Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-13, Page 5P .f end that of the Mowat Government before the electors -and w-s,a• ably sup- ported by Mr. J. G. Murdoch of Luck - now. Mr. Campbell, of Lucknow, op- posed .binin the. interests of Mr. Shp,y, ' the Equal Rights candidate. • ROWDYISM.. -It is a strange fact that in every well regulated community - there always are some individual.s wha, have 'no repect for themselves or for anyone else. Some of these creatures really d • o exist in Paramount which as 47,0"1,-4X7,17.7, , 'SH^m47^vfi'*.^mmmr r-'�`s"'�-rirxrfl�r-�xryq`�i-t;t{t't�, �i�af�v s en noted for excellence in. all thiargs and as ignorance and laziness are part of their "get up", they thought they could• not better einploy themselves than by annoying the speakers at the political meeting and also the religious services- on Monday evening. Stich rascally work deserves to be punished and a ducking in the creek might do •some good to the offenders who are Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Oounty, Friday, June lath. COOL, WASHABLE, AND-. LIGHT M(ATFhiJAL Arenow in season. L�►WY] ,; Cheek M usiils, Challies, iu plain, Colored & all wool, (French) are with us. Black Grenadines in stripes and checks COTTAGE TO RENT. MO RENT. A STONE COTTAGE with five moms: good cellarand half acre of orchard attachod, suitable for a small family. One and a half miles frons, Luekuow. Also pasture for a cow if required. ALEX. GRAHAM, Lucknow, P. O. Kinloss, -May 12th, 1890. BULL F :0: MITE UNDERSIGNED WILL Kim' Y MITE service this season at north halt Lots 53 and 54, in the 1st con3esaion of Kinloss, his superior bred Shorthorn Bull "Solomon." PEDIGREE :-Solomon, is red, calved June 20th, 1888, bred by Thomas Anderson, Dun- gannon, Ont., got by Wallace.(imp) 2752, dam Minneehaha, by llouhledee7481. ; Primrose, by Rhoderic Dhu, 3801 ; Jennie, 1165, by Dixie Duke, 474 ; Maid of the Forest, 1455, by John A. McDonald, 721 ; Mayflower, 1514, by Alfred 304 ; Eva, 981, by Souter Johnny, 1083; Florence Nightingale, 1067, by Youn more 463 ; Eliza, 955, by Duke, 484 ; Count- ess 2nd, 783, by Leopold, 761, Countess 1st' 782, by Son of Comet (imp), 238, (155) ; Prin. cess (imp) 419, by Son of Lancaster, 360, by a son of Windsor, 698. TERMS :=$1.25 ; thoroughbreds, $5.00. RODEIUCK GOLLAN, 851 Lucknow, P. O. JEHU.-A young gentlemrn of South Huron, was driving furiously along the roa on a recent Sabbath, to hear a' serwi preaebed from a new pulpit which he had been at the trouble to brim from Lucknow, when the equine ibefore hiur suddenly lay down and .died, and our sadly disappointed friend had to walk for a change. - A-ciet-ljr>rwp -7,What mighth ve. been. a serious accident, befell Mrs. Francis Cook. ;While getting out of a rig on Wednesday evening, her dress caught and threw her back with such violence that she wis unable to hove for some time, but we are glad to hear she is getting- alright again. The crops in this section are looking well aid there are good prospects of • a bonnt ul-harvest Mrs. Reuben Tiffin attended the funeral of her nephew Joseph, son of John and Jennet Taylor, of Galt. Mr. Wm. Doyle is at present at Dublin where his cousin is seriously ill. -eose factory is' turn- ing out 20 cheese per pay at present and has prospects of an increase. ,1 -SCOTCH.: SHORT HORNS. 0 F., BREED EARLY MATTTR- ing, quick feeding steers for market, by crossing with the Aberdeen Short Horn, noted for their early maturing and rapid feeding qualities. First-class representatives of the above now popular breeding, for service at E Gaunt', farm con, 12 West Wawanosh, Lord Lovell, terms. grades 53 00, thoroughbreds ..:.00. Good Hope, terms, grades $1.50, thorough- breds $1.00 Pedigrees or any other particu- lars ou application. TENDERS WANTED. VENDERS WANTED FOR THE ui rug o a 1+'lour Mill; Building to be frame, sea upon stone foundation about .32x38. 