HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-09, Page 4, 4
Z.acfcaovr. November .0, Ina-.
;'Although it is. 'impossible to obtain.
'the true result of the ' Presidential
..eleotion in the UnitedStates•on rues-
-'oday, it is believed that • President.
; Oleveland has been defeated and that.
' General ' Harrison, the Republican
Candidate will : occupv, the -White
House for the next four years.
=How jealously does the average rate-
• !payer 'scan his assessment notice when
At is handed, hiin -by the assessor.
his house, Or his farm, dr his personal
,property be over-estimated, •even to the
.-=extent of ii100,- invol-ving=a-payment::
of Tess than $2 in• taxes; he hies him-,
%elf to the :Court of Revision, 'and .•de-
*Iitiihds,' under oath, that it ;shall be re-
duced . Ip the matter of municipal
taxation, no one is'anxious to pay high
No: one believes that; the high-
• •er' the tax jie pays the better, ofthe will
• • be.. , It is different when dealing with.
Dominion , taxes. Whyr.. Because
,they are. concealed. " They:aro not paid
.di,ectly, ,and many citizens who would
kick wit h visor against - unnessary-
•dir!ect ttaxatioti submit to be bled with.-.
outso,•tinlich as •a protest, •provided; the:
ti be"hidllen.frem
pity $1 on.:a hat, roar �$5 t9410 on.=a
suit of clothes,; two or three cents. per
•,pound'on engei, and'se. on until, if the
•. .fact were;; not, ' concealed from them;
thei spay -an 'enormous sum ';yearly, .
payoty to the Government and.partly
to the rings; sanctioned by it:. If the
bill of, taxation' were ; handed.in every
•.month, in all its' naked details,: a Gov,.
•ernment.which sanctioned it could' not
stand a single'. day after 'Parliaoient
The outcry -of the people would
be. uncontrollable. '
severe frosts of August, .wishing
the total loss of the wheat; crop, vh$011
is their one great staple, • A= lett,
from one who professes to, knos► sa'
" Men, women and: children, are in rag.:
without a cent of.:money, or anything;
.else of valuebeyond their. lives. _ Their,
crops were. total* destroyed ley • the
frost in August, and their land' stocks.
and farming implements are mortga$ed
and . absolute distress prevails every-
Thoughts . Expresses >llllrsel
I.eteit.be`distinctly known that what.
is "written as ," Thoughts' is not really
his: own, but what he -hears 'expressed
by others when, on bis peregrinations'
around town. As it comes near elect-
ion tunes our councillors • might, to put
up with some little • criticism,' and if
they can't then let them get• out and
sit.. I ani sure there are others. 'in
Lucknow who could' serve the, public
just. tea:we11 andx:-may.be better
Tuesday night this council•. began : dis-
cussing `^ Thoughts " and- trying to
give himaway because they thought he
had. reflected on their character.
" Thoughts " gets his infordiation in-
directly, and if theyoung man was'
there then he knows what was going
.on. Further he knows that the Luck-
-now -council haebeen.delinquint- in ;its
duty, in not"•providing for the village
what a :large majority o its ratepay-
ersask, that is further°'fire protection.
I ask any one'. of them--haveyou done.,
right: in this matters? Again I. put to,
you, have yondone right in `rcfePence
to Cliff &;=Stoves 7 The wholedesire
of the people is that youget::aiSteatn
Tire Engine, .and give' the . furniture
factory •.a •loan,not a bonus ; but ser-
- vents
er-.wants of the people you recognize the
people not:, That loan and the .Fire
Engine will • coin() if •not' all at..once, '!
then ;he. first'. Monday in Januar.
must and will,decide the ' matter, and
from all I' can hear it will :do 'so. •
'With:the • exception of a new line
iijetween Toronto, ',Hamilton and Lou-
!don,:to be 'worked on,the long diitance
system; the Bell Telephone Company
.hasinear_ly, conipleted_:an unusualheavy.
