HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-14, Page 6P..0411 rir-ssss,-ntrr-s, • • ^ • The T;istertie. Thatione"eire toneee;e0 small d vreek., - gen °nein eed kite! declared the Geeek, " The tongue thietroye a emitter hote10.1' he Turk eenerte, " thee eues. the invoird,e The hereiee prat -nein wieely T lengthy tongue -44.0014v dnettee• Ite Emmet tines tete thie form !reseed,' "Dou't let your tongue put uff rear head." "Tho tongue can speak a, word whose speed." Says the ehigese, putstrips the seeeet . rhile Arah gages thle•leileeet„ The t ,nguee, great storeheuse isthe heirtee . Ihrom efebre* wit the maxim eprung. Touugh feet shuuldSiip, nseee let the tongin.e" rhe altered writer crewel the whole, ' Whe ke0p8 hie Longue sloth keep:his smile', BELINDAA BEAUTY ' es Ready ? " repeats, Roger treM1):112 • , gravely.e :Wonderfully has his blood °noted, amazingly hes reesen reeigerted herself, ander the -ahook of she girri, audeoity. 'Yoe are &eking meyou keow not what, 'Belinda, but the flealt•iemine, wholly mine. „ • 'We will, as you say, "POP to no troeoherY ate expression • of his eyes when he •satd. these worde 'forhertain," wee. 'enough to make your blood rate . • Then. I ara not wanted, Rose," says Belinda, rieiug. If Colonel Drewe is to te here with passionate eyea at ni4e; the sooner I take myself off the better." But the' widow Wi,11, for no' o'onsideratione be left alone; its ooy as a girl of seventeen 'at the thought et regeivireg Colonel Diewe, ... vanity Whiole tee fille and Betiefies the from him. Would pot the situatien be . 8lhaVitltle IN AlrET As, kik gt•THE511-treet A• iCilltIQS1111138,1 . .. creature's, win selfieh life. . j tragic to Dewey a Wiser and better woman - ---- • • eioefrorreTliet Aire tieing nerpetreted These Singule.r Thine 8 That tan be Aceompilsheil " Spencer is right, Rose. It is pinned to then po ii .Rese? I . Yery Devi. • , by Figures. perfection. An inch, halt an ineh, either ' She siege more sincerely then ihe ever ' ' , . . way, might spoil •the effect" ISIghed ithr, beefOre she *gape. tiOnte "1 ,pitid Vialt to StiVca's oamp. A lacer- The .Detroit Free PreRe sate : A vetry I • "1 thought it reeked rather . Well," Bart' furtive soalnine. tears On '01Elhes, 8 Well- herding of beams, at its, entrence was orna. curious is 142,857, which- Mattis' Rose,. coquettishly. eerveying hereelf in an worn waiSteoat• •811011a sorrY exoeedingly ; rnented With :fifty heveneoff eight betide. plied be! 1, 2, 3, 41 5 or 4 .give8 rthe' same opposite inirroee 0 But, of cour4e, tee tug sorry to the Very depths of her soul over Meeket. shote later on proolaitried. that the figures in the Hemp order, begihnieg• at a a new ety le one is apt to he riervous. And his resorreetion. ' But although a hueband, leder et thie geng ,W 68 ".pr sustiping mad- different point, but if, multiplied by eeven then have a horror of anythieg theetrioal. Qornelins, is etill -neen, end. it is..Met iq ketry his prieonere. .Soine of my•men ,ei;tes all ninea one it eehels Nothing, knew, 000aSiOni Colonel ROPie'n nature to aot otherviise than witlf , told me that the victime of thil ortfelty 142.857, multiplied by two eenals 885 714, promo such a shook as to find me, reeking eogelio outward ,sweetneaa. tower,' euy hied been cut tip immediately to,faroieh a multiplied by three egnals 428,071, multi- theatrival. He had armaya the most ' ,.Member of the other sea. • oat:ming feast, for Tippeo Tib's plied by four equate 571,428, multiplied by . tidious nuke"' • ' "' You seem to foeget that 'we are not the from, the Lornethi, the Sena Kelebwe and . live. egtiale, 714,285, multiplied by 'nee() night "Colouel ' Drama?"' repeste' Belinda • a I Only. people in She world," ehe whispers to Betetela. are immediate." . Reading 1807 142, molteplied by Seven ecjitele 999 O. . little absently. Ah, to he 8Ure, Lilted Belinda, him, after a time. e" You quite forget gotten. Yon and, Colonel Drewe have not the cense that brought me to