HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-09, Page 54 r,. • 4 '<o" Ludas,* li'p4#10 1 tf>�rtt. The follov►1ng is the, standing of the • Vitals for the,rnopth'of October .: Nantes run in according to merit. Pupils irking from 80 • to 100 core classified excellent, 60 to, 80 good, 50 , `to 60 fair, and under b(} had, • 1 • Ripley, P. 0, ]BT DEPARTMENT. • 773. THE LT7CKNOW SENTINEL, COU • S°EAYEO •:.. r BItUC STRAYED TO. THE ;PREMISES OF 444McMurehy, iut;10. con. a, Huron,, oa or about, two mouth* agir ;t calve.,, 1 red. l'grayandonered aryl white. Thr ownal. request ed to prove, property, Pay ,expeuses• and tak°. •them uwf►y;. JOHN McMTJ CHY, Senior fifth ,,.lass.—F. Little, J. Mc- )nnaltl, J, Gallagher, i). McQuaig;, H. Iolmes• Junior fifth class, =R, Griffith, .1) 'V}iomWog., pson, S. WaH. McOrimon, L. M0Dotiald, D. Matheson Entrance. class.. -G., Smith, F 'Pat teredn, ,A DLall ri, A •Littlis, M Mo(oy, N. McCriutrfw ,; E Graharu,, F Grahaa,. M McGrory •11.•Cainplreli, J Baird, J Yule,0 Boyd:,: A Whitely, O Law- rence; L• Walker,; J ,Mallough,• A Grun-' dy, W M;il)c'r, J Grundy, ; T Lawreuoe, E Flood, '<• 2ND DEd'ARTMENT.: 4th class, -H. MaCharles, Mo- J)omid,.J.McTntosh,'A. Grundy, F, . Jolritston.,' W. Mallough,. A... West, D. +t,anieron, W, Wilson, E, Little, M. lBurgess, C. HamJy, K. Al urdoch, 1 • Ar1rl4tro'ng,,.G ..13..1Feers,. A.: Lawson,; L.. i u111rr.: • Pf%flips, J . My _ ay, , D -Mo • •' Clute,, D. Bnyd, M. Stewart. V. 3rd class, -4t. McCormick, E. Rose,: •. L. Ft,dlater, E. Patterson, A. Lyons,. M. Graham, P.. McMillian, E. Stove]; `lliArmstrongr J. Tennant, K. Tre- leaven, L. Gordon, E..Rooklidge, V. McDonald, D. Greer,. A. Boyd. 3RD DEPARTMENT. Third class.—N. 'McDonald;.' W. Ir • win,' 11'I..Mitilough. J Smith,• W, Cor- ,'rigan and .Yu le ties, H.Mciinnon,' K. Greer,., .. Barii'er, F..Molntosh, Young, .• M Matheson,.: W. Stewart, 'L. 1'1cDou"rall :M. McCoy • Senior ' .SPco'rid. -F.: pain,' hon .and • A.. ^McOrim iron ties, A, .Horn 011, : A. ' Burgess, S. Johnston• and I. • — McIntyre ties,• M .-Douglas,. ^E, Grt er, 1- . liatoly, .S, Greer, . R. lea"Dison, W..i Treleavon.; A.. Lawson.. J.mailer ;'Second E..; Smith, M.: Pol 1 ]ick, .J Moffat-and=A': liner ties, G. ,Berry, and J. McDonald ties, J.Lees, X%.. •oN'abb, E. Murdoch: P. Rook :'7lidg x a!kdA. Baird ties, `M--Floend-L-: • )Phillips'ties, E : Ed son,: 1-L Barber and 13 McIntosh ties, J. .McI)onald, ' C. Ross and D. blood. • 4TH. DEPARTMENT • Promotion examination Promoted •from junior 2nd: to senior: '2nd. -H. G. .Armstrong; .F. S. • Boyd; M. ''. 7liallough, A. •Mathieson ;1 . •Holmes; W. Corrigan, B NM -Dater, A Findla- • tor, • E. McKay, %V. Bre.nnant.:. F. 'Wheeler, • E .'Brennan, lli Mc1Vlillan. Promoted from •senior pt''•2nd toy 2nd` class.-1VI'; Thompson; .1. Murdoch, H. ' Grundy.; R. Armstrong; R McCoy,: N; I)at'isou, B. Hornell, H. Findlater, •E. ;McLaren, O. `•Bryan, M. Stove!, G. Grundy, J Lyons;': Ni •Stewart, G. 'Middleton, . • • Proinoted from junior. 