Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-28, Page 8= • 63, t LUCKOOTI POST -OFFICE. Ho rs 8•Sts Ms to 7 p. irca 7.7agraa.-,-as- - • • . . 30.11.8 AuB,IVE. . for one week only, commencing on • •'' alif,0 sell South, 6:1.3 e. D la ---11..) March llth. This company plays Ta.., li. as II, Nest .` . 12.30 p. m- kt. I . -0 Ca tt) crowded houses wherever they 4 . 'appear.. Admission 10 cents. Re- V61,18/14Nerth 3.48)iervecl chairs 20 cents. See large bills. • Ji _ 4•10.0` -11 • • The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce 0Ounty,'Fliday, February -28th. 4sma.Wells The McGinty Racket Coming ! Coming! The Emma Welli We would like to see an alphabeti • re a ga'ssattaate4WA4-41-14ag poor McGinty is respousib e. uc a list should eell readily at 25 cents a copy; iFor instance, when your friend accosts you on the street, you could draw forth your list, scan it over and (i-Weilieh ' 1 . .e.,. .. :No Value find out in a jiffy what particular line -- heaklaa-BaNaerte --10;604,,,cm _ ".. Whoa yeu her a man sneering at .. Tuesdays he has mapped out to assail you on. X atiewedilte Ppints f 9 0Op. us. `e- • his local papers you may know at once lt-aeGiatY,i(la-liad-fellaW.s.„ • ''a• Tieniteider• 3.0TP. ni., mat . • - ' Fridays 'that he doe eot spend. any time or Value of Advertising laaras ,CLQSE • motley in • making them better. A • Newspapers have devoted columns '• Vg.4V,L B.,..Snuql 1. 9,3ap. w... ,, man who.' cannot see any benefit aris- ' . • of s,peesee •,,..to arguments shown* the val-.. ,•• . . ' IA rt,,&B.i, South ) ing to- his team from the influence- of : , a WV G.&, B•. Nortk, , 3i9. p. m• ft his local paper is a as little value to ue "-L --a-u"'"'"6) "ii-fr the Practical ±_ lesson has been. taught by extensive a 1.4.,A1, &B.. :loath , 19.00-a. ta. .; , " ' -,.. liolyrood 4.40.p.ra. .. the town as a year old alelinquent lest. and successful ,aalvertisers, who ' have nittiOtigh} . Whisk , Seriously 111 . demonstrated the value of intellieent, Many of our readetSleill regret and liberal advertising. by examt)ple, and wilQ, have, by aheir OWEi work, • learn: the illness of Ma. 'James Bryan, 1,Mage and 41letutts!StivO. Editor of -fthe SiTINtro, Who has been compelled their competitors to follow in . a ',very ,low conditions. for the -past oil• be left hopelessly behind in the race week,,, with an attack of la grippe. for bueiness.-,/ournullst: •We. are glad to hear that he is seme- what better, but is. ye unable to per- Business Opened Out . • form blush:ties in the • editorial -chair.. , Mr., Wm.. Gristolyaira, baaiaa,•pura chased the stock of cutters, aggies To Hoist:Thai:lags • • * • :'and usiness generally belonging to hislat er, has opened.out.. business in the old stand on Stauffer street, and is now .prepared to do all kinds of work in • the carriage making line. He has On hand a number of new buggies, cutters, sleighs, democrats, etc., which w'll sell chea Horse shoeing a specialty. . 2$013.m. 312£1.3139051Ma......-.. 0.1021.33M • - a . Workman Delegate , ,:s. 'MrThos • Lawrence, of this •,village;• .'assta_ _ a_7 ". - ' .. .. attendealatha annual • imeetinst. aof.. -the ': • • Ancient f Order. of United Wockasen ' •, held s„ in •Teronto last -week, as re ,dele- • . taateafg9ra. ,IstiOltlic.W. Lodge • • as4. " 4. TheOntarid Minister of Education '1::, 4 .... • . .. . 3 .last week promised a deputation -to ea arrow Escape. • . .•have a regulatibu patsed for a display •••, '..a. • Whilesettgagectin tutting. ice on the, on • given days during the year of the • $ ? • ' • - .. .. niill pond Ma. Monday afternoon last, -Dominion fiag,over every public school , : : • 14e.,. %alleles Hosvey!,s.teara 'went under 4111 Ontatio. Ii3oh sei.arate and public s. as : ns hada, yery narrow escape school:hoard-members united in mak- • • from elrewning, -but by hard work they big tile. tequests.' • , 7.. . final su0c00(10C1 in, getting, them out. '140 Dead . . ' • '-;.'i . 