40 ft. post, Plans and Secifications can be seen at Grant's Millon and after the 23rd inst. Tenders for building to be opened on the 27th inst., at 4 o'clock p. m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Hemlock City Milling Company. M, J. McKAY, President. LUMBER FOR SALE.' :0: r1HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO IN- A, form the inhabitants of this section that he bas placed' a Portable Saw Mill on the east h:,lf of Lot 22. in the 13 con. of West Wawanosh, and is 'now prepared to supply the public with all kinds of lumber from 10 to 20 feet in length, and at the lowest .possible prices. Frame timber, etc. also kept in stock or cot to order. '1'he mill is in charge of Mr. C. Suwers, sawyer. A call solicited. -tf-856 C. THOMS, St..Helens P. O. BOAR FOR SERVICE, 4 • HE LNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for��.ervice this season at -lot 14, con. 14 West \i' wanosh, his superior thoroughbred Berkshire. oar, 'Perms $1, cash. . . A. McMTLLAN, -4-855 • Lucknow P. 0.. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. lt,TOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT _L" • the partnership • heretofore subsisting; between us, the undersigned. as furniture ,manufacturers" at the Village of Lucknow, has :been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated at Lucknow, this 2nd day of June, 1890. Witness, T. M. CLIFF. ELLIOT TRAVER. E. S'TOVEL. HdICE TO CREDITORS. pURSUANT TO THE REVISED Statutes of Ontario, 1889, Chapter 110, bection ',6, the creditors of John Morrison, late of the village of Lucknow iu the county of Bruce, wLio died o't or abut the 21st day of November 1889, are hereby notified to send to Elliot Traver at the said village !of Luck-, now, solicitor for the executors of the said John 'Morrison, on or before the 23rd day of June 1890, their cln•istiou and surname, ad- dresses a53c1 occupations with a fall and de- tailed acconnt of their claims against the. said John Morrison, deceased, and after the said last meutioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate arnong, the- parties -entitled thereto, having n•egar•d only to the claims of creditors whick AO have been then received, bated this 30th day of May, A. D. 1890, LELi.IUZ' TRAVER, 3.851 Bolicf for for tLo Executers. S WILL BE FOUND RIGHT. We aim to give the best value at the lowest price. We have opened this week another lot _ot .. _ MENS' DRESS, TOP SHIRTS, Dress vests in fine . check and. •stripe wools, white Marseiies vests, light -check -summer -summer coats & vests. New ties, merino and natural wool socks. A fine line, of merino socks at rbc. See a few samples in our window. We advised our customers over a month ago, that the then rise of sugars was not likely, to be permanent; Our forecast has proved correct, but now , we again warn them that sugars are advancing in price ---aid--williikel ire c i ren. an strong till after the fruit season, We are still selling sugars at old figures, but like our 15 and 20 cent teas, the supply will not last forever. One grocer last week, inquired how we could sell groceries at the prices we were, YET I DO Fric We are advised that. some `)eople in doubt of being able to purchase a good class of goods in town, order the same from London or •Toronto. To those we would "say, WE ARE HERE TO SELL GOODS And we respectfully request a look through before ordering. We aim to carry a' stock second . to none in QUALITY, QJJANTiTY AND PRICE and any specialty not in stock'will be cheerfully order immed- iately on . notice. Another consignment of triose popular Ladies and Misses, cashmere hoseoat 25c. to hand to -day. . YOURS FAITHFULLY, Butter and Eggs Wanted, , d. ,J:Irashe • MEN WANTED TO -BELL - OUR -GH OI43 NIT--NIT-Y stock. No experience required. Steady work the year round. Liberal pay guaranteed. Outfits free Write for terms and commence at once. Atwood & Company, 5 mos. -851. Nureierymen, Geneva, N. Y. Look ii TZ. Z 0 FIRE! FIRE! -- Insure your farm property, private dwelling, in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL wr-Foit- CITY MUTUAL AND CITIZENS. 0 Office, -A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknow. Will be in the. office every Saturday afternoon, Geo. Grant, Agent, Lucknow BULL FOR SERVICE. x R. THOMAS EDWARD FINLAY _a1 will keep for service, this season, at Lot 6, Con. 9 Ashfield, his celebrated thorough bred shorthorn bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byron bred by Thomas Edward Finlay, Lanes, Ont., got iby Highland Chief (imp.), 1257 ; dam Belva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron Lush, 1388; Minnie Warren. 7230, by Sir, John, 3900; Maid of Raven Hill, 3816, by J.othair, 800 ; Beauty of the Valley, 2446, by Constance's 3?!carrty uma Tit -S '; .. ton, 10054• Countess, by Shamrock 2nd, 8555 ; Gazelle, by Splendid, 5298, by Prince Comet, 8425, bred by Mr. Allenby. Terms 81,25. 