HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-20, Page 8•
Wour Burning ,U ,
Lti :r. NOW` .1.°5T -;p ®42171411114i42171411114i, The pstures are. ;get.Ou lSo pogr,
$ to
s a.m.
Mwith. „the ions drought that 0,44, • are "1'h.4
aar,a Amyx. . ,
& B. South,
• .K.46 B. North
>oly rood
Xinlough) .
W. G. d:li North
I ate rmediate f'aiato p
i B. Nay . m• Tveaayd
angaide m
. a�,a .
ti 1:3 a• �a.
1V;'30 P. m•
Daily ; approaching the state of impoveris
g't�ent attained' 'by Bill Nye's Western.
t s farm which, got so poor•that he coni'dn't
� ..ever} ratse�a disturbance on it.
to .. Pu is IVotfce..
The public are, hereby;cautioned
against giving ,credit to any one, in my
name. without my written order; as'
will not be responsible for the same,• .
LuwcknoJul l'l . th. 1$88.
D ,Att6'CLoag'• `
(3-., k B. nuth g 30 p' >3.`''
It H & B., Boi h .
L. . H..& B.Knuth 10.00 ID. •
W • G. ttii,'NIt3ri41 ;17.13+201)t m:°' R.
iiolyyrood) : •"44300.1P..
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fnless J•
7.angeid 4 «30 pa• in., dad
• -'Fridays,'
. ifl t' Rai . hints* altWL
asel Bali. •
i1 • •
Base bail stack has gone up lately,
led nearly every evening: this week a
etch was played between the tele-
1{one►, Inen,and,our local halhsts
iedonian:,Society,• c ._ •
„n. $
at a or. rearstmportafce .sill`
: k� t ' iaccted.. ' next Wednesday evening.`
snbqrs are patnesq -requested
,{kande Let -there"••lir+ a rousing
T leghone Poles. ,•
Clone to, Illinois. ;
The: Rev. John McNabb left 'last
week for Elmira, Illinois, where he in
tends. spending ,a couple of months for
the' benefit; of: his health. During his
stay in, the west Mr. McNabb will sup-
ply thepulpit of a Gaelic congregation
there who are at present without a reg-
ular pastor.
hli—pLlles for, h�-'telepknne : wires,
i}ave :beeh erected tlirpugh the village,
kp Oily 8
give thetree
d of city-
' ne • •The ; are nearly- all
fledFappeara �
flirty, flet 'nnhY eight., The .•main office:
-^ vf..tl a company -will be in Miry Arthur :.
ongranl's drug store.
t . .play lacrosse against: ' the, otu: of
,'bat tplaee. ' Ue Sep9ys and the Walk.
Hard -,On the Teachers.`
It is reported that Mrs. Campbell,
wife of •school Inspector Campbell,
acted.as'a,presiding.examiner" over one
of the rooms in. Kincardine during the.
r nt. High. School entrance examina=
tions, This is the first time we have
ever heard of an inspector appointing
his own wife, examiner Alf a school in
his.district,and to say the least, if true,.
it looks a little selfish. The pay for
this ,work is: $4 per day, and if these
examin itions. are 'to be ' a •teat of the
-pupils"lability to master, certain studies
then surely the .examiners who are
placed •in charge of the rooms should
themselves lie entitled.. to -certificates
of .at least equal standing. Inspector
Campbell's appointment ••would' 'have •
Mets with,. far, greater appro",al if he
isad selected: one of -the many qualified
s a ' great ea o - ('shit'in--•ucaait
ews in a Nutshell,
f=lotsam, .and Jetsam of the
Qurrent 'Week'.
—Misr J. ;Gordon and Lilia are,vas
iting at. Brussels.
Thefartnere are laying in Brett•
stock° of binding twine.
—Mr. Thos. Lindsay, of Tiverton,
was in .the village •this week.
—The Misses Hood, of Buffalo, are
visiting friends in. the village,
The Country Model schools will
open on the first of September.
-Master Bert, Donohoe, of Kincax-
diner' is visiting friends in'Kinloss.
--Mrs, Bray, of .• Wangham, is. visit
ing her. daughter, Mrs C. A. Shepard.
"" Burgess, of Wingham, _
Miss S. . $ at her home: here.. pi Sh er.s
is spending. vacatiotr C p A
—Mr and Mrs J 0 'Murdoch, left - :. �Y
this week for a month's trip to Mani. t Various• Prices.
lew Importations.
omens g ..ora.
Men's. Sealed Top Shoes:
Wonderful ruai in
—Several •mnnh needed.repairs have ����®�Q r� �R
been made to' the sidewalks during the
The Popular Shoe Store
--The Kincardine &view ' takes, a
issued, ..
