Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-25, Page 1ANS a VOL XVII. -17 • LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1890 -THZ- itclutow Wind. Is published every Friday at the " Sentinel" block, nt,rth•ea't comer of Outtatu aud Campbell' Sts., Lucknow, BY — �A 1ES BRYAN, EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YE'LR IN ADVANCE. ALL Klaus OF YOB : PRINTING 'i XEtlUTED WiTir NEATNESS a DESPATCH. MEDIOAL T A. oDONALD, M. 1):,• C. M. C. P. S RJ • 0: Office,, Kintail: Tj R. TENNANT, P H Y111 C I A. N, • �J Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 t., 12 a. ru.,'•and from 2 to 5 p. m. MoD. GORDON, M.D., C M., F.T. M.S:, M U.P:S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and .accoucheur. Office next dour to W. „•ik 's implement snob ..' . Lucknow _Elute!. TLJ R. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail' lir telegram l,rsiflpLtly. attended to. Caarges moderate. Office, Gur- rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel, I:ucktioW. Islam LEGAL Whefti', We Wuz nays. I'm kinder thinkiu' thet nowadays we. don't hev sick' fun As we uster hev in olden trine aneath them= mels' sun, Theo the skies were,blue syn' clear -like, an' the ni ;hts ,eemett all,is bri'ht, An' our hearts were nigh to bustin', an' our pockets mighty light ; 'Then we sister laugh au' holler, an' kick up rich a ni'tae !- Oh, them times er wrath rememberiu', When we Wuz - -_ Boys 1 How we ust:r play at sbinney, with right an' hearty will, An' cut across the commons to the old pond at the mill, Where .. weld.. •.gwim-an'<aplash,-an'.�shout- a,n'.. dash, nigh suit, half the day, An' th' uther boys 'ud "tie" our clothes, when w arn't 1nokai' round their way, ° • Au' erne 'rid CO' au' holler lige, the tears 'ed• • curve, an' sighs - Oh, there times can't help rememberin', When we' • Wuz Boys -! An' we'd fish suckers in the river, play bull upon the green, ' �'• : pilins when wart2't likely to be seen ; An' we'd lay amid the clover, au' play •"hockey" front the 8choo1, An'' go huntin' birds aa' chipmunks with sr,me shoutiu' Iron,tool; Seems the times were." long enuff fur to taste o' half the joys Thet were cornered up in one small life, , When we Wuz. A BTURNOUT: The pddfellows Burch in a Body to the Cliurch (leaded by a Brass Band. For many years past the membe,s' of 'Lucknow Lodge, No, 112, of the Independent Order of Oddfellows have celebrated the annual anniver- sary of the Order by attending Divine 'Wors'hip in one or other of the village churches. The 26Lh of April is' the date on which the Order • was first established 'in America, 69 years a o t iia"tilos date does- not always fall on a Sunday, the Lucknow brethren generally attend church on the Sabbath preceding the date of the anniversary. The Oddfellows Lodge in Lucknow hits 'been a progre'.sive iustitu.ion and theie are few societies of a similar nature in•the Province that can show a' better record, or a more careful and prop -en expende n s.• ELI is (rue the .Lucknow-Society has been very generous in relievi,t the poor and - helping sick. and •distressed brethren, yet the Surplus funds of the Order are carefully and •securely invested, so that alt the.present time the Lodge has out nn- in -vest -elft a 1'1 interest between fuurand eve thousa.:d •dollars. It eras generally rumored around the village that the splendid 1 awl of the Fire Brigade. bad been engaged • to play the brethren to church on Sund.ty and long before the - tiuee ••announced for the parade a tare crowd of citizens h:td assembled• on' -the street. to witness the turnout:-- At about a quarter to eleven the Members of th'e. Order, together with several Oddfellows from Wiieghain and: Teeswater formed into -p-reerseicm—unfit '-M iia `Bio. Alex. Ross,•and headed by the banitanarched down to the bridge in the, centre of the villate,•-while 'the band struck up that beautiful hymn "Safe in the arms of Jesus" which they continued -play- ing, till the Baptist church was reaehed. Arriving at • the