HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-14, Page 84 •!voxyO 0' •Hours..$ a. Me1Ls Asalv$.: • ' r W .G.& B South: 6.13 a• in. r Daly 'Is. H.d B.North 12.30p. m. ary } • inuughJ} 230p.m . ;t ,. Vito* w'. lx. i3 North 3.•18p. in. 4r, • i iaderieh rnte'rrne,listo Points j 9 00p, w. 1 f.1it tF #. North 10.30 p. m.. `f' - 'Tuesdays. flaagside: '`' 3.0013. in.. ar,d Fridays. • MAlLti'CL�ii& W G &tB.,Snutht 1.; I3. .,13-, South I 9 p., m, n 1..11. & B. South 10.00 a. m. .44 % . G.& B. North 3.20p. iii. ' 4Y. i rolvrnod ). 4.30 p.m..' Kintnugh. } Kinloss Literary Society. ►,„ Ln he absence of the President on F;iday.nieht Mr, °D‘: D. Yule,occupied C'• ••k a aM- ' II.E L1JCKNOW SENTINEL 'COUNTY OF 146:1:3-1: the chair at the -.meeting of the Lite; Society, and 'the program wa carried • ;out in an , interrestt.ng_an 1. s e k pleasant' mantter,. The atteridanc was also; very good and those . who too part ,in the t�ntt�ttainunerit rendere their ¢,deli its :very .creditably,. Municipal Matters; Although it•i•, t?Ny.a few weeks. til nomination day, yet there • is littl • or no stir in municipal. uitjtters, and s far no 'dames have been, delinit.ery placed before."the ratepayers as aapir nts • for;, election to—the counci ''In the townships•..the peopi . P,p Iso' seem to take thk%:,,w tte!' uietly • and',very few new nt tnc.s.t are' mention - tie and Vicinity y ar • . • Girl. Wanted. Servant girl wanted to .do' general• . housework; apply to Airs. W. Allin. Funeral Sermon. A .' T funeral er :. s m n of the late Arthur McLean will be preached in St. Peters church on Sunday evening next by the Rev. 1kr.,-Sha w: ,A Good Stallion: Mr.. • Angus 14IsKenzie,: of Kinloss, bad h • tine' young imported, shire, ,stallion, "Grove Shire Oak," (5091), tit the.village on Saturday last, and he trued the scales ►tt 1790' pounds,.• .Acquitted Mr. ,S Grundy who urea. . charged . with breakinginto the, house' of widow •'bioDunald . in this:'village •.one...night last summer was . ,acquitted at, the kourt in Walkerton before : Juclke ingsuille. on Wednesday.. :.Notice to..Creditors.., '--�ae>r-�Z-oss, ttarnpss-ns#tlre�herPli'. Rives ' due notice that all parties inn;- deti'ted.• to hi,iai either'"by note or Took .ae`ceunt, must positively settle'thesame before the 15thof December.-, - After. 'that:. date ;they will- be placed :}ti court • for collection. • • The Drop in Wheat.. , :• • •-Q-uitH-a itoitibet�of fa a1 ui Bis aeighborhnod,•are feeling,blud over the .wheat Market, '• Those ` who.could• sell -•-.f►tui=wteuld-inbt_-receive-na-- ym - sympathy`; but'.there are afew •who could not het, .;heir graiu".threihed' in time to deliver: !hring -the boons. ,and these•'receiva r ,nucry : r onsiderittion There'.h s been. iri>, ant rovenient••i tiei 4 ,E Q F , a during the set week, nor do 'present indications. "'poilit'.to at*. advance. • W th' the ncw' year Gni? enters upoti. dais':thirty-second` half 'yearly *Aurae, a fact•,which speaks eloquently"for • the merits of this unique and favorite;Can- .adian journal.:- No former attempt in .the field:, of. numerous journalism in,. iL`an>ida, Was ever auccessfu.l, because no. • former case was : there the happy ' - conibunations'of elements essentiat': to the. success -of -such -a' venture:- -j-in C - •first place, an,.uncoaimon fertility of in- v'ean•tion is required, to keep a comic •paper abreast of the, times,: end. this ruust, be backed up by. an artistic • abii- htys equal to the'•:tasl ,f interpretingthe happy thoughts' ;in a aired- in. a •populir �tfjannel. scan.. v, . tiers : Pru$'' b :the solid basis or, i t ir .irinciple upon which to:build. ]'i u,;,. err>;,or, fairness ' a;nd,:goodt.taste" are all as ebsential tow the'snccess of a • comic, `journal, as of a • ,titagazue .of'the Highest, class. • All .these P ics , features hare,froin she first •niirp= ler, distinguished' &rip in• a high .de- • Free, 'It .'stands to day . alongside