2nd to senior �ncl E Incite rtson, `J Douglas. and F. li;ooklidge;' R .4rahaa, E. Davison, A. Adams L.. Patterson, '.E. •., W114e10, 7-I I'h',inpson, H'. Gallagher, J.Mc- ,Crim M. Loree and F; •Ste •art, •I I. lllcl irony, (absent for parC of exam 1'natioii.) •. T'! DRPAl1T11 J T. Parf SPeond.'-- R. Wnlso.n, E. Vance' F. &1w:trds, D. Douglas;• W Barber, :and le'. iVl atilt? tie'q, B; Adams, ,.E. 'Littic ti-id'A. ; Trave.r and, E Stringer ties,' J. lleCoy,• 'I' htctntosh.. • Se,i.in't Second.: --LE, 1 ic0)u.sky:, C: .Ch�nb e•in W I:ee H. Arinstrongi- rnp, , s, r •'A. McO,+rvie, L.:Enos, M. Hunter,' A. r ,l�.db�son .cud .r,;I3ard and M. Grandy lti.`.: IJoleiies cl eil'zie '.. tips.G. W. . ,. � + •.. tai t. - Shiiola's Catarrali' rem edy—a..pos- . itive nu't's, for .Catarr-tih, Iiiptheria and and caitl c i -mouth, •--Mr Arthur ) cLean ; *ho:vitas: !tern ails lig- IvititConstiru"ption.for;some " years .pi c, left` on Wednesday morning last for; Meilen' in, the hope of regain- ing heal+fin Mus, lgeLean aoi;ompan- Sed him • THIS YEAWS CUT'and .PL.UG G TOBACCO FINER T 144 YE ' • ,See 3 -los. Teacher' Wanted. • .Teacher,' Wanted! for S. S. No. 13, Huron. Apply stating/ qualifications and salary wanted .to . AVIL• AGNEW. Lucknow P. t?.• • NOTE. LOST.. The public are hereby, wand; againbt our chasing a prousissory note. for $$00, made by William.l)eiupiwy iu favor. of John Gambell. as tad' tame hasrbeea lost or stolen,trom my house„ •• JOHN GAMBELL, 7,7 2-'l72. • Holyrood P. d: STEER- ESTRAY. ' Came to the premise?; of theundersignied, north halo' lot, 12. oun. 14. West Wawanosh, f.ve or six weeks ago a yearling red steer, with full white face., The owner is requestedto prove property, pay expen' ea and take itaway.. W. S. HOLMES, ,,. .1u2:.. I�ueiynnr�i'•0,,: SALESMEN ; IUANTEU4.. -POR THa -+ NewEngland Nu , ries Est&blishedl over• 30 years. Theold reliable, nursery. Men with push energy. s.,od habits, end clean character are what we want. ' Every ct ai a for suttees. We can Rive yon good pay' and Steady; work. -Write •fu terms •to. Having bou : ht out the stock Abe=` longing to town, .ohn `Martin.,of this town, and as we hav=e retain. ed his 'sertrices in .;Y vel .ware: D4ti) •:. intend carrying on the business in all its branches... We have now on hand a x6s cattle chains • and.. ropes,,ties, web, halters, cross ut s e-new A E S: ME WANTED. Permanent positions' guaranted with;SALARY AN;D EX- PENSES R-i1 NSES P.AIi) ' Any deternnincd . man can with us. Peculiar • v advantages to beginners Stock complete, in- cluding many fast -selling specialties. Outfit free. Address at once. (Name this paper.). BROWN. lilt0'1!1:ER$',. • ' • NRRBERTMEN• ROCHEStE , N.Y WANTED.A tc�annestr Liinga d travel ',agents 'forour goods. Liberal' commission?,: or salary sad expenses, to competent end reliable men. For*term? , and full particulars addres • J. P. LECLA1 E, Nurseryman, • 11f entaoii than pat err • ]ii ighton,. N. Y. 3-770 d, _CUSTOM o-TAILORINC.., ;: o:: Suits made to order,' .saniples• kept on -hand,-work4xecuted--with - foura es thiner on backthan on. �; g e C e e nd oblige. TAYL • CHASE BROW, CO. Nurserymen, Colborne Ont; ►H MAKING. HOR$E• SHOEI NC,I,:' • ANt7--,.