Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-28, Page 5• r, 1 1 EL. •. !'S/r riarAtIOSil 91.14100144 • Coundilmet of} Dec; 1Sth according t °tri. statue;, meml erx all present, Minutes `lift former teed ting *era . read and .+rtpproved,, The: ,treasurer's, report :for, Nuveltiber, sh9wing ' balance and V.ecnipta$2I38 .11,. and expenditure, $4 2.52, was read and placed. on file. .Dougall McMillan applied for compen• 'cation for ,sh+llep. killed' by dog,—no ` si:tion taken. The treasurer was 4nstrti ted:' to -pity the note -tine the late Anthony Quess. The Reeve 're,-• Ported 'that. he and Mi. , Ward had waitedon the parties' to the late u'easttrtr's bored: and that they, , held' agreed to remain isit 'securuntil the . y let .clan of January next. Charles Thorns • made application to have a road opened'.to the rear of his Said over. Robert Ellie presented a :claim of ;$63:714for gravel and. damage. done ltis,.property in taking out. gravel, —laid over. Mr., %Vni. Martui ap t peered inltehalf of the. Eitst Wawau •ugh portion of. U. S. S. 'No. 14, stating •: = that an, injustice hadbeen done Aunt, lty'the,school rate being Iied on the t . «fiction • in the saute proportion •as last }33 year, . not withstandir g the fact that GUU'arres had been added to the Section trout %V:awano:. h• and •thus the v •ratepityers'. of. the East Wawannsh• pti•tion, had'', got no' Benefit from the: ;Addition. ,On motion the.,Rebve.Was inetruet !d• to consult the,township so- Iicitoi on .the ' •natters T. 11 Soiiner-- • villc • oortijl'ained that owing; !to fallen #bbabrir: lying in: the ,creek' bed.On lot 15; ' con. 9, the water overflowed'•the road stied thus:'. made, travelling there ilnpo�stlal`e. ' The clerk was instructed tee notify the .proper • parties to remov e the• y olistructiion. Moved by 11Ir. i • • Stuart. seconded ,by Mt• Todd than the:. •t. .d rk pivot(' 150 copies; of the finite-, i .CROCRIEST CROCERIES I ' e wideraigmed having puroha,ted the stock' • of. • e. BROWN. MALLOUCN ti t t aid}scoifut.1spow in a positic.n to offer at the gld'ptand the greatest hargaj w in. GENERAL GROCERIES CROCKERY, CILASSW ARE, CONk'ECTIQNERY; FR,177/, dt .VECMTABLE$,' :the people of Luckuow and vioini:ty ever had &ie i,ppurtnnity of scouring, Bial statement required: 'by :law for (l'istr;hil;Lion ,ainong :., the ratepayers, • The following 'deputy returning oiAcera west; appointed hy. by-law. For pollutg nbditasi ai N'o. 1, J:• G: Ward; fol leo; ,'2, 'George; Rutledge;`. for No; 1. .i,• R,''.'I ' liber ;.'for .Nti. 4 John ,(.4ordon: A largo number of accounts, were• rpassed after'`which.:Conncii. adjourned to meet,according to statute. • ►'D111 sToO OR. . 111 is large and well selected: ' Special cute willire given in this line. .CANNED GOODS. .- IN ABUNDANt F, AND MUST BE SOLD' • A large stock of EUROPEAN FRU iTS. .for the Cbrietmas; trade at "brines' never before :,heard nf.'., Spices rimPerla new, and con fectionery away d.,wn low; AS - After the extensive sa es' of the past . %W : weeks ....