HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-20, Page 5w ,T a • • ror In, order a 'clear out her imm;ensestoc, p?",ill nery.and. Fanc 'Goods;. Intends offering her entire stock of Ladies,, Hats, Feathers, Flowers r' O ienta,].:. Laces, Embroideries', Hosiery, Gloves, 'Collars, Babies Lace Bonnets and Caps, Etc., Etc., at Greatly'. Reduced Prices. COME AND SECURE SOME OF TEE BARGAINS. AWberley flew& •T1ro school' ,picnic passed through " ..the village on Friday last., Thera was'. a lints'' crowd and it • was a pleasing ' •sight to see the youth, of our section assembled together. A base ball•.match. • beti esti 'Lochalsh and .Kinloas boys, ctortned the chief attraction -of the day. ' The Misses Mary Anderson; of Dear- born,. Michigan, and'.Catheiine.lVIcDon- pOutiv ifilfay -ct op as -very light` in this neighborhood. One .farmer drew the entire-.-.pr-oduct•-of—eight- acres-to—hi's- barn in one load;. Mr. 'Jahn Lindley, of the 4th con.. of Huron is very ill The boys sti ho , went to •Goderich to •do. the " pulling": on the first,: are feel-' its a l ttie cheap even atrica. ..They =Anal to havo lost all • their Gritiistn since the general election, and now even ".porter" can't stimulate their • drowsy feelings 'GodNrich should not: .Mow too 'ouch, as we did not 'send 'our •best nen;:. FIRE. FIREFRE McDonald & guniberston6'Ripley. afiave much pleasure in informing their'cuatom •ers'and' the inhabitants of the • surrounding ',nuntry.that they 'nave piirehased.thi atock of Mr. :W.J.'tVatsoti, of McPhails crick'.:bhcic,• •and will e'iniw,ence businessat once •with an entirely new and asM,,rted' atoak.on the afore- said pi : .i,. , at tine sign of the RED FLAG. McDONALD ~& HUMBEIISTON • STEER ESTRAY Came to the premises of the subscriber, Lot 7; Con. 14, Ashfield, W. D., (near Lochalsh) on o>r•aboutthe hrst'of June aet'i< red yearling steer,,' The owner is requested' to prove proper- ty, pay:expenses'•and take him away. • RODE. RIC& C44MEROF7 3ins`755 . 1 ochalsh'P'.• O The Fiincipal. of Treatment. N. Washington, MTh ,LRCPS-� Eminent Lung and Throat Surgeon;: WILL BE' AR'..• • CAIN'S" HOTEL " • Ripley: SALESMEN:, N •� . A TES FK R 'TES' ' 'i%ew>IEnglaud'Nurseries. hetablished over 30 yseare:r...The old' reliable • ttiur,ery..; Men .with push, energy.good babits; and clean charactertare what we want. Every chance far Success. We eon 1iive you good pay .and=ready work, ' Write for tering to' • ' GHA.SE.B1tOS' CO .Niirserymen .Colborne,. Ont. 1 :: ATCHES WATCHES• ISuoaaCoATun. Pun vin Viionimenia Highly rccoininended ter • Itiliousncss, lleaeil•Aehe. Cdn• #ltipation, Indigeti It!on; I)Ixeiness, Ilearil►urn, Bad li}eieth, _Less of Apr. ,iciAti:,.Jaun 1 dicC+, Loss of ... •Memory, 'nor AtonihCL Liver (Until:. • l+latlnt.or n ty it loan irisin /rom• rho Atom, AelasaioweIn o. it9eincys. The aro safe, naildanath'oroul,hintiieiraatioii. Promlto3E pills iaado . ..'"411/4116 elfc. P=ER BOX. r eanest) .,14 ••a,: tis 'and. Cortift 031121e 1'2 .ad i ,BOo 'Read W. H. Storey's (of H. W:. Storey. it Sou,: Manufactureis, Acton, •Ont.)' letter reply to Mr. McCartney, ••cif Boyne,. Ont ;= Acton,Ont.,.Sept. '14,1807.;. George McCartnrey, Esq.; Boyne, Ofat.