of the very .best proriucuions tit iio c'ass in • • the world,' and enjDYs.a-fame far bit gond. the bounds of Canada. To Can- yrdians it ought +o be ,more and More. • an object :of patriotic' pride, ',acid cer-: tautly but little •can be said for^,'t1ie. patriotism of any .Canadiaii who pre- tends to culture,;' and can; atrord • the: price,' whose naino i's• not found.' upon ('rids subscription list. The stab: :<cr•ihtion price ;is almost ridiculously "le+,i,. when ' the -rates' of similar `( (and nut equally able) journals "'elsewhere are considereed. It is only two dollars. a •year,,. although .the :paper contains sixteen partes ailed With. ~►rightorigin al. humor of pen and pencil, an . alwa s gives, without stint, political:'oartoons on passing events, which for .'point, putvtr,atld'huluor are 'certainly tinsur= • passed in any liuninrous paper of -the day. 1 orourselves ,that we can ' say that Gri ii o very first„ journal: we gp(ui rid .iii on -oar , .., � �. the arrival of o weekly exahatige4,, and .tie believe the same, is true of nearly every Y :the �..._.. ,., . oun try.. Get It for 1889 wuhogt fail. , • Special Notice..., • Parties.. having : lbiig aiardue ac :e,ounts and dotes rendered thein since 1 have given up business and who have not made 'a settlement Will surely en• tail Carts by such d :c nt rli - :'tzcih E d • 1 e 0 a board.,: a e ed as candidates.,.. • Grips Comic Almanac. The well known annual for 1.889, is. now in the b,,,,kstores. .For ten years Canada's "own and only" Comic Al- manac has delighted her }people, and the new number is decidedly the best of the the lot.. The calendar pages ars unique and ingenmus.;•.the double page_ cartoon, "li•repi•essible Tug, . of War," is 'first clans while there are several • full page.,' cartoons .of ii., less: merit, and any' number. of side splitting illustrations, • ' The 71qter press is tapt •tal reading.' • 'Ten. -.e nts will secure the bank at, any newsdealers_..a modest ;tax for so enjoyable -a 21e/czii je., surely. • Caledonian Officers • At the meeting of the 'Luckiiow Caledonian `Speiety• oil ` Wednesday night last the following ofii'cers were elected :• Chief, 1). •A.. McCriniinon, M. ; lot chieftain, Alex, 'McPherson ; 2nd chieftain Jannis ; 'Finillaterl gid chieftain,; Wm. 'McIntosh ;nth ,cltief, tain, John 'Scott ; , Secretary, *1), D Yule ,. Financial' Secretary; GeorgeE ,' Kerr, ' Treasurer;, 'John Murchison Standard hearers, 11cool d. 111 Millan, !lathes. Purvis.; Finance coniini.ttee, D.,nald' McMillan, AlE'x L `''McKay, Wm, McIntosh •,; • auditors,. 1st' chief tate l4ICPherq� ii; 14--.4Iorrisee, Jelin McBain ; solicitor and attorney at aw, lin Morrison , directors ',of theniic' Ei xereises_and_daiiemg,'' Geo:.F'. McIntyre, N: Morrison,• .D. Yule marshallst :P, • ..McIntosh I: Alex L..,141cKay,, Gen. , •Y Davidson;'i 1 ti es ' r b .117.. Iia P P � Y, D. B. Mo t{ay, . L McKenzie, ':M. lylorrisn, M. McDon aid, A..Stetvart, A. 'Anderson: —Christmas, 1888, ' Just. ;:reeeived: from: the,. central ,otlice. a telephone: message'•frorn an old ,friend Santa ;Claus "Hello !; Is that` Tom Reid ? be ready, i airs coming to inspect your stock." • 'WVarned.-by this, .I' have put my stook of candies and confectionery in complete order. You will Lind' ni:y place theright spot; to , buy, the ::right goods. Call and -be convinced. Sweets in all shapes'... and in. all `forms, ' My bakery,,; flour iind feed department too you will:hnd.full=and,coaiplete`for_ day Hina, Acroriling to the .almanacs just .l . Litt; fur . 1889. the following eclipses will occur during. 'the year :—J'anuary 1-( it the sun total-. visible ; tt: tc;titl •ec apse just before sunset iii' Manitoba, and, as a partial eclipsein some other portions of the:: 'Dominion .January 16-17 (inidni ht)- Of the moon, .par tial` 'June 28. -.Annular of;"the :Sun :. invisible, in. Canada:. July a2—Par- tial' of the moon ;• invisible in Canada. December 22—Total' of, the siin ; Visible in Canada, except as a partial eclipse for a Short time aftersunrise. in Nova Scotia. _8"L 25"'will''buy a 'nice bedstead` complete. 