Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-21, Page 7r .`I'FLEiGRA.PECIQ SUMMARY, An Orange District of South Brant hate been organized. The Liberals of East Middlesex meet in London to morrow. Cardinal Pecoi, brother of the Pope, P is It .ehester, N Y.,.wae vieite3 by a $50,000 box factory fire yesterday. The Toronto train to Winnipeg was de- layed Hie hours yesterday by enow. strike oaArrangements the Londonbedock aborersmade ron Monday. Mr. D ate ay, Reeve of Re ship, had been... -appointed ---T Ontario county. 0 4c Y- 1 grain dealer, of Newcastle, was nominated to contest West. Daeheng in the Local Legielature- The American Cordage Company, de - wand that the Canadian ropemakere buy their hemp from them or the big company will t step t domes es t he P 1 the and de tart 0 P 9 sl- ti on cordage ew or P . specie! despatch front Washington flays that Sir Julian Pduncefote and Seore- tery Blaine are both very hopeful the:. Yn understanding will be reached on the Behring Sea fisheries trouble. Ransom Floyd and his wife, of Westport, night. The wife is dead and the husbanlars on d soh town. cannot recover. The burglars obtained appointed—Tr t r pg _ 3,000,_the•Proceede of afarm jast�l eine.. ` lte`thed of the famous Bartow--o-o-lecti on of books and manuscriptswas disposed of in New York on Saturday afternoon. The sales for the six days amounted to $85,508. It was the largest, sale of Americana ever }field - , tare) 'b ueee as censed by the of a coal oil lamp. Secretary explosion A. oab/e sada lour millions sterlin of one Brit -fah Government. ' The Club National, Montreatoit is said Canada's Independence. In ti•ie Senate yesterday several high tributes were paid to the memory of the !nee Senator Mee& nald. ‘-dt The P E. Government has el:dean Representatives of the Englieh Brewery Sty ndieete atm at Halifax negotiating for the purchase of two breweriee and a distil-- 1m.y in that city. A caee at -present before the Superior Court in Montreal turns upon the very in- tereatieg question us to the morality of A reeteution will be introduced into the Britieh Pernament at its coming session that the effeire of Weles should be attended to by a sepai ate dt pertinent. Mr. Car tied i t heedeon_enillionaireeeth ale Free Library, and branches, for Pitte- burg, Pa., provided the city will maintain e bid authorizing the construction o a i .ge acrosa the river at Detroit was reposted adversely in the Unit ol LondOn Bosrd of ' Trade and London Weet Council have replied to the Provinoial Seer. tart. 's tea exempton • questione, and laver the abolition of many of the present exemption e. Zeit. off,. the. protRuesian Bulgarian leedtr, has issued manifeeto to the Bul gsrian psople, calling upon them to rid themeelves of King Ferdinand and his vile culterel and Experimental Union was held yeeteidey at the Agricultural College, Guelph. -Prof( sear Robertson received prtrre-n-ration—yebtbr—diiy at the Ontario Agrioul. wed College from the students, who expressed their- regret at the severance of coutleoliou with that institution. Governor General Salemanca, of Cubinds and prononliced the patient's condition dangerone. A meeting of the authorities will be herd to coneider what ection Will be taken in the event of his. death. The Vice - It is seid that A. W. Tnylor, the plaintiff, in'the bkduction caee of Taylor vs. Johnson (receetly decided at Tomato in the plain- - tiff's, f• vor), has, on ohe advice dif—his It is arned &finitely that the money required to budd the Gault railway from Leitibridge•into Mentana has been reified after much trouble, as the Canadian,Pacific Rail Way opposed the scheme 'strenuously in England. The contraot has been , let to Contractore Donald Grant and M. M. Rosie end the work will be comneenced early in The steamer Phamemore, Boston, from 'London, reporte that on, January 26 she crew tt,e ship Josephine (Norwegian) • from York for Dantzic with a cargo of nil. 