HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-30, Page 54'. 14. ,lk 1,1 et' �• u • • NOV. 30 UCINOW SR' T,+�.�XCTJ TYf)� • • •A regular? rneetitig was held in 'the township hall on Saturday, Novewhcr. 1,1th, all..thenlembers: present.. petition having twenty; f .ur.rate- payers' .signatures was. read prayilig Ole council to assist. ill constructing; a. i low fence on sideline, lot 25," con. 2. ern ;notion the, council agree I. to fern- , iph the wire.. for the fence_ and the 4ler'k w(19 instructed', to notify •Mr•.. McKenzie, the owner of thelot 04o - :site, wlri It the fence, is to he; •Luilt :to. Oat ' effect ; • The treasurer's repc rt foe Octelier h aR read' slroe>ving balance geld'. receipts .$102,55, and 'expenditures $91.52. lie, report" was ordered, to. ' be filed. The aWard of the arbitrators appoint - Ad to settle dispute between the .inunl .:11>ality anti Alex. Ruse, regarding 'the intuit of ravel 'tak<<n front the pit of the latter was presente'.d. 13v it \lr. Nose is awarded $4 compensation. for t •rtanxri�;il to land' and'7 e.e:irts per yard •for the grovel takers out, instead of lifts dollars as, demanded by Mr, 'Rosie, :4trld the cost of "arliitratior. ,to be .paid a;::follows : Alex •Rene,.• $'.5Q. Icy the .ounicipality, $39.15,' each party to -Tay* its own Witnesses ' Ow:notion of Messrs. Lockhart and Stowe-rS,'-tlie report. wzi .ailoptedand .eilircics issuc;d•for the..arnourats• dee by • the. township. - • Mts. Rose, $r , was allowed $4 for •. 'might of way to the 'above gravel pit Andfor the uSe of her House during the arbitration, . - ' ' - The .treasurer reported that the bond. 'jue'bv the late tieasarer'and his;•se <L'urities:'l ad not yet been paid Moved.' 1►y Mr. Lockhart,,. seconded. by • Mr.,. •Bowers,. that. the .ReATe . and:the .treasurer, be ' .itioPointiid to Meet: the 'parties .smith 'power to grant a short e,.ctension of tithe if`the present securi-• fes are willing to' still! remain ' asse ,sprits for the payment- of a the mnitnf stained. 1_n the bond. -L:Carrksl.., After •C:h1;eker. t aui0uiltltts, o.:, about : .. $ 00 were • erre liisueed,• the•council .adjourned to nieet. according to statue :on December '15th'. (Corrected every Thursday ;morning): ASlfll JELD CO1 NVIi., ' Tae above: council; met onNov..2Oth :till, 'the members, present,' minutes of • ' • �� I'Iay ••••• ..!.. •. �J • , Potafoe$ . , .. 1,, Apples .:e, „ .,.... a bbl Flour .., 11-44' , , ...•, $2.75 per cwt Iiuttor. • 16c Onions':.; .. ...... .. 75 to $1 a bus liras•....,:,' Rr. ,. .,•80e,a cwt $Imrts. • , r ,:11- a cwt Pork • , , 46,50 6,...$7, Special Notice. Parties.. having 10,,► �overdue ac- counts and notes ren' 1ered them since I have given up business and who have not made a settlement will gurus en tail casts; by such•acourse,.---GEoEGI. RSR. Notice to Oreditors. Alex. ;Roan, harness •m -el,. hereby g1\'Pa due notice that all parties in- debted' to him either by note 'or book account' must, positively settle the same before the 15th of December. 'After that date they will be placedin court for_collectron.-., _ ___.-• : T _ Sold Out. • • All parties indebted to.the under- signed, Sithe.•. Icy note or book account,;. wil'l slang; " e as- • saon aspossible and Save trouble.'and posts. , 1 will be., found at th . old' stand, at M r•.Connell's •=Geo. L. After the extensive sales of the, past few weeks, wefind that - we, have a lott of remnants of ' TWEEDS, •`. FL,A.NNL,Z, DRESSGr ODDS. •RINTSH . IRTIN T . 