HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-14, Page 2AN UNHAPPY DIJOIRSO. 14#1,:tdbigig gIIIIWIOZ" of the Duke of , • ,Blitigglita4, • WIOKEDNEBB IN Hi* r1410*. • 44: London cable Sari; The death of tte ,taiihees ot Sutherland has set the upper • pireles ot eociety talking.. It is the end. of • the first scene of a detreasing domestic • droner in which Her ,geace VIEW the *tire and whioh recently narrowly esioaped ex. posare in the law courts, where the ow was settled after the preltininory iiiiine had been joined. Datil eectent •Ye*fie the Duke And Dechese were exceedingly happy, Tee Diudites 'achieved honor by entertaining Garibaldi fleet. in London eooiety, when the. • Liberator, wearing& red Blain and !Manikin breeches, was eurrounded by fair women and greet statesnien in the gilded salons 'end pieturegallery of Stafford Hourte,which it is now reported hap passed inte.the tegn, ;Pi,:grary -heeds of .the Vandezbilts for next season. ' -Some years :ago the Duchene was *. " ap- pointed Missives, Of the Bribes, almost coin. Oident with a casual ;meeting between the •• .• ' Duke and Mrs. James, the wife of an army offtuer. This ,lady was as spare as the Duehess. was stout, and as -dark as the Duchess was fair. Both ladies were Omit . the same age, but Mrs. James' hair was . /*reeked, with grey. The Duke was fag - inflated with the lady. eCompeneation was offered Mr. James who instead of accept- ing, blew his brains .ont; combing in im- mense. sensation at the time. Divorce) • .proeeedings. between the Duke and Ducherts • were 'topped, partly by the good eense Of • the families and partly" by the direct insti. geticn. of the Queen, who was tin especial friend Of the Duke's mother:. The Duehen• t here the deprivation of her -husband's society with -exerriplary resignation, ,buS , never met him exclept on formal ciegotteions. •• 'Meanwhile the 1:Puke spent the autumn; whiter end spring:yachting., generally in -Seithern waters, with Moe James, 'whose .pridery .sometimeirequirekthe Convenient preterites, of an easilyfciund, ceroplaissiat thoperen. e.,„Letts. winter theDuke, meeting , 'Adrenal Sir Regina' PdsoDonald and some ' ether' ,intimate' friends of the Prince of , Wales, inVitedthitOceihare his yanht for - the-remitindet--d--thq-orniee-sin-Inclian- titters:, All Wentwell 5511oneday when the lady, in:doted that . they- or , she should leavethe piolit. The resnle was the Prince of Wake' *kends were buridled..,over the sidi;,,fiotiorry. to Otift the orgiesof the !;L Duke end eompanion. ' After thiii4he • yacht:went tO Bitten,where the lady's brat 'titer is legal adviser of the Ring, who polio° at the . Duke's disPesal; otei' even betil,e feelings were outraged by • tite proceedings of the party, and the yacht :**18 ,0040400401VB, 50 . the treat comfort Of royalty gliiCpreign residents. • On hie eetnen 1.telWeintMfiter - the Prince of Wales IllPolittsee*Awftli the,Dette, buS without ItesUlt,. totit.tioTiginneoticon. oantinued math Aorouity is ainiumis to know Whether Mrs. Jannis' .faseinittion over the' Duke Will • indinei him to nuirty her. The woman is. ,Sleeest.Her, family ptodueed More first • elass,es it_Oxfoed than • any ather,in land, the fitheichitiing been phblio orator and Diereeli's Met in 1853. . • • • • irAttio-sTittokilti ditturtititei. . 1 • 'Mealier Tiine in a . st. Louie SchoOl...; ▪ 's ''.11ineisPing Steam Clinies a Scare. ' •:4 last (Wednesday) •night'e St...Louie despatch bail:: .' A panic occurred at the Blair School to -day, and nothing bit the great presentie of Mind . of . the: corps Of . •„ teachergDrented lose �f life: The steam, .". beating ippretue got 'out of order, and the ' .• rattling ..in he coils, coupled with escaping ,' steam, alarmed the obildren,:whe fearing' an iixpliosion, started for 'the deer: ' Mime 'Patin a' _Ksehb....thiLtoig.oherdk.ch arge, .got V lAtit44,c4 611" ?