Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-14, Page 53 NEWS OF TUE TOWN. Week's Kretord or the PlighnIg nOrder —Monday next will be St. l'atrick's Day. —Mr. Thomas Stewart, of Lucknow, Was in Blyth • last week. —Miss Nellie Burgess- left for Lon- don on Thursday morning. —Mrs. T. Fletcher, of 'Brussels, is 4visitirig triends in this village. —For a boys or youth's nit, ready nuade, so to Connell. We lave all 1 The Lucknow Sentinel; Bruce County, Friday, March 14th: 1 —A petit/ton was in cireulation in Goderreh township to be presented to t. wLuititi tha no tax co actor be appointed is year, but instead the taxes be made payable at the treasurer's office. It -s being very generally signed. —To those who desire to purchase anything in the boots, shoes and slipper line we would say that our stock was aver better assorted than at present.. We can give you almost anything you want, from the dainty French kid to the course cow hide. Kee what we are 9. - -If it be advisable, as some think, to establish an Imperial Council, or Senate, or Upper Council, or Central Body of some kind 11 , tool nd WO to the whole Ermine, should representa- tion in such Central Body be in Proportion to p9pulittion, or to the amount contributed to common revenue, or on what principle should repreeentation be based? 10. -In such a union as that oontemplated in questions 7, 8 and 9, in order to give British subjects everywhere advantages -not) enjoyed by foreign countriea. would it, be desirable to ' adopt what has been termed "A British family trade policy ?" tariff are in great "baste to Ise- -rich ;" they covet a larger share of the money o other 'eo de than the can nc.uire —Mrs. James Allan, el Alma, is the guest of Mr, Wm. Miller, of West Vawanosh. —Some extra good value in our new stock of table linens. Yoe will always And our pricesright.—W. Connell. '—Mrs. Wm. Snyder end 'daughter, awitiialinerstori, were the:guests of Mrs. iD. Hayes this week. —Highest price paid "for n heat and - 'oats_ at.. the Lucknow „roger mills,- - • Geo. Kerr. —Messrs. J. W. Morrison and S. Keltie, of St. Mary's, enjoyed a few • days visit with friends in this village last —Tweeds of excellent quality from , • 40 cents a yard up at Connell'a. Ours up -Cameron, Murdoch & —The following words of- wisdom 'appeared in a late issue of the Toronto Telegram :—Farniers do more for their country than philosophers. Men who work; not politicians who talk, are the builders of our national fortunes. The problem over which deep thinkers are pondering is being solved by active Cnnodians who plough, sow, reap, and gather in the harvest, and whose toil is the architect of- our destinys. - • •AA II la the pies() to order your clothing. ' —House to rent,. A comfortable -commodious house, 10 rooms. Im- • mediate possession.. Apply to 'John likurchison. '--Mrs. W. McBride, who hes been visiting in Lucknow and vicinity, a rule newspaper proprietors do more and profit less by their party connection than any other members of the'political organization to which they - belong. The press of Canada, of On- tario, at least, standn„upon its own •bottom. It is commercially independs ent, a success or failure -as the manage- ment succeeds or fails. Party,support was an important factor when nows- paper expenses were small, but it. is now a mere atom of,the whale.' Party help can ire longer make or break a newspaper. And it is well that such mak the mis- 1. I v .Standard. —In black and colored cashine'res there is no place you will get better value than.at Connell!s. We bought • them right .—Port Elgin is agitating for a sys- Um of waterworks, and a representa- tive from that village was here last week. ' —Mrs. Brown and son, of Mount Forest, were the guesf,s of her sister, Mrs. T. .Girvin this week. Mrs. .Brown is --abOtrbL-Sarroitig—to Pcnn siylyania. •—Mareh came in ike a lion, and ,aocordingto the time honored proverb will necessarily gout with the docility ;characteristic of al -amis. •—Alt kinds Of groceries of the best ,-qualitieskept at the 'new grocery very cheap as we sell' for cash. and produce ' only. Goods delivered to any part of TiE1211. —Mr. John Pollard, of the Tiverton Watchman, has rented his printing •?dant to ' Dougtaci McKinnon -for, • year •ancl intends moving to Napanee at once. • —The name of Mr. D. J. Bain, P- • reeve ofaisley, is being freely men- tioned as an independent 'candidate for the representation of Centre Bruce in, the Local Legislature. • —Our milliner, Miss Markle, is at present attending the openings in the cities, securing the latest novelties in the slims We will be ready for, the A . y ra mg wit. egi e pro t ; a they get the governErieDt to cows to their aid by means of duties which will compel consumera to pay higher prices for their goods. " The govern- ment legalizes the rolibery in order to satisfy the greed of covetousness of the proteges of "benevolent legislation" It wouid he refreshing to have some plain speaking on this question from the pulpits of our churches.