Si. Jean de seen eeoh other yet, then ? • • Luz-Belitecle," " No; peer, dear 'telicw-Stitoley does ' And new Belinda, who has with difficulty not yet knew the worst! He wanted to ,restrained herself during the, scene of een- yell on me, not ten migetes after' you had 'der coniinbiel reunioh, reeling,' former& and startedebut SPOneer mede soentuoh et my flings herself upon her father's, breast: headaohe-she hi- really a 'feel, Belinda, Eihanever sees, that hidoortt, lecke fashign when .yeu,. put he to the US -Spencer and biameisteeet feeehreese. •Chettpcigare, .nunite so nueole. of my headache, and • my brandy, abstnehe, twee .of these thing', are eufferings,thet, atlas, he took her at ,,her perceived by Belinda. " Pieria! My own Mord and went to 13iarritz for the after- darling papa I" • noon, saying be would call. 'again .,pine, As phe clings to bine, slur • feels his lipo, forecertehe Spencer declares •the; padeion- opee her head, the blind, adoring leve of old childish days thrills, through her heart. She kisses. hie face, his betide, the sleeve of his. threadbare coat. She eends op a pas- sionetie, mute thankegiVing to /leaven in her great joy. "And sci Belinda has grown-up beauty after all," stile 0' hea, his grace. tul brown.girl at arm's length that hemay the better admire leer. " pat I have oleen you already to -day, • Belinda. , I' watetted you this rnornieg-e-little you all stispeeted it -,-when you,were atarting from. the. hotel. A good-looking young fellow that who Wan' not SO badly off, 1118 is so commonly said by. with her, Rose, eh? would be indieceeet; people who eieh to plaster, over the prick dare say, to mere his name ?" •. • . conscience gives them wi.en they...say Ms name is Ternple, Roger Temple," they are not -she eeighbor Otstbe oppressed answers Belinda, her face building with eiegro, and, likethe priest and the Levite, blushers, more for Resell sake than her peas by on theother side. For every alive' , . 'own. • ." • : they (lorry Off she slave. raiders' murder "An old .friena of Mine -and Mr. Shel, about twenty,. and of those" they do drive oledean'e," adds Roue Poor Rose! ' Shre away not a fifth come into the hande of must be really -more than mortal Mould she the humane (e) slave owners of Morocco, make this renunciatery sneer% in a cheer. _Fez, Taste Tripoliand. Arabia. The ister_y of soft worclee' I will speak Openly to Rose to -night, and-- . • . "And whatever Bose answers, whatever. you mey work upeo Roeeto answer, mind, lheVe dime with you!" cries Belinda, in A , vomit Of -concentrated passion. You think you know me leecauee yeti have omitted yet:L*1f by flirtiug with me for a :half doeeu days, • sir; 'because you.. have • played a feW•aosseere of meonshine love on it any gentleman, at ome ()cheek in she even - balcony, and won me to say', millet I fetid to ine,,ungliaperonecle • At least Belinda rouet. you this afternoon: But you know MP no „Step until the first shook Of the meeting more 01641 the ilr" stranger who meets me.:, the ' first eagouized shake of the liana is In 018 etreet, Whatel You think would ' over. • • ink so' low as, 4o Marry you-Robie!ti 'Teat as she is. epeaking oomes, a discreet • lover ?" -lady's maid's tap at the ooter door of the "You stooped' BO low, .1 thoughteas to apartment, and in anotherniemene appear', Spencer,•in a faded grey silk dues, with monk jet orbs and. eareings, with downcast ogle of Meek Modesty, a cheap imitation of her mistress to the last. • .. • e " The gentleman who Palled Oita Morn- ing, would be glad to know if you are sufficiently well to receive him?" • ePenner'S fEtkfit telegraphs the intelligerice that she Visitor, in point of 'fact, is re$ her heels; -teed Rain); 'nuking A little further away from the lamplight', adjusts her hand. kerchief eild eyelashes tie perfection poiett • ",I will make an effort le see this gentle - pence heart • mast : thrall • at ,that veiled, gOoiiig vitiate! " I am far, very far, from etrong yeteetilleifil he matter. of bueiness--.f Another two setionde and the visitor. to midway aciosathe room. .