812' will,buy a fine.bediooni suite., 7818 will buy'a.nice sideboard: 75 cents will. buy a large 'picture .with' gilt ` frame ' 35 cents will buy a tilt' 'photograph frame .' .All furniture marked: away down in, price at Beni .0 •L' title. , ~-Cho ce fainity•flour, germ And corn meals • 'cracked :wheat Graha.ni'. flour,, 'rolled, -granulated and standard. oatmeals ;. lrr•►n shorts, chops and all kinds of coarse grains'kept on hand: Goods delivered to any part'of' the town. —J.:El.'LTOTT. ,' : " Santa Claus is . doing much in- teresting' 'Writing for the • newspapers just' now," says on. -exchange. Yes'; but Santa's best contributions will never'sce print. Ask the, youngsters. —Protect your 'houses by 'having, one of Clark's•patent stovepipecollars your: stove ~pipes, saves fuel and' prevents' tire, for. sale by 1'. Lawrence, sole agent for Lucknow. • • -Splend d assortment'ef•dress and rapper'goods .for Xmas, trade., ne vest yles in' patterns and quality: Call d see the ably embroidered and Braided draw to l,u.had on), At .the et an •. old reliable d .41 1 ityrv,' w • 1,Qca1 clVIt.F.C>hat. I!lcked.' lip ,Mere, and There for *enders • • of Ake' .Sent; net.. ' Mr. F, Grur.d,r,, def Guelph, fa in ; the village, —Marriage licenses issued by Q,, 'W;: Berry.. • --The fall' of snow on Wedn sday. has made good sleighing,. • • —Thenew year is; to open with a total eclipse of the sun,. --A large stogk.'of pocket, table. and dessert' knives at Lawrence's. ' The large 'space given to, Christmas• ,, • • 1 , , D'Ee. ' 0: mines; r notices has 'crowded out other its ealede for. $8 a yard at . ri Y i Connell's y riciht place to go,. to for a trate :lours' a t rices, .til:tt clefs= , just the thing for ladies- z mantles. .. CUmpelt � 1.1t1t . . . =A tine s —The .county valuators. have coin - mended operations: on the •villages and towns. - , nls: 1 am new tiir'ning oat Mirk-secollil .t% nt�ne This is tl . r , 1t1r*:. D. E. Cameron, of Toronto,' spent Sunday with friends in the vil- lage. • —Everything in the fancy grocery line line for the Xmas trade. -A : McIntyre. —The Rev. Mr. Shaw • w attend= ing the•'Synud meting •in London last week, •. . —G. W. Berry, issuer 91 ,marriage. licenses. - '_lir. D Oampbell'ar d'fa'niily, ar :rived hone from • their., trip , to • the Northi'eat'en Wednesday,, ' —thsston's,Atiietican X -cut, saws' are warranted,, buy one at Lawrente'y before they are all gone, .is reported .:that Mi•, Jainet • Motlat,. of Caress; has' lust another:ot his ini.portrd stallions,' -A ,few good marten e for'• �1'I vete parties a :6. .erg ` P p t p cent Biter-. East, Apply,17I.LiciT 1'It�VER llu:riita,the past week .both•.Mr._ David Taylor And Mr. J: How,-ey, lost 'valuable horses ; from . inflarnatiou, ` : -Also' a .nice line of'toiiet bottles for covering •at Berry & Days'.' .' -•Z'he Pope has' a.Pointed 'Decem b,r 31st/as• a ,day. o • gi neral thanksgiv- ing in Roman Catholic churches.. 131te probabilities ties. redid c61c1 yea- -cher, get One off Connells cheap over- coats`and,von are sure of comfort. .•• . Parties' wlio •`have e stray stock.: on'. or abut otheir should'bear. iti� •mind 'that' the ;law' Melina it conipul sory''to.advertise them. •' , 1Glasswii,re, china arid iron • stone.: ware , also a tine; lot of hedrooni-setts, c•�heap, at:' the Huls-` 'Grocery —J: ELL•IOTT A • first-class' Persian Iamb muff and 'boa for 815.'