HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-23, Page 8•
' .74'111,E LUQI NOW .NTINEL; COUNTY OF hive +
' . '
U'OZNO7 • v.4st '-.03r"• wasQI„1+I wanted
Hours S a m, to 7 p. m. Servant, girl wrnted; to do general"
•MAiLe I a�teljoo_.. Apply to' Mrs. --E Bower,
.Afisros; rlr
,CL *B.:3oath 6:13x is, Dully k street'
A. ET,, dt $r. Nortel 12.30 p. m • . •`
lttalough 230p,m; •: ." ` 4
Welter" •) n •
• G. B. North ' 3.18 p m. •.".
a: •
a eriah
intermediate Point 1 9 00 m,, •
o.`$. k,B $Qrth. • 10.30 In...
Lsngoide . .. • 3.00 p. m. aud;
Z . MAILS 6.048'
G,.•& B.,Snuth spp. m
•'iia: it, 4 $ , South j . .1-
,, L,JD,&B.south' •10.00 h. m.
W•':O•.da B. Norih 8•20p ,' nt•
Rot ' od 4.30 p.m. -
Kia oli' h'
ifitia4t lraltt V1(11%1411 ftivO.
Qo11ie Pup Lost. .
,Lost on Thursday last a black and
white collie pup; about , three months
Feld: The finder will be rewarded by
.'returning to Alex. Murray, Lucktnow.
lestrumental Musre
• Mrs 'Whitely lis '&4;0-.4 to take Iii;
;liwited nunibor of,pupils' for instruo,
kiwi on; piano or'organ., Terms.,$b
:per quarter of 24, lessons Apply at
;voidance,' '.Campbell street, Luckr ow,
''rte *Park Ages •.•
The English church • was.'well, fihed .
on Thursday evening:'last with an are
•ireetatie' "audience • to hear the., Rev
.11lr, Shaw deliver his lecture on,•'thei•
: •!;ihiiitory, of ;the .church •.during- 'the
dark ages," and all 'went away :well
pleedird with' having *eta:pleasant
'and profitable evening.
,Schoel' Board
-A. meeting=of the'School Board was
held in the Secretary's oftiee on .Wed.'
1 esday..I tst, , but '.the only 'business
itransactefd was the passingyof. •;the . fol-.
Towing. accounts ,: 'John
'1'. Lawrence, $39; John Martin,.70c.;
James: Wiisnn, $12, ;`, D. '. McMillan,
; 12.75'; W..Melntosh, $2
Fire Engine ,
-' Comte' Mors, Thompson and Boyd; of
Lu3know, were to loan `un' ' ue�-slay
to cing .stock ,ef the :,Ronald, Steam
.lite engine with a view:•of purchasing
oat .for ' their . tidy ; little 'town : Our..
;L>;icknow' friends: will,' have :the best
fixe fighter in the world if ;thq secure
the above mentioned machine.;--Brus
ls Post. ,
Oarrles a. Rifle
=s'Ou'r usually,. good natured'�and genial
collector; John N. •Russ,':presented
• .a:='yery war lik " a pearance�' on ,Setur
�y' evening leas:: he sauntered up
fife main:, street with rifle iia hand and
Iii r" tin box" tightly grasped•; under.
- its left': arm. /There is no nse,; .gentle '
aha in trying• to evade your . taxes' by
akin to'the 'woods,' as . J ohn' says he
i 1 '"draw a •head " on a fellow at live
undred:yards -as slick -~as you -please
r County council,
The county Council' at' its last ses-.
cion adjourned' to the •llth'of'Deceni
flet ; Ie; •has been. found in• the interval
that by; amendments art the•Municipal
ct..•passed at the lest session •of
;a"al_' �arl e t it'i
L c m n i nn a ,at%v •
r tr. P. t � P r
f�iei •minor muiuc, ,a,ities ,to 'meet on
the '15th .of I u •i ...'
the •l to v u ••The dates
would therefore conflict, ,mild the Wa,-
den and' count clerk.are in corse uence
sending out ctr4ulars esking: the tnem-
bets of the;county comma, to. on•,
the 4th'of :December" .instead 'of the
l l tli. ' . , , ' '
NON Regulatons. •
W e:hiive already `called attention. to
w••. the attiendment, of the municipal, -het
''� .which 'provides that -the • councils of;
towtis,'villabe$ sire townships well' re-
p toiluire to quiet on „Jho 15th' day
',�, (*bee, and' make ;up a state :nt p
the '.expiring year ; which •, stat the
▪ '
most • either. ;year
published: in a• i ew
that ' any- tatepayer •aPplyiegi ay be
furnished' with one ; and at th nomi
nation;meeting'theclerk must reduce'
- copies•„there9f.
Holyr'ood Literary Society..
ix•A' meeting to' organize .the '. Holy,
m, rood Literary society 'was . held in the,
township hall there on Friday evening
F • :last '• Although'.' not so' large as . it.
