Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-11, Page 1ettkrscrrifae For Th.e SENTINEL ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR --.�- VOL XVII. -15 Aileen. Oho. Oh! the day is fair and smiling, '. l.oVe!y Aileen uh•i ; Ault tam. 'b t•'< away rte whiling, - :My own d•trliva t. ue. LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, ISMO. -AWAY TO THE WEST Eighth Letter trout fir. John, Melton On WY trip to the Northwest. northerlere direction Mr. John Cal hu►'s. He .had also rote to the vicinity of Whitewood; few years before, with slender Ineati ancf a largo faatliry nnrr L r else e ' 1.'4, adorn tilt Q,riulrre li•ratl And re•clotht the forest grand ; Lovely Aileen Dho. • The lily -bell, are ringing, O'er you Aileen I)11 , Andihe honeybees are singing, • '! ,u, ti'.u,liug true. j�.Theaioy genus its head, tvo_yolir leit,8y.led.; _ A nd tender w •rt is arb said, .. O'er you, Aileen. 1)h.,. 'Tis Irani years since we parted, Lovely Aileen thin; . g_ _ Bnee von eit,tt�l.lr:o n-hear-teeli- 1. l Ey own to tt!lrg true. For beneath the U,vpress shade, My pretty brute is laid ; Oh ! the sttit•it home -ward strayed, .From ►nv Aileen lint. er Oh 1 my happy droaws of bliss, Loot Iv Aileen Dieu ; Vanished with the parting kiss, ( if u.v dialing tette. Yon were sweet, you were fair With your raven braided hair --Arte ,sold-s,a,.e y, ge•reuly azar,: Was my Aileen 1)ho. Oh ! t egraeresgreen may grow, V' r nu, Aileen Dhn; . And the ,,ret zeta- unlit may blow, ,for my darling' true. The forget -rue nuts may twine, . '1'o adoral the ivy vine; L0esiendeeu lehu. P • N1COD1eMUS. Masonic Sumter. 7n Thursday last, . tete Distri Deputy Grartd Master Right Worshi ful , It. 0. Bruce of Tara, paid r h official visit co the Free 11lasoms her who made it the oei rsion of inviting; number of brethren front the surrouu ing lo.dgeri, -arnong whom we observe .Right. Worshipful Bro. Dr. Marty Worshipful Bros. McPherson, B trbe sti --'4l-il'1. lro w in ane urc o Of Kincardine, Bro ' Dr. Smyth • ' tRipley, and Worehip£u1 B.ro.;Watson h Listowel. After the cs of theLodg • the -Brethren and visitors -adj.ourne to 'Cain's. Hotel where the company sit down to an excellent repeat of oyster • prepared • in Mr. -...Cain's best etyle After having disposed of the oyster there followed the usual toasts coin relenting witlethe "Queen andCraft• proposed by . Bro. Days and 'couple with the i►atlies of .R, W. Bros. Brut - a11Jnd rtyn__tr4 o veer+ --ably_ .: • Songs were next.in the order,, -sour of which -Were finely rendered particu Italy .chose by Bees. M i I ler and Hayes Ater singing Auld .L1ng Syne th •coinpany broke up in the small' hour of morning, are happy to meet, sorry to part and h:,ppy to tneet again. et P- is e, - e, a (1- d n, r, n o . t s s, c1 e e s cessu•re O work of late in con tion with sendi•ug a considerable " tic" to. Qu'Appt,I l(- valley country, al with a tauclt of La Grippe art►.d of the other nuauerous ills which 11 is' heir to, have preveet d us•for chile front keeping up our aceluainta with -the re'acters of tiie `SENTtt.iEL our journey to the great lone la We hail looked forward with in pleasure to our -visit to Whitewo A •fr•iehsi nfs u.ree-a.lye a t-esewttle-ave we .had• often roamed through wood, and hunted chipmunks in d ere Leckuov had a local habitat tiled to unlace, or the SENTINEL h been dreamt of, had estahfished h self in business In that western ht. The lights were gleaning through windows, as leaving the station, tett eeesertstet--to--w=1r we had •hien -directed as his place business. On " entering, he reconiz u i n.t oat,:e and ext(•uded to tie a heti w'elkoiile. , The -light sped • on songs and c.Iaa4ter; end it was -not un the wee stns,' hours ayout the tw time 'we took. a walk around to seet sights. The country appeared to gently. undulating, .the- soil • ferti- while thick Mulls of whitewood poplar timber gave an almost horn like and pleasing variety.te the vie A neat looking -stone building a litt to the south attracted our attend() end we walked over to. see