Lucknow Sentinel, 1889-01-11, Page 8• it w'b '' kloitra °1f w., to pn r • �'" Mme: reg.tectl,( Y ,� Cta engh '• t I'teiess 2' 30p • nal; • • t' 344p; wTrai,,,, `;-hptt 03°le, %, <*!,r.1A N 1.0 p : . ' • 'Acta C Fridays W.G, & 13.,$nuth 1 CLOW" • 1;l 8• &B., gout( . 9,30t,. iii. i H. & ]3. south 10.04 a. !u.. f • G.& B. North, 3/0p ,or .'" Rea�!rood 4.30. fjulon$L •} p.iq Regime • itialt IYItt� '' Xt` IYti con i •,• 41 eitaeide, Tuesclaye 3.00 p m'. xnd A (gizzard° The .extremely mil 'hist month suildenl:.� weather of`,.the ed on Wed iiesday aftrnoon, and:as wchane to press. , a northeast blizzard .is raging.:: Curling Meeting • , meeting.:of the c,,irling club 'Will he held at 'Murchison's •store this 'Fri - „Asir' evening' at 7 • abaur'. titch fjubilee pe to medal, to arrange _ J a edal, •Notice . .or . A'll accountsowing , to William Moody; tnust be paid on or before the / .. 1,5th. January, 1889, • or else;l proceed to collect. W. , 1lfoody: ie. wlil His Eighty .Fourth Birt `da' Mr. G: %.17”.h v . . Berry left on Thursday morning for Im. ersoll, to. 'attend the. family gathering it: celebration of the'. eighty fourth birthday ofbis', fai'her. Mitjlt".Lall:t and ((caster Johnnie:Berry nisO,accompaiiied':their father to Inger Union Meetings being , This the week of prayerof t e�Evangenre( Aisec(atiin,union priyettnteetings aro' being, held in the cliff ill thenday churchtes e . •villal;e�:.` ',On .Moli :1tng the meeting :was; held. iri tile. • `ffetlloilist church; ,on Tuesday in ; the _ T'rasb'ytertan- r(hurt:i�; on Til re u f 1i ,English -ch daa d in o. til'Ch., Last Warning This°. is pasitit•ely:'the•' last 1f e it}tend giving.those liar tje8 ,whit hait'e, 'tient Settled their accounts befere`plae- ?lig them in `court for coilectien, so Aid; it you recei'vo an ot&cral :resit: from aififf Peter Cortgati Esq„. ;the fault n your .owR`:Save,'eosts. by cilia; -zat'. Ross, • ; harness faker. Lower. Postage 'Few people, here any idea . of the' ati punt spent•eaeh yeas. 1u stamps. by l'usiness•iuen, .and we;•are glad to 'see that• the tan eetit let.tet• tlte." .iltUtt>1r((on .is po�tnh�rate for being thoroughly ilgitatecl'again throughout the country. It will no.doubt be brought up at 'the teextsessio'n of tlla House; of Conl►tious• .tad We hope will be introduced; . nisch' Mines x tib, H were shown cin Saturday last. the "1il,est samples: of.•natier gold; silver. lend: copper ever. seen here, by: A •I,Jc • Charles of 'Sault .;Ste', Marie.,. They' iVere.'al} found in Algntua btitaeen •S rt' and Batche rsu b,y oil • ' � north shol'e. That dt,tre.t triust he , ;, 4 kceiiclt�t+,l:t`ricb lei--11e�precrottsine'tals. Atut ricatl capitalists, he says, are put "1lasin a.great many minittn.cliiIins : t(1Pic+; . which they Intend. to develop' the coming Season.,'• • .r O O' F Officer. s • tT T THE ,,,t•14a�Qc•' E'j�j rr r rir 1ietweetl,,Mra T t' X•@4'al ch tr rP"• 'Ar 4OCi .re to Itbt de r l'eavYttg it"118 OCe twJl 'Oita* rewarded:: • . ' lor, toe seau .e, • Public School: „ • The public _schools reopened wafter the holidays on Tuesday last, With the following staff of teachers: principal. •ln. ll. Yule, George Middleton Ms.�• Bunter, Tda. 