HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-10-19, Page 5oq. lharge A ;D•. • sited, c. W9t ost, of Toronto. Would bead t` a (otterieimotet.: GOpicare , Oct;. 13 Fred, , ' son; aged 40, of Toronto, died at the :British Exollange hotel last, night from an overdose, .of chloral Vilson Iia been here for a week 'At • five o'clock he obtained a three ounce bottle, of chloral at• the drug store and went to his rooin in the hotel:: About. eight! "'clock a servant went` to, the room and found the door rocked, with the key inside. The door' was: forced open hut .he was fouud dead: or nearly s. • Chief Yule was called in'and took charge, of the body. ' Wilson was \a druggist, and once hr•ed o in Bayfield _ Be. wrote the'prescription`.for the•dos birn'• self and took the whole of it.Dr .McLean .coroner, held an- inquest to day, and the; jury brought in a• verdict that :death. occtiied; from the effects of un overdose of chloral administered by himself, but whether intentionally' or nt',t they• .did • not. know. Constable Yule sent. a telegram .to his wife,' 292 8herbourne street,, Toronto, ' Mr. Wil- son, after'giving up his. drug. business iu 'Bayfield;' located. Iii ,Clinton .where o'. Came to the prendeea of the undersigned a int 3, con 3 el. 2 year' old steer,, With several' whitast e spots Thhe e . owner is rygnedted to prove property,: pay ex: peneeu•'ane1`take him' away ANGUS,McDONALD 4ins-768 Lucknow P. O.' ;l FOR SALE.. Opp TO L' ET*. TToueti And?lot for sale or to rent on Napier street, near the station. Apply to Mr. A'ngree McQusig, l uokfiew: ' FARM TO RENT, Behik lots 16 and part 17 in tbe.7th con. Of. Kinloss, a• mile and a half east 'of Iiolyrood, containing 150 acres about 123 acres. more or less cleared and fit for cultivation.. There: is agood orchard ►ins frame barn and; house, The place is well watered: and' the soil is hret•ola,as; Fnr further particulars: apply to Mm. 'McRae 'I Lucknow P. O,, . , ire was a drug let.. For some time. m. Hast l e? has IPeel en ployed -b . m•e i• can and efac adzan; wholesale druggists „-as.a traveller. He was troubledwith • an affliction. of 'the: heart, and it is sup- - ..#zosed--byhis-relatives that he took the' doral to relieve hisfsufFerings: but ac- c'ckntly swallowed, too large a dose. The. Markets. .,The are the markets >;p; to Thursday m'ornzn; wheat,: $1 13; peas, 64c ; .hurley,, '55' 'to '650 ; oats, 30c ' liay..4440 to .812;`Potatoes, 21.cents; ' apples, 75c a bbl.; fl'our,1$2.75 per 100;• : ),;utter,, 17 ;.eggs, lt%c; onions, •75c to. $1 per -bus. Mr; C. Stewart is carrying on the :taiiormr business•in Mr.A.Laripbell's ?1d stand... PJ . J3zg break,In theprice_,of factory' -Cottons Now is,a chance to get cot= tons cheaper and better than they have: • ever been offered, a 10c cotton for bc,• an 8e •Cotton for 6c;, a 7c cotton for 5c. dingle or'clouble width, plain or twill ,. ed, sheeting ci_tcalar.. pillow cotton'the Newest goods for DfcJiti tvre_ When that vigilant guardian'iof, the peac3, constable Tierney, was: going Ininie late on Saturday night,... he was • .astonished ;to see awoman barefooted and inher night dress. walking along the street. His . hair stood' on ' end, 'with fright at the thought that he wag' • meeting a ghostly visitor,•but;presently • ' recovering his''•senses,' he discovered • that the .' wormian was.' walking in her sleep. : She spoke to him, quite ration, ally, .but. was still asleep even after lie, , had escorted her • back to her house--: Wa'lkertonLHerald • . A couple of plausible. men';,are tray= ell.in; through_Ontario these days on a new swindling expedition They' are. • to well up" on the sheep question, and being home spun `in their ;ellerat' talk' and conversation, are won't to disarm suspicion.: They . are after . Jambe. .they are.. devoted exclusir.•ely to breed-' • ,ing.`and '• selling 'lambs, butcan' never j,;, -et :'as.