Lucknow Sentinel, 1889-01-25, Page 4`'I'H� LIBERTY' TO 'C•TTER A11D TO tiatOUE; Fate-EL1f I'iICTATES OF; OQNSdIENC A WP PRIZE AUOVE )ALL, :01144LIBERTIES;,. , /1 Zuc^4aom •January 25th, ::1 380 • CilB11l1'E, ''GI3A11'E E;5 • There have been some recent changes in the. Ontario . Cabinet; on account of the resignation. of the lion. T. R. Pardee, Minister : of Crown Lands. For 'the past .'twat years Mr.. Pardee's health has been failing,and he spent ,the greaterpart of the winter of the,: Past: Ryear,in Florida. recruiting his strength. It seeins, ' however, the balmy air of :;the Flowery. • State ,has ;not •brouht 'hack the bloom of health'suffciently to enablehim to continue his .parliament ary duties, incl" by his physician's •orders he has been reluctantly com pelled.;to cease his pleasant; official` r e atti.ans with his colleagues and give :the ..important,„post .which..he has so .long ad_ivinistered with so much• 4 1. • o. 9 it Lt Tig'O, , •T •. 4. $'E:i WE; • ._.......:.ate.. NTT OE ,B4tra. • 4 •. each,.attennlant beipg TlieTcniesi riga natuT4141, arisen --Why itis; every factory,: foundry, machine.-,shopt,:place, OE, business and '.residence• taxed to ;suppor.t• the Government, and the church, property go untaxed' Z acid wiy, ',shgould , the: entire :population • ' of this ""city be taxedto the extentof the a cetnp- :� tion from taxation+ of this: property, to, support churches in whichouly 40,000•' people, worship T The poor mannvho,' earns probably, less, than $500;. year 'is obliged to pay tares on the cottage, which shelters hien and .his', family;,. while:. the pretext tions can "cd expensive: ;cathedral, inte,which •he•is'not enthus-T, iastically welcomed; is exempt; Tin Germans are, either devoid of fear or' densely' ignorant. ' Front late intelligence from the :Samoan Islands;. they appear to have twisted the' tail of. the British;' lion land -pit 'salt on the. tail of.the American eagle. It is now in. order for the fighting filibusters of the United -States Senate to .hring on their navy,and we notice. that, a squadron of one ship of tkeline has been .des-, patched to the ,scene. . 'Had the ,.Ger- ma ts; only known.. -but ” we', await the ne�•s:'ot their• having been blown to •smithereens.. WE 'really -donrt'know if there•was' little or ap f crookedness' about the -late dispensing^'of'.the county printing, bu't: ai>ilt.=. We are sure everyone regrets' what printing the caunty.: has to do -thecau'e,of his resignation, and trusts should be done -by -the -county -panting that hci ' may speedily regain . health ofFices, 'They ,pay taxes .to, the county and the' province .his services, Hon. , and are' justly etitled to ' what°little work there is'to,do, and.theyare'' .ca. ' A. S. Hardy, Prgvinr`ial Secretary,p has been ad anced. to' 1VIr .1'ardee's : able,of doing, i"t, .too. We hope .that post, ''and Col. Gibson. M. P 1 '., for not. one dollar's worth will be.given to'' ]I unilton, • has' been taken into the ,Guelph or any other ,place without cabinet to fi1t Df r. Iiardy's old position. future. j, 'The changes •made seem to' meet : with•, 'general approval, and no; doubt the the Chicago'and: Northwestern railway. ti! owat government, 'will .retain it,e'. --1sst Saturday,; .and ;anion ; the' prestige in in the future as in. the past. were :Lieut -Governor Macdonald; of Michigan, and James=-Cocbrane, a Can: adian inventor,' one time a • resident of • Dundas. It' is• curious ; to. note that