4 . Court Sherwood - , , tWahave Ireceivedas • card. from Mr.. s- - , a': • .M1 mentbera of Court Sherwood, R. Rota* dalVloorehead, Minnesota; ."-Nes. ,50,' p,. 0. F., are'requeeted to at- statiag . that Mrs;' Leonard Arm- s . 'steridaat next meetingenight, On . nit- strong is' not dead as- reported in day... etc . r , as useless . - time :is tosbe traiisacted. By order She iS,In poor .heattli • and worn out - , efsthe,Chief Stanger. . nursing MasAranstrong • who has-been ts • • , seriously ill with la grippe and who is •• • . School sOoneeets,-yet very weak. . ' • , .1. ••• ' A publie school eancert -will be given • • . ..• • * • at ,school section No. 6, Kinioss, 2i. Lucknow Roller Mill and grocery' miles north "of LuCknow, on. Friday Any person Wishing" ttea „tesinize ,,. ,,,•• s evening, March 7th. An excellent Are above mill tan procna e flour ,,a....1 • - anti feed at the mill or. gni .y.; The t.•;. programme' is being Prepared. No r 3 VI, ' pains ,are being spared to: make lt a best flour at the lowest price and Any. •suceess..A11,arecordially invited. person.huying a• lot for their own use '.• . and have •it at wholesale prices. N .4Fine Seed • . O •• . other shop in, town -sells my flour,- I-have-j-nst-reeeived Selargeasmount-IGaa„.4see . • :, • • . of clover and timothy seed of the best Too Many Masters. • • I qualityfronara seed Wise in Chicago, , , through the egenc.y.Of„ Mr. . .PCorti- The,Ontario jailors think' they have • grtn, of 'Kinloss. This seed is, ;very , :too • Many. masters and Object to the County Councils having anything to • a ne either at themill,oegioeery.„ Geo. ,Ena.,Lneknow.s . do with .the jails. At their meeting K • . , ..,..in Toronto last week ths4y,gaveexpres- Ladies:Aldraogial ,., ..• .t.s*•• siori to these views, whieh givwere after- ..'; as T.e,so6V1,1 ett iinclef alte atispices wards present* by depatationfo, Mr. ;-• • „.• " •. - . of the Ladiei Aid 'Bocietk, at the Par- Mowat. They :desire to have only • . sonage on Thursday. evening last was one Master, and that one the Ontario • -... . a big success. Notwithstanding' the ,Goyernruent: • iriclemency of the weather quite a num- Baptists ' " - • : • ber ;Ogled out and' an enjoyable even- • . The Bahtist Anniversary services •' ing was speata Net profits 69.50. . and tea -meeting will be held On March Apprentice Wanted - .9th.seryic. and lOth 'respectively.' Sunday- •• • Wanted on the first,ef Maya an ap- es. at 11 a.• m. and 6:.3,0' p. In. • pi -eat* .to the drug trade in a first- The- preachers names will be given in due time. „ A collection • inaid .of the •cl,ass city • Full information can • : 4 bo obtained, on applying to H. Sherrie church fund will, be taken up at the ,'.74. •dose of 'each service: Admission to s tV Ca ;• 462, Queen Street , West, Tor: , • tea -meeting. 25 Cents. .Por speakers, ;onto. • 1' • &I -Applicants must have ' • , J, an. education equa.1., at least to that re- singers, ete., see hand bills; . quired for *a thirklass certificate. Business Extension . • .. Cameron, Murdoch & Co., of this Salt The.0oWs , • placehave ripened out a branch store •. An 'experimenfmade the past sum- in Dungannon. This firm; though es- • naerawith cows, proved, that with a tablished for a short time have extends heedful of salt, or about two ounces of ed theie business immensely and are it, was given every day, the yield of • now one of lettdine firms in this " -batter : was increased one fifth; and per of the 'Country.: We bespeak far laahen the salt was with -hold the yield thani`inb. this new enterprise theanac- • fell off in the same proportion. the, ronage ..w-hich their push and energy. . a eason, beyond question, is that as salt deserve .: is required for full digestion, of the . . . • , ss - , food; more of thafood was changed Sp . Sed Testing .. • s ... • . into tnilk. ' Keep salt thie re,aela of The seed testing department at' withe •Il •••:' • . . life the cdwa, . • • ' Central Experimental Papa Ottawa, • . . ,r • is. now in .full operation, -and every a - •'" ;'•Sal lion, Purchased . • farmer in the Dominion is invited to .,,,, •• • . • a•Messrs...,Graham & Creek,• of •Pine send any 'samples of which he may • the Bruce county, juas purchased- . ) have doubt to this institution for test. • • a. The iiiiie &Cu -Pia 1Eting iSiiiiitilly- ' the fine' Stallion'. -440il-vor-PrintV.' from - ? 