$(0‘.1gM - • Tho suit aireitiet contain waiiiele-,-eopeet tettieer ,Peridetteet,.e. Veithert for. the Veleridant. ' • ' 1-401494 cable EicidetY received efflgther Oistreasio# "moult eeUtrdsY by the ank9.4tieetimnit. tbitt 'the ben' Of air 104ert wiklPoreo the'NO1049404 Prima '44131110r of 'the first and pooped ' Georges, and the future Earl of Orford, had been suect-for breach of promise. The case waecalled in the Queen'S Bent% .Divieion. The plaintiff, kites Vollery Weidentann, brought QePtain /When Boraite Welpole for breach of preen:*and for libel claiming £1000 darns es. „ . Not raspy Mouths ago Ctiptain Walpole and ,Mies Corbiu, an Amereon, lady, .were quietly married in Paris, And from aubee- quent events it is presumed that the affair was conducted pitvately owing to !Mies ,Weidentann's avowed intention of making, tr.:Mirk for the groom. - • L ' Tho % principal witnese yesterday was Mhie Weldon:tame herindf. She. is et bright, frestelooking .blonde, thedaughter of a Ninth german • pastor, 4and, a person of education and relined mariners. Although 'subjected to sheep interrogations ehe told her litory in an in:tweedy° Manner. She testified that Capt. • Walpole Met her in 1882, 'at, the Hotel d'A.ngeleterre,at Conetantinople, where sbe was employed as governess to the proprietor'edaughiers. Re met her at dinner olio night and made her acquaintAnce, muoh against her will. He paid her marked 'attention for several days' after that, and fipally asked her to •marrythim, at the same time forciblyknee ing her. . . • ' • ,She angrily left -him and when the re- turned front the opera that night, she did not notice that the holt °etch OD her bed- room door had been removed. She eat at the window a few minutes before she knew that Walpole wins at her side._ She ordered him' from her room and tried to ring the servants' bell, butt he forcibly restrained her, and; after cenvinoing her that helot* her sincerely, he finally socOmplighed his purpose. Next evening he dined with her, and as an 'earnest . his intentions he plimed his signet ring On her finger. She •hae it now, ,though .0apt. Walpole- Made_ repeated ittenipte to reeover it: Next .day he persuaded her tia.go to ()alines, andgave her £101... On *retying there she met his -neethere:hiltesebineibe-sPoke-41446re'-' P -e posed engagement, Mrs. 'Walpole told ,her the captain Was only a friend, and th t he would be inined it he did' mit 'mitt a rich,girl.' Walpold contrived to • ave her, put put of the ,hotel: Capt, W,a pole then sent a friend -Capt. Derlingto her to take her to Paris, where he premised ^to Meet her: At Pat's Walpole told her to Meet him in Berlin, lint when she arrived thereqthe faund that he had no intention of meeting her. She. then Went to 'her brother- in-iasv; in`Germany; where her child was bornin 1883... • The witziesetedinItted by implication that when she hattedof tar*: Welpote's intended. marriage she sent to Miss Corbin She folloWingrirotelzreisehititlineet4Torebrie- day, and you • will, heat '`rny. aurae to the end of . your exieteene. 'This for milting a Man you have no right .10 riterry.". • • ',The case Was continued to -day. apt. Walpole denied the promise, .an Abe defence further 'set up that if it -was mad it was in Turkey; where no 'Action is Maintainable. He chinned that the signet ring was etolen, and the letter • whir% he *rote hieogepe annulling her of theft is the basis for an action for libel, which pole will plead as privileged:: In areen exemination, the , plaintiff oentradipted herself, akdeleolined to answer vital Ties. stone, Firik113,- the jury interfered, the tele' Was ,stopped, and a verdict for the defile.: debt was rendered. ' , • • BLISS WESVS. EOM &NOE, . , The