• . ' . ..lie tail, jut Drama's height; and has the entnietakeable military air dear to Roitiebt heart.; .So flinch, without uplifting. her eyee; the widow otin diecein. But what--eWliat hilt Belinda.? •." The girl heti grown white as aches; she starts', trembling, to her feat; a•otY Of cloubtefear; hoperiellbleoded;eceineteirein_her "Belinda, merdearetet meintroduce ee-" begins ,Rose, rising, with a languid', •graoe from the turfs. " don't think, you ; and Colonelee0olonel-ee" • The poor sett' turne green wide; all her pair} powder, 'hula her Blithe '-give Way be: . like, me a liettie;" is reply. "But • You are aeleartied -already,. email'. Wonder. God kooeze Of yourfolly ' For • a s.stoond :or two • Belinda is:dr:nib.' . •fitty„InOtO :yisee," she breaks •-7--7-forth then, "'if .4, hied tel be an old, 'old, '..weinien, I ehould ittiver be ashamed of whet Von gen My folly,' Never. Iteeit • Oohs • feeling were shameful', he*. •ootild .it beye .ticene into 'my 'heart Y- ...X.. 'never tried, •• never minted to like you; I knew nothing .at all *boot ,it till.' I Woke up tOedayeand then it was toolatato gObaek." ' • • "-Tocr' -lateeindeed;"-repeateeRoge, ." Wellfe I ain't help Wha$ I feel any More. • than ben help breathing,. bee my Asians •••.-itiorieetre ovine„ And. to. think.thee,I • . WOW take yao, by stealth, dishonestly take •you front .Rostrei., who' Wouldn't'do. a .enetike ingthiogtogare Mylifet" ..•••; ' •• • • Itetiodaet ''-es," • . • ee. • • "I don't pretend.to. be goad oryirthouse you see, for .I've been so ktoked about here • andthere,'Andlere sego so much and hoard 00 tatuOk they 1: don't ' rightly know what virette is. But whatever game I: play,. 1 • - ' Yoltheeteepremieed:teo marry._ -Belie, and you must merry her, by heitteul •. Whether yeti love her Or not,. you tibaota love goer Own honor too 'WWI** thinker. . . . . ' :shange new.. ' ' , ' • . -• .•,e "'Yen 1 etiarp eaYs • gor.Tettipitt.'' ",Ydh ,rnakceme•see my oWn -,deuidnat in • a ..fearfully 'blear light, Itelindsehe ' • •, • • "Toursr You have •.not been to blame - at allnoritnethe, Woinanlike, in tine, . that she WOuld.tiooriet,.. reined with Bast blame With the 014111 she levee. , Meant only to be :hind to .,ine at firetefttr. •Rosie,'s sake. goo.00tild•you.gtreee I we• going to nleire kink& miserable fool Of my- ecU ., Here Voice guitars,. breaktisdeente, She • siterers her Jena betweenherheindkand once more -Itogeett Arm; 'neregieted,. • holds' her .The.enebreoes lasts,..for , minute's espitioeer :more And :Roger is .the. fiest to. 'epeak. , • • , e • ,• ---.---eee--"eBefergewe,sgoon-cittreway again,- before we go batik to Out path...Land . duty, I ,ewant • you to gay. jest _wee. ivol'efohild-e•ellet you .• .forgiveent." ' •." •' „ r • e' t have nothing to forgive. 00fil •'ohoosc.t. would live the, time- over Agent, • .sinoe .hate knoWn. , up to..this e, 'Very menu- • • • . • • •' • ' "And are we going tO tie friends. Or erienlies: inteeechother's eeee,•andholdingeeeli Iether's•hands, husband:and: sifeein token hall o t. wtereontedenece_ente,,,peelreeteeenteelothir- fertsiona. • • e. • • ' .• • . Ornelind themes ingeite pathos into his.. • The newspaper aoriciliecemene Of his deeth,! : one?" , ' "••• ' •• declares:• 'wee; in the firstinstence,,a She throws.' her 'Arms around h19 nook hoax, one of those cruel practical• jokes .to ..witheut word: • :7 . which the the. most ' innocent. Men May fall . Bit Roger doer• not *nude/Stella' --herj eAfterwarde.fretting, la was 'his . 