church the centre -front pews were assigned to •the breth- ien; white the other portions •of the building were''soun filled 1>y a large congregation. The Rev. J. B. McKin- non, pastor of the church, chose for his text the vs:ryeappr•opriate words ••"A -n; limy brother's keeper"$to be found in the 4th chapter•, aud 9th,.verse of Gene- sis. The sermon was undoubtedly the finest discourse ever delivered co •the Oddfellows. in the village. The Rev gentleman spoke very highly of •the Oddfellows Order, not. only in Luck - now, but in many other parts Of Cana- da and the: fruited Slates and al- though he was not a' member of the societteaq knew nothing whatever of its secrets, yet -he appreciated its noble objects and anus in assisting ,t he widow, 'keying distress, and 'educating the than, ,He urged tin brethren to be faithful to their trust, as by its fruits the s )cic,ty would be known' -and udgcd. - They were doing'a noble work and one he thought the church tself had failed. to do up to, the ful- est ca.pabalities. The.. sermon was ttentivel'y •listened. to and much ap- reciated" by the large audience pres- nt. After the'eeremouJy the brethren, e -formed into' procession and 'marched rack to the lodge roo.n The turnout was very • creditable tope Lucknow 7ddfellows,•who with their black plug ats and beautiful new badges made a ery titre appearance. The brethren rood Wingham with their handsome lue•colorecl dollars also looked well, lid together tirade a titre looking body men. Partin; BBangttet Toa Citizen who Is about to Depart fmrw•ns. IMON CORIIIGAN,•COMMISSIONER, IJ• 'in H. C. G. Kinlough P. 0., Uutari). • `f ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR,RIS- ' 3f t.xrs, Solicitors, etc.,, Goderich, Out. T. G. ()ARROW, Q. C. Wx. PROUDEOOT. LLIOT TRA VER, ATTORNEY AT I law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey - :Inc -A-, etc. Of.3iee, next door to :Ylurehison's jewellery store, Lucknow, Ont. MORRISON, 'ATTOOENEY -.AT • law, Solicitor in Chancery, •Commis- sioner, Conveyancer, etc, Office, ever the 'barber shop. change has come since the !1. When the snow came down in winter, laws!. what heaps o' fuu A-slidiir" down toe hillsides mos' faiter'n a run! How we lister snow ball people, bath sinner. an' the saint, • = An'• wash the cheeks o' rosy gale, to see if %wasn't paint 1 An' fur jografy au' liggerin' we didu't care two straws In them nighty happy, ha,leyuu days, When we- -- Wuz Boys! But the years hev swiftly slipped argon', an • IT OBER']' CUNNINGHAM, INSUlI Jib once., Fire & Marine, Guelph, Ont. ' :1�ONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE''ll<-.FEW 19'1 thousand dollars to invest for private parties. at reasonable iuterests. LrLuoT- '1_ RA VERs. . /11 ONEY TO LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS 1! 1 mortgages at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable Yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St: Helens. - TORN MJI(Ct1ISON,'C. P. lt.'I'ICKET ej agent. One way excursions to the North West aud Paciti a Coast. Full :infurmatirii to itttentling travellers to any part vf••the world , - ONEYToLOAN ! A'L'6PERCENT from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for 'Cale in Oi.tario as welt as Manitoba., Parties deAiruus to sell farina will consult their inter-' e•tv by inspecting the advertixing facilities of Su ,s,•riber in Great Britain and Ireland and $entineut of lands for sale. ANOUi3 STEWART, Laud Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario: WEST WAWANUiSH . MUTUAL V1' Fire Insurande Company, board id directors meets for the transaoti ria et- business on the first 'Tuesday each month. P.trtiee 'wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly popular- • orueany, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or. by one of 'toe Directors. Business wills promptly attended .,t r. Office, Dnu annon: J. M. RonsaTs, Secretary. Wm. LANE; Treasurer. SOCIETIES UOgNQW Lodge, No. 112 meets,' every Friday evening at •8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. 