British Minister's, baughter and Her 11,4ttio kieco of Beruism. Washington cleepatob saye: It is now seven Yeats since Mies Vitoria Weit emerged frorn a French reinvent, with a tovereess• for companion, ahd' game to Weehitigton to, prelude over Ber'aritanpie Majnity'e Legation, her tether being Milliliter Plenipotentiary. Miss West was tin artless, unsophisticated giri of 18. Her great charm of face consisted in what the Italians call her sympathetic blue eyes. Opantess Levvenhaupt„ wife of the , Nwedibh Minister., was young, band: *true, higiehorn and very popular in Waeh. ington society. She kindly chaperoned Mis West and mecle all the first °ails with her vvhioh the etiquette of thiscity re- quires. Attached to the 'Swedieli Legation wee te' young man with one of those borrows for Whioh there is no 'help. Mr. De Bildt, While living in Philadelphia, had met and married the handsome and wealthy danghtekof MTS. Bloomfield Moore, re, lady whose name has long been associtited With • that of the poet. Browning. Mr. and Mme. • DO Bildt 'Were very happy in ;heir pleasant home in this pity. After the birth of their third ohiid the mother was ill and delirious. She has never regained her reason. She had to be sent to a. private asylum. Mrs. Moore oame to Washington. and kept house for her son-in-law,and took charge of the children. The bowie was on Connecticut avenue. near the British legation. De Bildt and Miss West were thrown roueb together,• and but for the obetaole would have been declared lovers. It was'deemed prudent for De Bildt to be transferred else- where, and Mrs. Moore, hoping that same - thing might: be; (Igoe. for her afflicted daughter, took her to Europe, andatone dine news pame that ,. she was re. stored •and is with her husband. But this ' is net so. The diplomats spoke of Miss West as being disconsolate, but she has been brave through her trial and kept Up her cheerfulness, and when one 'Oster oame and theta another she 'acted like * mother_ in giving them advantages. She styled herself," an old maid ". at 28, butcontinuedthehandsomest and •,,ittoet attraotiVe of the three }Astern She has the dignity of a mature 'woman. One aidaei first novels was founded on a. t to this story only the hero and the he ti were not heroic.' • AN Altrilfle Or TRAHrS. Tiler priade-4-Hainiekikiriklettorh-i-They ...-Overcomearnted-Besistarice.; to the doer firet,and prevented a stampede. • Scarcely hadorderbeen restored, however, , when the noise in the steam pipes wee repeated wish increased violence; and before •. Miss Kreblis could reach thedoor. a seceinch •• • time the terror:stricken children had gained • the.liall-heefaitlifpFteaeliereveaseborne. to the floor and trampled upon, sustaining: • • serious injuries. .The excitement , spread to , zoom No:, 10, just opposite, presided over by -Mies Clete Stiokle, utnd She olaildren became unmanageable there.' The shut:thee . Of feet and the hissing ' of escaping steam • spread the Omni° to room 14, Miss Mary V. • Miller, andelm too was thrown from her feet and .irainpled upon. The janitor .apPeeted. on the ,scene„ and did ° rough but hereto work, in preventing the children . from trampling eachother to, death. 43, pepil in zoom NO. 5 ranted the ory of fire, • and the pupils made'a rash for the halt. Miss Cullen, the teaohee, with • commend. aide' presence of mind and heroie efforts,' quelled the disturbance, and in a brief , period order was restored.; Two Of the lettehers, Mise iIbor and Miss. Krebbs' :were badly injured. Seven papile were also injured.' The piaci created intense • atm:comfit, and many parents hurried to the Behanl bgildng to look alter their' children: .1 • • Hisr a ropulai Majority; The Boston Herald says Cleveland had a •,Nattlity Of 79,000 of .the Vote risat'for -' Preside -11k , the titters' being: Cleveland, 5;689 990; Harrison, 6,400491. Theiie ' :figures, however, are only approximate ,ind • the official returns May, eortiewhat ahei thein: The entire vote thrown we 11,286,825; or shout 1 850 over the vote • , lour yetire,agO, when Mr. 