'tithe lime. • lathe, intensity. she abandon- Fbebit, ahotte his !poor , devoted witee away • went Of that careen he reads aright, that England-s-theiden''orotiaecl his brain 'et •Itelinde la baking leeve. of •hinefer eyer., Working , out • the mistake . to' her benefit,• : . '• • CHit'TE/VXIV. •• "My life, ,up to That tion4 andtears are m . the good old' fellossee eyea as •he speake; ran F ,ALLS . "my life tip to that time, had e,roteght 'And now the clotting ,.itot:.remaing to he •else. init harm to •those I loved. resolved •• played. :• Beetle, Reei4's Dreiving-rOcitie at to see if the supposition of, my..deith might 'the Isabella; a lamp, ,or two. artistically ediepoeed, round the central figura: of the •1","; tableau; Vens ehrtiteree bell. olesede e VOltipsnone fragrance,. from the, megnoliae . ;and Orange floWere in tite•oonrtyerd below. - Centiel figno,,Resie, duetted in the .paloat lavender. silk ' that ever milliner oallad mourning, with White qpsbisth veil, with; that.e The.end, My ,Ilosiee--"tiefalse moral, jet bomb and earringe„ wall:, the bloom, of ens, !Mee that inehie cage AI nndying yOuth (Warranted) &her i'eheelt: least the end Will jastity'tbe teeteies."' • To her, jest as nine &Check etrikee, entete "I'm euro I hope is Willenake ,nei differ." , • Behests; , tired -looking, duit,,atitined,... her enge elieut Uncle .Roheit'd• will." e This hi Oheeke pillar • than • her dress, her Reine'e firet . realer .earnest and coherent '44. el:Owing :All ' Itro plainly the re-. ritterisinee I know my tineleWould•neeer Mirka of recent teeree • • have Oft, Shilling • if he had "Why. Belinda; I thought: yon . were. thought ee.'-" ' • , • , never comisig hank,' any Of you! And whet "That Abet Worthleeti • acieundrel, sed • an objerill , I tine More theekftil thin pier spendthrift. Corneline0Shea, sill haunted I did not go: Thiele eat of clop, are Mille the 'eartle,"-inteertipte Cornelis:is,' with' ad- ' inko*i." • • , • ' , • •• inirtibk trankiiese. • "Set year mind set ' eeee, , neeth her; sh,rieks-se good natural ehriek. for Mice, just as she wenhi give At the ape perition of a -frog or a spider. Theo, the genius of follyicispiring her, Moves &step or forward, and sinks ,iieteetie stranger's arras: e "1 IOW- it all••alongl" she gasps; out. 4ltly heart.told me yon Were never really; ,really dead I" . . O'Shea -for it is needed' Cornelius-holds his wife hi sort of. rapture to • hie waist.. Cost.. Ile bends his head down Over here, , "Thera.are feelings -too Elected for utter-. ange," eicleitne: "The years, the (whet years of our separation fade away, and it Beanie but yestoday I tield.my only darling, 'tcente,seheart;',"e-- . e • . . "But 1 am changed I" iiiiiireure ;Rose, •thaidentiCel remark Ow murmured onthat .fieet night of 'Roger's return from India. • " I.arrean Old, Old wernan• now !" She lifts.her fade; traces of rice powder rest on MajoreO'Sliea'a Waistcoat, as they: rested aretsvhile Roger's, and then, loOk- , in•the days to come ? • - •• "1 don't know' about 'friends' I , sere foe you' t t e se "And I may have one moire' kise-elt last these words gee • would think thet they Meltiplv 142,847 by eight and you hey° were pert' of sOme retniance. ,due to the 1,142,856. Theo. add the first figure to She • vivid imagination and genius of Mr- last and Yeti have 142.807, the original Rider ,Eleggard ; but 11Qp they are, number, the figures elaotly the agree seat meet an, actual narration of bleu, tiehaosetafroti.ibwAinugot;h. er mathematical wonder witnessed by the. famous A., tricorn traveller, It is discoVered that the multipliCatien' Liaut. Widen:hien, and related by him in a paper read before the. Royal ChlograPhicer of 9 El 8.6 4 by 45 gives 44, 44, 44, Bootety on the 25th id Julie,' 1858: It may i44n,,ci4440:41iRiti:17irnegin.ig`2th3e4or5d6.007 809 tohye,41,18we he Urged by some that surely 'OAS horrible and diabolical' tionduot of Saxol, the lien- 505. 