HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-14, Page 3An Episode.
'Lo the vestibule at miiietglit
Stood tee
' • Atted: the sound v: as Jewand eweet
8:4 their ape would gently weet,
While deer °bailey would repeat,
" Oh, so te rr"
Brea* 'I,
• Down the dimly lighted stairway
crept her pa,
Aud his btoii was ..,ft and low
• ao he nerved elm ,for tile blovr
. That eouid ano,e the tlizey beett
• Ok. so far -
in the Indiwey shortly after 4
Lay her clad;
ly said, ,
rot datighter 1014 1214 hag,• •
•IthInk his glovee were linedwith lead,'
"Oh, BO 04d r,
, the 'old. gentleman 41411• t_ge
tweet the tame. . • • 'J. gt.,.w,
VORTEfills TrittNligg
The, einrert'eutate Meistly that* OVOrtook
Jewetier George (lowland.
. For eome time past neighbors and friends
' of Ge9irge Coe/land, .8 jeweller working in,
kis wife'a,store 'et 1914 Slog street east„
• 'have nhtioad that hie mind was wendering•.
A' few, tnonths ago Govelanci!e tether; re-
puted -to be worth $80,000, died intestate;
ailid in consequence of the action of a -step-
mother the imitate was thrown into oboe -
eery, Ciowland's °herald said to amount,
• to eoine -§20,0e0, and as financial affairs
• With him have not been going on smoothly
tor the past feN years, the immediate-Pros-
peet:of•unch a (Mange in hie dircumetanoes
. • had the effect of' ceasing hain to beqeme
, quite,nnbilenced.
,HIa peculiar Mania ie. that he is now, im,
. • meneely• wealthy. He indttlged in mon-
' • drone real estate transitetions, talked .of
•• • ' banOrieting the whole town starting a crack
,4. .
• ,j livery stable • and in conneotiert with this
r%• latter idea Was Making arrangements, to
= purchaie :some twenty fast horses, and
. fashionable turnouto.-Toronto. World.•
, •
iPteitttalegy .tal the Pnbkie eekoolle.,
. BMA fide eneWers: "Occupations Which,
are injurious see carbolic acid gae, •which
is impure blood," "A stonemason e work
is iejariouebeiniuse, when he is chipping,
••, he breathes lean the chip, and then they
• :are tao' Into the lungs.", "The. body is
• mostly ,composed ofwater; and about: One
aviridious tissue." " The 'body bee
•• .n hafinite ntiniber of •ones joule op. er
. . • • .by the joints." • " The spinal column is
made of: bones rionning all..over tho body.
" Digeation belongs to the lower animals."
• r
se .The gastrio juicekeeps the bones from
• • 'asaliing. The three coverings of .the)
• brain are the, diameter, the perimeter;
anti the' trachea." ".The growth of a
tooth begins in the baok of the Mouth and
. siteilds to. ,the , stomach:" "Anatomy is
• •
• disietitmg Of bodies, generally. lifeless."
"The orga,ne of -digestion are stomach
. •
• ' • ntensils,..liver and epleen,". " The .extent
• • : . of the mouth help's the 'digestion of 'Nod."
. ,
It far more . reliable to drive out the
ellre.of a room. and put on extra 'clothing
front of burning fire." "Soap le impor-
tant in carrying off the fat of the body.".
, "'What is eaten by the body has Borne-
' times been taken as food."' The first
atop in .digestion. is •nnistimitiore and 'in
• • salivation; Second; the • Museleil of the
gutlet."—Popeter Science Monthly.. '
...Barter in suntan Halt%
human hair market is located at
Morians, in the departinent of the Lower
Pyrennees, and on alternate•Fridays bun-
' 'tirade of hair dieseers repair to the little
•. place to buy the hair of :the Young pea:sant
•: . The ' dealers wander .up and down
. '• the tong, narrow street of the town, each
• with a huge pair of bright shears hanging
' troth a • black • leather strap around his
• ' wetietelrebtle the young girle who wish. to,
Pp" ?Oki:heir hair stand abont in the doer',
• %aye. e tritilealition is carried -on in the
• , • ..L.2:lossraiiont,"•of_thei,..hetise. The, hair is let
' down, the tresses combed out, and the
dealer names the price. This' varies from
3 to 20 frame). If 'a 'bargain is etruck the
,deitlen4ays the money in the open palm. of
•• the, eelle.ri applies his Shear's and, in
•••••• •
. *Oi_initte; the long tresees fall on the floor:
The purchaser rolls up the tresses, places
, • : them itipsiVerriffitrthYdlite-theni into hi
' pOoket: Of oourse, •ft rriaideri can rarely
' • • • see her fallen treeiiee disappear into the
• dealer's. pocket. without crying. But s e
• sensoles herself with the thought that the
• ,, • .• :• • hair will -grow again and by looking, at the
' • , ' ' •• money in her hand.--Cialipiithi'# Messenger.