'Cleveland had -a plurality of 62083 over Blaine. • • Twd Signs. • "Don't. you see that sign. up there 2' asked thegrocer, pointing sternly to a phleard on the wall bearing the •feteffil words., "No Meths Given Here" replied the than•Whohad hitt asked for a bar. met flour on tick," tee° it. Busit6Wahaitt that other Sign up there on the other side If Yon Don't See' What You Want, Ask Foe,It?'# - . • .. Ma. SANEZT. 'stetted' in England on , . November. les. On the.follpeving Sitterdey • he oommnoe1efive deo' miner:in in Brier et .tol, Among t Minix:American evangelistel ' ham, De. Penteeditig,1••Major Whittle' and ' llOW in Engiod are ' '`.1(sv; George O. Neerl, ' I ME. Philip Philip*. • „ A Rochester, N. V.: despatch last night says : •was reported in this eityt50. 'night by railway •••nien that. at .a little hamlet 'near Olean, an ..the line of. the Buffalo, bed York dr''''Philidelphia way, nntiords of :Seventy iterate] Made eelleirkepettratme4aireeirreearlybeetr-thi uteerang,and began 50 invade the town and tenni& tee.'dwellinge. A ineseenger was Sent to Olean for fissiatingie;..and forty Men:theta Ofa teed inilitary organization aimedwith, shot gone reeponded. The: force was ' net 'Strong.' enough,. and the trotting,. it was repartee, anon had posses- . don of the • shot gime. Fetcher eseistitece was asked Of!, the surrounding IOWne.' ;No more partioUlam..coald bniertened .of the affair or the errith of the report core:oho rated as telegraph.communication to Olean sittneut off. • „ • Latest • Scottish Jottings. There died ..at Arbitath,on the. 10th Nevem bar, Jantes Adarn Inspector of Poor, ' aged 73' year& , Mr:',/tobert • Brown, long a leading; older in the oliciech at Midmer, and one of the Most etiteble laymen in Aberdeenshire, died labs month in his 9lecrette, •' ' Sir Charles Pearson; advocate; has been appointed Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute, in Teem of the . Hon. B. J. /ilcurerieff, new a edge of the Cotitt of Session'. The Duke Of Cambridge has approved of the Roes Volunteers adopting the kilt and pattern of Acootteenniata worn by ,thn line battalions pf the ,Seaforth Highlanders.: The other day's marriage was oelebrated at Leith between a D. D. and a Lady &tope. united ages are 134 yearn Principal 4airnicactiAtect.' Both have been Married Wore ' . -1S1.-ZO1iis • Stern*, -Balmtne, jute Spinner and inettufeeturer, in Dundeeu bait given £1000 towards' ;hoendowment of the Convalteoent Home in Oonnection with Dandee infiriberie. • . The late Mr. David Kerr: of Park, long - an elder in Lochwintioel Chnecli, vies a lineal descendant of the noted Covenanter, Robert .Kerr, Of Iterreleitia-, and had the same spirit AB his anoestor, • . 'illtONES GETSTWELVE :TEARS. A Chicago Atiarchierse Punishment for . • corisperine Km. • - • , . Chicago desPateh .of Sunday's date says: , Ileoriek,the Anarchist, was given i :twelve. years' • naprisionment by the jury last night. The verdict 'was rendered at 11 O'clook, the. jury beingsoutaliont_art_hour.. It was a compromise, many of the jurymen being in fait& of 4 longereentenee. Eirdnek here the news Well, but his ficie..Whitened. Hie wife fainted in the court -ream and was horn° oat • by her husband's friends. :Hionekwae-indicted-lor---conapiring-with Chlehourt and Chapek to kill Judge Gary and Inepeptor Penfield. The plot was 'die, 'covered by some 61 Bonfield's Bohemian spies; and Hem& was arrested withdyna- mite Backe in his possession. At hie-hot:me a 'number of infernal machines 'were die. I dovered, arid it was ale° found that he had ' bencealed a email &Menet of explosives .in lbe\liouse of • a fellow -countryman. The evidence was conch:wive that Hronek was engaged in thedynamite bterineee and that be was anintimate Associate of the men% who participated in ' the Haymarket mas- sacre and subsequent- • Anarchist demon: atereitons. • A MINE 0 FIRE. . • . • . Eight Men th MisIng,WlAre rrobabli TAI.en!ZikRAPEUP 817114.