- M CEN E RAL BLACKSMITNINC., :0: . . Adam,Thoinirson begs leave to thank • tails inhabitants. of Lucknow •and surrounding couatryfor the liberal patronage bestoaved uu him, during the last seven years,• and wishes a continuance of his old, -customers and a fain share of the new, as he is in a better , position than ever to supplk the wants of the public. .He always has on hand a stock of Wagons'. 8z• Buggies of all kinds; He will also remind them of ,the far famed • SCOTCH DIAMOND' HARROWS,, which he niways has on:.hand•and-.are inade-,c£., e vetq:best material. Attics 'wantiug-any ' - thing in' this line will do well to give him,acall -• and see paces before purchasing ,elsewhere,. Particular attention paid to ALL KINDS OF HORSE SHOEINC4' flat feet, contractions, and interfering. By strict attention to business • good work manship and emp nothing; but• goad work eto ain her atruna e' mea, � T tru t ret t, p. g kindly extended to' me. , ADAM :THON IPSO'N► •, Campbell Street opposite the Bank. , OWELL: 4ucrcno`nr u�u R Te . are now offering extra values in cheap, tweeds, just the thing for, —AND FIT= East•; door df` CAMPBELL'S', brick block. 'MORRIS' & MCNABB. Lucknow, Oct • ;0th;' 1888. �,.-^`-�.�•• TRUNKS! ;' TRUNKS! PROCTOR Has ,just received a large and well selected stock of fine Trunks, :Valises, Robes, etc.,. .41 which he is selling' 9r at'bottotn price.' If' you. Wish a'rYi'13L-ttallei3 Tinlna.. Buffalo ; a oast or 4 alo Boboi � cafL . Single and Double ilUrneits always stoe k. or made to order on 'iil)p" • :notice: ••••--••-•,,,,o1.-- • 0rdosti Work a Spot alt . R. PROCTOR. THS 'KE,X TO HEALTH. IN EIRONZE, 6N' each Plug and Package: • tinlooka:t lithe aloggedavenues of the' Bowels, Kidneys and Liver,_car'ry ingoff gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul. hutnord,of the aeoretionst at the same time Correcting Acidity , . of the 'Stomaeb,; curing Biliousness, • Dys.' Headaol ee, -Dizziness, • Constipation, Drynest r' of the Skin, Dropsy Dimness of Vision, Jaundice. >�3alt Rheum, Erysipelas,` Scrothla, Flutteringof the He Nervousness; and Leni. oral. Debility; all these and many othor similar Complaints yi eld : to' the h. hat'influonico of .: UBDO BLOOD BITTERS.' l +h I)O., FInPrleteri. Twain; so bargains in plain and . chec winceys. CALL AND ►SEE. THEM ND GET: OUR M•ERON &IURDOCH. GE OF AGENCY. LA'URANOP'S• •,SP•ECTA:CLES: ANA :EYE :(4LASSES. are' the only'; genuine,; English 'articles in •the, Canadian Market; • Real pebbles kept in stock. tests given to 'purchasers to prove genuineness. They' are • recommended by and testimonials have be'eii received from the President,' Vice•President,..Ex- Presid'e,,t�and Ex-Vice•Freuideut, of the Medical Association ofleannda'; the President .ofthe ' 'Oollege of Phvsiwu,s and Surgeons of Qie'ebec ; the. Dean • of the Medical Faculty of Lava University.; the iereyident,and Ex-Presidents�of the Medical Council. of Nova Scotia, Etc • 1.711., BOOKS .LE11, Lr cknow: ---- •'RIPLf PL /WING IV A,N I :OT ,b00R$,•SASHES AND._.. MOULDING, ,in - Pian i g, Matching and Mood Turning , to order on the. shortest' notice. Every' equipment for I3uilclers at the • Very Lowest Prices, Enoousago: Nome ••Siaterpriuoc .