•. Ds, it Sin; -.Your letter received.., . In reply I beg .to inform ynu tllat'Dr. Washington com- pletely'cured • me of Catarrh ' of two yearn'r =raiding, which threatened hi -break' down my, constitution I bad previously tried every thing aiid e�'Fry ..phyeican Cif.. note,: without:, receiving apartical of good. .When 1 corn menceu taking bis. medicine I • would 'almost suffcicate with mucous 'running down my tbroat at night, and. hid .about given up all hope. • AfterI commenced taking hie medi- cine I felts decided' relief, in a' week.'. and. in twc ;mouthei was entirely' Mired.. That ie nearly a year ago; and have .no return of the trouble.• I gaff 'confidently r,recomniend >. Dr. VV'ash-, ington to you. • H`e.is • no [Pack ; .hie : chargee are moderate ;.he is a perfect ggentleinan in all tbatteim implies, at least Rpcl is my .experi- etice: 7 ,Believe me, Yeats truly,. , • W, H. STOREY. Diseases Treated. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness;Chrnni, Bron• chitis.lstlim'a and Consumption. Also Loss of Voice, Chronic Sore Throat; Removing En larged'Ponsils'from the.'Threat and Polyppii, or growths from the nose, without the knife. All .diseases of the Head. Throat ani' Lumps Trkoktedl l y.InBiala-tion-`•..'b'he • CONSULTATION .FREE .; WAGON • MAKINC HORSE.'SHOEI NGi l j AND GE N E RAI: • BLACKSMITNHNC. ' Adam '1'bo'rnpson lege leave to thank the inhabitants' of Lncknow and surrounding•' 'cou.itry for the liberai patronage bestowed' un . hini during the last Seven Years, and wishes a comtiniiance of fiis'old cputumersand a fair share of the new, as he is in a better position than ever -to supply the want= of the public. to iwel.L8r_I tee•1 Frame Mowing :Machines; diffe ent ,makes: Sulky Hay hakes.. CNG, h am .4. 1888._=- VOTE'S=sac.^- lfiis8,> MUNL'CIPALITY OF THE`.TONNBHIP OF ,HIItLt'15$,,' • ..,COU\TY_O'F -BRUCE. • • ISToncE IS: HEREBY .GIVEN' ' THAT:: . • I havetransmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned iu .the --third and fourth, • sections•of the." Voters' List' Act" the copiecr requiircLby uid_sec br--so trnnamitt,tl. .• •torulacrudaifdlie: lint r: rpunut .rAsthi•_ sai,i �3.e ifoirlltPetirn,us4 "-'71114473 p •Tr.w: tmaise*sffitit ed9to•e te4n,4hiraliid'' u ntP& t �, at Elections -for l►•Eember9of the_Legislative;As.. • "•sem Iy, and at 'Municipal Elections, and that the said list was first posted up at ,my o�cetitu `•Langside-on'the•6th,day of July, 1888, rind rt: cc mains there for inspection.; . IV Electors are• ciilied t pen to exa nine the eeliii . • list, and if any omissions or any other errors •' i ...: are found•therein, to ;.take •innhediate proceed • i.n, ILL `'y._� y! ts,t� have t�e same errors�corr'ecte3=•accord •: • 1.LJ.dei ing,ttitaw. • F• Dated at Lsngside. this Gilk day .of July' 1888 ' PETER; REli1D, . CLRRK (ih'•tt$a au>d > r 1 cIFAL1T ' V _ * T„ { E. - ttaitgelde P.0-' .Mason & NoxonGrain .'gills. Woodstock and Chatham Farm Waggons. Gananodue and other ]Buggies. J. C. G. Riding Ploughs, . 