Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-02, Page 44_z T-41'1,-.... X A; • 01.4401t •� Fl '. ."0t ts. 2 x »"TeIRE1t,Trero TITTER BIRD �e ARGiili .i"4.iE'I4Y`L`RoRDIl�k( 1 TO•TRE DICTATES "to,' 'C SCiENQE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL ° ^ a > ER .1ERTIEs. • r t G Bio , . � • 2 ad, 1890. S;. i Ike L "ridk h $tGeneral Ansentbly of the PP"BALE OF „, *Italian church of sku erica to .-.,,.._, 's %tenth e.t _.Saratoga..- ...The soo • ` import ant question then to be decided is the propt,sed revision of the West- min5ter Confession. Advocates of revision base their'hopes of success on the fact that eighty-two out of the one hundred and twenty-two Presby- teries which have so 'far voted on the question are in favor of the revision. There are two hundred and twelve now:S ni bnc13=0-Count p. ' t s• setsYALUA t tun PRUPERTT. til.. UDderA` ,-i virtue ofu powerz of tale Con. tared Iu a mork;age Rude by John Robinson,., default -having been wade in pay Ment, thereof h wi.1 be sold by public auction, at . ' '� •NGain's otel, l.acknow, on Thursday, May 8th, 1890, at one &clock, p. m. , thtl following• valuable propsetxs The east half of Lot number 8, an the 7th Concession of the township of Wa.wanosh and County of Huron, euntaiuing 100 .acres :raze or less,. The above verclierislgvatd, and in good locality. hea good souse table 48x26 ; rkitchen a cowstable0 a b 5 38x18,aidaframe cottage 36)18 all in _good repair. 'xal:�Cira2aiii'l ' rare an alar?e, the h, J. 1Vfiller F'arrn, k:uewn as the North halves of Lots uuuiber, 1 and 2 r.n the tirst Concession of the of KinIcfrs, containing. 100 acres more township a; good build. tugs. 1'1 rlats :—The purchaser of eacbpareel shall p«� ir-riepoldt omni() at the tiuie.of *ale, the 1 balance of one third of the purchase money ,in I three weeks thereafter;_ the remaining two- thirds t,, be paid in cash or secured by a mor-- ane payable from tire -to -live years at the option of the purchaser. FIT further particulars appy to C1U?IIAR, ('i FRAR & BANRIER, > y V.141,(d..thi' '•e les in le Presbyterian church in the Uni;,e.l States. This = leaves ninety Presbyteries stiil to vote and it is expected that the majority sr3 -'will- favor trio proposed amendments to the church standards. ATI END TU JT 1V0.W. She advent of spring brings extra duty in the part of -the_ -householder- tend .health officer an the way of clean- ing •up bsl:k-Wards and otherwise at-. bending to"a proper sanitary condition of thehousehold outside and in. Dur- r. • logdt>tir`long winters in every back- and .REV. Dr. Wild is not so crazy as Woodsworth, the prophet of the San 1 l arge a come a lops o organ- .. .inittter in the shape of vegetable ?knee and other garcage. Whilst the temperature remains low and the weather is cool this mass is .harmless, but when ' the rays of 'the sun get • • stronger ..and warm weather sets i ;hese heaps commence to ferment: an : utrify,.and noxious gasesare genera —_iid h -i -ch pcddriice'inbst'dirre results'. she health of .the people. .The mos . ,feadly malaria arises from the-ferme :;anon of vegetable .substances and Ma -altogether from the putrefaction. ,o animal matter: That is, the fermen talion arising from a •. heap of vegetahrle toatt* although not so offensive to th sense or smell, is raore.dallgerous th ---frolu--th-e-worst cariQir: aud-heuce-solve half decayed vegetables-,in;.a cellar an afew rotten beards and a heap of gar bage at ,the back door and in the back yard is a silent disease generator, nurse ightt around people's homes and fed an ieveloped. Hach yerlr through a lack. o n, r t e m b fG of an di Portage la Prairie last week, theToronto seer prophesied that by 1935' here will be an Imperial Federation stablished ' with an Iwperi.alia- ent at Jet usalem where all di'1 ieulties e.tween nations will be satisfactorily ettled, so that war -will be unknown reat Britain will number 937,000,000 amore_than- tsw-ice=-as-riv rty-as-al-l--the- her nations 'Combined, and Canada nder Imperial Federation, will be free d •entirely independent. The pre- ction is something like his mine, but he had the good seise to place the date of. its fulfilmeta.t lore„ after he will be e,.:withered to bis fathers. ata, d. d f t or a recti s 'he spring isa most important tirtne'fo he health of,.every family. To de- elop the' conditions of a malarial a� uosphere . around the house we need only thc+.rnoisture. which is brought by 'piing rains and the temperature which . rs sure oto, come.;,;as, the sun gets . more powerful • and: as law,good sued heaps of back yard rubbish for these factors tto . work on, and there is a first-class chemical laboratory that wilhturn out •a as tnudh poisonss contained in a drug stores. a,•$very door' yard , and privy s , rubbish' burned or, carted away, every cellar should be emptied of tiny de zay. ing vegetables,and thore ghly .disin- fected with Chloride of lime copperas A fiendish act was committed, at Cape Croker, Bruce peninsula on Sunday night, for which no punish- niesnt cou:d . be too severe for the • .perpetrator.. Mr. John Snake, an arsrr�i� 1i a. , w o,, it wilT�e remembered, r " Y. gavt 'irnportant evidence for the De., partment in the Indian .'liquor case' which was tried in Wiarton last week,, turned .a span of vallieble horses out on the reserve on Saturday night last. The animals were brought in again on Monday morning, when it wase found that one of them had° its tongue cut ,out down at'the root which necessi fated the:sh•ooting of the poor brute. The party or parties who woittd he guilty of such a diabolical [set are iit subjects for" ,the gallows. Every effort is being ie ode to ferret' out' the perpetrators of the deed, aid it is to be hoped the efforts still be successful, for with such vitlans at large, lives or property are not safe.- • ori le Carefully attended' to, all the r or , carbolic . acid. Not only should individuals themselves attend to ,this matter,, -;hut the vilh:ge board •of'health shauld.see, that the sanitary proisions of jute .etatntes are fully carried out. According, to predictions we. are threat- ened -With ii.n• invasion ofcholera the coming 'suni:aner, and we should pre - seek enteelees re-seekenl'eel.•ves by t he - test- sanitary eon. cUions possible, an'd. this is only to be -acquired by thorough cleanliness. It is very .rdoubtftil' if Asiatic 'cholera carries„off more victims in a year than. does qphoid fever, dilahteria and other • kindred diseases;.which .aye caused by Seewer , gas, the eflitr•e•iaa .arising from tit by back .yards and unhealthy sur- roundiugs. ' -rsl'R. ill U'JVA Ts -s1,7 PP ReCt RS. !There seerns •'to be an impression among ethe Corise: %•ative press' of Ontario, :sans the ts'rcnner, that .every eformec•,t;;nks'the 3fowat .Governs -inept perfect ;• and when• a Reforuner, holding es many of them do 'independ- ent opinions, points out a•defect, he .is „sited as an evidence.. of .wide defection the ranks. Rsforinerstnay.not con-. alder 'llis eecird perfect but when 'they compare his Inmost endeavor to do. .justice to ail w ith Ottawa favpriteisio and hoodlin;, no woridertheyeAltinues th sulap•Irt him. ' Wiese do we find the ,.Ryke,rts, t,,e Middletons and the gener al' gang ni bood;ers 1 ia''ho has ever cls ieger), to soy r othin.w ' of •prov'ing sti'ch h case a,;a,n;e 3fr Mowat'in”all .hia:years of.rawer 1 IVise.n they cogle" gate . hie eannful n anassereent of the finances;'relieeine the people •of- the :burdens. af.tssation instead of impos- ins then unci pr:# -ser: Ina, a handsome .surplus instead of loading the country. -with liluindreds of millions of debt. no tx oder•;L'thev support him. It Would w eed .be a nia"vellnus .thing if some " of hisseu.ppr'rters lied no frithto -Ulf his policy, but his record: has 'ro to be a capable and kaonest rant who merit* co>tttil,sued one nature seems to be pretty much the sante thci wo,.ld over, and Saau- „ een is a part ' of the worm. It so bap. pened qui.te.recentlythat one of Sau- geen's ins 4poptsler cows fell sick. Her Owner, a good man and a budding. prohibitionist, called in two fellow citizens of si.rni,lar tendencies, and con- sulted witli them as to what should be done. The aggregate veterinary know- ledge of the trio re. tilted ire favor ".sof beer,- and accordingly beer- Was 'pro.- curd • as an,.enieti'•. Evidently, the party iaelieve,l in seems] olimight,, and the revised edition of their delibera- tion resulted m the decision. that beer might: develop habits of iuteneperance in the coag'. • They tlaer'efoie decided that It was their duty ens good church members am -I, ii;cipielrf prohibittou,i:ts to discourage, bovine inteinpe 'ogee, and accordingly they rlrauk tki - beer themselves.. The cow is, better.