Wonderful Peat of Memory.
Bete involving extraordinary and almost
..impoesible feats have frequently beenmade
. _
and won. Stimeyeare since,. when the late
'Bev. Henry Ward Beecher "was delivering,
lectures throughout the conntry, Colonel
• debleres; theTroY Times, made 'a bet
that he .would Bit 'on" the stage With the
orator, reniembekeeetiw,ord he •said, and
publish it in hie:paper the next morning.
• : The wittier being ' accepted, Colonel • de
;• ' . • Merit sat on the platform near Mr.
. ,
Beeeher,•and at the oinuilindon of the lee.
tUre Went tethe Office of the . Trey 2'itnea;
and without halt or stop dictated the entire'
. disoonree word, for word.—St. Louis .ellobe.:
. , : •
. Ho Not ilLacirn for Buffalos.
. . We have ()Owe that give better milk than
' bnflaltr.00we„ and the meat is far preferable
• " Cto buffalo' meat. Civilization has caseed to
',7i-kittint even buffelo hides. A 'recent large .
tioneignment that , had been ,stored away
apme*here and 'forgotten proved dreg in
• this inerket.' For Vibe° other hides are
. now preferred. The stamp. of nationality
• ..i.g-thereis..alioniAlictaiiiMiXgitesilins. •
mental intereet; but, quit: is a moist uncer-
• tain hpg• t� hang the hope: of hie prolonged-
, existence noels' an this. Utilitarian
New York World.' •
•••, •
Tirneend•tide *Offer -nil Men," but
when a. womanisin the case even trine •
and tide Mast' Wait or go,on without her:
• —Bustardtard eta trtined
,reined 1 I can't pay ten ; dente on theaoL,
larl Friendly_ Don't mit ttp ere dear fel.
low. Just thiek .hoW ' bitch better. Off you
are than yOnr,oreditors. .
.Av feet WO hate a key to. the *belie Untie
. teripiis ' The .Whitoohapel fiend;
" Jeek the BRipper," asIbe Loildoeine :call
kin4it ileid..t0 be` A •110Weifill Mesineriat
hit ettoiltinte:,for it all. ; Jitok not only
Mesiiieirmse hie ,viotime, and, thee' ituiders
them poweirleee to resit, -hitt poi that:4611-
am polio most offeetuall7 toep. •
RA -8111011'B, LANES'''. for whioh I am dendine you instruotione,":
' • , , - writes .Cquein Madge in Londott truth,
"are deliotie More*. Try; them eerie:
•; ., ••_ , ett'Ahp ,pno ogre* of, butter in a Steitil.
Try, ittg To Look LookIta, .T0).ke, gen its ceeeerole, then put in .ehont eight or ten
Wit OEM."' :• ,ounoee Of very freels, rich Cheshire eheeee,
however'you -,ehould' have aired
oely previously;.!eager' it with a salt.
' .T1f1034.;- NEW DAIOE8 VHS WINTER. epeopfel eapla Of. ground mice, e-iffron„
• - nutmeg, neyerine an'e; the tieiest pinch of
•• salt. liar it the Whole. time Until it has
CdPOSIP Kate's. -Weektv 'BOOdet4
dissolved, then remove it 1 rom the fire and
Three New 1neeel ' let it get a• few degreesreooler before Mixing
Will come into neeamong feehienehin pep. ieto it thoroughly two whie-glassee.- of
'pie thie winter. One of these is the elide wormed port end two of warmed .hreare,
,Macourliaiwhich its o partial' revival of the alto the juice: of half ,a very email lemon,
old rouuddanoe, cohabit:Ling the polka eud 'uOd skein:v.11h*. away to your heart's Goe-
the waltz. In its new. fort*it heti More of tent mitil it le ell a scift,feoth, fia, it seide
a waltz movetneet than heesee. The, gee,,, tno:Iomble.Bcoatnieni;i0trCold ne lce, and while it is do.t
,eral effect is gratiefal, and the long,w
step ie •titghtly, nnlesit Precticed, too w
carelessly e0.,. an oierpoliehed flOor. The in_ as reeell AO )HOci, OOneidek sufficient. Of the
other new round donee is galled Ibe Berlin, " cheese' stuff," Also 7 about eix preserved
and is very ingenious, since ite•slow, grace. danisone, with ' a little of . their 'syrup.