11 teactkeeellyzaPuir6ip6us7 60me05, atenantsecicooft 6Tuioper kion ctitbh,&i: Qat heecirl tatitar vYeadnedi;itee 06i 140g uoni, 6ei p6aGioi et !s 606. iti.4tieatntd4r ning teeor multiplier, asunel rimipningi ehrii pshaii. do not behave eo atrcioioesly. It May, per. 45, .European, hitt is is: nnfortnnately only a' ahp rtoe9ps,sed, eni nev: rt te. oceaeride wa nh o hd he es: bPe cis ob. the oma :1dt plioer7:0.6;45ixii e2 g;.14,t a5e3d. 3t ntig335,48162.6101. fair semple of whet is daily occurring in $18 except the first and teat figures, whish tropical. Africa, %here murder and rapine together read 54 -the multiplier. Taking - whole tribes of negroes, the the•same multip icand; and 27, the half of • few and scanty survivors oeing ;dragged 04, asehemultepher,...weeget a prodpot of. away as slaves. Aceiirdieg. to Cardinal 26, 606, 666, 661- all fi'e except the first' Lavigerie, Africa every year drained of and lest fieures, which together read 27, 2 000,000 :huinen beings by the slave trade. the multiplier. Now, interchanging the Net a tithe Of these ever otnele to m°ru4ietriplietrhpe a4ner„dnrt,8 267,7601t5d 411,33in2geil8aase :toa. be doitieetie slavei, 4 who after all are Multipticend, we get a prechict of .71, 111, • 111. 112, l's except the firet and last' figuree, Which read tegether72-the plier. • Very Goon for a Detective Yarn. A ' lady and gentleman Were travelling ' together on an Etiglialt •railway. .. They were perfect stranger'', t� each .other. Sodderily the gentleman aside "Madam, I Will. trouble • you to -490k-ont of eitte • •fut tone... . o I had 'rine' down here with my •trade hap been blomed with 'cat's -lag' mos. window for .4, fosy. memme I e am going, . maid to see 'our cleat Belinda, and -and we of the Slave halite in. Ceritrel 'Africa. This. to .reaee seeifi, abeniee. hi. my *oaring ' Met fel'eptatil itioli010.4.60:otentiliy,--4,:, ie no tenger the. itmee, • In • several .:regigne ,apperej ei . . ... . e e .: . • .• .- . . • "As yon have new ,m,et Me, Rese,".says the Stock Of ivory. is' hearty or quite ea: • '" Certainly, sir," 'she replied. with • 'Correcting, gen:ling; 'with•adinirable tact, tO hausted; and. snit s. villages are hourly ' ' . a turningh bi' .k politeeetere rieihg im . • her ao • her reegue, " Quite.e. chapter Of EU:midi:this, . . hurried and their irihebitenes murdered Or hue . . ; „ . • . upon . .. . Well th t end's' Well. and I shill :be Onl only .differerice ist hitt;the 'elite bodied y ..eseeageelte_eemoleted.eame_yaseesemy .e ' In,i1.2.84ort.time he said -.• "Norrimadam, • ., !•8 put into Slave chains, dirge and forks. Th . IP it net'? Ant never mind,•6my•loseel :All too deliShted•tO:ntahe Mr;.tiogere Temple's men •mg no ' °nger reqm ''. or 5.6 ;WI:I': resume. year seitt.'P When the the lady itirned squab:apiece. ', This ... • *temente?. . ewes ful: and laborious Work' of • ivory peetore, O'Sbeee. looking ,• .ieleteh'.: as .• gentlemen they, arcing With; the aged Of both Stift. afe .ehe beheld her neelecoMpaniontransformed. slaughtered . in old 'blood while thetr into•a dee ing lady, witle„a heavy veil over • look When they get. on their legs, to return thanks • after dinner "Ibis- moment is wives, sisters, and • . , . e..- . : the beppiestre.the crnWil,' the -fieisb, ao te duo are dragged away to become the sere ,..Now, dr; or Madataievhmhever you like;'' said she 'lady, " inenet''trecible you k . epeek-of my whole Ohegnered• life, But Taiits,'•Onnoubines and :worse of depreved let' me set tnyeelf, right. • in. the , opinion . Of and deliatuilied nliengrelieLendita liatiatta1 . to look •ont of the. window, !nil ateo hare . atter long absence, alter years of reputed thege who are.detteeirt tame. 'I comeback, ., , •nisete in • lady's • attire. inunOtttfolY ',on'''. ' Borne chines to make in my apparel:" • : A co4chmaovAwfu . „wry... " Certeinly;" Madam," and ' gentle- . deeth e r find my Beene . faireee. .younger. , . . • . • . than When, I left her, .and with ,her &freer. ' .A• c'arltniii "" iii*..mvi. engaging the E•°". • ,ss•Noiiii Sir, yoteMey resume. yOor teat." • •tiontretill mine, Ewa. r. 'am the happiest. ...._•t-illi..on of the police, authorities here, Wee' nondent. . About To his -great on reetuning his seat, • lellow'ethineideof-,theeoneteree-Reit " exe -.