Lucknow Sentinel, 1889-01-25, Page 74 ; — . 00 SELL *OUR sarog-4,1414, • DypeptIcs May Now DisPese of Thor • qFp: w9r4t. Puetey. The Oxtil'PatiOrt. Of he stomach, an Organ hitherto regarded aa vital, hao been [mem- Ribbed in the oese of a patient named Marlette Holly, of Washington, who came here florae time ago for hospital treatment. She was an inveterate chewer of grim, but wnether that had anything to do with her malady bee net been,cletermined.. Hei.first syraidera vette lois, of' appetite, and food hat oho ate against her will Wail frequently ejected. She lest &eh end.etrerigth rapidly, and when she was admitted to the hospital she weighed only 70 pomidik. and :was entirely helpless- The diaries° had..effected „he; inind, and she labored under the dein; sion that She was wealthy, and talked, inceseantly,while awake about her money, and what she intended to do with it. The nature of her melady. was herd to deter- _• mine. to a emtainty. It Wes known to be ' boated in the etornach, and it was thought to luraturner but whether a Canceree* form or not could .nrit be- foretold.. The .• gip:enrich was alightly swollen and there was ' another protuberance above it, for, which no explanation 9.au1d he given. The woman was starving- to death, and it Was only her splendid phygdoel prganization, that had kepther alive at all. The patient's: coneent, in her mental condition, could not. : be obtained for rtri operation; and De. Jacobus took the responeibility ripen him- N).- self, Mad did. for her what in his opinion • war, best. For this he has been condemned • by certain surgeons, who are built on the • narrow.gange plan. The patient was put • under the•infidence 'of ether after careful • preparation had been made for an weer- ' genoy. An incision was made above the ' • ne,v.31, abouteix inches in length.. The all, domino.' wall • was hardly thicker than paper; and so tender that, it tore ander the . @lightest pressure. • This fealty tissue did not proinise well for the successef the , cspers,tion, and in 4 order to remove the •train tho. incigion,•w'ae extended; several inches, A • portion of ;the intestines wag taken out and wrapped in hot flentiel. They were very smith and. very -transparent, and the network. of-erteries WOO beautifully • abeam when held in the light; a very rare sight. indeed.' The surgeon filially found the 'attimachund drew it forward through the opening in the abdomen.' It was very ,• dark in color and had the appearance of pekehment. It was dry.eud hard and tan-, •. oerons, and without a mingle element of a . healthy stomach. The &gegen Made a careful• , examination Of the adhesions and found that • the pancreas were net extensively involyed., Hefreed the stomach from them, and was country, •" .is beentifel, and some of them •• then able to get a geed viewof it. Instead remarkably so. Their hair and eyes are of there being trorible• Only in. the 'pyloric *ion, as :bad been supposed:, bete was simply lovely." ' Apart from • petsOnel e: charms, it is impassible,•not to admire the presented a cede in which the whelp organ 'gentle grace and dignity of the wives and was involved. It was an unpleasant psi, daughters of the Emerald Isle. 00 where tion for a surgeon to be in. To go ahead nr.ter the -yenwill, I defy.you to find an Trish . was dangeions; and to stop. ...who 10 ,otherwise than naturally distin- •. 