ful polka time can, he oiled:at will, for a ,Pal40•41"1`.quiebish" oven until they are
galop, waltz or a schottieche.. Many couples., a layej7 light yellow. Serve either hot or
re sither unable or unwilling to amoin
'phi& a polka and tolbeth the Berlin. will X•myself prefer theth•cRld. Either, WAY0`,
:be welcome, Whileit will also `be. enjoyed Or 'ttrlY.nnw,itneY. are very good. •
by time° who like, a Polite; lhe. °titer ' an Einprese, '
hovelOY 41 the Diarnor1d lailoarPt the 0$4fes . The Empresa 'dowagerdt China amuses'
of whiell • ere' more intrieote, and fol.:441a ' • • '
herself by playing a eort, of hideand•seek
" I ''proreestlt,'!1"QusadY7l14 C.404141,101r Madge. in
London. Truth, "to give you some further
particulars. aboot -what is to be wore.thie
Whiter: Well, dear, it appeals to me that
our chief aim mtiet,be it:1190144e mutsh like
moose we care", To have bodice. made ae,
.cloeelyresembling a twin's: shirt possible , •Freali i.rom, Vanity rate, .
it, feettion's 'last cry, 10 traaelate literally ••. Novelty 'pun's' riot in the'.new bordered
the French idiom. 'I saw several of theee
woolens, and one Of the most. unique de.
new boclieee at, GIlotietaiter Road, when i Ogee' exactly simulates. the used to
went with Evelyn -the other day. • •
4$ .
was a 'pale.blne foulard, Made '40' carriage°w*i9ns' ' •
'exactly. like- . man's •smokingejacket in Braiding, done. , -contraeting. abler
front, With a plaited .ehire of white: eurah' aPP,eers on many of the 'handsoreeet plotb
underneath; and a,ntan'e colter Andra cloaks, and 'Where fur is used 'beaver' and
tie, all the, foulard, ,The dress' was e sktink are easily long favorites. •
sweet one, the „pistol:3,g ..hetn„,,,, also in this % • The -polka _ (101 the poor, we hit*t
Sealmeen.: shade of blue foulard, and sr, always with .es, ind'never More 'than this
ranged in fcilde down eithereide of etraight 'season, When it appears 7on the necktie .6r.
felds of white,duralt . ,front. Thera were: the handkerchief. Of. every ' other man. you
'aitapuptit frontsawer e9tfe.tbblCIOWbblettott so
teirt Mitt: • ' et.men:se roundace 001,likie'tt.e8. fluted' a.
Were there to ant se Proxy. • ' • la Pierrot are in greet vogue, net only for
1 " very' pretty yellow pongee silk: drefie children, but also :foi loung..b,4430 volo
.110d-the,-.aki"-aFranged-in-itka4aknia-aa-r1-1* itioLweirthent-of-OOlined-crapieto4Mitch-
.wide' plaits. , from the eech .being: the dreis. • • . • ,
caught near the, hem • with a .bow ,of pilot white velvet e not
yellow ribbon. Benda (*White' silk gaipure 11 °aid ' that if
woven .sunshine,.. either in :spring . or,
ran from the wiistinthe same direothin as • 7
early, summer, there hi no possibility of ita
the plaiie The bodice • had . 'a .d.raperY
'keeping color, as the sun'd rays • altine,'Cin
silk moor the right shoulder to the side
fix its paleness, ' • • • .• , •
Of the 'waist, a grabefol. arrangenieet that. eroperIty
Weald, be very becoming' 10 he 'figure: The.
sleeve Was gathered above the elben and -et
the wristo, • ". ' • ,••••, ' • '• '
: A pointed. ptecte Of sills guipure wad tio
arranged in front sato look like' an uricler.
bodice -oven Wiiiels the pongee was, draped.