• 'zanyes• they can dispose; of. They sell a ram .for. 650;' cash, on •the understanding 'that they will purelease ''at• a high° figure all the lambs of his,get the following seasou,''at weaning; time. The sale is affected, the -ram delivered, ......and paid . r, and the two frauds never; turn up e again the second,..time ' Born.. 11T_Kc zi,:-=At Kincardine,. on the 7th'inat,, the wife of t,ie Rev. Aleitander'breKenzie, :of a daughter. • • v `A.i 'D At once. 'Local anii travelio ' agents fore syr glow. Liberal c»muussionsl, nr uta ry `I a:penince s;, to ,mpeteut end reliable terms end full .particulars address' • ' J F • La:CLA1 E, Nurseryman, • 14fehtion this, paper. • Blighton,• N. Y. • ,SIEiP , LOST. 'Strayed from the premises of the under signed, int 9; con. 14, Lochalsh,,on or aibout. July last. two ewes and three lambs; all white. The l,,jiil have a ;an,all hole in the right ear, • giving sut,-'h information' a fJ •w', .end the, • e s have a hole in ,the left ear.' Any' one cern will lead to tb.'ir•ncoreryt.ill lire suitably rewarded. ALX; nisi LAYSON, • :•"•-• - • Lochaleh'P. f3: FOR SALE. A dwelling House with half' an acre of land, Jirien $400. Also a small building.with, half an , gyre,: ' Both in' "the :villaue :of Y'.ucknow. Apply to • ; JAM>S'SOMEI'.TqLLE. • • HEIFERS' RAY. Came to the premises of the Undersigned, lot 77, con. 1, Kiinio,s, tin Sir about ,ti n'1 t. f September, a' one year old rod' heifer, with piestteut of the left' ear. The .• owner ib. request- ed to prove property, pay charges and take herr away. JOHN NICHC) i;SON. 2.769 •• Luoknow P. O. irS As I intend toretire' from farming I offer my farm for sale; se•uth half•of Lute 47 and 48. Concession 1. Kinlr.es, County of Bruce, con- taining 98,acres, with 8(.!acres .cleared and the .balance well tinkered With wood; • Firs, class frame house, 32 x. 24, w' e ,with " to O e.0eAar the whole size of tbe.1►mtse, - 7 .feet 'high. ; also a stone cottage 28 x 24. ; also a gooddriving. shed '.and frame barn 04•x:44, and open cattle shed ,an(l :hnrse.ebl.) tilblex 24. Spring creek running through tbe corner (PC the farni 'which supplies pure living water both slimmer and winter, and, also. 2 pumps on..the' place ; also..2 acres'. of" choice fruit trees. Posseesiou wi.1-be g ivoil the first of March, 1889 Thefarm ia' situated one mile'aud a half: from the :village, of Lucknow. Boa 203;,LucknowP.O. •ALEX.,GRANatjt-. ;', • } BIG .BUSINESS BOOM STA rc.a rs are pleas e4' with our. prices.. s8 Ifg © r4 '.t: ...ne. - a T OUVNESS EXTENDED; The underelgn• ed.wishes to; inform,. the public h general. that he has added to his al- ' • ready large an d varied stock of General Groceries, Seeds., Meats, Fish, Crockery • 'and (=1Aesware,.• A NEW DEPARTMENT In.the premises lately nccupied byDr. Tennan" as a surgery and adjoining his ownsure consisting of ' ' Choice MANITOBA FLOUR (UNEQUALLED). Bran, .Shorts, Corn *sal stoup, ars Oatmeal, .Roller:Oa • •Cracked' Wheat, 4raham' Flour, Germ Meal, PITT: million Meal Ltou .PRICES'. RIGHT • coops . CUARANTEED. BAulsaimneeses xhpee, n• mnneteoafcNheesw usEgtaeheunf8oTlyEAo!fjust arrived quoting prices. • • `'d:u3•e 1nlind':h'e con int ell t7' at we :defy competition, 'drop.: in.4114 see us; . .. . • We Plll '" Pe1cc mm T.xn,e .e. BROWN °Ou• an clo:..our b est toplease you. BLA CKSMITHS,L, OOK HERE • CAME R• 0 •b MURDQCH: PLU FINER THAN EVER. See .• 'IN BRONZE, ON each mug and Package WILL CUBE OR RELIEVE. BILIOUSNESS; . DIZZI NESS- DYSPEPSIA' DROPSY INDIGESTION , • FLUTTERING , JAUNDICE • OF .TH'E•HEART, '", ERYSIPELAS . ACIDITY' OF -SALT .RHEUM' THE STOMACH,''' HEARTBURN,. • ' DRYNESS HEADACHE►' OF THE. SKIN, ,, And ,ever? species: Of disease arisin ' . • from disordered` • LIVER KIDNEY STOMACX,B0WiLE OR BLOOD. T. IILBURN &:CO., 'op TeORONTti' OGIt3A1DR LAURANCE'S SPECTACLES AND EYE -GLASSES .are the only genuine English, articles in the Canadian Market. Real 'pebbles kept in Stock;,Tests given' topurchaeere to„prove genninenese:•: recnmmen led by and testimonials ave been; received from the President, .Vice -Presidents' arae President and Ex=Vice•President, of the Medical Association of Canada ; ,the'Presidento ft e Celhege ofPhysicans and. Surgeons of Quebec_; the' Dean' Of ' the Medical`.Facul of L v University ;: the 1 resident and Eli -Presidents of the;Medical', Council of Nova Scotia Etc.'a a ., r- XIT. Pv./ ..f. Ii is .