HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-02, Page 8• • ,sYw'.. µM' IST is..MO Vat, '..-ot t-ett W''hts.+*x► ,.— ,- o4t'lt4 im. to 7 p. n!•. The Will. L.Smith Swiss bell ring I. 1;]�[,u a ;diva. era and comi ' c cowedv company are W..4,,413,1400'1 a 1.3•p ;w . DI1ly billed, to appear in. the temperance hall L.IC-)OdR.IY'utt4 .. '12.40 p.•" . . on Saturday evening i eht," This cum- j #idly od • ' ar, is ,s spoken of as the best of its xiu uu�h . i�2 30p.>P! P y �� hiLubB W4 G. A B. North. , 3.4 8 " • lxoerated p • 1 `" The Price The rise in heat has. in some. • • 3 uturmedistedPulnte � 9 00p.In: Z. $` iia b• N..v 410 30 p cY., ` .Th i*ys. caused an ad•vance in bakers!'bread,wd Lash#4.0.r...'...3.091",,, aa. and two cents per log e was • ••r � xa• •-Fridays, •,, `Malys Cr.oes• charged. In T.uckinow, however, ,no, W t},. B:,S�uth change was made.: and the two pound, 1,, a.;,t.B„ South f 9'3"p''a'' s• loaf is still sold for sig cents. t. I .&J3.South', 130000a,W '' l•• C, B.,h*or.h p• W.*'. .1iol3�:road , , ` 4:30 p.m. - Kialuugh partieskited to the ,under., 7f 1nh,s } ' will please. settler as soon as possihlo itiY0a. $11 ` iCI:1l1Lt jVol. , and save trouble and costs. 1 will be --found at, the old stand, at.Mr.Connel's, Leg Broaee ` ' —Otto.' Kerr. . We are, sorry, to learn that Mr. Special Services . Angus Kerr, of the lst concession of A. five daysspecial' meeting will •com- Kinloss•had, the misfortune to f•ell. and. men•ce in the Methodist church on Sun -- is leglately.°'' Y da =next and continue nearly everyday. 14reak hi... • • . .-- • - ' next' week. •The Rev:. .John Scott, of •L terary Society ' e. ' Wiughani F. E.:Nugent, of Berlin ; This moat. popular of all societies in Dr. Strongman and others Will take the Village. 'Will hold its first meeting` part in the meeting , ' of the Salami for the elei'tion of of- . • ficers and other business this (Thurs-We Watched in•Vain. • day)evening in the Town Hall." ''We watched the earth, we watched the skies," but nothing, • saw bu.t• rain,, A and then .we y kind travelling. Sold Out. All Inde signed, eithn by note or book account, New Brnch, asked with tearful eyes, • A paper °on.' ' Agriculture'' -.will lie r4 when. wilt, it -dealt again i” they said: set at the High School entrance, exam- we'd have a glorious fall,, but thought { illation: is July,; 1889•1'but, the subject . not to explain. the fall they meant was, yr 1, bo , optional, 'And any marks:'oh- what it is, a glorious°fall of rain !; . to the others.... Mr Alexander `Cameron' of the 14th ?"ailorinyt concession of West Wawan Picked. up here sea ere ter *eider* or tke Selitiukl, , tamed upon it Will bo added• all o bonus liC - -• in, Now .Brunswick'. • Mr, anal Mrs ll. Xameron'1eft'.. on Monday last for: their bowie in Tor, onto, --Mr.'and Mrs. ! V Berry spe a few day; last week 'with friends in: Ingersoll —Group, whooping cough grid Bron chitis immediately relieved: by Shiloh's Cure. -�-A. Bi Congr.•an1.. • .....Master. John Caiperon makes a very good lamp lighter,; and atteuds to his business w ell —A. line- of wens' socks and 1'adiea' wool hose at 20c per pair. G to: Con hell's for then., —The Rev. W. Carson, of White= p Methodist. church reached in the eqnT, F. ;Cain, of.L Sunday • u„okitowy'and Mrs: P. Corrigan, of tolyrood, were visiting last week in Teeswater„ ' 4 , • —Mr. Robert 'Stev�enaon, of Paris,, Ont., is visiting at the residence of Mr. Thomas, Stevenson, of this village. Mr. McLennan preached in St. Helens and gait ' Asht eld'last Sun- day, Mr., ry oNabb taking his place in. Kinloss So. There are only a , few ends. of the Y $1.50..w.ocsted.lilft•at•Connell's. This' is the cheapest= `goods:-eveur'_ offered,.. -Tweeds from 30c per yard up LL ' =New that the etoriny wet weather has set ,in, umbrellas will be wade square --because it's unsafe to' leave them 'round. .