The, high. vollar, had te, .deep turn -down
covered with .gttiphr • •
A detittiona ,they-areiso-debototielr softand-warprthat!-
.N.ilinoire,; the right eide.lodiag , draped With the hare sight of them ie ooniforting.
•erepe. Of the-same'••ookir, .,the. folds looking .Oraxis beginning to divide: honors with
admirably fresh, se though they. had .fallcht green in 'Parisian. headgear, And in. , near' y
there. ..&bleck.net; ball with largeall the model') sent out by •the beet leases
',pots of the size of florin, Was made ,with the bonnet brim high and peaked, and
a balite in lvelyetof aoindisitoeibibly bright, the Crown IOW and fiat,. • . • • '
soft tone of fiame he it most • . . ._ • .
Pearl -edged ribbons ;nave gone .ons
...effective d'rees.. :
. of
fe,shion. Thick -ribbed ' give gram ribbon,
with a plaid satin 'ititging;;fittliat •trfolit In
.vogue, and also Moire Which looks.
.so well cOinbined with 'velvet;
Bibbon plays a mOst, irnpOrteek part. in
millinery,: and esoften its not Ocinstitutee
• the entire, crown, foundation . of
any:kind: In. nrie of theela a :White 'wing.
had been - 'pieced in front, with :Ininbach
briin Of black Orinolizie. • ; • . ,
., • , • Brains or iterintye. • :.• •
• Duireanymarriedhiewadher,Womati,
Goethies wife was it Woman . mediocre
. ,
eenacity.' .•'.' •
Einereim seYs 1' it le not•beauty..that
inspireethe•deeneet paddion.".• • . '
t the " bitinboe." . 'They pat;
;o1135'ia: in the emiddle of ;Moy,;•ii,nd': the middle.'
Therese Latisseur • the . last flame eit
ellooteerathernost tender."' Theypiekled Rousseau, could not tell the time 9f day. , •
green witleats When. they beat a pin. - -Racine had an. illiterate' 'wife,. and was
to go 'bite theni,", whicli.is also done to tnis' :abotidtomect. to .12cieettally dealer° that she
day, They e e ware that ." the clusters • ould not rad any.of his tragedies:6
of: elder floWere make (aic • a:. • e icate )ic Holoo said of 040 vornaii. lie love&: "She
before it opene," and thet .to ..effeat • this' it had never 'read), line, of niy Writingd, and
waa, only 'necessary...to, pour • vineger. over
them. They ali,o knew. ti -at .the weds of dotal not even.hneity what
It is' an of t.quOted seyinOf ' Dr; Jelinson.
elder should be pitikled, while still green,
attubstitute for 'catiere, arid that lartigasithet ". ennui in. .generislAs• better pleased
v;dien hales g'ood dinner •Ori :th,e ;table'
cdeurnbere of tbe 'kind 'called green
than when his' •Wifer,..Greek.'.1 •
prepared ite, mangoes, Ara oxisellent, and
then itny of the showy quedrilles. yet intro- game on the water at night without lights.
Lotely her boatmen have taken to :relining
awayand: others have refused to obey her
orders, 1 he reason. for this disaffection is
that according to law the penalties Incurred
should, the "Emprees drown, . Olen were it
established that"' the boatmen were not in
1/m1N:include not only their'cleith, but that
of their, f a mi lies. • , •
" Enhanced " is the last. impossible
epithet adopted by London tailore to desig-
nate any peculiarly atrociotiejold or pucker
or wrinkle wherewith it may please them tq
Offend the gazing eye. •• • •
Paris 'just now, sende out new winter
underskirts woven in. imitation , of tiger
wish the deep empire 'border, and
0., A gown ,thit tnedinne break 'the tenth
ceminaridment before' I Oren had time to
stop my self, was in striped tailor cloth, just
like a initteti tweed suit cloth, beige • Omer.
The bodice looked as it it must fit, the
'bones being molded : se beautifully •to the
fall of the Waist both in -front and at the
." shaking Hands With it '
. 'that was there—was there anything
that the woman of hundred years .ago
did not pickle or preserve? They pickled.
parsley green to cheat grim winter oesome
of its. terrorii;.. they piokled. neettirtions--
and ii --very exoeitent-rpiokle :they 'make.'
They pickled the large shoots' of- older tO
•corne sooner into, pating.". They pickled ". Hew, of • t Wiee, indle4arned;"
radish pods, artichokes; borseradvh, :sityaTI3ackerey, ave married their k
..eatriphite,marigold'ficwereand More things Pid no, Lord' the WOO pin-
, , .
than (sail beienutnerated... Having pickled deet ot men, make a runaway, match?
