HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-02, Page 5• 1 V • • avttg: .an. Idol. • They • ere of di rOrO1 t, #ora., partly matt pertly beast, and nivi+ry iinaginab a thing is represented, . they are made o f . earth,, :steno, :tetc. Marty of the temples are'snl�yr.1I, only a few feet square,' The idols are • worshipped .:daily.aud special feasts. ere observed,..' The. work' of educating and evangel: orifi}; these .people i:; gradually aadvan- Their . grejisdicea._.ary in he yllisftio(i,iries; are muck reduced. The Selt ohs are doing good work, lout thb work duces apnea patience and parse, v erance, liostdes. the school work, the, iuissionaries: visit kern houSe•to house; artd read. the bible which ds listened to with tespeet. and; their• visits;are ap- •. }nuciiited. • Those; visited' care expected ,tu repeat, ':conversatiuii,on,the form-. ^vr, day; ,'[`hose tivhci• l►ecou e• ehristLaos: *„lo'ii C I the• ussessted'altd are disowli;- �' Actio by their friends,.and even after em • bracing (Inc . gospel many of thein are very apt. to be hacking,, after their• fo,rin r ways, They air like bul,ies • : ••slid ]'lave; to be watched, and cared for., The. transmigration of sinus has. a deep •sLo if hold' of the' nn,tivE±- naiad, .sciul's'uf the deceased. go into ale- ::Misfits, litbnkey.e, eats,' dog&, etc. '',17itey, :aro vary kind• t.o the cats: and dogs, end are afraid• to,.1i iit.tllwu. for. feel. they'liitglrt offend' the souls Of . their ,;t"dt•pitri.t d trionds • They 'l:ieirtev,e in ev OiUt l)li+ ill earnest;!hen . are 1bO1'!i sew- ' oral „times, . and...women' cannot •go•to a . heaven• uuless:'.they are- arried.. It. •.•their' prayers thev use beamds and pray= u.ng ia.iaerll .i►es. Their' shoes are ---taken. ,,oil' at •the door before: entering -into a ilousc+ or •- temple., ]Harried wolnen. € wear tokens of, their marriage on'•their fort Beate, they use large, oar -rings*•. . x1OSc rung , etc.' • • Severai iridian articles were exhihit "' ' •gid, . atniung ' .tliisnr a Woman's dress, • avlui;h consisted ittbOnt eight yards.'' orf cloth to by wound rou'nd'the•Sve'arer. :. .. .T • tit'_* .l�ose..fas)iion, no,_hanc of --dress, 'nuke!' uted.touch'.it,.:'•A 4uilt,• cape shoes',' and. the money n use there, w ere exhibited. 'The •address 'wits ' very--,- in'terebting anci:t�cciipicd about an ;hour. A :Vote, Of •tltiinics,, moved' by "Mr. AleLieiti>'au, •. --=:seconded lly ;V1r, Mcl�•a1ib, was;,tender." ted to ill ]t Miss . ]toss .for her excellent ad- drq is. o 'These .gsiltlenien'spoke words: .cit ouruhffstnrent to Miss•\toss in her,.' McNabb • 'was ratitied do 1iaving the• .pleasure of ,hearing Moss . Tioss, sln:, having been a u)einber in his.. .liurcli in • Leavetr..town Before; she had •left• .