'I etep was abandoned in a sinkina- oonditioa. Five men u ere watthed over board by a 'heavy sea and one man fell off , the plebe en. miues, dear Kingtton, injured while work- ing in t er. shaft 150 feet deep by a drill- th brains were forced ont when • pierced by the iron, he regnined. conscious, nese eeveral times, recOgnizing and speak - lig to his btoiher and sister, who were pre sent at hie becleide. Ex. Klee Milan of Beryl& recently lost 30,000f. while gamleling at Monaca. Miss Gorricn, of Toronto, has been ap- Feinted !matron of the Belleville•Efotpittilt Sixteen -men, cf whom three were White, Were whipped at Newcastle Del on Satur.. ' Near Stevenson, Ala., a farmer, his wife and fuur children have beer, burned in their paint into Eatet oounty, via Windsor, took place last wee and intende resuming his dnties at the Naval D. pertinent to•day. I The Grand Paoific Hotel, Chicago, Hold yesteroey for $400 000, and is to be torn down: It coat t800,000 tO erect. The ex A:r eninke John of-Anatris, now trallert II rr Orth, has bought a trading atwitter, and will be his own mate. ' The Duke. of Orkerte, theseudasiotte protindt r to the French throne, ia being The'L is Angeles River, in California, heti chaneeci its comae and claimed $750,000 damage by the conuequent inundation of the country. In the big Pacifie Reilway arbitration °see add g i ward B1 do concluded his six days' argument in reply, and the matter now rests in tho handset the arbitretore. At the Refotro convention held at B mealville on Saturday, Mt. W Lockhart, tee Capt. Hews, of the eleamer Portnense, repotts all was quiet in Brazil when he kft there recently. Het learned the Govern- ment intended to increase the army by 10,000 men before the elections in Septem- The committee authorized by.the Russian Government has prepared a plan for the lhrcugh Siberian reilway, to be completed in ten yeere. The tctal length of the line is to be 4,375 miles and the total octet 250,000, - There was a very storiny session of the Pan-American Congress in Washington on Friday, when the delegetes from Uruguay complained of the time wasted by incetteand talking, and threa.tened to et once with- draw unless the date for adjournment was definitely settled. 4 • M1• 4'. late. a joint stook fund of at least 0260 000 before May 30th to be placed iHOLEHo, Aim BAODAD ♦1y poeal of any trade, 'whose oral be on strike or looked ant tion of this alliance is said to under • y Comet Andrew*, has int nt heir to $40,000. °n on, Ont., has fallen Cardinal Jacobini has hies? r, rely ;aa tied is in a dangerous oondttion. A convict in the Kingston Penitentiary was detected trying to escape on Friday evening. There was a run on the Lenox Hill Bank, New York, yesterday,- butt all demands --were caret. —Hon. it1�r:-M'eresler WET -atter Estter of an indispo- sition thanwas firet thought to' be inflam- mation of the lunge. Graham, .charged with attempted jury bribing in the Cronin TD OLD 1liLN'B GRUtE. arstie die- ' amen may it,7 Murder His Son and Daughter -in -Law is3 e or aniz:a- be alreada: Two convicte, Finn and Perkins, who escaped frcm the guarde of Stoney Moun- tain Penitenteary on Friday during a - blinding snowstorm, were captured yester- day morning in_ma_alnaost-dying-conditndn They were on the prairie throughout the night in a terrible storm. The °anal Commission left 'Pana,m-ti Sunday for New- Orleans, en route for New York. They will leave 'that oity on the 22nd inet for Parte. On theeway thieher they propose stopping at Chios o ia Pau- genera y believed that their report will be favorable to the continuatidn of the'work on the canal. Specific chargee -of drunkenoees and cruelty have been filed with the Secretary of the U. &Treasury against Capt. M. A. Healy, of the reveeue cetter Bear. The acts are alleged to have been committed during a recent oruiee of that vessel in Alatkan weters. The Secretary has direated an investigation of the charges. While four children wept skating on the Hudson River, N. Y., Sunday, near Kingeton, the , ice broke and ;all the children were drowned. Their mother hearing, their screams" ran . to rescue them, and ehe _Mao ewent---t-hrouglratene ice and was drowned. Their father has- tened to the Beene, jumped in to save his family, and