Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-04, Page 44 4! It • " 11 ; k t 4; / c. 11 -1- '44 4t- 3' '•"tel" -•*-1"' • • .• .•••"e s , • t • 11. 11 \ rt. 1 • t wen, • , O. 1-. ' • v.' 1/4.* 4: 41. • " '1- V. 11••7 • 4 44, 4 ltrint0117 Otntintl• nee TiIBERTY-"TO MIME AND TO ARGt DlitgLY "ACIUORPING TO THE DICTATES OF sONSCIENCE, W. .PRIZE ABOVE ALL e----eetee-74---ereieetiteet" Frit^44 July ilth, 1890. HON. EDWARD BLAKE. It is the opinion of the Montreal 'Star that Hon. Edward Blake is too powerful a personality to remain long In a subordinate- position in his party, titterrito_ _ u , mg a man • ' e • • -; • he lacks certain quelities. necessary an a successful party leader. The talk.of his Tommie*. the leadership- 6f the Liberal heats may, however, he well. founded. It is well known that Me Laurier would gladly Imake way for him, the situation. being almost par- alteled with that in England when Mr. Gladstone resigned the reins to the Marquia of Hartington, but had to resume them when the critical moment came. We believe there is a great deal of– force in what the Star says, and while it must be admitted that there are 2ertain elementsin Mr. Blak's nature that are against him as a party leader, yet he is the one great man upon whom the whole Reform party can unite. EDUCATION AND MORALITY 11•Imimem••••• --_T•-7----"We—speeic wi trilffireereefeeer–teeieeel- ., • iystern as being the grandest institu- . , , tem of the 19th century. We look back and see the low benches, crowded forms, unsympathetic teachers of our 1.1 4' • t 41 own times, and we see the wonderful , improvement which has renovated the , • school system. Beautiful buildings, comfortable seats, well printed, well bound, interesting boots, with teachers, Whole souled, enthusiastic, sympathetic who labor and • plan to benefit the school_ But nevertheless it is a sad fact,,greatlyAo be deplored, yet all too apparent, that the morality of the younger and rising generation is far below that of our fathers. What, is -theeresseiri—The-etaldrofeefeineral",, is ..a tieing of thepitet, 'Those who aim itt sitela,thingts seieleehind the advanc- ing ;attest of ,tleinkeee, ,so-ealled. Look well to 4t. that theebest interests of the teem are served as well in soul as y. EAT LESSMEA7. 4 4,1 'the Lucknow Sentinel Bruce ColInty, Priday ,Ju y 4th, A while whiskey iteflamea. the pa,eeionte beer has e seporitle deadening 'effect. Bet Smith, who wee hangeel London for the murderof'his- wife' while drunk, • eouMuitted the crime while under the influence of beer. The probabilities are that no two men are constituted so exactly alike that a glass of any given kind of liquor will 444 THE Parry Sound Star claims that, " The life boats of more than one-half the passenger vessels on our lakes are not fit for use if required ; that in many cases the. lowering apparatus would not bear the strain of loWering teee.beeteet. end_ehat not sinele Ft,Wck captain of any passenger steamer on all the great lakes ever practiees his ereweineehe lowering. and uee_of life beets from one season to another." This state of things demands investi- gation. . . NEWI RoToTioN BOVIDING URCHASE ELECT! ffiraf-6 }0)410,1.1 HURNS tibQ UTLER,Y REAM CANS ROM RAUD ere.4„-.-ener•ereePtieree...., 44713eit • LASTER ARTS AINTS 1 REVAILS EOPLE RUDENTLY ,Ae----ve-totmAey IBRARY LAMPS AN TERNS E VEILS VT] -i= _A:tell:3 DAIRY SUPPLIES .AND ERVE TROUGH bPLCIAL LINES. AZISICE-7m- CANADIAN' Customs officers on the Manitoba frontier report that numbers of Dakota settlers are crossing over into Manitoba. For nue day last week no less than seventeen . families having 77 head of tattle, herds of sheep, several horses and considerable household effects reported and were passed. That was the largest 'lumber for any one day, but scarcely a week passes but several families cross from the domain of Uncle Sam to seek homes under the Union Jack. Large numbers of those crossing last week were going into the Dauphin District HEIR„.,I>,cAn AND -° - - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TAYLOR & P. 40, WELL .¢4OnionwowelowwwwwwwwwwiewwwwwwWwwwonownewowsowerconnwoln SUMMER - SEASO • Our various departments, DRY GOODS, p-ROCERIES, BOOTS AND. SHOES, EL &TS AND CAPS, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE -t READY MAIE CLOTH'G,- Will be found complete, full of specialties and prce3' SU-l- MILLINERY! :o: OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES. :o: Mr. J, Murchison, Lucknow, has opened a new millinery store in the stand lately occu- pied by Mrs. Findlater: The business is strict- ly millinery. THE GOODS ARE ALL NEW. THE LATEST STYLES. THE PRICES THE LOWEST. TEL.1111/LOILtuu_will_he.121=111.