• ti. Mr. McLennan translated part of the address into•.G a is .as .there• Were • s'Iti eprtse itwho-did not understand Englisli;,....nd ithtiti.gh Miss 'Ross under stands t;:el•ic she•:.could.riot• with free dein speak oft thatlanguage • • -.i+A, i'neetin of the Caledonian So- v,rety wilt be held:on Wednesday eten- itt, next. , • _ANTED.Amite. Loalc and trove lug agens for Ourgc;oild. Liberal courmierions, or e.,lark and e.cpenses, to competent r nd. re1ii bie: y , J. b ween. For terw,i. and full particulars addsa l,sCP.A HE, Nurser than •• Mention, thle paper. ]Brighton, •N , Y. s.770 • • SALE, A• dwelling house with, half an acre of land .price _400. Also a small build' 'hall an acre. Both in the village of hucknow. Apply to JAMES' • JAMES SOM1:RViLLE.' • • FiR-ST. •CIIASS;-:FARM' •. A L•�E_ r • • late D R As I intend to retire' frith'farming 1 offer, my (,►rnt for sale ; eolith half of Lots 47' and 48 Cuncessioo 1, Kiel,lry,•County of Bruce, con:. tamping 96 aeras, with h3Q acres' cleared and the halaace welLtlinbe•red.with -wood. First chute frame house, 32 ••x . 24; with' stone cellar the, whale size of the house,. 7 feet high ;. also a stone cottage 2,8. x 24 ; also a,good driving shed and.frame bar,* 64 x 4, and open' cattle Shed and hence stable: d0 x 24. spring creek running` through the corner of the farm which supplies pule living water both simmer and winter, and'. alai) 2pumpi .ort the plane also 2 .acres Of choice fruit' trees. I'o erseion wi.1 be given the first of March, 1889. • The farm ii Situated one mile and a half frotn'the villagt.of ].uekuow. *ix 203, Luc•knowP.•O. ALEx. GRAHAM • THIS YE,AR'S Ll� •P , I�UG SMOKI NC . TRRAC CU FINER THAN N :EVER.' See 'aylor. • Inv n boa h out' the 'stock be= longing to..John:; Martin, of this own,::anc : as :we have ' retain- e his. services in our › •1, •- M intend • carrying on the business in a its branches. W e have now on hand ax&s cattle • .. , ..... t chains and ropes, ties, web halters, . crass cut saws &c Gall and. see 4' the near f.0U::. e thine o bac. . � s n k� IN. BRONZE, ON each Plug and Package, HEIFERS' ESTRAY. =`Glee •Rev. Mr. Leas and failmily,— left their „ old. home ,in St. Helens :on 'Thursrht;V of last,, week.::for' their neiv honnA`tn" Prtrkdale:' •. • -ao Ic.Purvis, auctioneer, will sell by,•pub ,;- anction'itt lot 15,,con 11, on "Tlit• tih November, , 13t1t, ' a large' ynark t:i( F Stock, implenicntST1 'the' srol ,y, of John McOlrrostie. Born. lItt irt3lt \treat Ws.w aniieli, lot Ili, con •12, tori tie '.f tfohn,llitller,'nf saint. : •Sinn at• ,ncl.now,:on S•rturday, 27th'O tel . i • wife OfDir.'(x:, A; didtiull, uf�a K'LQw- l uknew,, on Friday, 26t11 October, the e; •,f fir.• R A. Clow. of ,t daught- Harriett. - ;' •'Ii.AS-••At the inanse Liuknnuv 3rfCI.LA l , . t) 3. b th _ , liir 1't , . dac, (i,tohe,r,, lest h y the Rev. k. \l. v, M'r, .Te`ilul \fol enol. c.f"bfaron to `1 n: daughter of Mr. tonneau Meltar, -tl►lid . ' h ,on .fa --'7) field, hp, n "huraday, 1ioe.',•1et,: „lob i ped; aged 82 )ear& .' he f,perd �` the teat le,nre of his sou=m 1 ttv 1. t c t Nat i t 1111 1r*''find Andrews es m, 12. 'in Satur- day, lit ". e o'clockfor the Dungannon ceiti:• ett ry C1,181'0,11 TAILORING Suits nezd;� to order', samples Ire' t din tic p p. :1v.init, work e ecuted. with DES �;. 011- than ir in great variety. ()ame-to-the-preiiiises-of-the-•undersigned•- lot 15,;eon 9, hiltless, On or about the 1st of June, two heifers, Fed and white, with white :stars in ferebead .. The owner is requesteed.•,to prow property, pay charges' and take them away;, ])AVID BOWMAN. 