Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-14, Page 1r"• • 4' 40eowapoe.awawessma.sof 6u0seri.00 For The SENTINEL • 6-0.-oasx•-••- • 'ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR • Ir ADVANCE. "•,-otoreses—orossess-reste—oess". 111:10111W VOL XVII. -1i. THE LUCHNOW SENTINEL Is published every Friday at the "Sentinel" block, north east corner of ,Outram . & Campbell Sts., Lucknow. BY , (JAMES BRYAN, EDITOR PUBLISHER. 0 o • SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER .4:EAR IN ADVANCE. 0 0 ALL limns tor _yoB : PRLiiL1VG. XECIJTED WITH NEATNESS 4.% DESPATCH. Vo. IVIEDIOAL. 1 A. McD()NALD, M. D. C. M. P. S. 0. Office, Kintail. R. TEN-N..4.NT,• PHYSICIAN, surgiron„ and .kcconcheur. Sir- gery opposite Caia's hotel. Office hours -from 9 to 12 a, m. and frota to OE, s. • A. McCRIMMON, M.' D. C. M., Re C. S. and C..M.; 'Edinburgh, Cor- oner ' county of Bruce. Licentiate • Midwifrey. Royal physician and sur-' goons.. Office one door east of barbar shop, Lucknow. . .011.1.11111•111•P •— - „ i ce, • __ • • .14.... 4. ...w.anattextter.,_,=as MITSIMP—FrInt2.11 Nownwodeelmem6emoodenemmlionmem. LITOKNOLONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH, 14 1890 WHOL NO. 843. • 0,1=1111•140/111•14 THE LUCKHOW HARKINC.COMPANY HOW TO HELP A PAPER! (Nut litroiToratcd.) —o—o—o— MR. cm MAIM, PROPRIETOR- Lucknow Jan. 2nd, 1889. MONEY TO LOAN. • DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL IM - portant points, cheques, .drafts and, mortgages cashed. Notes dis- counted Arneiican current & Am- erican draft s bought and sold. Interest• allowed on Savings Bank deposits according to agreement, col- lections. Notes or accounts will te7 chive prompt attention. Fire or lifeinsurance effected in stock or Mutual Companies. We, represent several first-class Loan Companies .and can effect mortgage loans to suit borrowers on best terms on either village or farm property. Office hours, 10- a..m. -tb 4. p. kn. 0. A., SIDDALL, Manager. 1-111,. D. GEDDES, V. S. CALLS 1), either by. mail or telegram proni4 ptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, •Corrigan's hall. Boardinghouse Cain's hotel, Lucknow. , • CIMON CORRIGAN, COMMIS- °. • sioner, in H. C. G. Ic.inlough P. 0., Ontario. • f'IARROW& PROUD...700T, BAR- ' c. wm, '43r risters Solicitors,etc., Goderich, Ont. T. G. G4RRO'C PROUDFOOT. LLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY JA at law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office, next door to.the post office, Lucknow, Ont. • IJ MORRISON; ATTORNEY AT. i!rw.,•Soliciter in Chancery, Com- teissieuer, Converyan,cer, ,etc. ,• .Office, over the barbar shop. gEimERAL. • 013ERT CUNNINGHAM, IN- j),surance, Fire & Marine, Guelph, Ontario. • mONEY QLQAN 1 HAVE A 31 few thousand dollars to invest • for private parties, at reasonable • , in- • terests. ' 'ELLIOT TRAVERS. . . • liONEY TO LOAN! FIRST - �L mortgages at 7 0 It; per cont..interist, payable yearly. Charg- es moderat Apply.to Robt. Murray,. St. Helens. • • TrONEY. To.toAasTi' AT 6, PER. JI cent. from 2 to 20.years. 'Lists of fa-nis for sale ih Ontario as well .as • Manitoba. Parties 4siroUS to sell •farms'iI1 consult,' their interests by, - -inspecting the advertising facilities • of 'rttbscriber in Great Britain, and Ire- • • land and continent of lands for,. sale. ANGUS STEWART, Laud ValUator, Lucknow, Ontario. • • TWIN 111.TR0ITISON, , C. P. R. • ticketlikent. One way .exsursions . to the Northwest and PaOid. %Cost. • Full information to intending. travel.. to any part of the vl/orld. inialliamarnisease • ArEsT WAWANQS1-1, 1VIITTUAL ., Fire InsuranceComPriny, board of directors meets or the transaction .of business on the first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing te have their property insured in this increasingly popplar Company, will by giving not - ie be called upon by an agent or by one of the Directors. 'Bitsinees galls promptly atte—Iftlid—a, Trffiese ganiiqn, J M. ROBOTS, at3Oretary:' Wog.' I,ANE. Treasurer; • SOCIETIES T uoKNow: Li Lodge, to.' 112 .meets • Friday evening at eight o'lock le theirhall, hall, Campbell street. All riethord ,cordially invited. D. TA OR,NObld Grand. • JoJIN EILLIoT, Recorder. • -i f) O.F. COURT U. She ew oe cl, ssilowe No. 50, Lyknow. .t., 1,...1k Meets every first • ...