HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-16, Page 4ii • • 1 ,. , 4 .ckna�ttt tilting/ • TIIE LIBEUTY, TO OTTER 4: ND TO. ARGUE,• MINIM ACCORDING: T0. THE DICTATES CONSCIENCE VI ..PRIZE ABOVE, *14, OT$FR LIBERT381a, . •tuck_aow. November 16, 1888:. 'fIE� • WOTJLD E=I�ELJA/3LF. 0,4out OYES out of 7tho:' eight' -hundred and, seventy, correspondents who furnish • Mr. 'Bine, secretary of `the Ontario Bureau of Industries, with the infor-, elation upon which IM tabulates , his toonthly and yearly. sta'tements of the • coi ilition and yield' of thecrops of the Province, :,throws : ont a•suggestion• which deserves. ` condition. He • pro- poses that to get the most reliable in- , formation a`hiout the actual :yield the stssistannce-of alZ-the-operators-of;thresh-- %iug;.machines in the country should be.. secured =each' to take out a license andmake a: return, every, two' weeks of, -`tire, quality, of. grain, threshed... The. time was when this would have, been, ..only a half system, as peas, , oats and Tbuckwheat, Were ••. for the, most part poundea'out :with' flatl'pr tramped out horses, but now there are fetefarm ers but make a clean job of the whole ,crop ,.when the threshing machine is .° set ": and it woi k. . The, importance, cif getting .reliable nfort)iatxnn concern - in the•actual yield as near as ,possi=' aeknpwled ed on; all hands, 'and;" no lietter .or . viore__.f easible plan to secure it bas as yet' been ;propdsed. Posttnasters "and'.•tow.nship.'clerks do the hest they can in furnishing .statas- „ tc.s, .but these must �t•always be, ineotn= p'ete, and '.often mere guess work I,et•;the threshers be 'enlisted. i Trtr r, nntaro Departiiient of Aha :ea lin re has ifisuedrits-final crop' report ' tor', the; year and 'it 'shows', that crop's• this year end. With ' 'a inuch • better condition of affairs that: looked pro babe at any txtne •,durii'tg the course:. The Wheat cit*op is larger `.than that;.of last -eariH So are -t -he -bailey ; =rye and ernpv,.shtle'the :yield ,of oat's is o} er•30 per cent: " greater than'' that of: last yeah and. neatly ,2.0 per cent:'. great-.` et that: an. average• crop The cnikx ct :p' is es. ellent, so• are set eraLother vtops-.of.i onsid(iralile local- importance,, sneh as buck's hat anl'' beans „Tlxe • root crop trill be'laige;.anci the yield of potatoes is magnificent, being °wore t ltan double the:' '•crcp, ; of ' last •year. ' li•ith b iter prieces also, the fa}'niers lisave.gooc1 reasolt to feel ;'ratified over tiit•irseason, which not'. plotaife ativ, such, pleasing results.• son,-Dr.Iticbards,,of Rert #,Neon Mr.. H. iurrie_ and: Misty Mary .Pot chef; .hustles l'i'nked, their lives and; gone ,to their home in.. Michigan. We: wish, them: a happy married life. • The lecture given on Thursday night. last \by Mr. Campbell,, .on a trip "Az,. bund the World," Fmved Very ;,•inter- esting as many beautiful- life -like views were shown,, While returning ftom ' Lucknow on Wednesday night .laett, with a load of. empty barrels, Mr, J. Pickesrings team becc�.O�'se frightened by one of the bar- relsk`roll.tng agalnst'their feet. Mr. P. • was thrown out and is still suf.