Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-14, Page 7pox] Nil N, xee. tits! LJ1[LL• iG1 A. - «. — -- _ seeeiorh It ,gas carried on one Annegeot� Y ' vice at this "ego ` �_` tr • a vote of cute, This notion was reversed POOP PN.OVseione in any province sphere - T- then there Party Proo®eeion Acte are now or may be t ` y Cholera is a rea 111113'6:14,2165.4r007400 S`8gr,ii.�al Abair at 8 o'clock.. _ ....,wee A tie. The vote .of JriSpeaker hereafter enacted. P ding in Mesoptt mitt ,gflfl gla_pr„r,�j�y 3,�,�- _ . _ _ __ " Itai 1,26.4;000,000 marks. 1.4.:7-'' f. " The following bill was introduced and kept the bill before the Honee, and when t Mr. Wallace—T shatl only nvanpy th® Seven miners have been killei by an ai' read the first time : the bill game, before the oommittee it time of the House tote few mioutee. When explosion in s mine at Doxtmt i c?, Gee. Three female etndente at the Steffi s, aft To incorporate the'-Moutreal . Bridge would be remembered that there was lietening, to the member for Montreal many' r Normal Sgbool, Oshkosh, Wis., Marg Car '' `Qd Terminus Company- Mr. Langelier each excitement that ) the memberpWeetK�I.N ae wondering �wheth w w d werre _-A Frenob torpedo boat ie ashore ,tt ('opt. i of y.SarCalumet county,Carney, and a etartedMfor i:hurcli iasis uebec - for Montreal T1r. Curran), who recouped livin In r free aouutr oau�a n de l iiru Portugal. The following bills were read a third ' the chair; was so convulsed with laughter t whethee_we were living in the Middle Ages. Her Drew Levi,hcbeen Sunday morningnd have not t... , • nab s6 d ,7,... , , u own .. �. ,x +. . „{-1. , -.. ,e ,., .. r �. .•� .. , ,.... .. . u ,� Y, .. .i. ..1'.14 i.T"r u •,S. pAq t , J� - , ee .,t e.. ' -1, x e r ''''-?C:�.T � _ } •t �.:1�•w..y h.T'^`"'y „, + ` .,^6, P.S ,T :!.,;-..: .r�ii, .u. wi`l.r��.;.r Yr j tatllCLY ti�baU -L"`• !iti'°�it,r .fuu'�'t"Y23ae-- (Quebec). i'v--_Yr'aSP•�..:.at ,r«-.o;,.W..-^"T.�..,, "-,,,,�."-,,::.,.::3.. _. f,:.:zn,. ,a..:', -1,.'-',X,,, G9®..... t ,,,,,� -m .., P ° +u- ':'x..... •`•••••so.• w.... EYrip ii EU crew* tree �, x� �„^re, e ! S4n^'+ u�.en T •ue p,.m �i..T.�t d, + o incorporate the Tileonburg, Lake Brown) had the floor, and thereby pre- oration ie to noire fraternally the order, ter pod. Mrs. Lincoln, died in London, Eng., through the fee ei,tr},c.� i 4.,,;, • t , _ Erie, and Petoi io RailwayCompany. vented him from s ski till the members and to ive material aid to the dietret+sed last night. "'iiw """"s' To inoor orate the Cpneda Cable Com- could be brought inp to record their votee members, to educate them socially, There have been felt in Rome two eli • ht } Treasurer Flynn, of Custer croaaE . p fi gelight Dakota; is short in his se mutts % , pony. for the Bill. He was sorry to say that in morally, and intellectually, end to inculcate earthquake' shock , and there is great ! 812,000. The foil wing bills were introduced and many parts of the country the real object loyety to Queen and country ; to enable alarm. Frederick A. Walton the Dallas. 't'! xava read a firet time : of the Bill had been misapprehended. This the aeeociation so establish a fund for theThe + To oonfer upon the Commissioner of Bill in no way affeoted tree sport. The !till relief of members With such objects in boom lumberatt Portage ss an andao unprecedented tKeewatin this boodler who skipped to Canada with le5.001• Patente certain powers. was one which all true sporismen would view enob a totally unnecessary amend Be°ae oat Rat Portage Seewatrn this of other people's xponey, was arrested int To incorporate the 'Owen Sound and support. The object wan simply, to provide meat as the one proposed would never be St. John, N. B., on Saturday night, Lake Huron Railway Company—Mr. ageinet trapshooting, which was in no consented to. There was a alight earthquake yesterday It ie reported that the Union Steck • Smell. sense sport as between men and animals, Mr. Dpvjee—This bill has come up here in Estremadufa, between Leiria and "the yards of Chicago, the.largest in the wand, To amend the Ontario Paoifio Railway' where the man did the best+ he could and year after year, created a good deal of ex- Be* coast. will doubtless be sold town English rti wit. Company's of—Mr. Bergin. ;the animal did the best it acute. The Burpednt, and there appears to be a wide- The will of John Jacob Astor leaves his Date. The, price of the plant is $30,000 JOO _ _ _ _ t ,^" __Burped pr�r►n behalf of SpA , fiftp , r t v D.,ht. _ • ..... : • . ;. ' � rA4 the ire-mbe n 9D+ 1Prd"lin' �i�tTt7ast�esava reoedru alae urs- n o bxrdi o wog es.tte.:.:4 ,. �atsif o _ . -. .. p �- r a e . t� iT fit reel-, , :,=,. :' ,�?