Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-14, Page 6_ m _
to Mot these buildings. One of the ad•
"� OM SR1O L iSb 1uR vantegee of a general ipplioation of these
powore g; mnnioipatitiee would be
r N .,,
`-=.•'4ol:otsro, March. -Mr. Speaker took the to relieve our j le of a`nnmber of innocent
at� 0 p, m, people who alta incarcerated under the
4 ,•, t Mr. &niton (Hamilton) presented a re Vagrant Aot. The Bill proposed to give
,;eekeftneekeett4eeneeneennieeeCtireneeneesubontted $4,000 to each mnnioipali y .establishing a
py tdZo .Minister o>dCtioatSlot ioc� n) Mr. Meredith thought that the grant of
$4,000 should be s question or supply. He
aieo thought that a dietinotion should not
be drawn between giants to oities and to
counties. The bill made the grant to conn•
ties only, and allowed them to use she
grant for building purposes. At present
ell grants to oities had to go teemed main-
The bill was reed a second timeand re -
tarred to a Committee of the Whole House.
Mr Drury moved the eeoond reading of
the hilt to elm ad the dot to prevent the
th' Judge; aft Chenee e' DJieeteee
High Court of Justice .as to the
• corie*aetion of certain provisions "of the
rabbit Schools Aot relating to the
mate eohool supporters, also the answers
given by the judge! to the questions sub-
;. malttted-
The 13,onee then went into committee of
tie whole, and parried the following bills,
Mr. McLaughlin in the chair :
To amend the Aot inoorporating the To.
tonto Young Men's Christian Association,
-.-Mr. H. E. Clarke (Toronto).
aXbronto'Dairy Company.- i', q ., v,a.
ra ' The'bille will be read a third time to-
-Morrow. .
Mr., Balfour moven the ssoild reading
hill to amend the Aot insorpora%ingt
•tillage of Tilbury Centre. The bill
weereferred to a committee of the Whole
Wiese tomorrow. ,
__Idtr,_Glerke (Wellington) meed, for an
filar of the House for a returnin tabulated
form as to provincial revenue from all
monies since Confederation to the olose of
• 'UM
The'1ho ' n was allowed to stand at the
'; vegiieet,of r.ftCeredith.
t Mr.eaoh(im moved for an order of the
' arouse for a return showings the amounts
1-. received from. the sale of wollida'and forests
if nd of OroWn lands reepietipaly, in the
,adteoto�iei diiti ioni of Lennox sn Adding -
Alone darling each' of the years 1886, 1887,
,•. 11$88, And 1 89. s? •
'The motion wee carried.
Mr. Wood (Hastinge) moved the leoond
Bingof a bill to provide... for the enoreoy
the ballot at eigetio-en-is erneemberseofeen
c ' Legieiative.Assem ly. ' r;
Mr. el wat called, attentjon to the fact
flat the House . was extremely thin. He
Bele ed to 'know whetherfila member for
.;';lttagtings intended to press for a vote that
gay. Mr. Gibeon mpved tldilit ileoond..resdin
Mr. Meredith replied that the bill had of the sot to amend the Liquor Limns
:sen for some lime before the House. The Laws. The first olanselethe Aoll require
,iphseseter before the Hods°► He moved
sleuths;bill of the member for Hastinga"
e up at the same time se the Attoriiey-
moral's, or prior thereto.
< '•Mr. Mowat said that it would be most
' aiecivnt to have the bills oome up at the,
].ramie time. The billwas allowed to steed
Mr. Stewart moved the seemed reading of
stdiill,Lo aniend the Municipal Aot. The
• rxaotiott was osrried and referred to a
Committee of -the Whole House on Tuesday
nd at a Y,' an
that an Aot mnoh eimiler was in force
dealing with glanders in horses from the
year 1879 to the year 1885. Last year a
peculiar disease of a venereal oharaoter
broke out among the horses in the south
western part of the Province. It was ex-
tremely necessary that this disease ehonld
be stamped out. The exportation of horses
to the Unita 'States was-a'very -important
item. Hepropoced that when the disease
broke out in any section of the Province
iuepeotore shall be appointed, and these
ins have the power to inspeot
a furnish bills of health, and
when,���imal is found infeoted with the
disease"tfte• •ioepeotor shall at once take
charge of }}'t.
Mr. Willoughby approved heartily of the
Mr.'Meredith said that it would. be just
as well to have the salary of these inepeo•
tors specified. .
.The Bill passed its second reading and
was referred to a committee consisting of
he-following-hop.-menotiere Mesers-
Awrey, Blesard;' Bishop, Clancy, Crutss,
Dance, Dryden,:- Fell; French, Graham,
Rayside, Leyte O'Connor, Smith (Fronts•
nap), $nyder,, Sprague, Weters,Wi _ ongh y
and the mover.