.at Cennell's' Persian iamb caps` from $3• up., His. is the chaap store for furs. -The , minutes et; the meeting, of the Presbytery of ;�1aitla,nd 'held' on Tuesdsy last will, appear iu ; our next issiue. s' ' am ;olio;; out of ton hoots; ve a few sues in -felt and leather ots very cheap,, 'good 'as' urtiiient of dies ancl':gents:'hne.'shoes `cheap, -at 1Ciclnfyfe's • A':large number of,'shiner' lyers are a"t Cti s"fam°illi `SEN..TISEL:G"71 e meet lot of: ri5oney this' inoixth, and hope 1,'will do their best to settle up at ha bo la A. a al on a•• small: sum :of ,money you can huy a' tot of goods. go and • e' •get what soo' can. „et, for .5e, It/c, 15c; 'fine. vases, ;cup's • and saucers,' Toys, china figures; doll's and a host of .other goods at, Berry:.S.'`Days'. • The. male is late tonight," re- marked a. woman in town as:sh.e got up. at inthef Morning to let in her husband. • • .:�1.1 •parties. having accounts ith. L. E. Edwnrds.wilt find it to,their ad- v ntage to call, and pay air once'and, sa%4e cost.i.--L. 'E: EDLIAR$"s... --Silter«are iii. big v;tjletf,.'tluad- p08.41.ate: YEki-can't do -airy -•Pistils.. than' calling at'Berry it Days' drug and. fancy store, they have , a .fine , lotof -o ce. • • - Shiloh's Vitalizer .is what you need; for Constipation; loss of `appetite,. dizziness, .aiid all symptoms of Dys- pepsia. Price• 10•:•'and' 75 coati • per Lottie:—A 113.,Con;rain. , . —A' girl, named Mary E. McDonald," formerly of Kincardine, 'now nartned, and no ode knows where, is wanted. Ati uncle in Engiand has, left her $17,000 iii his will., M Annuals Boys' own, girls' own, Band of Hope, review, • British works nran,''Sunday .at home, leisure hour, all nilcely ' hound. These are 'really fine books; both for old and young`, You can get any of the above at berry el: Days'. Tor books,"all aorta, call in when yoaro passing lis. Iat'uritSR jiceinse lis3ued by o..w. Berry, ds Ca►biiiets, Bromides end. . rbb otesu A .c:i,l will couvin(e' yonn thtit We a Ln suit the. most' faetidi- ons 1 also have a lot cif choice. anti„ pi(Ove that will be sold cheap, T, L .•TREL,CAVEN, Mrs..11Toone 's st.i, o •' lcl ntl'n pc>'site bank. ,LUCKNO • 4,71 i A tine •assortrnent•of FALL and. WINTER Dress :Goods' includiirgi NOVELTIES' OF T L,04:ies ets 0ais •'A SPECIAL 1.INL t iF • �w y • X have also added to n 'A:.RE D ' H .Y MADE G 'which I have'.deterinin oiil al GIVF. •1E A CALL FASti0011ABLE TAILORING, already large .t oc k of Dr Coos' as Dry .LOTHING ; , DLPARTMr NT. to eultivate.by. selling a geed article. at a reasonable ,:rises.•,' p ROBERT` . 1i • Begs to• intimate to the residents' ,of ,ucknow andsurrounding country that he has opened a tailoring establishment • T' __ .O®1a0• '0R EAST . or?' P ST and is,prepared tri make tip geittime is arments in the 'latest stele. ` st.Olass Fit Guaranteed.. .Don't fail to leave;your measure and you can rely on being well suited. p AHS P RIPLE: Y AOORS, 'SASHES AND -MOUL LDING in Stock, •also• • Planing, Mate ing and•Wood Turning to`order ort the.'skortest' notice.' , E ery equipment for Builders at the " ' Very Lowest Priest. Ibtatraratli ri0222. Enterprises. 'FAUN me jeoN4tLin 1,12 :Only a little .over oine year lies elapsed since flie'i,itrod'.iction into Canadaof the now well•known� ALASKA''S PECTACLES EYEGLASSES. A -d these is hardly a town'' or village K-hor-e aiiyagen for t'ire le ° tl1 s celebrated''spectacle , has not 'bien, iii stituted. ; ' The "ALASK A"is not puffed up by mean:- •, ingless, would be .sciriitife. }phrases, • but, is otferetl to an intellifirnt,pul,1ic' on its ;merits -- Try it. and you will: find it to be a p rfectly • reliable aid to year eyesight.- Fear slava orfar sighted ;youth "1 old. dit • 3 tl c, can sited et ezaFtIy. The weirel'�" Alaska" is stamped '.. 'upon' every pair. • •. T also keep in stock the following nri.kes of Spectacles z • • 52741$44r• , Photogra'b. Cabinets2 PER.`• TiOZ} \.. Bo(kS. Stationery. Toy's, Games. i'Fr ntit e;" i t ' (.en's_ raT • ' Eines Goods. q W.'Ju STR6 ER'' CHEAP; .0 O; R 1 • 'PROVJSJcjNs, o:0;_i i The .undersigned itatti .dila boSight the stock: Y trade.o y ,, Ito~ A. W. is offering tho,aaltie' at tlio old stand. at RE UCSD All; who desire ha: inti zthou1d gift ill call. r 8 NLeto 1• 1ltACKAT. Lticknorr, Jau. loth, 11888, •