of American citizens won the com lose other little 11 coveys" who have not very L. Haines 'at Id "...i. I Her- W&S,Pnt:tO sleep. When the Benio I . been E30 fortunate. L The girls go dbwn in musical, and his mother sa a he ise I old' I unmolested and no effect would be g Y an. . surgeon had been operating on me for a I a organ and I ; . - piano, and that f In I few minutes, suddenly I ceased to breathe. a robibition manifestly Ivan to Shoals in the front of Wellington Barracks exODIJent performer on both t thpeit r Y incompatible With on Sunday, when the, or a long time be played The Census In India. I afterwards heard that the surgeo -1 . . lgbt'3.-Hon. David soldiers I Sea Question. come out for regularly at the Mothers, meetings. She 1 4, opera. . ­- Behring Hills on the parade, select their men and arrange The reparations for ting said, I My God, bels dead!' They I . .. 11 them for nge with Says her son is familiar with all the old p the approaching fioi&l respiration. NO u�o I They , I ver readily pick ape . .L m ten no ,o. I was as dead as Lazarus. p i I y, , I - As - a rule this means new tune. .The trouble, she says, is due to years ago, Find as a result returns of A, ill - mercia basis hymns, and Can ve n India are�repor ad to be far let loose the electric batteries tq me. ,St . . . r a day's escort on R Purely Cara Censusi t . tried arti Biblical 111111?ctllUlts and Measures. I complete and efficient than they were nothinE immoral. The s9rvant girl Simply jealousy on the MacArthur, the surgeon, said • T tin I . ad " I the I he drove it I the tenements in the my heart, an,:!, 10 I the table that the doctor had spoken to Harry blacks various old machine began,to jog again. Jt1st &B a " reed was nearly 11 f Ezekiel's 0 afternoon till 9 at night and see her Sanborn, said it was very pro- number . mission to needle down into Qlaon ,a , part of the organist. Dr. more trustworthy character are expected. only one chd13c6,' whereup6n ' A shekel of gold as $8. A firkin was hires the smart -looking soldier' with his Ni - F. A. n Europe, but his assistant, In Bombay, Owing to the omission '' here is I NOv'sn Pints. A talent of gold was cane to par a her about the park from tin Rev. much A talent Of silver was 0538.30. as $13 809' . nearly 2� inches L feel- A cubit Was Safely to her mistress, door. on the Subject, as his or groups of buildincle, there was Clock not run down will stop, a,:,, may I I 11 A bin was I gallon and . . ., singing. was really a practioallynb check 0 0 I, . I 1. -------,O----- great annoyance. " On ) n the enumerators. set ping by shaking it, so ru�, I .� 2 pints. Aniite* was less than a quarter JPXOtty Long Hair. said Easter Sunday, The ignorance and ' stopped I I 11 . be, . I Mr. Sanborn, 11 the chair sang Opposition of the lepof ilmade to4 rauI whey) chaken by ,Of a glass. A Shekel Of silver was about 50 There is a lady of this city whoseand elaborate mn,00,and m new lace were also great obataoleg. 1. the native cents. APiece Of silver, or a penny W bair is Harry imp-rovised quarters it was believed that the peopthe heedia. LIL13 cents, A Sabbath d& ,, 0 as Gight feet three inches long. OccasionallybaaAccompanied them. IIt is a ,curious exp 3rience to . " about an Y 0 journey was she has some curious experiences with it received many oomplai . I have India of both sexes were wanted to reornit Ji've bad, isn't it 2" . . I . English mile. An ephab, L And he ints about h , and the forces beyond It is said that this is only the second ' or, are some strange, things said of it. as the church spends ,%be V the frontier. The cilted of the kind on record. or. I , , bath, contains 7 gallons and 5 Dints. A " Ivhon h i for its music, it does not $10,000 a year Mneaulman population , * day's avlag my Picture taken not long care to have L gave trouble in a h A ago," oho said recently in telling& spoiled in that manner. - Harry does not lachil I breadth is equal to 3& inches. it different way, for ri� journey was about 23 1.5 �ailes. A bolat , ------------ ,a— , I finger's breadth is equal to I i A " the photographer -told Some one who was know the words, but jj�et sings •, la.la.13.,,, the cOnsus-taking tin. ROW to Keep IX011(lucts r,resh. e ., Deb. A present ' L farthin I in the studio the length of -Philadelphia Re festival when many thousands of y coincided in date with tbe,great ' frank Angelo tells the Globe -Democrat : ' - I . .0 was 7 cents. 