he, too, perished. The Bank of Paris Will issue a Russian loan on Feb. 20 Austria is abeut to grant religions inde- pendence to the Jews. Cardinal Pecci's . case is hopeless and death ie houtly expected. A branch station of the Dominican Fathers will be shortly opened in Montreal. The American Shipping League is ask - hot Congress to pass the Farquhar Subsidy Bill. There ie a movement on foot to etart a eyatem of free schools in, the Province of The leader in the Chilian bond robbery wae sentenced yesterday in London to ten years' penal servitude. The' U. S. World's Fair Ccinference are still hard at it, trying, so far without stud It is reported from Bucharest that Major against Prince Fercinand have been shot! The clergy in Liebon are collecting money for the National Defence fund, and th feeling against England as still very bitter. said, Will probably be the Liberal tem- didate in Aadiegton at the Itobal elec- 'Parker, the alleged Burlington, •Idansas, forger, Was liberated yesterday at London, because the extradition papers •had not ar- rived. Mr. Alex. Daouet, contractor, wee struck bytbe shaft of the leading horsetail the racetrack at Learere Lake and all:doss • It is believed that 190,.miners perished in. the Abersychan colliery disaster. One hundred and seventy bodies have been die - Twenty battalions of infantry and thir- teen batteries' of artillery of the votunteers in Irelend are to be called out for training. in field operations. • . While the engineers of the twin acre* cruiser Barraconta were testing her boiler off Margate yesterday a cylinder exploded, killing two men and ittjuring ten. Miss. Wright and litr Ottawa'evangelisis are determined to hoid secoed meeting ia Hull on Tueeday evening, and it is 'feared a very eerious riot will take place. -The pessage by one brandh of the Noith Dakota Leguileture of a Bill chartering and legalizing a, lettery'in that State heti attracted rineth 'attention in Waeleington °Moist circles It is stated that th'e anti.Secialisa bill, which was rejeeted by the Germanaeiohee be reintroduced -immediately upon' thee re- mony exists in Crete. It • ie denied that the demon -race-a-ply edeued ity 'the Porte has caused diseatiefaetion, that "preparations for a rising are .being made m the island, on that the pewees have requeeted that' the firman be modified. • on the authotity of the lett&rs of i went, that there is to bo orgah. idea in the United State? previous to the eight-hour strikes of May 1st, 1890, a gigantic labor fleancial alliance entiatteefedgeetteaWbOititriditre forfeited. The Gentiles defeated the Mormons in the municipal elections of gait Lake City yesterday. The German eteenter Sakkarah, with her cargo of 19,000 bags of coffee: haa been lost at Punta del Remedios, near A.cajatla. The crew were saved • The Democratic members of the Senate of Montena ace blocking legislation by remaintng .away and thus preventing a quorum. The President- yesibiday noneinated Charles Emory Smith, of Pennsylvania, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to.Russia. It is stated thitt large quantities of opium and large numbers of Chinamen are being smuggled into the States from Vic - Rev. Dr. Muckleston, of Ottawa, who preached in Kingston on Sunday, con- demned revivals became •of the impreper In the Chamber of Deputies tyesterday M. Pradene's motion tee -repeal the law banishing pretenders to the Freech, throne was defeated by a vote of 328 to 171. It is denied that the Republicans of Portugal agree with thee° of Spain in agains ri am than be made from the two • Prince Ferdinand is changing all the chief comnitandere in the Bulgarian army. Numerous arreets have been made in the Bulgarian towns on the Danube of plotters' committees involved ' in the attempt on The widow and children of the late Conrad SF ipp.