9. VV INC.L.J ".L` S, BO.Lr. RAM ESTRAY. came. to .the premises of the undersigned north half lots 53' and .' 4,,otni 1 Kinloss; on or about the 20th of October last; one aged, ,rain, id' "white. ; Ile owner is requested; to', prove property, pay ,expenses'.and take him awiiy. ltO]JER19.R. GOLLAN,'. 2,77.5 7.ueknow 1'. • 0; ANTED1. At.once. Laical unit traveling' agents for our goods. Liberal cotmnissions, nr • ;salary and expenses, to competent men. For termsand full 'particulars address • J. F. 'Li:CLARE, Nurseryman, • Mention this paper. t -,Bright' n, N. Y. p ..L\T II A.: which we , . t. gain. ' r T CAMERON: 14.,,,AURDOOK. CHANGE, � OF AGENCY. SALE$MRIi 'III . •.s.•.-)rOR •TRiOT^s 4 New Englund Nurse Established, over 30 years: "The; se nurry.• Men with push, energy,, and clean;eharacter are tghat.we wa chance for success,. we can give y and steady work. Write for terms (HA,SE BROS'. C Nurserymen, Colbori . WAGON MAN HORSE SHOE1r A1D,. GEN ERAI.FBLACKSMI- Adam, 'hotnpson beg$ leave to • 1 inhabitants • of Liicknow and su. cou.xtry for, the liber I patronage be: . him• during.thulastseven years, and continuance'of his ole' customors..'ai Share of the new, as tie' is in . a better than ever to anpply the wants, of, thac He always. has on hand a stock of • Wagons Sz, Bugi of all•kinds," Re will also remind the; far. famed ; SCOTCH DIAMOND HAAN - ' which' he always has on hand and are the very best material. Parties wanti thing in this line will do well to give hi and ase: prices before :purchasing else Particular attention paid to . . ALL :KIR;®6 GF HORSE • SII0. fiat feet' ; ce>l tractions, and interfering. By strict.attention to business,: good manship aid employing• nothing bu workmen,.1 trust to retain the. pat kindly exteliaded to : me. ADAM THOMPS Campbell l$treet'opposite the Bank. LA UTRA" CES' SPECTACLES AND E. I E -G AS. ES are she -only . `enuine - nbl;sh -art;'gle=e }n the, Canadian` '� Real -pebbles -kept Debts•bivento urchaserHto•pmt a_enti neness:_-_. The'y are recommended by andtestimonials have 'been received from the President, Vice -President Ex- Preeideiat and 14.x-Vice•President,•of the Medical Association of Canadathe Presidl:ntofthe 11'61100 of-Physicans and Surgeons of 'Quebec ; the •^Dean' of .the' Medical. Faculty' of :.Lava University ;tlie'1 resident an'd;Ex•Presidente ofthe Medical Canncil of Nova Scotia, Etc: . • BO.QKSELLER Li; cknow. • • ®F 44+1: ti DESTROYS.AND 16 ;:MOVES WORM. OF ALL KINDS IV' CHILDREN•ol .ADULT,.;$.SWErr, ), SYRUP AM -CAN .t1;0-T=fiA!.•-fd THEA -MOS -7 • IDELICA fE CHILD'477- LUI.Ole;NOIfit S'TOF previous meeting readand' si ne.,4,_ ''',,Che followingaccounts were paidt. ��1 '(,,I.riflin, WV:IKilpatrip k;:and W, Lane, each $4 for sel'ectin •'`.Bross J.:Br tin 'printing, $42-;:.%V Mlc,Arthur.,.:station .i'ry, $9.8.7j. K. . McKenzie, .inspecting ;gravelling, O. and gravelling, $11.25,; :did repairing .cul est, 0.1 ,,' .4obert: Mc 1�eith inapeccting bevelling, $1.50 ; A. • hIack4tt, .repairing eulvert.'and 'road, .'$2; \V.,, Pagan, inspecting work, $2 • , .J. Finillater, repairing ' scraper.,•. $1' AY. gravellin.3 19,90; .J.14lurdoch,116 :yards gravel, $7.68; • J. ''','Andrew, 23yards • 'gravel; $1.8¢ ; A. Johnson: ,grading. and gray./ .elatl,c :$26,84; ,J.:Menarp, 22. yards:gr;a4ve1,. 