-.., e; have .a lot of remnants of A epeclal invitation :extended to intending, purchasers after ex/forma; every other stock, in•' tttwit. r ., : , EVERYBODY' WELCOME AT THE come one'' ' Come t.. for your C}trlatmeis+goetde:, TWEEDS, PRINTS, w IN EY�S, ,..I_ purpnea,..to continue _the flnur.-and.. •feed department and will always; keep on band the bent PAImY FL: O BRAN, Sl{ORTS, OAT *YGoodb'delhvered'to alt p JOHN EEI.LiOTT EAI. etc.. s Of the town. we find that d. FLANNELS •SGOPDS. :SHIRTINGS,, LsTONS, R1B hic • we will clear,- out at a bar- . 1 , •AM. ERON & MURDOC i. IIANGE". BATTLE ESTRAY. • TRAYED FROM THE PREMISES IJ, the undersigned, lot id, con. 14, W Vision Aebffeld, on or ,bout the midwest_ , Ober lest. four yearling cattle two steers a two. heifers., One steer io a,'.bright red with.: white spot on face ; the others are nearly all ' reid-with white ssppoote. Any one giving gucl information as will -.lead to .their recovery will, be suitably rewarded. 4.777 D. T. M*KENZIL, Lochalsh P. 0. .......................... .. WACONiAkiNC. HORSE SHOEING • -kND CE It RAL• BLACI SMITNINC : 0. Adam Thomi;eon begs leave to thank tire.' inhabitants: of Luoknow' and surround* enfi'otry for t'he libertil patronage bestowed' �+ bun during the Iaet seven' Years, 'and wishes continuance of . hie oltl cnstunpersand a fast, share of the new, *he Is i¢.et,ibetter Patin* than. ever to supply the wantff of the. bbl 14,0' a}ways balk= :hand 0 etgck oa f .• •ago�°A unities „F all liin is,'' He Will also ;remind. them of the. f•rfamed ' • SCOTCH DIAMOND ,NARROWS/ - which he has—On hand and are'madeeot: the very beat material ; Parties wantnag any thing 1n this line will de well,to give him avail •. `-` and•eee prices before, purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention paid to . '• • , • A L KIuIDB. OF , NORSE SNOEUIN.. flat fust; dpintractioni•, and' interfering. By strict attention to business; , good` work uiansbip aid employing nothing but •goli'd ". . workmen, I trust ,to ' retain the i atsoeags *. kindly extruded to ADAM THOIVIPSON. Campbell Street opposite the Bank. T R A . E:. 8= 'PRAYED • TO THEREMISES OF the undersigned, lot •1, enn..g of Aelifield, :at olil Tow, net tui'king,on or ,about the 1•,t of "October last, the owner is requested: t., prove propety, ppay ex ,eeaea and tike her, away. WM. MORGXN.: +r7, J' ' ' -, Lance P. 0.: • 'TO.11s' :YEARS'` CUT;aid P:LU-G' MOKING T'OBACC FINER THAN" EVER• , See`• LAURANCE'S: SPECTACLES AND. . E.!E=GLASSE•S•. are the only . genuine English articles in the :.Ganadiani Market.. Real 'pelibles kept in stocit.' Tests given to purchasers to prove'gemmmeness. They are recommended by and testimonials have been received from the President, 'Vice -President, Ex,-. President and Ex-Vice•President, of the Medical Association of,Canada i' the President of the`. iryollege'. ,f Pliysicane and Surgeons'of Quebec ; the, Dean of the : Medical Faculty of 'Lava: University , the President and'Ex-Presid nts of the Medical Council of Nova Scotia; Etc• • mit TIT xi, `BOOKSELLER, I.r`cknow. DESTRe.' A r:MIOVESWORMS O:F ALS KINDS f9 CHILDREN" OR ADOLTts SWEET �.. E UP AND; CANN OTr.HAI .14. THE MOST. lJEL'IC , '!E' CHILD • LUOMNOW LIQUOR STORE' INS BRONZE, ON each` Plug and°Parka e- 1DAR FOR 'SERVICE A 1'ii01:to17'GHB1t;ED BERKSHIRE h:ytr for service at tut 18, von. 141, hili :.'loch 1e•fns, $1 <, J A.M S PUB~V IS, - 4-i7$ .R.d ruud P, • Chases c� ."