0. TAYLOR, Noble Grand ; .IdHN H; .i xox, Itecorder. A�O. U. die. LUCKNOW LODGE OF, ,• the Ancient Order United Worku,en ineet 'in the Oddfellows hall, en the hist and • second Monday evenings of each month at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. JOHN PEART, Master Workman. A.1%1CINTY RE,, Recorder. • 1 • U•CKNOW- MECHANICS' ' INSTI- tute. Reading rot.m open every evening from 6 to lap, m.,'exeepting'Satn'daj•s, when the hour will be from , 2 t i 6 p. w. The librarian *ill be in at�ttendance during these hours. I. i). '2 usa, Peesident. JAS. Solicit VILLE', Secretary. CO. F., COURT • Sherwood, No. Luck,ww. Mecta every Lrst, and 'third Monday in e Ye r y merit t, iu the ;Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren ' a r, e cordially invited. T: I'iATT�HIE, Chief Ranger ; D. D. YULE SECRETARY. DENTAL - T S. J 1;>I011?y10; L. 1), S. •J •. Widghatn,.• wit:1 be in. Luoanow ou the second -and fnurth Fridayr and Saturday of 'each moot h... Raving purchased a•1atrge aruount'nf Rstock at reduced rates,, I am pre pared to mike ,¢nod. sets of teeth for *10 and the best that 'site Made for $L2. Filling aud.extraoting a; ej1c f- i'alty, J. ,r3, •J•1 Ramis.. • . An' huh allivatitin'air-t the thinksince we've grown up to uteu ; Folks kii,der somewhat seem to (think as if •they'd ne'er been young, An' cuss sieh all -fired boyishness as if 'twas flighty wrong ! In the struggle fur position they center might an' main, Au' stunt hew do a thousand things •thet gu nviu the. grain ; An' so I'm kinderthinkin' Chet, with all their' tinselled. joys, The times aint w:tat they iistenba \Vheu we• Wuz Boys 1t. • Parauionnt. IN MEMORIAM. Who from Detroit's busy town 'L'h ugh moil w.ts deep upon the ground, 'r o see old friends did come aruui,cl? J.G. Who stayed for weeks and weeks; away From her he loved like light of day, Because he missed the train one day ? J. G. And who to Lncknow town did hie . ' Because a wedding was the cry, And danced till all thought he would die? J. tar. Who talked to the girls with all bis might And bad no sleep for many a night, • Until he looked a perfect fright ? ; •J. G. Who did to Thompson's•wedciin, go . With a livery horse and rig, you know, Aad thought that he would have a show ?' But who got left at break' of day. When Sandy took his girl away. And who had not a word to say ?, ' J. G. Then who did his.departure take, When 'er he saw he'd hist' the stake And for the states did'make a break ? J.. G. Miss Katie Ross, of Langside," who was visiting at Mr. McDiarmids has left for •Detroit cdompanied by. her sister Miss C Ross, . The cheese'•fantory has been painted and fixed up ready for work, and a big "run" of milk is looked for. - Wedding Bells.—On Wednesday, April 9th, by the Rev K. McDonald, Miss Mary Matheson of Ashfield,, to Mr. 'D. Thompson of Huron. After the nuptial knot had.been tied they guests enjoyed themselwis by tripping the light fantastic until air early hour. 'The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and valuabib presents. • We are glad to hear that Miss M. Murray is reeov ritig from her iilrirAs. Alias Susan Cook and Miss Maly Davis have left for Detroit.. • .Miss Mullin, of Huron,. is visiting her uncle Mr. Joseph Agnew. The saw -mill has startt,,d.again and th1�rough the long.spring day the whirr of the saw is now heard, while Bill stand* at. hts •post,taking a cornprehen- • sial: view of alb •tlr!:lt passesx,an. tho• tains lii,gh.w•av,�„ • is .y. had been enjoyed for- a seaaou,.ppeecbes sungc, etc. helped to pass -pleasantly away a' few hours. The chair was occupied by 1`ennant,.,wlaoein open- ing, the in`ellectual portion of the' pro gr.tmrne, ,paid a very high tribute to the guest of the"eveuing and the great regret felt at his leaving the village, and the loud applause that greeted his word showed that the Doctor had ex- pressed the sentiment of all present. After the usual- I'oyalf and' •patriotic toaits had been duly honored', the chairman proposed the Health of the "guest of the evening" which was heartily applauded. Mr. McIntyre �n't de'a v ry"feelte •and etiitiibTe reply: He thanked thein warm''-y'for 'their kind expression and aytupathv, not only this evening but during his rt•si- denee in the,villagdt Mr P. Hornell then favored the company with a song -entitled "To the West" Speeches eulogizing Mr McIntyre were also given. by 1Vressre. I5: 15: Yule, Fred Crutidy,„__ DSR M'eTntosh,_ R. Graham, J. G.renache, J. Bryan, - H. Morrison, and many others. 