`� '7! 'a 96th—� - :. t][petZtW 116 +eon, xeif r(3 i darn for the remainder of the session. F by degrading associations of gambling and i tion ebould receive that which they have A fere ble famine is feared in Japan. By town, sea. The fish are reported to bp, been asking, an Act of Incorporation. All the abLormal advance in the price of rice much a rice t� the American speol1n' Na we have to do is to incorporate this body, dire.distrese has been omitted. and the Local Legislatures can, determine as to the manner in whioh their etreete The French Government hue accepted should be paraded. I think it would be a the invitation of Germany `- p r� bad precedent for a° to insert in the billthe Ue.rlinlabor Qonventton. ouch a dame an bee been propoeed, and I Advices from the Cape say the Toone think the Montreal member - would - be Vaal Government has forbidden _the Boer acting wieely by withdrawing it alto. expeoition into Maehonaland. gether. .Secret negotiations to induce Po.rtueal The hour for private bills havingelapeed, to propose the Pope as arbitrator of her Mr. Speaker called the orders .ot the day, dispute with Great Britain fait eiid7fuither Consideration of the bill wad The jury in the inqueet en j ',Alban deferred. TheHouse resumed in Committee of maesaore found Dubois guilisrWernorder, Supply' . after a few moments' deliberrat e, Mr. McMillan charged that the super- Aldermen Eden and MoCarton, of Char- annnation system was• manipulated for lottetown, P.E I , are serving sentent+es in political pereoses, and that men who were jail for third offences under the Scott Act. quite able to work were improperly put There wee a serious election riot in upon the list. Berlin on Thursday night.. '1 he celebret. Me. Weldon (St. John) opposed the ing Socialists Dame into conflict with the efore police. , Mr. Laurier said, that the session had grog. The practice of using pigeons for not reached the stage at which the Oppo- this sport had' given rise to a number of simian could consent to this motion. None • young thieves, wbo robbed dovecotes and Of the publio billeted as yet been. touched. sold their occupants. It was said that Sir John Macdonald ooneented to allow , those who supported this measure were the motion. to eland for another week: ! Cranks, and knew nothing about sport. r. Mitchell called the attention of the (Hear, hear.) He was happy to be able to :rument to a despatch in the newepe- say that eine° the Bill wee last before the • p:rs stating that the Behring S -a queetton House many bon. gentlemen wbo had had been settled between the Xehreeente- opposed it bad changed their views. He fives of England and the United Settee had presented this session petitions in favor _eteli4tin • Qdr,.acla..-_�__, -•- . of itbearing three or four thousand signa- without sl9 r...,:g Sir John Maudonald replied that he ,area. Among the names Were `these 'of ovoid not help what newspaper reporters •eminent justices ,of New Brunewiuk and liked to put. in the preen. Ou Saturday Manitoba, all the leading clergymen and last a telegrt.m came ,rem Sir Julian educationists of the country. He asked Pannaefote, stating ,that he had recoived hon.gentlemen if they could take their (bil- instruotioes from England to enter upon dren to see such a degrading sport as this, the dieeueeion of the varioae questtone and end if they could do otherwise than con- wee awaiting the arrival of a Canadian damn it ? This was the law of Massa - representative. Tbis telegram was sent ohusette., and was in the interest of. Over to the Minieter of„ Marine and Fish- humanity and many. Although an en• eries, and on Monday that gentleman left deavor has been made to ridicule this bill for'_Washington. by ceiling it the Dicky -bird bill, he could • Sir Richard Carts iigTt said it -had been inform -hon: gentlemen-that-an-eseooiatioe- intimated that there would be Some im- in