'etornach had been so much, irritated, was barmaids ___:Jecobus has plenty anerve, being • failY ,to prove *nitrous: • Dr.: gulattla. -the. , very and . be only, superior in beering and • speech • to many •flucliesees:----The list ofbeautiesis..4 -long- • ' hesitated a moment before deciding Urge one,and looking back we can recall his - on. In melting op his mind he . Was, in- torieed the extraordinary loveliness Of. the by an experiment which he had abdut. upondeg. At three' Nass Gunning% whotwhen they came nionth ago tried • AP to London, had actually to be that time he removed the entire sMniach, . tweeted in Hyde Park • by e guard of soldier* sent and the dog Mill lives without manifesting by the order of the Secretary. of., State,so • anyinconvenience from. the operation useful :pr_ ,ovetwhelnaingly was the crowd pressing Which Ceit him' the lose •of•• this • upon therm Then there Was Lady Denny, Lady Cahn. Lady Clare and many °them, to gay ziothingef thepreeenti young Duchess of Leinster, one 01 the. 'most attraetive women of thisor any other day. . • . • .E0,04.!T rgf.11.AL rrOrVge. te. No*V.P4avairon,44;raaRage Itetween;vanoide•and. the States. The work on the tunnel on theOsnadian side, gels the Sarnia.Canadian, is liesc pushed with ReergY. The working forge employed now number135 men, and two - trains of care are em- ployed in removing the materiel', which is being hauled eastward and need in filling up 'the low pieces along the, track. Temporary tracks are laid down into the excavation, and the earth, having beeeiirst .loosened either by a•tetwendplough or by the pick, is shovelled dfreettk into the care. The ex- ciivation is 220 feet square on the surface, andthe aides will have a elope of one foot to three. The first tier of six feet,in depth has been' ocenpleted and ground was broken. en Monday on the second tier. As the "hopper ' is to be Sixty-five feet deep, it is not likely that the diggerswill be at the bottom inneb before tne let of May.. On, the Michigan, side the f2roe„ 'which tared been only sixty strong, was increased to 125 on the firs) Of January. The earth is moved by teams; of •whieh twenty-five'' .are employed, and it is an interesting eight Ito seer the men load the waggons: The teamster will drive slowly between the two rows of shovellem, and when he reaches the endhis Waggon is filled. When the tunnel proper is fairly Tinder .way the men will...work by electric Bent, and the Work will be carried on day end night. • • It io expected that the work on each side will come together tinder the river ablut 700 feet from. the Canadian shore. • The approach to the shaft on the Amerioanside is only 800 feet, buten the Canadian side nearly one mile, The reason for . this is that from the American gide there will be a drop of 90 feet to the Mile,: and the up grade will all be on land on the Canadian Theepproecheis will not be tunneled until the tunnel under the river is °Om-. pleted. When completed the tunnel'will consist Of 2,300feet on the American side, 2,200 feet under the river, and 4,000 feet On the Canadian side; .• The Pretty Olds of Ireland. The Irish ladies are perhaps the prettiest in the wide world Their features, it is true, are less regokfr thanthoseof English women, but they triumph over them ' with their soft, creamy•coniplexicing, their large,. appealing grey -blue eyes and ;long lashes, and a sort of indefinable 'Alarm and demure .coquetry, yeetheroughly modest, manners. "Every third Irish woman," wrote the Queen:in her diary When last vieiting -the gan. ••• The dog was healthy, and the ques- tion that -presented itself was whether. snob : an opereition weld' be: perfoitined, ripen a weak human being with, a diseased organ. • Di. Jacobus iliciught that it Wouldmake no . difference and that there was as good a • • • . . • - • •• ahem° for one as for the other.. In either . •• A Special( Inducement. . ease' the thence .was hardly one in a bun-. • dred. After a ligature had been tied around aronnd tbe.ducidenues and cesephaguarthey, -Were out with blunt scissor as near to the, ritoinach as