'nearly every krotA ahoot, stalk, pod and ',Were no0Lohilled and Ajax both' in love
'seed,' they begae,td. do the same' by 'plentii, with their servant-1061dB ?','• •
'apeititita •Peditilie% currants. and...grapes, Jcan Paul Itichter declared that he would,
Wneit t set about making Janie, no fruit AM , lead • a woman into 'the matrimonial
escape& nem,they evert attaisked vegetablee .noose *hem it Wouldnot delight td,h, ear
When thoy tnedeuekee tt was the genie,. Per -,him reed the learned reVieWth of Gottingen,
Snipe, raspberries, atm, weremade into iiiikee,/ Or the huivetisal German library, when,
and redbeetroot, poteteee and orangee into theysOunded,his praiierthbegh it mightbe
hiecuiti. The recipe for violet cakes roade in some degreeexaggerated. .7"
delightfully Tekethe finest violets ou Sevenhundred people.itaitiP all night to
can get‘ pick off the leaves, heat the vi bite see the beautiful •Iluelleee of 'Handlton jet
fluent a Matter with thajaioe Of a lemon, in her? .oaritiage, but would ,one, in a thou.
• beat and Mit tWiee their weight Of , 'double, etind bee a Wink of sleep to get a glimpse,
refined linger, put your sugar and violet e of the learned wife of the pundit Inuits-
hito it diver .eaupepint or tankard, , set it Velke, who dieeouteed•With the Indian in
over a slow firo, keep stirring it gently. iiiitniterit on the Vexed problems Of life?' '
nein all your Begat' M dissolved; if yOttlet John Stuart Mill regarded theituititution
it boil, it will.diticellOt your viohite ; di'Opof iiierriage in ite higheet AIM and aspect
them in. chine 'platesl,Whenyou take them ae " a union of two peraiine of. cultivated'
off, put :them in a tent,. With patter., be- 'feat:title% Identical in OpieiOnand Purpcsies,
tiveen every layer.", Can 'anything be between whom there exists that best kind
More Charniingand ethereal than this?' Of equality, siiiiilarity Of powers with reel -
The only point at Which ledeettie to touoh Incited eaperienity in them4 ett that. one Can
cciromentisertiris-•the ilugar,'itini that is to -enjoy the luenry Of looking-uprtathe Othee
,be double refitted. The chine platen deitibik and • can .heve alternately the pleasure 01
lead Were st1012 tut Would new nuke :the joyleading and:•being, led ih the path Of &vet -
'of a. collectorand madden hie Wife by their bpinent:" ' • .
pride. .°Would ,that thatitne When vamien
found h'ealtIsy Mmiternent in turning this Da.ing nini it itaak
,miittrire outotihe pan, ,With Cie . color of , Dtimley. (to Brown) 43totro,-, I tinder -
the 'violets !undisturbed • by the .thai; etand thaeRobineon referreidie, mnoyoeter.
baesionate•aot ot back again.; day as an old fool. 1 don't think that sort,
it Wee iti tithe Whenfiet n intuit surely,haVeof thing is right. . '
found- fewer idler 'h • to do his work. , Broten-e. Why, Of eettrid• it eihl • tight,
For our Own;part.We neer take up a piper Dutnley. Yon cao'l bp more tban 40 at the
and read IMMO horriblese ori at a *decimals ()inside. •
• • .
. • . •
Of silver ilaintepens add'de te te Otinfeetions • '; •• or, ,c6r ""ir," ?
Wert) once More with. ne ; it is 'MOM'. than I will be yottrit,
• .
probable that the Weaken who ere •ee Don't ask papa tonight; he might. ramie;
have, as Pt. Bitehetter ' eaye To400rrow 131,get in One of my, teinperii
guilt or folly without vfis tag that the days.
' never shaken hands, with a eaucepen in sbd sbmn he'sre to ooneen
their lives." , • • , 1
j • • OWNS* Tarilet. The word "white" heehaw stricken ham
" Th.. 0,11e, ohenee an4 ilAmillitiArtleti, the Lineal Conatiktithin.
, • ' • ,• • • t •
. • ,
• . .1 , .
. .
. .
4 • c
. . • • ,
. . . , • . • . .
. . .. . . . . . . , .