•.,.., .; . »,•• BOOICSELLER,.Lt ckno ... . 'WAGON ; M aK N • HORSE:;SHOEIN;Q• • ----Asn•==-.• H..EIFERS • RAY.' 'Caine to theilireiniees. of the undersigned,' lot 15, cnn,:9, Kinloss, on or about the let' of • June,• tivo 'heifers, red and' White, with white eters in. forehead. The 'owner hi requested,', to prove property, pay charges, and take them. away. DAVID•B'oNvMAN. C'E'N E RAL • 4-769 • • Holyroed. P. O: • • STEER ESTRAY.. 'Came ,to the. nremie f the' Undersigned lot 10, con, 6,,hrnlns§;. on 'lir omit the f Tyne last. • a small;'red yearling steer:. .The owner is •requester) to.prove property, ,pay ex' • pews and' take hint away. IIUTGti''MCMILLAN I-ucknoW P. O” 3 709.`'. • GEORGE E DOHERTY; Of the Port Albert' Mills, will continue ''the Plonr and Peed. sed $ul3iaess Campbell's.' BRICK BLOCK LUCKNOVV. Where the BEST'FA'e11ILY FI;OUIE, Will be EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT. .: HE . •All )Sines' of •Flour and Feet). Ii Pt'on stand._. ;Glre•>tri a i riz}I. `,:- Geo, E. Doherty,. p.; 1.17 - Sorry, 'center of Marriage . Licenses and• Certi Dates.. ' Office W. Connell'is old' stand. We.havein stock all kinds. of meal. LOrn Flour Wlieat Meal Graham Flour • 'Corn Meal; white and sr'lldw Oat''Mial. ;rolleds, and standard', Anything. 'you, want in the Hour line, TEA'fro ,m l5cup: Everything as cheap asst a Chea est The beet Roller Flour only littticitecti `GIVEUsACuer.L.. • •B.LACKSMITH'INC: .p Adam Thompson begs leave to thank' the inhabitants, of Liteknow ' and surrounding cou4try for,the 'There!' patronage bestowed on him 'duriny+. the last seven years, and wishes it continuance nf, his old cnstoniors' and a • fair• share of the new,:ashe 14 ifi, a .better position•' than ever to supplythe- wtints'of the public.,' He always his on'hand's,stoek of ' W . on3 gglos ■. of all kinds, He will also remind. then'' 6flfie' far famed SCOTCN DiAMOND .•_HARR;OWS f which healwa$ hts'tinhni"ani ►renade of . the very best.,raterial. Parties ivanti,g airy thing in this line will do well tos;rve hire, scall - anis see prices, before purchaeiiag . elsewhere. Partintilar attention paid to .: ' • ALL HINDS' OF HORSE SHOEUNC flat feet, contract)one; and interfering. By 's et attention•to business to Y , gond work mtinshipand, employing nothing brut gold workmen, I trust to retain, they 1ateorlage kindly extended t'. ine. ADAM 'THOMPSON:• C'ampbell,Stre:t opi,osite the.Bank. OWLERS •EXT:SOF• •WI•L D TR)WBER ° CURES CholeH* A- L ra' - Morbus RAMP5: J IABHH YSENTER AN®,AL' L St1 MMER COMPLAINTS ANb -rLUXE"S OF THE BOWEL'S • IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULfiS, • n, For Sale or Rent. ' Blacksmith ack6 myth Shop Dwelling fniuth•at re of land tDwo'aell'orr House and one eat, for aterm of ., ,• years at a very low .rental',, Situatedin the centre of a 'thickly •populated farming district and no othersbop within miles of it' on either • aide For tame or other information apply to R E 1,4kNE, ti -766 F. IL, La'nes Oat' CKNOW LIQUOR STOR —:o Having .opened .niy,'shop again I .,wily keep;.oti :handastock-off the BEST CANADIAN LI 0 R { Qd S. IMPORTED • LIQUORS for Medu'al Purposes in Ines Br ._ undies, .Nullm>!a gin.' Scotch Vhlskey. Native*Me) ' • `Carling's Ale. Ete. /A. McPHE,RSON The- Prirlci :ale of Treatment. , .. ashington . MP: .RLCP Eminent Lung. and Throat Sur.'geon n, 1-7r2.WILL tap AT —. .. • CAIN'S ' HOTEL+ i b w tiv :