possible, care being taken- to go. , •• • beyond ,the disee,iied thistle, and the stolnach 77witiCTifin-Oyed:"7Tiferhemorrhige was not tronbleemee. :The arteries were all 'enlarged ,:aiad the 'eloinech Wouldhave bled ;fright- fully. if it had been.citt. After the. abdOm-, • hid Space had been thoroughly Cleaned a gnionwas made • by drawing the pyloris together. It required great , ingenuity to 'Unite thernies the canals were•bf different thickness: and did net fit Well 'together. • The other SWAMI* was itinnA to be a 'fluid• ' pouch in the.cedophagne, and as it was not of a, malignant 'character it was left • timehrid..' The abdominal, wound had just been closed when Or. Jacobite was, called a ' murderer, as before related: Di. Japobus . did net proveit -Mordetet: In fact he saved * life. 'The rzatient temairied.unconeeione • for several days, and then rallied. Her .• :body Wits rablied with oil and food • was . given her, per .rectain, and she. whined • strength rapidly: At the end of two weeks' she wise given food through the Mouth , withont any bad effect. • Digeationwent on . • in a perfectly natural manner, and front ° •, this it Would deem .that the: .stornaoh has ' bum thought to playa more ;important part in digestion than it really does. . • The, patient will be kept at the heepitel for-fieveral menthe' rel that 'the bistoty of the celie can bo carefully noted. -Is ele ,York Graphic. Worthy of denoted imitation. • The following notice Is hanging in severe bar -moms in Ottawa. It will be welcomed by the lew-tibidingt re" ' NoTic 10 Pitramrs.-iit a meeting of die Li. caused Hotelkeepers! Agdociationo of Ottawa, h" held on '-the •18th.' December, isse, ' • 'tvii.b resolved, t' That the ineinnets of this asso, elation will in future. ecimp;), With the lair 0 vatent nuttiewe lainanozt regarding tbe sale of liquors from Saturday night I reactithyleatitil Pages • . i '., ' v,' ' at seVen .eclock until Monday tnortitim at mi. '...., with tears and fears andit 'grona and Molina eelock." I Wee ithdersigopned incenbers of the And (*eked and aches of Ages t • . . • • above association, have agreed to strictly cam- • Ahd nowThaVe the vertigo., • • tile with the above resolution, an .* d Fennour ..and tunantingin the dirt L go; .. . \. . . patrouti to ec•vern themselves actordively. • Hive a general bleed Corruption; • . Then follow the. Meditated of 68 or ' Or . Lobs of Vigor, lack of gumption,' , , Anil I feel that I arit , travelling down' the last blest Prominent menibersef the aseciciat ion stage Of eSneureptien. , ,• -The tobacco Men; at iet4ti haVO turned • ' 'Uses of Prison Wall& • ., . _, • • oVer anew leer: : : . • : . sue querantine bee been raided on all the • '• Misdoing (in ' a Prison)--",hiy peer •.4... :friend, 1 auppose you regard tbeee4 WOW henries. wherci arindliml had recently existed • 'With hatred, but —" , ' • _ • ..„, Buffalo. , • ,Prisoner. --g,1 Regard ' them with hatred ?. 'm ,..:,Tlies braze for gal and ailvet handles l'si d, indeed, I regard theen with gratitude. •"I They • ate my protection. 'I am in for for cants 1014 w21.1igtil.as is beginning ;to, •: 'bigamy .and both,wived. are furious." • leaden.. ' , • Friend (to very. sick youth).--"CharleY; you must brace up and get well, 1 have twine glorious news for you, • • ' Sick•youth(feehly)-A Whit is it?" Friend-" Your Aunt 'Minerva told me PerliOnallY you,!d-ordy-teyandget- Well ehemould leare you: every dollar she,e. , got in the World," • , • Sick youth (With more strengh)--." Is that rio; Fred Did yen ask her how much she is worth 2 ". • • Another pestporiein.ent. Dupiley--There comes Brown Up the • " atragt. I we that man grudge,an • •toPonnoitz.tii,oisinp;ateoyil ioinoinwigth tnoti_ e qat;him nporwo . way.,• no now. Lot's tarn 'down' • thia Our slippery streets! . Gallant Old' Gentlemen (Cushing to essistance)--" I'm afraid, X001,11113,, 1.0rt'Ve had a fall -A • ' •Short-ternlieted Old Lady .