Lucknow Sentinel, 1889-01-18, Page 41 x.:41.: 'eft fhttow •!`n'B psitifiTTTo uTTER AND TO .,l4 UE i?'REELY ACc,QRDINfi ' O T$E, kictATES 9F CONSCIENCj wS PRIZE ABOVE; ALL 11TH$i3 LIBERTIES. • . L�nolsnot ti J"aaua .18th• . '1.800 ,R. IAL TRA VELLERS. `grhe,'ciominercial traveller is sometimes' ;•Roteci a nuisance by the country mer. chant;',. He,enters a little village, ;half .a, dozenstrong, and in his. anxiety^•to . snake sales enough, +ceVer.:ex ensee, P. � lie is apt; to persuade the merchant to .but mere goods than can besold in. ;the• locality. 'Chen come debts, renew- aise ompositions and;insolvency. From, thedother'point of view, olio commercial traveller is a convenience. The country merchant can buy from sample, with - Out having toleave, ando ng home neglect his "b, sineps' in order to,:' select- goods., The wholesalers say that they used to do business without the assistance . of kl ewriand as each merchant hscustoiriet:pex ' sonally, , in those ` days, 'there was less risk *of loss then • .. than now. Ildeed some'teave ll9rs hive their own customers, Who, ..buy from the, traveller and not from the house, and. sue 'h'a traveller takes • his' Custoine 's. with him ; ,when he leaves • •one situation to accept another., . There .are; We Understhnd; 2,900'inen belong, • mg to the Commercial 'Traveller's As •< • • sot;iatione.- Add 100''to cover those . rvho ;do not belong, :and we have the ,nitmher of 3,000 Knights •of the 'Toad: Their salaries and travelling expenses 'together' average *2.000 ' per year. T his weans''$6,000,000 to conte out of. • the profits •. of mercantile ` business.'' \ ` , a+l.11owin' 2,000,000 as:' the population of Ontario; this makes • $3 for each luau, woman and. child in the country Quite a tax, is it •not i , • CANADA i� R winter resort may " •well form a •fruitful topic"#or• discus •1• ;sion in the newspapers ..which::. are ;prone to boom their .country.: With .January.lfith upon us, no frost in the'! : round' warm rains, no, snow as yam' :and the ethereal mildnem of springin the sir, thernseems to be goad ground .ffor wondering' if this is: land of the ?Grt�oggao tncid-snow .fens; the�ice "' and Winter carnival. On Ohristwas` Maple sugar w wade er Aetbn .fin sap .run the day' before. • On ,the •s me day churches in Britis Columbia,' were decorated With `oat . •' :.•flowers ,collected itt the gardens.n•-,New Years day. an excursion met card ,.et" party of :pleasure -seekers (• tui;dig the ,Thaesend 2 Islands: •. Tell ?tut friends abroad to come and spend t1 a warm wiuter with you. LI acardfne .11 "S Eittralrice E ca m C natio; The eandidutes recomtnei. til been passed, showing the following satisfactory results. Out of .,96 Candi ''.dates telly 69; per cent. were,succeat, tut. Klhrairdine if S. passed' 15 • Lulekrluw P.8. ' " •13 • ¶&h'erton P. S: " . • -'11 ►x ' If .'7, Bruce • u 3 1'Ar.12, Huron • " 3' Kincardine, tl 2 t No. ASblialdl' Nite'y, Ash6ele ' " .2 `• Wo. 6, Kinlods��.,• 2 ° Wo 9,• 'Kinlolli u 2:.. • 'We; 3, Kinlogb.. e.. 1 • No. 2, Kiulosati: u,' . 