•:�' A R_ R H U RE, 'The OnIy 25e, /Remedy -positively • guar.uiteeti • to care Catarrh. Every e ry t':utadian is familiar avitha cold iii 'the head,' with its' sneezing, aenilffiug, sonfiles;' ales rad and watery, nus- red and sWo.len, but are they ntrare,uf its danger • , Thousands to=dayhaute t'atatrrh as the situ •if. a' negIe aced ,cul f to the head, 'thou& ands rove their pulw•inary ,alfuittoL to die .,- l e . ,:tune t•a .t e . •The usatids ae.cu4e the sites atoms non tsAA:-attthor ,,f then•foul br.•ath wheniu ,tear 1, ere ty erase itis owing to Catarrh`. r ms and Cause f Catarrh1 S o o t.', ;' ;,Axil • r 'liarosite theory is utter. non- t:i us' t ',, t:arrh iy au infltun:itt.,n of the nasal. p•1.: : 4 444 like ill tnflatu.tt„ry diseasesgela-. • riot s pass or stutter, 'For instance, , a omit in ,t,: .tor is the 1e,nit-44f infliintatihn;. and .a ,c .4.43 leer is allayed the festering nor* "'Alen • y,,,, •,,% Ih al, • ' So it. is with Catarrh, the in. rias, •.1-1t3i,ou. ' .atea fuss, which, is either hacked nit : i e,4e.are ; !'?! s4P;!4liccked the matter ac- �', • e„un and adheres to the Wallis "of lee,• • {, • ria.., • .a.;es, hlardeus and rapidly ,de coua} , .IN,;, • 1,•.teiug: the Walls; causing ulcers and: rest. . • ,.'t. g the' breath :mil «Itcn discharg ; • , .1,e . ' .rwa V.in flaket, ire tin vol wit e s >; h tell i' , .e .hearing. breathing !Ind smelling is '' ir.,.1 ; dead pain on the bridge of the flow -Ver ' the eyes, deepii riga its doii the;' NOTICE TO. OREDlTORS5 this. • ,0 , slyw sites. cous disch ante Of a dii. �,t•. • tl lite.;Pernliar tone of voice; Fc,t .,' HOW CURED. a „pi. .'# '1.4 Catarrh cure' cures the, snuffle 1:11SUANT TO 'TILE • REVISED D'. r r c..:4:e.head in t. few hours; cures ,:r Statutes of. Ontario, 1887, chapter 110. y, a { to b the ere n ofoho Stewart, ,cell dit � J, t wart • �.late ,rrhniaf lfi�i •s• , ' .,',..400. a chs, utcCtu►rrh ilk t.. • ,ares reltef,. dries tip' the. dischar;e.. of the Pillage of I.ucknow, in the County of he sures and ulster,.. t4 by set er truce, hnilder', Who died on cr• about the 14th ,int ..' - fey' front a cold in the head and' run' day of Illivehlbyr, 1lOs . are. hereby; notified lick•• trading Catetrrb,,u-ht:ii you'•caii be to send 'to is`Iltatt ;Traver,. of ,the Village, 44410.• ' , cents.: v. of • ;t ucknow, Solicitor fits 4the executors on or before the 2nd • day of January ' ijl.sl ,tl dealers ar sent post fiattf .tet'nny 1889, their •pliriati in and suruainets, addr. a eo .Stints • • • i.