Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-28, Page 4Iti .0112 4��U E .'IY TO UTTER .AND TO ARGUE 1 4$bY' ACCORDINo TO NE DICTATES O? l N.t;,CIENOR WR PBIZE ABOVE ALL c r' OMER LIBERTIRB zt, eta 41114, The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County AATizran con. len may be, and however much he tnay be icnpl'.ca,trd in. .the murder of young Setteel! there is little doubt the pub- lic look upon Mrs. Birchen as a wo- man who deserves the., sy Apathy of "the coulutunity in her unhappy posi- tion, and will contemplate with plea- sure the fact that she has been released from custody.. If she is innocent of AfitaTTS WANTED FONTNILL, i OROF1IES. LARGEST IN CANADA. wBWANT RELIABLE, ENEBGET IG meq to sell s,ur nursery stock previous experience not necessary ; any mien .with tact and energy can succeed ; terms lib- eral, either salary or comm on. Outfit free.. Our agents have many advanta es „ w aau[ t ,:t _; i,it�i: tiat�is'n efrck`Oh. z ins new sperialtie3, which "r,. ,.f *mite, „uW ::Mils can only be secured from ns, such as a corn Mete lest of SEW RUSSIAN APPLES, tfe RITBON PEAU, SAUNDERS PLUM, HILBORN RASPBERRY, MOORE'S RUBY and MACK CHAMPION CURRANTS, MOORE'S DIAMOND GRAPE, etc„- etc. We have given particular att;ntion to the propagation -of-hardy rarteties-suitable VI the Northern sections of, Canada. For terms apply to STONE Sc WELLINGTON, Au anove'tty at ihe V'V''oricrs F'aiv. t he meld at Chicago in 1892, P. T. B#f- ,num'pt'aoses an exhibition of th4 ".oilltntu&ell.retuains of King nemeses t't,4t.OlVigypt,othe Pharaoh of the Exo!- r *e11 erase-of`hi wdaughter, ^We discoverer''csf Mdses. These corp- • ' segs are ,now lit a mussuna at Beelak, in Egyptian .government`$100,OQ0 To; the ,,right of of exhibitiing then in Europe tA.tnet•ica. £iTaj .idea, he says, • might bell. !lint a •million dollars but 0. 1a wdiitag to transfer •ally his tlghta Op World's Fair committee. , away of the tnurriegre(1 tr.nn., not! fear there to who: think differently, she is indeed to be pitied. A stranger in a strange land, with her husband in pris- on charged• with the moat serious crime ri-tl4e calender_:- and_,herself.cooked•up 'oon as an accessory to that crime, •is an experience few woven are called npon to _ throuel ,, 'I rEmperor .. W jlaatn. seems to e ;,i riddtn g:liiin k alt tI'ie advisers who . , ploite l him during the reign of his ,,.'father anis' the first days of his own reigns Count Von Waldersee has loved the: l ismarks in private life and • y�-steadoing old;, official has bean ''.-stppointad Chancel -rot in thei place of ••;Prince Bismark.., •Aa Tong sot Bielhartt 4 lives, however, 'he will, in all probabl1- ty. be coi}snited in all great matters p and will be the reliance of the people' i}3 any great crisis. He hes retired - A leaving the empire in the zenith of its ,,,power.—;T;i'itness, • ...... , . ?�:::.. Ito _PROVINCIAL Treasurer Ross has in- s'oduced .a Bill respecting exemptions from Jaxation, and the a 'principal fee - tures of the Bill are to provide for the ''taxation ,of churches"and educational ;establishments for local improvement. Public schools are not included in the Bill, but univeaities, colleges, or any incorpoorated`seminary of learning, will be liable -VI the local improvement tax. �� „,, i`.,�:- MPrmdi' tle-8teck3-wif r , ,4; . 's ; • taxation to their•full value.. Clergy- `,,' men's residences and, their' salaries will be Valved waster the provisions of the • Bitl, add, they +Will be plated:upon the ,die footing .as other citizens. 4., Items of Interest. —For sale.