(enappiehly) 11 Why, ' you don't sipped° sit doWil• here, you Old !:' • Helhelpd her up, and makes Off beefily: • Ahead ef tho Doctor*, • Szirgeoe-You'll have AO be bled', my mein,.Patient (faint15).-Been. Landiord Iwie here half an hour ago. ' • ' VICTM OF 'Olt 0 patent Medicine almanac • . Wa4 a towering giant, • . , .With a *moth of health and a van at tirub To ills and pilin defiant! But now limy° the phthisic. Andtake every kind of physic, ' Have a tench of Sharp bronchitis. And a raging tonsintis, " • And I • feel .,thy avriul.tivitigere'cerehregpiniti You can often determine the value+ of a •' The, English cruiser Snout aailcd frem 111011"0 character from the cihereirdet of his Malta for'Suakini yesterday, .; • eller/dee. ' ' Therilerlin Post yeatetday withdrew the - Reuse and Visiting gownit are elightlY allegation or feeeeey read°. against Sir train d this season, but the ball,roont Nobert Wrier: • • • • drts is as tinnianageeble as ever Mr. Parnell hie; delegatedMr. Maurice • --Dank; was taken into custody for Healy, Pek .tA Collect in Mthlater all being id% Next Morning banter; taketoont eVailable &Admit° bearing en the inVestiga. and tined. Ite Went in to custody end ' he ; tied Of the special cemteurimen, , •crime Mit to tined. teddy... , . .!‘..,(WRIOTTE,1 roldOGYEAVI, • A Bilfollet 'Poritid in the Heart of a Tree ite 14tind744 Lane. • • Another reminder of the battle of Lundy's Lane, which was fought in the year 1814; has just come- to • light in the shape of a bayonet, which was, discovered in the. heart- Of an Old apple tree. The bayonet is almost kited, and isin the pos.' sessionof Mr, J. A. Orchard, who is col- lecting trophies in connection with this battle for the purpose of placing them in the monument when melt is erected on the battle grounds. The apple tree wag up- wards of 100 yeller' old, and was planted by one Pier, WhesehiogratPhY eonle racrAberii of -the hititorical association areendeivor- ing to. discover: The property ie now in possession of gr. Spence, who had the tree cot down a short•tirne since, along with others which were getting old. On the 1st ot•jannary this year this remarkable tree was being ont rip for firewood, when the bayonet was found in the centro or heart. been an excelle The tree haWag two feet two inches in ittmeter. • A- rt li lzearer,, and great many of the older residentsregretted to see these trees cut down, but, as the land upon which" they stand is valuable, the owner expects to reap greater profits out of it by utilizing it in' fiOnae' •other meninx-. This find is undoubtedly orke • of the most clarion's that has yet been diseevered, as the bayonet has evidently heen.in the tree for nearly seventy-five years. . • , Temperance Notes. • , . • '.Eir-Ohicif jai** Noah Davie says ; "Of all the onuses, of prime. intemperance Minds out thermapproachable chief." • The Supreme °Mitt upholda the law pro, hibiting the pale of liquors -within ..one mile of the Soldiers' Elaine at Grand Rapids, Mich., • No liquors lire sold on the vestibule train • of the' Pennsylvania Railroad, or upon the limited express on the New York Central Road. The brain of the chronic den/liter:1, Bays Dr. Forbes Winslow, becomes. surcharged With alcohol; and ,often, on examineition after death, ifyou apply e light to the fluid in the , ventricles of. the brain,.;it ignites into a flay:tie.;'You can ` actually distil alcohol from the brain of drunkards. • Drinking hefileeus, confounds us, eliamesus, and mocks • IA at every point. It outwits alike the teacher, the