Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-11, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel,, Bruce County, r. .ridgy, duly Ilth. 7. R yr Dian Sln.--I uadersttnd _tom to a ootzp%14114.txt 0a foo5; tayv rd4 aeietirig` the"'>�uriiiture` #irai` of Oat wind Forster, kt extending their .oper- ations, by 1n'eHns of a 'loaf from the' town. Z belive that they wish to make their extepsions for the fall trade and that prompt action- is desirable. But before the council are put to..the #440? 'there 'would be wisdom pi calling a public meeting, to have an expression Of the opinions of interested property holders. On principle rrrany are oppos- ed to giving any assistance to private corporations, , from the civil purse. In anany cases it has taken the widow's loaf, and taxed the pour man, withput any adequate return.. Sewn con munities have had "dear_ bought -ex- 011:0Pit, SALE OP VALUA}3LE---.. FALM PROPERTY_ *--DI THE,. TOWNSHIP OF ASH}'IELD IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. There will be sold on Wednesday, July 16th, 1890, 1f WHITELY'S HOTEL In the Village of Lueknow BY VIRTUE OF POWERS OF SALE coutained in certain mortgage, which will be produced at the Bale, the following pr. perty. Under mortgage from Archibald Munroe, the South Eagt quarter of let 5, in the lst conte*. siou of the Township of Ashfield in the Cpunty of Huston, containing 50 acres more or less The following improvements are said to be 0o the premises : About 30 acres cleared, hav- ing erected thereon a frame dwelling and ane t o a t argalns. ave su faith in, the . business ability of the present council, to beleive that the in- mterests'of--thal -be-safe-in-drat-- respect, and ile I believe it would Le better f w a country at large, if every enterprise were allowed to deve- iop its own resourses,yet in examining t clef the matter, weniust conclu d e h a asst 's- tance of this nature is , not given to individuals or 'firms .front love or re- spect, but for the purely business reason that greater benefits are ex- peeted in return.. • It has beenfound that industries, where ' any considerable number of hands are employed, are a great bene- fit to all classes in rt town. It in- creases the population,, divides the tzrden of taxation, boys learn a trade, the laborer tyds employment, and he value of p" perty is incresed. It is quite natural, then, that towns should desireto foster these enterprises and' even compete it; securing them. We find our neighboring towns, that have had spine experience, are at this at,o p nt b aiding out baits ai d ex - •4.rifiTif3 9 Lucknow, July 9th, 1890. it is premature to talk about FIRE! FIRE! Insure year farm property. -private dwellinK, in the to reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL. —I AM ALSO AGlaNT FOR- - . CITY MUTUAL Oi 11 rN • 0 Office,—A. ROSS harness shop, Lueknow. Will be In the office every Saturday afternoon, Geo. Grant, Agent, Lueknow BULL. FOR SERVICE. . THOMAS EDWARD 1F'INI.AY 1V1 ' will keep for service, this season, at Lot 6, C.on. 9 Asbfield, hi= celebrated thorough *n • a small orchard on this property TERMS. 10 per cent of the purchase money to be paid - down-on---the'day-of-sale-- For -belatice'terms will be made known at the sale For farther particulars apply to JONES BROS & MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto, Or to GEU. MAIR, ESQ., Lucknow AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF POWERS of sato contained in a certain wortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold on Friday, yuly ' .18th, 1.90, At 2,'clock in the afternoon, at MAL- . _ _ LOUGH'S HOTEL, in the Village of DUNGANNON The following valuable, property : All that certain parcel of laud situated in the Township of Asbtield, in the County of Huron, ,and being the east half of lot 9, in the 4th conces- sion of the said Township. eastern division, containing one huudred acres, more or less. TERMS—One-tenth of the purchase money e-lots-pail-cwn-at-the-ta:ae-caf-salts—]rib emptions. terms for balance will be made known at the "While in Rome .we must do as the time of sale For further particulars apply to Romans" or fall before our advancing ROBINSON, O'BR[EN tt GIBBON, Vendors' Solicitor, 74 Church St Torcnt'o •competitors, until the