Messrs. R. Mo0arroll and Wm.:
Johnston arrived home. from ,A,lgoma.
.last week.,•
• —Miss Maggie Morrison, of Kinloss,
is spending the vacation with her~
sister in Caledon.' `
-Miss Minnie Bower, who has' been
visiting' friends in.:=Chachaoh,' arrived•
home on Saturday:
-�Mr. James McDonald, .teacher of:
Morriston, and wife, are visiting friends
irr•this-neig borhood,
holiday this week and no paper will be
or,1i;'hfcaY$ftir li SeneVreirtulyif-w&
friendshere,this• week.
list in,Chealey
There are ft ntimber in the .village
„ who are at the present ,inoment
tO be fined $20 and costs -for neglect in.
calling upon the clerk,' 114r: 13rown.
--Mallongli, to register -their births,- mar-
ilages or deaths. We cannot under -
.stand why people should be so,stuPid..
irn. this matter.
• . ;Will be' held lathe Council °him eer,oti.
-Are Specially reqUested..,!te attepdA:
abridged' Dintionary.The, publishers
kUndred pages.
: of this. village .:droN:e
•junitir";cliib of.'that, town. After'.
tee* as referee' and • uniftire. The.. re-,
toi couple Of iMposters, who' are' at
present doing the .country, ,They are
,,,r..promistng to Ove large.painting with
, One is a f.unll„ heavy built man,
dark. hair' and sandy poustache..
Ilia companiontiimedium sized, ' with
i•ed hair and Amin red moustache,
-:They have been arrested oh :there than
tz Re' occasion, foe frand 1:impetrate& in
present in very good shape, und a meet-
iS to be held On, Ines,day ,.. evening'
!hat to see if iloine better .meana of
protection cannot be got. Our village
is in good:. financial standing and. we
see nOreason why . a cheap system 9f
_water vvorks or a steam fire engine eonld
,not be procured, The adifintageOf the
la* rate ' of • insurance Would ',alintirit
innoUnt to the extra. takes ; we would
The' giange demonstration in .min
liave .t0 play, if we had a goodtTlystem.
' of fire protection. *, One fire' in the
,Village, like that which swept over
'Ohesley,%Ripley and Palmerston With -
for 'a great many steamers, .or
lirsticiss's Water workS, and there is no
tellirg When a *conflagration' of the kind
,might visit the, During's pro -
through at present. ilitv*ith the great
a ;tire Once Started ,WOuld soon, leaVe
nothing but auloking ruins to maik.the
spot -,where, Lucknow once 'Stood.'
is tine We litivOtt hand fire engine, 'and
-Wesay all 'honor to aria the men Who
have mobly Worked With •it in the' pe. ti
•bDt; it is not' sufficient to lower. the
rate of insurance to any extent, :or to
check the flames 'wheri nnder
.way. We have - been ocCeptionally
fortunate' fOr some years past in this.
:retipact but it is better .to be in a
position' to " fight the fire°. slionld it
plabes are also taking this matter up.,
and at a public meeting' in Teeswater,-
unanimouslY padsed instructing.: the
Council' "'to obtain .all the infOrmatioft
to, the midst -.efficient ,and-v-eponontiot
it) the ratepayers at an early data."
This is a subject'Whichinterests every
ratepayer in the village, and we hope,
treeti4g Q11^ Tu esday-, evening.
'4be Lave in stock all kinds of meal..
Born Flour
Wheat Mall
Om Meal, White' and yellow
More rain hi badly needa. °
--Mr Smith .McLeitit last 'wee
shipped' a couple of car loads Of 'very
fine cattle from this. station. .
. --Those, who'wrote for entrance to
waiting to hear how they made out
--,..-During the recent. camp in Strat-
ford the volunteers. consumed 47 b,eact
Of cattle and 51,250 pounds of bread.
handsome large Sian board placed on
his tin and stove slop on Campbell
• Only a little: over one year has; •
elapsed since the introduction
into Canada. of .the now -.
And there is hardly a town, .07 villa, e
Where an agency for • thesae of this
celebrated spect.cle bas not been in-
sttuted. •
The " ALASKA" is not puffed up by mean-
ingless, would be scientific phrases, hot is " '
offered to an intelligent public ,on its merits'.
:Cry it. and you will find it toboa uerfectir
reliable' aid to your eyesight. Naar sigbreh
arfar sighted youth or old age, ran be suited
exactly. The word ' Alalia"' . is stain r
upon every pair. •
Photo' a �h.PERCahDOZENinetsr. •$2,..a
Bee.KeepeFors unlidupa�tignglies. Comb►
For sale by
'Photograph Gallery, Lucknuw,
Dealer in-
Books, Stationery. Toy:s,'•Baines'.