,season's work: in the way of extensions
to,.the system, •and the officers report
haling used this year in the Ontario
Pepurtment alone, over '43,000 poles
and 1,500 miles of wire, most of which
is .copper; " • The ; principal new 'lines
rv:ere.- ;from• .Toronto to .;Arthur : via
Orangeville ;• Orillia to Waubaushene,
aid : Barrie to Midland and. Penstan-
•guishene.;; Owen Sound: to .Hanover ;
Wi g hard` to Kincardine ; Teeswater
to London via \Vingham;.Clinton and
;Lucaii, with branch' ' to Parkhill ; and •
in the province of Quebec, Montreal to
. Three: 'Rivers: ..Additiona: wires have
been put between Toronto and Oshawa;
t rliii :'..,and., ,.Stratford; , w
,aiid"Harristoai.; and the following;ne
oxchauges and ;agencit,s opened, viz
' In•Ontario; Ailsa Craig,' Belton, Cal
edonia, Chesley, 'Coldwater, Eliuvale,
Elmwood, '• Exeter" .Fesserton, Grand
• ;' Valley, Lucan-- Lueknow,' ',1 arlchill,
Pl►elpston, Tara, ' 'reeswater, . Totten-
. hate and Woodbridge; And in Queiec:
.',J:etlford, ,Berthier, Charlemagne, Dor
r '
val, J ulliette,• Knowlton,* L'Assowp-
tion, Leesville; Stanbridge, Stanhope,
.and Valois. , Connecting ufhcea have
also/been opened ilk t.%entreville, crap -
don Grafton; Kingston Mill and Rob-
. li4i,, in Ontario. '
for 8c arid 8c Cotton for 6c.r lbs
].oc Factory Cotton
o for 1 call earlyif �ou went any. 50 !ars:
good. Tea � �►,
soap for $1, 5 bars Electric for 25c; Scrub 13rushes, Sc,
wool flannel 20c Factoryflannel 25c, Ge.
good allw . ri.
ties andxbraoes 25o.
s s thread for 25c, 50c: PlushM
est. elton. ress
p 1Q 121-2 and 5c er ard. High price.,for •
sods._ 8 Y
,, .. ,fw :. lir � : .-. ... •
Btnloss Council.
Nov. 1st '88.
The Kinloss conned inet on above:
dote, with the Reeve: in the chair.
Members all present. `After the `read;.
ing. of 'the. minutes and several coin- .
munications. cheques were ordered . to
be :issued for, the following items
James--Gaunt,__selecting ' jurors, $4
.Peter. Reid, do;.$4, John Lane, do, $4
Thomas Patterson, :gravel,, -$4::95 -;,
:J antes •; Bryan;• printing, etc.,. $30.25;
Hart '.&. Co , 'stationers, $10.45
McDonald, repairing Scraper, .$2 ; •A
Shoebottom, repairs, to hall; $3 ; Rob
ert•' Pettypiece gravel, 84.70; Jaiues'
Lockhart,'' repairing scraper,-' $2:25.;
John McLeod,' gravel, `'$3:; Caswell :
Co. 'ditch act,75c:;=John Moivhiiiy,,
ditching,, $7.25 ; Stewart andBeainish,'
repairing a culvert, $9.13; David
nedy,'clearing rood, '$30•; Peter Fisher,
gravelling, $23,60; Mrs -McClure,` re-'
lief,, $10:;' Mrs.;' Nicholson, relief, -$10 ;-
.Henry House, rdlief,: $10 '. Thomas
B'otirnet, '.ditching, $3.50 ; `J. E[. Ac-
kert, lumber,. '$10.25, $2.60. refused ;
Duncan McKinnon; ditch on gravel
road, $8.75 ; '.R..Congrain, grading, $3;
Charles' Frazer culvert and grading,
$6.10 ;` Pat Kelty,ditching and: grad-
ing, $18.25 ;: .lohn-"Brasso, culvert:
ditching,., grading, etc., $14.27.;' Donald
Clark, gravel, $7.91 ; Donald MeDon-
al.l, repairing ,culvert, '• $2 ;, James
Saunders; -:cutting hill, $20.20 ; James
Welister -repairing' bridge, $2:76';'; la
cob Miller, four jobs $1910 Charles
APvICEs from what are . considered
reliable sources indicate that, notwith-
standing the dnials•of land spectlators
and .rail way :' s rtldicates, ; which hold
lar e sections' of Dakota :Territaryr a
great d•eai o£ suffering exiate :iii certain
parts • of that:country, country, caused"bY ,The
McKinnon, cutting hill, $14:10 ; Vin.''