1 . No. 1,, Kincardine " Ro.4,:Jlnron .r I. 1!io, 11, Bruce �f • 1, • No. 1, Bruce 1 No. 2. Kincardine " . • 1. , ' ' . No. 4, B3rn'ce•' " 1 '•• No. 7, Culross. •• 1 No. 8, Kincardine ` 1 `.No. 12, "Bruce er I • A. CASMPFLL" ncardine, Jan12t1i;.1689.' :54 TI -EZ OK,I v w' a t . W .SE�V7TtNEI4 r-cousyr To MIH Mum it.say'Conoern..•.Grecttsg, The, '.day of battle hitherto we have been but sk;rinishing.: who can estimate: the enormous and growing evils of the liquor ° traffic? What are you.doici g to stay its ravages? Are any of- your loved Anes in danger? The, Bruen' Alliance,; asnow const.- toted , is domposed of representatives of all the temperance orgauizatidns in the county, a s well as all others, who pay a small annual fee. Will you try and attend the convention in Winker ten "ofeWednesday, the 23rd? "Hadn't' time, You may spend much more time, in uselessefforts to, reclaiio some . dear one. by and by.; "It Will cost too much." ' What is a ,tiny: worth'? ' And you may'by.your presence and influence save one: • Will e ry a l e .vcry: lode of I lbG. • T. •a,id•. R. T. 'of' 'r.,, ; every division of" the Sons. every union of the W, • C. T. U., •every• Blue Rihbon; orother: temper afire society be represented?' 1 hope; so. Send your delegates that we may find out where we stand, and unite our .effortson the line of prohibition. Brother ministers, remind your hearers and coine yourselves; Editors you can do wuch tri awaken interest. .. Christians pray.. "Have faith. in God,' ,Editors kindly insert J, GREEAE, Lucknow, Jan. 1889. Lanes N . .-..ores .. On •account of the'open winter, times tare dull in our village., - ` The Sacrament of the Lord's. Supper was dispensed in the Presbyterian church of this place ,on. Sundaylast. The Rev: Mr McLennan, of ' Kinloss,,: officiated. .We are glad ttHearii that. Thomas, eldest son of Mr. David Little," ,who lags: been very sinkis again .able. • to be around again: Mr. Rouse, blacksmith,• 'met with what might hAve,.resulted in. a ,serious accident on, Saturday:5th inst., while. shoeing"•Mr Finlay's ' horse 'He wai, in the ' act 'of ,letting; the• foot. .down when -the shoe caught in his apron and. pulled . him to the floor, the horse; plunged'and;' in- doing •so fell on Mr; liouse,,front the affectof which. he :re- ceived injuries to lay him "off work for; about • a.';week. ' :Had he , not been a quite horse the injuries . might have been imoreserious: • MORTGAGE •'*SALE Of Valuable Farm Property!, In the townsbip of Ashfield.' • U::;NDE$ AND BY VIRTUE •'OF THE power of Bale contained in a certain,'', Indenture of Mortgage,' which will bep roduced at the time of sale, (default, havingbeen made in; payment thereof) there : will be, seed , by p, at-the-PG19Is-110EFSFrin•the LUOKNr ;TUESDAY. 