4-769 .. •: "Ltd yrood; P.. 0 See 'Vh th 1 � a we ave , n "T' • MAKING NORSE ' $#HEIN G E�.,_I E RAL BLACKSMITIHINH. Adam Thompson begs leave' to thank the inhabitants of Lncknow and eurrroonndmg. country for the liberal patronage heeteAyed him during the last_seven yearn, and wtshs•a a - continuance of his old cuetc,iners, ane*' a fair share ofjthe new, as 4,.. ie to a--bett.-r ,,,,sativu than ever to supply the wants of the''pul,lic. He always haat. on hand. a stoat of Bu s; agon 8: g of all kinds,' He will also remind 'the. of: the ;far famed ' SCOTCH: DIAMOND HARROWS '. '.• which he always has on hand, and are made of , tire very best material. Parties wanting any ' thing in this line will do well to give hint acall and see, prices before:purcha>iug elsewhere.. Particular attention. paid to , ALL KINDS • OF HORSE ,. SH•OEiNG. flat 'feet :, contractions,;and interfering.' , • ' �By strictattention'to. business:, gond work-. mansh:ip nd, employing ',nothing, but gond workmen,- I trust ,to, retain the.. 1 atrouage kindly,exteuded to me. • ADAM THOMPSON• Cabtpbeli Street'oppositethe Bank. ,, - • BLACKSMITHS' LOOK HERE. • For: Sale or Rent. Blacksmith Shop, Dwelling House and tine : ,0' fourth acre of land to tell or rent, for sterns of yeare;at a very. law • rental; • Situated in the ' centre of a'thicklvpopulated farming district. and no;other shm op within illes:of it on either• side '''For terana or other information apply, to' R E LANE, tf-766 • P. M. Lanes Qat • LUOKN .Ow ;. LIQUOR.. 1 . -STOt :o:= Raving opened tnq'shop.again," wr11.• keep on hand, a stock' of the•, We havve recentl' . urchased a n:mber ' of cases '.at :a's ec�ial,: rice p p and are ,offering them •at . We have .in stock all kinds of meal. Corn, Flour Wheat Meal Graham *lour Corn Meal, •white and yellow Oat Mcall: rolled and standard Anything you want in the:floi4r line: Odtpd SEo6; ' 0-:Cif'gos rfiss Tee fro .-15c-up Bverything as cheap as the cheapest. The best Roller Flour only. 80 unarc GIVE US`, LCAT.[ sWW. VCR ., .Teacher Wan • ted Teacher wanted for 8 S.' Nn. 13, Huron. Apply stating qualifications and ealary wanted to DAVID At.GNEW..Luck.oW P. O. TE • to 1. • LL AND SEE CAtEtIQ18� '�URDOC CH.A.NGE OF . A.GEN 13, LAURANCE'S : SPECTACLES ..AND. EYE -GLASSES are the only ;ethane English• particle's in the Canadian ,Market, • Ileal pebble; kept in eteca. •Tests•given to purchasers to prove genuineness. They are recommended by and teetimonials have been received frons the'President, Vice -President, Ex- . President and Ex-Vice•Preaident, of the Medical Association of Canada ';the 'President of the College of.Phvaleins and Surgeons .of Quebec ,•' the Dean of Council Medical'Faculty of Lava ; tithe President and Ex -Presidents of the Medical Council of Nova Scotia, Etc. The public are hereby warned egiiina,t par chasing a promissory flute for $100, made b�? William Dempsey in favor of John Garnbell; as'the sunne has been . lost or stolen from my house. • .. JOHN GAMBELL, . 2-02 • Ilolyrood P'0.