'Paterson and Magi. Murray. • Passed the Entrance • t •• --Buy your ;;roces at. VfT, Mtiody'd,. cheapest. hlacein town • Mt: IL G:Middleton; of Winni- peg is the guest of 11r. George 41id:dle- ton, .of this village. ' plc snauta, ,j st think OA, if you. buyiii •, lig , of tea at Win Moody's: you. et 5 lbs of •su t%. As will be seen by the list of p4tpil ; , -'- A r; Kririeth 11foKenz e, of who passed the entir{ace examuoatior, ta.uallill asp published. in another eoluntt,,, ,t}tat " alit lis llolidaes with friends at Lan>' St nine from the Luckii,w school succef,d- bs e ed. in obtaining --The finest stock. hof groceries-. ire' g the requisite number' , the till>ii;e 1s at th!' uiatnrnoth Croce of marks. ar,d. that four others but.c. \V.' Doodle , b A, t .Y, been • recommended', This is; • a:good --'1.'Ite..Y � propr�caor. • slio •lbg and fully equal to any s t water • •con and for the.ht Power •in: the county, c..o.pl c t t or`la electric :Ii,.:,ht was, awarded to Miles,•liiinting r, Coe,, Moses .l1amil;ton., • • .• ' :What &y3 :Moses Oates, ` tl5e weather propheQ.ues, tion, -allay can %y'; M�iody hae, profited by .e'cperienoe • Lie' has. Sell tett: clieaP ot, tliuii, any person else noo desire to quali yfote the osit' P,.1c?it.se 114 galls • it, Good• 'succesor. to Wi;ry : P - Ion of reason worn. of fns • wh' tl ' j . , en the .post be otnes vacant. Talking of the pros •Mis, J. •'W. 'Armstrong• pective• weather, Moses a oils intend <'.• grafiand Cher r cr 0 1 _ P cos t r' l 1V P- P , r C b 111 ates that we will have bumble bees U b. a o t'and couoeicl ,, iu tliu '.Petypeesuce hall.`on the secoii�d and motes•in February, with gardening •Tliursday in February. in March !=that` is, if the weather be —.Wm. Muody is Airing •favorable !" Few there are.w'ho' will ill' .crocke - eat ?Slue � a gr disc re, with the Gait sage. ' r3 unfl 1aserare, boots ands shoes. Just a fe w' air, left, scall' a 1 Linked for. Life. tet.a barbaiu• We .extend otar''hearty• cob rsttt la- : g t --1111. SV .Uai,is liar, perch ed . ons to our les cc the Y �. t1p ted- townantan ;1Ir. aiamuuut sr mill! and Iles atfi led ' . .;• ne'tf)' MISS. a 1 1t,so t ''t•.Iie 1Vnt- Cot,nell on -.Itis marr(n,r , ti ', of ot.11^w wachines t Itlary• Somerville, .daughter of • .111.. 1i now.lri a Posltton to cl'oo ltetti ork James Sontervtlle; ' %x li. P , 'W ednes . than ever: ,Slay evening.last. . .i� The ceretnony was: •BuY •your tea'at ,the g performed` •at. the; bride's . residence by I'we' tea. sell :tlie ]i.ev A. iltetKa.y iu-the; presence of houee:.eattl atitany )169§e' in,4f e*a -Slid more c. . the m'etnber .',Of The and , this.: il' :o se `n i e guests. • rhe hrlde: cheaper. ,it a little 1 { t d Y ati a few a Ut cls then(t sell; ed $y. Mist Lizzie Lawson attend caper. -W. �11oody,• • son and; ,Air„ . 'Johit..Ceniela a` (r. ..• --John•Ynrv(s • a cutin , cted .as groomsman b eer(3, eon se 1. We• join with their • rnan Y •pts, 01) r.(t1.. 1t. la 1,6 •con. .joi. . Y . friends in 1 iuloss; on, 'ri'Pdne • . ' 9' cla • r .. (✓Ot � b int l l` and his a "t . i } 1 Y, Jan 23rd st ma t e quantity of stock and 't t le • uel its and partner long years of happy. married life"' .the farm contrainin n.100 li P The.t�reat P . n acres will also Oa .b r•nfvai e--sold;;-tlorprope1. �, o i Tretnendo s;interest is � nun(i y u being anken A . fine lot• of vegetables •;now iii in the:, a,,,pproaelnng carnival in Mon_ stock at the nlaentiiQ131.. ar yea}. rl'iie GQver;xor= a "r1,'°'ts b, ecer9,:. beets Gc r ,neral is ; to.. ablra�e, '�u�•n,l's;' : poCuEoes;. 