• —The next unifoni.'promo tion ex- amination for the' public ' schdols in, Bruce wi:1 be held on Monday and; Tuesday; Noe. 1.9thi and '20th •. osh,"receiv- e pu arep T' ed intelligence Y te, egram o Th bi c res ectful) invited b 1 n. Satur to. call on Morris St. ; McNabb for good, day .night, last. that his 'son W K heat, tailoring,. a perfect... lit, is guaran- Cameron, .who:. ,was work ng at"Cape: iag the Bnoa� I ;a new turning out work sec ?nd xc 'bone., This is , ilia, right lace:to. go to for' a trite picture, ut priced that defy competition. make Camas O bi1et3, 'Bro des as '., , mbrot ypoo A tel l viii convince.yuu that, we cttn suit the most fact.iclx- I a "o li :ve.:a lot of choice all urns and : picture frame orfs.. ,ls � that wilt be so)ci•cbeap T.cir L. TRELEAVEN, Mrs. . Moons :'s old stand, opposite bank," ,(j(� (NOW —Tile Hallowe'en. supper ' in 'the Methodist church. on Wednesday even- ing last Wawa success and the.proceeds will reach -.about $40 wild cat on. Friday. 'night last killed. sem e ,2'khees, a nuiniter of'geese •and two .sheep banging to ..Mr. ' Dou-, gall .141c1\tullin,. just east of the , illage.• yA fe.v lines 'of the,cheapest dress goods ever offered to the' public: are to be hat. at .001101.'s, in, li err's old stand. Meltons froth...Soper yard up.:. W. -Flood. has coinriienced. the blaektsn'nthingbusiness in the shop on the .corner' of '.Campbea .and Have• lock,,streets, opposite the town hall: DRESS GOODS •fine assortraent of FALL end *INTER, rDrils 'deeds, ineluding the, :14TIES OF T4E :SEASON.. iep .Cfent434ene. .t7p.aerolot311#g: , ie stir,* iestanceS Very proMpt *atilt. 'not 'Made e eettlenient .,w;111', pertly en-, would 'eStectin •it a -fevor! if those -.-The report id sent ouethat coun- it: They find -that it is easier 'to pails',oft, . *rgess, who left. beret a short, time have net becOine by a,,eittchine in the shop he is employ, ,.-, tory in teeknow a' feNV.. years ago. be ' On the/ lOok ' out for a. party Of A, Beautiful Picture. .The•Toeonto ,Weekly „Sews controls ' , in -Canada the etching .ef• "Christ Be, • jam artist, 1VIti•nkacsy, which lies won him World-wide ,fame, The etchingis delitatoniece of art , work ,and wOuld , add value ter any eollection... Mechanics 'institute.. . X meeting interested' in, the for elation Of iNtechanics' Institute:1°r • 'the village will lie held -in the Tow'n sWindlers vvho'hive been !` doing"' the - east and Are . said, to be now Operating Nunty... De.warned in' dine or elie den't• do •any growling when' the 'sale 'flit horses, etc., belongine tts the late R. J, Whitely, on . Seturday late; end very good pripes were realised, get the 'besi 'value for •your mnneY. Moody Bros' 'will give you: erOperies, crockerY,'•glaieware, boots (Cc !hoes at exact eost price.. Sign Of- red , A A SPECIAL LINE OF aselnatarts and Weal Shawa I have also added to iny already large etock o,f Dry GoOdS a • Which haVe•determined.to cultivate by selling e geed article • e'en .on Wednesday night... TheY des-. trOyed e good :deal of property, And the ,oply mender is that they did not . • —Have you seen the latest:styles in China tea, setts1 Connell has some newest -at -Prices -away- down. the village froie, a. disastrous e,ontlegrs- tien last. week, and thus virtually paid for the ctutlay in the .POnetruetion. ,knowledge of a roan's tinaecial.hiStorY' tend :Cenditipii: It shoidd not ,be re- 3fueed man who. ell his life has met extended one who has, regularly'. • • 11#11 .