'The ,gathering was a very- enjoyaile one and a flitting parting tribute to an old and popular citizen. Mr. McIntyre parries with hien, to the West, the best wishes of the whose oon u unify. —UR/NG --S i3W; ♦ Large Exhibition of bones, Splendit Weather .wd a' Large Crowed. The beautifu'1 weather on:•Thurs-lar of last week hiought out -a large al tekidance of spectators at the Sprints Show of the Kinloss Branch Agriul. tura- Society. - --The -_ exhibt it``roii - -ot horses in the different classes els' . very good and some very fine animals were shown. In the. aged imported a_v:y-draught • class -seven---a1ririva1l.'-•'-° ---_ were shown, any one of wham would have done credits to- the Provincial or other large exhibitions held throughout the Province, and.it took the judges o, . long time to decide who .should: receive the prize tickets. The following is a list of the successful winners: 141. •1 ea 3'--- l rituaht� Andrew McDonald's "Dunston Boy." • 2nd, D; Clark's "Oliver." . 3rd, Stoth- ere & Anderson's "Grove- Shire Oak." ' 4th. Graham & • Creat•h's "Silver Prince:" Heavy ,Draught 'three x a.•'a• A 1 Between twenty and thirty of our leading citizens,; assembled at' t he Cain House on. Wednesday night) last to partake of a bangpet tendered to Mr.. Alex. McIntyre, previous. -.to his de- parture for Superior Cityy, Wisconsin. ,Mr. McIntyre has for bli'e hist twenty years, bean looked upon and recognized as one of. Lucltnow's foremost, citizens and business men and when -hod failure was announced; it universal -feeling of 'regret was expressed. The supper was gotten ,up in a• style creditable toS the. host and hostese of, that popular oetelt% ' and' liftor. !the goods things Address Presentaliinr '1r. Alex. Alelntyre ldonvred by Ills Brother Foresters of Court Sherwood. On. the • evening of the/'21st ini,t., Mr. A. McIntyre tendered -his resig- nation as"Fivancia! Secretary of -Court Sherwood,, No. - 50, • °C. O. F. Mr:" McIntyre has always been an ,active member of this Court:'-' He `took, a'• dee. interest in rrotuoting• i w and- was always'- painstaking- and punctual in the discharge, of his du4ies. Besides being,art 'officer .off tlaitf blurt lie has for a long time been an ayiliuer of - the High Court and. a:ways won the first rank in the estimation cif his colleagues.' The members of .Court Shereoo.,l always, found in Mr. McIu- tyre a brother, a deserviiig citizen and • a gentleman.. Tk:ey unanimously ora this, the last Occasion of 'meeting;; Mr. McIntyre in fraternal ;relationship as a Court, presented hire witn.a. purse aud%Ile'fO1 outing address :` lllr. Alex: McIntyre : DEAR SIR AND. BROTttlett,.—On this, our last meeting together, it . is our painful duty to bid you• good bye. But 'befo€e• 'e'x'tending: the•right ' hand of fellowship, oar gratitude demands that we' should sincerely thank von fur the devoted energy you have always' displayed in tlw advancement of our Order,, that, prosperity that has crowned our ellbrts'ruust. be attributed in no small de'_ree to the interest you have taken and the etfliciant manner in which you have discharged -your duty: We oiie and all regret your leaving us, but we'tr•ust that -what's our loss mar Ile yo�ir giin. As indivi:luals have• their sunshine arid shadows so have we AS '6, fraternal body. '.nye have enjoyF,d the sunshine of social felicity evening after evening in oar meetings together, but our meeting to -night is clouded with the thoughts of our being separ- ated. We hope and trust, that in whatever sphere of duty you may be found, success and h..uppiness may shine upon you. We tender Mra.