*AeRT Pier° ie an alar him in,Montreal, ng inorease of pauper - London coel where have rafted' the. price to 80.50 per ton. . .; The G-rsnd Di'Vitod Of the 8014 of Tem-, perginoe of Ontario meets In Terente to- morrow. The Leeds and Grenville Counties' Conn - oil, after a warm debate. decided On con- tiuning the hetvety on wolverines. • Deputy -Sheriff Sherwood, of 0, tawa, has been removed to the Guelph asylum, saf tering from acute • Owing to a feeling, of dissatisfaction with the action of the Montreal ••Cernivel Cone Mime, it is Possible there may be two inc palaces. • • The village - of Pareneeeville„ between Brookville and Westport, with a population 01'930, has bisoonte initerperated tinder, the ambitious name of Atherie: .:Wowmn:Ewed Ieesitte,roja. yrnPettr,n,eintiginth.Watil was found th opposite the 1 own, Hall. He was about the village yesterday. . •was a haohelor and an Orangeman and aged 70 years: , Early on Saturdaymorning ex -Consta- ble reek was found .lying on the eid,iswallt opposite a saloon, on Notre Dein° street, Montreal. ' His head was out and hie erm broken. , He said he had been thrown out by the saloon•keeper. *Some vulgar men last week at Perth held a wake over. the body of "Yankee" Brown. The dead man was dragged from hie coffin and plaited on a table, a pipe was 'put between, hie teeth and other domes' of " sport " carried, put. • The affair created 13."°(61.enciyAoln* ng'inan' 'named Lige Charlienter jumped off a Canadian. Pacifie train while it was in motion at Efoobelaga last night, when he slipped and fell under the wheelie The conductor, hearing hisagonized scream, bed the train stopped, ha it was toe late, and parts of unfortunateman'li head was out off. • . • Rev. Dr. Wardrope," Guelph, was 'elected Honorary President of ihe, Queen's vereity. Albite Meter .Sooiety. . E. J. Ryan Was • elected', President, . defeating J. Cameron by nineteen votes:. The„unde- nominational (*erecter of the college is shownin- &Replan OathOligi. • Charles Peewit; 'butcher, swallowed poison in a mistake for it• black draught yesterday.' He died three hours afterwards in greet agony.; Hie• wife caused the min take, and she is frantic With grief at the terrible: ocoureence. Three 'physwians did all they (*mid to save the-piiorfellow'e but without avail. , 1 • - . While Mrs. R. hioore, Wif of a Sandwich East farmer, and her son and • daughter, andialiplatter's baby,: were ' driving into Windsor, the • horses tan silty and they. were all thrown out. Mrs. :eiceire fell on: her head and shoulders . and • sustained severe injuriene:thebaby_is_belieized,to_he fatally hurt, White the others escaped witk . e few bridges. • • /. ' An accident Ocourted on Friday night Aleut 5 o'clock in thawoode, in mut of Gil, motir 8: Co.'sshanties, neat Medea:. Peter Carl and Joseph Sofa were' felling it large tree, and the tree lodged in another tree. When they freed it they found the tree was coming the wrong way and tried to, get out of the way In eunning. away Sofa fell, and hie axe struck Carl in the calf of the leg, severing an artery. Before a doctor arrived Carl bled to death. The seine Ake, after otitting,Cerl, was stentik by thatalling tree and flew break and stenek7Sofit; cutting' a big gash in his leg above thelenee. • Sofa is likely to recover. • ' • • Mr. John. Bright continued to 'gain: . strong s 134 -Fro. Mr. Sexton