England, which was doing very good portant ()Pelages in the tariff, and the work, was known as the Dioky-bird •'nese interests of the country were being -.Society, and he was not et all discouraged • faired by the prolonged suspense. He by that risme being applied to hie bill. In tb0tight the Government should as eerie es pueeible elate when the mens would, be made. t„ fi air ern ac, one , re had been a large number of deputations preeeing their views upon the Goverument ever;einoe Parliament began. T'heae,depu- tatione had only teemed coming liter week, and as soon es the. Ministers of Finance and Customs could look into their ceses the Rouse would be put in possession of the viewe of the Government ' Sir Richard Cartwright agreed that the predicts of depntetione delay ing their pre- senoe.till the last moment kept back the Goverumeut,and he thought the Govern - 'meat should take steps to dist:oats ief the matter earlier in the session. system. (Halifax)intimated ' - . - Mr. Rathbone, the American' Conant- the-olone-of-the-seeeion-he--wsonld_test-the General -at -Peels, and his wife- will -give- a feeling of the $onse on this question by- reception today in honor. of Washington's bringing in an amendment to supply. birthday. Mr. Jones (Halifax) eritioieed the ad- Lord Selisbnrg and Mr.:yGladstoiie are mioietration _alt 'the_ Militia Department intereeted.in temovementineondon to send order to meet -some objections he would, with refereno° -to clothing *tided, which over to theTottoritoUniversity gittsef books financial state- when the bill was in committee, withdrew he said was. a very -inferior article. The . for t to th rary.4 i the leaf alauee,which provided for the killing Government 'corruptly gave the contract - , tet° i • •; shed -amnia e—Ropr. iontatien- A '=iatt ra �aa-the- n • 'Ger et' C1a convicted es one of the been made to bim that this clause might paign fund, 'and the* volunteers: had to mgraOrers o *t. i'+o ens ane, lead .to harm, and he proposed to meet that suffer. . '• - ' gheny City drdver; was hanged at Waynes- objection.. He took the ground that killing . Mr. Kirkpatrick stetted that the militia burg, Pa., yesterday. for killing's sake was wrong. A similar olothinn'wee net an inferior article. . A tornado st Bainbridge, 111., le miles Biel to this was passed by the Imperial ..Mr. Denison eaid,tbst the olotbiug served- east, oompleteIie demoliyhed,,the residence Hones of Comrnone by a vote of 194 to 40. oat to hie troops was satisfactory. of J. Snyder... There were several eereons It'was the praotioe of sportsmen, in order Mr. O'Brien eaid that the department in the bulking and ell were injured. to make birds fly in snob a. way as to be bad nothing to be ashamed of about the The Dem d'Orleans was yesterday re- diffioalt to- coot, to twist their tulleand clothing. •He ihonght thee the country moved to the prison of Clairvaux. The tray some feathers from their bosoms. battalions should be drilled at. heist every principal industry in which prisoners there (L inghter.) By this praotipe the dove, the year.are employed ie spinning cotton and 115x. emblem of innocence, was made a degrading After pestling several items the corn- In the continuation yesterday of the trio object of sport. This Bill , would punish mjttee rose, and the House adjourned at at Charlottetown, P. E L, of Mrs'. Weeks, men who overdrove horses or ;dogs. Men 12 40 a: m. g on the charge of poisoning Mrs. Sutherland, Mr. - Charlton asked when the retarn could never repay the debt they owed to the nothing was brought out to {noun i:iate the would be brought down'as to the submits- horse. (Laughter and applause.) Though „ Andalusian (;{tete. prisoner. sion of the Jesuits Estates Act to-fiR ia8v enia-Bih -had 'been--roadie-the'-object -o1 -eFronr onatsn e8itfoe2cew i'6rr �evg'd l- offi sere of the Crown. amusement last year, she members of this The Andalusian girl is almoin invariably Sir -John Macdonald said, there had ben House had warm bcarta beating .within 'a petite brunette; and although. not all are some delay getting permission to bring their breasts. (A.pplaaee.) They felt that plump end many are too stout the majority tutee papers before the douse, but the the memento' was right, and would consider have exquisitely symmetrioal 