Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-16, Page 414; „ . • • '8..FA;;;p1' i'.Our t41411el. • • • .141E LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARCRYE 14irsREEe1f -ROPORDING TO THE DICTATES e1701010/ENVE WE PRIER ABOE ALL •,., „. ,. itt ' 4.' '&' .- • '-i'l;•:;', . ., .,. 4r., ••-• . ..reeent public meeting in Luck. ."0-..• while one of the epeakers was .•. . , , .• ,• '0 • -eloquently portraying the gallant deeds of ,, kis forefathers among the "heath - •• 1 ilillf_otel_gea ' " et4 WE ARE4 CANADIAN& 14,414••••••442 lhe audience rose o his feet and shout- ) zed, "litqmh, for old Ireland." Of .•t. • •• course:the distiirhance was only intend- • ;•,;y. , as a joke, but there is no doubt about .it that the'gentleman who gave • litteranee Ito the words, expressed his Aleepest .feelings, as from the." fulness ••-of • the 'heart the mouth speaketh." . But why should there be any necessity ,$. f. sub ppeads-1—Can-we-not-discuse '104741-- ,,:4.74 matters pertaining *holly to this -country as Canadians, without raising • ' a Vel* of Jealously among others 44.1. ; 'of t nationality ? We admire man: isproud of the land of • .his sire, Pitt as, eitizenteof this Domire • The Lucknow 8.ntia,e. Bruce County, Friday, May Nth. 13. -1 top; -Audis !Untied to doubt 'whether, attar all, though a Canadian, he should not give allegiance to some far -of land w Ji.n line never. sekii,,Atud may nev gee, Throw aside all this falter.. ing la regard to the declaration of the nationality of a Canadian, whether by birth or naturalization, and let us, as Canadians be proud of our great ,•-771:3=)3t.- Ltaelsmew lorabtitt Echoab The following is the standing of the pupils of the Lucknow public school for the month of April : FIRST DEP.ARTMENT. - Senior Fifth --Class.--Excellent—B. Carrick 99, W. McLeod 98, G. Sinith, J. Lane 89, L. Wilson 88, M. Watson 83, R. Griffith 83, G. MO Ulan 83 T. ROTECTION ROVIDING FROM URCHASE RAUD lik f :Deling Wilk TayloP t.fp4 Pwell. UTLERY ARIS ANTERNS HURNS r LASTER IBRARY LAMPS REAM CANS AIM'S '~ -''. EVELS ELEOTIO REVAILS EOPLE EUDENTLY .0- EMD, WHITE11.1\7.13 BDAcK DAIRY SUPP c• Donald. .Good—A. Stewart 78. Bad =S. West 26. InterMediate Fifth Class.—Excel- lent--M. Philips 95, T. Lawrence 85. Good—J. Baird 72, L. t.McDonald 68, M. McCoy 65, E. Graham 65, F. Gra- ham 62. Fair—H. Holmes 58, •M.. McGrory 53, M. Campbell 51. Bad —J. McKinnon 38, A. Grundy 36. Junior Fifth Class.—Good—J. Yule 78,14.....Armatroeg..7.5,-15.;.-Cameren-69; S. McDougal 69, A. Lawson 67, J. Walker 66, A. Whitely 61. Fair= M. McQueen 59, J. Stewart 52. Bad —W. Wilson 47. SECOND. DEPARTMENT. Senior Fourth Class.— Good— McCharles, R. Douglass, J.'licIntosh, C. Hamln J. Smith, J. McCoy, A. olling-i-a-B'ovc-Miller. G. Bower, F. Coiling, T. Reid, W. Reid, L. Berry, P. McMillan,L. Mul- lin, F. „Johnston, M. Mallough, A. Eoyd, J. Watson, J. Tennant, A. Grundy, E. Little, A. Lyons, K. Mur- dock, M. Torrance, , • ,t inner Fourth Class.—Good—M. .McNabb, Walter Stewart, K. Treleav- en, E. Patterson, J. McDonald, M. Glithain, B. Large, E. tireer, W. Yule, H. McKinnon, M. Stewart, '111.. Doug- lass, M. Matheson, F.' McIntosh, M. McKay, W. Corrigan. Fair—N. Mc- Donald, 4. Stewart, A. Brunel', Wes. Stew./rt„ V. McDonald, S. Yule, M. Thompson, , H. Ross, Hornell, S. Greer, E..Stavell, A. Douglass, A. Young, S. Armitrong. • THIRD DEPARTMENT. Senior Third 'Class.