. ;tight,have been the:ineeting was ere
• tlt`iisiasticaily conducted 'throughout,
'� ii' Tlio •; oticers appointed are as follows"':
President, P. Corrigau, t, .vice -nicer
Wt ♦ �, ; ., y,, . • w-
'ei de13t J.; Nioholla secretiar ,` J :Ste
art treasurer, ,J.oh.n Purvis'.; •A com
' • itteg iof three, wit : ,,A, McKenzie, J.'
"Mar hall'Oct. •(1.'” Purvis was a •-
o, . P
pointed to look after , and•, make ar
rangements for •progrit 1.40: debates.
• ', ,0n •investigation the r'vaet found
• - o be 'Al, good ' finanaiait aitstf[ding A11.
�.",irophesy a succeseftit season. There
books,. i
• .,tgc, ' ohatlet,�eti 'oq tie boo a,
Locket Lost,
Lost ,on Friday last somewhere be-
tween the Medical Hall and the resi-•
deuce' of the. late John Stewart,, a
lady's gold locket, set with two ;garnet
rubies. The -finder will be rewarded
on returning it. to Miss. Mc,Olure, Lu, ck-
(Name Omitted •
1 ' •In our list of the promotion examin
ations, to the second book the name: of
Master Clarence' Tennant, .who we are
•sorry to=learn is at : present very • ill,
was left out; but when he returns to
'School, which we hope' he' will do so
shortly;; :he .will take his place in' the
second"class. '
Ohurch Anniversary'
• .:The anniversary services of '"the
•i f etliodist . church, Lucknow, will be'
held on Sunday, Deceinber 2nd when,
sermons will be preanhed.at 11.a.m.
.and 6:30 p.m. 'bY .Conductor..Wnl K.
, .
Snider.. ':;On the Monday evening'fol-
lowinn the Rev. G. R. Turk, of Guelph,.
will deliver•. an. address, 'besides, which
a ;program of 'local and instrumental
music, recitations, etc„ will be given
by Misses' Dille • Berry,,,. Jean Murray,
Enema Peart, Emma Smith, the splen-
didLucknow Glee Club and others. ,
Wherethe Deer ,goo
Farmers in the Muskoka•• territory
report a t,errible_on slaughter on deer
by ; wolves each • winter. •':'Once the
snow comes .these .beasts••:play, havoc
with One, Some ,inhabitants in that,
neighborhood have on' More :• than ,one
goccasion fond. ' from` thirty to forty
ood sized deer ekilled' by those
ferocious: beats. yearly The government's
grant of $6 ' per.: Iwo: for .each 'wolf
slaughtered, does' not • seem to have • the
efFect of 'inducing many to undertake
tile' capture of those animals.•
Death of a,Prolrtinent Citizen..,
On Wednesday night It* there died.
at, his; residence : in • this i'illage ; Mr.
John Stewart,. 'an old, and ;.)Highly`' :es,
teoined, citizen,:'in'the 45th year of his
age. • .He had ,been 'in poor .:,health for
some.two..years past,':but prior: •4i that
time he;'alweys took; an active';' interest'
in the wellfare• of, the village, and .dur-
ing his five years at. the council -board
was a:faithful .servant; of the people.
He' leaves a wife and: 'dvi+ children : to
mourn his; loss The ,reniain's .were'
tered; in the Kinloss ceetete_ry on Fri.
day afternoon, and: the very large
turnout of friends and ',citizens showed
the high esteenn':in whi'chhthe deceased
was held
At Their old Tricks. '
Rowdyism. was again rampant : in.;
the: Village on Thanksgivingnight
.They, broke into the.' butcher. ; shop of
A. Clow' and stole:, a quantity of
ish pork and':: other': • pleats, 'after
which they liberally-helpe•theniselves
to , .the;• contents of the little grocery
slaw o in the; satne':.building.` •Having•
loaded themselves .they 'proceeded : to
fire house: of. Mrs: Boland, in' the. Me
'Carroll .survey,' and . finding' the ` old
women absent they took possession of
•the. `Place;'," cooked: and ate • the .heats
and other stuff. they had taken. The
ungrateful wretches; not. yet satisfied,
with their disgraceful..conduct, broke
'and smashed the' stove, andfurnittre
in the house and when on their', way
'to the centre : ortion: of the.: village,'
threw a brink..t'hroug the windovi ;of
Mr. Williatii Geddes''. esidence at the
corner of Havelock at •.et.' The same
gang. also' :co . initte' a number -•-••of
other depredate i . uring the; night,
and when Mr Llow' came to his shop
on. Friday morning he 'found a basket
containing six ,dead' chickens lying
at the door. In this 'ease; as well: as
in nearly; every other case of the' 'fid
that has takenP dace in the Villa, tie
perpetrators are well known,` and their
names have since been:freely' associated
with the crime. Now, we have been
told' by some of the parties who have
au'flered. by.. the lawless acts . of these
then,: that we ;Atonic" pitch into' theta
rough -shod through. the SENTINEL. ,In
fact they wanted,' us •to:,descrtbo • thc' •
guilty ,parties by *name and profession
That's all right only so far as it'sues, •
but when people who'have-tlieirgoods
stolen aand their.: rope"r':ty destroyed by
these. midnights eraudHrs will not in-
terest ;•theinselvee. • enough to lodge .a
cot tf plaint before the 'magistrates, we
.don'tPurP ose doing. so for them: ' '
Notide to 'OreditorSi;'
'Aloe. Ross, 61acness` inaker, hereby
,Rives due., notice that`ali parties in-
debted to him either.. by note or book
.account meat positively settle.,the same
before the 15 of December., After
that date. they will be: placed in court,
for collection.