'tapering .permission had been obtained, and the it seriously this session and peewit. -As the limbs, well developed busts, and the most pepere would be laid on the table in a few epokesman of the humane societies of Gan- dainty and refined hanfle and feet. R-gard- day s ads he urged the House to do this, And ingthese feet Gautier makes the most The House went into committee on Mr. hived that they would not hesitate to afford aoanding assertion that ,i without any Oostigen's Bill to further amend the Ada'- 'this measure of protection to dumb ani- poetic exaggeration it .would be easy here . teratlon Aut. meld, who were unable to protect them -'in Seville to find women whose feet an • Mr. Witeocr said that it was unfair that. selves. infant might hold in ire hands. French The cause of -the Duke of Orleane'' re-. it a man purchased an article in geoid teeth, Mr. Tisdale congratulated the- bon. girl of 7 or 8 oonld not wear the etia of an imprieoumentwas a move by the Radicals believi+tg that_it was all right, and had a gentleman that he had brought the same Andalusian of '20" " ' to get an amnesty for all persons guilty df, warranty that it was not adulterated, he bill before the Manse as last year.. He i am' glad to *Meet' that, it the feet of offences like unto le Dec's during the pus should be held liebte. agreed that this bill bad had a singular Sevillien women really were so monstrously decade. - , Sir John Thouapson—If-he proves that career, and many hen. gentlemen would emelt fifty years ego, they are so no Iongt-r. Count DeTurenne Daynac. has - be he bas exercised all diligei+oe in the pur- agree that the hon gentlemen from'Hamil- Is is discouraging to see a.man like Gautier appointed Conant -General of Fr nets' obese of the articke,.then all the penalty ton,had already made the members of the fall into the vulgar error of fancying that, Ottnads. • He wee• formerly Collett' Iii inflicted is simply cot fiscationof the goods, House weary, both inside and outside of because a smell foot ie a thing' of beauty, Dublin. Mr D"ubeil has been teeneferitet. . in order to remove them•from the mket. it. (Cries of" No.') Some hon. gentle therefore -the smaller, the. foot the more to Amsterdam. . Mr. Custigan introduced a .olanee tem- man mip,ht not be tired of it, but they had beautiful it must be.• It is nnderetood the report of the Royal powering the murioipahtiee to. appoint pM1 more patience than he had. It mould have Beauty of feet, hands and waiete .is a Commission on the English Army and local eualyst and than save those who em-' been better that the hon. gentleman had matter of proportion, not of -abeolu+e size, Nevy will propose the abolition of the( flue Two French gentlemen wbo•had etario$ ployed him from coming long distances accepted the verdict of the Honee last and too small feet, hands and waists are of Commander-tn-Chiet'of the.army when - with their goods for anely bet. session. He confessed that if he were a not beautiful but ugly.. We'might as yell ever the vaoano arises. ' a p)sntalian at Chorine, Panama, teen) Mr. Wilson a-k••d bow the !coal analyst woman end the hon. member, with .his argue that since s man's foot ought to be y ,t recently murdered by. two of iboii- ern. would be palm- He objected to the Gov- genial manners and beaming smiles, ap- larger than a woman's, thetefore the larger The Berlin Post doee not believe the Gar- ployees, who stole 01,000 end sense veiteze- erement inti rtering in a matter of this poached him on this •bill, he would be his foot the more be has of manly 'beanty„ man Government will entertain the pro• bles. The victims were decapitated. The sort. It belonged 4irely to the Local ieaiined to support it. This comedy had If the Andalusian women really had` Pose' of kinin Poeta for the emote s t < mnrderere fled, but were arrested. Wadelei, because that country is within the. Wm. Crook of Adamsbnr Pa. 8 a Leg.isiatutes.