•. ett,t of'lnce,2.' Centty or'S fur cel, and drserepl.ion, the .ftill'••particulars of their -1-7,'""7' D. claims; *statement 'of tltei •- accounts; anal the _.,r te i ce. riatlirtt of tlie'securttles,. if any, held" by thew t . e' . ' . and. that after, the sa•id date the executors of '-itF1 • •`i 1 v nr. Chase's" Pills, ere .the mar the saitl'estate, will distribute 'the •ttroceedsof • r , ■) . „.2-1 , Kidney-Liverpillsuinde. They; the said ewite;.amnngt tho Forties entitled, •LI • t act gently yet; effectually May therto, having regard only to the claims •4f '��yIL.,,,..,„ n and the Said e.ltecuut•K,lvfll. not be.haltie for the TRUNKS!. •TRUNKS! R PROCTOR, Has just received' a large and well J ,,.Selected stock of;fine Trunks, .': Valises, Robes, :etc., which he is' `selling at hbttoni prices If you lash taF,�l •2*-1,1642',t.'rixnl& Goat Ol!' t',11$'A10 • .Zobe '$leve. 01P call. Single -Seel Dor.bhh, s made to: in tori: or trade notice. 6 alit tieSS. al�Vay, Teri..►' t5rder do $3 •1 k ie►11 kiitdei'of'meal •. �Pr'have in sloe 1Nomei's Don ala 'fid ; 1' ' , . • . ' " g :Cit. , Mutual •: and Citizens. Men s Sealed :Top Shoes OFFICE— 0: C. Taylor's Tin Shop, Lncknow' Will be in theoiilceevery Saturday afternoon J.SHOBBOTTOM, Agent, _. e� Irrt portations./ i11 Insure: your Farm ,Property, Private Dwel- lingo, in the old reliable; the . 'SPECIALTIES' LONDON . • MUTU • I Stn: also agent, for the.' Wonderful run in V e: Prices: Var ons, Prices•: Everyone 'etSti ed„ The Popubir Shoe Store EDWARDS & MCCALLU M . �..KN LU C KINLOUGH SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ESTaBLISHED 1845. Is the oldeet and Most popular` seientif eland);; Mechanical paper publlehed and his .• the largest cirenlation of any paper of;ite class in the world. Fully illustrated,. Beet class of Wood Sngrav- ingn. Pnbliehed weedy . Send for specimen' . , MC NN & CSO. Pc .ig "rat Broadway, EV.. RCHITECTS it BUILDERS. A A great encceee.' ,Eaclt,tesne contains coldred Edition of Scientific American.: lithographic, platee'of country and•cityresiden-• ' ces or. publics buildings, Numewne' engravings' and full plans and specifications for the use.ot Such as contemplate building Pride $2.50 a year, et&'a;e PYa . MUNN & CO„ I'Lil,16sER5. • irsroe be ,seer: 1 ed. by a�ppply- ing to Mt%N .i CO,, who had. over have 40 yens! experience and have made over 100.000, applications rd,Americar 1"4^.e. '— elan 'Pat 'J , Q'i..i.. i•UK •we 6ts."� and for tiar:dbook , Correa- ••^,,.mdencc strietlJ confidential. t ' TRADE MARKS. in ease your mark is not registered in the Pat. • eot:.O�ce, apply to Mcis Co.. and pre.cure. immediate protection.. Send for handbook: C/II'YRICIUT)3 for books, .char°tsi maps.', ete., quickly procured., Address , 111USr,d:•CO "•Pnient.Solicitor*. tbE.NEitIn Orr1C.C• t$1 BnoAnw a , N. Y. Ordered Work.a Speciaitg:• ' R. PROCTOR.. •(.e.: .Q. ' ,betaken during any t'utplor• which their; shell'then'bele,received notice, fns t.• They cure kidney 'laver „ • t ',u.r,. : • ..34e.te;bil1ounnese, costtveneti a.etc• t,toceeals .,f the said estate or any part; l iorouf,.. t)ue-I 4!.44.1e.",i , So distributed. to•any tle'ison of wheea cTiiin dealers, or Stet on re' . at the time of the. �„l17the executors had ntlt notice . e .i a • '• •, 7a cents. thstrabutto t. Dated this;6thday of December, 1f3,fl.: i".. DMANSON & •CO..., . ` ' ••re tt- , T... . •- • , private 'erg at re -_onabl'c' ntereeta. � .I11.i.TCi'1'r l.nacSa I 1Lt:TriR ilrahraaTa. pet at party , Aso i, 1311Allk Oli D, Otrr. e :l.