Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-06, Page 81
. •. •
he ,unknow Sentinel, Bruce Oo.unty, Friday, June 6th.
H.4ur$ $at;
M & s Anion.
V,ikGr dt B. $d nth • ' 6;13 a' in.
Tt. g cfr13, Nort 1239p. es -
B nlyro44.}.
Kin1ouglY J>. • 2 30 p . m
I inlosa '
W, G. 13. North 3.48 p. m.
Goderich 1
ntermediate Points f 9 00 p. in.
3.00p. m.
W, G. & B. ,South} 9,30p. m.
14 H. & B., South
L.H.&B. South 10.00a.m.
W O.& B. North 3.20 p. m •
IIolyrood) 1 4.30•p.m.
iafiough j-'
Cinloss 1.
New Bakery gold and Wet
Mr. M. Northcott, of Acton, has Mr. David Todd, of St. Helens,
, /
9 nesi put a new bakery in the brick arrived hone on Tuesday from a trip
store, next to the ban ,in thie village, up the flakes, to the Manitoulin Islands,
and is prepared to a ply the \public
will bread, cakes and all kinds of con-
• teetionery. He comes here highly
Ashfield S. S. Convpntion
6.6. . iffy .:a :,..,:RA:. t.
'Tuesday® convention will be held (D. V.)Friday,,
Fridays June 15th at Hope. There will be
three sessions, 9.30 a. m., 2 p. m , 7
p. m. A every interesting and - live
programme has been preptixed and the
convention in every way promises td
be a very profitable one. We are cer-
fain that all who- attend will he bene-
fited and entertained.
• and reports the weather very wet and
cold in that section. The trees are
the bud yet and the farmers there
are only about half through with their
seeding. He was in search. of stock
cattle, but failed to find any.
f tau . and 'girt
Rye t. Meteorological Report for May
Masonic Pic-Nic
• The members of Old Light Lodge
intend holding a pic-nic at the lake
on the the 24th of June (St. John's
day) when a good time is expected.
done to Conference
The Rev, J. S. Colling and Messrs.
Walter Treleaven and D. C. Taylor Big DemonstrationKenzie, while attending communion
left—car-Tuesday-last-to attend—'the - .ineardine= ;l h i ^ =be, vices -at -Loch -ash, fell -dews -a -stair -.
sleeting of the Guelph Conference at mer carnival on the 14th and_,15th of . way- in the house of -a friend- and - was
Stratford which" opened onithe 5th August, when the, opening of the
� g , P g taken up a helpless invalid and so re-
inst. waterworks will take place, and ar- mained unable to help herself in any
rangements have been made to have a way, till death relieved her on Monday
Firemen's Tournament on that occasion last. Mrs: McKenzie was a woman
as well as a grand band competition. highly respected by all who knew her.
The Guelph Highland 'Cadets ,and The funeral was one of the largest
other attractions will no doubt make ever seen in this part saf the country.
this summer carnival a -success.
Going to Camp
Tuesday, June 17th is the date fixed
upon by the MVlilitia Department • for
the troops of No. 1 Military District
to go into camp. This will leave only
one week from Tuesday. No. 3 Co. is
filling tip with a very desirable class of
Mr. Wm. Grundy has decided to
sell out his carriage business in this
village, and is determined to clear out
his complete stock of carriages, bug-
gies, democrats, cutters, sleighs, etc.
at a big reduction below actual cost.
_The,,..topJmggies. are all .supplied with
folding; tops, the best ever made in. the
Dominion, and any one desiring a
first-class bugg at rock bottom prices
Rain fell on. sixteen days. Day of
highest temperature 77°.5 on the 29th.
Day of lowest temperature 26°.9 on
the 8th. Mean maximum for the
month 59°.5. Mean minimum for the
month 36°.2. Day of greatest range
40°.1 on the 2nd. Day of least range
6°.9 on the 10th.
chasing a rig.
be cleared out.
Passed Away
On Wed-nesday last the remains of
Ann, the beloved wife of John Mc-
Kenzie, of Paramount, were laid in
their last resting place in Kinloss
cemetery. Over a year ago Mrs. Mc
The whole stock will
A Beautiful Plant
We arejidebted to Mr. D. Mc-
Donald,. oftthis village, for one off the
handsomest foliage plants we have ever
seed _It is__:pronounced _ a perfect
beauty by all who have seen it, and
hich it certainly is.
Board of Health .
At a recent meeting.of the council
Messrs. G. W. Berry, Richard Hughes
and the members of the council were
:appointed a local board of health for
medical health officer.
Against the Law "
Complaint has been made that boys
are engaged in robbing birds' nests.
They may not be aware that they run
the risk of being fined $20 for what
they term fun. Boys caught at it
should be handed over to the author=
iVties to be 'dealt with.
