Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-25, Page 5„• atagep,+•..... ova>aaa,maraaMaMEZ.:s aNal:• yes assctstzt?.:attm- r..crl x .urn ea 8W. T . •,...,..., .- mss.- r -r The Lucknovir Sentinel. Bruce 0-minty,._Friday, April 2. 'h' ush Still Continuos mut ale •now -going ,on at McIntyre's Old Mand NOTE' :THE wJ J J G. II -We have open.+rld •ot>;t -a )isle of Children's, Kisses .and Ladies Cotton Hose to sell at 5c. best quality. A Mall line of �• Albatross.” All Wool -Dress GoodsBleached Lotton.s to sell at.42e, 6t�, ; c, g��, 9e, in cod wi goods, as they are right,f' in color; quality, and r' in- all leading'shaides, at 15c per yard. We call specialg dths.an . price, - . In Prints and Sateens, weave atteneioat'tu these manufactured. Don't miss them.; they are at the door and counter, as you enter, and wewantsome the loveliest patterns �you to see them. a -AI -O --- Dili Fili Line Of Mens & Eays� as iaeoff and A . SOET SLACK HATS TOT Ln straw goods we carry a full assortment, and are verybusy �����' ���' 'here to show g opening them Into stock. Will,. quote prices in a few .days. Remember we are cods as well as to. sell them, and are ; 'lad of the opportunity to do so.. IN THE GROOERY + ug r an + 15c Tea still leads, and we have a few barrels and chests on hand et. We were almost closing this without saying Y Don't het thein go without getting _what you want of them, to.a list of themalmost in this column. t s y g a word about SEEDS —Garden and Field. We have them in great Soliciting a continuance of your patronage, we are,variety, and direct your attention N. l. --Rutter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods at highest, market prices. ;Heroes of the Dark Coutineut• As the title of this splendid and valuable book indicates, it covers the whole 'history of Africa and African exploration. discovery and adventure for more than a thousand years, •and in particular gives the only complete and .authentic account of H.-nry M. Stanley's 'latest and most wonderful trip for the relief of Eurin'I'asha. It also cleserihea'tbe "country, its vast ex- panse of plains, uplands, , jungles, mountains, river and lakes with -its illimitable ,evaa,asaa for the .support of teeming p' • pulatinne, which in the contse of a few years will find homes there. 1t tells. about the varied and curious traces of savage people, cannibals, dwarfs, etc., that now inhabit different parts' of the con- tinent, describing their singular bustonts, be- liefs and superstitions, the *hole work being so fully and accurately .illustrated and so graphically portrayed in the text That the reader • is enabled to see Africa jurat as it has been • seen by all.the great explorers and travellers.' Such a book is of inestinnable value and in- terest, just at this time, when the attention of • the whole world is being directed toward . Africa as the only remaining continent' to be peopled' by the white races, airs particularly now -vhile there is so Much enthusiasm over the brilliant exploits of our felb.w•countrymau Henry M. Stanley. ' • NOTicE. —Subscribers will please observe .that ".HEROES OF THE PARK CONTIN ENT, AND HOW 143,5 IN PASHA WAS FOU1TD BY HENRY M. S'l'AIVI.EY,,'! has uo connection witht relation to any of the old books of travel iiAfrica which have been recently re -issued a few r ages of new matter added, ner ith the cheap and worth- less sketches of Stanley's last expedition, made up entirely front unfunded newspaper ' reports. This book is entirely new. itsstate- ments are based upon . the facts of history as established by,the great explorers 'themselves, and itis• presenited to thepublic nn its own merits as the only,, complete ani authentic standard work on Africa, both ancient and modgrn. Robert Graham; agent, Lucicnow. . SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Tinder and by virtue of a power of sale enn- taind in a mortgage naaLde! by John Robinson, default having been made in pal men t' thereof, wi,i be sold by publi auction, at 1'. F• Cain's hotel, Lacknow, on 'Thursday, May 8th, .1800, at one o'clock, p. n . the following valuable property The east half of Lot ,innnber 8, on the 7th Concession of the tow'noJaip of IkVtrytranosk and County of Huron, containing 100' acres.moro or leas, The above is a ',Tory choice. fain), well culti- vated, and in gond locality. Theft is a pod. house 36x24 p kitchen 18x20 , a barn 50x38; stable 48x36 ; a cow stable '38x18, and a frame There'cottage 36x18,; ood repair. will also alle scald at tbuiieame gime and' place the C. J. Miller Farm, 'mown as the:. North halves of Lots tntirtbers 1 and 2 on the Hirst Concession of the .tou%nsaip .of Kinloss, containing 100 acres pore or less ; good build ,urohn,ssnr 4f'pneb-psreel sbtill Pt a riepoa t of 5200 at the time of sale, the b ance of one third of .the purchase money in three Weeks thereafter.; tlfe 'remaining money , aid in cash or secure/ 11y a A-Jet't- gage pa Iran .one to `five. yetrtfe!'at the aptiiena' ,e�raeet• ' j 'er fur , oulars api4rittt RA .Y6 13ANRIER, &OPttlfbi