(LLQ_JABSou call and inspect the stock before purchasing. BULL FOR SERVICE.. :o: mHE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service this ge.Ason at north halt Lots 53 and 54, in the 1st con3ession of Kinloss, his superior bred Shorthorn Ball "Solomon." PEDIGREE :—S010M0G, is red, calved June 20th, 1888, bred by Thomas Anderson, Dun- gannon, Ont. `got by Wallace (imp) 2752, dam D these extremely warm day, the • Minneb.alta, by Doubledee 481 ; Primrose, by I llhoderio Dhu, 3801 ; Jennie, 1165, by Dixie pea test.sympathy, should, be extended - to the Average heusearife, who is sup- peeecl ,to previde meals that ehall he, palateble as wolleas ,nutritioes. custom goes this is not always easy of accomplishmento though really it should be the easiest ,thing in the world. During the long'winter months, people get accustomed to the use of a greqt deal of meats, pastries—heavy or light as the cook may decide—and other material that taxes the stomach of the _hard-working pretty r,everely, while it is positivelytinjurions,to all who are Of sedentary habits, and,have little or no 'bodily cxercise.I Becoming habituated to this heavy meat diet, it ie hard for many to break away from it when,the" • Duke, 474 ; Maid of the Forest, 1455, by John A. • McDonald, 721 ; MayfloWer, 1514, by Alfred 304 ; Eva, 981, 11y &titer Johnny, 1083; Florence Nightingale, 1067, by. Young Cambridge, 1178 ; Lady Elgin, 1252, by Will - mere 463 ; Eliza, 955, by Duke, 484 ; Count- es4 2nd, 783, by Leopold, 761. Countess- 3st' 782, by Son of Comet (imp), 238, (155) ; Prin- cess (imp) 419, by Son of Lancaster, 360, by a son of Windsor, 698. TERM1:—$1.25 ; thoroughbreds, $5.00. • RODERICK GOLLAN, 851 Lucknow, P. 0. warm weather aerive,s, though nothing seems more desirable. The average eeeson.of gnglish or A merican birth or extraction „holds tenaciously to the idea that reteet, and meat every day, of etite week end,ets the staple food of one or xtuge mca.ta, is absolutely necessary • to ehethOalth ef the.body, and so the won estic .pregrain owe is ,o rd e red. But while it,unistlie admitted that in our ?-iracitig ,.rtertAqtrn Mintier's, plenty of. beat supplying meets are required dur- ing the winter Beeson, mie think the very ,opposieet regimen .slaoulebe adapt- ed ineititemer. If food can be supplied that will sustain elite etrengelt, be easy, of ,digestion, ,aed yet not be so heating iti its Atli butcher's meat„ then the:beat 431,04.491get it. -,40""wieevemteweeeesee DUN AKI POW E THECOOKSBEST FRIEND AGENTS WANTED. 11120•11111..WINOOCOMMOIOMOBSOINOCO CA Otnewousonwearocono.00no e imes. ERONI,•IVIURpOCH •A, Ca LUCKNOW & DUNGANNON" .0•141="1326141...114.0.10 PINSW • IF YOU W4NT TO MAKE MONEY, TAKE HOLD AND SELL OUR 'CHOICE NURSERY STOCK NOW IS THE TIME. WRITE 'US AT ONCE FOR TEEMS. MAY BROTHERS NURSERYMEN ROCILESTER, N. Y. We keep all the best lines in Dr ers Gooa.s, MiEtiner3r, Ciloves, Cornfrii. Lace Curtains, 'Etc. Also full line of gents furnishings. Our aim is irb fcrive MUNN it CO,of the &Immune A.METDCAN,r021.- time to ;to as Solicitors for Patents. Csvoats, Trittlp Marks, copyrights, for Abe United States. cannds: ngland. I, ranee. ellerreany. etc. Itind Book Sbout qtents sent free. Vivirtri-aeven yeare' experience: 4n tteeresablvtggAlarnioAlij, go iargee ,t best, and N A CO. are noticed Tlibitir7151140 prOCCE41 4to live studied re_ost widely, clreelated scientific paper., ea.20 a year. weekly :Splendid engravings and interesting M- ahe' action:ion the oh.0 faith frame of gormatfon. specimen eopy of the Mclentlfle A oder. Win sent free. Ad as MUNN & CO. SCIENTINIO 'different 'kb* fet.'1,ifvere claim, that, Ornoe.2n Broadws'. Now ark. - .. '... , 4.-,r. • ere; 4 . • •AL, I • • W. 47eeee •`'r. .44 .44 you a good article, at 'reasonable price. HAR tn27.1..1•64,SKITt — - t • 1110.011.2.1PAJIMICYREPIIINTIOSSISItillti, tr_ ouerson ono.? 11•11.011•Mtlftylepthl063.3CISIERICIAMIMMIOMBI.Mik, -44 T. Lawrence has just received a full line of SCYTHES ANI) STONES; KITATHS, CRADLES AND FIN GERS, HAY II , FORKS AND FORK ItANDLES, HOES, POKES, HARVEST TOOLS COAL OIL, MACHINE, BOILED, RAW AND 'LINSEED OILS, WHITE ;.1)8, ZINC, WHITE AND DRY PAINTS, MIXED .PAINTS, ALABArIBIL, GLASS AND PUTTY, WIRE FENCING OF ALL KINDS, BUILDINGI'APEIZ. -K, DRY, AND TAR, ROOF TAR PAINT AND COAL TAR, WATER LIME. PLASTER OF PARIS, LAND ,PLASTER, LAWN MOWERS, GRINDSTON ES),DIIS V CHURNS, WASIIING MACHINES, SCREEN WIRE CLOTH,FLY TRAP, PURE PARIS GREEN/ •HONEY EXTRACTORS BEE SMOKERS, }ION1Y KNIVES, ETC., AND •A FULL LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE WARE, -BRAS AND ENAMELLED PRESERVING KETTLES. Eave troughing done on the shortest notice at reasonable figures. Repairing promptly attended to. Cash buyers will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. 111ZEO2- LlJ&It RIC wcm, r..-croaKzi-cew- irre,-"•