HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-14, Page 5,.i -Rpn4�!2'mstR!rdY-.v>�x.R. R•"' •.Nenc�e:CYtfM+ J'/,sLM1-'c�aFPRi^W • �'•i�-Til TJI• MSV Ym; A2�.•q.'�c'ccfruTn'tl+._�'.en� ott • .Bruce County Council (>Nilain the Walkerton Telescope.) ' the Lecewber Sessionof the Co Council opened in the Council C tier on Tuesday. A full attendan the Reeves .and: Deputys ere re the' Warden in the chair. 'The , monster. of co ninumtcatiofs'. were and referred to; the respective cum tees,. Among others letter from N. Robertson, Coprity Treaserel 'Tax, sale adverriseni,ent and ` •a sonal atttick on hini In the Kincardine r�, •T,jT '�iINEL, COUNTY t1� f31�.UCE. 01100111E$1- CRdCERIES , The' undersigned h4vinK purcha ed the atoek• may of, . barn- 'BROWS MRLLOUGH • 1 Ce Of ,at A,disee int i:+ ',I'M!, in a r,eaitiE. . r n to offer at the old stand the greatest bargains in sent, r�sua; C E N'E- R A -LCR 0.0 FRIES read 'CROCKE1Y; G'LASSWARE,, trait- . CONvECrloNEII;,Y, FI;UxTS'tk' EGi; the people •of Lucknow and, vi •t ever had V`i'�lBL.LS,' per cant y, en elem.timity of securing,. Review. Oii Wednesday the matter of ,bar. („us, Barton, an auctioneer in., .Baron County, ' came_•up.. lc seers; 1\ that. in 1886 Mr. Barton, remitted twenty dollars to J. 0.. Cooper, 'rotas- urer,.for, &County Auctioneer's license.: Non resident§ were 'then ,under the By -Law, charged thirty dollars. Mr, • ixould wrote Barton informing hitn of the facts and requested himto for- ward t(n ten d;tllure and a 'hr^e.i,se would issii . Barton' 'paid: 'no atten tion. and thii matter •was laid in obey= . mice. until . this year. 1,n J my asked fora Comity license, (the fee the " meantime was • reduced to two +Dollars) arid to 'reinit:•eight: dollars ititoney, tieing the:'aimount.in the Goun ry':;'hanclsof his, money',' l.Lr•. Gould •u tote hitor' that •there was nothing to ltts :credit on the Treasurer's,books and liehad better .remit 'the amx tatforthe license and nmalte' application iii the • Decermber-session for a refund. ' • This advice was not followed, int fall "Barton had 'a sale and •when advie • `.that au infi,rwatixii 'az_.latd agtllri ?Ixitri for ,stifling ii'.ithout sic en ,.•. (t -very ,sank;. day °it,wvas alleged the int :nation was Paid)', lug' Was brought b fore' Mr. M. 14to1Narnara, J. • P., . a fina4.:••$20 'and „Cost's andapplic • was now made to havte, • the money' re- mitted in.188 refunded and. the fines iind costs ',Of these action paid by'. tlio. Vounty• Mr. H.. P. O'00114 or, •Bar= t00's couitset•addressed,' the council•. on ,clialf •of .his client,,:and. made''out ••' rijthtr.a strong •ease in has fat or:•...Mr,. • Stovel in.the..coiirse_of his-r`etnark's on' .hie same subject anitnadVertcdinstrong t•er-its on tyre action of Mr. McNamara,' • he• P., . and Constable 'Heiferriian. It season motion ''of 'Messrs..P.iersou. and Oook 'referred ;to 'a spatial, torn nittee to !report in the afternoon.. ••.Dr. Scott, ,of Sout}iatnptoii, :,applied fora $1000 grant to assist; in building a':riew cedar 'bridge. In •S,outhainpton,., she:,plans.al d' 'specifications were -submitted .foie in-, .spection• of the council, ,:referred to" )toad and . Bridge `',Corn;niittee.. The special coininittee rc ,Barton, in.: the afternoon, 'reported in favor of •refund'. ing the;,*20 with• interest, :but as there • had been in' their. opinion';:negligeice en the part Of Parton .they. y. could not ..recorniuend'any inteference in the case before:.the' magistrate, the report: :Vac • then'adopted /' • .. is large and well selected Special cuts: will he given in this ;roti CANNED GOODS: IN •ABUNDANOA Aar D MUST BiE S(l D A larire stock of. EIJ`RO PE AN , FRUITS •}re for the •Christmas trade at pores never I afore lteatel,if. 'Sincea ililre, p' ells new,+iutd con`' 1 Ve,+ . ' fectiouery away down low. . , o --r- •• in.• he yed. st Ire E, arcs • `have received)'' a, copy_ 'of:the_ beautiful premium, `-` Fal.ls of: Niagara," `photo-litilior'aphed and copyrighted by the 'publishers Of the WPstern.Aciviep- ti,e,,- London, QUI.. Tliey give "this picture absolutely free" to every '.sub- •'scriber. The premium is alone worth the .arnouxlt-of tato-subscriptizrr "but tlrc Advertiser:is• bo.uud to keep its sition as the .Moat' lar ;els-circulated journal in Western Out tri a: It§''•cir- , culati 'n;,is now iniore than double 'that .if any:, other .Ontario ;jou real 'outside of tie Toronto press, while- its ri.uinerlius, daily--Nloriiiii ; Noon. and :Eveusp;=are'circulated far. and 'wide.' WEI att•rt assured that the 'combined cit-' • l:ulat ions;` Of the AE•lvcr(i;.ei• •,is larger'at, prerr s,'t; . than ever before.: It has .a • pro,lw ulzs loose 'itliout-it And deserves uvoreased success.. ,n. .' ‘..ill you .suffer .with 'dyspepsia- • :rind , ver Complaint 9 . Shiloh'§` Cure is t!, remedy,. for you:—A,,.'B. ,Con • f;t`ain ,' • 110 GE TO CREDITORS,' o/O' ty 1- Ax , To, THE .Rol VIsED Itutrs cif Ontarid,1887, ch af.ter 110 • i•cctiot ..kthe creditor,. of John Stewart, late of the .of , of Intckuow, in .thio Coantt' of t rv'_ i+e r , ruder who ho dire don , r. r alitlu ttht. •' 14th .13,y of' ':'.,vevilinr," 1888, are'hereby'• nhtitied' to sem toEllett i rawer, • of the Viila•e +,f .Lticknnw, Solicitor for the tXediito •a ,.II or. )before the. 2nd defy cif January, • 1880, tloir eliiiatiati' and surnames, addresses r :N, 1i. ions •dett,t.l tar n, the full':Partictil'uis• of their • ,;lainis, •, stutement of their accounts: and the 'mature of the a sr ' ts if aiy , held by thein' enol that after the said date, the executors of ,• the'said estate;, will distribute the pracce+dsof. .Elite"iaaiil ''State amongst tine parties' entitled a1hertn, having' regard only to the claims of' ,which they shall then, reccived•nntice,, •'4.10 the gaits executors will not be liable for the 4ene erla of the said estate nr any part thereof, .t+, diatribntcd, to any ;>leisoti, of whose ,claim; ,the 'c*ecutnrs had not notice at the time of the iliatrlbutit� i.. Dated this 8thday of Decetiibet, {i�l3llli.. - • r i.1.T0TT TRAVER; • 'V M.TEIt gtsviAati 8vjie,tot for:xeentota. JOIN Mir.L'E ' • Exeanto ii • • o A special iuvitatIon extended to 'intending Put rli..sers after ex ULII g everyothr r stock in ti,wu. • ].. VERyBUriY 13>'.rco�l;>r, T • . , AZ 'MR 1m13. Corrie one? . Come all ?