Destroying Trees
A number of boys in the village are
in the habit of cutting the -bark off
shade trees with jack knives, and the
constable has been instructedciito arrest
n=yotie guilty of the offence It is
a -serious charge to destroy. a shade
tree and the penalty is/six months in
'ail or a fine of $25 for each offence.
Culross Mutual Fire Insurance
Teeawater, May .31st, 18:90...
The Directors met in the town hall.
Members present, Messrs. Kirkland,
McKague, Reid and Armstrong. The
minutes of previous meeting were read
when Mr. Reid moved; seconded by
Mr. McKague, that the minutes as just
sa,,e��,r�� ,.. •. '4c°awe .,. ,. , .:*..
Kirkland—Reid. That all appli-
cations for insurance be now laid on
the table for examination.—Carried.
Reid—Armstrong. That having
examined fourteen applications and
found them satisfactory,, the President
and Secretary be instructed to prepare
-and issue policies for same.=arrie y-
• Reid—Armstrong. That Messrs.
Gillies and Ballagh having intimated
to their buildings, the consent of this
company is hereby given to the same
being done, at same time enjoying that
every precaution be used to prevent
fire while such operation are in pro-
gress. — Carried.
Reid—McKague. That John Arm-
strong having requested to be released
from the agency of this Company,
Charles Button be and is hereby ap-
__pointed_ to. agent -in -the- terri-
tory canvassed by ,�Mr. Armstrong
until otherwise arranged.—Carried.
McKague—Armstrong. That this
Board do now adjourn to meet again
in Teeswater town hall on the last
Saturday of June at 2o'clock p. rrl.—
A. ADAMSON Secretary.
A. Week's
A New 0. P. R. Map ,
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany have published a new and hand-
some map showing the main line and
the various extensions of their road,
and bringing before the reader in a
forcible way its claims as "the world's
highway to°the Orient." John Mur-
chison is .the C. P. R. agent in Luck -
now. • • •
The. Curfew Beth .
The .curfew has been established in
Norwich.. .After the ringing of the
town bell at 9 p. m. all children found
loitering on thestreets will be dealt
with -day the authorities. The council
of this village could do many worse
things than follow the example of
Norwich, as' children. of very tender
age can be found at all hours of the
night wandering about the streets of
Lucknow. The parents, however, are
to blame, and if they don't interest
themselves in the welfare of their own
children, it- would be hard to ,expect
the corporation to do so.
Orange Blossoms
A happy event was celebrated at the
residence of Mr. William Boyd, lake -
shore, Huron, on Tuesday evening of
this week, it being the joining in mar-,
riage of Miss Jennie,. daughter of Mr!
and Mrs. William. Boyd,.of'Huron, to
Mr. 'Frank J: Reed, son of Mr. Win-
field Reed, of thisplace, the ceremony
being performed . by the Rev. Mr.
Hannon in • the presence of a host of
neighbors and friends from town. I1r.
find Mrs. S.F. Boyd and daughter, and
'i!trs. Telford and daughter of Hanover
and Mrs. Bryan, of Lucknow, were
among the "guests. The bride was
handsomely attired in cream silk and
1',rocaded satin, with veil and orange
blossoms. Mr. Willi'alm Carey and
Miss Lizzie Boyd (sister of the bride),
served as groom and bridesmaid while
Mr. Samuel Bold gave the bride away.
The ceremony over, the large number
of invited guests sat down to and par-
took of a most bountiful supper: The
`presents were numerous and costly.
The happy couple 'left on the 5:40
train for Detroit, their adopted home,
Wednesday morning followed by the
best wishes of their numerous friends
in, this locality. ---Kincardine Review
men to complete the number and these
should lose no time in handing in their
names and getting into harness.
Mad Steers
On Monday. last a couple of large
steers that were brought into the vil-
lage for shipment, became crazed with
excitement and for a time made
matters interesting for the buyer and
the citizens •in general. They were
finally blindfolded and with the aid
of ropes were got under control. The
poor brutes - suffered a good deal of
unnecessary persecution.
Notice to Farmers
Owing to a very great improvement
in the water power of the Lucknow
holler - Mills, which will enable me to
run y wa
year, a verygreatreduction in running
expenses of the mill, no wood, no
engineer to pay for, to benefit the. 'far-
mers with light wheat in the future if
they will clean it well. I will give 'a
'return of 50 lbs. of flour and feed in
every 60 lbs. of wheat, no matter what
it; "may test. GEO. KERR.
liteeord of the (amu ing Border
Town. \ 4
No. 1 and no. 2 shingles at M. Cor-
rigan's grocery. •
Beautiful laces ,just received this
week at -Mrs. Smith's.
—Mrs. Wm. Johnston lost a valu-
able cow by death lately.
—Mrs. Thos. Reid left on Thursday
for a visit to friends in Guelph.