-e-Pew.1-'s a. -14 natreal • 'enrree "had . a .,ortad Auk montne age a ' Mrs. IllicEeen • reft7her -the-getitiOn"'il-0-terniela-'idlire'f"ad b4 '*• blehne'Ccirrieline grandly, fate ordiinedetherveisa, had I found iley .1thebend at Lake S Oahu and came. tci:Mteti. lady companion. tritheformed. into * slip Werettfraid'Ot, her life; , and would 'stay He then laughed and. eaid : '• ... • 7 " " Ie appears that we bath are shirk* to. beloved wife in A..pesition where duty de, .tresl, alleging before she left •Queb,eo Ileat 'moulded 'such a sacrifice, I would, whatever avoid recognition: ' What have, you done 1 tie longer " with the • •man Whom she had the cost, have kept the feat of my' existence • . , . • • I. have robbed a' benk." , • • .• •• . • • womised to loseeeteonor. And obey. , Coming , .. a secret, and in distatit•liendhaie prayed M Br to. my legit' horir for the. haPpiness. tlf. her to. tilts Oily ie peso's 'sire; .end entering .1he eereece: Mrs. Olean arrayed, erse. .b • li. "At I," said the whiliem lady, as he ..,, deiteionely fettered his 'companion's wrist • • , from whom honor, the. strongest feeling Of which men's ..breaet.7i* bapeble : .held Me et a. welleknoven gentleman,waswee men a With a Pair of handeuffs, "am ' Detective. ' • apart" •• • • , • • 1 • •• " bed io the same room with the coachman. J .of•Scotland• Yard, and in female attire have shadowed you; now,"' drawe. ' • The latter. remained in bimetal ignorance ,.• . . • ... • • !.i. _es ' • . • -.-eltIejor043heaseemsetrielitive-grown- an. e-e--------e.------e-,---e--e-e-eee----- ---.e--,---- - ne-geserevolvere "-revolver;" -.s, on Frew-, • inCh-taller during the emirate Otthis. Perora.: ' ... , of the real condition or aneirs until last • • - . • • - . • f . • Fran - tion. He pronouncee. the word " honor. ": -rite when the. terrified Jahn diecoyered else, ° .17'. 8P' ' ,with the marked: emphasis • -Yen will fre- '• at for* half year his: apartment 104 othitly ebeeree thee. et .80thewb.iit, shifty. been,shared, not by, allindeornit yOuili; se characterattach to it. His daughter gazes. he erippesed, but by Ilfre. McReane.from at him with fond, wet eyes and trenibling Lake Si. John. The indignant coachman bpi., while his wife 7,e4, e don't *teat to had the woman arrested this morning, but there doer( not appear to be any law epipli, be beiel on Rosie any more, so We Will sey, that his. wife, tog, weeps. , : , cable in the case. • e "JOS as' the family grimy' has mistimed an ititeresting poditioneem walks Roger Temple. This -this is Captain . 'Temple" stern- . , • .. mere poor Rosie, " Camille, , my dear "Captain Temple, let me introduce roye eelf;". says O'Shea, •airily, and moving towards hie voifels friend with outstretched, cordial " dead Mali rnliy dispense with feignalities: "Very. happy and proud 'to Mahe Captain 'Temple's. acquaintance I" Five minuteelaterthe-retetereciehusbande and sopplanted lever are Chatting together with's friendliness that must dispel•Roies last lingering dread as AO the probability :ef e duel. In half an hour's tithe O'Shea is whispering *affectionately in • his wife's ear -Darby and Joan • together -on ,the ilohte(I have been harsh, too harsh, -ripen . . . 'Rosie, more than 'once : gimes me a pleasure tc part froth her in peeps, happily restored to a huebind's ',bettering arms) ; and Belindafickle hereett at open window, in the farthest corner of Ihe. roorde tvith Reg& Temple by her side,. They talk ' adramoriplaces. for 'a long time, talk about the clearness Of the night' net prove to tin-tr advantage. . Roeie's / the beeetres the entree. the eweetness of menta)"'"ffetinge 1" 'Bode, at this Pe!" the orange &veers in the courtyard. They having managed ,to falter out something keep it. a eistaneel ; they •daee not look decorous ab 'ns the seddenneeti ' of the bloW, into each other's' eyes. And ill the while and her OWn anguieh of bereavement. they know that they are lovers; thatethe. 4.0, ley love, the years of tranquil dotneq- gage:bye spoken between them a eeekle et tio happiness before ne novt must atone for hours ago is candelled ; that ehey are free; and 'God *Mite, mean to peso the usit of their lives .thgether,Ahandin-hand.