- tering. ufTering; from Injuries received. - We. hope to see him around soon. ' School .was closed here on` Friday as.'o`sur . teacher watj; absent . attending, the funeraProf her .cousin'• 'W. ;K..: Cain- eron, `who died at 'Cape . Tormentine, 4n open debate ;for the Iteneft of the, public is• brewing in our Temper ae„ ante lodge„ 44 ORANGE BLOSSOMS, .: marriage of Mr,. Marry. Giles' rorlmeriy: of Lucknow. Tlie' Tiverton Gorge porident :of Tie.. Kincardine' 1Revew'•has this to say of, a former, citizen .of our • 'village :: Un Wednesday nigh °_ of last:•week Harry • Gibes" was 'united in the ,holy bonds of wedlock to „Miss Jessie Me Donald of that' village. The contract- ing ' parties are. Well known in' this` neighborhood. Itis' not inuch more than: a year since' 'Harry came here front. Lueknow and in .partnership with Mr.'' Thomas Lindsay parchased the butcher business 'then ' owned by Ned: Dore.: About two weeks ago •he added a bak- ery to hisotherhusiness. In.a' Very short -time, after he same he .fell a vict im to Miss Jessie's.charins and the in dications`were..observed'whx^h 'usually' lead up to- 'that .• delicious desideratuin. r°Two .souls:with.but a: single thought,, two . hearts that :beat as one.", -Miss Jessie is;the only daughter of John B„ McDonaald, of this i i11nge A ...large number' of invited guests were preseut on Wednesday evening to witness •the 'tyilig.of the nuptial knot, • to coiigrat ulste''the. happy. couple, and to partake' f=t=s't`rnr•pttion ` "irepa-st;`p ,. .Mrs. John B. 'McDonald. The 'Rei.. A. McFay dei:' was theotliciatina' tier'= gvman.. The bride looked`•supreb in a trosseau. of 'white; .and was supported-. by Miss Beats ice Ball' ntynie;who wore creani lace Duncan :McPhail.' 'acted' in..the capacity of: " best.man"'for. the grooli�: '.The pi;lsents were `+ tiuinerous and jcostly," as the orthodox .inartiage. notice has it,; and '.'clearly et•inced•the`' system in. which' the •bride is held: Al- together the en't'was of.a recherche affair, The Itincardi e' Ileai,eiv luau, ui;cotutitoti with 'many: others, eongrat-. ulate.s the. younala , cantle w;l o have clinl.+ d•the`golden stairs Of ,a, itiatritii onial.par diseand wishes thein •every. success iii their .Wedded `life so' • auspic- itiusiy begun i•Tx •au.d:2Ii's. Giles left bythe early trait: following, Thursday for a trip to. D'un`ri11,e' and other .places', 7.1i7.4.4, is `about the period •' of the. •ilt',: says the Montreal : 1pit7tt ; :vhen. ,sue .masculine'• eleit ent of the rural ntun .ties antuses'itself by. rtclalgtiig iu competitivt 'hunts: • They fot ti sides aebtri s'alls.eat to ,slaughter every unap topt�lated lit in :thing that they, conte • 'ut. ss, fl'min a grey bird' to A, der, ati'4 (1'H', ii dl. tvii,ich .brings ,back the' ,biggest r•'imirtrtt nit of chiptniunkt' tails and; rn •ywijiecl s' and sparros s' heads is a)cj uciged tit vieten This •graoeless `1ttt�r „of gra etul wild life should • 11e, 'stopped, if for, xohreason than be •',.1ruse it 11111S t, have.o. tiistiu those,ts'hi`i take pat 1wd:c,toali that reckless ho:s.. should b•ri)stlr to slttnghter the son,,; birds, ,,,iYtr , that grown hien should not ily. r Lourago,this slaughter sut`t:tke•pa tn..it,'"is ,iii rl•,atro is... ui:ulxziiag t.tect, n it•., It is i'iL4 IIOI T \ )R S'. '.Pete and Will Mui loe.li' are bowie f t tii'ti=Ch.ca; o': , Both are as li'. els.; as l • -e are sorry to learn that Miss; Stisati ,cook ia. ser ill.. • ' Mrs Itichards an o'd and respected' • "'neighbor,. has goateeto reside with her , iti 'Or'aar o•• Ti'IS' YEAR'S and Pi. UG' $MokI.Nc,ToBAoG • FINER THAN EVERT J ,:. see -1 • E • 0- l.Oc Factor:.: Cotton. for .8c and 8c Cotton.for 6c. 11.b ood. Tea.for l calf ea:4y if you went . an 50 bark soap for $ , ,5 bars Electric for 25c, Scru 'Bru'shes . 