it. 0 entering we fouled it to be the sehoo We received a courteous greeting fro the teacher, a Mr. Morrison,. and ha our first. opportunity of'se&ireg a Iittl 761 -the educational' system . pursued the Nor.ilrweit. It is much the sam s our own. The method of teachin is perhaps ►pore elastic .than our own The school books used are general! the OI►tar•io�series, although a varier appears to he permitted'. The •attend sante at Whitewood school was good the 'pupil's well. dressed -anti • well be- haved,. the interior of the school neat and tasteful and on the whole,. hearing a very favorable comparison with our schools at home. .The standard of i is Lile Oiry rio one, but the salary is very much higher $700; at A•t'Iri;ewood with au.atterrdauce ranch about, the -seem as at I lolyroot.l or Kite: lough. •Tile sal try: is largely paid by the, governieeut. The grant; we were informed, 'varying with the standard of tile. teacher. and not the- attendance as with us. On r•eturniug from our fisit to the school, 'eve found our -friend ready Leith l)ioucho'aud bucich'�ard to drive tl a us ia:rouurl to see the c�uuntry and • what could .be -d -one in" it by these who were wellies to roll up their sleeves aid to to work. •'I'he'day was glorious. an(1 the hr•i gat suiishine and pure air of .the praa<•r•ie was a life-�r•ivieg f',untami of health atu.l spirits,�het -the buck- board was sh•4ky and the .broncho as lazy .,as site A good whip •etu;l the •strung right aril of the driver were powerful or•4uiu'nta ill fever of putting iU his t•b(s•t licks." A' fe•.v. -miles drive brought its to our first stoppinet place, at Nllat appeared at first sighs•, to he.;i clearing- made in • .,hR. woods. 1'f►e tliulter here -grew very thickly • in elsees,.toteeeperse(I with, if we clay so speak .lar_ e fields of open ,. . F (sitz prati•fe. •receiv.-i1 'a laity ereetiny from at wiry; active lo)kirlg li tie iron whom our friend called ,Joe. II,1 hied -1y •agreed to show us around leis estate, and ;_ ivu its all" information 'in his power.. Hit»had senee large stacks of who it not thrashed and a good deal u l( f i au 'r , I11 1 „ l (kite. The fen ;las . :diiler•ent places ,haul snivelling- of a h•omelikelook.' the Martinng s althoug•rl 'tee Ltrge,. were more nutne.rous tenni oil an ordinary farm at hold,;. A good, stock of fare"' animals and intpleintauta and a g;otirl. top- Iufi,gy,slibwed both comfort and cot' vc»nieeee+.. It1e give us a short sketch 'of his 'history, tee., A Len (ion 'cneknPy, he had come 1 Canada, about six •• „a.rs ,tgo as. poor a5 at (hunch 1nnn;P, rt the ale• rtiayttle lits it,,.an(1 it surely sn•aaak4 voinmeein avor of the North West. that a man • n(1t•r such unfavorable cireuIuctances n laet1;(1 with," should Ile•ahle 'it •so hors a thne to• achieve sueh a pt)sitiof f independence and prosperity. headed the pvocetgsion, •elle played .ap- caviug• this place we proceeded in a propriato•airs.•, nee- ou:- ong trues esh r>v�rne nee on- nd. uch od. with - the ays iota ad i n1 w n. the w'e er of ed rty wi' til val' he be 1, or w. le Il n m d e ti e Y llotmesidet ' .Miss Bella Ross left for London last week to resume her situation. Mr: A Campbell left for Marquette, •M.ich., after spending; a vacation at his old home. - ° Mr. Jolm. D:tvidson left for Toronto ' on, M ,;iday to join the ponce .fur.;e. • Mr.,4,...,Walker,''teeeher in ward N0. Se.nt his bol' •, '•letts •ttth'• his od home in Wroxeter : Mr T. Ross sold his 'famous home, Darnley Chief for a,largge sura„ to Mr. Reid, i(i, of Lucknow.• • . Mr. Jellies Crowston disposed of one of hie brood r►lares•tt,). Mr, .J- Stitln, -of. St..fielens. , An excellent young hor.e for •sale et Ii!k itl (:rove h'urrn. This anieral well trained mind is •c;apel;le of ei'tdtti•iue h,irrl work, rising 4 years old, strong N lle ,� and Gas excellent action, Easter, assert IT Very quiet. Even the hensfused to. cackle. Aslifiteld Tim ,fall wheat in some il f )a. CP''1 is i►eg;inr►ine. to present a nice appearance. _'rn.e,.