- brewer, of Chicago, bave divided $135,000 among seventeen charita- ble institutions of the city. Warden Lowell has identified at Albany Hopkins, one of the convicts who escaped from Kingston Penitentiary on Christmas eve. Application will be nuttle_for hi Mr G. R. VanNorman, jun., travehing freight agent C. P. R., has been appointed district freight agent at Detroit for that oorporation. H. Munro Grier, city freight agent, Toronto, succeeds Mr, Van - Norman as travelling freight agent. The following tr. S. Consular appoint - (Minnesota), at Port Stanley and St. The tow boat Port •Eads, en rote frnm Cairo to New Orleans with seven barges of grain, struck the east 'pier of the bridge being bnilt to span the river ett Memphis, end sank at 7 o'dlook yeateraay morning. One person, the colored chambermaid, wee drowned. Bad State of Things Thea?o—Not a Irani Has Escape' For ee ver $St -b hs •--4- past c$ 07 e ra e Id em' a viole Ioh _ P has r• g e d in an the school of ethatt the Israelite A11iannce in ti city, describes the frightful state of thi there, in a report to abs A1het;oe, th "As soon as it became known that terrible, disease was the cholera, eve body tried to escape from the infection quickly as possible. The panic was hid eacribable. Within two days two-th. of the Jews had left the city, fleeing random--end---cott1irlg._. fi' the first villa the coal _find The Christiania -did -1 same, and the M ,hometane, despite th weleknown fatalism, mild not eeoape eh general panic, and sought safety in ffi;h me city nraao., r.. a �__ the ears ens a _ _ »�, etetereact- car11. dialedetitp thing'- to be seen is eh endless row of hearses„ .which the pai drivers accompany to the cemetery. OL, sees neithe_ tears nor other signs of -grief Cruel, inexorable death has quenched th soaves of tears ; the people have lost almoe all feeli'ng.. Our fellow -believers have sue fared proportionately more than the reet -ol the population. Death }las pursued them everywhere, and has raged terribly among them. There is not a family that haa not to lament the death of one of its members. The rich, as well _ as .01e. poor, have been -terribly fi ed; and many of the deadhad to lie fur daye unburied in the fields, beaaaee there was nobody to bury them,"—The Lancet. --- a.'''' Ai, f - • fold Istiuoa." t 1 n A' Winnipeg P. a 8t c h� P of �n ndale nwa�{,�,y sa r . vu, 4.L(• .i .�i 'QVL V ` G 'CCi ona er Iami station. 150 miles from here, yeeter. hat day. Particulars are meagre owing to the age interni tion of the train rcrvice. Joon the : itfort° and hfsr wife' were both shot last the night b Merton's father. The murderer ever was 95 years old, and only recently went to ea live with his son and (laughter -in -16m. The e- son was 52 years old, and he visa absent urde from home when the old man and his at daughter -in -law -bad- eomde dieptitiddwliioh , ge ended in here .l�ting_gtrtzok with—a-stick-of he wood-, When the husband came home tale air wife told hi-� what had eociarred. Heeeked e his father why he did it, and the old man t. replied : " Do you see that rifle ?" pointing e tentien and -went into another room. The d old man took down the rifles -went out, and miming through the window, shot him . through the heart. Two witnesses of the • 0 murder ran for taseistance, and during t their absence the old man reloaded the she was stooping (metier dead hueband. She just lived an hour. The old man said be did the shooting intentionally. The new—, great indignation prevaihn. THE -CLYDESDALE HORSE. , /Meeting of the Canadian .8 ssoelatiort The annual meeting of . the Clydesdale Horse Association of Canada was held at the Albion Hotel, Torento, yesterday after- noon. ,. She .Seoretary read his annual • report, which stated that they had not recerded so many animals as in the year ae all live stock business had. been dull. There had been entered for the fourth volume of the Stud Book 259 stallione; 107 of 'which were imported, end 280 mares, .ef which 42 were imported, making 539 in all, or 131 less glen in 1883. There would be' a considerable nunaber to record in the Scotch appendix. which tielame misty as large as the others. . The Scotch appendix gives the pedigrees of all Weer, and dams in gootland, thus mak- ing the Clydesdale Stied Book of Canada ocmplete in itself for the purpose ef nate, a logaes, chow bine, e,to. The epring show, as heretofore, Would be