5c, '' good all woof •fi:annel 20c, Factory rflaTine C en -.s ties and. br• aces ;fr nt erc3.othng a SUPcialty: 10 s oohs thread for 25c, 50c. Plush.es . Melton...dregs goodps 8,10,121=2;and 15e per High' for . J, -r o • •y . i i 'of all undersigned � has on' �:and;afull . supply • kinds '. of stoves for, the consisting of oak, Parlor and Box Stoves, an r coal or wooid.'. iso a large stock of Hardware, Zanap goods, glass, paints, oils IL always on hang re 04. .�n:�a L.s cot tinue' business 'in Our: OLD STA 1 D; • ‘00` ' 's�:naie as Usual, `r',hel a •.ensto111ei s «ill .receis e the tis to rilnnin • short , accounts;; always ac'corc .ed them... :IN13iIONZE,, ON each Plug and Package i RNIPLEY. PLANING BVI I L DOORSr, 'SASHES AND MOULDING' Stock,. also la mg, tug, Mateliing and Wood T'uurn1Ag . r .`•' e shortest ixofi e:.a - c. to order o • Every etlurpntent, io 3uililers: at, ' -;the Very *ILo -est P • ens Encotra go Hbmo,: ; Entoribs, :CALIF' McI)ON.AL 1. 1 tf.; a4. xa • r • at We air selling goods stet: the stockintoy soon turned Ione' as .. i .. _ as possible.. • Oitr tering :there are Y. R tins a w01a i(le re)siitnti m as apljtsioian and author. 116$Alanirske tries is a triuulpli'(if Jle licad, sklll;cu,ins all ,liseas es of thehide. v and .,-:•-•-•-•' ''SYMPTOMS VF- , I7I•tS�EY C1)MPLAI\'t', Distressln, „icl,t r anti p nnx'ili tht' ltslel.ai t1n111» iu': of weight in, the bl•uldrr' ante base 'of the .dl.i- d, nits: se t1ttjntg ntlue''ofteri•trh*trnett'il frt. • 'yu, ut .,le i t .to: `tri ate, t cpe roily at, ni.,ltt I, along nOi.1 persons , hot dry skin:, .)411.1' redatid.white de'pn its,;drop 1.i41,rtr,t sour >tournth, ,constip,ition,,'piles, Beer ict•1` : elling:5 4r, • SYMP`MIMS OF T INT.It C'OMl'i •1IN.1', 1'nin t�ra,r�1 t,tt1 . , 1J tkr Made,. jautaliee salh'na , nlriex1nn, a weti:ra' l,t,ainl e nrs,y, .h. ,l. at he, tlj ritrltp,il•fs,elt, uuhtestionlif;or•esllots,s,pini 1rtti IOW CURED: ' M,anilrt,kt laid Ilaotle iota are iiattirl•' r.iY r,.r•. roret+, toil ,e'heli i:oh,1 i, ,ll with 1' itltirs„ rt'ti� , .(IICS; as'iir 1)r-..('-hliHt+'-"r-I:ir, t -1-.'ttrt,; n711-11n„ti ,)enSitiv,I rite,'; ail Xi,li,t•Pfewer troulilefi. 1 nets like a eharm,•stilnnlntiog the t•ir.,,,,.i . liver, $trt•ngtherllnj; the kidneys, and invit,u, , stmt; .the whole holly, Sohl by at' 11 tleal, rt s. '$1; with 1ZeetiptBot;,k,.w*llit,.Ir: alolte:.iv _Borth.. the oney. ItIDN^"t • (°Mase' Iil1l re tlie on1 rmti .,nuv1,ntrI,M§orrde:l}tyLIVER, awtgently yet efr cti ally, :1 ay •pp LS be taken (hiring tae y eu.p1, i .CTTtl)I , tient, They cute Ri,lne5 ) iver troubles; headache. hilwttvnest3, rn stiretless + Ow Pill a dove.,' I'riet• 2:w. ' •$o1(I b 13.1.'„1; 11.V t(• 1)AVS; Li(1 tiro ''1”,EDMANSON & 00.e.,. .. ; Pli1tA1 FO1tD; Clst.; 14 v rt v v , '