titors,' Ram'ilton. SEEDS SEEDS SHEDS. We 'quote the }following Clover, Mammoth, per bus - $44-4700 4 i 70 Zed, No. 1, 4 40 " Ked, No. 2 •' - 4 25 Timothy, No..1 fQ 2 25 Orchard Grass ii ye •• Red Top Blue Top ' '4" Meadow Tescue Grass Hungarian Grass' Millet • Beans, Corn, Flax Seed, Rape Seed, Tares, 'Onions—Potato, Dutch Setts and Tops,' Mangel Seed—,Sawlog, Beet,Seed, Carrot —Long Orange—Carrot- White Belgian, Turnips—Swede and White (.lobe, etc: We would .strongly advise those 'requiring Timothy and Clover to purchatse now,as their is uo doubt but that these seeds will advance ,in price. Gi se •ns in call before buying.. •• Yours respectfully, ED. .BRASHER! Q IMMTNSE BARGAINS. Raving jug .rPoeived a largo eortsi n ment of Fresh Groceries, Choice family sour, Choice° Tobacco,, Ca zi o L Goods. Ctoo carr Glassman® Teas, Coffees, and sugars, 'vhich will be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery, Goods delivered to all parts of the village. ,UUOKi eLLiOTT' �>8 W a,' 0- Pc."" .n w •••••• f=1 PT4 ce ccitlo �L3 E-1 ;; • te- t�f Ia � I �a cd w c Irl 0 r' iia e�H pt.a� Hw O • Q C") sw 0 e� t1 A r • c'J • . ,—, IW Fi J r --i t� 1.0• C • , �•A • 65 F--•1 .) • --i �r w a dG J d) ct cf) • a 74 O O m W4 A ° p Yr Faithfully yours, who II her 2041 ale to znses sup• lfor feet door Tine across, instead of into, 'Corner. It 4.1 tse is as thongh some one had just' relingni Bitive its oomfortable reoess, and - seems actually offer itself to you in return, sa • n " of writer in " Table -Talk." Curves; ai sleeves; oloake lined iitli white satin,' lags and cuffs of Vandyke Irish ore Iacr, blue laoe caps with white es; plumes, and bine satin shoes with bag, Arrangement of Furniture. In arranging your furniture straight lines as much as possible. much more easy appearing is a chair p and •the'1ka are artistic; we afire taut MILLIN ERY!' :o: OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES. Mr. .T, hiur,.liison, Lncknow,ha$ opened a new millinery store in the stand lately oncu- pied by Mrs. Findlater. The business is strict- ly millinery, THE GOODS ARE ALL NEW. THE LATEST STYLES: ' THE PRICES THE LOWEST. Mrs, 'llinrehison will be pleased to .have 'you mil and inspect the stock' before purchasing, WA ON MAKING H RSE SHOEING - Ann••-�-•. C E.N E RAL BLACK§.I RIT ltic. :0: 'Admit Thompson begs leave to the th • ,FOR SALE. A LOT CONTAINING ONE ACR1:' 'Good frame house' and, outlenildings eituate'i ' on Willoughby street, in BlrcOanabl's-surve}e. Term et/loda:rate. Apply to 4'846 MRS. (1. MILLER, Lucknow. DR. CHASES. Flan a world wide reputation -tat h pbytticiatt and author His Mandrake i<)attdelton bite(• -Cure is a triumph of medical siri;l, cures ail diseases of the kidney and liver SYMPTOMS `C10 KIDNEY CJIMPI GUMMI iNT achest&spa` a • lititeb ' dull pain or weight in the'bladder and. of • abdomen► ; scalding urine often, o'istrnctsd ; ,frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged persons , bot, dry skin, pule teom- plexion, red and white deposits, drop dizsiness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver sore, sw 11' e tog, etc inhabitants( of i ucknow and surret:mdin . ''SYMP -0MS OF con .1 try .fot• the liberal• patronage bestowed o- hiur daring that last seven ,years, and' to sties fi • •• •-- - - nder 41101 - conttouance of his old customers •and to lads share of the new , as lie itt in a 'better positioir than eN,er to ssil,oly the watits, of the pabl 14e always has ou hand a stock of Wagons Buggies of all'kinds, He also will remind them • of his far famed I''der bladeet bainft • _... _ dice, sallolr cifnsr plexion, a weary, tired feeling,' nn - lite ere energy, headache, dyspepsia, iudis;estitni,spdta, pimples, etc. HOW'bI JRE Mandrake and Dandelion are nattliv!'• fiver • cures and when eornbi',a.,'d with K1'ittev reme- dies as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure.; will SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS mart naositively'enre all IN.3.Apley-Luta r tronblae, It I acts• like a chitin, uttimulaiting tie 'clogged which he alway has oh hand and aro made liver, strengthOting the kidneys. and invip, rut- . the very hist material. Parties wantia,g an ting the whole oa�dt^, cold by all dealers at St thingitt tiriii pias' will do well to give Nina deal , with receipt I'ook,, which alone to Werth the money. s VDr. CbaaP'g fills are the n- ', ALL HMOs' OF F iIORSE SHOEINO. L� Ict gen-LitfiSr fectu aaie. T Moo act gently t effectually. Mev fjatf.ret,coatractione, and interfering. PILLS.' �,t be t:ilcn c t ng any enptzo�, J. LLS. meat. They ore Kia�ney Livor trotrhleg, headacl e,hiliottiinti11,costivenen etc One pill a„ doee. Sold by all dealers. )t'ritto 25 Y and ace prices before purchasing elsewher$ Particular attention paid to By strict attention to business,fi. work manship a ad •employing nothing but .good workmen, 1 trust to retain the 1,aty+hnag$ kindly exbttide&to me. ADAM THOMPSON Campbell SAWN opposite the Hank ' ' T. EDMANOON i CO.4 VitADFORD. ON* ' Sold by S3eltnr 84 DATE• Luelrnow. U