----- "Time , for me to be thinking of the Maisein Lohebiague and Mies lereeke;" says Belinda at last. " There is, Costa wait- ing patiently at the gate, se usual, tO sake me home." . • • "Home! Don't let me hear you say Abe Werd_any more in 'cOnnesion with the Meison Loliebiegue," 'exelaime Roger.. "You have finished wish the liaison/lobo; biegne and fitias ,rtnike forever'," . yea , suppose papa' will like me to' 1 . . hente, or Weather:' the world for quick changes of. weather.. Naha Mare- e yen own. apt eats gee day lastepringI cut ice all one morn- ing 'arid• had eo rtni out and plant situ autrntlerrenoollelz,,eyer tomato 7viries in the Western •Man-" Shouldn't wonder. I among theni were named Jack. In all • his: remember onaday in /Rarities when 1 Went talk with 'them he Imre; heard them euee out with a 'mowing machine at 'sunrise and ,eadeeeej eepeeeeiele ; . -- traded it for a snowplow b.:fore-eight. but: that wasEer a eitsgouteteneeJo lleeelley...L fe-rmrsiticErhathirdereedll-breng-murete130 • Brooklyn Maninteride Sart a goat , . - • went Swimming in the 'Alissiinri, River, per day.- He•Wiii: etieek it with seventy- • :and get °sleeted solar out by the :current gleievselehetetse, pints as f oaradainya, rhytt cgacro tu ea! that , I Wee like to drown.. I Just tell nsilk elEir'eexwiledidte'dYe'thgeSt6•ehatlik°•;'? agt'ki71::!PinneTtlis thaincjecitirtribrta per daYe 1?. 19 15 yo.ndhil?ev ." The riVer froze Over and I skated hick.? , The Prince of Wales has 17 brothers -ins hew, 16 turcles,.57 cousins and elit nephews !beret Get' ilead,: nor Tail of 4. aiee-eieeee, ' , • illkee , A'fellow, who was not Used to propound- Clairdeilla (Ga,) druggist r cently ing conundroms got mixed thusly tared a young snake; to which he.hae. been , " Why is a bed -no, I mean . a roaster, giving a certain amount'. of whiskey every , like recent? :No, the% isn't, it. Why is a day. At first his. snakeship did net take cent like a fence one a rooster? :Pahave.! :kindly ;17 she ; hevekege, hut of. late has .1 mean why is a fence like, a rooster on ehown &decided hankering after it. 'When penny.' . No, like a eget en`a rooster.. Hold eiven ell it can dilienkit rolls around on the on Pin;ute, that's not right either. why floor and performs a number of .odd antics, le a rooster like a fence on a• cent? I mean clearly proting ehat the &nuns privilege mean, why is. a rooster like leperinye-te • like a-, penny Ort e-no,•I ilOn't..either: I etwetigkeeottfirig drunk fie not denied even* fence,- a -e -now, why is penny like it fence on se -like a rooster on :a• fence? 'Well, anyhow, the answer is, because ite, head ip on one side and tail on the other." -Dant - Curious calds and Maas.: .The • Persian name for Americana is- Ye.nge Doonyn, Which means a' dweller 'of , the new world.• : • ' • People in Oregon •have passe a very pleasant sanineet. They ranted .oropa, . of strawberriee thie Year. ' • , ,e-Iteeeaseast.oldesiomanineliedinnieeivito in - 'vented the whisk broom, and Millions of them. are whisking from daylight to dark ' evithout. her having. Made a cent eat of her invention, . • • • ' ; A:newspaper men in Liverpool seared thenatnes. of 482, Sellers, and Only two. ,A Tonic 'Needed'. :" Come here, Johnnie," read the old mate bringing out ilne,ritrap, "'Cis time you had a taste of this." . • " I didh't do nothinE, pa;" pleaded, the youngster. : "In that case," said the old Men; "I'll lick you for being , 'An Cofortainyte. Admiasion: e g now. pipe- , yen °tinges clang ter (of father of sevenot knew how good it is so able to ley that. them) =Page, I can't I positively erin't word againe!", s stand the etraio I I in•ni ninst you "1 hope another word may seem as goodl 1 hied planned to elope to night. to you some day !" • • , ' , • • Pairti-Just eeny • lock! What :did yeti No reply -in speech. She -only-tures- to-wanytolneschsfori- ;St