- On Saturday, March ',LJtb,at the Mart, Lucknow, a quan- tity of first class household furniture, the property of _Hugh McCallum. All must beaslsld,as the owner is leaving town. --If any of sour lady readers are not aleeady f`tcquainted.... with that --pioneer•• of domestic journals' the ffoneehold, they would - do well'to try it four months • for only fifteen cents, as offered in another column. --Lidies ! Should you require any- thing in the dress goods line give us a call: Our stock is full of special lines and special values in all the new shades Oatneronj Murdock -it- Co. —Some.. farmers say that the excess of damp rainy weather, which has pre- vailed all winter, has had a favorable effect upon the• growing grain in high lands and that the prospects for ;,the coaling 'harvest are better than initial. To ICE.at A.B. Cungram',t th world famed St. Leon mineral water direct from springs in the Province of , Quebec. Per all internal"disorders, to restore and promote health, strength and jpy life; long. Even physicians. declare it "impossible to over rate its value." Send in your orders and get circulars of cured, , lio* to nae, what professors and doctors say, etc. Pur- chase nature's life giving water and give it a thorough trial will convince all. Remember the split, A. B. Con- gTant's, the leading drug attore: A •EVEnvnonr will be glad tot know just what•.marriage is. None but a lady nould have told us is such glow_ ing words as this froth the Current : "Marriage is the blending of two ex - isteuces into one so completely that ail individuality is absorbed, and the idea ar personal pro&t is impossible; the cementing of a union so a perfeet that every light or shade tha.trfalls ea one must reflect <aeittihe otiter;',the turning +ret two rivers into a lake, : where they roust flow on•as one forever; .the akar vu which the light of ourpurest,'holiest- • ei••Itshould over. ire burning. This is itarriiige ; the marriage ordained by ' - heaver-, :blessed by Christ and . rever- t • .need by our. fathers:" "Tris farmer;" -says the New York Wort'', .-is .t4ie innocent with' wliom re troieetioniits.sport. He has been Tooled with a tnyetical .home market • for nearly: 100 years, and pow he is informed that 'there are farther wei-, conte surprises in store £or;higt. He' y�e Messed with, a deity on l.at ]Py; ergs, .Yteel sea •plultry and nearly all -:other :farm tproduets. His 'horses are Co' ,'be protaeted. Dear old 'farmer ! .`How' glttd.'he will be to know'th t if any.eone is fooliali enough to kapott -farm•producte v'bich are begginglora - ,.►1 tstitet 'sial*11iernte. • The im•provicdent 'man 'Entust pay 'a duty ! Anll this ..eicotnee surprise is to makes the far: •mer hildeiousiy hippy when he pays taxes.on.his'•clathes, on his •traria' Ito, wtin':.over >,ptotected rails, on •itis gulose agricultural iruple- , b*nae 'and barns: A welcome suprises wlil • vu' ` imettinai!ti;aaricultttrlat • hey- ane may Ist wRek Mr. John Jury rf Ethel, Grey• township. met with a strange accident. He was uoing.along smoking where some bnys • were play ' ng football, whetlrnne of the boys kicked ,the ball airnditt struck him in the- mouth, breaking' his pipe, driving a piece of the stem into the roof of his Irouth, knocking out one of his teeth •and .u•psetting hilt to the ground.... —cheerful news for newspaper pro- prietors cines froth Ohio. A paper in that State re centage* t forty tliree.men who would not pay theft sU seriptions, and obtained judge - (pent' for;tbe full amount'in each case. Twentyreigllt at once prevented •attach- ment by making affidavit_ that they. had no more than the ]acv allowed. Under the decision of the Supretne Court they *ere. arrested for petit larceny and hound over in the sum , of $300. Six Of these did not give bond, and went t-) jail: This is the result orthe working -of the flew postai law, which mattes it - Weeny to, -take a paper, end refuse to' pay for it. —Hello John ! Where are, you going with your laid t - I have just -been down to Cameron, Murdoch it: CO's, for some groceries. got a pound of their tea a few "days ago and it was such grand value that I concluded to get enough of it to- do