1 • If . • • MrAngus McKenzieOf Kinlossfor about a, fort -night ; an Ounee'or twa.is 3 .' : , '; the handsome, sum of 15Q.$"Silver sufficient fox- the ,pdrpose. Samples •,. 8.4 • .- Prince", was got by the old "Prinee may he sent through the mail to the • of -Wales," and imported to this °ova- Experimental Farm. free of postage, •, •• try bygla McKenzie last fall. , He is and the returns • will he ,made as • •,1 ' . " 1 • 4 - . indeed a very fine enimal: M r.,1‘1.e-• promptly as 'Possible, and free oreliar(:fe •).• . Kenzie leaves this week for the' Old 'rho name and address of the sender' t ls ' ' %Country to° purchase another of, such should bawritten plainly, and accoin- animals,a ,, .•,. pray each package. . , • . . •'• ' a Grade Up; , . Accident Actions .. • Grade up 'your cattle, sheep,. pigs 'arid poultry. • Grade up the path from e • •, , ' the barn door to the putup.. ,. (rade up , ktcounil the...well to keep the surface • water out. Grade up your farnecrops by selecting the bestairad earliest for a • ' seed. Grade up around the house so you will not haveato step front, the door sip into the ?xnud. Grade up your fares by ,I,f0tti.uk out of old Cus- toms and by , letting' nothing go to • waste, 9rade ,up .your implements .. fur house and fatni by adopting useful improvements .. Grade up your intelli- gence by reading the papers.. Grade . , up, the character of your neighiaorhoo d -----'as--------by being . neighborly and . hoeestit which will likely:contieue tor e, couple yourself. ' . 1 of weeks. --Huron Signal. ,-T 11 Stop My Paper When, a man gets mad, at something he sees in a paper, lte, calls the edltor, names and rattles, off an inky shriek to M. Pa en" it sto s, but the earth continues tti revolve, -the moon to get "full" and ice continues as heretofore, freezing with the slippery side on- deck, and reaularly every week - the gent who wanted his 'papor "stopped" • sneaks into hie. neighbor's to " see what' it says this week." Protection Society . The Kincardine * merchants have formed a "ReCail Merchants' Protect- ion Aesociation.", The object of the Associations is to' protect themselves I 1 • • S t frota-dead • s 'duty of each member, to furnish the others with the Dames of all those who are in the habit of running 'accounts and 'hot paying for what. they get., This would seen) to be ,a wove in the new BIG .....mikoommimmumminasseme OOM i .231.= ,...3041:334411140M3=863343. =POMO AT. T. L. TRELEAVEN'S p • • galley fort.thb remainder of this month. ,With eveyi -ciozen of Gal5iiietklrivilrai-ife: you -a ---nice Cabinet and--Framo. - free, a sample of which may be seen at my studio. All work first-clus and done up in the latest style of art. Also a large stock of • FRAMES & ALBUMS 01TZT-1.A..1T C 3E -1r4 -A.P) :o: 11 sizes of fraaues. math) to order cheap. :0:. - - Eggs taken get the, Place in exchange the same as \cash.. Don't for - T. L. TRELEAVEN, osite bank _Mrs. Moone 's old stand o LUCKNOW. PON'T.. WANT. THE RUT- : 1 W4 -NT A LIVING. I AM GOING TO HAVE IT IN LUCKNOW, TOO, AND I I4EREBY announce to the people of Lucknow and 'surrounding country, that any right direction. The Proper Way An exchange remarks :,It is only the man, •unaccristornecl to business methods who get angry when a bill is presented for paymena An. ignorant •nem is the hardest ,man in the world to deal • with, .because he continually carries the