No. 1 flour and pure maple syrup at
M. C7 rrrigan's grocery.
—House to rent, commodious and
good situation. .Apply to JOHN MUR-
—The Bruce County Council will
meet in the town hall, Kincardine, on
June 17th.
—Mrs. J. Grenache left on Tuesday
for a. month's visit to friends in Paris
and vicinity. ,
—Several car loads of very fine beef
er ab�ii't Yfon err th cattle were shipped. from the station on
Monday last.
Turnip seed, mammoth sweet corn,
'and dried apples at M. Corrigan's
-Mr. ; Duncan McPherson, of Chi-
cago, is paying a visit to his Lucknow
—The Rev. D. Cameron, of Nairn,
was visiting his old friends in Luck -
now this week.
—Ladies' and children's bonnets and
hats received this week at Mrs. Smith's
in all the most fashionable, designs.
—The trees are again clothed in
beautiful: foliage, while many have put
forth their fragrant blossoms.
',Wheat, oats, barley, peas and other
farm produce , taken in exchange for,,
goods at M. Corrigan's grocery.
—The sacrament of the Lord's sup-
per was administered in the Presby-
terian church on Sabbath last.
—Ladies, if you want a handsome
bonnet or a bat, neatly trimmed and
cheap, c,11 at Mrs. Smith's.
—laYew fences and other improve-
ments are being made in all parts of
the village this spring.
• -The Council inspected the village
on Monday, and will make a number
of improvementsin the roads and
—If the• blossoms foretell the har-
vest. there will be an abundance of
'fruit in this section the corning
—A terrific rain storm accompanied
by vivid lightning and heavy thunder,
passed over this village on Tuesday
evening, but we have not heard of any
'damage being done in the neighbor-
—Ladies; if you want to see tl
most beautiful selection of the late
styles in hats, bonnets, and laces, call
Died in Goderich
Her many .friends in Lucknow will
eeply regret to learn of the death of
rs. Davison, wife of Mr. A. B. Dav-
i in, of Goderich, and daughter of Mr.
J hn Odium, of this village, after a
painful illness of some nine ,weeks.
Mr. Davison and his little family of
four small children, the youngest of
which are a pair of twins eight weeks
old, have the earnest sympathy of all
in their very sad bereavement.
This Year's Military Camp
It is proposed to establish the mill=
ta,ry camp this summer at Owen Sound
instead of at Niagara, and to include
all :the regiments in the military dis-
trict except the city battalions, viz.,
the Queen's Own Rifles and the Royal
Grenadiers. If the _proposition is
carried out therewill be ,placed
camp together twelve regiments of
infantry, one of cavalry, and six bat-
teries of artillery, in all about 6,000
Dissolved Partnership
In this issue is the advertisement
announcing the dissolution of the firm
Of Messrs. Cliff & Sto-vel, furniture
Manufacturers. Mr. Stovel retires
from the business, and we are sorry to
learn that he has decided to leave our.
village and remove to Paisley. The
factory, however, will be continued
here as usual under the style and firm
of Cliff' & Forster, the new partner
being' a young man of energy and
ability and possessing considerable, at Mrs. Smith's.
wealth, They manufacture a. very
large amount of furniture, employing —An exchange made the suggestion
almost constantly about thirty' hands, by, way of reminder to its subscribers,
and their goods find a ready sale in
all the leading centres in the Dominion.
The factory is a great boon to the vil-
lage, in fact it is the only large manu-
facturing establishment we have, and
we hope the new firm will meet with
Fine night dresses embroidery
trimmed for 75 cents.
Ladies under skirts, embroidered and tucked
from $1.25 and upwards. Lovely all over
RE S '.!vS-
•for infants and children cheaper than you
can slake them.
—AT 65 CENTS.—
- AT $1.00.
Just opening today a case of fancy hes in
all the latest styles, also a lot of new
flowers at
announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any
that for.those who want toremit small
sums, such as subscriptions, post office
orders, for amounts up to $4.00 may be
obtained for two cents and when
such an order is obtained, registration
of letters, which costs the absurd sum
of five cents is unnecessary. .
coming to me having their teeth out, that I will put -in two sets -ofteethe
for the.priee of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world.
use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, -London, England. The teeth will be
C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the
business to be
nequa%efl In Th
VIA ..-_;9
Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they
are getting, anclas I use nothing but the best material, I will guarantee sat-
isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there are a few
such 'in the world, will please bear in mind that I don't want their trade.
I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office,. Lucknow.
D. PATTERSON, Lucknow.
Imoknow's Leading Phot�ahr
Is asusual ahead in,the finest styles and positions for photos.
Finest retouched and. burnished, $1.50
to $3 per doz. Cards $1 to $2 perioz.
He aiso keeps a large stock stock of spectacles, especially
the well-known
and also deals iri Bee T eepers supplies,
books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods.
Remember the' studio, E. L, Johnston's old stand. Next
door to Reid's bakery.