man of business, the patriot., and the legislator: Every Other institution fionodersin hope- lerie difficulties, but the public bonen (grog. shop) :bohis„ its triziraphant course. The administrators of public . and private charity are told that alms and oblations go: With rated, :dries' and pensions, to the all- • absorbing bar a the pnblio-house. Under the accumulating influencc. of alcohol;the honed Min turtle knave, the respinitable man •unddenly loses principle and self - i respect, the wise' man s utterly foolish, the rigidly Moral man table a plunge' into libertinism. Let Us do aondethine toward staying-the-hugemischief-whichrone-way- or another, conferinds as ell; and may--..' fOt we cannot be enre-crush 'and 'ruin us, all.ifon,n; Tiltraeg.,s vxm•rm; . • ' • . • ... . :" You liaVe indecd•fallenJew• " was • the sad rernark of Justice Solon Sohn% •Smith at the Toinbe,),New York 'city:,to an aged inan; who showedevery. indication of • "For. God's sake, forgive Me,' Sot.," • pleaded the man.. '"Liquor has been my • curse. For ten I have been its slave., Out from thiailay forth I will be a changed man. I Will • Tilt deinking and make solemn vow that net another. drop of that poison will pass my lips " It has now such, strong hold.npon you that.yOu couldn't stop it if'you tiled ever do hard • remarked the ledge. "'" And,be:. gided,..xliere-could-you-gO-2--ltew-have-Pre hoing; . your ...wife wein7t,_ . recognize yen any:More, and yeile7.friencill pass by with horror and diegest." . "Well, What .of that ?I" said the prisoner " I can Hie on, forty millions, can't f ,What peed I tate for theni ?" "Forty millions? Why, yen haven't got forty Cents," said Justice' Smith:: • , I tell you, Sol; I havelt." •• • , '" How did yen come possessed of it ?" . WhylI'veratnedit,:to be ante: Where else!de yon think 1" n s • "Drinking his somewhat overbalanced your mind, and change the coMplaint against . you into insanity," said the court. ;"Yon will be treated better in an asylumi than in the weekhoode.• Officer, remove him", ': • . • "Please, • judge; will you let another offieer take "him ?" • • said, :'Court Officer BlauriciFinn, vihoso eyes' Were 'filled with • • , I • "Why can't ion?" said thh'instice in a Atone of surprise. •'" He was my general. in the : war) year honor," said ^ Finn, and he was so kind to me that I don't • like to repay him in this way,' though I knew it. le donefor his good. He treated theinen who fonght under him i . is he Would his biolliere: It s sad for Me, sir, to see My old dear &inn:Ander in Oita a'positiOn as this, and I '.1ina. :others will sen that he is :properly , eared for at the iteyltitn."• • The dew was none Other than Erieridief. General •Thornaii W. Elton, who, fought in the battle of 'Gettysburg Muhl; General Meade,. and was a participant Of alined every battle at that time. At the close of the weir be was rimidnun 'internal revenue Offieet. • . Stented the...Ratite. First Stranger (in street ear), -P ./ see yon in these earstpite regularly, but gelclonti atthis hour." • " ' Second Stranger-" ; this ie an extra trip. My wife *Abed me to go ,to a stet* end nietch•serne trinitnings for her'? 11' Glad I inet you. Here's iny card. I OM a divorce lawyer." -New York Weekly ' " Cohabs is the new ',western slang name for Morinorke. : s, , N. G. Crobitugh, a. de niter in $3,09 fled from Cleveland to Canada yesterday. ' Lora .Dufferin arrived, in HOMO yoster- day. He Was reneived by Xing ,.linanbert ;in the Most 'cordial Manner. „ • Pried* Henry Of 'Etattenberg 'has been appointed Governor, of the tale of Wight, rite Viseotint Everaley deceeeerl. Rae.' Dr. Andrew M. Beveridge died yes- tetday at Troy. Ile was one of the "oldest, andfiest known clergymen-14,th° Fresh*. tery cf Troy, • BRILLIANT 001119ter The StardeY-X07rtagu Weddle@ at the Guards' Chalieliromden• a Greet Soeletr Event -The Dresses Worn. 