221!1D at 12 .g'elock, noon;;• •the , following .valuable •tarn arty, " The East half of Lot:.No ae in the '14th Con-- ceasinn•of the Township ,of :-Ashfield; Easte rn 'Division, ,County of :Iituren, ienitaiaiug• io acres More or less. About Fri acres : cleared and well fenced, balance good bm,h First- clw orchard Large brick-ven.ered•'housn. new, also Iirge frame Barn and stied.'Well sheeted on a good lear',ing road, ab.nit Ole and .half iailee.from t• he village of Lnckaow Terms . of Sale. Ten per cent. of the purchase mnneyt'r be paid at the time of Sale sufficient tr, make np two thirds . to be •paid ' . within 'two week,( have i thereafter, and the balance may remain�fn mortgage on, temps' to be arranced.. ' Th ,e terms may be varied at time Of. sale to, Suit pnrchasers..:1+'or further •iiartic'ilars apply to MACKELCAN 'GIBSON & .CAUSBY' Vendor' Solicitor, Hamilton, or to' • John•tkrnndy, Lacknor, DISSOLUTION .OF. PARTNER-' r SNIP,' I m now r a aving five pounds. f sug . • . _..._.. , ,; _ r_ .., , ..,• __ .... .� _ . p "•$ n.rwith every ,' ';: five " .ounds of tea.' 1: ,l tip:move 1;<ssell, and yogi wll.s�,e1' ,. list that there is -nothing lac, • gattended . , .. ,. g lacking in stock. _ All 'ohtiexs. �m 1 .- • .delivered inside of the : P�' pt, y to , oot1 Corporation. .Always look- for ni. 1' , what he is doing. goody s. advertisement .12(1 see • NTY OF BRUCE y, .....__. «,.r,..«., ",,.,..� b v�...,, ir-..n.+`nw7,�i,"A.^ ,;:,.""'. .... -.. - ...:..- Aa!u',..W,.r.�'::t.;�.�y».,•,.•x.^�.+w , �.... -� ra. '3, ...ray=:-''7•ri°�'t'".a�! 1 a , • '. ry tlip • n..i 10ti. Q ?"Alum... rrowroot;• ' • c• Aliaptep,, Apples, Blacuek(ialnlg,kine) (S aniah) Bl Baking Powders Bath brick, Broi,ms; Brushes, Baking soda; y. Batley, Black lead 0 tA. „ Bird seed, Borax "ds: • • :91.4cotisv•,•as, lin ictoral,13d•. C colate: . Q. • Lmer•ants Carraways; i., ,si . (Jaffee, G oths. pirus" ' r '' Cue;anut "4' :hperab Q c3 "Uhl Codlash, (dandies P r., 'CANNED Goons 0 "-'0 O ,,,� - S4111011, I.cibste ., ,.4 . Z.' 'Say -lees (French) / Is. ."`.' .r-, C� ` +(Warned ,beef, 'Tomatoes �. • ()urn, Peas, P'eaches, us - p . Pease; Straw,berrtes CI ;.' A Date•, .Tams. Q llonue leu,], 1)aiiy salt 0 Lpseu salts. .te. �..': c..'. .. M All I Sst:NCES, ETo tlt"i �'' Lemon. vanilla U '=' ,� • (Tiinuiml,n, ^" 0 " +-) Winter green,. Orange, S.gr' it ;r;, 0 c ''J . rasa x la . , eV) ..• C�, Pe``)1,et•rnint Fiph • r•.• .. : • Gelatine, (T ue, +Gii.ger �� Clr�,. t/1. cc Cy . r0 0 . a • (ground and whole) Rope, Herrings, Ink (all Finds),Indigo Lugwood, Licorice, Lamp wick, MLISTAiins. Coleman's. Keens and .Yells, .NUTS Walnuts, (.)ranges; •,'` lmnn<lez Lemons,: T• ut mugs, Filberts, Oatmeal nd Cornmeal Standar : and u ller Castor'il, Olive oil Machine oil, Sweet oil Hair oil PE$LS Lemon peel, orange Citron peel., Proses; Pipes, Pails, Pearline PICK4ES Ann' . SAUCES :Mixed Pickles, IVRrobester Sauce: ,lobo Bull Sauce::•. -- Popper Sauce • Totaato 'Catsup; r Elie new s asons 1 (''ellery .salt,, Clime Powder, Rice Raisins Valeno las,, SeeIless, Londonlayers &GARS• Granulated, Pani; lumps, Icing Su: f'r";igbt'sugar ,• Dark, Syrup and luolaeses, • Toilet•ecag, Ca'tilesipap Washing soap. :malt Peter Sage. Sage, ummer .Silvery. S'ilpher, Senna,• Sal Soda; , China 'Washing cystal Starch Srici s 1lnllslaiee,'Ch)nammon • Cloves, Pepper white and black; Mixed Pickling spices, Mixed ,ground • apices, (7av,urtre Tepper. TA..i,ca',,..as pi . .J�eas.Tubac,a Vinegar,, ; . , 4 Washing crystal, '.Nash Beards. Pa ,f y:. ►•;. .. WOodenwa e, , 1 p • t•D. ' ( a in. O Y'.east cakes, c'D 0 c) Royal yeast cake; . G C f.12' • 13readuiakers yeast m 0' - �• pore golden bakink. d 'v, pox -der, a -valuable Z i 0. present given .away .