• been saffteientty . long on the Legislative feet'so small that a baby might hold them t gt , p Mr. Costigtsn said these spelt/ate would board°, end it should be removed before it in its band they would not be able to'walk sphere of liritith interests. stick of dynamite in the etove to dry cat be paid by the results. degenerated into a farce. He moved the at all, or, atleest, not gracefully. Bus it 1lionise Munroe, of Whitehead, Gate: 'Saturday. An explosion occurred, au..tt tits Mr. Brawn said the Board of Health and six mouths' hoist. - is precisely their graceful gait and carriage boro', N.S•, went out ebootind aid white kitchen was blown to- atoms. iliitttta Corporation of Hamilton were in favor of Mr. ialong said that last year .be for which they are most famed and ad- separating a couple. of bis fightmou' 8il doge Stemetz was killed, Crook and hid. wife and anon an'lyate. opposed the mesusure, but jn its amendedmitred. wish the butt of his gun, the fire arm wits child 'were, it is thought, fatally, hurt. Mc Mille said this was a matter for the from he would vote for it. • discharged and hie brains were blown out , In Snoker Creek, on Mr. Solvent's fares, Loon! Leitislature to deal ai'sh. On a division on the motion for a Sia Bleat Lessons For Boys. Owing to the utter. disregard shown to township of Gainsboro', oeeinty. of Lin- l'h. rl+use was adopted ou the under- monther hoist 81 voted yea and 91 nay. Hat lifted in saying "good-bye,", pr the Speaker's rulings in the French Cham• Coln, the body ot'a man's ae 'lbpind•oax' atandiaig 'het when printed an opportunity The bill was then read a second time. " how do yon do? " e, her of Deputies, a new rule has heeu passed Saturday. He was about.e years of ego, °cud be effurded cf dtacno ugh it. The House went into committee of Hat lifted when offering a seat in._c or, affixing a penalty to every ref user on the dressed in 0 dark overdoet� vest site papa The Bi 1 wits passed through, committee. supply. or in acknowledging a favor. part of a member to obey the Speaker's' and ettffblaokhat, The body has not bout ' The passe ng . Bills were read a third Sir. Rioliard•Certcvright, on the item' lot Keep step with any one yon walk with. orders. identified. time and passed �`• pensions in connection with the Northwest Always precede a lady up stairs, and ask Mr. Balfour is engaged in preparing; a bill' F. W. Gemmett, actor, and E.G. u:r.alis, Relating to the Canada Southern Bridge rebellion of 1$85, called attention to the her if yon mtiy precede her in passing to give to 'Ireland , a system of local ar.1f bank clerk, forged a cheque at Wife�:peg;. Lo rapany foot that the Government Sergeant allowed the col through a drowdsor public place, government. Hie echetneiseaid to,be based y An Act respecting the Manitoba de North- literal relatives of Be rgeant Vehquette net olida for $160 and left . for, r rid Hat off the moment yoty enter a'etreet upon the idea of treating the Irish as to neapolie. They were arrested at CxremP] western Reitwey Company of Ceete a 8355 a year,, while his•pay as sergeant was door,and when you ante into a rl ate load governmentimitate-floe Eukl+sh' and Forks and brought book, hayi J Waived., To arneitd the Canadian Petrillo Railway only' 800 a year. .y r P g " Aot, 1889, and for tether purposes. Sir Auolpise Caron said when the pension hall or oflioe. Bapech are treated in regard to the 'same e�.tradition.' 'They are well' cgiiinocted in Let a lady` page first always, unless she subject. Engl'aud. ••, Reepeutiug the Erie &Huron Railway list was prepared provision *as made in asks you to recede her.. Mr. Demos Bt. Louis' hones, in the bus The Siberian Exile Assooiatirn, whittle Company. , certain ansae for the children of the parent Intheparlor stand until ever 'lad in t: g p Mr. Dickey, in introducing the Bill to of the man who died. y° y � at the end of,Len lois avenue Windsor, had ire meetin in Philadelphia' cti.•fiatat+• • amend 'the anade. Tempernnoe Act, stated Sir Richard died. fight never yet knew the room ie seated, aleo.older people. wan totally destroyed lay, fire yesterday, day, is making arrangements `free ,bendie g th. t he prop+csed to reinsert them clause, the a case in whitoh a --pension had been granted see d and etandise if a. ynnt{lmes shetn tekoeter e reat•ou ere sattsing a loss of $2 000'.; insured for the -petitions throughout the country for eil{na- repeal of whtoh in the cone:di letion of the to the deoeaeed relatives of a man larger same amount. • At the time the fire broke tures, protecting against Rualsia'strona rnmtt5• Zook people straight in the face when out 