—Ex. ' WAGON MAKING or in par , ea antages of the Britieh family trade policy to foreign countries agreeing to reciprocal terms ? 12. -If British subjects in Canada and else - where (in the outer Empire) be pled on an equal footing With British subjects in the United Kingdom. so as to pbtain equal expen- itaire_for_common purpeees, should all .bear some share and eventually as colonial wealth increases a fair proportionate share in the ex- penditure? 13.-aWould it be advisable to raise the rev ...enneAneetienAjn_tanenanner Loggeptdeby •Mr. Jas. Hendrick Hafmeyr, of Cape of Good Hope, at the Colonial Conference of 1887, by means of a small ad valorem duty, to be levied generally', and independently of existingtariffs on goods entering any part of the Empire mem foreign countries, or in what way should t?i•ovision for expenditure be Made? 14. -Referring to questions 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and le, would it be desirable.that British sub- jects outside the United Kingdom should: at one step assume the higher duties and respon- sibilities contemplated, or that full citizenship should be assumed by degrees,. aceordiug, to the conditions and circumstauces of each indi- vidual community T It is not expected that 'busy men who have take by talking of a newspaper ,as they owned it and had a right to dic- tate its policy, but they take good care that the dictation does not cost them anything. Their moral support is even lacking except at election times, and still they note any weakness in party fealty with fright and 'horror." British Federation To All Whom It May Concern. The Ottawa Branch of the Imperial -Federa- tion League in Canada-, respeettally-invite the attention Of Canadians generally to the following inquiry, The Imperial Federation League is an organ ized bedy, with many branches in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The following see its objects, viz : 1. -To promote the discussion of means whereby the permanent unity of- th. British Empire may be maintained. 2. -To further the developments Of the re- sources and promote the interchange, of the 'products of the several of the Empire. eaToresistaafil-a*Anseii-tendin to diemtegMtion • fillsnot; asamany suppose, on eof the ,firne- , tions of the League to propound a new consti- tution for the :British' 'Empire. No scheme worthy Of the name is possible. without con- sidering every interest involved,and no at- tempt should be made. to formulate a scheme except by properly constituted authority, after obtaining the- fullest information respept ing the wants and wishes of the several com- munities concerned. • spring trade in a few days. -W. Connell. Legislature has endorsed the. Government's Bill to give •Pros .al aid towards the establish- , ment\ /county poor _houses or indus- trial farms. . • .—The Lucknow Branch of the W. • .T: K. will hold an "At Home" in ' e Town Hall on Thursday evening, March 20th. Reception from 7 o'clock. 'Tea served at 8:30. Admission 10 • cents. Al are welcome. --Cameron, Murdoch &, Co. have just received a • lafge assortment ,of extra fine quality of kid gins/est-. All sizes in ladies -from 5t CO -'S -and prices from 25 cents up, Also a -fine range in gentlemens wear. —I have much pleasure in announc- ing to my customers that I am now , occupying rooms above Mr. Connell'• s store, where I will carry on dressmak- )tfog as susual: Entrance through the store.—Miss E. McLaren. --4t is said that one robin doesn't ;make spring, but the English sparrows, -which is supposed to know more than TObills, has decided that spring•issipon los, and has 'Commenced building his snast. , • The duty of inquiry comes within the sphere of the League. and it is felt that the Canadian not previous y given. car oug jects involved, will be prepered at once 'to respond to each one of the above questions, it is, however. hoped that many perscns of . all origins and occupations will view it in the light of a public duty to answer such of the coestionsas they may have considered. Replies to any of 'the above queetions ad- dressed to R. S. Code, 14 Metcalfe Street; Ottawa, will be cordially received and duly acknowledged. ' Every person responding will be good enough to refer to the questions ac- cording to the number in the above list; they will further oblige baefurniehing their full alaterooeunation -and-peet-otheaarddrese— Oir behalf of the ,Qttaw,a Branch of the perial Federation league in Canada. SANFOIth FablING, President R. S. ()ODE, Secretary. Ottawa, Feb. 25th, 1890. 