held on March 12th and 13th. The' tredve in horses has been satisfactory this year. A great many. Canadian -bred, as well ,es imported colts and fillies, had passed across the line at . geed pricey, according to the transfera on " their boeks. IN A LION'S DEN. A Mad Performance Nearly Ends in a A Mies Sterling nearly lost her life 'the other day at Beziere, in France, during a performance -of asomewhit novel kind in a lion's oage, in connection with Redenbach's menagerie. Miss Sterling was in the habit of enteting oagenontaining several lions, together with :the tamer Redenbaoh end Dornay, a professor of hypnotism. It was on the programme that etie shoadd be put into a state of hypnotic sleep by Dornay in the midst_ref_theedionset—die-Fertittreveidineet Miee gtdeling 'went . to sleep in her aeons - towed postuee• on the fiber 'ot the cage, and Redenbaoh proceeded tomake the hone go from' them on such Occaeions. An exoep- atonally savage animal was more rebellious than .usual that night, and it sprang upon the hypuotized subject and fixed ha claws in her lege. Redenbach boldly attacked the infuriated brute, and succeeded diverting its attention „from Miss Sterling, who. made hei • escape, together with Dornay. As may be supposed this scene caused the wildest excitement among the speotators. Miss Sterling's lienhs were badly At 2 o'clockeyesterday afternoon Philip Dawson, aged 78, an inmate of the St. Thomas Home, attempted to 'treat the M. C. R. trackat Chnroh street in front of No. 10 express. He was struck by the pilot and thrown twenty yards clear of the track. His arm and leg were broken and he received a deep gash in the bead. He only lived for ten minutes. • Two old women named Sinnott, livingin a wretched hovel on tbe Cerleton aide of the St. John (N. B ) harboreethave, it appears, been "destitute pf fire and food and too feeble to obtain help: One,of them reaceteeded on gunday in attracting attention by knocking on the windotv. Her sister was found, dead and freztia in atiother part of the house, While she was 'on a bed nearly dead, and declared that a few biscuits and some ice water had been her only means of subsistence for three weeks: 'It was populsrly suproted that the two women were misers- and had money hid away. hut only a few dollare can be found, while the house is bare of -every- thing and indesoribably filthy. The sur- vivor is not expected to recover. , The sisters had $150 in the savings bank. A coroner's jury. found teverdict thidafter- noon in ,the ease of Ellen Sinnott, neolar- ing that her death wee caused by want and exposure. ,' totat " Theory and Practice. Mrs. Marohmont—Why, jane, where are all the voting ? I, thought, I heard them come in an hour ago. Jane—So yOu did, Mem ; they'd been to the cooking school, Mom, and the three of them's been down to the kitchen ever since, 4 Customer—How is venison now ? Itutcher—Venison isn't deer; now/ dui some veal. Toronto's Board of Trade aounoil is Opposed to the exempticn from taxation of ohurch and school property. , taste id the arrangement of a shop window in that city that Ate hag -been tffeeed a similar position With a large salery by a London (Eng ) firm. The Pope has . decimated the Shah of Pend& for his kindness to Catholio —" You It is one Ledger. —The la within the ranks of the Amerioan Fedora- Victoria 10, t 4- say that drinking is one of your failures ?" "Failures Oh, no. of his snaceases."47—New York te Empress Augusta left Queen splendid gold beiteelet, contain - Wit, "For °vet " set in precious old Man. Bow !Ow the head, do reverence to the old man, onoe like you. The vioissitudes of dile have silvered his hair and chenged the round .merry face to the worn vieage before you. Once the heart, beat with 'aspiration, crushed with disappointneeut, as yours, perhaps, is detained to be. Onoe that form etalked promptly through the gay scenes of pleasure, the beau ideal- of grace ; now the hand of time that withers the flowers of yeaterday bas bent that figure and destroyed that noble earriage. Once, nt your age, he possessed the thoa- seed thoughts thee pass through