— Excellent— Edith Smith, , Katie McNabb, Birdie McIntosh; A. Barber, T. Cain, A, Mil- ler, -S. Johnston, • Good—W. Treleav- en; Geo. Berry, A. Baird. Fair—Ada Bergess, 'bIcCorvie, J. Lees, F. DeviSon. ,• • • • Junior. Third' Class.LExcellent— Mary McKinnon, Sadie Boyd, J Mc- Donald, .0. Armstrong, Dales Flood, L. Murdoch, A. Matheson, Hannah Bar- ber. ,Geod—lVlaird Flood, W. Corn- gan, Rena Holiner A. :McDonald, B. MoQuaig, B., Hawley, A. Matillan • A. Findlater,-Jno. McClure. 11. Jign we should:strive to make this th_e_o great country to be ilesired-iliove / `alrothers, and .leaie unsaid anything -that arouse the feelings or synitiaihies of those of another nation, ality. ,Ourt forefathers have done mobly in the eat matt.r • they were English, Irish, or Scotch, and to their heroic • deeds is entitled the credit of making England what it is toitit loyal sons of noble • •Silva, we have a, duty to perform in this county, equally- as` great as ever has been accomplished by our fathers in the past; We have a glorious in.. 1* • heritance, the finest the sun haa- ever hone upon, but we can neer make it • •-what it .ought to be unless we lose • • tight of the feet that we are anything . else than Canadians. In one of our , :•• : • • ',exchanges this week we notice that a , corjespohdent ask tfil question: ?My '14f 11.14'11 • wao Orakin che 4°;,10,• . *thir SP(Ite‘Canada..40f is iny,fiither an Engish- • ,4:.;;a-entualtion!ility,am I f• What is definition of the:-wOril Canadian?. 4sshouIdbo,Simple enough to:waiver. • " '13 e man who was born in. Canada is a . •• ,anaaian, no matter where his parents and'parenth tuay have come froth. • -true the Doruinion•census enuiner- / attOrs -in •1881 Were directed to, say that ;Persona who eould tiaoe their ancestry, attother country should be retuTned . .as ,belenging -to that' other country, and men ,and .iveen whose parents .had lived •in Danada since the begin- ning of the .century were so returned.• , But that w,tie all wteng. •• • • - • We .even go farther isi the /definition ,of the ,Ctulaclian 'nationality . than to include all native7bOrn aliens within the term. Is not every person who settles in the Dominion, _end either by naturalization. �r .by right as a native of Great Britain or her col- , ouies and enjoys the priyilegee of citizen - . 'ship, a. Cenadiaiii If he does. not so • lege rd himself he is not a patriot. No :miter what country a twin may come ',fro m •or how dearly he treasures the •„memories of his boyhood, if he eatsthe ' . 00 4 ti 4, • bread of Canada and makes a livan” • • , • . / : 1 'for his family here, and enjoys the " ••• •,* "., ' • ir, 4,retection of canadianlaws it is his , • . r.„ I, ,-. ' )o4nden duty to regard himself as a / '0,,'"-• ...'*• -,,,,• . Oriadiae, and to use his 1 Wen ts to .. , -forward the interests of the land in • which his let is cast, 13,0 this duty is even more' incurnbent on those who are natives .of the country, and who c• an have no excuse for letting the lingering memories of the past in any way interfere with their devotion to 4tbeir nativoland. As the poet puts it: Breathes there alnan,with soul so dead, Who never to himsolf bath said, This is rey own, Hay native lend. . 