(Thursdayr evening, and we -shoes' • girls' ,coarse :shoes, childrens hope to see e large erowd• present.' is ring. the lone winter. ,evehings there • oar village could. Spend' their tiMe more irofito.bljr than itt' the Institute. Vivery young man. in the nlaee should. .great deal of ss: atiche inoyance by, not, being able te obtain, cars to:ship their ,grain. One, bUyer inforraled us 'On Monday, that he .had 'bout; seven:, , air loads sold.; and v- some ' of it for. nearly six weeks past, could iiet: get a car :it away' The ';'Noiv,. that the' coe-1 **tether is here, • slaughtered fer the,' 'market by the ewners. Thete is no faelt.to Ise found wit)! this so long as the sales are'inadO %tarter lots but Ahem serious 'petsOna Make a bonne to hedge patinas lopes, ,statetnents circulars, Shoes; woinens and piens fine shoes and overshoes and ail vt boeold at actual coat.. Patties. purchasing' from Us' now pan save from 35 to -40„,cents on'every dollet. Remember the place mid call early, at.Moody Bros. . , —John Purvis; auctioneer, will sell by public aection ab lot 7, poh, ments, etc.; the property, of Wilson :ling pedlars when yen ciutget ',hotter ',fro nis toeless menet. , We guataii, tee Or teas, „ Sect whet:We have .t0' heck tO old Standynn Campbell street, West, where' Will be -feend.a. •—The.col&weether ie. coining: on, and you' May possibly he} Wanting a new, .oirerzratt.,. Before.. °purchasing; dtop in end Seewhet We. have to _offer , ti ne and coarse at *exceptionally' ICON .frork if pm desire mid, mede te'order. 'leen' oat through Californie, yrour fall printing *at the, v‘rong done the, viil.ago-hutchers where hill hes s, o a it sired Orst•chiss quality; t right prices,. 1 SPECIALTIES Women's liongolflli Alen's Sealed Top Shoes 'Wondeteful run in eap Slippers. a little over one yeer has, elapsed since the intreduction, into Canada ..of the '11,0W • ALASKA SP ACLES.,. EYEGLASSES. 4Fd them hardly -a -town -or village where an 'agency for the sale of this ' celebrated spectacle bas not been --=-Cletlies do net make/the map, but all will agree that a good fittihg snii helps his appearance vvoliderfully. -There is no better place to leave your order than at OonneWs, Lu3knoW. •L-Shiloh's cough and Conseinption. =Talk,. about economy* too it is a scarce commodity when people pay # peddler 50 cents a pound for tea when by going to Connell ,in Lucknow they: Can get, a.better article f ,r40 centa pound. Ketr's ,old 'stand. - L --For lame .:liacig side or chest.. use Various ingless, -*oil(' be: Ociefitific but, is . 'offered to an intelligent public :on its.nierits. Tryli. and Yon findit to. be a, perfectlY• reliable aid to Yiiiir• sighteo :1:i 'Photograph Cabinets $2.50- ia the oldreliihie; the.,, 0#7 Mutual and CitOenS.-: C...TnrOr's Tin Shop; Inehno:0, Win be in the office every Satarday aiternoen MONEY' 70 Lei, N 6 Y2lorre, wiltLelihktelt:Eltal8ifit!rTTIn8T13AgoTillr:48YA:linse°L1INit::"1:1184! • • CHEAP /GROCERIES o v IN S. , The undersigned having this day, bought 'the itocit in trade of . -01.40 is offering the same at the, old stand. at - • REDUCED. PRICE& Ail %Oho' desire bargains should give: •