• • , COLIN McDONALi)..' tf •7:t•l "4 It ON'EY• I have a few` thousand dollar€ to ini,est for private parties; at reaefotiable„infekesto ELLIOT TI'tAVEI4S. We have 'in stock' all kinds-offineal. Corn Flour 1.'lleaf.,?Ie;ail . ' . Graliata Flour Corin Meal,, white and yellow Oat Meal. ,rolled and standard •Anything yon .want in,tbo finer.a ta.' Gap,f1 1gil . GJ,1 �car!o e , TSA from. 15c up. ;c eryiihing asrcheap as the cheapest. The hest' Reiter Flour oatl'y 3 ' *�� 4, SUillC�r•OG�., ilef,aIVE'•'tl'8. A G:AIiIr. ' • ;oc STORE, Having: opened' my -shop -again I' will • ,.keep on ;hand .a stock' of .the.. ST CANADIAN: LIQUORS 'o PORTED UQUt, for Aitedieal Purposes in - Wines, 'Brandies; - Holland. ,Gin, • ' Scotch Whliskey, Native Wine,; Carlling's Ale Et�e. r ' The :.P rinoipai of Treatment: N•, Washington; :M11LRCPS Eminent Lung and Throat Surgeon ' •GILL BE'AT �• �•.�CAIN'S -10Th 7 ON Nt�VEM 'UHT=L 1.3d. ,; .; Read W. If. Storey's'•.(of R. 'W St ire. dr,. Sot►,. Manufaetureis, Acton, Ont.), letter of slily te' Mr. 'McCartney; of .Boyne+, Ont., :-- ' Acton', Out., Sept. 14, lb8I: ' >,••. '": a McCartney; aQ•, Boyne, 'Ont.' •... . -DEARSIa, Yiilir'lotter'received': -In reply' ?' 1 beg totinform you that Dr. Washington con+' pl,telycured. ,nis• of Cattirrh of two ware' staiidsng, ,which t re' ten'ed`tobrcak•`dOwn constitution. I had previously tried every thing and' eVer1*hysican, of note, without; receiviug;a partical of gond Wht•n 1 corn- rnenced:takince his medicine I•'wGCotild almost *• . seffoc' ite' with mucous : runnin • down' inx throat at night; and had about' iven up all hope., ''After I coinmenced takin has Medi- cine,• I felt a decided relief in a w k.,Aand in' two mouths was entirely cured. That is nearly • a year' ago, and have no return of the trouble. ' I,can confidently' recommend Dr, W.aek- ingtun to you.-He'is, no quack;; his, charges • '. are moderate .; he is.a p}terfect gentleman iu ,,ll that terrii'implies; at least such is myc exp-. euee.,u Believe me, Youtatruly,' W. H. STOttJs a t Diseases Treated. Catarrh; Catarrhnl'beafness, Chronic Bt,. - chitin. Asthma And Consumption, Also,Loi i. • of Voice, ChrotileSore Thitoat; Reinoving En targod Tonsils frcui.the'Throat, and Polvnit; .:. Or: tsrowtiis from the' nose, without the k All diseases of the; Head.: Throat and 1. ' Treated by Inhalation—" The Ne1v M• tf:-•yCJ111SULTATION •FRF' .roly i Purvis,' auctioneer, will fall • by public auction at.'lot 24, con. !, Kinloss, oh Djoriday,. Nov. 12th, largo • quantity ,' of farm stock . impit merits, etc., •thti •properly, of Lo ct►i:a McLean,:.. • • 444044