incorporated O.r to ELL1Ot Tsavi a, Esq., village of Lucknow, with its splendid Solicitor, Lucknow. system of waterworks, would comprise a post -office store, hotel, and •black- =mNi shop, Regarding the loan, I understand the amount to be asked for is $5000 for a terns of ten years without inter- est, the firm agreeing to pay back yearly an atnount epual to the interest. This would leave a comparatively small amount to be raised yearly by the ,town. We all know the firm, the industry and its record. If the firm tf-856. C. THOMS, St. Helene P, 0. are able to help themselves, and, if wd clan benefit ourselves by assisting them M EN W A N T E D by all means let us say so and do it. Yours, I SAN. Lacknow, July 19th, '90. _ LUMBER FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO IN• 1 form the inhe bitants of this section that be has placs a Portable Saw Mill on the east half of Lot 22. in the 13 con. of West 'Waivanosh, and is now prepared to supply the public with all kinds of lumber from 10 to 20 feet in length, and at the lowest possible prices. Frame timber, etc. also kept in stock or cut to•order. The mill is in charge- of Mr. C. Suwers, sawyer. A call solicited. West Wawanosh s.ouneil. Council met on Saturday, June 21st, aeoording to adjournment. Members • AGENTS WANTED - all present. Root, Clark, lot 18, con 6 was placed on roll as tenant instead of as farmea's son. Communications from the Mayor of Winghain were read and • laid over for fuer consideration: A. communication /om Mr. Morrison re drain on con12, .was read. - Mavzz1. by Mr. Lockhart seconded by Mr. Bailey, that a committee consisting of thereeve and Messrs. Gibson and Todd be appointed to settle all disputes be tw et'n Mr. Thorns and the municipality --Carried. The tresurer's report for May showed balance and receipts amounting $ $213.46, and 'expend if ere $123.46, lesting $90.00 on hand. The • report was received and , filed. Dogs `owned by Stitt and Rob'. Medd, hay- ing been killed, were struck off the roll. ,Edward and Isaac McRoberts • Were Put on rohh as tenants instead of farmer'd sons. A special grant, of 840 was made towards cutting hill opposite 18 and 19, con 4 and 5; and $30 towards gravelling between 18 and 19, con 8. The following accounts were paid :—Win. Caurierou, repairing fences and township hall„$10 ; Edward Mc- Roberts, culvert lot 1t3 and 19•, con. 6, $2 ; Wm. unkeld,..lumber for piping, 810.50. ouncil adjourned to meet on Saturday, ug. 16th. R. K. MILLER, Clerk. .. re Grin to make room for them, and when they arrive the store will be filled, To avoid over crowding, we are going to unload the balance of our Sum- mer stock at cost and less: This will, give you a hint, mens light summer coats_and_ crests re- duced from $4.50 to x$2.50 ; $2.50 to $1.50 ; $3.50 to $2.O0, away below cost,but they must TO SELL OUR CHOICE NURSEY stock. No experience required. Steady work the year round. Liberal pay guaranteed. Outfits free Write for terms and commence at once. Atwood & Company, 5 mos. -851. Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y. SCOTCH SHORT HORNS. 0 FONTHILL NURSERIES. LARGEST in Canada,. We want reliable, energet- ic men to sell our Nursery st:eck ; -previous experience not necetisary ; any man with tact and energy can succeed ; terms liberal, either salary, or commission ; outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as stilling -home-grown;- lonely_ i>anadiau- stock- Choice - New Specialties, which • are of value, and which can only be secured froru us, such as a. complete list of New Russian Apples, the Ritson Pear, Saunders Plum. Hilburn Rasp- berry, Moore's Ruby and Black Champion Currants, Moore's Diamond Grape etc. We have given particular ,:attention to the propoiation'of Hardy Varieties suitable to the northern sections of Canada. . For terms apply to • STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont.. FARMERS BREED EARLY MATT?R- _V ing, quick feeding strung for market, by for their early with the maturinng Short epid feedindg qualities. First-class representatives of the above now popular breeding,, for service at E Gaunt's farm. eon, 12 west Wawanoeh. Lord Lovell, tering. grades 08 00, thoroughbreds $8.00. /Stood Hope, terms, grades $1.50 thorough- braMt $4.00 Pedigrees or tint