McDonald, lumber, $1;Wm. Kennedy,
box drain, $13.
- ''•A-coinrinunicatton front , tli'u• council--
of.'Culross regarding the.'repaira to 'the
bOiilaidndarof over as the seasonrose ais�t000far was
v anced • for such work to be properly
done. Moved by McKinnon and sec-
-onded by• Mirehouse• that on applica
tion of Alex. Reid,, lumber be furnish., ..
ed 'for a ;box drain to'protect: the road
on the 25th side' line. Size of box 6
inch, opening; top and sides to be of
inch .lumber and the bottom; one inch
thick, and that the said appli'.Iarit put'
and finishthe said box and ditch '(freer
of charge) in a workmanlike manner.:
Council' adjourned to nieeb according
to notice. PETER- REiD, Olcrk ,
4..!! Wk.
re_. ndersi
hand a full supply of a
.s of ,oyes
or. the
coneis ing of .Cook ,Pa rlor: a.
any stYle.
.� � forc
wood. o
1soalarge stockof Hardware
ware, ar eL,'.
spaints oils c.
amp, . sods, glass,
on ha
CO�.L�. �OI�L� alwags �a
We continue business in our OLD STAND, '.the same
usual, where customers will receive the
as .c : .
ti _run.nin ''short,, accounts , always s,c, orded them.
All parties indebtetl to the Under-
signed, either by note Or 'boob account;'
Will prease 'settle as soon as possible
and save trouble and costs. I. will be
found at the oldlstand,; at J1r,Connell's'
-=-Geo. Kerr
e are selling goods a
To.get .the st ck..turned in oa ,oney as.•soon'as:poss ble,•
ur.terms there are (yASItoR PRGI►UCE4•
la's a wirld'wide reputation as aphy Sii.ian iiiiif •
author. His Mandrake Dandelion Liver ' cure
is •a- triumph of Medical_sliill,curing all diseas.
es of the ltidney,' and.Ltver. ,.
•IDNEY COMPLAINT,. Distressing
Ll i ehei and pain,, ip the bac15: a (hill pain •
or weight in the bladder and base Al` the ab-'
,cTninei. t- scalding urine. often -obstructed ; ire :--
yu«+nt desire to 'urinate, erpetiaily at might
among aged. persons. ; hot; dry skin, pale loin
plexioii, red and white deposits, drop -d' inep.a
sour •stnmacli, 'constipation, ,piles,liver tical
swe9lin;,re: Sc. •
IVER. COMPLAINT, Pati, uniershnnl•
L der. blades, jaundice. Ballow c.inplezi,.n,
a weary tired feeling, no lifii.or energy, .herd,
ache, dyspepsia, indigestion, spots; piniplts,.
Mandrake and Dandeli ii ere nature's Liver,
.cures, and wheiveombiueii with,Kidney retiiy
dies, as in Dr.. Chase's :Liver, Cure, will nits ; ,
positiv,;ly cure all Kfduey,lliver troubles. r=
,acts like a charm ; timulatiug the
liver, strengthening the kidneys„ and: inyigur-
sting the whole body. Sold by all deiilere,
$1, with Receipt Bik,k, which .alone is Korth
the moneys •
- 17 Dr .Chaaer's•Fills are the only
Kidney:LiverPHIS ingde. They
It act gently yet ellectuully. 111ay
PILLSbe taken daring any employ
• menta Theycure Kidney l.ivec •
troubles, headache, Fiilfonsneed, costiveneiui
H,ne Pill a dose Price 24: ..
Bola by BERR•Y' DAYS, T uddei • , ` '
]3RADPOItD Oitx.,
I'i •