Mr. Fell-Wedn .y next - Bill to
si vend ' the Free . rant and Homestead
tot•. to minors is raised from 16 to 18, and site
• . Mr. Ingram -Wednesday nett-B1l1=re-1 a riotioein writing ,uas -ioeen-iven
egecting the relations between employers liquor seller he oannot sell to any perso
tend workmen.
Mr. Ross (Middlesex) -Wednesday next
-.Bill reepeoting the •praotioe of atrohiteo-
in making his ag i oaseon for a license die
must present a petition signed by at lest
a maj�irity of the electors in the polling
enb•division where the premium' are to be
eitnated, and at least :one-third • of the
residents in that sub -division. The first
important clause in the Billie the abolition
of bat toms on vessele. Liquor can be
furnished at table gr in monis, but not at a.
her, and the fees for theelioense are accord-
ingly reduced. Another motion is aimed at
the sale of liquor in clubs organized under
the Benevolent Act, where such clubs
ate organized principally for the sale of
liquor. .l he limit when liquors can be sold
ander 21 years of age without being liyble
to a penalty of not less than $10 or more
then $20 for each offence. Another clause
deems anyperson who sub -lets any portion
of the premises which he occupies, and
when the illicit Bale Of liquor!' in this por-
tion is parried on, liable to fine. Continu-
ing, he explained that many other
amendments had been asked for by the
temperance people, enoh ae the suppreeaion
of the sale of liquor over barrooms and the
suppression of eale on holidays,, but the
Government had not seen fit to grant these
requests. •-
fI r. Meredith, continuing the debate .on
�•aan homes laws, said that in proportion to
the population there were fewer liquor
To enable the corporation of the pity of
Ottawa to iecge-cte'benturee'to-thet-Qtnoune
of 050,000 -Mr. Boort.
Reepeoting the HamiltoI1 patrioth3Volun-
teer tang -Mr. Gibson (Hamilton).'
Mr. Lees moved a resolution that the
establishing of well,conducted provincial
s rat advantages to the
,.: ttkttiir
isr[1i �uti
to uu
farming inieree%e'a"i Y�'-
13ouo:: desires to drew the attention of the
Government to the advisability of each e
mood farm in the . eastern eeation of the
province, so that the harming community
ot"that part of the provinoe may have the
same benefit as those residing in the western
part. He was a etrong believer in model
farms; and believed they had been of much
valve to the provinoe.
Mr. Drury wee pleased with the tone, of
the disouesion in which hon. members had
maeiteeted their gratifioation st the work-
ing of the Agricultural College final the
„- aulrt edete -e to '� fit
the meat r �i
a model or experimental fern} ehould pay
expenses. Though he made no chargee
against the Dominion Government he
wished to state that it required last year
an expenditure of $60,000 on capital
account t_o.veork this farm. It would poet
money to establish such 'a farm as was
eenggeeted. It was not to be eReoted that
such institutions woad pay their way yet.
The great problem of practical farming in
Caned!' at present was how to cheapen the
coat of production. He would request t the
hon.. member to withdraw his motion.
Mr. Ingram asked for the difference be-
tween the post of students eleoted to the
college by the counties and those ?vho were
not eleoted.
Mr. Hardy replied that the only differ-
ence was in the entrance fee. A farmer's
sou paid $20, but in the case of nominsesof
the County Councils tiie fee was remitted
Mr. Metcalfe said.that he hoped the hon,
gentleman would 9atablieh a model farjn in
the eastern.. portion of the Province. • He
th tught :ba-Government-shouldepeisemore-
attention to the horeeindustry. ,The farm-
ers al Kentucky were making tbousands of
dollars out of raising horses.
Mr. Lees said he would not preia the mo.
tion, butsheestab}iahmwnt of such en in-
stitution was:of mnoh importance. _ .
Mr. Roes (Huron) said that the Agrioul.
-tura]. Collexe was doing better work as a
purely agrio ihutsI. institution than any
'other., institution' on the ooptinent. The
colleges on the other Bide of -•the tine were
turning the agricultural departments into
industrial eohoole wheretradea,.were taught,,
because they said that She farmers did not
support the agrionititral colleges as they
should. He hoped the oritioi,eme on the
tdodel Farm, in future would be as moder-
ate in tone ae all the remarks from all the
gentlemen opposite with the exception of;
one (Mr. Clancy).