• . . . . .. r , , , '. ... , ,.
. .
. . . .
. • .... . - '
. . .
. . .
. . .
Aiixtr.r.A. RIVES' ,SHOES.
Pigitat Foot covering ot the Sens*-
. tionai
Mrs. Amelia Rives,Chanler is nothing if
not odd. The other day She went to, 'a
reception with her hair to twO pig tails,.
tied across her,. breast bite. has taken so
weariug,sand • • y
A gentleman who had occasion -recently
to vieit ;the beautiful originator of the new
oboes wee in.- couvereatIon With the. lady
:When suddenly his. eyee travelled to the
ecige of Mies. Chanler's lovely home morn.
'log gown; and peeping out froat the lower
'flounce he saw ten little white toes 1 Of
ourse he started a ••trifb, and then his
'hostess laughed and phowed hint her new.
I have long tbneght a adopting,
tate d 09.0," she ,said.' seems to me
heathenish 10 orowd the toes all together
he tight shoes. Each toe should be as pep.
irate as eat& finger. Why sheuild tve•
crowd, our'toe. all together and lei our
fingers go free? You. have no idea with,
.what comfort and ease'I , ow hat:'I
have adopted these &roe. Of coo. it I Can
mit wear them iu the city at preeeet, but I
hope aeon tabt able to do ea, forJ am sere
nattily Women of senee will:adopt thene". ,
Christmas Echoes, ••
".Now; .my dear," said,..' Mr:'Younghas-
band to the partner of his joy% Who was
about nesters forth on Chrietmas shopping
bent, " ge,Resente for •alt the family -in-
mw, and buy'e nice lot of things .for the
.boys ; but de/A' apend Mere than hue.
dred IVO:nest live *Hine our in:
come." • '! Why, George," replied thelady,
in an aggrieved tone, ".you told me Wie had
3200 this month—. yon•know ytia did:" And
Mr. Younghnebandonly eighed.• • •
"Can you lend me $25 this morning,Mr.
Williamson ?" sailed a needy friend, enter.
lug the brciker's office. Sorry, Barrows;
but I :really can't. Mrs.Villiamson went
out thie nmetiing•to hay it littleearprise,liie
me, and she.took all the motley I heci."..
• 0! Ethel," said the landlady tit her daugh-
ter " mint Make the Christmaeseason
a pleasent one'for the boarders. Suppose
welt* them all to bang up their stocking
on 'Christmas, Eve, that We patty Pet
some little remembrancie in eitoh ?" ".That
is ti very good Wei, mother. We can give
• Mi. Mouldy a penknife;ito Mr. Palette,
the artist, we can given box of paints;
iing oribblinv-irdfild`birdelightetrroliaVe
•a patent lead pencil, and , for Mr. Slowboy
—well, let me see—what would yon Bug -
gest for Mr. Slow.boy's stocking, , ma .?"
!,.* Mr.' Slowbby's unreoeipted bill will do,
for Mr. .S1nwhoY," replied .the • Old lady,
Bte'r`,11.81Le y' on deeid.. ed. on Pine pr' mute for
theboys yet, my deer ?" asked 'Mr. Hen:
tiricke, after the tads had'left the breakfast
table for salio61.: Not 'quite • all. But
have decided', Wfilism; that they shall all
he,given eomething useful: There is no use
of wasting Money. on'neelesi toys for them,
to break—and, by the way, we need `a new
. Ah 1 well; why,.inot get .the
rug•fordGeOrge, and give . the tumblers to
John ?". • , . ;: •
'Johnny was Bight." ' : •
Teachel—Jhbrini; I should think you
Would be ashamed of yourself to rim away
from eishool for the Rake of floating. around
in....that old,. leally,,.'g4-bettome4Theat.
Weren't You afraid of getting drowned?
• Johnny-410'in; ' not. ea much , 0O
• Teacher -What norteensel-,IDid you ever
hear of anYbody going.olitin'e boat for feat
of getting .drowned ' •• . • '
• Johnny—YeitOm. . • • •
Teacher (aiitOnishe4)-Who ?