Frames;, and General -.
FanCY Go -Ods.
Wewantreliable, energetic Men to sell our- •
narsery stock ; previous: experience nit :neck's-
snny g. adyxaasuw.•'vsth.tact- and ...ehergy sRi
s ed.pttAix�r:#.f13 :W r cr salery, ovcom •
•-ee "$&;'4couti iu:Lreo ,i,"..".a"""w..:" 'w. ..l.•'::,;,,'",^, -'F ae.:',+'�"Sw'.',^.;.
• .Oursgcnts3iave advantages: •dash as se'llins;.
• .home grown.' :hardy • Canadian _stock. '.'.1`11i*: • •
—The, Forest,ers picnic at the Blacli
Also a
0064 Mack of Groceries
TEA from 15c up.
The hest Roller Flour only
04. .11utd.tecL.
868 to. he the biggest ever .held in the
• Came,fto .the gfremisea of the undersign ..at:
pony Ths ow er reqoested, to :prove pro..
'perty, pay eitpensis and take the animal away- .
eardice .the' 1.2'th was the largest
od Pr wititessed in that place, overflight
'Were, hirtY-four ;lodges • represented,
Inc n
,-.-David. Culbert, 'of SOutharaptoni
haVing started the first neWspaper,eVer
printed in the eounty of 'Bruce, called
the;Sangeen. Pioneer, which wad eatab-•
fished at Southampton in 1850'. -
--gr.Jolinston;inspector of Weights
;ected to visit tha salt factoriesot Sea -
forth :and Kincardine and er.force the'
law,„whieb regulates the .areount
salt -to. be paoked in :each barrel-,
it,eoines to, the' ears,' pf .merehanta that
parties have purchased goads in. one
tif the cities, they,,,,get exceedingly
wrathy ; but Ole same persona are the
;7• --The 'Rev, .30., McKay agrived
hmtie from his trip to, the' Northwest
•On 'Monday last, occu-
.Pure black silk gloves.. Juit 'to
Alt colors in cotton thread,. also silk;
:—The Rev. ,Mr.. 'brother, of
..Dr. Elliett, preached verY -acceptably
to large congregations the 'Presby-
terian church on Sunday last, • •,.
=It:should berreinembered that the
public are reqpired by statnte tp mit
the thistle's 'and 'noxious: weeds On their
priCes ''fOr angers and self sealers for.
twist and but ons. nty
yeas gaily decorated' with flags, etc,,and
mit the' line of march:. t Speeches were
made Mayor Le,4lie of itilicarditie,;
Master Dr. Martyn ; Rev. 'James Han-
. lion, Rev. .1. L7Kuriii-Y1' grand Mast-
er': Arowtilee,, gt. ,Catherins,, of the
13lack, lodge of Western Ontario; ,..
3,, w. Ohrison; 0,04erioi ; and itor, burst to give their orders to some agent
mg powder. ,
—A man advertises to tell 'for 50.
centa• (.‘ how to live Without work."
One way is ,to pocket the half -dollars
Of the silly fools Who may answer duch
—There .will be soltl,at the ,auction
mart .on Saturday next a lot of toe's,
furniture, etc., Which will be sold Cheap.,
Don't forget it1 •
—The carefulluse of fire outside. is
Local and Travelling Salesmen.
TO Sell our choke varioties of ,
itbei On , salary or Cominiesion Permanent,
mployincrit •thro right men No room for
say oneak.upright-tihd honest, are the ones we
are looking for Address with references,
yer,y important matter this dry seaso
stub carelessly thrown., away tnig$ be'
the means of a great ,conflagratith.
mill clam. when aten pound ,tuti et got
eptangled iti tier wire bustle cl ,watt.
Landed in the rescne. Her sband
--McIntyre has Pat reilelVd some
elegant French cassiniere aintaPeStry
curtains. These are-goods-84am seen
outside the. city. Xow is yd. chance
to get first clads goods,iit onealf their
tide are endeavoring to see the scr-
Insure your Farm Property,''Private Dwel-
lingo, in the old reliable, the.
I am alsp agent for the
Cit3r Mutual and Citizens.
D. C. Taylor's Tin Shop, Pastelosii*
Will he.in tke office every Saturday afternoon.
1;.SHOEBOTT0111, Agent,
As the warm weatherle nearly here, beg to intimate tbot mr •
And everything else in general use._ would fano direct attention, tc
, • my selected stock avehoice designs in s. '
:78.... PAPERS.