'Scranton Truth. hair. I by, really, is it'T exclaimed my cord. I mans go on pilclrimage MUSBUI. I always have a niceforay fresh bouquet, some. the ­ to the tomb of times . I I ---------­0� Bh&Wa mularig, "on m Mountain peak in vase in front of the mirror. ------ 7------- Young lady informed, I over eight I the same one for several days, in at , An 111 -Time feet long I I Training Institute Studies. that district, where they remain f - A great many - I ' I I I Ir Interruntion. . and then in all seriousness added. -why, it In accordance with arrangements est d�yo. These and many Oth or several P?Ople Ask me -bow we keep the flowers so 11 You or a fax f& � must touch the ground P Tbia," er diffidulties I 0 anecdote, the profeseional on, - Visitor (�ffably) 'I Does Your little girl laughing conoluBion of th , was the completed by the Minister of Education, will be Avoided or mitigated On the forth• nice and fresh. I tell them bow, but I don't I take after ot, Ot - ridiculously poor idea or training of High School coming OcOE43ion. The Parsons of Bombayfresh. I fterfatberl It,am.. me POOPle have of dimensions _OJaA S0010I . girl (interruptityg)-oh, it ain't me estimate so assistant masters and first a Pub] give, it is said, little or no trouble, while, L � Little gi I I I shows what a understand why it is that the flowers that takes are kept so by this means. . � in feet and inches. School teachers will hereafter consist of tw as regards the Mussulman community, the first place I.pnt a little salt In the I I 0 a tablespoonful � -U:cl1ah9Inq Confidenc courses: . choice of Musetilman enumerators has been or more, in the bottom of tt�0 Vase. Then I : lb% . ----------0--- 1. A course Of instruction fit Toronto in found to have an . I fill the vase with ice broken into pieces � Clara -I have such A horror of How Hailstones Are Formed, I history, psychology, and methods ofeduca. excellent effect. -London On this I'put the - Old. .growing . Daily News. . n the size of a walnut. The manufacture Of hailstone@ is con. tion, reading and elocution, drill, gymnss ' bouquet, the same I a. When a Storm n� The Brazilian OOnstitation, recently com. 19 YO11 Put the stems . . Maud (sweetly) --I shpuld think you ducted at ft high altitud ties and calisthenics, hygiene, writing it . ----a*— into a glass vase I never put any . 141 would have got over it by ibis tim6. comes on t! here is a rush of cold air upward phonography, and anch" other no plate says water in the va --- . which catches falling raindrops and bears may 'to Blialld ays that Citizens Of that country from 80, however. Enough comes I a U' "'� , in the maltiDg Pbe, and salt. . . the Minister of Education udetar6i be those who are born in Brazil, I don't I Audible. them heavenward- Than the drops ' from time to time. � I no born in foreign countries these know just where I first board of this. It - I I I 'through& cold clond,ft pass Customer -Is III 2. A course Training I parents, those of Brazilian one of th,ose things Is � I t- oy become and get 0011goaled; notituto, con. i�nerfj who were in that Seem so old th � . now? . heavy "d fall back into the . observation of High Brazil NoVembe re b 89, and who have known it. remember j ibis woolen material of Systematic rf105t one cannot r at Tailor -Yee, Bir. it's