has heels, re tlected Lord Was diciaciveredoLthesight Mayor of -Dublin: . . • PF shaft; Oalaniet branch;Of the Calump ncl-r7Tim; .ktussians are. bUilding poptoona at Elecla mine this morning. A large party iteniin readiness to. bridge the , pannbe at of imm were working 0 . the time of th-e \,, a .looation thteatening to hnlgaria. fire; which when discovered had made such! NThe •British ,Land •COnitniseion has rapid headway that the eritoke was terribly Ordered large reductions in rents. -in the 'dense and their lives, in greet danger. All 'vicinity of Thurles. In some cases the re; mide,Acrnsh.fooheAurAce,,hUtogght,men are .missing. • That they. are dead is net .. Bishop O'Dwyer, of Linieriak,. has intl. certain. Among them . are Ore Iteliens mated. that unless.the boycotting' Of a man monad jeseph.Mosolir and Taney Catevata. ' named Ryan, for taking an evicted faith, Therinibe' location- is completely covered- shall cesse,he will oloee the chnech of ' the with dense smoke, and the fire looks worse ,perish -ie which•the \Eakin is located, and than it did, but being nearthe surface it is suspend all masses, seer' meet:find burials. believed the damage financially will not he' Birmingham is to become.a pity.. Though • great. ' Nothingis known Of !the 'Where- .having a poPuletion ;of 440; , it is only a aborted ihe eight' men missing. Thai borough, as it has been for rat eon; and were working 1,700 feet deeper in the main now is embitious of 6 'dile which; aye the engine shaft,' and it is supposed, edielling sowo.'clei4 in a letter IC the Hoene. ecre:, smoke; ihey tried •to escape and. Were ter3,, is supposed te carry with it an a es: , smothered. Over lOo melt Were in this don of dignity , . • i &lion of the Mine: at; the time,. betae . . .. Henry.., .. • . .. r; George spoke at A bang:net escaped, . .a. . in tendon on Saturday night.. Many n'ota- • ' A pi •4*, Estife'rurPhised, • ; • ble Radicals• were pierient. .' The fitet thing ' • n • ,,,, to do, he said, was to eeoure !and Vehicle • Sir Douglas Stuart has sold the to for publics use,. which, Would IVO' a whole Of hie family estates in Perthshire to Mt. vista Of possible reforms. ..fle' opposed a. John;Ste*art Kennedy, of New York, a. peasant proprietary-• Hie epeech • Wee re.' Bootahman,who hes made a very large for. oeiVed •,t12 great enthnsiasm. :• tune in AMeriba, and proposes in future tofaot that a decree, had '.1. , In spite of the pass' half Of each year, In' Scotland. , -The 1.,_ jotsea .. prohibiting. a prooession, a bitirtly andgranttely estates, Of 33,500 ""- 'parade was held gin Waterford, keit night in acres, include sorneof the best 'grouse mooed ,mem_ - memory sit the, l't Manchester Martyrs." inthe- leighlande, notably Look 'Kennard, , The, prooeslionists carried 'banners and Roheillion and Dui:tour, which are respeel-t were headed by ' bands of muigio. The tively leased by •the Comte :dit Parisi Mr. police made a chargeon them with hatene Jobe Bett and Mr. Barclay Field. Murtly and itiootteding in diepersing. them. The Cestie is one of the Most beantiful•placesin ., people ietaliated, using stenos as •weapon, •Sootland. The gardens, lawns and woods and a. Beene of greet disorder mimed: stretch for miles along the hanks of . " Tay. The new house. -which has remained* the A largo vein ounoni, of good tjhatity„ hie a mere shell,.will be oonipleted in • accord- been etrn*near C!1•,*?"1141.11' 1)•"11'• . . &nos with the original piens, and become The Calumet, Mioh., mine is still on Ile* one Of- the finest sesta in the country. . ,,„.. aridthereired1Woret saViAgthetlighilm-, . risconed miners.. \ , • , • A, Srileidel 'Challenge. Capt. Bundy, of buffalo, is endeavoring Sieve Brodie 'challenges any., ,inati on to erase $6,50(eto enable hint to perohasie g earth to jump