'Mr. Awrey defended the manner in
wbioh the Model Farm had been con-
ducted. The hon. leader of the Opposition
showed by his remarks that he .was disap-
_pointedin the attitude of 'hie followers,
as they did not approve of the elf'orts to
discredit the institution in the past. The
hon. gentlemen was mnoh hurt about
reference to Ottawa. It emus matter of
history that when an election was pending
pians of -public bailding° to be erected in
the conetitnency were hang up in every
country store. '
Mr. Meredith -Yes ; there was a plan of
the Parliament building hang up in Toronto
wit" Vote for dowat and a million dol..
lardy of Toronto." (Laughter.,)
- .M. Awrey, continuing, said that plans
of a post -office were hung up in Barrie
and other towee, and every time there
was- an eleotion pending in Haidimand a
pian of a bridge across the Grand River was
Mr. Meredith -That bridge parried your
friend up Salt Creek at the last election.
Mr. Awrey said it was not the bridge
but the unknown strangers that bought up
the voters. _'The Model farms were acetal,
and, ee a consequence, a pry was coming up
from every eeotion of the country for more
of them.
Bille were introduced by :
Mr. Mowat -To provide for holding winter
assizes in the county of Carleton.
Mr. Meredith -To provide for the eleotion
by ballot of Public and Separate school
Mr.Meredith-Respecting Separate sohaol
Mr. Gibson presented the report of the
Inepeotor of the]. Idiot Aeylums ; also the.
return asked for by the House respecting the
registry of the pity of Toronto.
The Hoagie went into committee on
private bills, and reported the following :
Respecting •oertein•lands veined in the
reotor of Christ Church, .Hamilton -Mr.
Gibson (Hamilton). . e
Respecting the New York Life Insurance
Company -Mr. Gibson (Hsmilto,i).
Reepeoting the Hatbiiton Patriotic Vol.
nnteer Fand-Mr. Gibson (Hamilton).,
The following Bilis were read a second
time and referred t000mmittee :
To consolidate the debt of the town of
Brampton -Mr. Chisholm.
"To confer upon the Chatham Waterworks
Company power to borrow $150,000 -Mr.
To ,poneolidate the debenture debt of
the' county of Middlesex -Mr. Ross (Middle-
To authorize the sale of pertain lande
of the First .Baptist Chnroh, Ottawa -Mr.
Mi. Smith (York) -Bill to amend the
Aot respecting aseignments by persona in
theolvent circumstances.
Attorney-General-BiP to surther trout..,
gate prooeedings ander the. Land Titles'
' Mr. Meredith -Inquiry -1. Whethat
and if go what, stepe have been Wit►
°‘ germinate the leases now held 'bee
a - tin Lumber Company or. John "
:r of certain lands and islands in and
Or Lake of the Woods, in the distrlo
Algoma, or to put an end to any of
Socha]. ireatnres of the Great House of the
Brittelfi Nobility;
Life at great houses of this kind has been
it me, better represented by the
pen ief Anthony. Trollope than any other
writer ; and, indeed, while visiting at
�tii"�`"i�`"i"��i,�'",s.'r.'i4'�,• � j�h".`rv;�°�'�-,."�u��,.'1•�y''�y,.i�al:r"''�,`.37�
impreeeed by the fact of hie photogfaphio
oapaoity , that it seems to me further
desoription on my part would be super -
flame. Bat that wbioh strikes some
Americans as orientations oe, as a desire to
simply maintain splendid estate,' says a.
writer in the New York Heral$;is in reality.
the outcome of each tradition ; enoh long
serge that it has become as ordinary and
matter ot fact to those belonging to it se
the commonplace routine a three times a
day Betting forth a meal orea'tabliefor any
mechanic's family. Therefore-, to the guest,
a and done with no
Wine claimed by the lessees, and if : ewe licensee issued in Toronto than in a
.. which of them, and what hint been the re -
jt of the steps. 2. Whether it is intended
take any steps to open up'the territory
covered by the said lessee -for settlement or
tor mining purposes.
Bills were introduced by : • .
Mr:Awrey-To incorporate the Hamilton
di Barton .Incline Railway -Company. •
Mr. Armstrong -To amend the Parry
!Bound Colonization Railway Company.
Mr. Leye-Reepeoting the Toronto Street
Eailway Company. '
Mr. Haroourt-To-inoorporatethe Dunn -
41e, Atteroliffe ch Smithville Railway
• Mr Haroonrt-Respecting the Toronto,
Eaoeilton;dt Buffalo Railway Company.
idol. Clarke (Wellington) -To amend the
•her ;the proteotion of game and fur.
ring animals.
', ;;• . •liar.. Meacham - To amend the Aot
reepeoting mortgages and sales of personal
e property.
• Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) presented 'a re-
port of the Oommittee on Private Bilis.
iM. Gibson (Hamilton) presented a copy
ekt a report of the judges with reference to
the Law Aots.
11ie .elowat'neoved the House into nom -
rah te ot;