—The boys on
y a • ,joying:gogd `bl{tit:
ing on 't'raloav0q'Is: Drill pond.,
.Loca1 Chit-chat,, ,
Tickets sip Mere and, There fur headers,
• • et the sentinel..
--A Tiverton man recently'killed ;,a.
666' pound; porker.
—Huron 'township' will elect two
deputy Reeves in future,
—Mr. Wm. l3aiir<d,; .of Toronto, is
home on a, vlaiti+to his parents.
—The; heavy frosts . have (dell' ,up
the roads; but they are: yet very rough.
` Thaliksgiving Day was generally
obieryed by our citizens: as a, holiday..
•—Reverends. R. Gray and A. •;Mc-
Kay will exchange pulpits next' 'Sal";
bath "
Mr. and Mrs, W. U Little'spent,
a few days in Paisley this ' week, visit-
ing friends.
d1), C.. Mun
-• r � roe, of the Wing.
ham. ,limes gave. us' a pleasant'. call on,
Saturday last.
• —For• Persian. latub, astrachan or'
any' kind of a cap go to Oonnell'e . in
Kerr', old stand.
'' ; —D. 0.: McIntyre attended the 'first..
annual assembly of the Goderich base
ball club on'Friday' last. •
>•Mrs, W. •Moore, Of this. ' village,
has gone to Goderich, to' spend-. the
winter• with friends' in there.
• ---Robert and. -Miss Bella, King,' .of
Bluevale, were visiting their' brother
Mr; P, .Powell,; of this • village..•
-Spreads, blankets, gents shirts and
drawers, ladies underclothing, ladies,
vests and drawers A. '.1Vtclntyre, .
—The ministers of all denominations
in• Paisley have .doc;lared against '•,at-
tending funerals:,on Sundays.'
--A meeting' -:f the,• -Kinloss-' Branch--
Agric llturel Society was held, in the :
Secretary's office on Saturday last.
—Going`out of mena:long boots, felt
boots, rubbers, will .be sold -*ay down
cheap to•c'ose:out. A. McIntyre. •
" -=Some two weeks ago a: new buggy
was taken, during the: night,; from Mr..
J. �M Oliff's barn'and:no, trace.of it can
be found. ••
•=Ready made overcoats. at prices:
that defy 'hied titres..' Shirts' •and..
drawers; 'heavy, and cheap al'Connel.l's
in Kerr's''old stand.
--A one-horse "wagon' came to grief,
near 7�Tr.: "Soinerville's' residence en
Ross''steeet or Tuesday',€sue wheel was
badly :broken, .
• —The chickens 'fours ia the basket.
of Ii, .A_ Clew's' door were._'stolen from
Mr 'Wm Anderson;.- 1VIrs. , Wm.
Johnston also 'hada •nun lierstolen
„from her 'place. •
—Lake .herring, round or split, lake
Superior'trout just; arrived, 'salt water
herring, and' all kinds of -.fancy grocer-
McIntyre: •
Mr..J. A; 'Dennin ,.'of the :cheese
' factory, has ' .bought. -the . fratire' dwel.,'
inaton Havelock.• street• ftotn•.Mrs:
Hamilton:. .
--A shooti n match for `turke .s
u8 Y
took place in the park'on Thursday
last; and": some of our shootists succeed.
Pd in•bringin:g home :well filled bags.
have still a few•.ends;of that
$1.50 black worsted Justthe' article
for ladies''. coats; : Connell's is:the place,
to buy. our" worsted::and'mantlin s..
Y g.
'=Theladies of Guelph remove t
hats and, .bonnets when attending con
ceras ':o , • other entertainments.. 'A
good ve. .
—ti u hath• .has forriie a. literar
g . .. teal • y
society, '.'and its President is':•Mr. D.
Munroe; 'Editor of the •.Timis., A
good selection.
—Prices oto suit the times at McIn-
tyre's. 8 lb; of 'Japan tea, for $ l,' ' T
broom's for 41.05, • 50; :bars , soap', for'
$1`, 5 bars electric soap for 25c., -5
brushes •for 25c.—A. McIntyre.:•
—John 'Purvis, auctioneer, will sell
by public auction at lot.5, cob. 14,
D. Ashfield, three miles from L'ucknow,
on Friday, Novi 23rd, a large quanttity-
of stock,: implements, etc., theoperity
of E W. Richards. • . .-+"- '
-Leap year ;will'soon be ter a close,
but no old -Bachelor need yet, lose hope.