848-t f. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. :re FOR SALE A BRICK COTTAGE AND seven village lots on Victoria street, in this village.. This is a bargain for anyone wanting a cheap place. Apply to WILLIAM WALKER, Lucknow. The Hub Grocory! IMMENSE BARGAINS. Ravin; just received a Targe consign • ment of Fresh Groceries, Mice family flour, Choice Tobacco, Caned. Goods, Crockery, Glassware Teas, Coffees, and -Sugars, which will be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. .. Goods delivered to all parts of the village.. JOHN ELLIOTT UNN' KIN iP*-WD C00KSBES FRIEND MI-L.LINERY! OF INTEREST TO THE LADiES.. :0: Mr. J, Mur;hieou, Lucknow, has opened a new millinery stere in the stand lately oecu- ly millinery. , THE GOODS ARE ALL NEM TIIE LATEST STYLES. THE PRICES THE LOWEST. Mrs, Murehfson will be pleased to have you call and inspect the stock before purchasing. AVM_ IMO HORSE SHOEING -AND- GENE NDGENE RAL BLACKSMiTHDNC. - :0: Adam Thompson begs leave to tea th inhabitants of Lucknow and surround% country for the liberal patronage bestowed o - him during the last seven years, and wishes g continuance of his old customers and a tax.. >}hare of the new, a he is in a better positi'oir .,th n am: t0:d!1Pair Wm-ants...at tlili publ.. He always has on I and a stock of Wagons 8 Buggies • of all kinds, He also will remind them of hie far famed . y SCOTCH DIAMOND MARROWS which he alway has on hand and are made 'the very best material. Parties wantiug an thing in this line will do well to give him acal -and-see~pricee--before-pTorch asing-arse ,ileo; _-- Particular attention paid to ALL KINDS OF NORSE SHOEING, flatfeet, contractions, and interfering. By strict attention to, business, good wort, manship and employing nothing but goo, workmen, I trust to retain the r atrgsiaee „kirrd4y extended to me. 4�+ --ver �:•�.--:. C%Y pbe2l Strete opposite the Bank BULL FOR SERVICE. :0: THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the farmers of this section that he will keep for service, this season, at Lot 11 in the 8th con. of the eastern division of Ash- field, a superior bred short -horn bull, "Red Bismark." PEDIGREE :-Red Bismark is red. calved March 8, 1889, bred by William Mallough, Dungannon, Ont., got by Wallace (imp) 2752, dam Annie 8430, ley Young Springwood Prince 6299; Grace Harper 2nd. 9227, by Britiifeir 2nd 2889 ; Lady Harper 2nd 6630, by `2nd Faniosa Chief 1782 ; Lady .Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Rose 1833, by Royal Duke of Gld'3ter 1035 ; Maggie 1429, by Lord • of Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ; Queen of the West 1751, by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton „684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342. by Duke of ellinton (imp) 91 (-3654 • jaayinia 2na 3.0 by exander (imp-) 6 (11099) ; Lavinia (imp) 299, by a son of Scopio (1421), by Fry- holpre (1018), by Son of North Star (458). TERM,. -$1.00. Thoroughbred same' price. PAUL SMELTZER, Belfast, Ont, 1 DR. CHASES ,,Has a world wide repiitation as a physician and'author His Mandrake .Dandelion- Liver^ Cure is a triumph of medical skill, cures all diseases of the kidney and liver SYMPTOMS OF " U LT GUliYI Lfl NTtba,nhek dull pain or weight in the bladder and base of abdomen ; scalding urine often ,nbstructd ; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among, aged persons , hot, dry skin, pale com- plexion, red and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver sore, swelling, etc p SYMPTOMS CF IVEn (,II [MIN t dice,bsallowscoin plexion, a weary, tired feeling, no lite or energy, headache, dyspepsia, indigestion,spote,• pimples, etc. HOW CURE Mandrake and Dandelion are mature' I.lvee cures and when combined witt. Kidney rem6- dies as in Dr: Cbase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure all kidney -Liver troubles. It acts like a charm, stiinnlating the cinped 'liver, strengthening the kidneys, and invipo ra- ting the whole body. Sold by all dealers at $t with receipt book, which alone is worth th money. K�IDrNEY Dr. Cbase's Pills are the only r L1 V •'pKidney-Liver Piilsmado, Tha sat gently yet effeo£u'ally. May PILLS. be taken during any emptoy- ment. They onre Kidney Liver t'ronbles, headaehe,biliounneaa,coati'anon ete, One pill a dose. Sold by all dealers. Price 2501 .., T• EDMANSON & COn, BRADFORD. Ostt Sold by Bnlin' & Am'. Lttokn•wt