they =first formed :acquaintance on. °a railway, which•soon ripened into in, friendship,'and .'now : they have ' i',ed together'in the same. railway .ca - ,TinzitE was a .railway, smash-up on 11,A'o'NITUDE. ills.' Eraatus Wiman's artu,Ie on 'Canada in • the January .North Amer, coin lfevietw, entitled'' rs The Greater Half of ties Continent,"' is likely to win. for him `the admiration . alike of tastrophe.: • , t}t friends and. opponents; of,tbe.'policy of whichhe, is:; :the, best 'adsertised advocate ; / It is .probably the., fallest .and most interesting statement of'the; extent and resources ;of Canada that -11-is• ever. been Ewen-in.€o.short. a'spaee' : hn all. the immigration literatute of the 1J�.�m,i�ion• Government. there ' is 'no'' siteli recommendation ofi,nr:"country a':•is.. contained in this .artic'e of :not Jc s than a score of .pages. • M.r. Wiman tic 3t. ideals with the qujstion.of, area. Fre tells the•-A:nericati-s that whiie their country, ,without A.las'ka, ineluded within 3,030,005',' •.square•''' tr►iles, Canada has 3,470;392, 'square miles ; that Ontario is ..larger ,Fig • • 221.000 square m lea' than the. SFix new 'tnl land Stz tes, with i ew Yor►t, Ztinw, a; (Isey,• Pennysivan ia and Maryland Lidded'; larger. by 1.0,000 rnil('•s than •(jl,io, Tllinois,'Iediana 'aitd )Iiichigan cr, 1,ined and :larger by 11,00') 'miles ( • •r thin Kowa; Minnesota and Yisconsi;1 Combined. !Further, he points Out that ,within the great • lakes ;which <'iti ircle and '• poueti ate . Cc Lit da, and this 'rivers' :'of;♦.eiiornious -olti:me • and lc t;th ivfitc!i prrineatc itithere is 'snore • lie globe; `1� water on t 1•o,r, ."than,half the'',fresh ;, RECENTLY there 'has'` been ' consider- able fuss about the way in which Nor •man Robertson was appointed .copn"ty treasurer. Perhaps. there was;,; Wire - Ind from, whit wire-but"froui,what we°.know. of Mr.' Robertson he is *anhonest man, anis that is a very desirable •comrnod ity to have considering recent escapades, Y`: iiALDlit�;o, eny Haldtinand, is fhe.cry of both of those political heroes, Messrs Colter and • Montague. ,Just ow -that rlono suffering, constitut: -41;1. totteringHon, 'the, 'brink' of another eI coon. rust now. all the loyaltyin this. country seeins to be bound up. in. the editorial page of;thr .Toronto Butpi►.,e • It says so itself; and,it ought to know, P�ei.:Etvr evelopmerits :show that, we possess eateas tcr,; (:'rid • fi she ric. (rn•thi: Pacific .as Kell a, .onthe � tlantic,cri ' Every pausing( slay arrilihassrcra the fait' s t } at .:iii are the "citiu•uts of - no rri(jat • countryi,""' •A+� Word•to ,the `Y„<e: ' '1'.kre • viiia;r d':rlt itrfiyrrr,� ,i-=, that other Grocers will th><n ' a Cyclone, has struck them... , • idon't:: seem possible •that W. od , eau give five pounds .6f, •sugar away with. every Ayec, pounds • of tea; he. sells, . Yet he purposesdoily* 1744t..• mattors it, if o loos ,droit sin WhatTNVe:PtirpOse. doin.i is to°.give. every .,ur •Baser •of' five of '11611114s of tea, five: ppu 2cis" of tl'ie • 4 firs st. sugar away with it » . • Remember next' Saturday and • -CrRI ..C3.. .. - • pounds of tea t W. Mood- s,you. will et five pounds of if you purchase five p ^•. , +� r �... , Moody'.s, � : Ppsugar given . . . o: celits u „o oa : Lents. Just such bargains'•'in • all :other Imes you. - Tea • from 1. p -.Always 'look for NR`oody's Advertierrlent. Sonne l's' old''stanil, Lncknow. e haye remove °Ur stock from tj a e