1Tre Si. Louie was sick in her room, of her polities' prisoners. The.l;ttitione, la,wa had led to scene doubt as to -the Aot than the pay he received. That had been peeking or being epaken to. and had to be parried from the building. when signed, will be forwarded to the Czar.. bei►tg in force in Nina tion+ia. done with the relatives of Ibigaette. Let ladies pass through a door -first,Emil N wmiw'n a noted 1uf"'i o' or Tut B It was read a fireitenne. Mr. Jones (Halifax) said the elplanationA band of Albanians made s descent + P +• Sir Adolphe Caron, replying' to Mr. was satisfactory, and the mode` in which standing aside for them. upon the villages of Babigak, RobuciN and mai ia, m erlin, was arrested y c ,, .;i i�r r+tt' lose, said that negutiationa were still the pension 'wits, granted was a goose viola In the -dining room take your seat after Babraeb, in Old Bervia, , and plande'red a charge of murdering his son, akar �t, !seise and eiders. them. Manyinbsbitente veers torte ed to who was found hanging to a bed l'oNr wt4lA Iiegmperial on between the Gluvernwent and the tion of the Militia Aot. t Imperial en huutiis with reference to Sir Adolphe Oaroneaid the >onemb°raonld Never play with knife, fork or dpbon. - death ley the robbers. A battalion of all the appearenoe o suicide. Tie, restive • Bri+fart Columbia dr,fendbs. These urgotia- not enhetaut{ate the charge he trade. Do not take your napkin in a bunch in Tnrkieh troops bas been despatched to the dor the,o,�i{`ne is supposed .to be I h� ten's Hous were confidential, and could not now Sir Richard Cartwright polrifbd to the your hand., •scene, but they are powerless againt)t the discovery/athiefather'a ystema+,� ui ,•. •� be brought down. Eat aa,tset or as elow as others, and , oondtipt With many of hie fekmale p,l�ila o. tact that -the sum of 82,'0,240 voted this marauders. the best tem{lies. Sir John Iklaudoneld, ,on the. 'order for year for superat,naation eltowenoes weer finish the course when they de. Rise when ladies leave the room, and Charles. S. Stephens, a letter distributor � sensation has been cause b t•..0 Sea. the eoneideratidn of the wrecking bills ingexceteive. Be said that hien were reoeiv' stand until they are oat. in the Chicago Poet,offioe, watt ariteeted ing yesterday of the Countess Cur•'tu•1 :IS being called, Said ; The Government has ing; atlowatioee who were quite able to serve If all go out together, gentlemen stand yesterday. for robbing the mails Abut Eeglish wife of a decreased Free..', ac-httra-• communicated with Her Maj•�sty'�s Govern• the country.' The prodigal ohne° of this bythe door till lade pies.;20 lettere and registered packages were dead in her chair. The 1:'+tzt nt0 m,.,nt upon this °abject. Her 'Mejeaty'e system •uvea likely . to rouse a feeling found on him, and manymore weer• found man, Government has correeponded ^with throughout the country abet would result Avoid noise in eating, 'and sneaking of woman wi+s ,hugging in her r, tt las I g y in hie room. His o ratio °have e'xten+tec� oonraioing 616 000 in' -gold a p' Washington on this snbj,ct, soil that von• in the total abolition of • the present the lips should be avoided.'� ' t'°t' respondence is noxi is progress. Under enp'erannuq.t{on allowance. It that were Cover .the month with hand or napkin over a ooneidtable period. He trmade s full. moment when she was 'dying of ' fail pwhen obliged to remove anything from it. oonfsasion• eutrition, being too miaerly le ! :'•• i:h633 they° cin,nmetataer I most eek the Honee to happen, the Government would bo to Use your handkerchief unobtrusively On the nnthority„of the Prier°Zit , e' the food that she 'needed to gem;' i. save: to postpone consideration of these+ bills for- ,blame. ' always.—New York Press. - Private Secretary, the Canadi„in Gazette The vote t the Orman Soon'-!. •. ,i' t11� the present, because it would be absurd for The Howie went into the committee on y w contradtot°the rumor that the Prime mud reboot °lent{on, .bo ppnred wit ++ t, ' 604the Legialatnre here deed with' the the bill to incorporate the Grand Orange Henry Stanley, the'Afrioan• explorer, hue Princess and Prince Gleorge are shunt to prf'vir,us election in 1887, shows P : dit matter, while Her Majeses ty a Government Lodge ot. British America and adopted the been el cted an honorary life member of the visit Canada for the benefit of their 567.405 steam The gain of to , i, , mut are presiders the strong views of Canada venous olaases. ' ' upon the United • States with respect to The oommittee reported the bill without Savage Club in London. health, qnd states Chore {e no warrant for. t„bereta, compered in the eat+ s in. reciprocity both in wee °king and o seting. amendment. , Medea Dunbar, of Guelph, were thrown the report; though the Prince doubt!