'different : 'N1kin Ploughs,30 styles to choose fiom ' .Iron Harrows with` 60 and 72 -teeth. pew Miller's patent , e model� Disc. Harrow. Thin. and. Wood Seufllers. Single and,Double Turnip ,Sowers:- , Nay's New [ 'roved Doable -actin • •Pitching' i �e, .P .. ,� .. n, Ma�liln x,. • With steel track. °'Fa•nners.- Stajes, etc: •.. • Clothes : : W'rin ers, antr;Ltin-ps WAiinm •Machines' As, >nv 'ofthe above, articles have had.; valzabl(lln=b provements added for 1888'. : Iitenlly gg ,urelasers' Wou li. do well to oall, and examine before placing their orders,. ' Repair, _ all :IthOVe.ef..Machine,Oil, Ne.Odles., etc.. always on, hand:" • :.Binder Twine, "Purrs 'Manihla,''Best Qualilty Askfor prices. A call solicited A tht' usa d first-class: Cedar Posts for sale... CHANGE 17fra►go is ,8c.1311.ggips: of all kinds, ' He will also remind "theta of the far finned • • SCOirCli DIAMOND 'NARROWS' which lie' always has on 1rind aril airi tnpde'er the very bc•st.material. Parties wanting any thing in this line will do Well tis give hint itit$l. and see prier=s before pu tilimi1 '' elsewhere, Particular attention paid to ASL KINDS OP HORSE, •SHOEiNO, •flat feet contractions, tied iuteif�Arltiy,' 13y strict attentionto •bufinrss, ;;coil work. mauship and ernployinri nothing but goad Workinrn, i tru=e: to. retain' the lat.ouiige 1 iatlly ex eindtd to Me... • ADAM 'T'HOMP ®ltd. Ca'nipbell Stri:t:t opposite the Bank, • ��.....L•AU 14-ESPECTACLES G � � .AND r . A7lJ IJ are the tinny - Gtzuine'.English• ' reticle' in the Canadian � y � � 1 � IArI>,o�, • ... lineal pebblks'coat its =tui,. lusts given topitr&'l ivo rs to prove eenuipenens i They are r. xoontiiiuidvcl'tv and tcwtinioitials'?).i,vu ',wenr'r•ct�ivecl' from the X'neon,lr�tit,.'i"tt:rr•l;'rt•aiti'rnt, d>v- 3 renidlrt,t incl E. x, Vice,President,'of the Medical Assnelatisin of.Canada 'the President o f thin Irfolike.r if Phv<icans and Snrrteon the Dean of the ?edical.is':icsnit ti ' of l.a' . thOOrsity the Presult:ilttiti(1'Ex-Preaidemts'oithe .altidical Council of l`oVas'eutii 1 , Ltc.•• w.. aC-Z' • S M X IT\ ry ,.130UISSEtLEIi, TRUNKS!; TRUNKS! PROM' H ' ''us .,reCei red. it lar P arid' W8 1 F. selected'>ztocje of fine';1lriinks; •Valises; Rolbes, ' 41 , which lie is . selling, at bottom prices • If you wish a irSt-Class' T• Goat:: or Buffalo Robo,: t;7e the Call. Single and Donble 'Harness :always* in sock or inade to order on short notice:.. r . . O; Oritered Works. Specialty. R. PROCTOR. CHEAP I_ CROCERIEN = AND ] VIS.IoNSi O of • • 1 The. uncle`rsigned having this day bought the...stock in trade of'. .1t.A-CLOW is offering the same at the old, stand at'. ' REDUCED' PRICES. 411 who desire baraiu's should. give. toea, call..'. Luc'; noir., Jird. 4Otll,,,188'b . TIPPLE` NC, lid Li, G®OSS, SASKE hia6L'01114. W• - ACk'AY.. • in Stoop, also Pla nin ,caching Gua, vin r . • ..'Turni13 e to Circler on the s1t r r o a tiu'tsn. .Ener a !li` - i•. �Y y•Blit.fol", .lsui,ctet .. , 'V'+ery`' te=ne=t Pr.M " nCcutate %I3C1Ila Zilterr 'X:.fl 14111�''. i1let OIEiALO` •