'Eadobemnuo th Edmund eatetetwle7 ,, in l:letter. thus deewedding: The guards' Chapel, with it marblge„and mosaic% lends itself admirably to greet ecoleeittetical ceremonials . and the (lenge leg Which, 'levered over Piccadilly • Merci- fully spared Bird Page Walk from its 'elutchee on Saturday afternoon; when the marriage of Eddie Stenley and Lady Alice Montagu brought More royalties together than had been seen•at any social function for some time. The siadiere of Mr. Stan- ley's company lined the aisles. The Prince of Wales had riemething agreeable to say ,to everybody. The Princess. of Wales, in brocade Into, listened smiling17to the Marchese De Santurce's respectful invite tion to her daughteee marriage. The Prince of Wales' daughters looked wonder- • fully wejl itt. gray coats, trimmed with fur. The Daohess of, Teck brought her daughter in a drab areas,: Which Can hardly he do - scribed as becoming. Prince ' George and Prince "Eddy" appeared:to be in equally good spirits. Beauty was admirably repre- sented by Lady Randolph Churchill, wrapped in a long" gray cloak, edged with • fttr ; by Lady De Grey, in brown; by Lady Forbes, Lady Clarendon, the Duchess. Of Hamilton, and Mrs. Artlahr Beeson. The resonant voice of the bridegroom almost drowned the weaker tones of Lora William Gael', It was difficult to believe. that the tiny bridesmaids in anis were the gtand- children, of the evergreen Duchess,who never looked better than'E4 au on Setae - day: Lord Hartington WRS among - the spectator's; Lord Williain Neville and.lifies Louise Murieta looked on with the keenest interest; Sir William and 'Lady Harcourt were observable in the crowd neat the door. It was nearly .dusk when everybody reached Great Stanhope to take tea and inspect the Derby tiara; the Hamilton necklace of dia. Monde, pearls and emeralds; the Revelstoke brooch, an 'ornament of diamonds and moonstone,whith was the gift of the Prime of Wales. The wedding gifts were bewil. dering in magnificence. It was verylate when Mr. and Lady Alice Stanley set out on their way ,:to Holwriodi which Lord Derby had placed at the disposal of hisheir during the honeymoon. : -An insurance Mania. ' The case of the unusual amount of insur- ance carried by the late A. D. Kean, of Orillia, who succumbed tofatal injuries by being run over by a train, seems MAC. efilie of insurance mania. The amount he carried is. found to be 543,000, and this amount for a young map 28 years of egais surprising. So far as can be learned 'at the time. of his death these were the policies Aerie(' to him: Canada Life • . -85;900 Federal Life, of Hamilton 5,100 • North Anierican • ' 3,000 The Sun;of Montreal' • • 000' Manufacturers' Accident (*ith $5,000rein- , sured With the Mutual Accident, of Alan-• 7 .'cliester) Accident ' 50 0 Can. Accident.:, 8,000 W... . . 2.000 •The annual ' prenninnoionthese policies was over 8500. • Soidability • Mrs. Greatman (reading)-.." A pedal ob- server :critielees what he calls the stupid silence' of most Anietioans when dining in hotels and restaurants. It looks,' he saye, ez; though every one had been quarreling. Instead of a cheery, quick interchange of opinion, men and; women; pit solemn and sorrowful at the table; as.though they were in a school.' For this reason hesthinks that the, general use of light table wines 'would be a- geed thing, asit would' promote Sociability. What do on •think of that Ideal" ' . • Mr. Gigatmen-4, Well, light wit* mightbeO' some nee,, but I just tell you for reckin'' men feel as if every ettariget was a long -lost brother " there ia milli& equal'to forty-rod•cenipeign Whiskey." • • • She Sent Saws Instead or irioweee..