your brain; nook in fame ; anon imaginging bite a dream that the sooner he awoke from the better. But be has lived the dream very near through, the time to awaken is very near at hand; his eyes never kindle at, -aid deeds of daring, and the hand lakes a firmer grasp of the staff. Bear low the head, boy, as you would in your old age be reveeenced,—Somerville Journal. Take a United. States hill' of any de- nominetion and hold It to the light and you will see two litho; running entirely across it lengthwise. Upon exemination you will find these to ociesist.of silk threada, ,a red nee and a blue onee Every genuine• hill has ibis mark of genuineness. Without theee marks at bill may be put down se counterfeit, , no matter how good the engraviug on it. No paper mill dare to rntke this tort of paper, end', this ie the The Crucial Test. Maine Lawyer—What is yen/. 'opinion, of the character of Deacon Blank V' Witness (oantiously)—I never heard " Don't, you know him to ba an honest " Wall, he's ,bcen fair an' square in all his dealin's with me and with others, so far as know." " Ln't that sufficient to prove him a man of tilletaing in tegri ?" Remarkable Example. " Youebeve been wearing that hate. good while,''' remarked one 'traveling man to. • its a remarkable example of *Public forbearanoe."--/Iterchant It begins to look, as if gentle spring wouldn't hdve , anybody to "sit in her lap pity that when it .enowe in Ibis highly protected country it doeS not- " What are eou' going to wear to the ban my dear ?" asited a fond lather of hie the society Oolumn in the Sunday paperd? ,--The Gospel Standard, an Engfish news• paper of very strict tendencies, advertiees that " No charge is made for inserting the An eapert at the telephone says 'he can tell whenever a talker at the other end of the line hart a quid of tobaoco in his • e effect le to alter the tones per- I The IT "513—SiTbhlYe.ta'ilor is an iging man. Ile OW to suit everybody. Spring Circuits, 1890. The Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, anclef_Assize—eaad rut Prms in and for the several counties of the rrovince,of Ontario, will be held as follows : 111ACMAHON, J. Toronto —'Cri.m= Mal Court Monday l7i.h March Court Wednesday 26th March Brampton Tuursda.y lath March . Orangeville Monday St. Catharines .. , .. Monday 28th April ' Anmovinfe C. J. Whitby Tuesday llth March Cornwall. Tuesday 18th March , Brockville Tuesday Kingston Monday 25th March %at March" Prcton Tuesday 10th April Cayuga Monday 22nd April 28th April llth March Barrio Mouday 17th March Owen Sound...,.,.. Monday Slat March Potorboro Monday 22nd Apia L'Orignal Thursday ' 8th May FALCONBRIDGE, J. 'Cabourg Monday 10th March , Guelph M,.,nde.y ' 24th March Berlin Hamilton Monday Slat Match - Brantford Monday M nday 7th' April 21st Ap,i1 Welland' Monday 6th May Woodstock Monday 10th March St. Thome& Monday 17th Mar, h- GOderich Monday Shit' Mat ch Sarnia. Monday — Chatham ' Monday .7th April Sandwich 14th Apiil London Weduesday 23rd April Monday 5th May Galt, C. J., will remain in TorOnto to hold the sittings of the Court each week, at d for the tranSaction of the business in Ohambere. ,Chancery Spring Sittings. Pembroke Tuesday Whithy Woodstock , Fridv.y ..4th April Tuesday Pond A pril F,rid ay • 30th May PROODFOOT, .I. Efami4on Monday 10th March Brantford Wednesday -4. --SO h Aloe 20- Ma ch Owen Sound London Chatham lb h March 17th Mari h 14 h April ROBERTSON, J. Kingston Monday . ,. 19tti May ' Rev. E.eSt..wart Jones, formerly of Port Rowan andiater of Niagara, Ont., died of pneumonia at Lriston, N.Y., yesterday. pr cornor atdear.. ad Rena Pet Tatteegete new tabernacle in Brooklyn, N.,Y , was laid yesterday in the predenee ref e_ large atedgett- gallon. se The Montreal Mastet Plasterers' Asso- .in battle arrayed. About 200 men are out on etrike. —" That was a bass bit," said the choir singer when he struok a low note. —There is hardly any man so friendlesit in this world that be hasn't at least one friend ready to tell him his faults e-tenthe of the crop in sight. Th n of the crop ihat bah left the ne 90i4 per cent.