/ Johnny-Negar. '
. • •
' • "
' Who, Clipiden. Clete. Special. • .
nTei byeri" oirlaiD;Oilicosinn dp'iCnye!pt ptiot1:2 00, December
.5.th; a ereekry train Of Failmen Veitibale
Care, to run . between 'C'esttacil• Bluffs and
San Francisco., Steam heat, eleotria
.sepetete titith•rOome. foi'. ladies anagentle-
Men, barber shop, Obeervation.and emoking
xdoine, and 'a female attendant ferladiee
and. 'ohildrett,'Lmake it "TBE ' Yietsw IRA=
" FartCheemeete../..C.euec'
Bluffs and 'ran Francisco, every
thiegticket, berth and mealsff-lrill be
.. '
• 'A Powerful ilm,lle. .
" As elotif as* Wernan walking along. the '• M A RVELOUS ' •--'---:. •--"
street, reeding a letter," would 4ot be:a. .
bad. mAiom tri. hurl into the language air a• .
fixture,Ptick. . ' : .' . ' . .
• • .
• ; ••• 1 • • • 441.-14, ••
Leave 04 he 39001"-41: ;MO
The old superstition o nailiog a
, shoe: over the door of a hpnike, aea ,prote07;
'tiou against evil apirite; ea. an misisrance 0...
of good luck, is as widely epreed, in the .
Uptted States as it is in grOand; or Ire- , • .
land. elt, also prevails among nearly all ,
Teutonic. end Scandinavian *races, and
flourishes lergely in. the Eaet, and West '
Indies 'and Ifindoosten. The old writer."
tell us that there are throe elenieets, united
itt the horseshee--in. the firet piece Wilt
crescent shaped, secondly it is a portion of
the horse, end laelly it, is medu, of iron..
,Popular superstition has long endowed ion
, with protecting qualities. During the time,
Of the•Pia'eue in Rome, the...inhabitants 'Of
the Eternal City drove nails in -the Walls Of ,
their heuriee as a ,Beftegriard againet the '
dread disease. When. the Arabe )4 the
clegert areovertaken by the deadly slmoom
they seek succor from heaven by crying
" Iron 1 iron 1" Celtic; Pinieh and Welsh
enperetitiqns all agree that against witch -
waft iron' is 'considered the only guard. .
Custom even recites that it kite alwaye •
been considered e 'good omen to find old
iron, and particularly to find an old horse-
ehoe. In the mythology of England, .
horees were, and are to this day, '
looked upon as luck -bringers. In some
parts of England nowadays ;it is still
thought that „many forms of disearie Oan
be eared in burning horse alive. •A .
horse's hoof ; placed under. an invalid's bed •
is considered specific. for • many Oom-
plaint§ in the north of, Sootland. ,
years ago, in Ireland, so it is saikapon"
the death of a favorite horse, its feet and • , ,
Legs Were hung un. in the house, and even
the hoofs are kept sacred. All of wnieh, it
is clamed, serve as a prev,eniive.. of ill
luck Or disease. Even in New York,
• among a certain <lase, the hors'eslir may . _
be seen hailed' up over many a house or
shop doer., The well.kcoWn Bong ;whioh
Was , sung by Edward ' Harrigan ' few • • .
years ago Made a lasting . iimpressitin, and 7 •
served to remind meny ;of _the luck attend- •
ing old iron shoes. One. of the titannee .
,^ • ••1
, •
There's astory that is told Irish '
• ,Par. beyond the days of Meg Boru .• ' , ' '
That wee suret4 always wait tip'on Y011 '
If you pick up oh the road a herse's shook ,
Onaccount of ite,form;, historians state
that-theinalities-the the
'orwicent ,have -been trantiformed tbe ,
horseshoe. The Chinese build their.toniha
at the present day in a seini-oircla•form,
like& horeephite, and the : Moors use it in ! • :
their architecture. , Lord Nelson Milled a
horeeshoe to • the maet of his itag.ship ,
Victory, and gtiarded it as 'it it, had been " • , •
a citadel. 'Dr. James, of London; who '
earned the sobriquet of ." Luoky " from;
the aliment of Money 'he made out Of. hie ,
patent medicines, attributed his phenome-
natetumetis the finding of -a horsetihOe. ,
Which, symbol he adopted ise a cirest for his :
Oarriage—New York Mod. and k.zprees. . ' •
I know a, sin to •
-But I'm ,bent on. the notion,
111 threw myself into
,• • ,
The deep,' briny ocean!!is . • ,
the ',Mental ;exelamation of many
etiff rei. :headiehe, incligeitiOn; pow: •
trainiform these unfortunates., Rixd Genoa':
. Theense of •••
Pierce's Pleasant *Pellets, ...however, .WOuld ' • ,
Bliteey epirit 04611 Wender •• ' .• • ,r,„
'• , • Throughgay'ooral ho erg, • , •
. And fre,liviih the mermaids,
• ' • It shall, by the,pOwers I
. •
n: • • • ‘•
Shoaditiotidiy).L--rd:have yon :to
Fik,,,r, that', ens a self•made mare'egadi
Lettere (looking., •over intently)—
Well, 31ir.:'Shoil:dy,•you look like it: you do..
indeed. „ . . '
„ .