- ' Miss kEtie Fretwell was arrested to -day ' a . charge,: of being the young lady Who furnished fourteen prisoners in ,the county; lea With two dozen news to cut their way otit yesterday. mottling. At the hearing it was proved beyond ell question that the accused had purchased the ssaws at two different hardware stores. She was alsoiden: tilled by. the, jailer as a freqlent visitor at the jail. She*as committed tO jail in default of a heavy bond.--Chaztanooga despatch in Atlanta Constitution. .° , • ' Live Men: Some men, seem never to'grOw old. Al.. ways active ha thought, always ready to adopt new ideas; they are never chargeable with fogyism. Satiefied yet ever diesatisfiedi Battled yet ever neeettled, they always en. joy the best Of what is and are ihe first to find the best of what Will be..I,LRlailitielphia quiren Ltictrigtage.Drliere,, • Baron F. de Rothiedida preened to every driver and conductor on the Ilainmersinith, and bayeariter oninibuses a brae of •ptietis ants with ail a Chrietnitte box. EiCh driver decorated hie whireWith theBardn's calors„ the ,Condnetore displaying, them at ''. the back of Unit omnibuses. , . . The old ken:allele Fades. runnyman-110w do you like mY lokee? Vriend-First rate. I like to reneW aequaintence with Old'friende. • Governor Ames, of Maseachitsette; mem- Mended the extension Of female suffrage in .that State. •• • The New York : COrit4tagshkreeefpri4seod,. .g:vv: dr • j._K. lO'Neil, .0 „ 1,' Mint. Deabera, the Medium, .tha eustody of rclii dropped 'deed, in (the Ringland, tiotel; Oswego, after drinking, a glass of mineral water. Nellita relatives irt Kingston. 'Dr. I. IL Nyer, of Hazleton, Pe., • shot and killed his wffef. yeeterday morning, and then committed suicide. •.Every stand° pointS id .mutual underetanding, between the two, • Doter.A Soireir. the 'Auettaliela poet has been elected a life honorary ,correri- tiondifigni,eihher. Of the,.Seoitiab Society of Literature. The Otticiety has conferred this Otte, on •only five other • men-,-Whittiet, itarnoe., Mark Twain,• Juler Verne and, Max • • prwir 41•141,vvvvvIlmst OV BiltTne. • Prefeaser Ifloamee4 comirl4rison of' An Esgllsh King and an Amerleast- Vrree By a rough estimate 110.000.000 neoP10. • - in the world call English, their mother - tongue, in inetitutione, blood and language, for the most part, :derived from the Ger- man woods," op; Professor fieemer, in WS life of Sir Henry Voce. "Until 100i Yea _rit ago the Englieh-speaking raeci• was ebnflile4C within one nationality. Then, in muse. queue of a bad colonial policy, a split took place, So that to -day the world has two English-speaking divisions of about .equal strength, the British ' Empire and the United States of Anierica. "The President of the United Sates has,: nnder the .00natitntion, the powers 'of as English Xing of the eighteenth century -•-of George III4, in foot. %ha only diffiziences: lie here, that the President is elected instead of being hop, to .wield them for* short terra of years instead Of tor life." "Like 'sunshine in a shady place," The poet called a woman's face That gladdened all who saw it013ealltY• A face, no doubt, that beamed with health, . Thar blessing which is more than wealth; ' And lighteDs every daily duty. .0w!tWith many a ow can wttoman, who -e hard life And be a Powereti:b.nPlgeusrPsituill•hiscahrifilereett?icin' The answer comes both swift and clear - Take Pierce's, Favorite Prescription. . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only medicine' for woman's peculiar weak- netasedand ailments, spirt by druggists, tinder a positive guarantee .frora• the Impulse.' turers, of satisfaction being given in every • Cato, or mone refunded. See guarantee printed, entbottle-wripper. • , • Re Was a Regular easterner., " 'Who is that?" bawled the druggist from. an•upstair window, having been amok - 'angel by a violent pulling at his night bell. I want 10 cense' Worth of paregorke7 replied a voice below.. • " I want you to understand that I don't oPen -my store at night for 10 cents worth. of paregoric, except for a oustomer.". • . , " Bat I'irna cuistoirier." " don't seem to know you." ' Graciciati goodness! .I'm vont •store three or fop. times e week to look at your directory." • ' lin English Medical Authority • affirms that the best regimen for preserv- ing health may be summed " . the 7 maxim; "keep the head cool, the feet warm •and the bowels uctiVe," . There a world' .‘ :of wisdom in the observation. Obstinate' . constipation, or costiveness, is an 'exciting • cause of other diseases; and, with many persons of sedentary habits,or coonpatiOne, this .inaction of the bowels is a .sort of gen- stint annoYanee, producing. piles, prolapse of the rectum, fistula and varietal dyspeptic symptoms. All these are .warded off, and health is maintained, 14 the tise of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets:. Stire Abont the Sionara. "Hruiliand (handing Over a Look at that for ai.New.Yjer's reminder." Wife (reading the • sum total)-" One hundred dollars and fifty-five cents. But whit are you doing?" • • • • Eueband (desperatelygoing through all his prickete)=" 'trying to see if I haie' '• .the 55.cents." • s ' 1 Don't diegnst 'everybody by hawking.' blowing and spitting, but„ use Dr.. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and be cured,' • • comes nigh. \•• • "Charley Smitherson is ,a nice young man, don't you think?" said one young lady to "another. -' , "Yes; but I don't like his collars:" ---'"--Why not . • , • "He always licks as if he 320 fallen into: : one and couldn't get out.", . . Empress of Russiawas more fond , of her Danish home than any other of,her 'sisters and brother*, arid ,when she was about to leave it for Russia she' scrota on the window vane of one of her • favorite "rcoma at, fredensborg. .41 Mit elekede Fredeprilzorgi..:' , tarred" " beloved. -- .Piiiiletiaborg, farewell.) ' „ The following, passage OCChrS in a notice: recently posted on the Courthouse 'door by a 'Constable Of Wiconiko empty, Md. - "1 have sessed and took into execaticin; fecordin to laic and iniuity, the tolkiwing aforesaid property."' , • ' Probably the richest -newsboy 'in „the West is Moses Jacobs, who sale pellets on the .stmets of Des Blpines, Ia. Re is ' 18 years old, and has Bold , newspaper* •for :the last fomteen yeare.during•Whieh !,• time be had acquired 94,000 Worth rod •• estate from his tavinga. • ••. • • MARVELO,U. . DISCOVERY.... iinlike artificial sytitenis, .Ctire Of 'mind /wandering. 1 Any book. Warned 61 one Feeding. . ontioreset 1,087 at Baltimore, 1,008 sit Detre 1,809 at Pniladelphie, 1,418 at Washington 1;210 at Boston, largwolaesan of Committee's*. students, at Yale, tVeilesloy, Oberlin, University. of Pennai.AlichigeALtniversity, Chautationa,,Oto. • ' etc.' Endorsed by RuMalin Piloe'roit, the ekgeri tisk ,lIono. W. AtToit; Jumut P. HaN.Witnt.. Judge erases, Dr:Ilnastx.S. 8. t.:001f. Prin. N.If State Norma Cdl1ge, OW. Taught by trotted pandemic. Prespeetue reSt rank front • . Pft()F. .1401BEITTF.,2111 Fifth Arer2 ALT, " b 1.4 .1.;, 4 89. •.'• , 8 W sh e Men' to silLE Efi„.,i:wir.fiaS.1.-..ta 111. tail trade. Largeat man • %, faeturers' hi our lino. Enclose ii-cout stem .trizges;e3 per dity41 Petmaiitoit pointiOn. ' 0 yoatals"tiuswered. Money advauded z,,r winced' adveitising, etc. Celterkulid. Attlatteractilling to., enneineati, Ohio! , 1t7 • • 'it:.