-t, , and third Mon-. V. . days in ever y- _ . , 4 • .r.m. month, in the Odd- ., _,, , '- •,.11i fellows hall. Vis- iting bretliElriare cor ia y . T. M.ATTHIE, Chief Ranger. P. D. YULE, Secretary. �'U.W. LITCKNOW LODGE . of the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last • and second Monday eveningsof each month ateight o'clock. Visiting brethern cordially invited. r, JOHN PEART, Master' Workmen., A. MCINTYRE, Recorder. LK NO W MECHANICS'INSTI- •tute. Reading Nona op4 every eveniu fr. from 6 .to ;1.0 p..no, excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 p. m. The. librarian' will be in attendance during these hours. D. D. Yues, President. JAS. SOMER- VILLE, Secretary. • CIENTAIL JT S. JEROME, L D. . S. To my old friends in Lucknow and surrounding country. You have known me long enough to know that my work is not Cheap' John work. Now, I am making Celluloid plates; and ulcanite sets, and will sup-' ply„my customers with any kind of Metalic plates they, wish, for Gold 'Sil- ver; or any other. Chaiies as low as they can be made kr. I.will7be in Lucknow on the second :Friday and Saturday and fourth Friday and Sat- urcIrty of each Month. • Vegetable Vap- or given for. the painless extraction of teeth. Office, near Cain's hotel. tiopac 1---±n14,3a] __- 0 FIRE! FIRE! Insure your farm property, private dwelling, in the. old rdlia,ble, the LONDON , ..MUTUA-L, • —I AM ALSO AGENT POP— CITY MITTIIAL AND CITIZENS. Office, A. ROSS'g harnees shop, Luck - now. WillbeintheliaCe everYlaits ufklay Afternoon. • Gee. Craw, Age latek!lowl 167-mr-Ininn•Vinyn WhIebva ol:eatraiter-ien be Helped and Made Prosperous. There are various ways in which sub- scribers can • help their local paper. Every subscriber ought to consider' himself a partner in the concern and as such bound by all means in his pow- er to advance the cireulation. and in- fluence of the paper. • • Ite can keep his subscription prompt- ly paid up, and nut only paid up to dateolbut he ought to pay in advance at the beginning of each year. The price of subscription, viewing the sub- scriber in the light of a• partner,. is a part of the capital of the concern; and subscriptions unpaid until the; 'end of the yeah are, just sdniucli unpaid capi- fe.inay be argued that a persen, has no. right to pay, for an article until he receives. it,. hut 'such i position is net taken in reference oto." any.. other: mode of 'entertainment, and the. news- paper is really a source of entertain- .thent. At theatres, cCineerts, etc,- he price �f a nits:mon is a ways paid fore the the performance begins, . while if • the principle. which many 'people apply to payment for their .newspaper were adopted those who attend eatertaie- rnents would nut be required to pay until they_ were over.. It is well known that, if this was don many would be so dishonest as. to say the performanco was not worth the moisey and refuse to pay at all; • Now, this'is just what . • some persons are mean enough 4.-si do in regard to a newspaper. If they 'do the. end 'of the year, find some fancied fault and try to repudiate payment. Fortunately the law is on the side of the .ptiblisher :and holds that the re- ceipt of the paper is. Conclusive' eviL dencanf having ordered it, and farther that no newspaper can be legally stop- ped until all at•tears erespaicrup. lifentiook City Mr. Johri-l%watOs children are re- covering from - a -severe attack of whooping -cough, The farmers in this vicinity have taken advantage of the few days of sleighingand have succeeded in getting' about thousand logs to, the mill. The -boys of No. 15 have clubbed together and puochaeted a font ball. •Some of them will 'soon be laid up With sore sbinS.• ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister, of: Ethel, were visiting the city Itsettoreels. The scheme for the. orect ,joipt stock grist 'mill here is e , Over two :'t Oars havetzbeen subscribed a ewoe tarmers wiliTinot hesitate to deuhle their subscription if required: •Tioil' final ineetA'nk is 'to be held ifre3ifsl5•;- on the eveniitg of the 20t1rat 7.o'olegkb All farmers.are respectftilly • requenfOt. to attend. s • to. olts,s s A certain tnny__,,,;1a4ts. t -miles from here got hernoSeso frozen in "poverty" thate.sheponisi not attend church. on .Su.eday. o.-- • • Two young men fforn tieesszicinity had, a narrow escape:recently hy the seatooefs their •Issegio fall' off and "McGinty . like" they were `underneath : It is not every, city that:cad' boast of a • ventriloquest, but Hemlock city has air amatory's-whom we believe,is going to " k • .•4 out." , • ••• •- •!