(";,uartd'ian_b.tntl ie leteinning *-) One tip The sprite; Itir(I, ere quite rlunreroris. It looks as if t,priilg had Bet i►t for certein. Some scatted .th plouwh (in E otter i 1outl•(y , where the sail , was light, 'titrd dry, ^ . p. Promptly To the Pili/or of ghee & Vtinel : ' I %%delet) state th ,t the West N\ a- u wv;lnnsh ,l!lutual Fire Insurance Corn- t. parry settled my claim for 1055 by ,fire s li'omptl•y and very satisfactory to me. 0 VEIL 111CDONAatai.Ar Anberley, Ont. •l, oun r. Callan, a very intelligent acid well informed roan, enthusiastic with regard to the country and ' ittr capabilities. The day was far Fpeiit as we once more directed our way to When. Whitewood itself, alinough a very -new place, will probedelyin the near future "be --Otte of importance. • There are some very good hotels, and qui e a number of=tradestnen's sirups. 'A large and well *eked store, built t febrielseatidepresenN •h a r(t ripe er ance is kept,by a -Frenchman whose name we have forgotten. We were surprised at the class of settlers in the near rte.gl3horllood, Counts :aid Barons with strane foreign names. Italians, French; and Huirgarians have chosen, their abode there1 and colonies of different nationalities have been atteltli ,hedei, he=-vfcintty R We leave• heard', since• Omen, large bet root sugar factory is allhut to be erected it1 the town at a• cost of 050;000. 'If this be a fat and should be kept su,.cessful lee, will 'be a boon to the country ao fur°s•su;ar goes. .As our • wes waran• t re brain was due at erlevert o'clock, .we prepsred for departure -once rnore, and bidding adieu to M'r, anti4 Mrs. Nicholl' Corrigan from whom we• had received every, Kindness, ' we took our way t, the station en route for Qu'Appelle where we arrived at 2.20inerct. morn- ing. The' hotel where we put up at was crowded. There sad been horse races the d,ty before,, and in conbr- quenee we were unsiblh to{get a bed and .lied to rough it mit as beset ' we could until dayligletadid ..appear 'we wete now nearly as far as we i►►= tended to go, a.,d the day was show fair day we ramie up dur minds to stay said,' see 'whet the products .f the neighborhood were like in a year 'of great aid prolonged drought, of which eextw.ill' speak wore particularly in our Death. of 11iltr. • Wipe I'. Uiscocks. (Froin the"'tVing;);am, Times); We are called upon this week .to b orlicle-the death of 11 r Wil I. P. Hiscoces, one who was well known to nt any 'of nor readers. ' He died very suddenly, om Monday afi,er ltoou lasi;; in hie 34th year. He had been suffer- ing from -a cancer for sone: time, and only a'ishort: tilr►e'ago had uiadergone an operation at the L melon hospital, aid appeared to be iruproviug nicely, •1 so much so that he had. been attending t to his 'husineSS es usual for the past week or ten d :ys. But lie ,was . never wer Y strop v ,a chad been it u ►, 1 f tr years"with an affection of the heart, which w is the irntn •dirite cause of his death. • I`Ie had been at church. -011 Sunday evening, and reutaiued to the after meeting, getting to his•" Lorne between nine and ' teen o'oock. On \rI:uclay• morning, while dressing, he wag ieiz(;d with a spesitt and wits assisted to h' (1. 11ei: recovered sufliciiently to get, his lsrt•:tkfast, but about nine o'clock the spasms retatrued' with greater force, and eorttin,ued Itttt1l . he succ•nurbed; -•al;ont 'three • o'ci'cit. tr The dece(tse(i had been% a' t•t;lsident or. the: town for tete past ten years, and j was,,.the second soft of \Ir. Roltt. ;lis - cocks,, with. whom ,Ile lived since. the (tetth of his w•ifo, s oventeen months ago. Ile leaves one d;tue,;li1er, aged I about 17 month -4. • 11 e ;teed eetrents and t,rotht•rs and sister•.. an 1 friends r :3 have the synlpnrhy of ;h�; en>:ire �e'ore- 'nutaity in their bore lveilleilt. Tire eeeeasee was a nt�nrhrr of the 1Tet ho- i dist:church and also j)f ':est (itland lodge 1 4. No, 119, I.O. O. F.. -who took ehatrge of the funeral,'' on Wednesday. The members, of the ..order'.i) torn were joined by members eft I, (l ,es in Luckrthw, 2 4) •. rtter; " I•la•u,:iel,, allyl WHOLE NO. 847. NEWS OF TUE TOWN. A Week's ftecord or tete rushing Border 'Town. . J. Elliott's. —Weather prophets predict an early sprit;;, Let her come. —No. 1 acrd no. 2 shingles for ser by 111. Corrigan. —For choice cover and timothy ge eto J:L. Elliott's. _ =The millinery displays are corn- ruarldirag the attention of the ladies. —For jellies and jams and all kinds ,.if'ctiee ed giao5c s g;-, 'to J:-El1rott s. -Highest price paid for -wheat and oats at the Lucknow roller wills.