-�, with• 1 lb tin of.this S� , powder' Afioi}liandles, macthei, Lam .,q and lamp goods Crockery, Glassware•, • Fruit.jiir., Lard; Cheese,, Oranges, Lemons, Vinericilli, •' . T�tilet , solei), a' vers, ''C• • large • •assortment ot• ' a, 0. Canadian • and Aine»- r- oan. can. ,iu stock • Produce, Potatoes, tiaiibage, Turnips,, Carrots, Apples, Matronia CROC]{ES7' AND GLASS' later Sets,, tea sets* lnilit sets .•letrona e pinner'sett+,_ pl ii acts, Cups and i`iaueers, Pitchers and ]newts, Mugs, Boots and shoes; WM, MOODY C nned's old stars i, 'Lucllnow h-1 5 ry. 5'-s , n pip �`. co • ave'•remo°ted :r ;: � - . ' • .stand oustock from'the old: t • nd will ccntnue our FOR- ome expecting bargans an value you : Will get the • NOTECIf IS 'HEREBY GIVEN THAT. the• partnership hereby su'i.isting hes• tween us the, undersigned; es; boot and shire dealers, in the village. of .Luckiww, has this dy been dieeolved by• mutual coneent. • All ebte Owingto the acid partnership Are to he'. paid to'M'iorrigan, and all clairne agaict the said vsrtnership ,are to' be presented" to John ' Peart, by whom the .sine will he settled Dated this 12th dayvrf January, JOHN•PgAWe; RL�' LIOT TRAVktty. M CORRIGAN, 1 Witness • NA—fir Peart intends ea in nn rr3' g the business as usual and While thanking! all his friends for their liberal patronage in the pai.t, • extends a cordial invitation to thegeueral pub - lie to give him acall' ' MARRIED, Galrrt e—Hexit.ro r --At the •Aahfin'd., -, ar nonage. Lecknow, on' . Wednesday, 9th • inst., by the Rev. Dr' Strongman, Mr,- Hube• rt H. ('*irvin,"+nf �Vestu,ineter, tn�Y�lilszalPRRD1. Mise A'gnee liawiitun, of Human:" ... 1:ocrtxsrt n, N. TI every:`'one .s ou; Iroulle and eselves ''G T'it'h:a fine e comfortable -during the cold months•. axes ,and axe 'handles. way down. Now J . ... ow is the time to .buy, while Tour ' chalice is good.: ALE WANTED. 'f'ernlanent positions jaranted with SALARY AND J X.. PENSES PAI!) 4t • n;' y deternuint•;1 foal. +can eueceeded with up. Peculiar advantages to beginners.'. Stock complete, in ' eluding many 'fast•selling epecinitien. f)titfrt free. Address a; once• (;'lame this paper. MiOWN BROTHERS, • I �1 LL OILalways on.b 'SALESMEN WANTED,ANTD Afinonie.raveling, burrs • .. 1 t —golf 'IlE agents forma Liberal commission P, or salary and expenses, to corepett,nt, r'ntl reliable wen. F'orternia "rind full # ear' ,artiru l , utidren.. /3 CI S. • Nev: Englund Nur%erci." • J. l+'': LittiLABB,h"urAergman, .• Mention (hls paper. Brighton, gs70 • I:etablisheti river 30' years. The old relia1,le nor+ery. Men with. plush , energy. Rood habitee •and clean chareteter• are What we want. E'viryr chance for success. W e can give you good pay and steady work. ;Write. for terms to . ' • ( Et • A.sE BRO 1'. CO. 11urierynieen; r ;,lberne fiiit. • n• a.;.MC V EY . I have a fewthonsand dollars to' invest fev'. private parties, et reasonable intefeete.