from any these:bridges 10, steamer to take the . place of the goapel the eouctry for $1,000 and the world's ship, to carry instruction -to _the differentcherdpioeship,;Steve stiptilates that eech 'Blonde, fielaing and lumber stations and man shell name a bridge and the tossing of oeeee'eampe in tbe lakes, where the men a penny shall decide the naming of a tilted. are ieolated from :pbttrohes.. . Bw.12 men ere t'D'innn) together and E'iwtrn I At ;Mon, on Saturday lift Jori. WilliliKi: 100 yards to'it stakeleat; the Ma b'ree4ning IOW, ot"-Philadelphiagave to & board of there first to be the winner, and the Match seven trustees propeig Valued at 85,000,000, to be -decided by the, hast twn ord 4 ills -- - - 7 -7-- - --- to be spent by theta ha giving the poor Wye bree. ' * ' ' : ' " ' I of Philadelohin eduetion -in Mechanical , . „. , _„, .. „ ' 7 perweg• •• trades'. • me. Wiiimmeoh is 86 yearn 0 age ' Onenne W. °I/I'D/L(4 'bi Pe2*- ' P°11..1 and was born in Bhokecounty. He ' is the settee the original Manuecript of DIcken 4_, . "Oar Mutual Friend," /t i. the . only '1;0•XpeiPs.1 stOokhol.der of the. Cambria ' iron Mantectipt Of ti_14ens, With the exception • •WtSkit6c . . .' . • ' of et few short seories„ outside of the BMA. 1 • Yesterday it bIll'y and neirdertent fight Keneineton Musiittm Mr. Chihli hat re: took plaoe in that teats of Portland, Oro., fused 56,000. for it, between , WO lactic:no of Chinese TA" 'h, •• -"Long live the, turkey BitYs an en- thrteiselita •contemporary. We do, net andante the Sentiment. Two years is the extreme lithit of old age whish should' be perneitied in a tirkey, -Phristmall Genies it4xt, dant, yotir etockitigat „ ;--The Man trho ilnda fault when' his ile*spapr iedatop is egnally diseittished When it mi dry., - • • eeeterrea. binders. •About twenty Chineseall armed with pwere existltboalsn,gpatdratinodintahted.erow0v3Ifiteidty sabohniats ten mieutes. /Nur Highbindeus were Abet dwere removed to the hospital, whets one died very shortly after, and three °these weiwitalwae,nidttdwteoethers badly 7. :minded: Fear • qi.tXrielai evening., while ,ewitehing a train at the Michigan Central Railway yards, West Detroit, pwitobmarm Joeeph • w..cleary'a toot cought, between ono of She ties and the rad. Before be could . make • . bia situagion known to the engineer the troin hacked down upon him, thrdwine him upon his face: The wheels of the first car peested over his: body, breathing ene of his arms and i leg and badly crabbing his head. Cleary was taken to the Saoitariline lie an, enibulance, where he. died shortly , efterwerde. He leaveit•a iiile, tint n• children. ,r.=,t • . MRS FRENCH'S FATAL Eltiteit ' An Ottawa [int:oiler A ocidentally relapsed • .A11- Ottawa ;i7aellinpisetwofilfe;a378 Charles French; laetrile; was accidentally poisoned-, •• by hie wife hist night and died ibis evening. French, who was a total abstainer, closed his shop about 11 o'clock, and not feeline Well•got his wife to go to Maelf,acbranel drug store and get. him a black draught. Mrs. French is very near-pighted, and after Ordering the draught turned away from the counter and 'spoke • to MacEachran's bro- ther about a pair 01 glasses. • She had left • her satchel on the counter, and into' this MitoEsolare,n put the brittle containing the draught. 'Mrs. French did not notice him; and seeing a bottle on the.' table took it home and ge•veit to her hueband. It -WV a liniment compound of chloral, iodinating*, camphor intended for another patient who • was suffering from neuralgia. Assoon ear', he had swallowed itFrenoh felt an intenee burning pain and ran to the druggist's, Where the mistake was discovered.' Freneh , was taken to Dr. graham's and a Stomach Puuip applied, 'but he soon, becetne insensi- ble and .remained unconeciope until tlite evening, when he died. _ He wits aietteg Efighslimen, about 80 years of age, Who hmaiseirrjieedet Es. r about t ed for i i my ;se years, Hobadh ai tbacit children. • prene_the_lereirle Provhzce.