41.713; L'., U•Conniir, Culvert and planking,, 51.2.68 ,_,15T. -.1p aini,,.,.repagiring i11:,.84 T. -pi Annul, repairing culverts,�$1i 1). 3NIclr end,' re- pairing' road •u.0 d inspecting :;ravelling, $5, 1). Ise ard. repairinff bridge'and culverts, $17, and l,rigige (c..nnty), 84,..snow fent, $60 ; R. 'Knightly, culverts, $01 It. Johnston, gravel. • It g, eft. 1)r Alcl)unalil, attendau..e e,ii'..the lilt Alis.' l)verii.:ld,• $16 ....John' 'K'ilpatriek. • ling,..$10.32,__ror tatLD.3,shrx's.aasd $tew.... "Airs h•►1e,;�•� $�1r It: Jt well; cutting hills, D. L. $31.: 1 Congraiia repairing culvert, $1.50 ;. J. Kill,atrick,'culvert,, •i1, 1,'. t.autlan:i plank=' fug bridge, 820.04 ,. B .Aiigu•atine, inspecting �,J.44 , A 'Sjuo coffin for the date Air*: Civ ifiel.t,•$1 ; TM `,.areH:inn;ih, cuttingaini' t; ork in Diaper's L add culvert; .578 ; S. i'en ;land, gravelling;$2,9.50 ; W Ellis, repair - i ,g -bridge, ..$4.75 ;:.1e, (reniett, :'repairing , c•rper", a )c ; A.sail;.: L. Taylor, plant $1.62 ; ) i. • 1 eed, glitches; !$3 , J S)4lds, :re.pliriug t avert, $L; 1> Alt, cedar • ;flank and putt= ting in .same 42.58;, W. • Shackl "u,'under' organ and iustiecting'gravelling, $" •1•t+ibert Blake,, 90''yards gray.el,.$7,20;..1 J nary; tilliin; g.aavei pit ; 11.911• ; A. Megreg'. re- ;'.:iiriug $10; 1) ,..Putcher. repairing calve ,r c ;' J.. •l4ackett,, inspecting gravelling; $4 , anti j Reid, work of un in river and draw- ,. sti',11", 42.75.1:1'' Kilpatrick; •grravelli'ng, :4 2'2 J Cautweil,inipeeting,ravellnig, 53 ;' ' Snaeltzee, dog tax. returided. $1 ; .1 Brown. - t ac refunded, $1 ,• A Mog ach, 126 yards ,vel, 810,08. and inspecting work .1 ; It Fare .h'. • plank; $2 59 ; "L Caiiijdbell; . gravelling; 1,79 ; .i McColl. ditch; .' 3 ,'P Edwards,. v ert, $10 ; 1) McKay, cul vert and. grading.,. t5; K 1M elver, balance 4,in •gravel, :$2 60 ; 1ohoston, covering crossway. $1 ; K;Velvet oh, 82 110;. D. Kenechtei, repairing _ditch, ' •50; :0,.Co;wan, repairing. road, 54 ; N Mc, 'inald, repairing culvert; 50c ; K Hunter,, re ;snug eulvertl ; $4 ; .7 Aid eod, "ditch, $2';' liiuuilti,ra, bridge. $$9h ; ',fairies Du1ni, in'. acting work $li ;..1 `fcWhiiiuey, tinder draiin 1 cul%est, Si 50; 1' Stothers, gravel, $4 hill railing tor'o$d, .$1,170 ; lt'lrwin,"81• its gt ;vel, 86 48 ;; 1) Deinien, drain, *2. ' :fie clerk Wria iaistrarated to write' J:aa,iei, 'ainsoli to open a drain so that the water, ohave its natural•coui a from road: The ii.ii hnvi,i;; seen the improvements at 1'ort (• .•rt hai•linr pant in• this season, are highly sed with thea work, :the spill work nu the .la Side of the harbor and 1111+• repairs Ott- ' oia'the..south Nide is a:great improvement, 1 i pieces of w,,rk appear substantial and as. ' Mr A•C Hawkins, foreman for the g'ov' lent, deserrre credit for his ability and i • is thus work' We tuid'erstand that the 1 , rnwent en "ineer.is also Well pleased with 1 • r rk, ;which is Clone according to planate . t $71)06 less than the govet'ninent estisoate,. weeks with a •drudi a would put the harm lair gond gkp,;ip Noxi w,eetaug::of,coun . ., comber 16', ` FARM LANDS FOR SALE. The e,zecntors• of the late J'nhu. Fraser,still _offers-far--hale-the-600 acres- of-land-beb nging . to the estate ; 500'acres being situated in the -9th concresion of the tuwnehip.of West:WO, :•ivaiwah, on lots- l5, 16 and west half'ot 17, and 100 nil the 'bit concession of. the . township of Kiiiines,: being the north' halves 'idiots 43 and 44. ' The above property will be sold• either in balk or • separately`tolmrchasere. For terms'.' or other particulars apply to THOS E ` e ecutor, St Hsi , s P x n U., or. to'',' SEA(,Flt :HART •, tf-.27> Barristers,,`Goderich P...0. .D•ISSOLUTIGN OF PARTNER. SRIF.