8' --1-AND•—• GEN EgAL LCiMiTiiij Adam Thompson begs teave to tha inhabitants of Lncknow and surround couatryfor thellbeml patronage bestowed him during the list seven years, and wishes g continuance of his old customers and a task% share of the new, as he is in a better position than ever to supply the wank of the publ He alwayd has on liand:a stock of Wa± ore 84 Biz • of all kinetin : e also wit remind thspa ;71 far famed „ COTCH DIAMOND HARROWS - kir he alwriad hue on hand and are made 4 the very beat material. Parties wanting an . thing in this lino will do well to give him sea and see pauses- before purchaeing eisewheri- Particular attention paid to -ALL- KINN OF HORSE SHOEING. -*ir. flatfeet, contractions, and interfering. .„ . By strict attention'to business, good walla marknsmhie,I Pnellat'ru..eiTttoploretainthepbautl but )d rfrworkmen, aith kindly extended to me. • • -- ADAK -4THOMPS00-- C;tharkett Street oppoalte the Batik ••• I T A T. FO - wri:H" STEADY FMPLOYMETT 11-1ND goo pd ay all the year round, to reliable men fulelOstug satisfadhery references. • S xiiirer1734., Ae.ochest4p0htftEerRociT.at ,• Im- 111100••• Thou Shalt Not Steal • The. Montreal Herald is becoming noted for a refreshing plainness of speech, for which it is to fie highly • corn' mended, in these days when so many people have fallen into the hab- it of using words to ennceatideas. Our contemporary in.a recent issue suggest- ed a few suitable pulpit topics, prefac- ing its recommendation with these words : • Tariffs are human inventions, necessary evils so to speak, devised to ,raiSe revenue for the purposes of gov- Branchee will do well by consultations and all proper roeans, to ascertain what is best for the Dominion. • . The Ottawa Branch having resolved to take the initiativa comprehensive movement' e' of enquiry, with a view of eliciting information upon•points respecting which much divereit9 of opinlon may exist, has deemed proper to. issue the following questions for the considera- tion of every thoughtful keen wisher of his country. *Replies to these questionS, or to ant, of them, addresiied to the .aecrettiry, under signed, are respectfully invited , from anon of allelasses. QUESTIONS. !1.. -Is the existing political union betilreen .ithe UnitekKingdomrCanada and other_ Parts 'Of the British Empire generally ,satiefaetorY ? 2. -Is it desirable that the union as it exists, or with Modifications, should be per petuated 3 -Is it probable thrall. ,orti'Tito te-arranse,• ments of the relations betkirearitheIDOthinion and the rest of the Empire wiltisioallett for by .circumstanceein the ntar or di$nt, nte? 4. -If it be probable that d4 d modifications in these Mations W necessary, and may on some.atika come imininent, is it datiirlibla .arnv consider the question in . all its bee* order thatattly change may be establisheal with wise deliberatioe • I. -In (my te-organizAbfat of theit %pre which reasthe neeeasitatecl by the pr`odeeel of events, it is eaciential that O -Very separate mom- mUnity under popular goverimient sikiuld bo 'consulted in a con•titutional =muck' ? any possible new relations between Canada and the other portions of the Empire, should all political rights now enjoyed b. auto eta ntially maintained? a closer political union silo Ian e equally With other British subleetia where, have a voice in affairs which areircoira tfi tiorreern to the whole Empite. ? • , _ Oat way should all Britih subjects have a voice in Imperratiffairs, through thetr respective ,goVeranionts. or parliament* or I othervilae —Ono °rein- exchn000s says that a • Movement is on foot in 1nce county • 'to abolish the December session of tihosounty council. In other places they go still farther and say, extend The power of the municipal councils end abolish the "-County Parliament." —1-teid, the . baker, has received a tar load of Milne's- roller flour, of the • white lily brand. Tho daddy- of all flour has caused it to be made the mark Tey the-arrOwe_of_enlepetilion. have ail tried their Skill (titres yet they .have .,fdiled to down it, because gerlitors ghost t .will not down. ernmeht ; and when politicians Make •use of such inventions to dam up the natural channels of trade and divert it into artificial and unprofitable chati, nels; they not, only convert the tariff into an instillment of legalized robbery, but they also set themselves up as wis- er than the Creator, who stamped the works Of, his. hand With evidence