• • The Manitoba & Northwestern' Reilwoey is now open for busineris to' Seltooittre end ,of the track:. Twenty or thirty Miles will e built next year. . ' List Tuesday night L. Davis, a 'Donald merchant, was 'robbed at Clanwilllenii- in themetuitains, of jewellery, to the Value. 9f 82 000. It wee' stolen from under his bet thile he was asleep in an ' hotel. There le • no clue, to•the•thief, ' • D. Be. Campbell ,,& Co: have merottlelleg their contract on the impwshede in the. ., mountains. Mr. Campbell goes to Ontarity to take *contract an theWindeorexterasto , The incandeseent eleotrio light isto be introduced in-BrandOirov-cienpair-haVing been formed., ." • Heiser) Shine a Brandon.yeith, edie, feseed to rebbing thesafe of A. MOLeate.a. • merchant at'that. plat*. He hid the tanney in a pile of dawduet. ,•• The by-laws authorising the (1#7 to ru1e 613e,0e0foi•theSinking fund by..t•ein, two $15,000 for the colonization of 'hinds About thecoity were defeated; only 433 votes 'being • . ' A man named Hector •koDanald, of Itet Pottage who had become ineane with. liquor, ;teeter'. bareheaded and barefooted „ to walk to,Winnipeg. He had ooveeed ever - seventy Miles of the diestitioe when he was picked' np by:a. train and •brought to n hetTitalap the city. He is ire'.a pibiable Condition: ' Shields, the Toronto ;boy meth:TWA of steeling a eheqne and gunewaesentencedte two years. : • A. 3•Weeknold.goimaling'stroa left at•thF door of ;Rai. Ble.Pentreath last night. During the peer 16,883 immigrantri belie , arrived,'being 351 lessithan last year/to the seine date ' Epidarntc in Otititrio:-. "Plitharia hare.raride.-te,-eppearanCea Belleville, • " • . • There are several oases of diphtheria in: Trenton,- and one at Corbyville , • ' ," ' A' number of OBSPB of tylmoid fever and dii laths are felt( reed in 0 5 we. Althoneir not is 'prevalent as last' season, still the 041808 are numerous enough to 'werrane. it_ being characterized err epidereio. ' • De. Bryce in in receipt of inform - from Nipissing stating that black dipht eria is prevalent in that neighborhood and in: several of the surroundiektownships. The • writer -complains of negligence on the , part Of some of the lipoid authorities in not king She proper steps to stamp out the dta se. , 'The, prover:Oar, authorities will ' hicik into the matter, • A Montreillfurdereeri Sentence Corn - An °Hotta despatch clays is under. stood that His Eicelleng has decided to exercise executive clemency in the case of Kelioe now under sentence of -death bit ; MontreArforthe merrier Of DOgerty, and that the death sentence hail been commuted to imprisonment for life. In the case of Webli;*ho pleaded guilty of the murder' of his Wife in Brandi:MO/an,' and of a Britieh • Columbia Indian. need 'I'simappore evbioh have been undF On; sideration, the law win be allowed to tail., its coarse. • Artistie and Ugly.6 • Rural-dame-Have:you any-prettvoutil-, High CUBS Dealer (indignently)-Pretty wall paper? No, tnachttn. We keep noth- ing but the most highly artistic' designs. -AB near as She Could clot ta the Name., • • Mr. Moakley -lisp quite a walk. Shan't I oall that cali? • . Miss Etietwaed (jest arrived in to*O- Norlion't tliiiik I should enjoy'cirivm8 in ono of those beautifula. Thing., Dean, One of the Oldest, itisidit* of West Toronto, is dead. He was at One time a Well-known ("settle antler, and did it large 'businessiiuh taeniere and. stook taints of Western Ontario:, . Lady of the hottate-Jane who is the* • girl that jest left the kitchen? Jano-eOb," mresta, that's the lady whet wake for •thil woman soross the street.-- Botch &dam