• O OTICL IS' HEREBY GIVEN THAT. lr , ths.uridersighed trudin with the name of W.and 8, Little, have' this day dissolved Partnership - by mutual consent •' Altdebts firth are to be paid to' s. .and.all Lelainis • against the firm are to be presented' to the sante. Witness' %VM. U. LIT'r e, G: W. Binuty I S. LITTLE :L eicnnw , Nov..56, 1888. • • z1 New Ire; ortations. SPECIALTIES Women's Don ola ..Kid g • Men's' Sealed To • Shoes' P Wonderftil tun i . } u >n. • Chea, Slippers. ariou Price Everyone- Satisfiett The Popular Shoe Store Insure your ,Fares :Property; Private'Dwel lings; in the old: reliable, the, I. aid:also agent for the Cit. Mutual and ' 'Citizens. Y s. —OFFICE.= • D, C. Taylor's Titli Shop, Lnckmow Will' lie in tbe:office everySs:turdayiifternoon. -J. SHOEBOTTOM, Agent,: KINLOUGIT Haying opened shop again I v.,': keep on hand a stpock^of the ~BEST `CANADIAN'; LIQUOR: IMPORTED' .ORTED' 'LJ ' O '� .' QU ..RS for Medieai. Purposes..• Wines, ,lt<runl ler,. UIoIfand ' Gla Scotelr whiskey. Native `Wine.' Carlin 's Ale, Fte. Mc1?HERSON;` The Principal of Trreatment. L as Just received nlarge,and well, • Selected stock of.fine Trunks, Which he is • selling dom. or .Robb 4 in stock or Made , to notice. tr • Auntie. 'always' PROCTOR. intaranteti with SALARY A.IND EX, PEN81.38 PAIT) Any determined mai\ can succeeded with Os. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, in. free. Addrefis at once. (Mune this paper.) prii We hare in ntock kinds 'of ideal. • Coir FloUr :Wheat Seal • Graham Flour , Oat Meal. rolled and standard, ' .Anythivypti :ivadt in the flour line. Bowels, Kidneys and LiVer;loarry-; System, all impnrities and foul humors of die seCrations; 'at the' same. time Corr.3cting Acidity of the ' '• Heartburi?, Constipation, Drynete of. the Elkin, Ih•opay, Dimness.. of Vision, Jaundice Balt RheuM,; Erysipelas, Scrofula, Muttering qf the Heart, Nerveuenees, and (lea - oral Debility; all- these, aid many Ober. Complaints. 'old to 'the taLgyott,hataxio „'of T: '311111111/N Toe Prods Good ,Stack of Groceries E.'srithing as cheitiYas the cheapest; The hest inour.lonly Saa:OP : mitGIVg, ITS A CALL.: WATCHES WAirCHES •Erninent Lung and ThCnat 0 3M. INT MONEYe • • VEMBE -Son; Manufacture' Acton;,• Ont,) le‘Aeroil, Acton, Oint,i Sept. 14, 1887. *DEAR Sot, -LYour letter receive: In reftiw hog to inform.you.that D.e. Washington quirt' . sr:1%1141111k which threatened. to break dcwo int thing and et-e4y physicals of note, 'without reoeivifig a partical, of good. When ,I tow. thioat'at night, and had about giyen -14 hope.' After ctimmencecl :taking 'Ina :Si 441 eine I,felt a•decicied•relief in 'a 'week. a $>ear ago. mud haie,no return of the trouble. are' moderate he.'24i a perfect gen'tleunin ear ehat term' n plies, at least Ruch is My www.w. ma add iso ;4 Vhica, Chronic Sore Throat, itenalvid. largea Tr,raitla 'ion' the Throat, Or Growths from' the , 'Without Its,1 Alt diseases of the tread.' Thretti Teektied by Inhalotion--",:fjw pie* of