HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-20, Page 4.t' tuition, ,effo Wind. • a tHB' LIfl>iiRTY TO UTTER, AND TO ARciUB ricitriLY ACCORDI$0 TO, THE, DICTAThB i • "PRIZE ABOVE ALL OP''CONBCIENCE NE •(r"OT$ER LIBERTIES. • L,tok ow. July Goth, lade.; A BIG VICTORY, The local elections in .Manitoba .last • week 'resulted in a •sweeping victory for -the Reformers of that province and Mr. Norquay, the once popular leader of pub! a opinion will have. a very small' following.; Of the 38 constitencies, 'the Liberal candidates have'carried• 33 and in many' of them the• majorities; have been large. The leading Conser. t ative papers there openly denounce - the Ottawa G oyernment for its action .-towards Manitoba, .and attributes the. • downfallof the party to its disallowance policy. Premier Greenway has now a sufficient"backing in thetegislatureto enable•him to carrythrough all needed reforms .and his first mission from the; .., people 'is to .provide raiiaays to coal- pete with' the • Canadian- Pacific and k carry out `.the crops, and in providing - Ways and tnevns ter such enterprise he' i �v411. find plenty df ,employ.ment:• =_.._ , 1$a't'brr ophet+s .tyro 'to"'°mtace '`t"hot for uis in the netar"future-if prod ,nostications can do it.; Mr. Walter H.; Stith, who, foretold' the great 'storm - thatdid so- much damage in Eastern Ontario last week, says it..w' s: the be ,;,ginning of one of ourcool spells ' that • ,.usually takes place between two heat- - ' •.ed terms and that we. ' may. anticipate marked ' reaction towards. heat,. aespecially as there ie: a considerable amount of hot : •:weather. yet due, the month of May having given us a teln'. perature below the . mean in contradis= tincttt.i to, the same, month, fast year• when the temperature •was high, con sentiently°'August, 1887, was cool', abut:. (this year he anticipates that August wilt be a. hot., month• t1 when they Pau thisexaminotion, mat - log it as'4•Braduatloa test. Each half_ year about 3,000new pupils .enter the high schools and.. collegiate institutes. of the. Province. , --" Enny good butter 1" inquired' an, old .lady of one of our storekeepers. " Thebe is never, any on,our butter,; madam„" • Then .the. old , lady, whose •knowledge of . English. is limited, 'said " Well, if flies won't eat it 'taint good 'nough for me," :and, she went across the way where only thechoice brands are ,sold:. arri lled • • Aacaus-MCQUILL&N—In, West Wawanoeh,� June. 27th- at the residence of the bride's, father, by the Rev. James Carrie; David. • Ascher to Jane; daughter of Edward Me- Quillan. . , • 49 • • 444. GOOD '.STOOD. O . •FRESI GROCERIES.: TELL : SOI TEI STOCK O'F L ,NI TG OU.T • .B•OOTS: SHOES. .REELLED SALT, Guaranteed Full Weight. • THE editor of the Canada Farmer, .Advocate has been in California recent 4. He has eolnethinA to say regarding the products and clllnato.of the which' ' h should . be read by �t s 'w �. y ho A., . ho aro• .apt:to 0 1111 b1e.at'our;•winter.t'empera Lure. .T esoribing a visit to the San Francisco market, he says "' It really' isa,grand-••sight, but it just lacks One ',and this is an Ontario One,' for the -supplying of Canadian bacon, hams,:'. ,butter,.: cheese; potatoes and .apples, as; • there' are plenty .of peoplc'that can and will have the best if they can '• get it. They may talk and brag all, they' choose•. but. ,nr,ver will be'able to 'produce snob products in their ,dusty, `even and debil.. itat-ing climate,, as we can. 'Their ap. pies; potatoes, beef and mutton aro. very; 'Much inferior to ours ; 'the pr):• •duct of'the animals taunt lin like the: animals "themselves. It' May' 'not .'be • generally :known, bet'the fact is, that:, even a horse raised in a clebihatuig• climate, although•..he may look us well, has not the endurance of those that ',are raises! in the North. It is so with; - men, .,and from what we :have s6en and Beard this, climate has • a most ' baneful etlect on women. .'1 here are young, ".active, prejtty and relined ladiek herd, but they become aged and broken, down' early in life.' We•ido .not think 'the .av .nage of thong can stand ones ~half the fatigue, rtorare•lirilf as shod, physically, •as out Canadian women. This t.l`ibUrt i. .1) osing, although 4441144111g, /even. ,the. bigli school entrance Oit .min. 4aido last week 10,000 Or 111,000 can. •tlitlates wrote, the papers. A'vees A %:ebitti average difficulty and fairly satis. factory 011 -round; hetween 60 and 19 per pent, of the. Sand itlattM Seccessful. • .4-\11 .of these do mot intl.nd to go to the .high -school; fet in ninny of the countieg this exani. tiv the btth class Ali the public. avhool, di OS 0 ilVeq0Ailitus at the In order to clean out all re- maining e= m.. ai in lines Millinerywehave decided W to offer- them at .� .; • reatly reduced prices. ernnants DRESS DOODS- PRINTS MUSLIMS ETC. elling �ff_che�.p Parasols "Aware Hlew_lquartersior_nli✓kinds of 'Builders and.. House Furnishing__ Supplies, all kinds .° Tinware and Granite Iron Ware.• • ; A large 4. supply of CREAMERY CANS and DAIRY PAILS. " Also ' o>tr: spring supply oi PURE 'PREPARED PAIDTS--in al shades. Enquire -for prices =before pur- chasing elsewhere.. Agent for ALAEASTINE, the only ermanent wall coating ln: the Domitlion:. AVETROUGHING. A SPECIALTY. AWRE ser TICE TO FARMERS.-. Owing to the 'scarcity of raw material this year, the stipply of Binder Twine will -no •doubt be limited as in 1887 As I have purchased very ,advantageously, eouslY, for cash a large supply of I• will sell at the very ldwest prices,: limited. Intendin Purchasers should order• early : as, the demand. is' great and th su l . • GP ePPY T, LAWRENCE:. • �f You Want a Spring '.:.Suit,` Come and ..See l go#011 Lacos.,. Eito*iiaoics„tto • • • GEOliCE •R 'WEEDS 'LATEST PATTERNS. r. Stevart, our Cutter ca re ied on for a* Haha.world wide re lutntiv.1).as'aphv ii•i to lnli anth9!r. His Mandrake' 1):;i1irliit '1.i 'rei cur,- isa trinnipli of Meilictil skiil,citt'inh,all: dine. es eLtbe hidnev nti' I,'n r.. - SYMaPTOMS aF IU? EY' emu. iAINT, Distresaui •:• aclu sand pails in the back.; a drill Dant or Weight iii, the. bladder acid' base of the •ab= •, dtanet. sculdigg Mitre crfteit'tihbnvcted , frc' tiu.•itt ,lesee to tu•inatt•, espe.inily at night atnatig aged persnns liot,' lry skin, i n' ctnu'; . 14,'citin, red and white deposits, dropoi zzuress • • sour stomach,. constipation, piles, 1ir''er bihll: SYMPTOMS ' OF • -se t !tettm l., c.. R a 11 t ' I 't rut' der hh' dee. jaundice �'sallow .....•. .. .