- McIntyre and family our sincere, re- gard for their future happiness and pr'..aperity. Ili presenting you with this token of our appreciation we wish you to consider not its intrinsic value, but its value as an exponent of our esteem -and admiration' of your quali- ties as a c:tizen and gentleman and a brother: Should you ever cotue back you will ever titld a welcome hatul from the brothers of Court Sherwood: No. 50. MsesaircIntyre replied' in. a ]Soloing rnan'tier to the .nanny iudTy expressions. for his welfare;- 14 "thanked \.,the brethren f r their keitidness and wished their all inr.:00s. }Te cnuld•not help rementh©rit►g when far away -the, many pleasant evc'itingel •'that were spent togtstherr, he • circumstances aur rounding., an occasion like ' tkih give ,rise.• to; eliwtion, wl,/icb could noon find s words: . 11he'meethig. was brought. ti) a Close 'by %abating ting Mr. Melfityre, his. wife and flintily hpo}I lif tend ,happii� sl, ground; Thomas Agair's ,"Gle.r Alpin.'' Heavy' Draught two•years oki.- 1'st, A. McKenzie's "Pride of Nelson.," ankles. Ceasar's "Merry Dartce." Caiiad ian Draught. -1st, Won- Giv- ing' "British Li.,u." 2nd, Thos. Ross' "Darnley Chief." 3rd, '3. Blue°s . "Young Scotchtnau 4:tii,, John-i11ar- tints •"O1iver Cronewell. ' - Road and Oarriage. -1'stsand'tuedal, D. A,. Retries' •"W. D. L�.twbert" 2nd • J. Armstrong's :°Diamond Star.". 31d, W:.•Wilsen's-"•Ridgewood• Junior." year 51d 1st; P. and J. W.',Co„k's "Blink Rod." .2nd; Ii. Ellis' "Kcutucky . Ranger."... • babes.• Itis our painful. du:y this -week to report the death Of -,one of our much. respected young;.,friends,.,irr•.the-person. ' .. of Miss Beatrice Finlay, dt><.a,+.;liter of Mir. Thos. 'Filthy. Her death %vtiat tock place on Saturday,.; i\tai lip 29th, was a s ,d stroke to the,,trl whore-- fhtni'y,. and •the entire cornonnity esrrend! tor• them. e>• ry--,syimpat13y ins _ their- bereavement.- heirbereavement.- Miss Finlay, 'although hut little over, siactee.n years of lodger • was an advanced- and -very etli:eienb scholar,, as She•liati 'passbd- tfie' exra ation for a Simonsf Blass. C,:rtifieatrr . and , it was' tlionght.by a gond- many that- she would' in a -very, short' bine have been able -to -take -.a First oases and. while.. engaged, in• `tae var•ibues' branchea of's'.c dy neccessary in, school work,. she: had:not• negli eted tare study of- the Word of -God, . and- was- are, earnest Christian.' She • told 'her par ents that she had:• read the Bii,ie through five t;nies: When, aak,ed• by her • mother when she, had given .her^" • heart to God, she said, a Ion:; tune ago,, ,showing that it• l id: beeriest life long- experience with lier. 1.`sut lier Lord. and. Master sawfit to retrove her frern - uQ and no doubt has placed hes as a limn in his Kingdom. . Equal. 11lghts. To tha.l>\f;tor of the &r,I'i,nel.• Ihl sr.,Slr ?�-As ah administrator -of - tlie.law your attention might he direct- ed to a suhject,.wh.i-e!i hasbeen.lrrough.t • to the notice of the pul'tlie lately, in a failure of the probe uting-mincer in the liquor cases, , vs hich were before the 'Three within tile. "ias•t few weeks. Three of the vendors of, irli:ircieating drinks have had to'a►.su'er far+ viola- tions of the Liquor Licensee-A'ct,atel as they, have acknowlodged, he core, no witnesses, were coinpelled••to ap'poar, short it- ia.rvimered• theists were•two of • them, and' the sar:'e two iii' all three cased.. Now., in the same Liquor Lic- ense A,bt„ there is a section specially devoted•to'these w•itleesses; who entice partitia, torr violate the law, and if the sante- measure' of justice or Equal • Itig.hts were administered o the..., as •mss to their ttnf,n•tunate icti•ns, the public wquld approve of the d"etrinte, 'which is at the head of this artir1o, . believing that it would tend largely to putting a stop to further violation. So MITE r r DU -- Lucknow, April .22.C1, ,1139.0,4. 44