I raw cloud, where a cent of water adheres = work, and practice in the org not rejected rho 18 1 1 list how long'bd has n . in temobing the High anizig. those offer Of citizenship, and fit 1� ried into the Snow, and take on another tion and management of High foreigners who own real estate in . (y Clothier and Fur. 0 them. Caught UP Again, (they oro car- Schools, and ass I Maloot bear it bloat. -Clothier 'now YOU can t Wisher. . I JAC 0 ; AL Brazil and Have I The Training Institutes are conducted in. ciren and who do not intend to formally f � .1 . k t and so the process goes on until School courses. ' ve Brazilian wives and abil. Stoat party, to 100 saver You have rt ­ . — a C saved myOnlYebild. What o,%n I ,10 01, Henrik Ibsen, large sized stone is formba, Whi ion"Obtion With the Collegiate Institutes at declare their, intention Of remaining olti- you ? I N&wG Your reward Hero, - . said to write 13 the Norwegian novelist, is companions, escapee from I -th Ob, with it HAM joy. ­ has to copy all or a band that big �WWifo . . a current of iltOb, Owen Sound, Kingsto zOns of their native ectintry. fullY-Woll.er-if you inei'at roti it, why . . Austria Show that for me. � fi. 00,80 air and comes tumbling to the ground.- aCn'ua'SPt"r`A n Experiments made in j manuscript for him. San 11rancisco Chronicle. be throy, and the Conroe in each will then not break in 11 new pair of shoeg, . . . at,�,,. There are more ducks in the Cbi F - � , With gains modifications, that hitherto the addition of soda to Portland cement ot* , I nose pursued therein. .. 11 the I enables it to A complete addition Bin ire, Says an antbority, than in all"Ito,11100 Mrs. Brown -I had a Withstand the worri piece of asks -----------�-� frost, motion 01. I 0 You, for Apiarie to appear in a Sin to volume . d Outside Of it. They are kept by ib n I , Of Poetry is soon Of Matthew Arnold's on the private called yet,. in l0u,,i. Celeatials on overy farm, to Johnnie, but you didn't come who inja is maintain that bees do not I Professor Lang] tolj� the. . England. The edition will . ., - . '. I_, LJ­tttQ-- Johnnie - L'r ro growing or fair f mit. Tho �Tllce of Acadomy,uf-6-0i,6b'Le.Y.­ Nati,ofial everything that is in the ,&at � and ptiblin roads, on streets of citivs, and, twn'ad hat - Was tho'mdUjjd'Tjfi4'. . . . ' - I cent " . " ' ' farther lifted ' awful f ' f t h ' - hold- h o' I" � 6 d ' a - — I- ul c ' * - I0 1 1 last t Y 8 4 t* I t Y I I ' a �� S , , �- � 71-1-1W. -- 1, -I I I � - ­' xg-th ,� ... 11 - I "" senior dg M mor 2 gin' (I uk- a In 0 "" " I a" '� 1' I ' Fr Late he door or question _ - b 91�g in t­ J�durn` u � a 'I _ ftuhienA-s , 61-- �.�- I - . - I - I - I J E - I I I �kmea`­ fron't -- L- a .ther 'saw, a a I foe. x�t and a Ole' Lr. m , 0 ' � ' i comae th a b, ned if to s . .0161 'are 2 1 ... � I didn t bear you. is inimical to their welfare; provide artificial light with the exp I" I . on .all the lakerit ponds, rivets, streams and If You'd want d an that it Was Possible to edition. - tbroo-volnine I brdi)kb fil the country. . i to Jiok Die you'd have called 0 but though they will not attack Bonn t ­Uo�)fffn'k . 'd,iWi - -- , _PAO. ­­­­ , �­'jt� � r.. ,oLumbb-leafl, -4 L . . . me a dozen --Vn-ft­", C -.-at- --,----Jl- --' , �g-�­­�.��--- ­.­­ - " Tr��,-..'..� �� " ­ . J."I .0 . . _ ­ � _ I -z - -n1XMT�-bkt1f§b(dr­1i 'flu . - . hcwtl� fnift� -tboy will oottlo I , i 490 -�­- - ­­.. � . ­ffV`a`(fdb[­Wi. -,f-",-"----"-,-""--",-",-**- . I ­­­­­ 11 -ill - 6--t- I . 11 fulfi..d 1h I I -1 - Uibb&' � jid A Way to utilize D ohifi, off M sonte L G' id'OtOne reeled r . . . Do 1 0 I nit.. firefly system. IlIZ10 the Pboapboreso quiri lace containing 214 words rel I I I 1Lon rig twODty.four lines' of type inithe I 1> don Newg. I . 11 I . � * L . . .-- . 1. . . I . . . ' I I., -J- ,M. . . . 191 I ­­ I I ftl",VILII*7"1"*eiO.*VtIAWMANNNM,.*:;-we%Y�r,