me all summer. It cost only 25 cts. a `pound and is as good as what, .I have •been paying 40 cts. for and I ant told their other teas are ,just as good value.' What do you think of those brooms, -2-for 25 -ets. f--- r - lhough-t -reel this- sniff'` there to day 'and, I intend to call again. Well John,' I beaeve that I shall. call •t yself and get just sucli a load a3 you have got. -So I am ori: Good-bye. -=A marriage ceremony was recent- ly performed by a minister of this county wherein the contracting parties were neitbeir particularly good looking. After the ceremony was over, the lady, who seemed in a pa•rticul try joking mood. turned to the minister and ie the presence of her husband remarked, "Well, I always said I would never marry for `money ; not for good looks, Ott for lave ; ' but I did think when I *otic marrying for love that I would•get t eaten who was good looking, blesaed if I've even got a husband •tlinrt a good looking " TI•e poor fellow ani tiotY.'.?, • , Ilx fiditM a laugh. at whore this remark was levelled, took -- .4:yao 189 Friday, March 2130. -=IPANTED-- -[HAVING DONIS Bilt$INESS Y ikr -� L CANADA FOR Tal ,•AR ' 30 YEARS. our reputation and re onsibiltty is well known We pay salary and expenses from the start if everything is satisfactory. No previous ex- perience is rewired. Write us for terms, which are very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. FARM TO RENT. SP'i':'N:NDIi1 FARM Iti `f'HE TcIWN — ;i I of lii do a. Connie► of Ii7ucetr 2 0i rt hemg!Ut-6,.cmrri0, and Ica ;0: sen. -1L Pussese ,z* given immediately. ripply to JOHN S. S'fIIPHENS. 3-844• Barrister, Teeswater. March 15th, ]590. • SA LESMEN 7 mma $ (:o's ('ommarcial Agencies, well ) known to hitA+ntaso.-... livauiYaRtyi Dank, Colborne, Ont. CHASE BBOT ENS' COMPANY, limos- NURSE YUUEN, Colborne, Ont $t UL” L.S FO SALE. I WISH TO INFORM THE PUBLIC that I••bave- tor sale four choice yuuug abort herr, bu11a sired by the fine importer .null Wallace. Prices reasonable. '4'V LIT:L (,b' NUIISERY STOCK. ALL iJ new, choice anti fast selling specialties. I can furnish paying positions to workers. 1)y large experience in the bnutueess enables me to offer' special a•lvantag'a to beginners. I can make a snc,:es`sful salesmen or anyone who w e'If, llow n,v instrnt•tiou, Permanent , tn- lu Inert. VV,ig;es ►uiel each w,;tk. Outfit fres App nncald arenre chnicH of territory. EDWARD P. SNELL, t -•c MENTION Clint PAPER. • SP.RING 1 -:- 180. /II Our stock for the season is now about complete:- ._ We ntver presented a better'.' selected lot of goods to dur many customers. Each .department DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Boots and, Shoos et_ tote-_ with great bareltins. OP -Reader; if not already a'customel•, call and have a look through., y.. LUCKNOW & D r1 GANNON SPRING} GOODS azr new sprig goods ,are all now in stock: Having - made out -purchases earl • customers will �', stomers end our- values ur values equ ai to any offered. Our motto has• been to furnish each department with the mmost seasonable a-ailorallg, specl alti.es. 001•T...NTELII. PlIEPARE FORi R IN • have on hand a •full supply of prepared Paints all colors,' Paris White" whitenind nla; bastine, the best wall coating' any shade, white -wash, paint and all other kinds of brushes. • SAP PAILS, DAIRY PAILS ,� CREAMERY CANS AND MILK PANS &. AL1L KINDS OF TINWARE,,. C HURNS,-lW A-SHING MA- 'chines, wringers, (cheap) and cistern pumps. 0. 1C. building papery the best and cheapest in the market, indistinctible, and. vermi e. 'roof ; also carpet felt, tarred and brown felt building paper. �p ' Barb wire, plain wrist, oiled and enameled and "Z P., , IV -NNT T?, Parties who intend to build . would find • �t to their ad- vant,ge to give me , call. ' , - Faro roughing a speciality. ` �' hepairing promptly attended to: ' MZiaMo TATOICTO-Vi7" 01\1"11/it