1eaugurate't}1efestivities. and ite.-the .uppee..;. Cabb 0 olily 56 per head entie,week'sprograulme his p%tronage., • ''• .Moody',.. ; . 'State Governors, Lieut; Gaverrots and t o . pial.prominent people froth all parts of the Y s�Al ri cc Lora bound ` ae1j e n `are to.: View of A e ' a'p .1i3S9f.ombracitig .: i� the 'speotacles ed tioua `i:n ten larlgu;ige' Fl ,Spceiuiett. 'Letters are pouring in .to the con .pages •of.patnR/ilets •ie • eleven/'•other tee from' Europe:and, the United States . tongues . are also included, some: of enquiring for particulars The•':"rom thein bf;:in,r puttee 'are •titaktnry ' ,, }ery..curiou and .utei'est- preparations fora magnificent ca ni al 1ng�n,sBurnte e, and China;. :,h, Ha v; 'those wlio Cannot • o to.aua g Montreal'for s= -People what are ou doin�. , a %veep .;of wonderuus ' nerritiient. Will, cavi bugy... t Yoe. we. hear, . had the events in•all their.. ,Moody's than .,a na• lace in at wn, marvellous beauty reproduced :1t1 T. Why just think, heft . it �g'r Y P .;c.e 1'Yl toe.n` carnival another ut the`Montreal Star, sugar. -away •with every o fibs., of tea' , uta � lbs o2' which4, is said. �vil.l be a perfectly , he sells and he hits: tea' front 15o up to sturining number: 55c •pel:lb. : -_ • --Auction algal... 1 • John ; • On the. mart. '1' 4,Flourtshing Society.' the ° PUrvis has received inunctions •The gctrernnie'rrt grant to.' iJss a goy Agrictilo t o to sell by' ul, • auction to m. Fie , 1 GSS '• was•$169:27.-� Y for Satr�lday, • `J'an . Y:?th , :18 Son k50 iii bu g ., 4i 1: the excelPACP.ss of 'any pllet toes -� N �,. gr+Y Which took first 'prize at .the, y ar. in Its fall.' show. in Lucknow ;'.1' first-class. J ,The • l3 aneh is a bedr.'oom suit, .valued ,at: about, 435 : 11 nirishtn, : institutio,t and dduringthe.1 robe lr. has mach: , an of ter past five years 1 , oil cla+th charts d 1 e is noPuorwnu at Arles too num,ereug -to mp.,t.c,,:: stride %ue . in th t11. p and c the :. t .fiou ri 'illb cur. to ing an thing is an the, se country .one of'' year to well 'a ploughi year pre a ; young p1-ticu 1. their, eil} cul, and: horders ,e ship or •J such an. I' the 'hin' ' 1 additi and:niidd be well shouid be will take t Final Not. All par will please will he the put their' a !Cation, for 1889,uono s. • ite1 s. reason wht t%new-c}iould na-t hat e: thP`best fair two counties, $urrou,�filed 'by agnifieent Country," it etilrneecls ash and energy of every towusmlin ountryu)ari interested to pur.it• at qp We h 'pe to see the society:; s11 until tile' 'government 'grant e: so bi:thai- it will tie carry it to the; treasurer, s 1.41,k - nit' agricultural : subjects,; one we would like to ses estalilisl rd annu, (''ploughing, match under, cpety's , patronage: • D.owcn• • the, '. these ploughiu, nt1itolres are the important eventi of.;;t11e. farmers and:tlielr sons and':ace• upported Pi izes ° .for ng bond: ace given, and during,. the pee „. • Lodge. for this term .a41' Past „Meterologkai Report for, MSS , '" .The-follewing is, the weather repek 'for 1888''r, Total .a mount of rtliri, fall,' ' ' ''1‘:rtIte lase ',four years 'Irian fell on. 05 • '. ‘14Y\,,' mmith in ,which least rain bin, • oyzonher .7tik., i. 65 inches ; month , , '0Viiielir Most snow fell: thltailey' 41.75: . show fell. • Snow felt On 77 days (NT. • to the cornpetition mazy ,�, "[(tan i4 induced`, to.'bcstow. attention and ',study upnal'this. it branch, ' utttrl' with some Ciency becor» s truly;: wonder_; their tame'extends. (beyond the f their own immediate; town'- orality. \Irby not ' establish uStitutien llt connection:, With' oss• Branch and thereby give' anal iiicentibe' tU' the young le•eged i. ; .