- Geo. Kerr. • —Miss Jennie Brazier, of Stratfrrd, spect'a few days - this week visiting friends in the- village. —The new Presbyterian church, . Boslerio .t w ilk—he-opened-vzr-t:he ne-eorz Sabbath in May. t. • • —Mrs. James S ,mervil•Ie and Mrs. Cont 1l •are visiting; friends ih Duudas and Iiarnilton. , =--Hurrah for T. L. Treleaven's galler and et a dozen of th n shed cabinets and 'a frame, i only $ 1.50 for the lot. • • • --An old m, ti.&l said she wished•she 'was an auctioruser, for then it would be perfe(ttly proper 'to say, "Make are a'n offer.,6.- • Spare the Birds .. .' Luc.know, April 8 r . 1• (r ---Wilson, of Tara, who was charged • with passing bad money, jurnp•ad' his bed and left his bondstnett to• w`b.ack up $1000. —All kinds of groceries of the best qualities kept at •tne reser grocery very cheap; as we sell forjpsh ateLoro• only. • Goods' deli vet•ed to any part of the town.—Geo. Kerr. - • —The assessor ''is a. man who pasts you down at his own valu:,tion, and is the hilly person you conliplairi of having too high an opinion of your , actual worth.. - —T. L Treleaven has- regain • added' to his" well' assorted stnr,ir , of el,acj grounds,- two more beautiful scenes, which chows good taste 011•'l /4.. T',, part for nice scenery. --am P n(I n -t r1•t-1 s• lseetg-pass the Ontario L�„i5laturP •011 'iriotiorr of Mr. Gibson, of E let Huron, allowing school boards that have chosen' muni- cipal election clay ••s the day :or .school trustee elections ale-, and also adopted the ballot system of voting;),, to l;o back to the old system if tEey so' desire. —T. L. Treleaven, the photographer has the grip -for taking photos and will have until.' the last of this eteiitlr. Have you seen the S i eery low rates• on el eh • he is making work for the re - mender of this nloatig. Cards from 755 cts per ri•eeen upwards ; Cabinets from per dozen.; all other sizes accordingly., :All work. gunrantertcl to ei ve $:3t1'sfa,C, tied. Remember this O. Kee r is „noel ung,,i for this ,niout.h. 1i,einern her the stand olipcisite tht+ t.ua•knov. • . ' fll;'et6'asL • r. Fdctr c A. number of little boys and people that should know better are contrtru- ally sh•)oting• small birds about the village, as well. as"gatne T was in the -bush . yesterday and .saaw_ . salt( „ - partridge had been shot by saint, ono, as far as •I could •iudge" daring the .+ forenoon of Eister Muhday, ' as .the s'• _fear ,viiileeftly'afrshhs-frorn-ths bird, and one or two of thorn with• l fresh blood not yet dried. It may be: `as„ well to remark that if I catch; any unlicensed persottewithaegu.n, shoo'ting small birds for n1tshchief and wanionesi which they cannot possibly make any use of, myself, Mr. Audersoti and ' ems' +,.FAQ• aGtesett+tted to stop it. ;There is notuse• in killing these birds through childish. folly. If they were . used fon' soientitic•• purposes it would be sa vel different matter. 'Parents all4Vving their children • to run about a with lotadod guns are f-zr• more blaine- elele---merit.. au i lietle boys • as I saw 'he yesterder.. - yesterdsy.. This, let it be•relne,uhered, is no idle threat. Y'Iease give notice •to boys, 'arid I hope they may guide themselves accordingly. Yourr very o'bedient,,. J. H. GI -ARMEE, • Sp+gicia>t Notice Ln Sub'st ririiersi • the.time of publishing this Pros-- " pectens wertad• not reoeived from, our s"al Zanzibar' the reinaining. mule. s necessary to complete,' •tl istory of Stanley's •fa►n.,us expel on for the fescue of Tulin Pasbat- Tlt,:s will appear in the remlairiing. LiQ- - .panes of the complete brook, ii 1 ustrneesele �w�ith nearly 150 of•thri splendid.