►ltairr+t far lalecatara. .Inks;bit4r.ttic,. r CI.::' p`(;.t:3 f rvf''� 1" n, of , It .. -• . IX .c i:lrat'>Y' -1 •, E T T,TOT Til.t'1' EIIS. lost \fanufsetur f m of „I •--- Is fluiaoe nve~r A e- 'Wheat deal Grahani'Flour Corn Meal, white and y eliow ,Oatlnca]. ,rolle'd and„standard' ' • Anything you want ih the flour lfite• fie Stook at '0aar ek � 5C .0 1 E4 from p h'. erything as cheali as the . heapts"t• The best flours Flour trots • r4004 _r+G \`E ESA t:', LL, �j. R_,_....}�• gassy,./ate,, A till �•� �3il S l i II. r! _... 'tP 1 have S few thousand dollars ,to inreat .ft • J WILL CURE QR RE IEVE BILIOUSNESS DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA''' : ' DROPSY INDIGESTION, t'• FLUTTERING . JAUNDICE OF•'THE HEART, ERYSIPELi�S,: , ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM THE STOMe-, HEARTBURN,' HDRYNESS HEADACHE* : OPINE SKIN,• ' 1.. And evitry ,seater of 'diseilse orf, , L� disordered LITER, : It1DX7CYS inz �STOl A C4, BOWE`rLS OR BLOOD; 'r ITT' T)TT't1> LT . t5 fisc *>r;. -e,a .,�t :.' S a.a a... -:. .. • • flaying opened Opt:a shop again, I writ keep on hand a .stock of the BEST CANADIAN LIQUORS :0 `4MPORTED- LIQUORS for Medieal Purposes i . Wines, isranukey, Holland .Gin Scotch Whiskey, Native pine. Carling's Ale.-Ete • l ' A. McPHERSON: ie-Erincipal of:�, Trea meat• f; .Washington; DID:1,LP CPS Eminent Lung and Throat Sur ,' • i%IL1.'BE CAIN'S HOTEL CK - 0. . uah - -ON • .. nn the . , a C EMBER re 'UNTIL 1.30 Real'W H.. Storey's (of H. v ra.orty•. Sop, 'Mannfaeturets, Acton,'Ont.) letter of rely to Dir. McCartney, of ltoyne, Ont,, t ` • Acton, Oat., Sept.1.4,1it8T. r ,1lcCnriney, Esq., Boyne,. Ont. ' DE.in SIB; -•V•mei• letter reeeiv ti!t. 'in-ret.,y • I' beg to, inform you that41)r. Washington cote- pletely cared mit of Catarrh of tiro yes.*•' standing,, which threatened toihreak do;...toy 'constitution. Y bad p"eviou sly tried e v et y thing; ani a . rs phy.tcan of note; . receiving &{actical good; When 1,ce*oi- nienced talcitie,hitl nteeli'otne I w yultl. ;drone,ls stiffoctte ,with ,inucnus running, down 'twit. throat atnight, and ` bad about given ftp .11 ,hope. After.Icommenced taking his bnatif eine I felt t derided relief in a, week. at .:.y two nloithnwasentirely..cured. Thnt.i`neery • a Vat ego,. and. have r.o return of the:, trouble 1, can 'confidently recoinniend •Lr. W11006 ingfontir)°ou. Hr is no quack ; hues e are •moderatehe is perfect• g.noire.• shat teem tY ,,lies, at least such is r(►; urce. Believer Inc. Youri. truly; • W. it. Sy• '1f/ilk' Diseases Treated. (1:ttarrll. Catarrhal Deafness. Chronic ]!o. - chrtis• Asthma and nousnn,pti!,h... 'Also lent of Voice, Chronic gore. Throat, Re ntoviinr. ism Isrged tl'nnsils from the '1?hhr'at, • and .relit or Growths frnfn the nates'with.entthe k All diaemic. of the- Weed. `threat attif l.iset " . Treated by Inhalation—" Th't':Cew • ,.1 • •