idea that somebody is try - ' to beat him. A man who receives a 71)41, 'or statement, should walk up .and pay it, like a man, or if he has not the money, make Wine satisfactory adjustment.. , Spring Assizes • Tne' Spring Assizes of the county of Bruce, will begin on Monday, March 24th before Justice Street. The- Oen- eery spring sittings will begin on d- nesday, April 30h., when Justice Fer- guson will preside. The Spring Assi- zes for the county of Huron will' open Goderich on Monday, March 31st., before Mr. Justice Street, and the Spring Chancery Sittings, •en Monday,. April 14th, before Mr. Jestie° Fer- grisen. , • Lecture, • A lecture ona" The Opposition of the Jews to -Christianity" avid, (D.V.,) be delivered „by the Rev. M. M. Gold- berg, in the .Lucknow Ton Hall, on 'Monday March lOtli; 'et 7:30 'p. m., Travers.Es,q., ire the chair. Admis- ssion-free.- Siler C011ect ion, at the close. -1.111Clay school teachers" and all christiati workers take cognizance of this, as the lecture is replete with 'information of an important kind. come g 1 11 • : TEETH ,N: 0 It PERS 0.*5:1,. rthat-pluit4.. n two -sets of. teeth; TEETH •TEMP3RARY AND PEI ANENT for the prin of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. • I use no rubber but C. ASH Jr SONS, London, England. The teeth will ue . 0.Ash & Sone,. and S. S. :White's; cotceded by. al-1.hastre in the. . -• business .to .be . . . nequate 'Ia. r i.he Weir],;,.171 • - . , • • , Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people cite see what they are getting, and as I use, nothing but the'best material, I will gthirantee sat- isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there are a few such ib the world, will please bear in 'mind that I don't Want th ir trde. I can always be found at Dr. McOriaimon'S office, Lucka w. • 3. TATTEE,S0 Leacknotr. . • A Paragraph of Sound Advice . • We Club the following bit .of sound reasoning from an exchange : "Did you ever stop to think that- you are • extremely foolish to run a store debt t • it, you --can, possibly avoid it? If you have employment you can avoid it, and by paying for goods when. you get there you- can save many dollars in a year. If the bills can be, paid at the end of every week .they can be paict ae they accrue and at a considerable say- • iegi, We venture to say that for the average family a saving a a dollar a week -cile be made . by peying, cash. The merelfant oan't afford to do a cre- dit businese at as low prices a'sshe can sell for cash, He must charge a little extra to cover the risk of loosing the account and it casts the credit custom- er just that much more to live. Try see how The actions of the sufferers -from the St. ,-George railway accident against', theGrand Trunk Railiway began at Osgoode Hall, TOrhnto, en Tuesday of last week, befere Mr. Justice Rose and a, special jury., The actions, seventeen -in all, were donselidated for the pur- pose of settling thdqttestineof liability, that of oneaf the Woodstock claim- ants being taken as a test case. The total of claims is over $320,000, in- cluding that of Mr.• ,Tames C. Hyslop, of Goderich, for $25,000. An impos- ing, array of eminerit counsel hasheels retained in the mg% Mr. J. 0. Hy- slop is in Toronto attending the trial, A 01' ; •."; 11:. billow': Laing Ratogralitor r--3-*Ny. J. il]RINGEIte-4* sas usua aheirin did -Ma stylarandirasitms-ror p-tyotois% • a . CABINET PHOTOS, •Piliest rotolzchocl au& btrnishea, to $3 per doz. Cards,S1 t'o $2 per doz. •AMBROTYPES MADE TO PERFECTION He also' keeps a. -large stock "Stock of spectacles, espacialiv the well-known I.JALS3K‘-a: and also deals in Be') Keepers supplies, the cash plan while and books, stationery, albums, frameand, fanergoOds, pleased pier. dealers wiil be and haw Eemember .W0 studio, E. L. Johnston's old stand. fella money, you' will gave,' door to Illad'Ebakery.,. • g 4 . • 1 • ,0• . .1 • .61