4 Seal should be the query propounded ' f0 -76-voy riatiVe-horn Canadian who alteru in his.alle'giange to the Domin- • a 'Senior Second ChisaLLE?ccellent- Emaline Robertson; L. Patterson; E. Davison, Wiliie•Brennan °Rhoda. Wil- son, Hattie:Gallagher, W. Mohring;4. Douglass. Good—Emersen .111.Ohring, J. MCCormac, Minnie Thompson, Ber nie Bryan, Ellie McLaren, R. Arm- strong. FOURTII DEPARTMENT. Senior Second Clasa.—Fred Matthie/ ifersOn • Arinstrong,,'Willie Davison, Harry Thompson; May Stove], Maggie Stewart, Alfred •Bottrell, Coral Shoe:, lietain, Hugh Findlater, Jennie Lyetia,- Grace Douglas, Beckie McCoy, George Middleton., Herbert Grundy. •-Junior Second Class.—Elsie Stringer Crieffe Mair, Jessie Baird; Joe McCoy, Maudie Dovieon, Ethel -Wheeler, Fyfe .Me,Kinnon Ida McIntosh; Arthur Traver, • Harold McGrory, Winnie Grundy, Clarence Tennant, May Loree • Willie Berber, Gordon Grundy. Senior Part II.—Willie Lees, John McDonald, Lora Smith, Ellie Torrence-, Aggie Geddes, Robbie Graham Thomas killer,' Maggie Hunter, Laura Ross, Mabel Grofidy, Adrian Shoe - bottom, Arch McCorvie, 'Frances .Stewart, Jennie Lawson. Junior Part ,II.:••: -George McKenzie, Annie McNabb,Vaines Young, Willie Findlater, A:lex. Middleton, Aggie Brennan, Maggie. McDonald, RItie Davison', Albert York. Lucy Mohring, James Stewart, Willie Holmes. FIFTH DEPARTMENT. • Part Second.—Hugh Wetson, Willie Peart, Bertie Patterson, Katie Mc- Crinimon'Winnie McGrory, Willie Young, Willie McClure, Matie Wil- liams, Herbie Graham, Lizzie Stewart, Maud Robison, May Reid, Allie Ross. Senior First. —Melvin Greer, Wilson McIntosh,. Maggie Cameron, James Reid; Janie Douglass, Dora Lees, Reva Armstrong, Maggie Murdoph, RY ARNIA ICINCLUIDIZTE AND HEIR ke-)TOV.Eb SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TAYLOR ec. polvELL. 1890. • MINI • SPRING- ! _18 9D Our stock for the season is`now about complete. We never presented a better selected lot of goods to our many customers. Each department DRY GOODS GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Boots and. Shoes is replete with great bolrgaiis. •or'Reader, if not already a customer, call and have a look through. CAMERON, •MURDOCH •LUCKNOW & D.UNGANNON MILL.II\iERY I 1 Qur millinery department 16 supplied with the newest and best goods in he market. Ladies are invited to call and see us, No trouble to show goods. ‘611/111111 C law.msmamemm.lnemematmweamo, PREPARE FOR p SPRING!.. I have on hand a full supply of prePared paints all colors, • Paris'White" whiteni4 and Ma- ' bastine, the bestvwall coating any shade, white -wash, paint and all other kinds of brushes. SAP PAILS, DAIRY PAILS, ‘CREAMERY CANS AND slVI,ILX FANS'& ALL KIND8 OF -TINWARE, CHURNS, WASHING MA - chines, wringers, (cheap,)- and cistern pumps. O. K. building paper, the best and cheapest in the market, indistinetible and , ver4ne proof; also carpet felt, tarred and brown felt building paper. •k. • Barb wire, plain' twist, oiled and. annelled and PMIOTOE "VITIRM Parties who intend to build, would find it to' their ad- vantage to, give me a call,. Eavetroughhi a speciality. >, Repairing promptly attended to. TZEOS. T_LA:W-ti,M1\TQM, 1;17CICNOW ONT. • ,7) 4, NOZ. 1)4 j P •,•,;• • r • .41 4. .44 , a At ' 1