HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-13, Page 5•
order to clear.'out
er in meow stock o
1Vllln cry aaidancy. Goads,
TntEnds offering her 'entire stock ; of Ladies, Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Oriental.
Laces, Embr "eri6s Hosiery, , ry, Gloves, Collars, Babies. Lace Bonnets
Caps, and Etc.,Etc., ,_ . p at Greatly Reduced Prices::..
Bellast•Items '„ '
Che,.Belfast,Orange:.L'adgs:c.elebrate the 12th
in Dungannon •,
John Lougheesd will no longer - keep a •little
• grocery but devote his•whole time to the liquor
business. Toirimywill likely, buy his candy at
tr St }.elms neiw: - ,
The: school: trustees: have-r.efusedPto=al%,w-the,
Good'l.'emplars to hold'Di:bile meetings in the
••-aehonl_ruour and•the,1:.. O 1:s= -No. • 499- have'
Yerykindly' offered .them the use of their .ball
for•ln blic gatherings.. 14Pethought-till lately
• 'that the trusteuseavere temperance Med..
Tirmitus~lz , butrt • fmtvgrs t++r& 3 01•1i..
w . s d •mui4F surf >xma tiRbaf psridi ',
•rather suddenly into the diteh when trying to
pass another Fig: The buggy: was slightly in -
•tired; sad the girl'3•dress.badly torn, but 'no •
e..wes..hurt.=-,els this is.the-young males -first
•;( • Tuve expedition, out thisway, we•don't like to
• discourage hitn'by'givingthe navies, but would
Willingly give half a dollar fur, a gond picture,:
'of the scene in the ditch, ;ocnbistin'g of the
Jcicking horse the capiged buagy,the frightened
• '.and inexperienced young horseman pulling as:
• t of for life on the lines, and the •terrified young
Came to the. premises. of the. subscriber, Lot
7, Con. 14, Ashfield, W. D., (near • Lochahsh),
ou or about the r.rat of June last, a red yearling
steer. The owner is requested to•proveproper-
ty., pay''expenses and take him away.- - ,._• •
3ins 756:- J Lochalsh P; O. :.
ThePrinci .al of Treatment
• *est 1�Yawaaiiosli: Councit.
Counc l met.ofi SSaturday, June 30th,
",rneinbers al:t present. ; Mr.' -`Moreland
asked the council .to 'sell hiin the origi
nal' road allowance opposite lot 20,.
con , 3e "laid over.. Moved by Mr..
.Lockliart; sec. by ,Mr. Todd, that the
swill- :of $1000 be :expelided. on,roads
;and bridges for.'c'ixrrent•year.-•Carried.
- `:Messrs.. Polland & Bowers' asked. to
lave a culvert on con...4`. and 5 removed •.
to a 'ru'oi a suitable.place--Carried. •
Messrs. Ivers• & McCann asked +to
;have: Young's creek deepened; 'soas,to:
carry s arpl us ;water off 'their. prewuises, •,-
laid verUntil next Meeting, The Matter'
• of--'tiansfer-ing'lots 82 aril 21''°cons.
10. end .11 :from , . �'•S.. No. to:U. s.
a S �►
;No: 12'' Was taken' up, 'After ill's
•differentinterestParties• had. been
Beard it Was nioved by Mr. Bowers,,
sec. by Mr. 'Todd that• the'E.. L. Oil 214'
.con. 11 be transferred. from No., 4, to
• 12,` the lot on con. :10 'to. rentainin No.,
4.=.Carr ied,..
• The tre;rsurer's reP orit .for May and
Junewas read, • showing ' • receipts
$319.60 and • expendtures • i115.35.—
Deport was fyled.
It.• Was. agreed that, the reeve and
': . Bowers should. act as road . coinis
Aron for 'concessions 1, 2, 3, 4" and• 5,
• ,Messrs. Lockhti,rt, 'Todd :and, . Stuart
• taking charge .of 'the remainder of the
• 'township •. '
Ur. 11 ,•Mand,: a pathmaster; report
.ed that t owner of a'gravel: pit andforbidcle :tistaking gravel for ,road
purpose:- lid asked • for .instructions.'
He wits ':•:rested 'to .:go • .on with'' his
duties, x "township by-law''passed in
, accordn•li vith •statue, 'made'. provis-
' ion ..for t: raking of gravel from any
property Ppt gardens, orchard , had
)leisure ;