of beneficent design, one of which is the • facility for intercourse ,with inter- change of• production, between they pecs • ple of different countries. • Looked at in this light, is, not a protective tariff • calculated to pervert this beneficent. design of the Ciestori ,•,/ t day ..neonie ey be-, y to 8, in act Again, there is, that briefoand co.m prehensive command of the decalogue, "thou shalt not steal."' How does a• Protective tariff stand in relation to that command 1 When the government, by means Of high duties, places it in the power of any man or any class of men to exact from consumers, a higher prat than they could under free inter- change or a tariff for Avenue only it practically gives these 'beneficiaries of the tariff power to put their hands in- to* the potkets of the people and to • filch therefrom -more thati ' they , have Any right to take. That is very pro- perly'designated as "legalized robbery;" , or, to put it more plainly, it is alvio- latio ' the command "thou shalt not ate.- ,°People concede the right of eke live and legislative authority to imp,.614 ditties on imported -goods in .or- der , to Arise revenue . for purposes of government; Whenever the tariff -levy - kg power iacarried beyond that 'idea i'Vlbeeonres an inotrument of cippreSsion, 4 a gross perversion of the principles ot, jue4 and equitable taxation, is an ins Vasion of the rights of the people, and ismorally and constitutionally wrong. • Then one of the underlying princi- ples of -protections is covetousnesss-a. violation of the command, "thou shalt not 'ooret." The beneficiaries of the AUCTION MART JOHN PURVIS. AUCTI, NEER will attend the follovving sales on the undermentioned dates: At lot 11, con, 7, Huron, on Wed- nesday,iMarch 19th, • a • quantity of farm stock and implements, the Prop- erty- of Wm. Milne. Near Erkdale, on Tuesday, March 18th, ,a,quarititx of farm stock and -im- plements, the property of Mr. Erb. At Stewait's planing Mill, Camp- bell street, Lucknow, on Saturday, March 15th, a quantity of farm stock, etc, the property of Walter Stewart. .At North Half of lot 6, con. 6, Tturon, oi IVIonday, 'March 17th, ft quar.tity of farm stoelz, implements, etc., the property of Jelin MoAulay. At, Bervie, on Wednesday, March 26th, cuantity of _farm stock, iniple- merits, etc., the • property of Mr. McLeod. " At lot 21, con, 9, Kinloss, onThtirk day, March. 27th, a quantity of fare stock; implements, etc., the property x INNENSE BA.RG.A.MO. 4 x Having just received a large consign ment of F;esh. Gracerips, ChOiae. f4p.11740*; Choice Talii.pcoi: Caned.-G-oci Croqtery,. • Glassviare Teas, Coffees, awl Sugars, 41-hichiwi1 be sold cheap' at the Hub 0-rocery. GdOas delivered to all part ' •of the village, i• 0 a•s!.,„ of Huglanoss. ••• • All orders left at , Alex. Ross's 'hors ness shop will be promptly attended to. JOHN ELLIOTT -WANTED. EN TO -T A'KE ORD)RS FOB Ntrit- eery stock, on salary or abininiseion. I can make a eueceesfel SALESMAN a any - who will work and follow my instructions Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your salary or commission every Week. Wrii0 for terms at once, E. 0. GRAHAM. .13-819 . Nurseryman. Rochester YV. F1011/11, TO RENT. B'DING-LOT IdON. 6, IlEINLOSS •the property, of John Cameron. Gool liirria With goodiseiings. sontaluitsk jffilisaras Apply to 4A.111118 MoLEOri, 3-84 • lielyroba Has a world wide repiitation as a pbicfa and author His Mandrake Dan delion a avea Curs is a triumph of medical skillcuring at' diseases of the ki ney and -liver SY -- PTOMS F...... KU'NiINEYMIbatabDCLlilinthec., • dull pain or weight in the bladder and lapse o:. abdomen • etratding Urine often obstructed • frequent deasire to urinate, eispe'cially at nig a, mong aged persons , hot, dry 'skin, Pale cam. Pexion, rerl and Moire deposits, drop dizzinene, toer stomach, nenetipation, pike, liver soma swelling, etc " SYIYIPTOMOF la LIV[11 COMPLAIN P:ii:11'1.12::11" dice, sallow posse- , pleadotn.a wearya tired feelig, no life oe Ory, headache, dysPepeia, indigestion spotti., amnples, etc. HOW -CURED. Mandrake arid Pandelien tyre nature's T.freit cures and when combined wit) Kidney- remit- aiiee as in P. C'hases Liver ('ere, will most poeitively cure all Kidney -Liver tronblee. YO: acts like a, dm cm, Stimulating the clogged' liver; atrengthenine the kidneys. and invigor ting the %, hole body. , Faad by all dealers sa 11 with receipt book, Which alone is wLialo tied . - RIDN act gently yet eifectually.„avtay LP1111LESR. it7TerRIZ. troubles, hedaehe,bilionarreis, colitiveineeajetie • • ilett etilka a . One pill 'l'o. Sold by all daler, ;:•-INacttata • 41 4141 • opt .A0 &i* itiunry & us emir.