ot�ber particu- a to oa apl,tiicatiorr<. WAGON MAKING HORSE SHOEING ---*-AT D C EN E RAL BLACKSMITHINC. :0: Adam Thompson begs Ieave to tha th inhabitants. of Lucknow and surreundia cou.rt;ry for the liberal patronage bestuwed o - him during the last seven years, and wishes i, continuance of his old customers and a tae. share of the new, ashe is in a better position . than ever to supply the wants of the pitbl He always has on hand a stock of Wagons &• Buggies of all kinds, He also will remind them of his far famed SCOTCH DIAMOND. HARROWS which he alway has on hand and are made the very Mat material. Parties wantia,g an thing in this line will do well to give him acal and see prices before purchasing elsewhere Particular attuntin npaid to ALL KINDS '0F NORSE .SHOEING. flatfeet,contractions, and interfering. By strict attention to business, good work manship end employing nothing but good workmen, f trust to retain the patronalta kindly extended to me. ADAM THO.MPSON Cempbel1.Strete opporite.the Bank - go. 'Now there is a lot of prints which sold. at 12 1-2 cents, it will be a great bargain to'm.ake the price 7 cents. Yet wa intend to make it, They must go. It - shows the drift of our efforts to please our patrons when. we advertise . handled 6. cups and saucers at 75 cents per dozen - and plates alike. Glassware in corresponding prices. Muslin all overs, checks and lawns are .akin to prints if are is uedin seeing that prises are right. They • do not run into much money and yet our values. are deci•dely- better than can be. got elsewhere. To all who Iiave not as, yet received our $5'cards,please ask for them, We are trying to get them off to everyone. YOURS FAITHFULLY, ED: `BRASHER. • N bred by Thomas Edward Finlay, Lanes, Ont., got by Highland Chief (imp.), 1257 ; chin. Belva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron Lush. 1388; Minnie Warren. 7230, by Sir, John, 3900 , "Mild "Of Itaiien11111, 38111 b _. Beauty of .the Valley, 2446, by Constance's Duke, 441; Beauty Roan limn.), 32, by Chil- ton, 10054 • Countess, by Shamrock 2nd, 8555 ; Gazelle, by Splendid, 5298, by Prince Comet, 8425, bred by Mr: Allenby. Terms $1,25. 848-t f. The Hhrcoq1 IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just received a large consign meat of Choice .family flour, Choice Tobacco, Canned Goode. fakeer,- Glassware oc erg,Glassware 'teas, .Coffees, axed. Sugars, which will. be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT WANTED .. s Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on - Salary or Commission • I can make a succesa;- ful salesman of any who will Work or folio& my instructions. Will furnish handsome out- fit free, and pay your salary or commission every week, Write for terms at once. • E, O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 12-846 Toronto, Ont. t , DR. CHASES Has a world wide reputation as a • physician and author His Mandrake Dandelion Inver , Cure is a triumph of .medical skill, cures all diseases of the kidney and liver SYMPTOMS OF Distress i >1 g aches k pain, lin the back i dull pain or weight in the bladder and base of . abdomen ; scalding wine often obstructed ; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged persons ,lot, dry skin, pale soul- plexion,.red and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver sort,' swelling, etc ` . C'11 .SYGF LVER UU.1If 1 dice,bsallow �corn IllN[Y tUML1.AINT plexion, a weary, tired feeling, no lite or r' energy, headache, dyspepsia, iudigestion,spotat pimples, etc. HOW OURE Mandrake and Dandelion are nature' Lf%er cures and when combined with Kidney reme- dres,as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will wt* positively cure all kidney -Liver troubles. It acts like a charm, stimulating the clogged liver, strengthening the kidneys and invi' ra- ting the *hole body. Sold by all dealers at $1 with receipt 'book, which alone is worth tb money, •s KIS L 1 Dr. Ch ese"i x�ille am the only Kidney -Liver Pillstnedy e. The L� v ..+it act gently yet effectually. May • pti-�- T ns , be taken during any employ• meat. They Cn a Kidney laver troubles, he'ad+sobe,bilionsnetis,costiveneri etc, One pill a dose. Sold by all dealers. price 26e. _• 8111111111011 14 Beal BRADFORD. OW( l i'blj b iii k Datta' littakwev. `4 5 ;