of ,stand ..to 'A.'1'dDA'S nd will corgi tine our: la -a --•-amt Z'IIF"' EYE;II1'7'IO N' .Q.UESTION • A 1'Ew'•.claysigo the ~Toronto "'•'Cel. - rir tea,;exhibite(I cornrnett'd'ablujournal; isfir enterprise in colh;eting, Collating • itttd, tabulating .ar tyui1ilier+.of•itnportant `far -f4 regarding, ""the churches .i:n that r /city.. it showed .that, there were 141 ehurcli!ea, which have ,a,totai e•c valu ':of $4,`$81405; they have apacity to seat 3;00`prsons a thin 'MO average attendance is about • 44i060'.1 • Thos value • of . other church property; , sty sly as the • buiiclinF+, s . in , wlich „the 1 pastel's. lite, would increase the vale- • AO* to at. least $5,0:00,000. Froin -hi'ch ,'ere 'see • $3,00000' 'words of property 'in that City entirely exem t s"aui taxation.the 'average, share to prosecute. these v.h in duty it in; . u, tegiSt r' bit tiP5 add deaths are `wi n(-g1i; ;r,t ..iri.' the itla,tter. that, .he missy'I,c rr,rii,pcile-, to ta.kr r R •f the law coinplired. w,ttFa ff aa;};r'' 8. of tire. ,act' provid(:rt that' the every child; (,ria t}tt (; .J of ,i :,,i,kr;r,+,r or rleath,'the rn,thir;r, or. it, .the:';zar: tlic inability of hath I,.irr,ii . ars y istatrcling" ii ,the; Filer(; • et • survh, > },sit within thirty daysafter' the birth' (if. suclt child give notice thereof : t,.i, t},': division::, registrar, ,in the,' risers (,f0.' deaths Clause 15 tiartv:that every (tialy qualified rnt:dical `pratti.ti,r'irrr vi h(, Was last'irt attendlance dttrin{ tilt; ilJti, ..: cif "any pers4n , sal1 w ittin tett rays after r having ,kn wled e of the death of such lana , ro 'person, transmit to� this ' division a t•ertifreat registrar ` ` • c tinder his` ,signature of thrl' cause of death. ,It'- fusal or neglect,- to comply.xvith thea' provisions • of ' the act renders the offender liable' to .a brie of not less than $i 'nor tnore'than $20:and costs' for each and; every'of en e, itbe ng the b .r divisioa W registrar.y. to • •it14 • 4'-. i avil -et ., •n :- uex one• should.: ro��,de t�.��n�eLves'"W�t�l a ��,e• •' nd be comfortable during the cold m`ontl'tg.:: •b! aces andaxe.bandles .VANr' ; y.. .. fit, t • I � r anN" r 1 tri n n i, t it n e 0 s c.00tt sntwil v. th,�iAi,AJt�t AND i„ X.. ';f'LNsl:s t'A1rr Any,, i . ! , 'l,.t rmfn(:ri. 'man tart, otutcee d(:Ii with rte: adyantglotts to i•,r"sinnet's. fit' clri? rziipiete, in cltitliii� ir,anq fAntactling Hti'eclnitieH,„• f titin frog, •...411 ego at r,itc ; f t nine tliiis tt u r. pC 13• tOTIIk lig,` • way down. Now is: the time to, Utiy, .while your chance ig`g liuviiianitt1, alway s cin h an ,d • SA14E.SMEN —y' —14)1k 'T I:” ii • A'�v', ngfsrnd Nurseries.` 1;iitblrlitihrtl over :rQ `eafit. Tito elle ; 'eels ►I,l nhrrMc i -y. "Atom ' with fiulh • ar clay. qrN ellialiita . (iiid,cli:nii cliatpcter two whit, (ye Want.' • Fiver. .Y chanc(r forpnece'io(. \ 0•Cnn iii v- yiitt-gobd j,Ay'. acid cattily work.y �yiV1��rii�t0•7,1i•'r te{{riri0 , •' tiro:At:Jules., (tor,. r2 untcrysiie.n, (,llwr•nes;Ont. .hied trqu, lurg tirot,ttc•ft,r out,gcrui ' Liberal Cc'niin s'i'new Lir ttrdhrytintf cipririst.s,, to c 411) 071msnd,tieli414, ,i►,tih: • For tcrdie ar,tl• ittll� l,artici,l:trg' »tS'rlrre.4;` IY • .f F". Li:Cl,irRE,.N'rscrfman', Mention this D41;e.r. .. lfight.in N. Y: 3,%70' •_ ON-EY.`f d I haver it felt thnitsa ret tin11nrd to in" 'ttvatt� ramices -.at r`•i Viet fa 1i; .j s on��yyAryryb��le htettaeyey•tt.... w t: Ex.,ttoT T,RAV itS • v u_.• I• . qe 1,1 b