—So says the Port Elgin ''Dies. TdE Quebec Provincial Assotriation .of Protestant ter9cheis bas passed a •resolution in favor of the preparation ,of 'a text book of Canadian history ,which sha°ii give the history of the different set tions of the' Dominion ns .nearly as possible concurren'tIy. This I book, the association believes, ought to give every Province such reeo„ni.tioil as shall tinitle than interests of .11 Cana- dians and conduce towards the creation of oneness of patriotic sentiment, A suitable text IRA, it is further. be- V limed, could be written by one' n ala, / ,�fJ 1 �'�`` assisted by C`rillltriltf pp r,f auth�rs, ` •-,�, /�a / i prl,vi&d.it be•subruitted• before puh,l- + I •\ i - -iU cation to the various Ministers of Ede! a1' ule►rJ who intend' and to build w-c�ul d it to t ation, in order to have them eclini;n { d hn heir ate, amend r add such passages as vantage g e t o Z�� '� they think desiral,le, and that the hook r e a call. Estietrou Thing a s pecllity.-- . p i_..g promptly _ . , _.. a alrin•11ttAt�t(l:t d tU: TEJ OSa. W E NOEai LIZTC3C y, rtdaty,iMay Find N4'E 'ro ' T oTTUN S HEttI BY GiPI':N I Purivance,. the Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 111), section 36., tb4t.-a11 rared. itors-atazi others having claims against the estate of William Johnston, late of the 'I own - t hip of Kiel„ss in the County of Bruce, yeoman, dee,eaeed, who died cm the 19th racy ` of March 1590, are req.aireri to send by p.m; or \deliver to Mr. I -I. Wintersteen, of the ” Township of Kinloss, in the County of Brun,.•. y,-omann Kinloss P. 0., uric of the executors of the last, will and testaruent I,f girl t?,c::s ,1 . 44441425- P• w912. 87A1IMSM... B.'i'�jL4'41U1i4"'' y.._.•=kik • naives, ar dresses. the full particulars of the r claims, a statement of their aro„nnrs •+I d t: e nature of th, securities, i; any, 1141.1 by thew and that aft, r the said 15th day of Jlay n••xt the said exe.ulors will proceed to Ihstrilo,t& the ataseats• of the said deceased an on_g_ l .• pactieq-eCFt'- ui thereto, regard ha•ii.,g ila,a onlyfi to the claims of which nn.tieu has heap i.1 1 t e.1 and the ,au1 ex.cutora w ill nut be li.ah c f ,r the ass, is or any pa; t thereof ,o ali.:t il'mt'ed ,•, ii}ry person mil,, -s Ga+tli w{3,r1mit-have l,.c•n "`- received at the time of such di, trihuriou: • 1t013E1ITSON fi (`0Lt.TN:-;, - Su1'icltors for s;.1,t ex( ,t. r5 Baa. THE KEY - Unlocks allthe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry. ingoff gradually without weakenipg the y.•Y6a)A .N,fshffit'!'+-.t9 - + 4' • .a . 1T51. " ,: _ •• 4;90 tumors of thewsocrotions; at the saidrie time Correcting Acidity of the. Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys. pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, H,: arthurn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dronsis, _Uninesssofs Visron, 'Z'aundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Beroftda, Fluttering of the heart, Nervousness, anl. Gen. eral Debility; all these nn cl many __ other eiriailar Complaiuta yield to tlMq lespp.Y influence of 11IRDOU BLOOD 3B3TTEB.S. 1,' 1890. -:- SP . MI ea a Our stock for the season is; now about� complete. 1 e' We never presented a'tetter ,�el•ected lot of goods to our many cnstoanlers. Each. department CROCKERY,QRY GOUDA, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Boots and- Shoes is replete! iith az, ,II Reader, if not already a customer, call and llavea look through. b great. bargains., CAMER CO. LITCKNOW.& DUNGANNoN MILLIN-ERYI, Our millinery department is sup li,e d with i?h d the• newest and hest- goods in the market. 3 Ladies are invited to call and see us, No trouble to shote good.s kEPARF FO ,..„P I ti i have on bastille, SAP hand a fail supply of prepared paints all colors, ' Paris White" Whiteningr';y� the best wall coating •airy shade, white -wash, d ala - ' "and all other kinds of of uslles, s, Chi, A ERY �°• •C.�.1�TS ANDT1�IL� PANS • & ASI, KINDS PAILS,' DAIRY PAILs, OF TINWARE, CHURNS WASHING chines, wringers, (cheap;). and cistern pumps. 0. K. building paper, the best and cheapest in rile market, iudi 'n also carpet felt, tarred and brown felt building tt er.ible and ver>11ine proof • Pd�'b 'wire, plain t1�tT1 Oiled „st, oiled and anne4ed and 57 thus prepared might lie authorized' fry use in all Canadian schoolst e•o creed or nationality, ivf , irrx3alPet,- • .r, • ,4