'MRS. OECIAR WIL1),E has been Jecifireitg in • •
"-jib-idols on 7. Drese for Women.!"
:The lecturer is, Bays the London • Star, very .
young and pretty. but as a pnblie sp.eaker '
ebe.has Mitch to learn. To begin with, Mrs.
.0sear Wilde is .wildly•iisnocent. of the de.
nicianor Of a public speaker. She giggles at : • ,
her innaceritly twiste •bee •
shoulders, beads her head and explodee
*titter when -she resole what shir-coneiciersH:-...
a , partionlarly good thing.; Hey lecture was • ' • • -
good :in ,ithe main, eiinple, clear, 'undeeee • . . ••
• ' The Old Oaken Thicket . ' •
„The Irou-h nu tl Buck,t• ,
• The Moss -covered Bucket,"
is -very likely the One that has 'conveyed
pciiseins, to y our system from soniedid
w,hciee waters have 'become contaminated
frtiea !towers, Vaults, .or,:pereolititin from
the soil. To eradicate 'these poiscine from
the eyetein and Billie yourself a spell of
malarial, typhoid or bilious fever, and to
keep, the liver,,kidneys • and lunge in, a,
healthy and :vigoritstui condition,' nee Pr..
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery; -the
greatest blOod-ptirifier of the riga. '
Life in Chicago. '
a • •
Policeman (stopping onizei4—What are
, ,
you running for? ,
Citizen—Beoauee I'm cold.'
don't do it again or ra
open Are on yon.—Chicago gtobe. • .
.•4 • Maim 1 Note, of This.
, Pain banished as ,if by magic. Poleon
N8eiteree id'a poeitive and almost instan-
taneous remedy . for external, internal, or
local pains'. The MOM active remedy
hitherto known falls tar short of Norviline
for eoterit power in the relief Of •nerve
pain. Good for external or internal
B,uy a 10 Cent sample ,bottle. Large
bottles2.5,cenle, at ell druggist's:, ;
Strained iteletionii.
.Seetus to be Very
gruff toward yon.
HOneelieet3er—Yee ; ever eince I' lodged
'that he meet tfttit dellyeting. Kti Milk with
stietwe and heire in it cur relatiOne have
been sOmewliat strained. •
/40 1engt1)Y a"v"lie•aTt9°•inis neoeSsary to
kth 'RemedP--
bolster up Dr.' Sage
Al°°°'.rifing to °Bear '*‘()--iby °
etylee°11131111(tril: E COOK'S BET usni flashed otlightning.
oii4011 H t"r FRIft
. ' "Wholly nniike artificial systems.
- . Cure of mind
, Any book learned in one reading; 2
1;087 at Baltimore, 1,003at Detro
1,500 at f'ailadelphia, • 1,115 at W.hithingoon.
1,010 at Boston, largo classes of •Ookullibia fa W
studerite,at,Ittile, Wellesley, Oberlin, Unlyeesity ,
of Pond., klichigao University; Oliaiitaugas,,eto. , •
std. 'Radom& by Morisse PKOOTOK, the *men '
tisk ' Hone. W. _w. &ITO% J0040 P. Bea/Aunt
'Judge GIBSON, Dr. Suomi, 0. El. COOK, Mu .T
State Normal College,. eto. Taught by .00nell
poudence. .Prospoetes POST FREE from •
, PROP. LOISETTR, 287 Pifth Ave., N.Y. g
D 0 14 1r... 49 N8. ,
Northey' 17 -Horse Power
• Boiler and Killey Automatic
Cut-off 15 - Horse; Power
wxna Bt701033YEI GOVERNOR
All in best of order, Oan bestial tit
thoO03�o of the
. i • '
• r••"
1 1
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• . , . . . • ..
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'..• 7s7• '"•'.1.. . 4, ,•,
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