°: a 224 600. The Centre party, o really M,r. Brown, in moving the second read. Mr. Wallaoe n t t t d Ili it e r' i + s.da of from a cotter on the merket egaere,of that 1 would mach enjoy snob a visit. ti•ary, and she ,parties inolu • • ilea hue 6•1 the bill to makes further prevision the bill. •wer,°r fel oity Oh Saturday by arnneway horse. lilies l . Statistics are published in Berlin show.' Cartel coalition, all lost hese. , Ike for the prevention of cruelty to, animals, Mr. Outran moved an amendment that • Dauber hod an arm lardhen, and her e{eter ing the military expenditure of ilii greet Certellcrs have lost a million vol,_ , art* . said that the limo”.ivou:d remen❑her the the bill be recommitted to the committee escaped unhurt. powers during the peat three years. France Centro pettty 206,687 voles. .e There ie great depression at the Spenieb Embassy in London in consequence of the infant King's relapse, caused by taking him out to arive and letting down the carriage windows. During the election M Cezimbre, Portu- gal, there was a riot. The District .Adtniia ietrator wee Shot and aeriouely wounded. Several supporteie of, the Government were injured. - JosepI Bennett,' of Maroelius. Fa1le, Ne Y., shot< and killed himself til Sy m iptith) yesterday morning. Despondency; duo,tibfit t a cancer, oaaded the act. Baron von Berlepeon, Prussian 111hi of Commerce, will preside over • the- La Conference. The discussions of the iron- ference will be carried on in Frenob. In Cheriottetewn, P. E. I.,yesterdtiy, t preliminary examination. ii the, cane o Mee. Weeks,-oharged” .with!' atte-Mptiug tU • poison Mrs. Sutherland, was began. , • Billy Oameron, formerly of 'Land Ont,, wbo ttteouple of years ago stele .l'Or .r 000 from the Union Bank in Winnipeg, ., died in album Ciiy, Minn., recently. Dre. Blackburn and Grant, two of Lasts. vine's, (Ky.)..mtfbt prominent physlciane, were caught at an early hour yesterday mditning in the sot of robbing a r re o. 1111. Chae. Bremner, of Bresay for, N• e T., threatens to ane Gen. Sir Fred. diddle - ton, Hayter iteed Sant. i3eaeoa �c 05,000; the yaiue of furs looted from bta during the Northwest rebellion. ' _t In the Northumberland •Paper Cor- pany,'•s mill an employee named therm O'Dell 'bad his right han4 crushed and. narrowly, esoaped having his, whole ergs team dryers • The • NeYolk Grand Jury yesterday found indictments against Cashier; 17ais Zandt; of the Lenox Hill Bank, for forgery and perjury in connection with the wrecking. Van Zandt was held in 15,000 bail. Delegates favoring Home Rale for, Suet -- land and 'delegates representiog' tete Liberals' of South Wales, et a oonforeiaca in London yesterday, agreed to Co operate to obtain Home Bale, for Sootland. wed • WaledAlih• . ' n •i.. - ough it is ilei yet publicly known ' , Madrid, there it HMO doubt bat that Om new Governor-General of Cubaa ',will be General Jose Chinchilla, late Minister d Wer. , , VenBewren, Domela and Mewenbtiue„ leaders, of the Socialist party in Idolleriai., were arrested' yesterday in a hotel i:s Bev - lin. The charge again et thein is met known.' . ' The French Cabinet Cenncil on kle.tter- day decided to postpone the release oc chs Duo d'Orleins until the next Conduit,', when the date of his release will protrobly be flied. - - Ir.' John Dillon and Sir Thomas (Xrsil- emonde, Home Rulers, arrived i i Se ' {coo from' their Australian tout oil Friday evening, end were accorded a very,. 'hearty. welcome. A gang'of ,robbers stopped a mail cometh between Sonderburg and Flensburg; -:Gere ma y, beat the officers . in ebsrgo• int, !'+; insensibility, and then esoeped with A number' ,of registered . begs ana ot1t1t9r valuables. .V.Y7211111,1111110111111111111111111114;10, ,p90111111111111111, • e e 1