` for your Chrtstrnim..g,.„ ids. 'N. B. ,I purpomt to continue the flair and. feed dei,artwerit and will always kaep;ou,hand the beet.. , , , FLOUR 33R,AN,S,I-fUli'l`.,OATaLAIs; dyer. tri -G ondb deliveredtrr'a11,,Parts of th '•town•. JOHN ELLIOTT THIS. 'YEARS'.. M • . CUT and PLUG $MOKIND TOOACC FINER THAN EVER. See=` After the ext el3Sive Sales of tiie )a. t v • � �, .� 1t, 1. weeks, we lind that ' � 1 we have a lot of rt Iiala:flts .of TWEEDS, FLANNELS. • °: DESSf�1 �OODS PRINTS, ..� ' • . • •. , ' SHIRTINGS� MELTO S, t INCEY'S • * 11.01 ap' wilt._ • c ll clear out a,t 4.. ba gait'. • . a.• • 4.., AM ON Vi ugaoctlw ANGE CATTLE ESTRAY. RAYED FROM THE }'REMISES r)}' the undereigneti, lot 8, eon. 14, West 1)i• - v Senn Asdfield, on or about the middle .1 r.1M- tuber last. four yearling cattle two afters ,.u,i; tion betfera,, One steer is a ::right red % itW white spot on face f the others are :nearly all red:wtth whirr; spots, Any. 005:givin, sticL iuforutatioi5''as will lead fou their reeo'i .a'y wil1 bra suitably :rewarded, • D, T 11 R'..Yt nwr .. -7 Lochairh.l' fi. • WAGON .• MAKING HORSE, SHOEING • i ANDS C E N E RAL ''BLACKSMITHIIin. Adam Thompson begs leaw?e to thank tit ",....d..........—:o _ v. inhabitants . of Liicknow and surroundO• /'' coudtry for the liberal•patrenage 'bestowed -0 ' him during the last seven years, and w nhrM ' continuance of his old: cust,imers and a fan; share of the new, as he is in ,abetter positioir than; ever to supply the wants of the *alien. • He always bee on hand 'a atock of • of all kinds, He will also remind them of the far fens it , , r •. SCOTCH' DIAMOND!HARROVi �.,•• : Iwhich he •always has on hand and are mad, ,•f . the very best material. Parties wantis,b any thing in this line will do well to givt:binitacak and see pi ices before purchasing .else.where.. Particular attention paid'to• . 'ALL -KINDS OF HORSE' SNOE,rc. Hat feet', contractions, and interfering. ••B ' strict attention to business, good work. ix,anship aid .empL•vitig nothing but good workmen,. i 'trust to •retain the l at7enage• kindly ext tided t r inc.: - , -. ADAM 'THOMPSON. Campbell Dtreet opI)oei,te the Bank. �. �� .,�LA.URANCE'S • SPECTACLES • �' • ' , CTACLES AND E!E-GLASSES> are tlie, only `;enuine English • articles in the Canadian '1llarket..' Rent: pebbles ,kept in sto°ctt: Tests given to • ' rec�nimended by and testimonials have been purfroiseth to prove nt, \'i tress The.' are en received: from the President, Vii;e•j.'residentyl3.x- .Presialei,t and 'I+;x_%rfe ,President,' of the Medical Association 'of Canada College• •.f Physic,u,sand• Surgeons of (Quebec.;.the Dean ''of `theM i ;. the President trfthe ava •University;, the President'and Medical , Faculty of l.awa:, Ex -Presidents of the • bledical l7ituncil ofTovai.Scotfa; Etc- ► Ii_ • BOOFSELT.ER, /i' cknow::' ;IN BRONZE ON '. each. Plug and Package FARM FOR SALE OR ' TO RENT., UNDEES7t Ei) ')FFERS FOR sale or torent for a: term of years, 50. acres of land,• being the•South half of north oialf of lot 79and 80..in'the first concession of the town;'hip of Kihlons. , The 'land is; nearlyy ,allseeded down and its well, watered, with, good,;hnuse and otitbgildiu gs. ' It is three miles frons L ow. '• FIor further, articulars ap. .'ply Ont sea • 4 WiVI. MoALLIsTTR, Leickno; P p • ,775. FARM: 'LANDS' FOR SALE. The execntora .of the, late Jelin Fraser, still ' offers for ar le_thn.00.0 ,'tees of land.-belrtinaingg" n e estate; 500' acres being Isititated in the 9th. cone,asinn of the township Of Nest Wn •waiioch..no lots 15, Ili ants west half oil 1,7, and., 100 • nfi' the sat .concession of,•the 'township of Kinloss, being the. north halves of lots 43 and 44: 'she above Prriperty will be S.91.1 either in .'hulk or •separately to purchasers. . For terms nr Other parttenlers apply to THOS- TODD),,_ hixccutor, , St Helens P U., or to .SEAGEIt 4'. l3 A1tT, 0' 775 Barristers, Gndericli P. U. DESTRC.Y.S;AND"'`'1:M9VEs,WORMS OF ALL KINDS IV CHILDREN OR ADULT!;. SWEET , SYRUP AND CANNOT HA! •THE" MOST LoELIC4 IM CHILD 4= .MOW: L�QoOR New Importations. SPECIALTIES „ Women's s. , Dongola Kid Men's Sealed Top Shoes Wo1i1 iful ,xuir i Various • lepers. Prices: The Popular Shoe :Store E WArDS , & : NICOALLUM We have in Adel: all lands of meal Corn 'Flopr, ' `Wheat Meal ' Grnhaaej.; Flouir Corm areal. whito�awl 3.ellowr • Oat:neal,rokltctlfi;trrd".tff ><rif ' TRUII rk t � Ahytilttng you `want'iio`tlte fluor line. „ PRO Has just received n n d elle • Selected d sir ock of frneTr' n° 'Valises, • Robes, etc.; which he is Selling at bottomri'he' • ;Yf• y•nuww ish a � ;t,rsro��ags. TrL1aa1C; Goat-orEuffaio lobe ,. j:,je •, Single and Do:1b.6 lintnesq. always, in or, ins statk , ;. "A° order On alin«4 . notice. • ' 0ialrod Work a• Spdcialt r., ,R.':PROGT •. OR ' 0Qe41: 540k : q:9,raeotipsT ia1 , fro= , 15c up' p verythn §ebe, ja. tliC,dhCtel5e8t. , The best Roller Florae anis' ' O a' rad d..• `G}IVE U'S:A•CALL. • , ItrZterzzitalglf. s . I'hive a few thousand dollars to invest fo pxira•ie .parties, at roatonable hidereste, ELx,IbT TRAVEIts,' • Inure your Farm Property, P ware Dwel- fings, in the.old:reliable,. the 9NOON. MUTUAL. I • aim also agent for the City: Mutual and :Citizens. OFFICE--- 1) G -TayeI•oi.'S-TiitSbO .Litchinow Will lie in the office every'Saturd. y1afternoon••-' J SHOEB•OTTO.M,, Agelit, HE KEY TO 'HEALTH. :o: TORE axing .opened Out a shop .again ' I' will: keep on hand a.'Stock of the BEST' CANADIAN LIQUORS 'o: IMPOiRTED .LI 'UO`,.� • , Q • RS for Medical Purposes :Vines, 1l<rairules, •' liiolland .Gini. Scotch'VMskey, Native `!►'state, , ' rhino Ate g`te: A.: `1VMcPHERSON.: `. 'he;Princi al of Treatment. 1� merit. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the, $aceto; 'Kidneys and Liver,carry. ' ingoff gradually without weakening the; system, all §the:: impurities , and • foul humors of the 'Secretions; at the' same time Correcting • Acidity w of the • Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dye- pepsin, ^ Headaches, Dizziness; . Heartburn,'' Constipation, Dryness of the Skin: 'Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jauniliee, Balt Rheum, Erysipelas, . SeroAila, Plutterfng of , the Heart, Nervousness, and :Gen. eral Debility; all, these and ;Many other si'itiiilar Complaints,..yield :,to the 'Wei „ infuence of , BURDOC&'.; T'. aunt= k co., ProPi etoia. Toronto. BOAR FOR:SE VICE. :Iii; Tr&.17):EELsi(.3Nr '\V TSr-I1+:S T - i:, ' O �, n.f soot th • , t f,eruiri s of his i•i^• '' , tett that. h lit e Wilt 1 c� r' rr for �i•'+'• ,. 1 service this, season, .tE�nt 3`l con. 2,. I int • s• that vet' .�'u .-rinr'thnrnti h' saran 1:3erk,+hire 1 i, ' * , • " air, C�AI\Gy�,ial.(11,,,. ".11i' e retirbniee may lie seen on lL) ilie.rtit n, Chancellor wee purchased' from !Al r, E. 3+:. 'Lace, a t, .ural by bin from 1llessrs. Snell and f:n• of 1 dntonton, the well aunty:: in,),,irters of lila Ctuutr • y at•. ek. :reveral• of those frnttl ''wlioni'"Chancellor".- is. descended, were Iirst -Rise wiuiter,iit the •]fossil' Shelvs'.in England.. Terms, 81; strictly cash,: ''1VILI4Lt\1 DAWSON,. 4.:77Z. , •Langstde P. 0 Sold Out. c. All parties' indebted to the ulidcr- signed, tithe: by note'or book account, will please, settle : as soon as possibl@ and save trOuble anis costs. I will ho .found at the old stand, at lir Go nnell's • Geo. ashington, MD•,L CP3 Eminent Lung and Throat.5urg 131; AT=E- CAIN'S HOTEL )ECB 'BE01• '',..'•"� r• Vhi'IL Ileal W, 11.'Storev`s • tilt It. W. 4tocejr San, Slamtmesttisr,t.;•-:rerun (Jilt:J' letter of ,reply to \Lr;• A.j.c(;artney, ;iif. Boyne, l)nt,1 iridi, (an.. sept. , , c .lfcCm t nen:,1, Esqt, Bo, ne14, O,,e1;87. DE:ir. Sia, 1 our latter ter eii: , Iii ieply 1 bey to inforin you that Dr 1`� a:shiu toil co tri plo�tely cured .:me Of Catarrh', of two , y+tiers' S:anrling, which:threatened to'hreak''d++c.„uiy, C„ Ibtltll O - ,t tl n. I raise. Prevtotisly tried eiety- . th n• r and.e - . 1 ty riyntc. u• of nntP'..ti+:that::; receiving a hartieae' of ,moil. ' When 1 coin• nlenced taking bfs .medicine I, wonI 1, iila,n t suffecntr• with atualous• ritlining'•dowii 1ny throat at night, Mid had about giver; up all hope. After 1 cniiuneneed taking his nirt'- clue I felt.: decided relief in it week, ani i.•/ two it otiths;wns entirely; cured. That in ne . `' a i?a y .r aye anti have no return'. oft,hr- CroUidw' 1• can .1onfl..fatly recommrr rl • Lir. War''. iii •t'ant+r M g yon, 'Ht is 'uo quack are moderate • he last II+erfetit• genCeum , that tette n lilies, nit least;agch is rlv ,orae. fielieve me, .%Youratruly, ' ` Ay; H; SSTot 1r i Catarrh Diseases Trenited. (.atarrhatheafness, chronic •itw chitin, Antliina and Co11A111nptfnn. Alan Los of VU1ce,'Ohrnnic sorra"Throat,• Reti loving tame, larger: Tonsils from ilio Throat, incl Poly or Growths from; the nose; rvltheut the h All diseast;a of the Read, Threat `and foot .. �- Treated by Inhalation--4"'l'ha `rw MsApit O ytN5UL.TATi :.'Nil % • • 'r W °