• new., etigraving s, .of• which we give a feta 'sa niel ,s iu- the pages iehrieI.ia'tely.;• h. `The nearly three years Mr, • S:':,3 6.y.. • had endured untold hardships,, , bad escaped da►rs;ers such as were never ex pet•ienc;:d ey arty other livinu, Uirtu 4. dor tat een upon the rack.utr ruetntali • and physical auxiety. T'hereture• one reaching Zanzibar it was ;alisututely • necessary that h•e,shuu•ld. rest .u,d•. re- cuperati;, and• at the same tithe (r0In-- pl•ece the, records• pf• his marvellous • expedition.. Deastt•itig that our . book should be complete as well as a'tthetrtie eve awaited•the tece►pt 0f.tileae nett,er.3 icy ieail, . which of course is tedious,: . owing .to the . greet clistanee. .Other euulishers rushed out tl+eir Clteap- Joilu and old. re -h ilted•alt.1-pt'etegded •' Stanley books,. with only. as' few, chap- ters tt•a•s of diseonneetec; and utterly un- rt•(iablb stateii csuts about the' :Melina. relief expe:litio:l, which • hila,- be et telegraphed to the newspapers;. eseii,'•- 0 out ler these wor:lee /se book;. - T;r(; , contain absolutely I1)Lttin� filet is new 01• re iat�•le '.Pith ria( lr ctfEiu I' 'c•• tin ash1• _ was greeter' and grunter than all 1115 other explorations of �iiftica c'l►ir,iti•etl and the full history of this wutderfal •expedition call 30 tomel pnly ill ,tine • utdui�. 'Thetas what everybody wants —it is tote heart .lute .1(1,, of the whole snt,ject. It eehel(1 )t, !hely tet I,ny a St(tulhy book. at this tele, • ;eel ii tl►iitg.in it bet elle "tonne: re -told, or a lets wireliable e;hets•ll(•,-ot adventures that never cook place !; • sore to ;;et the true and complete ht,tcry as given in this great book. The roads' are - very ; disegreeabie, but we ,Nolte to See therm getter soon. Sugar teakine i, all the rata' ,lose'. ?Jr. and \Its. Ar ar, of l�:ie, were visiting :it lei; brother's, .,Ir. J hii .1..;ar's.l tely:' • \Ir. -Jagless : Levie • has left here for the Nile. 11 r. Thome; _ .'lr• iles - purchased a fine y' einr� Clyde:elide sta1iinn (•ogling seer, Diel at the sem of e 1,x00. • ' Miss Flora Thompson •Las linen very 11 for Fannie elide and we tto hope seg lel• aLI(,ailt(1 again soon, • Mr. i. Jarues Alton has let tete .job of putting( up c house 4u hv, 70 feet. 1; •lf;ast is 'tt,Ilcing ab tit .. tine Wroxeter, and a procession formed water ti twit. M sirs •tlohn Lor !tee , it•tbert 13rattforj and ,Taut -es - \Prison which marched to the house on ShtttPr. Wert' .ap'lluinted td see after th3 particulars. street, 1`roin thence' they marched to h u 'a n i ,, t e Methodist t htncl r, preceding the hearse, whero the Rev, Johia Scott,. M. A. the.pastor, preached ilea at hila and ebgltent discoteree. The prooesaion was again f.irinecl' and marched to the Wingham, cemetery, where the inter- ment took plaice. Bell'; -Factory Band • S•tal•eri" ten lore twill be received at Clerk's office tip til G p. m. on Tuts - day, April 1.5th, for supplying the village with hemlock, pi'in, end cedar 1urr11)er• for sidewalks etc. II Iolt- RiSov, Clerk. \i r, Stanley's reale- led him t•hroueh • 1 118 of Afrisa th;tt had never been previously explored, aIi;l Cot.seei'etatly his new discovet'iP•i are (ts'g►•e•tt t:due. • Ile also evico<urltered a irurilber of m curion;•a•nct weenie,: trileet nr sawar;i�s. hitherto unknowlc"''.to the •, wivtlized l world, and hie cle;rri1 io;li of them and their singular (-theme'. ttoe:et ht r with the marayh.lesl,er,(te buries that he e,as cornpelletl,t,i :i.;ht wirh than, torte some of the ars ,t ext•iti1 g acid thrilling chapters t i ttt• next- ever seen in print. In t,i -t this p •uf - •t.he hook is a literal- ran+,,'ic' (,f won•'> (1 rsi Supas.tin. all • t lr ti. 1170n 'e'• ,lica rec,lyded in the hi' -tory of diseoa•ery a.,,tlhelwenture -and it Patti he niltaaiaiPa - =--Several interestingcar•espo nJences crowded out this'week. G, .,, .1. iu "I -fermis of the Lark C,nti• nt" as. shown by the agent, IL •sham, agent, Luckiiow, tt • p' . w