•A . was Miss Ann an Jessie Mctaehrin., of West Branch; are at Present visiting •their sister, Mrs. Walter Beaton • in this place. . They are all formerly ;of • Glare mis, Ont. • -t----s-Mr-ester-XCDonald, ,WhOse-sistnaily Another way in whichsubscribers can help is by speakingtae of the p'ap- er to your friends. Cander yourself an active and not a eping partner. Many a person wouldr.take the paper more readily on a friend's • recomnien- dation than on the solicitation of an agent or any one connected with: the paper. Sending the paper to friends' at a distance is a good way to help., It is an impossibility to give an account Of all the local happenings in a letter, while .there are meny little matters of domestic and personal interest that do not find their way into the newspaper, and for which, if more proininent neighborhood occurrences are made, even in brief, the .theme of a letter; there is no room, Although these more tender and personal matters oughtto form the characteristics of friendly dor- • respondence. • • Again; very Materialhelp can be 'rendered by givieg inforwation in' re: gard to local happenings either by per- sonal or written c,omrn.unication. News, which is worth knOwing'sbazi 'he speed- ily .and widely disseminated by letting the newspapers haVia it. If ysiu live. in'toWn and knoWsef anything 'of im- portance come to the Seserilgo office, and tell sof it, or speak to some one connected with the paper: • The infor- rnation liavelkierk obtained before, but it is ofte4 'Well, toget mo. re than elle; account, If at a distance jot down the facteand send them. It is • not necessary that the selling, punct Indio!) and grammatiCal construction of a letteois correct', in order to itisure the publication contents and the factsire preferred to the 'facts alone, but send the facts and the rest will he looked after. The last aid which will be noticed as within flaupower of subseribere°is that- di'scasian, of pa hiitiquestions:There are a montat•sit • numspkaper'ssubscribers ri? en , who 'frosse'diciAl ature of cireinn4 stances, arer 'M' ;Well qualified .tn",ex. press an oiiinidt,1:oa certain public t ters as an eclit oft. lisswever learned able he nay beiarid, thole who e.re..4 stant • readers Of the Toronto "dill will tsktity' to, the fact the corres- pontiAitce is often equagy as interesting as 'an .eda4;4141,, baeod it Is frequantliy DtOai J� . moved from Tawas to West .4Operior last fall, is still in this vieinity,, Mr: McDonald was once a -residgpt pflin- cardine township.. • , 'We are glad to state that ,Master Peter McRae, vf Lochalsh, Onto who got .so badly injured shortly before .Christmas is on the mend. • , - . • The Concert t.t(From the Morden Monitor.} • coniCert in Dufferin Hall; of Monday o.V,ening, Feb, .17th, 'was irs, every reapectra decided success. The' number that made their way ,ter., ,the. hall in the facie of a raging bliziard were well repaid, anditis fair to con- clude that .,if the ev eoing had been fine the hall Would•have been packed. ,The programme opened with au in- strumental trig by Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Tweed and Mr. Treleaven, on the organ, mouth organ and•violin, which was well received and warmly applaud- ed*. The choruses by the „company showed' good ability and careful train- ing. • Mr. Frank Greenway's place was ably filled. by Miss Louie Campbell,. hi a. kindergarten song, "Mother, how beautiful the, moon is to -night," which was most sweetly sung. ...Miss Auld, though • suffering from a cold, was in good voice • and ;sang two: songs in classic style. and was :twiceheartily encored. Morden has just:cause to be proud of such a vocalist. Miss Auld . • is always- a ;favorite, mid her slowing on Monday 'evening Wei$, quite in accord with her. usual suecess, Rev. Mr.: Walton gave two excellent readings, which were ' thoroughly enjoyed - Misses Louie and 'Bella • Campbell' captured the audience with their kin- dergarten songs; in addition to good natural ability, 'these little folk have had a thoretigh training,' and, as a result they do their work as well as it can be done. All the instrumentals were of high merie., In sshe.choeus- by the company, " Mortgage the Farm," Mr. Dingmap made- an excellent bid man, and Mrs, J. B. McLaren a perfect Old, woman,. while Mrs. Camb bell end Mits Mitchell elegantly did the part of the, giris. Tho .airdience wag enrapturyti and • thundering en- cores brought • the , company again before the, lights. Singing the National Anthem brought the ev.ening's enjoy - merit to a close. The Ladies' Union aro to be congratteitsted orttheir efforts.. and, 'Mrs. Tavetd enoher success as a musical managers, The chairman. in closing stated that Ot similar concert by the Bann), ,perfermflts' wUtt.14 pack a hal,l4 aft theshottest notLcp — • • , • 44:: 'Not . Epwarth Leage "Isdesire too, forra 0 league effensive and defensive with every soldier of Jesus Christ,": wrote John Wesley, when after fifty years of indefatigable labor, his life vvas.slowly ebbieg to' ,its close.. The _Epworth League, which etlic es its tiatne from his pleasant home at Epworth, seeks to realize the wishes. of the great leader of MetliGlisin. For some ,tinie it has been felt that' the ;connection between our sabbath schools and ihniChes is not so clese as it should bei'and recognizing that it is of • • •vitril importance to: make thessabbathos----- 'so- • -.sch6ols feel they are" a part of ..the church and the church in turn to feel • the sabbath schools are Ruch, the .Ep-- worth League has been formed ;Atipply if possible the unitiee link.. The'Lereeuee has' not been formed with • a view to stimulating sectarianism bet- as set forth in its constitution, " Too,. • promote an earnest, iotellieent rasti- • ca an': oya spiritual life in the young s• people and to aid thein' in constant growth in .grace and in the attainment" of purity of heart." The work of the Leagueis divided into six departnieuta, • lit 'Christian • Work, 2tol Literati 1 tairiment, 5th ',Correspondence 6th Fi- nance. Each department is presided over by a president, assisted by a, com- mittee. On the evehino• of March:3rd many of the young people and a large„ number of friends of the movement. met and organized, a branch Of the League•in connection with the Metho- dist church, Lucknow, but owing to all the officers not being elected noore port was made. The, League will Isola meeting every Tuesday, night at 8 o'clock, which all are earnestly re, quested to attend. • The following 'are the -Officers : President, D. C. Taylor.; 14000 -Pres, S. Robinson; 2nd vice-, Prete, W. H. Smith; 3rd vice -Pees., Miss. R Pierce ; 4th vice -Pres., J%fiss 1S. Treleaven : Secretary, J. Bowering; Treasurer, G. Cater. •,..liF47-110-41pason.rom..so A Pleasant Event • Cn hur s day &fining last ..betw..een., twenty ,and thirtrof the leading .citio -ze ns M Teeswater assein bled at the res- dence of Mr. L. dis Brink, to. pas S• a ealeant evening and say good-bye to johno•Logan, who left there this avnek .for Manitoba. Mr. Logan' has resided in that neighborhood and. vile, • Inge fpr over thi ty years, being, one of , the pioneers w,he . eeswater was still. only a paper Villa„eo• On • the lets - a incleared the name of Teeswater was • •chosen after a number of Others had been suggested.. Mr. Logan having the -henor ,of' choosing the nine the village now bears. • An address was • • • read by Dr. Gilliesoancl a very • hand- some titling sayer water pitcheroncr goblet were presented to the guest of the evening. Mr Logan, in a vet' happy speech, said he was the olde male resident, and Mrs. P. B Bre.wo, 'the Oldest lady resident in the villai14..v they having moved' there about Ono - same tiine. After a few ;remarks on, the • past ..and` •peeseat, the kueota adr joureed :for., supper. .After singing "Auld Link' Syne," all perted, with hearty good wishes for Mr. Logan's success in his new home at Carberry, Maintoba. . . for erf sale. ,otkort spark • year olds, sired by Old Scotchman, color, dark bays •Also one 3 year old,• by Old Scotchmau.. Two of them are mares and will ,mate them up • to suit .. purchaser: Apply to H. A. Hildred; • 2 lots east of Bervie on Durham toad.. —Mechanics' Institute entertain- ment. Watch out for the greatest •event of the. Season next Thursday' evening, March 20th. 'Splendid pro- •• gramme:- First-clase talent. One "of the leading attractions will be a debate between Holyrood and Lucknow. Seo bills and programmes. —Church- was ovev, and a -company women were standing abort • the doorway talking and laughing, When a young man approacheds saying : Aren't ' you. ever going home?. You are block- ing up the Way •like 13alaam's ass. You are wrong there, replied a young lady with a toss of her he the angels who blocked the ' way andf ' theeoste *kr made the fuss about it.- • saaasereltlostesse .4 • re) • • • k.4 • Orse.7.ere