• STEER :ESTRAY. Carne to the premises of the uldersigned, rierth half .,f lot 12 con: 14. West Wawanoah, 'lave ur•s x Weeks ago, a yearlinq•red-eteet•, with full' white face. .The owner is regeiestedto' prove'prope•ty, pay a pengefi and take itaway. • ' W. S. HOLMES, • 23-77 Lucknow P East door l:il'ICk block, '',A;1Li 't Et t'S MORRIa.84: WOMB 411r'vknori; ()'J 3Oth 188 �• VANTFD._ Fermiinentens:' e+uaranted with SA'LAR'Y. AND Ex•• i'ENSES" PAI•T). :Any , determined ' inatet,can succeeded with us. Peculiar advantages ttii heginners. 'Stock complete, in. eluding nnuiy fnst•seilitig Specialties. Outfit` free. Addresti at once (jNaeue this paper.) 131t(WN 13It0P1•I1 RS,. NCillita tstme.. Itediesren,, W_ 23_ $ ■v. =T2, • BOOKSELLER), Lt cknow. • RIPL£Y P. ANINC 611.L'' :O: DOORS, SASHES AND MOULDING in Stock, also Planing; Matching and Wood. Turning ' ',to: order on the shortest notice, Every eiuipment for Euilders.at the • Very Lowest ZnQGuxago $ono Entorpr1Ses. COLIN Mc n9NA LD - tf 7614. • MONEY,. ' X h`ve a fete thonsand'dnllars to inreat for 11itre. d Stewart, tit llinois', is iris' r*iviitt*Pardee;.:it'rei"nableIntel eat8. ting at 1i+., d is11111J cCrOstitart; :l3elfa t , , ELLIOT TI.r� 1'T;1tS. • AND. FEEI e . (0) ;CEII,ROE E• IIOHERTY Of•the Poet Albeit Hills, 'Will . continue the rious Cd Feed S .1L8�t>L08S 3tL Campbell's . BRICK'• BLOCK LUDKNOIM '. . . a .... •.' • Where the R1$ ' 1:.1M IL . FL.0t,1t will be EXCHANGE Folz WHEAT. All Hine of Flour an(t Feed keLpt an hand'.' Give"anea trial. .. : tssttror 1 Mftarriago..Liod cos .631c1 .Corti..' , �atol3 " Offioo , W Conaol :'ie 'oi& PwM8rt ,•: ftana"• -;0: IMPORTED LIQUORS for Medical Purposes in Wines, Brandies, ]Hullland Gin , Scotch' Whiskey. Satire: Wine, Carlling's Ale. Ete, A. McPHERSON.. The Principes ;l: of Treatment ,1 ;-•Washington,. MDji G1xS Eminent Lung and Throat Surgeon --WILL BE.AT`- CAIN'S'.HOTEL L70,1KN'0SRT,. DVEMBER 2'C UNTIL 11.00 aim.' • Read;W. 11. Storey's;' (of H. W. •'Storey.*: /Son,: Manufacture's, Acton;;Ont.) letter of reply to Mr.•McCartney,: of Boyne, Ont, :— , • Acton; Ont.,.Sept. 14, 1887. 'a ,c IfcCarfney, Esq.; £gyne, Ont. 'DEAR Sgiti.--Your letter receive:'. In reply I beg to inform you that Dr. Vi aehingtou tear .pletely_cured me, of _Catarrh .of-two,-- saauding, Which threatened to break down eny. constitution.' 1 had previously tried 'every- thing do in ` anda sic o th b f note; 'v.•ithou rrtry y. o t vin p ro receiving' a ppa1'iical of. 6• rid.: t1 heti 1, coin- inenced,taking his medicine='I would .afro .et Suffocate withmucous running 'dont•,& my . throat at night, and had about given tip i.11 hope. After •I commenced taking dti6• Medi - eine' I felt al decided relief in a Week. :►rid, in ' .two Months was entirely cured.,'1'hat is i/.+ar y • a year ago. and have rio return of the trouble. I can confident) ' reeeornmeud• lir. W'aah• ington to you. He ie no quack ;his charge,*• are mederateh.ie!is rfect, ggentlelnaan In all that term implied,, ht least such is • my expeei eucvi. Believe hue, *Yours truly,• • W. H. s•rontT. , 111,iseases °Trentcd. ' i`atarrh, CatarthalDeafness, Chronic J r'n1. chttis, Asthma aid roi►sulnptiou. Also, Ler/of Voice, C., result tr'rv•i'hroat,RI-nsovu T n l' larged '1'onsilsfro the 1'h- at, :.n.i'olv'lie or tirotvtl�ls fr+,ni the n006, -without: tb» 4- ' Ail dis'easeA of thetea, . rsat and Tfeuted by Inhalation—i, The ,N`ete CONSULTA"FIONN RF tf •7 :is ,, 1