\Vo opiiie it would. supported. T110' venture tried. and we hope Soma one he, matter in hand.: ce tie. owing�j�the 'and srsigned, take nottoe that 'the fanit it oven; if they compel fine to ccounts into court fiir cal.' ' (tanned 'goods cheap at IV. :AIoadyei'mOW. =Ile is. giving reduced price's' in those goods.at pres - • c mut _parts of the pia% ince., number et cases. hare been under treat- ment in the. 'tillage. as nen asin , the • sYmptems or onset. of the disease is not •• antining their Children's throats'. freak time to. time arid if. any of •• the usual to thelionse end at once 'consnit. the .family physician. It, very often yields 'stages and h0nc0 the nece.Paity prompt attention, ..4• 175 per cl • • • • 4•• �•"*'---fox-�--,� • LEAV! it the Buios ai I am new right, place . _ mpet,tr 4. o,• irningout. work Second . tG .p . •oneThis: is the to for a.. true • picture, at r1Ces . ••,: p that. • def,9' • Cards Cabinets,. ���� : •�rozaides and 4L b o + "pes,' C:>L 1 will convince . 1 you that Nve can suit; the Most i a.ost fa: pug, so have a. lot of choice a C ti��.t: will be sold e al�iunts awl picture 'fra cheap, ' •:L,TRLEAVEN. .11Zrs. 112oorle 's uitl' sta. • - - y nd, opposite.'banl , �..OK NOW:ARir Al=e di- e s • DRESS.: GO• . fit - e assortment of •FALI annd. W - NTEIt D . _ ress• Goods, infwludin0 TT TI .T .I3 •�� liaye.itiso added .to :my already large rtock of bry Geods hive ,cieterotitit.td to cultivate by selling a goed•article and at a reasonable prices. • ��0'�h131 ••••''' • rilliant 1. Durable 1 Diamond Dyes ekcel all others in Strength;Purity and Fastness. None other are juSt as good: Be? Avare of imitations, because they ,are made. of cheap and •inferior materials, and give poor, weak, ciocky colors. - To be .sure of . success, use only the. D/AltiOND, DYES for coloring DresSes; Stock.: ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, them . to color more goodi, pack- age for, package, 'than 'anY other dyes ever made, and to give 'more brilliant and durable colors.. Ask • .for the Aarnoridand take no other.. 1 .A Cent .Coloire 10 WELLS; RICHARDSON Offers fat ietlelhe GOO acres of land belonging to• the' estite ;0500 acted beinst•tsitu ted the, *numb, on bits IS; tO and vest half ot17. and, 100 on the. 1st e.onceitsion. of .ths t.rofoship Of Kinloss, biting the ofi,its,43 an.d 41,L alitative r)roperty will be s6111 either' In .f.11110 dViTT.R.R.ALY • Only a little.over one. year hat elapsed since theintrodeetion into banada of the, now well- flown LAS Kfilt S Pre TAC LES (ad:thri.'e ie 'hardly a town 'or Village " where Aa arfenCy 1017A/0!, Sale of. thia celebrated Spectt;ele hap not been, in.: :. The ”'ATASItit"is not puffed uphylneeti...- moxpfrisf Photograik. Cabinets -:.,$150 peons, SASHES. 'AND NUM* in ffteek, also_ to order on the shortest notice. Every, equipment for Builder's at ttie= Very Lowest Prices. ". • , 4,0