tv I iiippdserii at ji , 0 Ifioi the First Time. , " Was it the girl'ir father who broke Off• the engneMeht_tie1..feitenieuellenkinse rOlied the jilted lover, " it was her li tile brother." An'EclitOr'asSuptily Of Taingae, Our thanke ate tendered o. Rev. ten. • teeth McLennan for a deithongue of ehe , northweatern reindeer, *lei is &moldered a rare treat by many.. Whitby Chionietee . • Wag Tables of :the. Law have not been " Utter mistakes," repests'Illelinds, osi hey clear girl. I consulted' my law. ;iv ni laid, Poor it • t heardTe oo! pl sinceest 4Nebn6laJerusalemsdn ei in z%atth eP Ivuenadre5T8 ing into the first chair 'she mimes across: yers about all the troubleirome business "You have had by far the best of it at technicalities of the Matter, immediately home, Rein's." , upon My return to England. ,The Money e" Is oerteinly is nice to say olio has been is es !golly and ttuly, yours se e-ou. .are ila'gpainv,hat one can slay it hist "se well , and tnot mine; and only mine, without going, and se Olin.rtalee ' hint her dark eyes atiioing through a Mist t3 top cin • thidge, they ittee.all Mike, and you never I .13o much for Mejer 0:Shea. Rosie gete loyeest *ears, sae Roger Temple ea, woe Offilte BOy-" Here is et pocket-beeke sir; ' know what horrid 'disease yon niay catch- through' the difficult part ehe has to play teasel How do yon like ree he a 'veil? 'Spencer not witheilt credit., A.fter looking forward ' . tiO Imre that eeeild be 'fastened sti` scurie,•glietingutshed. as Reiter TemPle-t • • •, high: Now, jueteapeLehe yeti emu's stared nay, a er heettating, one short etierier of A large: panther follotved by three dubs atito get the telt effect-2do you think ono an'hour ago, As to whether Roger Temple : &lents itincletraveLled read neer kid- ' lash lower weinld' he more becoming? 'Look or thee elegant creature, Stanley Droce;,. dietotve; II. .0 last week. Nobody was • at me attelitivii1V, facie ant profile." I ehould be the object of one•e choice, now harmed it'd the qtlerteite eecaped. , •Rode sirens herself slowly round, 'as the poddenly to end one's self folded in hue. -An eagle Mailing half a mile abet*, the wax ladies with big eyelashes tern in the band' d legitimate ern'beinie husba earth eee a. 5 - Id Men . but while that barbers' OthoPii. and Belinda Watches her with his note redder; 'his . head 'bidder his it pretty good it ie bsaten by a chap in this With a, pang ot wearied envy; etwy, not of Whole person, gat,. a Intel' "deal older, town Who oan see his tailor a away on .hee iths,i, hit ,et Aide ,.'allss!groeShig slOvenher, uglier than When enia pat:ted olondt day: • . ; . Sorry De round It. , • i. ernaietitstlest she hi s erta ed it right, but to' bafiygrthe. Of a taan, young. band. *bleb yon .11M-eu1ar bleethent B.C. • The Rev, Dr.' Boardman, Of delphie. suggests that tbe archEeAogical expedition eent, out by the UniVereity of . Pennsylvania may. discover the original. Decalm eaarhid the reine_of Babylon • liev:valist Sam W. Smell ie trying to sate an upstir in Nevt', :rook city, where. '. there are more good people -then there are words in the big didtionery: On Saturday A. and H. Cartwright; terra (graoing hey E t and and Wringing it vigor.. Of hir 'Richard.' event to Welt Island ' on it ousip-'i 'Honest led I What thrill I dried shooting expedition. As Berry' did MA ribo`W rate `..gratitude 1" '131?,yrAt(it4ioncittinv,g jitelactegh iltibdes'hao nhki.itye.0e4tef:tdya.y. iennaxie,, Sir witailiobitoidli, hi:111de! sirbilo iir..4ketilie e...a.riiiIrglisclitire.,,, . -.) Went Otit. in, the.ifteritoOn in Be.arch of him. , A- 'Obi brother iii inKiegeton free*, Toieniteti mikes , enern, but bananas a ._man hie I lif r• FrhOl,t.1„iri•,.eYeteaY, 'Intl' 16°0.10 many erketal“. 404 id* - -Duitt that he liatt it meater.ot the woodatock ' : ?j11 .;;.'7"1'-'4.b,g. 0111 . . r aessayseeit Li L1104/IL the young men ergs saultel :righis li,, .sitoog oOktiati; ‘ • ' trixa orerwork. e • • V"'